Mossad 101 (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Episode #2.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The plot of this series
is purely fictional

Any resemblance to real persons
or events is purely coincidental

-Whoa, dude, let's go.

-Give him one. -It's nothing.
-Get a load of this one.

-What's with the crappy cherry bombs?
-Let's get another pack from Shlomi.

-Oh, yeah? Shlomi will bust you up.
-Liron will talk to him. Right, Liron?

Oh, look who's here, Baruch Moshayev.
Bet he wants our snacks.

-Get the fuck out of here, fatso.
-Leave him alone.

Baruch, what's that in your hand?
Who gave that to you?

-Who sold it to you, you moron?
-No one, I made it myself.

One, two, three...

He mentioned the name Nikolai Kirikesh.

When were you going to tell me
that one of your stupid trainees

took him out by mistake?

Excuse me, the operation failed
because Mitzi said the name "Nikolai."

-He said the name, you killed him.
-I'm not interested in this blame game.

-Then what are you interested in?
-Getting Avigail back alive.

There is no Avigail, there's Netalie,
girlfriend of Liron Hariri

who got spit on by the Ukrainians.
Those dogs must pay for what they did.

you have no idea what we're up against.

You don't get it, huh?

We used my name for this deal,
my real name.

You don't do that to a Hariri
and get away with it.

Hariri, I couldn't care less
about your honor.

That's too bad. You should.

Because if you gave me an ounce of respect
none of this would have happened.

This is war, and you don't even know it.

Let's go.

Fuck. Liron.

What is it?

Please let me out.

Let me out.

It's not our problem, Liron.

None of this is our problem.

Do you know where we are?



Today, you're not going in to party,

you and Baruch are staying here
until one of the Ukrainians arrives.

This is a distribution hub
and there are more.

The shit is all over town
and I want to know where.

Then what?

Remember Guetta from three years ago?
Same thing, just in Ukrainian.

We'll take out their hubs one by one.
We'll blow up cars, whack their soldiers.

I want an amusement park,
fireworks and all.

All this for the broad?

What's that?

You heard me.

Kotel, I couldn't care less
about the broad.

I care about the Hariri family.

But we don't have the manpower
to pull a Guetta.

Don't worry,
we'll have everything we need.

That's the camera in the lobby.

-That's Ibrahim Salah.

Ibrahim Salah, formerly from
the Iraqi faction of Al Qaeda,

now a member of ISIS.

-You heard of John the Jihadist?

This son of a bitch likes knives, too.

What a misguided presumption.


We're not working
for an Ukrainian crime organization

that's funding terrorist operations,
this is the real deal.

I don't understand, ISIS has Avigail?

I think so.

This is not their turf,
this abduction is for intel purposes.

Steven Sotloff, James Foley, Alan Henning,

-they were ISIS captives for months.
-And they all got their heads cut off.

Tobi, it's not your fault.

They took Avigail
because of what happened to Nikolai. -What happened to Nikolai was my fault.

I should have watched you more closely.

The office has been informed,
but for now, we're the only ones here.

-What intel do we have?
-We don't. He's our intel, Ibrahim.

Then how will we find her?

There are over one million people in Kiev.

I know Ibrahim from a report
I got as a desk officer.

The office has all the info we need.

We have his profile, address, habits,
we knew he's in Europe,

but he's small fry,
we had no interest in him.

Now we do.

Go get ready.


Ibrahim Salah

Damn it, Kotel, who's gonna bring drugs
to a place like this at this hour?

Dude, we've been here for two hours.

I feel bad for the girl, don't you, Kotel?

She looks good.

I mean, she's not my type,
but she looks good.

You think Liron
really doesn't care about her?

She's so his type.

She reminds me of that woman lawyer.
Liron loves them Ashkenazi broads--

Shut up!

-What did I say?
-Shut up.

Look, he left the stuff. Liron was right.

Follow him so we can see
how many drops he has.

Save your strength.

Put him in the tub.

What are you going to do?

Okay, get out of here.

Get out of here now!

-Where is she?

Where is she?

-Where is she?
-I don't know!

Where is she?

He has no choice. Where is she?

Where did they take her?

-Where the fuck is she?
-I don't know where is she!

This is the fifth drop, you get that?

