Mr. Robot (2015–…): Season 3, Episode 6 - - full transcript

Elliot faces off with Mr. Robot; Dom gets tired of the red tape; Tyrell has a new plan.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I need you to keep an eye on me.

You're the only person I can trust.

This is what democracy looks like!

Elliot, I'm working with the FBI.

You've been spying on me?

The other night, I followed you.

He snuck out and met up with Angela.

Stage 2. I want it to happen
on the day of the U.N. Vote.

It's time Phillip Price's hand got slapped.

This morning at 6:07 a.m.,

the Dark Army tried to run Stage 2.

They're trying to blow up the
downtown building today.

We need to get Tyrell before it's too late,

My wife, my son, and I
will go to the Ukraine

- after the plan is complete.
- I'll get into that.


This is a zero-sum game. Accept the truth.

The Recovery building's going to explode,

and the people inside right along with it.

Angela's the one behind this.

I gotta stop her.

- I got it done.
- Oh, good.

Irving, are you still gonna
evacuate the Recovery center?

That's been done already.

I'm Emily Moss's daughter, Angela Moss.

I'm here to discuss the
Washington Township case.

- Dad, what's going on?
- I'll let you two talk.

26 employees died from
similar types of leukemia.

Evil Corp killed my mom.

And my whole life, I've always
wanted justice... for her death.

I think I've seen this one, yeah.

Elliot has these on VHS.

Is Elliot here, Mr. Alderson?

No, he didn't-he didn't come.


Well, I guess he wasn't feeling up to it.

I don't wanna be here, either.

There's a lot of nice people visiting.

Are you sure you don't
wanna join the party?

We got this cake.

Red Velvet.

Not hungry.

You know, if that were me over there,

I would want Elliot and Darlene

to come over and talk to me.

But I don't want to talk to her.

You remember the, uh,

Enchantment Under the Sea dance

in the first "Back to the Future" movie?

Marty had to push his dad

to ask Lorraine to be his date.

And if George didn't overcome his fear,

they would never have gotten married,

and Marty would never have been born,

and he would've disappeared
from that photograph, right?

I guess so.

I know it's scary,

but I also know that you can do it.

Just might need a little push. That's all.

Hey, Angela,

somewhere down the road,

if Elliot needs some help and...

I can't be there for him...

Just give him a little push too, okay?


- You understand?
- Of course, Emily.

Also, I know we discussed it before,

but I wouldn't be doing my job
if I didn't bring it up again.

It's about the anonymous
benefactor who keeps...

- I'll let you two talk.
- Don...

Sorry, did I say something
I shouldn't have?

Not at all. You're fine.

Well, he reached out again,
offering to pay for your...

That's very nice of him,

but I've made my decision.

No more treatments.

I wanna spend what time I have left

with my friends and family.

Just know that there's still
people fighting for you,

for your family.

We're gonna continue with the lawsuit

and do everything we can in your name.

Hey, you.

What do you think of the party?

This isn't fun.

It's weird.

Weird how?

It's okay. You can say it. I'm dying.

I don't want to.

I hate this.

- I hate all of it.
- Angela...

you know this isn't good-bye, right?

No, I know what dying is.

You're never gonna see us again,

- not Dad, not me...
- Mm, no, listen,

I am always gonna be there for you,

no matter what.

You wanna know what I believe?


That this isn't the end,

that there's another world
out there for both of us,

that we'll see each other again.

And we'll play and dance

and... bake and sing.

Doesn't that sound beautiful?

Will you believe with me?


Is there something you wanna tell me?

This is an emergency...

I don't know what you're talking about.

I saw you.

The 23rd floor.

You were at the code signing machine.

What did you do?

We need to let today happen.

They're blowing up a building.

Yes, I know.

And you're okay with that?

How long have you been working with Tyrell?

- What did he tell you?
- None of that matters right now.

This whole time... I thought
you were helping me,

but you've been...

You've been manipulating me!

This is what you wanted.

After today, your revolution succeeds.

You just need the courage
to see it through.

You sound like him.

You, you mean.

I need to stop this.

Today's work, what White Rose is doing,

is going to change
everything for the better.

You met White Rose?

What the fuck is happening?

She's going to save the world,
but we need to let her.

Save the world?

Angela, whatever
White Rose told you is a lie.

She's a fucking terrorist,

and if you let this happen...

Then we're going to look back

and see that these
consequences were necessary...

- People are going to die!
- No, they're going to be fine!

Including your father and my mother.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You're not making any sense.


Listen to me.

Whatever you pulled off of that machine,

I need you to give it to me. Now.

