Mr. Robot (2015–…): Season 4, Episode 1 - 401 Unauthorized - full transcript

During the Christmas season, Elliot and Mr. Robot make their return; Darlene deals with real trouble; Tyrell is bored; Dom becomes paranoid.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Is this really it...

The moment
this can all truly end,

reverse everything we've done,

finally bring Five/Nine
to an end?

This is what
democracy looks like!

I fought so hard to protect
the New York facility

that I couldn't see
the bigger picture.

A reported 71 buildings
exploded or caught fire.

You have been appointed
CTO at E Corp.

The CTO title
is nothing more than that.

The position is worthless.
You heard him.

We can use it.

I suppose there's some
banal excuse why a month

isn't enough time to get my
project shipped to the Congo!

Now I want you to imagine
your mom, Trudie.

Am I illustrating my point?

You work for the Dark Army now.

It was you
who exported the keys.

You could make it like
Five/Nine never happened.

Whatever happens after this,
I want us to keep talking.

I want us to be a team.

My associates
found your pet employee.

I am your father.

Angela Moss was allowed

to continue
with her lawsuit,

which put my plant
in jeopardy.

You're panicking
right now.

The minute you remove
emotion from this,

you'll do just fine.

You need
to talk to Angela.

She is not doing well.

Last time I saw her,

she was going through
a full-on breakdown.

The cyber bombing,
that was my fault.

She used me for that.

I have to believe
that there was a purpose.


It was a dig at me.

It's that small,

No, it's not over.

It's not over.
It can't be.

She was gonna
bring my mom back.

We were gonna be reunited.

What are you gonna
do to her?

What are you asking?


I want it.

I'm afraid
your only move here:

accept that
you've been conned.

Find a way
to live with what you did.


You're wrong about her project.

I know it's possible.
I've seen it.

And I know
how to take it from her.

Don't you get it?

With everything that we know,

this is what
we have to do.

- Shut up.
- We can expose her.

We can tell everyone
what she showed me.

Shut up!

Sh-shut up.

No, I won't.

And if you're
not gonna help me,

I'm gonna do it
on my own.

And there is nothing
you can do or say to stop me.

I wish you hadn't said that.

You have to understand.

I have been trying
to stop her from hurting you.

That's... that's why
I brought you here.

But you ta... you talk like this,
and I cannot protect you.

You have to relent.

There's a chance,
if... if you... if you beg.

It's the only way out of this,
please, please, please.


You're panicking right now.

Remove all emotion,
and you'll do just fine.

Isn't that what
you're good at?

I'm not gonna run.

So you should
probably leave.

She made her choice.


That's not allowed
when it comes to you.

No, no, you...

you did this to her.

You... you... you recruited her
and you k...

you killed...

And you let it happen,
didn't you?

It wasn't without a valiant
attempt on your part, though,

trying to talk
some sense into her.

It isn't your fault
that she wouldn't listen.

You didn't give me
enough time. She...

She could have... she could...
she could...

she could have come around.

I meant everything
I said to her.

You are psychotic.

You're certainly not
mincing words today, are you?

It's all psychotic.

Phillip, if you feel
you must take this out on me,

then I am happy
to bear the burden.

I've become very good at it
over the years,

don't you think?

She was my daughter.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Our team has an update
on the shipment hack

we obtained
from Mr. Alderson.

It appears it will grant us

the clearance we need
by the end of the year.

It's October now,

so that's two more months
we'll have to wait.

Just in time
for the holidays.

What is it?

Mr. Alderson is
a good-for-nothing wretch

that is not to be trusted.

Oh, Wang Shu,
you needn't worry.

Once our project ships,
he'll have served his purpose

and then he can
be terminated.

In the meantime, he needs
to be kept on a short leash

and trained
not to bite his master.

Very well, then.

Send him a reminder
of what's at stake,

should there be
any interference.

I hope you enjoy
your last Christmas,

my dear Elliot.

And then she says to me,

"I don't think
that's the North Pole."

got a package for you.

And I got a package for you.

That's not funny.

Can we at least get
the Secret Santa going?

