Moonshiners (2011–…): Season 3, Episode 11 - Moonshine War - full transcript

Tickle goes undercover in Kentucky, to find out what Chico has been up to. Josh and Bill hit the open road, to bootleg shine at a music festival. But they soon hit a violent roadblock. Jeff, Mark and Lance look to take out the com...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Tonight, on "Moonshiners"...

Tickle blows his cover.

Where we going?

Come on.
Let's take a walk.

I'm gonna put
A lot of faith in you to know

That you're not
Gonna go tell nobody.

This stays here.

Narrator: mike is forced
Out into the open.

Who is this,
I wonder.

Going awful slow.

Narrator: and the battle
Of the carolinas gets deadly.

[ gunshot ]

What the hell was that?

Man, that was a gunshot
If I ever heard one.

Man: this is how
We make the moonshine!

Captions paid for by
Discovery communications

Across appalachia,

Money and illegal liquor
Are trading hands

As moonshiners do
Whatever it takes

To fill their pockets before
The season comes to a close.

Back in kentucky,
A shiner is on a mission.

Tickle is running reconnaissance
On chico,

Tim's new still hand,

Because tim smells a rat.

Tim: I'm kind of
Suspicious of chico.

If you can just get
A feel for me and see,

Is he doing
Something wrong?

Do I need
To get rid of him?

Tickle: if he is doing
Something illegal,

This could be right dangerous.

You never know
What somebody could do

When they think
They're gonna get caught

And gonna get in trouble.

Being out this far out,

If I'd have run up on something
I ain't supposed to see,

I could never
Be heard from again.

Narrator: tim has federal
And state officials

Breathing down his neck.

If any of them catch wind

That there's an outlaw
In the distillery,

He could lose everything.

There's a worm out there
Right now.

He's definitely up to something.

[ dog growls, barks ]

[ growling continues ]

We met the other day.

Well, you know,

I was kind of wanting
To talk to you about tim.

Might've kind of got
A little worried about you.

Chico: tickle come to the house
Snooping around.

Well, the first thing that
Flipped through my head is,

"Lord, have mercy,
What has he seen here?"

Chico: you're intentions ain't
Ill, coming here, is it?

No, no.
Nothing but good intentions.

I want to get to know
The people working with tim,

And I just want to make sure
He's all right.

I understand.

Your buddy's gone,
And you miss him,

And he's down here,
And you don't know if he's safe.

I understand, brother.

That's exactly right.

Well, I got his back,
Whatever he needs.

He can call me if it's 3:00
In the morning, I'll run to him.

[ speaks indistinctly ]

Oh, yeah?

I'll tell you,
This legal distillery here,

That ain't the world
He's from.

I can see that.

Sometimes I think he'd just
As soon choke on the paperwork

As write on it.

Back when me and him was running
Out in the woods,

There weren't
No paperwork.

The only paperwork
Was cash being handed

From one hand
To the other.

Well, I kind of still stick out
In the woods, you know.

I ain't never been
On that side of it.

There's no doubt that I probably
Could pull it off,

But there's also the fear
Of losing everything I got,

Losing my job
At the distillery.

Oh, yeah.
I know what you're saying.

The itch is there,

I'm just a little scared
To scratch it.

I know what you're saying.

You know,
I'm looking around,

And there was definitely
A bag of cracked corn

On the back porch.

That right there tells me
That he's making some shine.

Well, brother,
I tell you what.

You've come a long way

And from one connoisseur
To the next, you want a drink?


Let's see if I can't find
A little something.

Might not have much,
But I'll have a little.

That stuff's hard to get
Around here,

Unless it comes in a bottle
With a sticker on it.

Oh, yeah.
I tell you what.

You say this is some local made
Around here?


Moonshine's always been
A part of this community.


But all them old boys
Is gone.

If it comes down to it,

I know a lot of times,
Like around the house,
You want good shine,

You damn near got
To make it yourself
To get the good shine.

It's probably not the best
You've ever had, but...

[ smacks lips ]
It's not bad, there.

Little warm, but it'll do.

Little warm,
But I tell you what, it'll do.

I'm glad you stopped by.

It's good to know somebody.


Well, I tell you what,
I'll give you my number.

I'll be in town
For a little bit.

You feel like talking,
You just give me a holler.

Yeah. Yeah.
We'll get out and do something.

That ain't no problem.

