Mr. Mercedes (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 10 - Burning Man - full transcript

[STARZ] Hodges gets an unexpected call. Pete has a plan. Morris starts to feel the heat.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Mr. Mercedes"...

The case is closed,
and according to probate,

- you're the bequeathed.
- What do you plan to do with it?

- I plan to drive it.
- You what?

Brady was the evil one, not the car.

It was a murder weapon!

In a mass killing!

This is local coverage of the jobs fair.

Morris Bellamy. I remember him now.

I met him in court.

"Senior Thanks: to "IS";
for saving my life."

- Do you remember him?
- Oh, yeah.

He was troubled. I gave him a book

- that I thought he...
- What?

I gave him "The Runner."

What I want to hear is when
I get my manuscripts back.

Peter, we are in over our heads!

I can work this out, Dad.

I can get her back.

They got her. They said they
wanted to make an exchange...

Marjorie for the books.

- You talked to Peter?
- He's formulating a plan

- right now.
- Jesus.

Your life is in grave danger

should your son not come through.

- What's in the shed?
- A private chapel

where I pray and hold bible classes.

- Anything?
- And that fuckin' shed.

Come back later tonight
when she's asleep.


What the fuck?

Oh, my fucking God.

This isn't fuckin' fair.

God can go fuck himself.

That's what he can do.

If only there was a God...
which there isn't!

No goddamn God would do
this to me... I loved her.

I loved Alma. You hear me?

Oh, yeah, oh, I hated her some,

but I loved her too.

Oh, God, I loved her
more than I hated her.

I loved her more than...


Except Danielle, and
then you killed her!

You killed the person

I loved more than anybody.

Other than maybe myself.

And then you tried to kill me too.

And now I don't have anybody.

You fuck! You stupid fuck.

You stupid dead fuck!

I would have lived a normal life!

I would have been a good husband

and a good father and a good...

everything if that asshole

with the fucking Mercedes hadn't...

He did this to me.

He did this to me.

Couldn't hold down a
job or relationships.

The only thing that I could hold on to

was Jimmy Gold and maybe her.

Come on... come on!

And when I went to Rothstein's house,

yes, I went to steal money,

but mainly I went for those books.

'Cause I knew he kept writing!

He would never turn Jimmy
Gold into a piece of shit

and then just leave
him in advertising...

Like a total piece of shitfuck trash!

I went for those books!

I had them.

Only now I don't.

Because your...

rat fuck little piece of shit
cunt-ass kid stole them,

and if he doesn't give 'em back,

I'll cut your fuckin' head off.

I loved her.


And then you tried to kill me, you fuck.

You fuck.

I... want... my...

fucking... books!


You think we should be doing this?

I mean, this is straight-up burglary.

You're not gonna be doing anything.

You're just here to keep watch.

What if Alma's there when we show up?

Let's hope she isn't,
but if she is, fuck it.

Which should be interesting,

'cause Alma Lane doesn't rattle easy.

Little bit of shock

and awe to put her on tilt.

Maybe I shake some truth out of her.

It's time to start scarin' people.

And you really think she's in on this.

I know it.

Got the stink all over her.

Fuckin' smug, fuckin' coy.

Fuckin' Morris Bellamy.

Let's see how cock-smug she is now.

Place looks dark.

- Maybe she's gone to bed.
- Even better.

- Wait here.
- Okay.

Give me a buzz on this

if you see anything worth seeing.



Dad, everything's okay. I'm fine.

Yeah, well,

how come you sound like
you just been cryin', then?

Oh, you know, life.

Where are ya?

- Here.
- Here? Bridgton?

At the house? Now?

I'm on my way.

Lucky bastard.

I was hoping I'd have to waste him.

Come on.



♪ Fearful ♪

♪ When the sky was full of thunder ♪

♪ And tearful at the falling ♪

♪ Of a star ♪

♪ And the seasons,
they go round and round ♪

♪ And the painted ponies ♪

♪ Go up and down ♪

♪ We're captive on
the carousel of time ♪

♪ We can't return, we can only look... ♪

I warned you we'd never
get those off the ceiling.

Did you try?


Nothing's wrong.

I just...

needed to get away, so...

Here I am.

Does your mother know you're here?

She does now. I just called her.

She wants you to call her.

And... and tell her exactly what?

You could tell her that I...

wanted to see my dad.


Welcome home.

It's just for a week.

Even so.


