Mr Selfridge (2013–2016): Season 3, Episode 3 - Episode #3.3 - full transcript

Harry applies for a bank loan to fund Nancy Webb's project but at the land auction is forced to bid well beyond his budget due to Loxley's interference. Lois meanwhile is perturbed to find ...

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Welcome to the roof garden.

Selfridges is launching our biggest
beauty event ever.

And to celebrate, we have 50 very generous
gift vouchers ready to fly.

Luxury treats on us.
In skincare, perfume...

And cosmetics.

Mrs Edwards, the Head of Beauty.

Would you do the honours please?

This beauty event
is very important for Selfridges.

What's the "application demonstration"?

Coloured cosmetics.

I've worked with renowned cosmetologists
from Paris, and America.

I'll be giving our customers
some expert advice.


Head of Accessories.
I gather it's official now.

- Really?
- Miss Mardle's running Fashion.

And Miss Calthorpe has proved herself
more than capable.

You must be our youngest
Head of Department.

- You'll get the hang of it in no time.
- Thanks.

There are days I wish I had a nice small
department like Accessories.

- Seriously, Grace, that's great news.
- Oh, I wasn't sure I was good enough.

Of course you are. Anyone says any
different, you send them to me.

We should go out and celebrate.

Ah, if you say so, Mr Selfridge.

On busy days,
it's like Piccadilly Circus in here.

Women need to see the clothes.
So here we have models showing garments,

like the Lanvin collection.

While customers sit and watch.

- You've surpassed yourself.
- Just a few changes.

No, really.
Selfridges wasn't the same without you.

Now, I have a favour to ask.
Tomorrow is my wife's birthday.

I would like to do something special for her.

Could Doris come in,
pick out a few new dresses.

- Yes, of course, Mr Grove.
- Thank you, Miss Mardle.

So this loan will be for a housing estate?

- That's right.
- That won't make any profit?

Well, it'll be homes for ex-servicemen
and their families.

?30,000. That's a lot of money
for a personal loan. Even for you.

That's why you're here.

A lot of money...
for a man with very few assets.

Your townhouse is leased.

I own the largest store in London.

You own 51% as a shareholder.

I just wondered if he'd said anything.

Since the board meeting.

Not to me.

Things are...


You did the right thing, Arthur.
I know it wasn't easy.

And nor is this.

We let the women go today.
Chief won't like that either.

- You can have your loan, Mr Selfridge.
- Thank you.

But with so few assets, the bank will insist
on a higher rate of interest.

Hmm. How high?

Around 15%.

Cigarette, sir?

Spare any change for a soldier?

Makes you count your blessings, doesn't it?

Some of us came home
without so much as a scratch.

Yes. We were lucky.

Thanks, guv!

We're in the wrong game.

The bank manager? Nobody told me.

Mr Selfridge's personal bank manager,
Mr Crabb.

Nothing concerning the store.

- We'll be in touch.
- Hmm.

Mr Grove. Mr Crabb.

Chief... The surplus female staff.
It's their last day.

I haven't forgotten.

Shall I ask them to assemble
in the loading bay?

Have them come to my office.
A personal farewell is the least we owe them.

We need to agree who's doing what
for this beauty event.

There's the window, something for
the Palm Court, and all the displays...


I heard you.

That's a relief.

I'm sorry. It's just that...

It's been like this for weeks now.

Like what?

Me, talking to myself.
You not talking at all.

I just want to help.
If you'll tell me what's wrong.

There's nothing wrong.

When you started
working with us in the loading bay

we thought it would only be for a few months.

It has been four years.
I wanted to say thank you.

You'll get references, of course.

I'm sorry. It's just...

References won't mean nothing out there.

There's hundreds of women looking for jobs.

- And a month's wages in hand.
- And when they run out?

I loved it here.

- And I was good at what I did.
- Yes, you were.

Miss Hawkins.

Myra says there's jobs in the East End.
If you can use a sewing machine.

I want a job doing what I'm good at.
Lifting and driving.

