Mossad 101 (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - HaVeinbergim - full transcript

Sparks fly and friendships sour as the trainees secretly dig up dirt on each other during a mission. Yona makes a startling discovery about Abigail.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Get inside!

Bring him in! Come on!

From here, this way.

Listen, you have to stay
with Titi a few days.

-I don't want to!
-No "I don't want to"!

We can't take the risk.

Okay, don't worry.
A week maximum, and you're back home.


Come on, take him.

Start point, here, at the crossroad.

Walking through Savor street,
turning right onto Avital street,

shortcut through the garden
to Shabtay street.


Did somebody follow you?


You sound certain.

I am.

And you're...


Dear paranoids,
take an example from Mr. Frachdel.

Your task is to find if you're
being followed, not to imagine it.

If you think this is hard work,

wait till you are the ones who follow.

Wait, what are we waiting for?

Sit down, Frachdel.

Anyone have a problem
with the letter "W"?



Itzhak Weinberg.

Hofi Weinberg.


Excuse me,

what are we supposed to do
with all these people?


-To limbo?


Collect Intelligence Before Operation.

In intelligence terms,

it's exactly like watching the girl
you're in love with from afar.

I expect all of you to know
everything there is to know

about the Weinbergs
within the next two days.

Habits, weaknesses,

medical state, marital status,

mood, bank account status...

-All of these within two days?
-Two days!

Stop whining,
it's not like this is Al-Qaeda. Okay?

It's simply names
taken out of a phone book.

Good luck.

Seeing how much bread he has,

we are going to be here
for quite some time.

At least the pigeons
are having a good time.

Do you mind if I take the next shift?

What? Why?

Did you book a manicure?

No, I've already done my nails.

I just want to start
investigating the background.


-I'm out of here.

She is about to start
her shift at the café.

Why isn't she going out?

Maybe she's not sleeping at home.


How can you afford this car?
It's so expensive, isn't it?

It's not mine.

Belongs to a friend.

Do you have a boyfriend?

A friend.

A very good friend
if he lets you borrow his car.

She is going out.

CIBO Target

Pay attention to
which direction she is going.

So the Weinberg daughter's boyfriend

is called Dady, Dudy or, get this, Dudidu.

Her parents were divorced
when she was six years old.

Her father moved to Maryland,

married a 47 year old woman
named Miriam Gonzales.

No need to follow someone
to know everything about them.

Hassan Nasrullha doesn't
have a Facebook page.

He's more into Instagram.

Do you understand
that Facebook and all this stuff,

all of these are just PR pages of people?

People will post
only what they want you to see.

So in terms of investigation,
it's almost useless.

How do you see what they hide from you?

Oh, from my experience,
only a from face-to-face meeting.

The info I obtain
through a one hour interview...

can't be found on any Facebook page.

You sound really good at that.

Darling, I'm the best.

-At work they used to call me Kleenex.
-"Kleenex"? Why?

Because none of
my interviewees left with a dry eye.

What's so urgent?
I'm in the middle of a mission.

The Weinbergs, yes, get in.

The Weinbergs are an old mission.

The real one is to collect
intelligence on each other.

You take aside a group of cadets
and give them a separate mission,

besides the official target.

They also need to follow
another cadet from the team.

The objective is to teach you

not to trust anything,
not take anything for granted.

The person who follows you

can be the guy sitting
in the car with you,

laughing at your jokes.

So, wait...

Is it possible I'm being followed now?

Not to my knowledge.

Anyway, keep your eyes open.

And if you have the smallest suspicion,
you stop everything and let me know.

Me following Hofi Weinberg?

Follow Doris.


This is the mission I'm giving you.

Why Doris?

We all asked this question when
he insisted she should join the course.

Something's wrong, and...

I need to know what.

Who told you I'm going back to Brazil?

Oh, I'm glad you were sure I was leaving.

Don't tell me what to do.

Come over and take your car.

What's bothering you?

Who said I'm bothered?

Your foot.

Because of the tail yesterday?

I wasn't followed yesterday.


Yes, really.

Again, you and your body language.

Enough pretending to be a polygraph,
give me a break, will ya?

Seriously, any troubles?

Do you need help?

Because of the casino thing?

Is the casino bugging you?

For your information, Mr. Avsha,

there's a reason why
they knew I was there, okay?

Remember around a year,
year and an half ago,

dozens of illegal casinos were shutdown?

-Thanks to me.
-No kidding.


Among other things.

I thought you're an accountant.

A cover story, bro.

A cover story.

Stop here.

Hanoch and Uri?

We replace them at 6:00 p.m.

Cool, see you at 6:00.

Later, doctor.

Hey you, Frachdel.

Will you stop that already?

-Tailing someone.
-You're a real professional.