I can't. I don't have it anymore.

Where is it? Who did you give it to?

Tell me what you know.

Where are they operating from?
Where's Tyrell?

Where the fuck is he?

I'm sorry, Mr. Alderson,

but are you even allowed
to be in this building?

I heard you were let go this morning.

So much depends upon a red wheelbarrow...

Glazed with rain water...

Beside the white chickens.

Should've put a wire on her.

- What did you say to him?
- What I had to.

Well, excuse me for doubting you,

but you never struck me
as a country-first type of gal.

- I don't like you very much.
- Ditto.

What are you, six?

It's him.

Pick it up.

Elliot, where are you? What's going on?

I texted you the address.

- Is that where Tyrell is?
- Yes.

We need confirmation.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

Get the FBI there to stop him.

You gotta do it now.

Make him come to us.
Find out where he's headed.

- Where are you going?
- Just take care of Tyrell.

Push him. We can keep him safe.

Elliot, just please don't
do anything stupid, okay?

- Just come meet me...
- I gotta go.

Elliot, wait.

Everything I said this morning

and everything I've done...

I'm sorry.

Call ended. Got the location.

It's a restaurant called Red Wheelbarrow.

Let's move.

Dom, you heard him.
He said the info was good.

Let's go.

What aren't you telling me?


Between the rioters and the
police at E Corp's headquarters,

I can't connect there.

I can't access my back-doored machine,

but I need to log in to that
UPS, or everything's fucked.

Fastest way of connecting

is to go into the Recovery building myself.

I heard the conversation myself.

Our CHS has confirmation.

- So she had eyes on him?
- No, not exactly, but...

The intel seems credible, sir.

We gotta act before Wellick
disappears for another five months.

Here's what we'll do:

I'll put surveillance on the location

until we have visual confirmation.

Surveillance? Santiago, the lead is solid.

This is coming from Darlene.
This is why we have her.

I can't move on the word of a CHS

who has basically,
so far, given us jack shit,

and then disappeared on
us for almost a week,

without so much as a word.

I need something more concrete.

If Wellick is there, we have time.

He's not going anywhere.

Before we send SWAT bashing down doors,

let me coordinate with S.O.
teams to get eyes on the place.

Ask the S.O. ASAC to get
aviation in the air.

We get confirmation,
we go in, we take down Wellick.


we may only get one shot at this.

I wanna make sure we do it right.

I suppose congratulations are in order.

After all our tit-for-tat,

you finally got your U.N. vote.

Quite the frenetic day for
the 24-hour newshounds.

I wondered if you'd make it today,

given everything going on at E Corp.

An eventful morning indeed.

But something told me
I shouldn't miss our little...


not for the world.

Speaking of my dear little, wounded E Corp,

I'll be expecting China to
sign that economic accord.

All will be done by end of day.

You have my word.

Thank God that's settled.

For now, let's...

break from our usual brinksmanship.

No need to spoil this afternoon.

We both won, as intended.

It's time to drink and be merry.

Good point.

Another fine choice of venue by Sergey.

Utterly tasteless.

I passed that buffoon of
an owner in the lobby.

You're gonna take him up on his
offer to go boating tomorrow?

Oh, please, don't remind me.

Those swim trunks he insists upon wearing,

a bit too snug...

and a bit too short, wouldn't you say?

I believe the appropriate
term is "hanging brain."



Sir, it's about Mr. Wellick.

Our contact says his location
has been compromised.

Well, that doesn't change anything.

You know what to do.

Kill process:

when an unwanted process is running

and you need to terminate it.

I need to kill Stage 2
before it kills anyone else.

Wrap it up. False alarm. We're outta here.

Back it up! Let's go.

False alarm, folks.
It's safe to go back to work.

What are they doing?
What about my bomb threat?

False alarm. Go ahead, go up.

Why is everyone going back in?

Everything's fine. False alarm.

No, it's not safe.

You gotta get them out of there.

ESU swept the floor. All's clear.

It's, uh... it's... it's
safe to go back to work.

I called in a bomb threat with
no bomb for them to find.

There's no tangible explosive.

They had no idea what
they were looking for.

- But I do.
- Folks, you need E Corp I.D.

to re-enter the building.

Please have them out where we can see them.

Keep it moving. Keep it moving.

Have your badges out and ready.

Let's go. One at a time.

Can you give us a status
update on the seventh floor?

Seventh floor clear.
Heading back down to you.

I was right.

Angela helped them get around my patch

and sign their own malware
with a cloned HSM.