- That's all men now.
- You want a job?

What's wrong with that?

Four years we was out in France.

And now look at us,
left selling fags on the street.

Why don't you go home
and stick to what you're good at.

Keeping house and having kids.

Yeah, and other things.

And what are you good at?

Come here and I'll show you.

- Leave them, Connie.
- That's right. Run along.

You're pathetic.

Well that is it. They're all gone.

Mr Crabb says a month's pay
is very generous.

And your mom would say,
have you done all you could to help?

This housing estate, that will help, won't it?

I mean, not the women who've gone today,
but other women. Families in need.


Your mother might say that, too.

Listen, Gordon, I appreciate
you stood up for me at the board meeting.

Sometimes maybe I'm a little hard on you.
It meant a lot to me.

Mr Selfridge, your car is outside.
The auction's at 6:00.

Come on.
Let's show them what we're made of.

Who do they think they are?
Harassing innocent women like that.

There are lots of ex-servicemen out of work.

The peas are for everyone, Connie.

So you're saying they were right?

No, just jobs are thin on the ground.

- Don't I know it?
- What are you going to do?

You can't sit around here all day.

I could help keep house. While you're out.

You need another job.

Isn't there anything at Selfridges?
What about your beauty event?

You could put a word in. Pull strings.

You're always saying how important you are.

Could we...

I worked my way up the ladder to get
where I am. Nobody did me any favours.

You want work, Connie, you get up off
your behind and you start looking!

Lovely chops.

Lot 43. An opportunity to purchase
undeveloped land in Acton, West London.

Ten acres of prime arable land.
Just five miles from the centre of London.

Easily accessible from the Uxbridge Road
with transport links to the west and south.

With multiple access points
and a lake at the heart of it,

it's an attractive proposition for housing
developers or commercial property.

Offered for sale, freehold.

It shouldn't go for more
than 14,000, 15,000 at most. That's my limit.

Bids are invited
to start at ?10,000.

?10,000 pounds, anyone?





They'll all be out by 14,000, you watch.


Gentlemen, we have ?14,000.
Who will give me 14,200?


I told you.

Any advance, 14,200?


15,000 from Lord Loxley.
A new bidder.


Mr Selfridge?


- Pa, you said, 15,000 was your limit.
- 16,500?

- 17,000.
- 17,500?

- 20,000.
- ?20,000.

Pa, what are you doing?

Lord Loxley?



Do we have a sale?


Mr Selfridge?

Your mom would want this to happen.



Gentlemen, are there any more bids?
Lord Loxley?

For the first time, for the second time,

for the third and final time...


Loxley. I heard you were back.

Did you miss me?

- Why were you bidding?
- It's a public auction.

- You didn't want that land.
- And you don't know when to stop.

In business, Selfridge,
never let your heart rule your head.

Stay away from me, Loxley.
Me and my family.

Why so unfriendly?
You got what you wanted.

And so will I.

Pa, where have you been? We're meant to
be having a family dinner, I told you...

- Where is Serge?
- Getting dressed.

- Serge!
- Pa? What's the matter?

We went to an auction, for the land.
Lord Loxley was there.

What's all the shouting?

Did you tell Lord Loxley
about the housing project?


Because, he just bid against me,
pushing the price up.

Maybe we've discussed business affairs.

You've what?

Loxley is interested in my passenger plane.

I told you to have nothing to do with Loxley.

And I told you it was none of your business.


You are married to my daughter.
You live under my roof.

That makes it my business!

Then why won't you back me?

I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.

Loxley is using you to get at me.

He believes in me.

He is trying to undermine me and my family!

You're doing a pretty good job
of that yourself.


- Serge, come with me.
- But I am in...

- I think you've said enough.
- Serge!

I will not be made a fool of.

I understand, but you must calm down.
I'll talk to Rosalie.

We should do these family
dinners more often.

- You're busy.
- Oh, doing my homework.

Is Henri back?

No. I thought you were out together.

I needed a walk.

What? It's not late.
He could be home any minute now.


Good night.