What's the story
with you and your brother?

What story?

I don't get it,
you either love each other,

or hate each other. It's not clear.


Since childhood?

Like, what kind of brother was Uri?

Here we go.


You're trying to get to Uri through me.
It's okay. I'm used to it.

He's the handsome one,
while I'm just the cute little brother.

Girls talk to me about him all the time.

Hasn't it crossed your mind
I might be interested in "little brother"?

That would be quite an exception.

I'm an exceptional girl.

And I want wine.

Excuse me.

We are on duty.

So don't tell on me,
and I won't tell on you.

Can we get the wine menu, please?


-Yes, speaking.

How're you doing? This is Avsha Angler.

I need to ask you a small favor.

There's a guy who came to my clinic
saying he worked for you as a cover agent

and single-handedly took down
an illegal chain of casinos.

-So, before releasing him home,

I wanna see if he's in touch with reality.

Can I get his details?

Yes, Jacob Frachdel.

Can't recall having
an agent with that name.

-Just as I thought.
-Hope I was helpful.

-With pleasure.

-Keep in touch.

Take your car and get out of my face.

Get out of here!
I never want to see your face again!



I have a problem,
I'm locked out of my house.

I'm outside, without a key.

I might be late.

I'm coming over.

No, it's okay.

I've got some experience
in breaking locks.


You scared me.

Just what are you doing?

Surveillance, tails,

paparazzi pictures in my garden.

-Last time we met...
-You should have listened to me.

Listen to you? You didn't say a word.

So what?
Are you collecting information about me?

I warned you.

Listen carefully,

I don't intend on leaving this course.

Not before finding out

how my Aaron was killed.


I can't help you.

I was a Yarid soldier,
operational security.

Our job was to secure
and clear your apartment.

After the malfunction...

Go on.

This was not a regular procedure.

In such cases, you destroy
what needs to be destroyed and move on.

Here, the order was
to transfer everything.

Clothes, books, furniture,
back to Israel.

Do you know how many times
I asked them to bring me back my stuff?

They didn't get back to me.

Ask again, and I'll try
to help from my side.

That's the maximum I'm ready to do.

We are not alone.

Okay. I'll call.

Yes, Mr. Frachdel?

Aren't you in the exercise?

What's that?

I need help.

Let me guess.

Has it got do with not being tailed?

Why did you lie?

I was afraid of you.

Why did you stop being afraid?

Because they frighten me more.

Yona, please help me, you guys
are the Mossad, for God's sake.

Don't use that word.

Okay. "The office." So?

You took care of worse villains.

Get them away from me.

Frachdel, I think you're confused
between us and a different organization.

We don't do protection.

Yona, I've got a kid, a baby.

They gave me an ultimatum.

Until when is the ultimatum?


Please Yona, I'm begging you.

Okay, look on the bright side.

It's a chance to practice.


Real life practice.

As good as it gets.

Mother fucker.

Target: Yaakov Frahdel

Hey, Kinder. We need to talk.


This is sick.

Not as sick as your affair with Micha.

I want you to sell me
your share of the house.


I intend to go back and live there.
I don't need roommates.

Here's the latest appraisal.

It's not complicated.
We've already agreed it'd be fifty-fifty.

I find it hard to believe
you think Micha will leave his family

and move in with you.

Would it make you feel better
if it was someone else?

I'm fine.

It's you that worries me, Abi.

This attraction to old men.

It's not healthy.

What an impressive
psychological analysis.

You gave me a crash course
when we were together.

We have a 50%
shared agreement, signed.

Okay. Let me think about it.

Let me think about it.

It's a two-bit cylinder.

Anyway, it was time to be replaced. See?

It's all rusty.

There you go.

-You're welcome.

Would you like some coffee?



How do you take it?

Two sugars, thanks.

How did you become
experienced in break-ins?


Oh, well...

I used to break into a lot
of mosques in Paris at the time.

For what?

You know...

learn about the Muslim's plans.

Have you ever heard of
the Jewish Defense League?



One day I'll tell you about it.

Your eyes are red.

Why did you cry?

When something like that happens to you,
losing a friend in enemy territory,

it gets to you somehow.

-It changes you from the inside.

And... only Uri...

was there for me, he knew.

He was also in my unit,

he lost friends, too.

He was there for you.

Just, you know, it's not easy being
the baby brother of someone like him.

Do you know
the tough situations we've been in?

Overall, family is not an easy thing.


What's the time? The Frenchy
and the model should be here.

Is being here so bad?

Actually, it's kinda nice.

Good, I'm glad to hear that.


Enough, let it go.

Did he do anything?

Only to himself.

Hello, Eyal? Hey, bro, it's Avi.

Which Avi?

I'm sorry, which Eyal is it?