It's already 8:00.


Come on, we gotta
start wrapping it up.

My babysitter
keeps texting me.

Just a sec.

Oh, that's great.

Can you say it again?


Can you tell me you like me?

I like you.

Tell me you love me.

Uh, I love you.


Maybe, uh, stand up,
turn around, and say it again.

You want me to stand up?


How ya doin', Freddy?

Not too good?
That's okay. I get it.

Jerking off to underage girls

on live video chats
is one thing.

When it's played back, though,
kinda loses its magic.

- Who is this?
- Check your email.

You should have received
a message from me.

Need you to open the email
and click on the link.

You the one
that sent me the package?

Listen, please don't do this.

Look, I-I can pay.

Open the email
and click on the link, Freddy.

Okay, look, if... if this

is some sort
of a ransomware thing

or you're trying to get money
out of me, listen...

You obviously don't know me,
because if you did,

you'd already know I don't
give a shit about money.

Do what I'm telling you,

or I'm sending the video
to the FBI.

Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.


Fred, I gotta go.

I'm just wrapping up
in here.

Then you have to ask Trish
to do the Secret Santa,

because I need to get home.

Okay, okay, fine.
Okay, good, yeah.

Freddy, I need you
to pay attention.

What are you doing in there?

Are you on the phone?

Merry Christmas,
and I'll... I'll see you in 2016!

Open the email
and click on the link.

You know, this isn't
gonna get past our IT guys.

That's what I'm counting on.

Okay, I just clicked it.

Are we done?

Get the USB
from the envelope.

I left instructions
on how to archive your inbox.

Copy the .pst file
to the thumb drive.


I'm an attorney, pal.

That inbox is full of sensitive
client information.

You hear me?


I was just taking a moment

to think about whether or not
I give a fuck.

I don't.

♪ Oh, jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

- ♪ Jingle all the way ♪
- All right, so...

what are you gonna do with
my emails once you do get 'em?

Once you're finished,

leave all your personal
effects in your office:

your phone, your Fitbit,
your smartwatch,

anything with
an on-off switch,

then bring the USB drive
to Grand Central.

You know, this isn't
just gonna destroy me.

It's gonna destroy
the people that work for me,

my firm,
their families, everyone.

Keep this phone on you.

Expect another call
when you get there.

Who the fuck is this?

This is Mr. Robot.

I'll load it up for ya.


42nd and Lex,
Grand Central.

Increase by 20%

- this holiday season.
- Can you believe that?

Not long ago, we were talking
about an economic collapse

on par with
the Great Depression.

Especially hard to believe

given the November jobs report
that was released on Friday.

Over 400,000 jobs
were added.

This really shows
the resilience of E Corp

and their CEO,
Tyrell Wellick.

If it weren't
for their data recovery

and their Ecoin loan program,

we wouldn't be enjoying
the turnaround

we're experiencing right now.

A quote from the chair
of the Federal Reserve

seems to echo public opinion:

"Sometimes the good guys
really do come out on top."

All right.


Walk to the furthest kiosk.

Get in line.


I'm, uh... I'm here.

I'm in line.

Don't get freaked out.

You're being tailed.


They want to know
who you're meeting.

I'll take care of them.

- Right now...
- Okay.

I need you
to stop looking around

like you're
a coked-up Henry Hill.

Well, I-I-I actually
did some.

- What?
- Yeah, some blow, you know.

Uh, some of the girls
had some at the party,

and I... you know,
the Christmas party.

- A little or a lot?
- What?

How much did you do,
a little or a lot?

Shit, man, I don't know.

Right now, it seems like
a fucking lot, okay?

Take a breath, Freddy.

We're gonna get through this.

Wait a second.
Where are you, anyway?

As far as you're concerned,
I'm everywhere.

What does that even mean?

It means I own
the entire station.

Buy a ticket home.

No, don't want these guys
to know where I live.

Trust me, Freddy,
they already know.

All right, uh, I'd like a...

first train
to Brewster, please.

Okay, I got it.

All right, now you're gonna
head to the train,

but we're gonna
take the long way.