All right, okay.

I'm done crying, okay,
so don't you start.

No crying.

I'm not gonna cry.

Tick, tick, tick.

That's what I am.

A ticking fucking... bomb!

We are calling your
rat-fuck cunt-ass son.

And we'll let him know...

tick, tick, fucking tick!

I'm gonna let you speak to him.

You are to enunciate
clearly, unequivocally.

Most important, you
need to stay on point

with your messaging.

Which is... tick, tick, tick,

tick, tick, tick, fucking tick!

So Allie wants to come home.

- I can understand that.
- Yeah.

Is Donna mad?

No, no. It's just... she's worried.

But she's okay now.

Allie wasn't sleeping,
she seemed a bit depressed.


Maybe it's a good thing she came here.

Yeah. Maybe it's a great thing.

Yeah, maybe.

She looks good, you know,
physically, but...

something's wrong.

- Hey.
- Hey.

All right, I'm actually doing this.


- Doin' what?
- Oh. Lou has a job interview.

- Isn't that great?
- Definitely.

I mean, you can't put down your
roots without a job, Lou, so...

Well, I'm actually just,
uh... meeting somebody

from the unemployment office,

and then I'm hoping that

that'll lead to some job interviews.

So, uh... no more workin' here?

Desk jobs aren't really my thing.

Well, what is your thing?

I'm not sure.

What do you like to do?

I don't know... my caseworker's saying

that I should find something
autonomous and flexible.

I'm hoping she doesn't mean hooker.

Uh, Lou.

If you want to continue workin' here,

I mean, really, I-I'm good with that.

It's just it's... it's...

Thank you.


I, uh...

my shrink is actually recommending

that I take a little space.

Y-you all have been so good to me,

but you're also sort of the nexus of...


I mean, you're driving his car.

Right, to take the power away, but...

Totally. Totally get that.

There's just, um...

memories that reside here that...

I have to get away from.



Yeah, I'm off. Okay.

- Good luck!
- Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

See? It's progress.

Maybe. Something's not right.

Oh, God, could you please...

I'm tellin' ya, she's off.

And I told ya about that fuckin' car.


Pack it up. Let's go.

You listen here. This is
pretty fucking simple.

- You return my mother...
- Do not tell me

anything is simple.

Nothing turns out to be simple.

Things we think are simple turn to shit!

And while Jimmy Gold
said "shit don't mean shit,"

sometimes it does.

Sometimes it means
deep fucking shit like this.

Your mother is in deep fucking shit!

Look at me! Do I look well?

Do I look like a calm and
composed human being?

No, I do not! I'm about
to fucking lose it!

Which will not be good for
your in-deep-shit mother.

Would you tell him, Marjorie, please?

Peter, give... give him the books.

How are we feeling today, Pete?

Is this a nice lollygagging type of day?

- Okay, okay...
- Not okay!

I'm tired of hearing
that things are okay.

Things are fucked, and
things are gonna stay fucked

until I have those books,

and as long as things stay fucked,

- your mother's life is...
- I'll move the books

to a secure location,
then we can make the swap.

You're trying to buy time.
That's not gonna work.

I'm not fucking buying time.

That's a dead person.
Guess who killed her.

That's going to be your mother!

You need to do what I say!


You have one hour... one hour,

and then I blow her fuckin' head off.

I'll call you back with the location.

You better, Pete! I'm ticking here.

I'm fucking ticking!

Maybe we should go
back to Morris' place.


- Police'll be all over it.
- Oh.

He's not gonna show up there.

Best bet is the kid's father, you know?

If Peter's still talking to him...

Holy shit!


Ho ho!

- You're kiddin' me.
- Oh...

What does she think, she can just throw

a fresh coat of paint on it?

I mean... it looks pretty good.

It's a fuckin' death machine.

Listen, as far as the people who
are scared and afraid go...

Holly is most definitely fearless.

Why would she want it, like, truly?

Does it make any sense to you?

I think you should drive the car.

I mean, not now, but...

Why the fuck would I want to drive it?

Well, because it's still
got a hold on you.

I mean, it took you over from...

the obsession to the
drinking to the retirement

that maybe came earlier
than it should have.

I mean, you see it in your nightmares.

You told me yourself.

You said you see the car
driving straight to you.

That's your demons right there.

Maybe it's time you...

took control of them.

I mean, it'll make you better off,

you know?

It'll make you a better you, Bill.