Chico's making shine.

With tim going legal like this,
He cannot afford

To have any involvement
In any illegal activities.

The abc agency
Could shut him down.

In south carolina,

Josh and bill have become
Full-fledged outlaws,

Bootlegging shine
Across the county.

Bill and I are headed
To the resort

To sell somebody else's liquor.

That's kind of degrading.

But we have to do
What we have to do sometimes.

Narrator: with a string
Of successful sales,

Josh and bill are keeping
Their heads above water.

But they haven't earned
Enough yet

To get back to shining.

[ cellphone rings ]

Hey. How's it going, man?

You want me
To go over there today?

So, I get a phone call
From my moonshine source.

He says he wants us to haul
Some moonshine to asheville.

There's a music festival.

They want us to come up there
And peddle moonshine,

Which kind of goes
Against the grain for me.

I don't know.

Let me call bill,
See what he says.

I'll call you back.
All right.

I don't like
Selling to people I don't know,

But we went against

Everything we totally
Disagree with this year,

Just to try
To damn keep this ball rolling.

Hey, what's happening?

This guy's wanting us
To come over there

To the old house today
And make a pick up.

And he wants us
To run it to asheville.

We'll make a lot of money.

I'll come get you
In about 10 minutes,

And we'll go over there
And pick it up.

Sound good to you?

I know.

I need to make the money,

Bill's a little bit hesitant

About selling
Somebody else's liquor.

He's not really on board
With that,

But, at this point in the game,

We just want to make
Some of our money back.

All right. See you.

Narrator: for josh,
The benefits outweigh the risks,

Because there's good money
To be made at a music festival.

Illegal liquor and music share
A history

That goes back
More than a century.

During prohibition,
Many speakeasies

Hosted musical acts
In an attempt

To get around
A loophole in the law.

Since the 18th amendment

Technically prohibited
The sale of alcohol,

Club owners exploited
This gray area

By charging customers
For seeing the show,

Claiming that any liquor served
Was complimentary.

The asheville festival means

Josh and bill will need to cross
State lines with moonshine.

And that could lead
To jail time.

If I'm gonna be bootlegging,

I'm gonna make it worth my time.

The only way
It's gonna be worth it

Is larger batches,
Bigger the dollars.

Narrator: back in mississippi,
A shiner's on the run.

Somebody's been here.


Narrator: mike thought he found
The perfect still site...

Let's get out of here.

...But nothing stays hidden

[ grunts ]

I can't believe
Somebody found that site.

I would've thought I could have
Used that one for years.

I had about 8 or 10 barrels
Of mash working off in there,

And now I'm gonna
Have to let that go.

Narrator: he's got customers
Waiting in new orleans,

And they're not gonna be happy
If he can't deliver.

But he's got one final ace
Up his sleeve,

And it could be a game changer.

I got my new still built.

I kind of got some surprises
In this still.

Think it'll be different
Than anybody's ever seen before.

All right, ricky.
You got it done, huh?

I think so.Good. Good.

Looks good.
Looks good.

Now, I guess you're ready to get
This out of your shop, huh?

I'm ready for it to go.

Has anybody
Been asking you about it?

Every day.

I'll do anything for you,
But I just want it out of here.

Well, I sure
Appreciate that, ricky.

Bring me a shot
Of the finished product.

You got that right.

See you later.

Out there in the swamp,

The little still I had
Makes good whiskey,

But it just don't make
Enough of it.

The new still's
Gonna up my production

Probably six or eight times,

So I'm really excited about it.

Narrator: for decades,
Mike's made shine in the swamps,

Keeping his still in a boat

And staying mobile
To avoid the law.

Now, he's found
A revolutionary way

To bring a slice of the swamp
To dry land.

This is gonna be my mobile
Moonshine distillery.

Narrator: the new still
Will be mounted on a trailer,

Disguised as a barbecue.

Once at a secure location,

Mash is fed into the still
Through a high-pressure valve,

Where it's heated
By propane burners.

Mike: I'm gonna be able
To keep moving all the time,

And this way
I'll be able to move my still

With nobody knowing
What's going on.

A double barrel-coil system

Cuts the process time
Nearly in half.

In just three hours' time,

Mike can complete
A run of liquor

And leave without a trace.

Nobody in the world's ever
Gonna suspect what this is.

Narrator: in graham county,
North carolina,

Three shiners prepare for war.