Good night, Agnes.

Have to say, it's a relief to be at work today.

Good morning, Miss Plunkett.
Could you send a card to Miss Webb?

Just say, "I won the field".
She'll understand.


I need to talk to you.

I heard you got married.


Thank you.

Henri's one of my regulars now.

That's why I'm here.

Erm... He isn't himself.

He hasn't been since he, erm...
Since he got back.

He won't talk to me.
About what happened to him.

I thought he might have
said something to you.

No. He hasn't.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come.
I didn't know who else to ask.

Henri was in Verdun.

I don't know what that means.
What happened?

Thousands of them died.
Shelled, shot, gassed and starved.


I heard some stuff here and there.
Supply lines got cut off.

They were trapped. No food or water.

No way out.

Agnes, there are some things
you don't want to know.

I have to. Please.

One soldier talked about bodies, mounds
of them, piled up, and left there to rot.

The living lying next to the dead.
Hell on earth, he called it.

So that's what happened to Henri?

I don't know.

And what happened to you?

I've a club to run.

Of course, thank you.

This colour is perfect for you.

It's beautiful.

And how's little Ernest?

Oh, he's a happy dumpling. I'm very lucky.

Beautiful children and a wonderful husband.
And now this...

Mr Grove is so good to me.

- Is everything all right, Doris?
- Yes. Perfectly.


Have you been here all night?

I've been working on the beauty event

I was worried.

I'm sorry. I just got sketching,
thinking about the window, and...

Then I had all of these ideas.

- Can I see?
- When they're ready, yes.

You used to do that all the time.
"Don't look, it's not ready".

Yes, I did.

I feel like I used to. Excited.

Do you want to go home?
Get some sleep, have some breakfast?

When I'm finished.

Thank you.

I've had a lovely time. Thank you.

It was my pleasure. Good bye.

No, go away.

Let go!

- Doris!
- Just leave me alone.

Are you all right? Who was that?

I don't know.

Was it one of those men from outside?

I'm sure he was harmless.

Please, I'm quite all right.
I'll get a taxi home. Don't worry.


I took the liberty of visiting
Princess Marie's flat yesterday.

Go on.

She said it was being redecorated.

While she racks up a huge hotel bill
in Mr Selfridge's name, yes.

I saw no sign of renovation.

And the family who live there now
would find it most inconvenient.

They rented the apartment
when the previous resident moved out.

Leaving several unpaid bills behind her.

Princess Marie?

Thank you, Fraser. Good work.


Can I help?

I need to do this myself.

I need to know if I still have it in me.

- You haven't slept for 24 hours now.
- Please.

This is the first time I've felt like
I'm really here. Doing what I used to.

I'll see you later.

Cosmetics demonstrations
are in the Palm Court.

If you'd like to make your way up,
we'll begin shortly. Morning.


Most of us learn about beauty
from our mothers.

But these products...

Are all new.

Well, my mother wouldn't
know where to begin.

She might also wonder if it was all entirely...


I'd like to show you that the right product,
applied correctly,

can enhance your natural beauty.

If you'd all like to choose a table?

Cr?me rouge can add a healthy glow,
brightening the complexion

and giving skin a more youthful appearance.

An elegant eyebrow will frame the face,

while darkening the lash line can make
eye lashes seem longer...

And this...

This is our greatest innovation.

A stick of lip colour...

In a tube!

Can I help, Madam Selfridge?

May I ask, does the Bureau
deal with personal information?

We deal with everything.

It's an inquiry of a rather delicate nature.

Princess Marie Wiesmesky...

I want to know when she left Russia.
How long she was in Paris.

Where she's lived in England.
Who her creditors are. Everything about her.

I want to know who this woman really is.

Mr Selfridge, Miss Webb is here...


It's good to see you...

Have a seat, please.

I got your note.

Ah, so then you know, I'm now
the proud owner of an expensive field.

It's wonderful. And now you have the land,

you'll need architects, engineers,
construction firms...

I think what I need is you.