Eyal Deri.

Levron Har-Lev & Co.
Accountants office

We are currently the leading job
placement company

in the financial sector.

We've developed a methodology
to handpick the best workers...

Look, not the methodology, okay?

What I'm interested in is junior staff.

Sure, we provide secretarial HR to most
of the large companies in the country.


Incidentally, an interesting anecdote.

I found a job yesterday for
an accountant that used to work for you.

Kobi Frachdel.

-Kobi Frachdel?
-Yeah, nice fellow.

That's your methodology, Kobi Frachdel?

-That's some handpicking.
-What's the problem?

Let me tell you about Kobi Frachdel, okay?

Kobi Frachdel is a lousy con
and embezzler

who took five of our biggest clients

for a ride for more than
half a million shekels.

And in order to save
this company's reputation,

we had to settle the affair quietly.

So instead of
that little prick going to jail,

I had to give him all
the severance pay, according to the law.

That's your handpicking.

Some methodologies.

It's really good. What is it, cheese?

No, it's coconut. But hold on, surprise...

Marzipan. I made it myself.

No, you're killing me, Doris.


What are you doing?

Yesterday, why did you follow me?

-Is that a real gun?
-Answer me!

Why did you follow me?


Okay, I get it.

It's not a real gun.

Did they tell you to threaten me,
to see how I would react?

No, it's totally real.

My husband's.

That's just great.
So first you poison me with sugar,

and now you point a gun at me.

Sveta, I'm asking you
to not tell anyone what you've seen.

-I'm writing a report about you.
-You write that,

and it will be the end of me.

Well, look, I...

I want to tell you something
and I ask that you don't tell anybody.

Don't tell me anything,
I don't want to know.

Listen, my husband,

Aaron, was in the Mossad, and he died.

Died during a mission.

Somebody made a horrible mistake.

I said I didn't want to know, didn't I?

I'm telling you something real,
not some stupid mission Yona's given us.

Listen, finding out what happened

won't bring your husband back.

Don't you get it?
Someone made a terrible mistake there.

And I want that someone to pay.

Doris, listen,

what you want is
none of my business, okay?

What I want is to finish this course.

I don't know what game you're playing
and what it is that you want from me,

but I'm asking you
to not get me involved in this.

And next time you pull a gun on me,
I won't be so polite.


Albert Cohen.

Nice to meet you, Eyal.

Thank you for agreeing to meet
with me on such short notice.

If I miss my flight home, my wife will...

how do you say, "shoot me"?

-Kill you?
-Kill me.

My Hebrew is not so good.

-A bit rusty.
-No, it's fine.

Your Hebrew is quite good, actually.

So what? You're in the hotel business?

Like all Jews.

Do you know this joke?

Every Jew could have once bought
the Hilton for nine bucks?

-I do.
-Well then...

I got into the business too late.

Yes, but, as you know,
our hotel costs more than nine bucks.

I know. I can tell by your car.

You don't sell anything
for just a few bucks, do you?

That is true.

Nice car.

Only a little...

feminine, no?

It's not actually my car,

it's my girlfriend's. My ex-girlfriend.

Love is gone, but you got the car back?

Something like that.

You Israelis know war and money,

but you know nothing about love.

That's not true, actually.

The truth is... she was...


So what, she left you?

Not exactly.

I let her go. She wasn't one of our own.

"One of our own"?

She's Christian.

And moreover, Catholic.

Don't you see? And my dad...

It drove my dad nuts,

he kept nagging me to leave her
and not be with her, and I...

I realized it was going to be
too complicated and difficult.

So I chose to give up on her,
rather than on the family, you see.

She wouldn't covert to Judaism?

No, she did, actually,
but she became naggy.

Sat here all day, always there.

I grew tired of her.


You know,

there's a lot you can say
about our country,

but hotties?

No shortage of them here.

This is today,

and this is yesterday.

Know who it is?

Who's who?

That man she met with.


Who is he?

In '97 I was sent to Brussels.

I checked into the hotel and waited.

Forty eight hours later,
they told me to cross the street,

go into the pastry shop,
buy a box of pastries,

and go back.

I went in, they packed me a nice box.
I went back to the hotel,

two hours later,
somebody came to take the box,

and I went back to Israel.



And that's it.

That's the story.

Think about it a little,
maybe you'll get what its moral is.

Shall we go?

I'll go over the proposal with my father
and then give you a call, all right?

I'll be waiting.

I'm staying, I've got another meeting.

-No problem, see you.
-Take care, goodbye.


What are you doing?

What are you--

Son of a bitch.


Hey, good morning.

Max, why are you here?

Thought I'd give you a ride to the office,

now that your car's gone.


Wait, how do you know my car's gone?

I know a lot of other stuff, too.