It'll make you a better father.


You know, seeing as that you
might have a second chance,

with Allie being home and all.

I say you should drive the car.

That's just my opinion.

Who died and left you Dr. Phil?

Look, Lou might be crazy, but...

she was right to say that
Brady indirectly gave us...


I mean, it brought us Holly.

And Holly's our leader, you
know, our guardian angel.

We have to admit that.


Wait, is this what I think it is?

Because if it is, this is fucked up.

Yeah. Opinion seems
to vary on the issue.

- Listen...
- I'll be in the car.

I could've told you on the phone.

No, when it comes to the Rothstein case,

I'm eager. What do you got?

Alma Lane... she lives
way the hell out of town.

I drew ya a map.

You need to get a search
warrant for her trailer

and the shed behind it.

Based on what exactly?

Connections, circumstantial
evidence, intuition, whatever.

Listen, her and Rothstein had an affair.

He ended it... badly.

And hell hath no fury
like Alma Lane scorned.

We got the letters that
she sent him... hate mail.

It's really, really nasty,
disturbing shit, okay?

On top of that, she and
this Morris Bellamy guy

that I told you about...

turns out they've been
fuckin' for years.

Alma Lane gets around, huh?

Yeah. Both she and Morris...

completely obsessed with Rothstein.

And? What else you got?

I just gave you a ton.
Come on, I was out there!

I talked to her, right? The
place stinks to high heav...

You definitely gave me some shit,

and I'm gonna look into
this whole Alma Lane,

Morris fucking Bellamy thing, but...

you got anything solid?

I-I can't... I can't get
a warrant with this.

- You can fuckin' try!
- What's the point?

No judge is gonna issue me a warrant

based on your fucking
trailer park treasure map

- that you drew here...
- Give me a fuckin' break, will ya?

Look, the law means facts, okay?

- Jesus.
- We need to show some sort of

reasonable suspicion
that a specific trailer

and a specific shed

- at a specific location...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Is associated with...
- For Christ's sake,

will you just do your
fuckin' job, will ya?

Just draft the paperwork,
get the process goin'.

I'll get ya something more solid

by the time you're ready
to file it, all right?

- Okay.
- You got to trust me on this.

- I know what I'm talkin' about.
- Okay.

But if we don't get more, we're fucked.

Fuckin' asshole.

I haven't talked to
him since last night.

I think he's, uh... he's afraid to call.


Well, he knows I've been
in contact with you.

Uh... he knows I wanted
to bring the police in.

He just...

I think he thinks it's
gonna make it worse.

How would it make it worse?

Peter doesn't trust the police

or the government,
really, for that matter.

And why should he, though, huh?

The government hasn't really
had our backs in a long time,

especially not in this town.

Plus, the...

Go on.

I've been reading
Rothstein's stuff lately.

Peter's got a couple
copies up in the bedroom.

It's not exactly a ringing endorsement

of the establishment.

So I think Peter is doing
his own Jimmy Gold thing.

Trying to save the day.

Trying to save his mom.

Yeah, 16-year-old thinking, right?

Yeah. Right.


I don't know what to tell you, Bill.

All right. Well, here's
what I'm gonna tell you.

We're notifying the police,

and we're keeping them fully
in the loop goin' any further.

No, no! You can't fucking do that!

I can, and I am.

Also, I want you to give me your phone.

What? Why?

Because your brain is fucking mush, Tom.

I can see that just by
lookin' at ya, okay?

Now, this Morris guy calls,

let me talk to the bastard.

No, no, that's... that's too
fucking dangerous, Bill. No.

We're past the point of dangerous, Tom,

and we're runnin' out of options.

Now, if Peter doesn't
trust the police, okay.

But you need to trust me.

Give me your phone... now.

W-what if Peter calls?

It'll give me a chance to speak to him.

Look, you're worthless from
a thinking standpoint, Tom.


Give me the phone.

You're a father, right, Bill?


I need your word.

No cops.

Father to father, Bill.

Father to father.

Thank you.

How are you at tracking phones?

It can be done.

Can you do it without the police?

I mean, apart from everything else,

they'll waste precious
time goin' for a warrant.

Yeah. No police.
I just got to hook it up.

And I can get it to you right after.

All right, okay.

Great. That gets us off the hook, then.

But what about Montez?

- You gonna tell Montez?
- I don't know.

Tricky. Play it by ear.