These mongrels got more stops
than mass transit.

They're leaving, Kotel.

They're driving away.

Where are you...

If he knew, he would have talked by now.

-Onto the next phase.

-A member of ISIS?

No, these guys are way too fanatic.

We're all human.

I don't get it.

-He'll find out where Avigail is for us.
-You want to release him?

You want to leave him here
as a rubber duckie?

Gilad, you're the intel officer
of this operation,

I want you to get into his head
and find out as much as you can.


I have another job for you.

Want some?

Stand here a sec.

What are you doing?

Trying to understand how I take down
a wall that's Mitzi and a half high.

One brick in the cheese section,
one in the meat fridge.

Leave six hours
between explosions, Baruch.

You don't want to mix meat and dairy...

It's cool...


how long have we known each other?

My entire life. -And Liron?
-The same.

-So you could say we... raised you.
-Why not?

Daddy Liron, Mommy Kotel,
the model family.

What are you getting at, Baruch?

-I want to ask you for a favor.
-Oh, yeah?

So we can go back to being
what you said... a family?

Aren't we?

Liron isn't here, he's not with us.

He's been... hypnotized.

-You're overreacting.
-Do I look like I'm overreacting?

Listen, Baruch,
you got the Creator, right?

One level beneath that, you got Liron.
We do as he says, we "listen and obey."

That's what we're doing.

-Then what are you getting at?
-We'll also do what we came here to do.

What did we come here to do, Mitzi?

Kill that son of a bitch, Yona.


I dunno, Baruch...

Liron said he'd take the guy out,
you know how he feels about it.

And Liron will take him out.
Yona will die by Liron's hand.


Who are you?



-I don't know where the girl is.
-I believe you.

I just know things...
guard, driving, that's all.

-Driving where? Guarding what?
-In the harbor.

-What's there in the harbor?

-Yes, ships that bring shipments.

Ships that bring drugs.


I want to tell you a little story,

a story about little, poor Ibrahim.

Actually he was... he was a good man,
he believed in the Quran,

he fasted, he prayed.

But you know what?

There was one thing
that was stronger than him,

he liked the needle
more than he liked Islam.

And when he tried the needle

he wanted more

and more

and more.

Let's continue with our story.

In the beginning poor Ibrahim
stole the drugs that the ships brought,

but... they weigh and measure the drugs

and a few miserable grams was not enough
for Ibrahim, he wanted more.

Until he finally realized

that it's much easier
to steal from the money,

money intended for Jihad,

money intended to fight the Infidels.

You're not ashamed of yourself?

Okay, you're a junkie,

but to sell your values,
give up your place in paradise?

For what? For another dose?

No. No!

Please let me out.


- How's it going, sweetie? It's me.

- Come outside, I have to see you.
-No, no, I can't.

It's important, Amy,
it's a matter of life and death.

-I'm serious, I have to see you now.

Give me a few minutes,
I'll get back to you, okay?


Allah will take you, you bastards.

This story is not over yet.

Now we get to the main story,
Nikolai Kirikesh.

Nikolai was in charge of the money,

then he discovered
that there was money missing

so he got scared.

So you know what Ibrahim did to him?

He slaughtered Nikolai,

he slaughtered Nikolai and hid his body.

What do you want of me?

What do you want of me?!

A small thing,
a really, really small thing.

The woman you kidnapped from the lobby,

I want you to find out where she is.

No one will believe your lies.

I've got proof for everything I told you.

I've got more proof than you've got holes
in your fuckin' body.

-You want the girl?

You'll get her back...

after we cut her head off. If you are planning to be a Shahid,

consider the fact that junkies like you
don't get to heaven.

You will be judged by the laws of Sharia
and you'll be buried together with a pig!


Thanks for coming.

What... What's going on, Mitzi?


We don't have much time,
I didn't say I was going out,

-I shouldn't be doing this.
-Me either.

You believe in God, right, Amy?

You know what it means
when someone is "between the straits"?

Your commander, Yona, what's he like?

What do you think of him?

I think he's complex, but...

his intentions are worthy.

Everything he does is for a cause,
not for himself.

And me?

What do you think about me?

I don't... know you well enough.


Real PC.

I've been watching you for a long time,

even before we met.

Whenever I see you
I get one word in my head,


I know that you and me can't be, but I...