Yeah, I know where
This still's at.

Lance: you find it?

It's not too far
From here.

Mark, jeff, and lance
Have a rival shiner

In their own backyard,
Cutting into their profits.

They found his still site,

And they have a plan
To wipe out the competition.

We're gonna have to show him
We mean business.

Coming up,
Tickle's on a road to nowhere.

Where we going?

Come on.
Let's take a walk.

And the well's run dry for mike.

Who is this, I wonder.

Going awful slow.

Narrator: in north carolina,
Mark and jeff are aiming

To take down their rival, wayne.

They need to send a message,

And they don't plan
On being subtle.

Lance, I see him.
He's coming back.

I got him.


Narrator: in kentucky,

After visiting
Tim's new still hand,

Tickle is putting
Two and two together,

And it's adding up to trouble.

Tickle: I know
Tim thinks a lot of this guy,

But how do I tell him

One of his main guys
Is making shine?

I just don't know if I can.

Tickle: hey, tim.

Hey, man.

This is what you do now?
Just paperwork?

I have to write down

Go to the bathroom,
You got to write it down.

That's not good.

So what have
You been doing?

I went out,
I talked to chico.

I kind of like him.

We seem to have
A whole lot in common.

A whole lot in common?

With him, you know...

I got to be honest
With you.

I didn't see no whole still
Or nothing.


What you see over there?

Oh, well,
I seen a little, small worm

In like a five-gallon

Me and you both know,
If you got a worm,

You're using it.

I stuck my neck out for him.

I wanted to give the guy

And I think he's a good worker,
And we really needed him.

Bottom line,
I'm disappointed in chico.

It ain't gonna work.


I might think about this.

I don't want to see
Nobody get fired.

He does seem like
A good guy.

I'm on the line, here.

You know, I've already got
People looking at me.

State of virginia's
Looking at me,

And now probably kentucky,
Abc is looking at me.

If authorities can draw any link

Between tim and illegal shine,
He'll lose everything.

Everybody's watching me
Like a hawk.

We got a good thing
Going on,

And I can't have him
Jeopardizing that.


I don't want to fire the guy
And make a mistake,

But, really,
I need to fire him.

In north carolina,

A shiner
Is picking up the pieces.

Wayne's rookie season
Went off with a bang,

And it looks like
It might end with one, too.

Wayne: I want to take
You guys up there

And show you what somebody's
Done to my still.

You won't believe it.

I got an idea who did it,
But I can't prove anything.

I came up here yesterday
And found this mess.

Look at this.

That thing blew all to...

It took me a little while
To figure out what had happened.

So, I got to looking at this,

These rocks are all busted up

And my burner's drove down
Into the ground

And this still
Is blown all to hell.

Moonshine just don't blow up
By itself,

So somebody has come up here
And blown up my still.

I mean,
I thought us mountain folks

Were all in this together.

I'm even worried right now.

They could be here, watching me.

I'm glad somebody wasn't
Around here when that happened.

They could've killed
Somebody like this.

I mean,
This is *bleep* unbelievable.

It's just hard to believe
It comes to this kind of *bleep*

Before the explosion,

A shiner like wayne could expect
To make two grand a week.

He has a target on his back.

In south carolina,
Josh and bill are preparing

For a massive bootleg.

How much liquor
We gonna get from him?

I think it's gonna be
12 or 15 5-gallon buckets.

They've got 12 hours
To pick up the shine

And get it to a music festival
In asheville.

Any mistakes
And they'll owe

Thousands of dollars
To the supplier.

Gonna back in
So we don't...

Makes sense.

Let's get this *bleep* quick
And get out of here.

Daylight pick ups
Make me nervous.

Oh, watch your head.

You worried that I ain't got
A hard head?

Is that what you said?

Let's get
The hell out of here.

[ engine turns over ]

Bill: you're good this --[ tires screech ]

[ horn honks ]oh, my god.

Narrator: coming up,
Wayne gets his marching orders.

I'm desperate.

And tickle's between
A rock and a hard place.

I'm gonna put
A lot of faith in you

To know that you're not
Gonna go tell nobody.

This stays here.

Narrator: in south carolina,

Josh and bill have lined up
Their biggest bootleg run yet --

70 gallons of high-proof shine.

Let's get
The hell out of here.