You're giving me that back, right?


Um... come in.


- Hey.
- Hi!

Hi, I'm Holly Gibney.

Yeah, yes, I've, um...

I've heard some about you.

I've heard a ton about you.

Um, did my dad...

dispatch you to come check on me?

He might have, but, you know,
I've wanted to meet you

for a long time now.

So you lived here, huh?

Yeah, I did.

This room was kind of
my home for a while.

I used to stare up at
the stars on the ceiling.

Helped me sleep.

Um, you...

you moved some things around?


And you took stuff?

Well, just one thing.

I can give it back if you want.

I mean, it has kind of a creepy
stigma attached to it now.

Yeah, well, it's, um, it's good luck.

It's very good luck.


Why did you live here?

It's kind of a long story,
but the short story is...

your father saved me...

you know, in so many
ways... from my mom,

from myself. I mean...

he might be the most
wonderful man I've ever met.


That's, um...

What a guy.

I understand that he wasn't around much

when you were younger.

I mean, it haunts him.

Has he... said that to you?

Because he hasn't...

said it to me.

Well, you know, he's...
not the best communicator,

but, you know, he always
gets the message across.

And the message I have
always gotten from him is...

you're the single most
important thing in his life.


Your dad's a work in progress, you know.

Just like the rest of us.


It's nice to meet you.

- Yes, yeah. Nice to meet you.
- See you soon.


I know the floor plan, the layout.

I was pretty much the floor
manager here before, so...

I don't question your skill set,

- but...
- My mental health is good.


I have to ask.

Why would you want to return here?

Well, um, first,

uh, there's not a lot of jobs out there,

and I am particularly
suited to this one...

because... well, I've done it.

And I have done it very well.

Um, look, I'm... I'm gonna be honest.

This place has enough trouble as it is

ditching the ghost of Brady Hartsfield

without hiring his former
best friend and...


It's okay, you can say it.

Former best friend and killer.

Current killer.

He, uh, he's currently killed,
so I'm currently the...

the current killer.

Presently current killer.

- Miss Linklatter...
- Can I ask you...

um, do people ever come in
here and sort of, you know,

look around to see

where the... Brady Hartsfield
Mercedes killer worked?

They... they do.

Do those people buy stuff?

- They do.
- Okay.

Now, think about if I was here

how many people would
be coming in here, right?

Huh? You could make a
booth for me up there.

I'm a freak show.

People love a freak show.

What jazz club?

It's right on East Benton Way,

just past the pharmacy.

That's too fucking public.
Are you crazy?

It's an empty street.
There's no one around.

The books are there?

The books will be there,
but you won't get them

unless you bring my mother.

I make the rules, you shitfuck.

Well, I'm making this one, okay?

You bring my mother, you get the books.

That's the fucking deal.

I'll be there in an hour.

And don't be shooting at
me again, you dickfuck.

You better hope he's doing
this on the up-and-up.

Oh, you better fuckin' hope.

Got anything new for the warrant?

Nah, give me a chance,
will ya? I'm workin' on it.

I'm sorry, I'm a little eager.

Desperate, actually.

There's a lot of media on
this, lots of pressure.

Yeah, well, that goes without saying.

Never stopped ya from sayin' it.

Look, we did a little digging.

This may or may not be anything.

Morris Bellamy was living
with a Danielle Moore

That's whose belongings
we found in his apartment.

Now, no one's heard from
her in a couple of weeks.

According to her parents,
she and Morris broke up.

They heard that from her sister,
'cause she doesn't talk to them.

Anyway, no one knows
where the fuck she is.

Okay, that's interesting. Thanks.

Keep me informed.

You ready for a road trip?
We have an outing.

Could be a fun outing.

It could be your last outing.

- Please...
- Shh, shh.

Shh, shh.

Tell me you appreciate the
severity of this situation.

- I'm begging you...
- Tell me...

I understand.

Ida been here yet?


You were three years
old when we got him.

I remember.

I wanted a dog or a pet rock.

And I think you split the difference.

Seemed like a good choice.

I mean, he's... not in too
much danger of runnin' away.

And let's face it. He's
gonna outlive us all.

God, Dad.

You're so morbid.


You are. You...

You bring up death a lot.

- You do.
- I said he's gonna live!


Well, apparently it's an Irish thing,

so it's part of your heritage.

You're welcome.

Do you mind telling me why...

I mean, I'm... I'm...