Mitzi, stop.

Is what you have to tell me
related to Yona?

Between the straits,

that's where the human heart
awakes to repentance.

-I'm risking my life here,

my friends will be my enemies,
do you get what I'm saying?

That's why I'm going to talk
to Yona alone, to your commander,

and I want him to give me his word,
'cause committing suicide is a sin

and going against my friends
is like suicide.

Is he in danger?

He is and she is too.

Please let me out.

If anything happens to your commander,
no one will be there to protect her,

because Liron
has other things on his mind.

Like what?

Keep your phone on, I'll call you later.



-You want some?

Here's to the little difference
between the desk and the field.

It won't work.

Do you have a better idea?
This is the time, shoot.

I admit that I'm more an expert
on Hizbollah than ISIS

and both have different DNAs,

but recruiting someone
who doesn't care if he dies...

But if you noticed,
I'm not ruining his life, -I'm ruining his death.
-He can't be trusted.

-You said I'm the intel officer, right?
-That you are.

That's my intel evaluation.

Ibrahim may be small fry,
but he's one of them.

-Al Hamdi.
-Yes, the butcher from Fallujah,

right hand man to El-Kasr al-Takriti.
If a man like this trusts Ibrahim...

-I asked if you have a better idea.

What is it?

Put me in.

-Put you in?


I can disguise myself as a refugee
from Idlib, like we said.

No, not a refugee.

Someone from Mosul is best,
someone we know was killed,

-because we killed him, not them.

Let's say, someone like...
Karim Mustafa, an activist,

-you're familiar with his biography.
-Okay, okay, Karim Mustafa.

He has ties to El-Kasr,
Al Hamdi's commander.

Yes, but Al Hamdi doesn't know him.
He just heard about him.

If Al Hamdi has ties to the Ukrainians...

He is running El-Kasr's drug business.

They have always cooperated
over the years.

Okay, okay.

Okay, Karim Mustafa.

So I'll start in the mosque,

I'll tell the people that I'm here,
I'll create contacts and move up.

No, there's no time.

I wouldn't start from the bottom,
I'd start from the top.

Right from the commander.
Let's say El-Kasr sent you

-to make an order in the organization.

Maybe you even saw Ibrahim
killing Nikolai.

Nikolai's body is your proof,
you'll know where it is,

maybe even signs of a struggle.
Tie Ibrahim in to the scene.

-That's good.
-Good, huh?

-Yes, yes.
-We got carried away.


Tell me.

Gilad, you know that the success
of an operation like this

depends on the fighter himself.


You're not made of that stuff, you're not.

You made it very far in the course
and you have excellent qualities,

but you're...

you're a desk officer,
you shouldn't be here,

you should be at a desk.

You should be sitting...

Behind a desk. A clerk.

An expert.

You're a genius at what you do,
you're an asset,

and insisting on being
something you're not, in real time, you won't deliver the goods.

It's not about time or know how,
it's not about being prepared either.

On the contrary, the more you prepare,
the more you'll suck.

It's not that I don't appreciate
your tenacity, I do,

but I waited the entire course
for you to come and say:

I'm not suited, this is not for me."

Hi. I have to talk to you.

-Why so long?
-You missed me?

Here's what you asked for.

It's the middle of the day, Kotel.

Your Ukrainian closed up early.
Your God is with us.

I'm going in from the back.

- Hey.
-How's it going, sweetie?

Are you praying for me?

Yona said he'd meet you and help you
as long as you're open.

You mean, as long as I'll be his rat.

I know this is hard for you, but...

for all it's worth,
I think you made the right decision.

Is that right?

Just tell me when and where.


I'm cold.

Did you think about our conversation?

I will do as you said.

What did I say?

The woman.

-What about her?
-I will look for her

and bring her to you.

-You're lying to me now.
-I swear by Allah.

I'm not lying to you.

Look at you. Tough Ibrahim.
Now you agree with the story?

Of course. Now you will agree
with every story that will stop the pain.

But afterwards what?

You will go to your friends

and tell them that the Zionist dogs
kidnapped you. No?

No one will believe you. No one.

They will see the holes in your body
from the syringe

and they will find Nikolai,

they will check
the Central Bank of Ukraine,

they will see there an account
on the name of Ibrahim Salah

with the amount of $100,000

that you will never be able to explain
how they got there.