What are you talking about?

That asshole, Eyal Deri.

I know people like him, trust me.

I know them and their stinking moves.

By the way, I made sure that...

it gets stinky for him, too.

-A little revenge on your behalf.

Don't worry, he won't
be using your car anymore.

I don't understand. You followed me?


what he did,

you don't treat people like that.

You agreed to convert for him,

for that dog?

Let me get this straight.

What exactly do you think?

That what,

we're a couple?

What planet are you living on?

So what was yesterday? Nothing?

What do you think it was?

The beginning of a love story?

It was a mistake.

It won't happen again.

And if it makes you feel good,
you can continue watching me,

from afar.


From afar, Max.

Okay, everybody.

It's been a pleasure reading
your reports about the Weinbergs.

I gotta tell you...

good work.

But let's get straight
to the real purpose of the exercise.

Mr. Angler, go.

Kobi Frachdel.

Ex-accountant, married with a child.

Serious gambling addict.
Got himself in half a million shekel debt.

That amount was calculated
based on money stolen from customers.

Screw you, you stupid jackass.

Mr. Frachdel, your reservations later.

-Full of shit.
-Shut up!

Carry on.

Still living in hiding, it seems.

So his creditors are still after him.

Access to the subject
would be through finances.

He'll do anything for money.

Okay. Thank you, Mr. Angler. Sveta.

My target was Doris.

Doris, she...

has a regular routine outside the course.

Very big on her beauty regime.

When not here,
she either gets her hair or nails done.

Though I think it's a shame,
since she looks great for her age.

Thanks, sweetheart.
Just that last comment,

"for her age," ruined it a bit.

-That's it?
-I can bore you with more details, but...

I don't really have any recruitment tips.

Okay, fine.

Not everybody's got secrets.



Katarina de Silva.

Twenty years old, single, Christian.

Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Spent the last few years living in Milan,
where she met her boyfriend, Eyal Deri.

He's the son of Eliyahu Deri,
a real estate mogul.

They were planning to get married
until his family vetoed it.

Family is more important
than a girl, as he told me.

He was getting tired
of her anyway, she became naggy.

Once it was over,

Deri's family started
taking back her things.

Her car, clothes, jewelry,
the job they got her.

She was stuck in Israel with nothing.

There's nothing for her
in Sao Paulo to go back to.

Her parents didn't like the fact
she ran away with a Jew.

Probably anti-Semites.

Okay, recruitment recommendation?

My recommendation?

Let her go back home,

look for a new millionaire
who'll want to get into her pants.

The end was uncalled for.

All in all, good job. Sit down.

Okay, I've saved
the most interesting research for the end.

Mrs. Mantzour.

Thank you.

All right, so my target was Uri Spector.

Single, 31 years old, born in Israel,
grew up in Jersey, USA.

Returned at 18 for his army service.

Lives with his little brother Ziv
in a rented flat in Ramat Gan today.

Immediately after finishing
his army service,

Uri worked in a series of odd jobs,

and got fired from all of them.

The last one, for example,

was as a furniture salesman
for the upper class,

at a store called "Marconi Design."

Reason for the layoff was...

Uri had sex for money with some
of the store's regular customers.

Both women and men, by the way. No bias.

Interesting, relevant information.

Your method?

Personal research through
the source closest to the target.

That so?

Plus an online open-source
intelligence confession,

that confirmed some of
the key details about the target.

That's it.


-A gigolo? And for men, right?
-Sure, why not?

Girls like to blabber to me about Uri
and I blabber back, what can I do?

So everything you told me wasn't true?

And the fact you liked me, was that true?

Mrs. Mantzour.

Enjoyed your company.

Yona, you can't seriously be throwing
me out because this turd lied to me?

Being a turd is kind of a prerequisite.

And you've just met one
who's better at it than you.

I'll give you a special price,
if you'd like.

-Need a shoulder to cry on maybe?
-Yeah, want a shoulder?

Okay, guys. I hope the last mission

hasn't hurt class morale.

Because what's most important for me
as your instructor is your social bonding,

and team spirit.

I found something else.
Meet tonight at my place.

Hey, Frachdel,

come here, where you going?

Where'd you go wrong, Mr. Frachdel?

I didn't scan the area,
didn't look for an escape route,

and I entered a confined area
without doing a precheck, okay?

Very nice.

Real life practice.
I told you, nothing beats that.

Our people are talking to your creditors.

I believe it'll work out okay.

The issue with your wife,

you'll have to work out on your own.

Nah, there's no use.

The same story every time.
She promises it's been the last time,

and I go get her at some...

basement of some casino.

You wouldn't believe it?

So sweet.

I love her.

So there's your solution.

Stop loving her,

and everything'll be okay.

Cover him up, Efraim.