I'm not complaining, believe me.

But all of a sudden,
kind of out of the blue...

Did ya fall off the wagon?


- Really.
- I'm really doing fine.

I am.


It's just that some
things have come up...



I'm just a little scared.

I keep having these nightmares about you

being in danger.

You're, like...

burning in a fire in hell
or something, and I'm...

I think I just had to come
here to make sure that...

that I'm not the one that's
putting you through hell.

Does that make sense?

I'm having the same
nightmare, it's like...

only with Rothstein in it...
John Rothstein the writer.

And this, uh, and this burning man.

- What?
- Yeah.

- Really?
- Yeah!

I'd say that's a...
pretty big coincidence.


You don't believe in
coincidences, do you?

Oh, I might reconsider.

You said "things."

What other things?

Just... things.


Come on.

I'm pregnant.







Well, hey.

- Allie.
- Hey, Ms. Silver.

I'm on vacation.

Ida, could you... would you mind poppin'

into the den for a little bit?

I just want to... I need
to ask you some stuff.

Yeah. No, absolutely.

You can make a cup of tea or whatever.

I'll be just a few minutes.


You can go.

She'll be all right.

It's fine. You can go.

- I'm gonna be fine.
- I... I just...

I'll just be a few minutes.


- Yes.
- Okay.

You're not to exert yourself.

Now, I don't want you swingin' too high.

Got it.


We're gonna have to put you
out for this little trip, princess.

Oh, no, it won't be too bad.

Really, it's just a catnap.

Little Petey boy

better have more common
sense than he's let on so far.

This is not going to end well

if he pulls anything.

It's not going to end well for him.

Oh, and, Marjorie,

it is not going to end well for you.

You know what?

I'm gonna call your gimpy-ass husband

and tell him to make sure that his son

doesn't pull any bullshit.

So, apparently, she hasn't
been seen in quite a while.

You knew her, right? Danielle Moore?

Oh, yeah, I remember her very well.

Very popular in school.

It's Morris.

- Morris, Bill Hodges.
- What the...

- We met at the court.
- What the fuck?

- Easy does it.
- I will fucking kill her!

Yeah, and then what, Morris?
What's the endgame?

That's it, I'm done, I swear...

Just listen to me now for 30 seconds...

No! She's fucking dead. I'm done!

Oh, would you just hear me the fuck out?

You've nothing to lose.

You do have an out, all right?

There are mitigating circumstances.

We know you've been sexually abused

since you're a teenager,
from what I understand.

You were at the jobs massacre.

We know Rothstein shot first.

It is way too late for any of this.

- That's what I'm saying...
- Shut the fuck up!

All I care about now is those books.

- You got that?
- Yeah, well, just listen...

- I'm not listening to you!
- All right. Okay, okay. All right, okay.

Maybe you just might listen
to somebody else, then.

One second.

Hello, Morris.

- It's Ida Silver.
- Mrs. Silver?

Oh, goodness, Morris,
what's going on with you?

What the fuck is this,
"This Is Your Life"?

Oh, my goodness.

I remember so well how
we used to talk, you and I.

You gave me Jimmy Gold.

I know that.

- And what you're doing now...
- This isn't gonna work.

This isn't gonna fucking work.

I'm speaking to you only as someone

who cared about you, Morris.

And I still do.

A terrible teacher who aged like shit!

Morris, listen to me. I get it, okay?

You and me... we've got
a double connect going.

Number one, we were
fucked over, both of us,

by Mr. Mercedes.

Number two, we were also fucked over

at an early age by Rothstein.

You started reading him
the same time as me, right?

What, 14, 15, sometime around there?

That helped a lot, didn't
it, legitimizing our rage?

That hasn't exactly fuckin'
worked out the best

for either of us, has it?

You thanked me for my
service at the courtroom.

You know my story.

I fucked up so often, it's not true.

So I get it!

But it's not over.

Jimmy's story isn't over.
You know that, I know that.

There's more.

So let's go find it.

Okay? Let's find it.

It's the only way we have
to figure this shit out.

You know what?

I think you might be right.

On the other hand, nice fuckin' try.

Oh, God, I'm so sorry.

No. This is not good.


This is how tight I'm wound.

Fuck! I'm killin' dead people now.

Okay, princess.

That is all the fuckin'
patience that I have.

Breathe, breathe.

Breathe, breathe.