If I can roll it back,

the clean version will overwrite
Tyrell and Mr. Robot's malware

and buy me some time to
revoke the stolen keys.

A couple of minutes, and we'll be...

Why can't I do this?

Why can't I start the restore?

Names are Fattie, Fattina, and Georgie.

Georgie was named after my aunt.

Lovely woman. Fat fingers, though.

What the fuck is going on?

Anyway, it's nice to have
a customer flag me down.

Since 5/9, we haven't had
a whole lot of customers.

Stop, stop.

What's the problem?

You told me Houston on Avenue A.

- When did I say that?
- 20 seconds ago.

Mr. Robot.

I lost time. We know that.
But how much did he take?

15 minutes. I can't spare 15 minutes.

Stop the goddamn car.

Pull over now!

If the malware's already loaded,

hydrogen is filling up the
battery room right now.

There are too many factors to
predict when it's going to blow.

Could be two hours,

or it could explode at any second.

Why do we always cut these
things so damn close?

Agent DiPierro.

Tell me you have something, Dom.

I am sitting here, fucking pins
and needles, losing my shit.

You know I can't share any
information, Darlene.

Have you heard anything more from Elliot?

No, I've been trying to call him,

but he's not answering.

Unless you've got more intel
that can further this case,

I'm hanging up.

We gave you this lead.

You wouldn't have shit without us.

Don't think for a second that I don't know

that you're keeping something from me.

Given what's at stake,

whoever you're protecting,

I sure as shit hope they're worth it.

Wrong fucking day, girls.

You hungry?

Yeah, I could eat.

No, I mean, do you wanna go get lunch?

I can get lunch if you wanna get lunch.

I'd be up for it.

All right then, I guess
we're going to lunch.

I don't understand.
Why is everyone leaving?

They should be monitoring the fallout.

Where are Joanna and my son?

What time is our flight to Kiev?

What is this?

What's going on?

Everything's gone.


Is Mr. Robot gaining control,

or am I losing control?

If he has the power to switch,

does that mean I do too?

Is this a matter of who
wants to win the most?

Yeah, I agree,

this is fucking confusing.

Your trip to the Ukraine,

it's not gonna work out
the way we discussed it.

I've got 14 customers,

four cooks behind the line,
two girls working checkout.

No sign of Wellick.

We had a deal.

I... I found a solution.

You... you said you'd bring my family to me.

What's going on out front?

I've got eyes on the door.
Nothing unusual there or nearby.

You fucking promised!

The plan is happening because of me,

and this is how you repay me?

I'm afraid the situation
is more nuanced than that.

Shit, there it is again, his presence.

Do you feel it too?

No, I need more time.

At least he didn't get too far this time.

Five minutes.

I'm narrowing the gap, but still,

this isn't one of our bullshit
stalemate prison chess games.

In this case, a stalemate means
Mr. Robot wins.

So, this is it?

This is how it's going to end?

Bathroom's in use. Make that 15 customers.

Follow the instructions inside,

and then burn them.

Well, unless Tyrell's taking a leak,
what do you wanna do?

I'm gonna eat.

You're not going to kill me?


I'm sorry.

Stay focused. Stay focused.

The stronger I am, the
better chance I have of...

Three more minutes gone.

Who knows how many I have to spare?

I'm running out of options.

Instead of fighting,
maybe it's time we talk.

The soda fountain's behind you there.

Have a seat, and we'll call
your number when it's ready.

Oh, and here's our loyalty card.

Ten wheelbarrows punched,

and you get a free milkshake on us.

You know, I... I don't get to
this neighborhood too often.

How long have you been open?

A little over six weeks,

but if you're talking about the
grand opening special, that's over.

Just curious. Thanks, hon.

I guess he didn't like my note.

I need to get to the battery room.

Enjoy your meal, ma'am.

I got a worker exiting now, red apron.

Keep an eye on him.


Mom, it's me.

Listen, I don't have a lot of time.

I need you to stay home
for the rest of the day.

Don't go out.

I'll ship you some Ensure. Just don't go...

I'll have it delivered today.

Yes, yes, they have same-day delivery now.

I promise. Just stay home.

I love you too.

So, I'm going to move in with
my oldest daughter, Louise.

We agreed it's best to pool
our resources these days,

but... I don't wanna be a burden.

Don't think like that.

You know it's the best thing to do.

And it doesn't make sense
for you to be living all alone.

You're probably right.

And my... my ulcerated colitis
is kicking in again,

so it'd be nice to have family around,

you know, in case anything happens.

You can never be too safe.

Did you hear about the melee
at E Corp this morning?