Want you to walk
past the clock

and go towards
the Hudson News.

Take out all your cash.

Give it to the guy
in the Santa hat.


We gotta buy time.

Fold it into a ball,

make a fist,
toss it in the case.

Don't stop.
Keep going.

Make a right
and head to the tracks.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey,
that's my money.

Track 19,
last car on the right.

So you have been
following me, haven't you?

No, I've been waiting...

For you on the train.

Who the fuck are you?

Thought I answered
that already.

Don't think you need
the phone anymore.

Sit down and give me the drive.

Yeah, first
you're gonna give me

all the copies
of that video you have.

You gonna shoot me
in front of all these people?

Put the gun away, Freddy,
and sit down.

I'm serious.

I'm not afraid
to use this if I have to.

And then that video will
not only be automatically sent

to the FBI
but to your wife and kids.

Is that something
you're afraid of?

Sit down.
Give me the drive.

So we're square, right?

You gonna erase
that video?

I mean, it goes without saying.

I can't have
anyone seeing that.

Look, I'll tell you what:

you keep that drive.

That'll show you how much
I trust you, huh?

You understand me, man?

I'm trusting that
your word is good?

I'm gonna head on back
to the office.

Sit down.

We're not done.

Do you know
who those guys were,

the ones who were
following me?

Dark Army.

Jesus Christ.

What the fuck were those guys
doing following me?

They want to know who
you're giving these files to.


Because they're protecting
one of your clients.

What client?


What the fuck
are you talking about, man?

Who's that?

You know her as Zhi Zhang,

the Chinese minister
of state security.

He and his partners
have been using

shell corporations
to move money around,

and your name keeps popping up
on all their company filings.

Oh, shit.

That's what this is about?

I'm a dead man.

I need to know how you've
been helping them funnel money.

Oh, no, no, no, no, you don't
want to fuck with these guys.

If half the shit
that I've seen is real,

then these guys are
the official fucking bogeymen.

And I'm not talking conspiracy
bullshit either, man.

I mean,
these guys are pure evil.

I'm kind of ahead of you
on that point.

Cyprus National Bank.

That's it.

That's their bank.

Tell me what you know about it.

I don't know shit, man, okay?

The reason they even
hire peons like me

is 'cause I'm willing
to look the other way

and push the right papers
for 'em,

small stuff,
incorporation documents.

Look at me.
I'm a dumb shit.

You think they're gonna
tell me anything?

I may have...
a contact in the city.


Stop fucking around, man.

We don't have a lot of time.

Give me the name.

John Garcin.

Where can I find him?

Well, I don't have
the address on me.

I-I gotta go
back to my office.

I told you to leave
all your electronics.

I did.

I don't... I don't
have anything on me.

Look, I have nothing.

Go straight
to the 42nd Street exit

and wait for my call.

Don't stop.
Don't turn around.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
you're leaving me?

If they see us together,
we're both dead.


Meet me at the corner
of 42nd and Vanderbilt.


Then what?

Still need
Garcin's address.

Oh, no, you gotta be
fucking crazy.

I'm not going
back to my office.

Those guys are gonna
be looking for me there.

Let me worry about that.

Listen, I want your word that
if I give you what you want,

you're gonna
destroy that video.

You are in no position
to negotiate right now.

Just fucking move.

Then I want your word!

If we don't get out of here,
I'm not gonna be the one

you need to worry about,
you understand?

I am your only way out of this.

And just how the fuck
are you gonna protect me

against the Dark Army, huh?

Those guys just saw me
running away from them.

They know that
I'm up to something.

Oh, you can't...

protect me,

can you?


Jesus Christ.

You don't give a shit
what happens to me.

Freddy, we don't have time
for this.

You need to snap out of it.

They are still
coming for you, man.

You need to make it to this
fucking corner right now.

Right now, Freddy.

Freddy, you need
to keep moving.


Just don't send
that video to my kids.



Excuse me.
Excuse me.

We need room here.
We need room.

Hey, listen...

Taking pictures
right now, lady?

What are you gonna do
with them? Come on.