It's trap-and-trace software

using the IMEI on Marjorie's cell phone.

I got her number and the rest
of her info via Tom's mobile.

What, wait, the what?

It's the International Mobile
Equipment Identification number.

If he's carrying Marjorie's
cell phone, which he is,

we should be able to trace it.

- You see this?
- Yeah, It's a lot of numbers.

Yeah. That's the IMEI number.

It's printed on everybody's
cell phone battery.

It's kind of like the VIN
number on a car engine.

We're gonna take this code,

and we're gonna sync it to Tom's IPS.

Any incoming call from
Marjorie's cell phone,

we should be able to triangulate it

from a tower cell ping.

I'm gonna start to look.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- I got a job.
- Wow, already?

- Where?
- Catering.

- Well...
- My ex and I,

we always talked about doing this,
starting a catering business.

- Wow, that's great.
- Right?

Food is the only thing
that I had with my mom...

baking shit.

Can you believe it?

Catering trucks are the new thing!

- I got a job!
- Oh, that's fantastic.

God, I don't have to be a hooker!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- What?
- I think I got something.

Just before I call Peter, right,

there was nowhere,
anywhere like friends' houses

places that he went, anything like that?

Not that I remember.
Anyway, his free time

was taken up by working for his father,

you know, at the real estate company.

He checks out new listings,
he clears out buildings...

stuff like that. He complained about it.

Right. And the last time
you spoke to him was when?

Not a peep from him since I
turned him over to Finkelstein.

All right, keep me
posted, then, will ya?

Well, of course I will keep you posted.

What about you... you call
me to tell me to come over,

and you don't even mention
that Allie is here.

Yeah, well, it was a surprise to me too.

And not the only one.

She's pregnant.

Oh, my goodness. That's wonderful.

Yeah, yeah, I think it is, yeah.

- Well, don't think too hard.
- No, no, it is.

Grandpa Hodges.

Not the title that I'd
imagined I'd acquire, but...

I know this is not your given nature,

but please, please,

- enjoy this, Bill.
- I am, I am.

I got to get back to work, all right?

- I'll see you later.
- Yeah.


- I've got a location.
- Great, where?

Outside the county line,

just north of us...
it says Rural Road 142.

- North or west?
- Alma lives on Rural Road 142.

- You there?
- Yeah, I'm here.

All right, call the police.
It'll take me 30 minutes.

Tell 'em I'll meet them there.

How sure are you on this?

Sure enough... trust me.

- How far away are you?
- Too far.

I'll meet you there.
Listen, be careful, will ya?

I just spoke on the horn to Bellamy.

He's fuckin' crazed.

Wait, wait, wait... you spoke to him?

Never mind. Just get there, will ya?

Give your posse the heads-up.

Man is off his hinge.

Dad, I just want you to
know whatever happens,

- I love you.
- Yeah, listen.

This is Bill Hodges.
Don't hang up, all right?

Your dad gave me his phone.

- What?
- We can sort this out,

but you're gonna have...

Fuck it!


- They're on the move.
- Who?

Alma, Morris... I don't know
who, but I see activity.

Shit. Jesus, all right.

Yeah, they're headed towards town,

- definitely moving.
- Are you sure?

Yes, they're definitely
moving straight towards town.


All right.

Ida said that Pete did
work for his father

cleaning out new listings and stuff.

I want you to call Tom
Saubers on his land line,

see if he's got any properties
where they're headed,

all right, then call the police and
tell them they're on the move,

- got it?
- Okay, all right.

Yeah, time to move, princess.

Wake up, here we go. Here we go.

Tell me.

Hey, I talked to Tom. I got
three possibilities and a bingo.

Three ground-level units
in rental buildings

and a old jazz center.

- It's abandoned now.
- Bingo.

Okay, you just stole
my punch line, but...

you're welcome.

Fuckin' walk!

Don't make me shoot you in the head.


Go ahead, huh? Shoot
your fuckin' mother.

You've done everything you
can to get her killed thus far.

- Why stop now?
- Let her go!


You still think that we're negotiating.

You really are a stupid fuck.

Let her go, or I swear to
God, I'm gonna shoot you.

Oh, and what if it's
not a kill shot, huh?

Then Mommy is dead.
You better think it over.

Time's up! Where are
the fucking manuscripts?


you know what, Pete?

Just for you...

how 'bout I cut her throat
right in front of you instead?

Huh? Huh?

How'd that be?