[ engine turns over ]

Losing a shipment this big would
Finish any hope for the season.

[ tires screech, horn honks ]

Oh, my god.

Phew. Well, that scared
The *bleep* out of me.

We about got nailed with a damn
Truckload full of liquor.

*bleep* damn highway patrol
Out here.

That would have been
Real damn good.

How many buckets are there
Back there?

I didn't even count.


14 times 5...

70 gallons
Of damn straight liquor.

We'd have definitely went
To prison.

This is why I hate
Doing things last minute --

'cause you always have hiccups.

And you can't afford
To have hiccups

When you got
70 or 80 gallons of moonshine

In the back of your truck.

We're going to haul
Some moonshine to asheville,

So we got to fill that
Liquor still full of liquor.

You know, I'd about rather
You pour this,

'cause you gonna holler then
When I spill it.

We're here in broad daylight,

In a place that I'm really
Not very comfortable with,

And I'm really nervous about it.

Oh, it's gonna spill
A little bit.

These things are full.

Watch this.

They're easier to pour
When they're half full.

Right on.

You notice I ain't trying
To light a cigarette out here.

Just quit spilling it

I ain't
Spilling nothing, man.

This ain't [sighs]
You making a mess.

Just let me do it.

[ laughs ]

Once they hit the road,

Josh and bill
Will have to be careful --

The 70 miles of highway
Between them and asheville

Is crawling
With law enforcement.

530 miles to the southwest
In mississippi,

Mike is putting
The final touches

On his mobile-shining rig.

Mike: what I'm gonna do is build
A still on a little trailer.

I like the idea
Of hiding in plain sight.

That'll work.

Why try to hide something

When you can have it
Right out in the open?

That'll give me a shelf
Across there to set my jars on.

Looks good.

I like it.

Now we got to go
Put the still on

And get it all set up,

And we'll be ready to run
Our first batch through here.

How's it going, mike?

All right.
How you doing, shot?

I like the thought
Of being mobile.

If you can move around,
There's less chance

Of somebody catching you
With the still.

[ drill whirring ]

Well, I'm glad
We finally got it together.

I've got that big order
Down there in new orleans,

And now I can run off
Some moonshine,

Get to them people.

The reason I have
Two coils on here

Is because
This is a bigger still.

When it's a bigger still,

You need more capacity
For the steam to go through.

Right now, I'm gonna run it
With two of these.

It's a double-barrel still.

Narrator: the double-barrel
System allows mike to produce

Twice the amount of liquor.

But there's one major
Drawback --

It's really hot.

And it's gonna get hotter.

It requires twice the amount
Of cold water,

And mike doesn't have enough.

Mike: we got to do something.
It's just gonna be too hot.

I'm afraid I might scorch
Some of it or mess it up,

So I don't want to take
A chance.

I got to go over here
And stretch some hose out

Into this guy's field

Where he's got a water trough
For his horses.

It's not the ideal way to do it,
But right now,

This is what I got to do.

Narrator: the open field
Gives him no cover.

All it will take
Is one curious neighbor

To bring down
His entire operation.

I hear a car coming.

Going awful slow.

Narrator: in kentucky,

With the truth about chico
Out of the bag,

Tickle is headed back home.

Tickle: I'm kind of at the end
Of my rope, here, you know?

I done spent a lot of money
And a lot of time.

I got to head back to virginia.

[ cellphone buzzes ]

Hey, chico.
What's going on, buddy?

All right.

All right. Later.

He wants me to meet him now.

I hope
Tim ain't done fired him

And he found out
It's 'cause

I told tim
About him making shine.

That's a great big guy
Right there,

And I hope he ain't mad at me.

How's it going, man?

Get in the truck.
I want to show you something.

All right, man.

Where we going?

That's kind of the point.

I don't want nobody knowing
Where we're going.

Come on.
Let's take a walk.

Narrator: coming up,

Wayne's on a collision course
With the law.

I don't know
Who's in on this deal.

This might be a set up.

Narrator: in north carolina,
Wayne's still out of commission.

I've got some big problems.

Narrator: and he's no closer
To knowing why.

I came home the other evening,

And my still was blown up.

I know
It wasn't law enforcement,

'cause whenever they do it,
They make a big to-do out of it,

Put it in the paper
And all that.

No one has said
A damn thing about it.

I hope jim tom understands.

I hope he don't think I'm trying
To pull something over on him.