Put it down. Back up.

Jesus Christ.

Today's gonna be
another busy one

because of the cyber bombings
memorial brunch.

The board of directors
would like you to do

some PR interviews today
before you head upstairs.

Our media consultant
is going to debrief you

with some talking points
back in the greenroom

before we put you
into hair and makeup.

You have about five minutes
before your meeting

with Mr. Milligan
and his team.

Thank you, Elizabeth.

Oh, that's not all.

After that, you have
a meeting with the board.

It's more of a meet and greet,
then straight into a meeting

with the Ecoin engineering team
to discuss the new rollout.

And tonight the board
would like...

Can we just...

push any of this
until tomorrow?

No, I'm afraid tomorrow's
already full as well.

Can you just
give me a minute?

Certainly, sir.


I've been meaning to tell you
that for a while now,

but I wanted to give you
your space.

Most of us here consider you
a hero for what you did.


You up yet, hon?

I'm heading out to go
mall walking with Janice,

you know, that lovely girl I
met at church a few weeks ago?

I want you to meet her.

I think you two
would really hit it off.

Seriously, Dom?

It's almost noon.
You're still in your PJs.

What gives?

You all right?

What's he doing here?

I told you last week I was
renovating the master bathroom.

What's the big deal?

What's the matter
with you?

I thought we agreed I would
vet everyone you hired.


Hon, I thought you were kidding
like you do.

I'm glad you're up.

I want you to put a load in

so you have something to wear
to the bake sale later.

Janice is coming over after
for some macaroni and gravy.

You're just gonna
leave this guy here alone?

He's not alone.
You're here.

This John Garcin
practically posts

every shit he takes.

It's gonna take forever

to go through
his social media.

I know we have our issues,

but it's these people
that are the real psychos.

I mean, how proud
of your life can you be?

We have his address.

We should just go.

We'll get the info
we need there.

It's too early for that.
We don't know enough.

He's their liaison
at Cyprus National Bank.

He's gotta have something.

Be that as it may,
we can't just knock

on this guy's door and pretty
please ask him for his access,

so we put our heads down,
do the research,

find a way to break him,
same as always.

Took us two weeks
with Freddy.

We can't wait
that long anymore.

We're running
out of time.

By next week, Whiterose
will ship her project.

We'll be dead.

I'm not gonna
argue that with you.

Freddy could have saved us
a lot of time

if his brains
weren't splattered

all over 42nd Street
right now.

He had it coming.

They all do.

Don't do this
for the wrong reasons.

You're angry,
and I get it.

But your anger is keeping you
from seeing

the bigger picture
of why we started this thing.

You told me once

you don't
take down a conglomerate

by shooting them in the heart,

'cause they don't have hearts.

You were wrong.

We found their heart.

We rob it...

she finally goes down.

What am I not seeing?

This used to be
about saving the world.

You're making it too personal.

You're making this
about what they did to Angela.

You're letting your feelings
cloud your judgment.

My feelings?

See what's going on
out there?

People are already
forgetting about Five/Nine,

the cyber bombings.

They're buying their Ecoin
discounted stocking stuffers

and Christmas hams,
and they're gonna forget.

And I don't blame them.

They're exhausted.

I'm exhausted.

But we let this go,

it'll be back
to business as usual

for Whiterose
and her friends.

The more she gets away
with this, the worse this gets.

So fuck my feelings.

I'm done with
the therapy sessions.

This is all I'm focused on.

It's Darlene.

She says
it's about Angela.

Oh, my God,
thanks for calling me back.

Um, I think I figured it out.

Okay, I am... I am
really onto something.

Just wait until you hear this.

It's kind of a breakthrough.

Where's Flipper?

Uh, the landlord took her
for the week.

Why? What are you
too busy with?

What's going on, Darlene?
What are you doing here?

I think I saw Angela.

We talked
about this already.

Angela's gone.

Are you on something right now?

Don't make this
about that, okay?

Just listen to me.

Okay, I need you
to hear this.

I'm listening.

Okay, um,
I was... I was walking by

one of those shelters,
and I think I saw her.