The whole world's going
to hell in a hand basket.

Give me your purses, now!

Give it!

Ecoin wallet, where is it?

Please, please don't hurt me!


The fuck you waiting on?

Hand over your purse!

What's going on? What's in there?

There's a fire. I've got smoke
coming from the backroom.

I'm looking at the floor plan
now, and there is no backroom.

Last time I ask bitch!

Do it!

Cred 22958 to Op Center.
Emergency transmission.

Go with your message, 22958.

I've got a fire coming from
Red Wheelbarrow restaurant,

1197 Broadway.

Notify ASAC Santiago and 5/9 task force

- of a possible Wellick sighting.
- Copy that.

What are you doing? Give him your purse!

Norm, I'm going in. Get
around to the backdoor now,

in case Tyrell's in there and tries to run.

You could've died.


No one's gonna die.

The battery room has a halocarbon
fire suppression system.

If I can activate it,
it'll suck all the oxygen

out of the room in 30 seconds,

seal all the doors, and create a vacuum,

making it impossible to
create any kind of spark,

which would prevent...

The kill command.

Here I am, trying to use
it to stop this attack

while Mr. Robot is trying to use it on me.

Does that just mean we
cancel each other out,

fighting so hard, we end
up standing in place?

Fuck that. I gotta keep moving.

Dude, you okay?


You disobeyed a direct order.
I told you, flat out...

I already told you it was a site survey.

Report me if you want.

Then why am I standing
in a goddamn basement

- with the door kicked in?
- There were signs of a fire.

I did my job.

I'd do it again, if given the opportunity.

Anything else?

All right.


despite your blatant disregard
for chain of command,

this was still a win.

Wellick was here.

The evidence ERT pulls
out of this shit hole

can only bring us closer to capturing him.

Now, we've got task force
canvassing the tunnels.

If Tyrell is in there, we'll get him.

Why don't you head back to the office?

When the evidence comes in,
you start sorting through it.

I can see your big ass eye. Open up.

- What do you want?
- Open the goddamn door.

- Small coffee, black.
- You got it.

I'm gonna head up to the office.

- You gonna be okay?
- I'll be up in a minute.

You fucked us,

bent us over the sink and went to town.

You're not making any sense.
We're on the same side.

No... Fuck!

Oh, come on, please! Fuck!


I saw you

manipulating my brother,

turning his condition against him.

Taking down E Corp was your plan. Remember?

No! Stop the attack!

You have to stop the attack!

- Get on the ground! Get on the ground!
- Listen to me,

- you have to stop the attack!
- On the ground!

You're the ones who dragged me into this.

We didn't ask you to blow up a
goddamn building full of people.

You don't know what you're talking about.

They're evacuating the building.

It's gonna happen any second.

Please, listen to me, I can help you!

Let's go! Go, go, go!

Tell me why I shouldn't call
the FBI and turn you in.

What is it that you really want, Darlene?

With all their paper records
consolidated there,

this is going to mark the
official end of E Corp.

Folks, get back! Please stop.

You can lie to yourself all you want...

But when you're alone at night,
this shit will haunt you.

Trust me on that.

- Move... move.
- You don't understand!

No, no, no, listen to me,

you have to stop the attack!

Now, I can have you in handcuffs right now,

so I'm giving you one last chance.

Convince me not to.

People are gonna die!

Stop the attack!

Go ahead and turn me in.

What attack?

I know what I'm doing is right...

What attack?

Holy shit...

He did it.

We did it.

So what now?

Am I forever in limbo,

not knowing which side I'm really on?

And what about Mr. Robot?

Does he now understand that
Tyrell and the Dark Army

have corrupted his alleged revolution?

Does he have any fight left?

If so, who's he gonna fight?

Them or me?

There were no paper
records in the building,

and the Dark Army knew that,

so why did they try to go today?

What was White Rose's real plan?

Does she know something I don't?

Does everybody know something I don't?

Reports are still coming in
from across the country...

I fought so hard to protect
the New York facility

that I couldn't see the bigger picture.

It wasn't a single point of failure.

I was.

In a series of seemingly orchestrated
strikes across the country,

a reported 71 buildings owned by E Corp

exploded or caught fire.

There has been no official confirmation,

or even speculation,

as to what caused the
explosions and fires to occur.

Officials with knowledge of the attacks

have stated that the death toll

is expected to be well into the thousands.

Meanwhile, first responders
continue to fight fires

and sort through the rubble,

with the hope of finding survivors.

President Obama is scheduled to hold

an emergency press conference
later this afternoon

to address the American public.

As of now, no one has...