Hear me out. I know you have
your own interests, your own company,

but I need a manager.

I'll pay you, of course.

Mr Selfridge, I would be delighted.

Then we have a lot to talk about.

- Tomorrow afternoon?
- Done.

If we're going to be working together,

there are some people
that I'd like you to meet.

Ladies, I'm glad that you made it.

I thought a bit of shopping
would be a welcome distraction.

I'd like you to meet Miss Nancy Webb.
Miss Webb, this is Princess Marie.

Proud mother-in-law to Rosalie.

And this is Violette.

I'm not married, I don't have a job,
so shopping is pretty much all I'm good for.

- Oh, I'm sure that's not true.
- No.

Do you work here?

Actually Miss Webb is going to be
managing the Homes for Heroes scheme.

Ah, yes, all those little houses. How exciting.

We must go to a cosmetics demonstration.

Are you coming?
I want to look like Gloria Swanson.

Oh, that awful nose. Such long face.
Like horse.

Oh, no.
No, she has such a natural aristocracy.

You'd be most welcome.

- Thank you.
- Please.

Mrs Leclair.

These came in this morning,
they should have been in Monday.

They need to go in the window.

Erm, I'll ask Mr Leclair when he comes in.

Well, where is he?

He was up all night, working.
I'm sure he won't be long.

- Then I'll do it myself.
- No...

I'll do it.

Oh, as quick as you can, please.

What are you doing?

- Kitty asked me to put these in.
- It's my window.

- You weren't here, so...
- Because you didn't wake me.

Well, I thought you needed the sleep.

I worked all night on this.

- It's just powder, boxes of powder.
- No. No. No. No. No. It was mine!

I was just trying to help!

I don't want your help!

Then what do you want?

Please tell me,
because I can't go on like this...

Like what?

You barely say a word to me!

What do you want me to say?

You spent four years at war!

And now it's over.

But something's changed.

And we're like strangers, and it's killing me.

Don't say that. Please.

I even went to see Victor.


I asked him about Verdun.

What would he know?

He's told me more than you have.

I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment.

Stop it! That's not what I'm trying to say!

Then what?

What's going on?

I lie next to you every night.
I hear you crying in your sleep.

And when I hold you, you hold onto me...

But when you wake up, you push me away.

I know you've been through
some awful things...

You don't know anything!

That's enough!

No. I'll do it. Please, it's my fault.
I'll put it all right.


For God's sake.

Oh, my God! Come here.

Laissez-moi. Laissez-moi.

Henri! It's Harry! It's Harry!
Who did you think I was?

They're dying.

Who are?

All of them. My men.

There's no one here. Just you and me.

They're everywhere. They beg me for water.
I can't help them.

I hear them crying...

Henri. Where are you going?

You're up late.

I thought you were Henri.
Have you seen him?

Not tonight.

What are you doing?

I have to go and find him.

It's 3:00 in the morning. Don't be daft. Hey...

What happened?

We had an argument.

Well, more than that.

He'll be back when he's ready.

What if something happens to him?

He survived four years in France.
He'll be fine.

George? I didn't mean to...

Are you all right?


'Course I am.

You know, you never talk to me about the war.

Some days, I hardly think about it.

Others... Everything around you
looks the same, but it's like it's not real.

And it could all break apart. Any minute.

So what do you do?

Get through the day.

Hope it gets better.

Just wait for him.
That's all you can do.

I'm sorry.

Have we heard from Henri?

Miss Mardle said
he didn't go home last night.

If I may...

I have seen something similar
in my former regiment.

Extreme behaviour. Out of character.

There's the euphoria of getting home
and then one realises...

Memories, feelings,
simply have no place in day-to-day life.

What about a period of leave? Time to reflect,
away from the pressures of work.


Sometimes, making a chap feel useless...

Worst thing you can do.

I can't just close the door on him.

Henri is my closest friend.

I'll find a role where he's right beside me.
Where I can look out for him.

We have to find him first.

All the products you saw at the beauty
event are on sale today, madam...

What are you doing here?