You know, I bet...

that you have never bled a pig out.

The blood... it shoots out
like a goddamn fire hose.

She'll be dead before I drop
her fat ass on the ground.

Where are my fucking manuscripts?

God damn it, Mommy, would you
talk some sense into him?

Peter, do what he says... Peter.

"Do what he says, Peter!

Do what he says!"

Rat fuck!

Fuck! Little rat...

Oh! Fuck!

Little rat fucker!


You shot my fucking nose off!

Guess who still has his
gun too, you bitch?

Oh, put the fuckin' gun down, Marjorie.

Put it down, you bitch!
I will put a fucking bullet

right between his eyes!

Kick me the fucking gun.

Give me my fucking manuscripts,
or your mother dies.

How much more clear can I fucking be?

Wait, wait, wait!

Here. Here they are.

No, no, no, no, no! Don't get 'em wet!

It's not water.

- It's lighter fluid.
- What?

Peter, please...

You put that light out...

or I put a bullet right
between your eyes!

Then what, huh? The lighter drops.

The manuscripts blow up.

You never get to read the
best Jimmy Gold novels ever.

But I have, and I'll die
knowing the whole story.

I've officially had enough.

No! No!

No! Aah! No! Aah!

All right, get her out of here.

Go, go. You got her?

Ma'am, if you could just keep that down?

Thank you.

- Sir, you got to stay back.
- My wife and kid are in there.




You sure you don't want to

get checked out by the paramedics?

Maybe you were right.

Which time?

I mean, it really looked like he was...

he was trying to read the
books while he was on fire.

I mean, Jesus. I kind of
half get the impulse,

but fuck me.

Not natural.

It's Rothstein.

I mean, that's what it does, you know?

Aw, come on.

- Hey.
- I was starting to feel bad

about annoying the shit out of you.

You were right about Alma's place.

We found her in the shed on ice.

She got a crowbar through
her chest or something.

Ah, shit.

It all leads back to Rothstein, I swear.

I got a little bad news
about your reward money.

Seems it's not a dead
or alive kind of deal.

Needed the books to be intact.

Yeah, well, bad news for you too.

You don't get to prosecute
the big one... again.

Ah, fuck you.

- Hey, hello.
- Hey.

- How are ya? Come in.
- Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm good, yeah.

Are you sure you're not hurt?

No, no, no, I'm fine.
Everybody keeps asking me.

I'm... I'm perfectly fine.

- Everybody's fine. Peter's fine.
- Okay.

The mother's fine. The father's fine.

Bellamy's better than fine.
He's fuckin' well done.

I heard. Oh, Allie, this is Roland.

Roland, this is Allie.

- My daughter...
- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Roland Finkelstein.

So do you want coffee or somethin'?

Oh, no, no, we're actually
about to go for a drive.

We just, um, wanted to...

- Go for it.
- Thank you.

Welcome home.

I think I know what this is.



Thank you.

Do you know where that's been?


It's... it's meaningful.
It's a family heirloom.

We should go, but...

Yeah, yeah, enjoy.

Nice meeting you. Yeah.

- See you soon.
- Yes, yeah.

- Take care.
- Okay, bye.

- Bye.
- Look after her.

Will do.

I think you're gonna really
like these pancakes.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, you ready?

- Yes, I'm ready.
- You're finally ready?

- You sure?
- I think so.

- Okay.
- Oh, one sec, okay?

- Hi, Ida.
- Holly.

- I'm on a date.
- Yeah, I see.

I hear he's quite the guy.


- Bill told me.
- He did?

Oh, you know, ever the
romantic, our Kermit.


All's well in there, then?

All's well. Have a good day.

Yeah, same to you.

It's gonna be an early spring.

It's nice to see that Fred's
finally learned to relax.

Now he's pacin' himself.

I mean, let's face it. He's
gonna see me into me grave.

He'll certainly be a good companion

for your little fella when I'm gone.

Or, if you're lucky,
your little daughter.


What? What?

Just don't do that.

Don't say sad Irish things.

Honey, come on!


My hormones are not...
firing right as it is,

and I'm...

We said no crying.


Don't you talk about going.

Ah, I'm going nowhere.

You have to at least stick
around longer than Fred.

That means I'll have to choke him.

They can go on for 150 years.

Yeah, I'll do my best.

I'll do better.

Greetings, hockey players.
What's it gonna be?

Okay, here we go.