Okay, I-I-I-I tried
to catch up with her,

but it was... it was crowded
and I lost her,

but... okay,
but this is proof, right?

This is proof.

Maybe this is why
they never found her body.

Maybe she's still alive.

That's not possible.

No, I am telling you
I saw her.

She was on the street,
same red cart, same bathrobe,

exactly the way we saw her
in that security footage

before she got into that van.

- Darlene.
- Maybe she escaped.

I swear I saw her.

Maybe if you would
just help me,

we could find her together;
we just need to canvass

- all of the homeless shelters.
- This has to stop.

Elliot, we can't
give up on her, okay?

We can't.

You did
a little too much coke

and you saw something
that wasn't there.

I will show you
where I saw her.

Just come with me.

Look at you, man.
You are so fucked up right now.

Fuck you.

This is exactly what you do
when shit like this happens.

You shut down.

Angela's dead.

Do you understand?

She's fucking dead.

And it's not our fault.

We tried to help her,

She did this to herself.

You have to stop
feeling guilty.

I'm not the one
that feels guilty.

Why didn't you just show her
the photo Whiterose sent to us?

You mean the one with
Angela's brains blown out.

Yeah, no,
I don't think so.

At least it would have
put her out of her misery.

It'd break her heart.

We need to get back to work.

John Garcin should be
our only focus.

I know we don't
usually do this,

but I have to fill you in
if he won't.

That's why you're back,
isn't it, to help?

You gotta be noticing it,
then, too,

that he's not talking to you.

He doesn't talk to me
that much either,

not since Angela died.

Darlene's right.

He's shutting down,

compartmentalizing the pain,

living in the distraction,

just like the holidays:

the fake Santas,
the plastic trees,

the annoying
Christmas carols...

♪ O come,
all ye faithful ♪

One big
song-and-dance production

to sell ourselves the theater
that everything's jolly,

at least for a moment.

But when it's all over,

Santa's gone back
to his shitty day job.

The trees get disassembled
and thrown in a closet.

The music's faded away.

What then?

That's why you can't
go anywhere.

I know he's keeping you away,
but I'll let you in.

Don't think I'm doing it
for you, though.

Let's be clear.

I still don't give
a shit about you,

but he does.

This does not
feel right to me.

E Corp owns the building.

They own
half of Manhattan.

We stick to the plan.

And right now, Elliot needs
you more than he lets on,

because when that cold, brutal
reality closes in on us,

we're gonna need a friend,

and that's still what you are,

Um, a delivery

for John Garcin
in apartment 7C.

Seventh floor
to the right of the elevator.

Thank you.

This goes sideways,

We don't have enough
information to break this guy.

We're just gonna
own his Wi-Fi.

That'll grab us whatever
we need without him knowing.

Is it just me,
or is this

the quietest building
in all of Manhattan?


Anybody home?

Let's check things out
before he comes back.

That wasn't the plan.

We're only supposed
to own his Wi-Fi.

Are you kidding?

He's not here.
We just got lucky.

Search everything.

Something's not right.

No shit.

Ah, fuck.

Did you lock the door?


Signal's dead in here.

They're jamming it.


Phone's dead.

- It's almost as if...
- There is no John Garcin.

Freddy set us up.

It must have been a distress
signal they gave Freddy.

Place is a honeypot.


Let me go!

Stop! Let me go!

Wait! Wait!

So Father DiMarco spills
his potato salad all over her,

which I actually think
he did on purpose

because Sister Merkin has,
you know, those big tatas

underneath all that
black and white.

Ma, come on.

Oh, get over it.

She's a hottie.

I've seen you check her out
once or twice.

Janice, right, are you with me?

Sister Merkin is a ten,
am I right?

Uh, s-she's
quite attractive, yes.

See, Janice agrees.


Look at the time.

I gotta get to bed.

I'm seeing Dr. Passante
in the morning

for that thing
on my neck.

Dom, hon?

Why don't you help Janice
carry out the leftovers?

It's just
some macaroni.

don't embarrass me.

Go on and help.


Uh, my apologies.