-You will die like a fucking dog!
-I will do what you want.

I swear.

I swear by Allah...

I swear by Allah...

This injection
is not just an injection, okay?

This will make you feel better.
I want you to rest a little bit.

Because in the evening I want you to
get out and I want you to start working.

I swear by Allah...

Are you sure your girlfriend
bought the story?

Okay, then, good luck to us.

Good luck.

Gilad, he's your responsibility now.

I have something to take care of.

You get him ready to go
only when I call, okay?

Then I want you to drive him
to the address on the note.

-You think you can do this?

And put the shirt on him.

He's loaded with drugs,
he won't resist, don't worry.




I arranged a tour for us,

everything we need
to show the Ukrainians whose boss.

Let's do this.

Are the fireworks ready?

-Waiting just for you.
-Okay then.

Let's get this party started.


Give me the cell phone I gave you.

Mr. Hariri, you're getting in my way.

I told you to let me work, didn't I?

-We have the same enemy.
-No, we don't,

you have no idea what we're up against.

You try to bushwhack me?

Is that what you planned
without telling me, Kotel?

I did it for you,
this is what we came for.

Oh, yeah?

If I wanted to waste Yona, he'd be
wasted by now. Don't you get that?!

I need him!

What for?

He's the only one who can hook us up
with the supplier.

And this is some shit, Baruch. First hand.

Why do you think I asked Mitzi
to mention Kirikesh to the Ukrainians?

I wanted him to know we're here.

We could have done business with him.
He did business with Dad,

before the Russians invaded Afghanistan.
We were the exclusive importer.

And now that I found Nikolai again,

my connection
to the best drugs in the world,

those fools in the Mossad kill him.

So this war with the Ukrainians
has nothing to do with the broad?

We would have moved them aside,
taken over the network

and hooked up to the supplier
through Nikolai.

It can still happen, through Yona,
if you stop screwing things up.

Yes, I know, you do it all out of love.

Here, wipe your nose.

Gilad, free Willy.

Where are we going?

Do you speak Arabic?

I don't feel well.

I'm taking you home.

Do you know where I live?

-But that's not the way.
-Shut up!

Get out. Get out!


Get out.


Don't shoot!

-Don't shoot!
-It's me.

It's me.

Ibrahim Salah.

Ibrahim Salah.

Bless the eyes that see you, Al Hamdi.

-Who is your friend?
-He's a dog, a Zionist.

From the Mossad. They kidnapped me.

Ibrahim is not only a liar,
he's a thief, a junkie and a traitor!

Go on, Ibrahim,
pull up your sleeves and show everyone

why you sell the holy Quran
and your loyalty to Jihad. Show them!

-Who are you?

I am the vengeance of Allah.

He's a liar. He's a liar.
They did this to me!

They stuck me with needles
and drugged me, Al Hamdi.

Believe me, please.

Allah is great, Ibrahim,
who do you think you are? A prophet?

We don't forgive traitors.

I brought him to you to do justice,
Al Hamdi.

I don't know you.

-My name is Karim Mustafa.
-Don't believe him, Al Hamdi.

I was sent here to help you.

To help me?


You're looking for Nikolai Kirikesh,
aren't you?

I will kill you, you bastard!
You hear me?!

I will kill you.

I will kill you.

-At a storeroom behind the parking lot.

Don't believe him, Al Hamdi,
he's lying, I swear he's lying.

I went to Kirikesh's office
shortly after Ibrahim slaughtered him.

Who sent you?

Who do you think? Huh?

I don't believe you.

Make the call, check for yourself,

you can verify everything I said.

He's a liar.

He's a liar, don't believe him Al Hamdi!

Get in the car.

What was Gilad doing there?

The only one who can tell us
where Avigail is, is Gilad.

-First time I kill someone who was killed.
-I wasn't killed in Mosul.


-Where is Avigail?
-Avigail and I don't really talk.

She doesn't report her actions to me.

Let's make a deal,
information for information.

ISIS have Avigail, ISIS have Gilad,
you brought down a fuckin' earthquake.

-You're on your own here, huh?
-You think I'm that irresponsible?

I think you're messed up.