Your sister spends an hour
in the bathroom. Singing.

Then she reads my paper, and eats breakfast,

getting crumbs over as much of the table
as she can, all while I'm trying to work.

She's got to find a job.
Get her own place.

I've got a book to write.

I'll talk to her.

Read all about it!
Come and get your paper!

- One, please.
- All right.

Thank you.

Morning, guv.

There you are.

Mr Edwards.

I need a favour. Somewhere I can
interview these two for a couple of hours.

It's for a book I'm writing.
Life after the war.

Will I be in it?

- You never know.
- We don't open till 6:00.

I won't tell if you don't.

Come on.


Mrs Edwards, Beauty sales
are through the roof.

Have a think about
what your department needs.

And if I can help, it's yours.

Erm... Well actually, erm...

There is something. It's my sister, Connie.

She used to work here
in the loading bay and then Fashion.

She needs a firm hand,
but she's bright and she learns fast.

I'm being ever so bold, Mr Selfridge,

but I know family
is the most important thing to you,

and the store is one big family, in a way.

And she needs a job.

Jobs go on merit, not family connection.

But isn't it wonderful when it can be both?

I know you must feel that way
about Mr Gordon, your son.

He's done ever so well here, hasn't he?
He's a chip off the old block, isn't he?

No one but you could get away with that.

I'm sure Miss Mardle would welcome the help.

Your sister can have the job.

Thank you, Mr Selfridge. Thank you.

What did you do before the war?

I worked in a laundry.

I was a warehouseman.

We were slow getting de-mobbed, by the time
we got back, there was no jobs left.

They gave my job to a girl.

Said she was just as good,
and they could pay her less.

They should have kicked them all out
when we came home.


Who, the women?

How is it right that we're out on the streets,
scraping by, while they swan around

giving themselves airs
and graces for pin money?

You have this idea of home, when you're in
the trenches. Keeps you going.


Then you come back. Nowhere to live.

Heroes, my arse.

Someone ought to do something.


Your wife's designs.

And the Selfridge estate.

- They're really quite similar.
- That's a good start.

I'm off home now, Mr Selfridge.

Of course. Thank you, Miss Plunkett.

Don't forget, you've tickets for the theatre.

I won't.

Now, it's women who run these households,
and no one ever asks them what they want.

- So I did.
- Hmm.

Here's some research, and a survey I ran
shows what these people really want

is hot and cold running water,
electricity throughout each and every house,

a private lavatory inside and private garden...

- Victor.
- Violette.

Your French gentleman not with you?

No. And he's not mine.

So you're on your own.

You're thinking no decent girl
would come out without an escort.

That's not what I'm thinking.

You have no idea what kind of girl I am.

And you don't know anything about me.

So I guess that makes us equal.

Sorry we had to stop.

Oh, no, you must go to the theatre.

At least let me get you a cab.

- You are very kind, Mr Selfridge.
- Harry, please.


Here you go.

I've looked everywhere for him.

He'll come back to you, my dear.

Because he loves you and you love him.

Maybe that's not enough.

Whatever happened in the war's changed him.
I don't know him any more.

He frightens me.

Oh, Agnes...

Can you spare a copper? Bitch.

What did you say?

Can't spare a penny for men
who've fought for King and Country?

What do you spend it on, drawers and rouge?

I wasn't shopping.
I've been working late.

We knew a few working girls back in France.

Made a pretty penny, lying flat on their backs.

That is all they are good for, love.
You would have made a fortune.

- I'm Head of Department.
- Get Lady Muck.

And you still can't spare a copper.

Keeping honest men out of a job.

I work in Beauty. I sell lip colour and creams,
and I've just worked a 14-hour day.

It's no wonder you can't get jobs.
Drinking on the street. You're a disgrace.

Shut it!

- Give us a feel.
- Get your hands off!

You go and keep watch, now.

Come here.

Help me! Help me!

Hey! Hey! What the hell are you...

Hey! Hey! Police! Police!


What happened? Oh, my God!

Ripped By mstoll