I forget how frightened

people can be of them
the first time.

I'm a taxidermist.

Uh, I wasn't frightened,

just a little unexpected
is all.

Taxidermy, huh?

Guess you were into
stuffed animals as a kid?

Not particularly, no.

Well, um, it was
nice meeting you, Janice.

And, uh, I'm sorry
about all this.

All what?

I think my mom
was trying to, you know...

set us up.

Oh, my, I had no...



Oh, this is...
this is terribly awkward.

Uh, I-I-I-I think she might
have gotten the wrong idea.

It's all good.

I'm on a self-imposed
time-out anyway.


My ma, she's just
trying to cheer me up.

She thought
this would help.

Yeah, she said
you'd been through

kind of a rough patch.

Bet she did.


It's not a big deal.

It's just
a promotion at work

has been a lot
of stress is all.

Yeah, she said
you haven't been sleeping,

and she told me
about the drinking, mm.

Oh, I hope I'm not
speaking out of school.

I-I-I just meant to say
I've been there

with work, you know.

Long hours can
really burn you out,

especially in my field.

But I'm here to talk,
if you want.

Sometimes that can help.

Anyway, I should get to bed.

Good night, Janice.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

You need your rest.

After all, you have
that interview

about the Santiago case
in the morning.

Excuse me?

You've put it off for weeks.

It's starting
to look suspicious.

What did you say?

I was just explaining that
unless you go to work tomorrow

and finish cleaning up
Santiago's mess,

then I'm gonna be forced

to do something
very bad to your mother,

like, really bad,
you know?

Like, I'm probably gonna have
to slit her from mouth to cunt.

You touch my mom,

I will strangle you to death.

You understand me?

Oh, you can strangle me
till the cows come home.

That's not gonna stop
the rest of 'em.

Now, you get that rest
we talked about.

You got a big day tomorrow.

Oh, and would you thank your
mom for me for the macaroni?

Real life, yo.

I'm just saying,
the skullduggery of scientists

led us to this point
in believing this bullshit.

What bullshit,

That the Earth is a sphere
when it so clearly is flat.

See, you ain't even
willing to question it.

- That's how they get you.
- If the Earth's flat,

then how come no one's
ever fallen off the side?

Easy answer:

Whoever lives here
has to be fucking mental.


What's up?

I just got here.

Please tell me
you have something stronger.

Hmm, stronger than what?

I've already taken.

That's what's up.
I got you.

Shit, girl, you didn't even
let me tell you what it was.

Why the fuck is someone
in Angela's bedroom?

Who's Angela?

Oh, Prada, YSL, Chloé,

ballet shoes,

and a bunch of fish food
with no fucking fish.

Smells like some
"American Psycho" shit's

going on here.

Get the fuck out of here,
you fucking Mary Poppins whore!

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

The fuck did you give me?

Babe, you need to chill.

- Fuck you.
- What?

Get out.

Get out.

Get the fuck out
right now!

Everybody, out!

Get the fuck out!


Get the fuck out!

Get the fuck out!

Is she listening?

Of course she is.
She always is.

Was that her
in the SUV outside?

You tell her if she
goes through with this,

my shipping hack goes public.

She won't be able
to move shit.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Hold on a second.

Listen to me.

The people you work for,
they're terrorists.

They don't care about you
or any of us.

I know you don't
want to do this.

You're just getting paid to.

Please, I can't
leave like this.

I've hurt so many people.

I have to make this right.

Wait. Wait.


You tell her if I die,
this won't be over.

I know all about
Cyprus National Bank.

Her money's as good as gone.

Even if I die...

She's gonna pay
for what she's done.

Do you hear me?

You tell that piece of shit
that my anger won't die with me

and she can't hide
from what's coming for her!

You hear me?

You hear me?

Do you hear me?

Say something.

Good-bye, friend.

He got too reckless.

Your job was to control him.

My job was
to protect him.

Your job was
to protect all of us.

What's gonna happen?

The inevitable.

We're all gonna go away.

I just didn't think
it was gonna be like this.


Welcome back, Mr. Alderson.