What are you working on,
Old timer?


You know.

Well, you got time,
I got some bad news.

Somebody has blown up
My still.

Oh, damn it.

Just when we get
Things going good,

We got plenty of customers,

And they blew it up.

I ain't got no idea
Who it was.

It's all to pieces.

I still got them people
That's wanting product.

Of what?
A bunch of...

Moonshine? Moonshine.

Yep. I can get it.

He knows what it is.Okay.

I'll do it.

Narrator: back in mississippi,
Mike's got liquor to make,

But he's in need
Of one crucial ingredient --

Cold water.

The closest source means

Into an open field...

I hear a car coming....With no cover.

Who is this, I wonder.

Going awful slow.

I better get out of here.

Mike has no idea

Whether or not
He's been spotted,

But he has no choice.

The new orleans contact
Is waiting.

Got a little nervous

Pulling that hose
Across the field.

I had somebody
Come driving by.

Yeah, I hear them.

It was okay.
He kept going.

I think we're beginning
To make moonshine, now.

All right, shot,
There it is.

That's pretty.

That's the first jar

Off the double-barrel still,
Right there.

Let's set
That one aside.

All right.

I need to get about
24 gallons out of this,

And I'll have enough to cover
What I got sold in new orleans.

About 130 proof.

Long as it flows like that
All day, we'll be all right.

Mike: seems to be
Slowing down, huh?


We got a long ways
To go yet.

I only got 15 gallons

And whatever's in this jug
Right now.

I hope
We ain't running out.

I'd like to say I know
What caused it, but I don't.

I don't know, either.

Narrator: 600 miles away,
Tickle is under cover.

He made a promise to tim

To find out
Exactly what chico is up to.

Come on.
Let's take a walk.

And he's going to finish
The job.

Where are we going?

Make a left here.

Check that thing out.I see.

What's going on,

How y'all doing?

This is tickle.

Good to meet you, man.

How you doing?

He's got a hundred-gallon
Still down here.

That's not
Just for your own personal use.

I don't care who you are,

You can't drink
That much liquor.

That's making to sell.

It's a nice-looking setup
You got here.

I appreciate it.

There's a whole lot of work
In that.

Mash smells good,

That's made
Out of sweet feed.

Sweet feed?
Smells good.

Let's pour this thing in here
And get it fired up.

Tyler: we want a little more
Veteran man behind us

To tell us what he thinks.

Chico: you know,
I can't ask tim to come over

And check my rig out.

I'll just use tickle.

I guess he'd be
The next-best thing.

I figured
You was a good old boy.

I figured
I could trust you.

'cause you know
The situation I'm in.

Yeah, I do.
I understand that.

Everybody got bills
To pay.

You know, they do.
We all got them to pay.


But, boys,
Let's quit grab-assing

And see if we can't make
A little.

Yeah, let's fire
This thing up.

Chico, what do you think
Tim would think

About you out here
Making this stuff?

Well, if I get caught,
I get caught.

That's just like with the law
Or anything else --

If I do it, I do it.

Maybe he might not get
Too mad about it.

Everybody's got to start

You need that paycheck
Coming in.

Oh, man, we rely on that wholly,
But it's just not enough.

Either way it goes,
One slipup on any part of this,

And I could be screwed.

Well, I'm sticking my neck out
By letting him come out here.

Yeah, that's true.
That's true.

Chico says
You a good dude.

And I'm gonna put
A lot of faith in you

To know that you're not
Gonna go tell nobody.

Tickle: on a still site,
You got to have trust,

And these people
Can't trust me fully

Unless I'm gonna be
100% honest with them.

But these is two big old boys,
You know?

And I'm in their territory
Right now.

I know what happens
When somebody comes around

In my territory
*bleep* it up.

It's never pretty.

Now, on this level that
You standing in right now...

...This stays here.

Narrator: coming up,

Josh and bill
Are in the cross hairs.

[ gunshot ]what the hell was that?

Man, that was a gunshot
If I ever heard one.

You used
The sears and roebuck catalog.

Narrator: in kentucky,

Chico has let tickle in
On a secret --

His 100-gallon still.

Tickle: it's a nice-looking
Setup you got here.

Well, I appreciate it.

There's a whole lot of work
In that.

But now, tickle is in too deep.

Now on this level,
This stays here.


Things staying
On the quiet's good.

Actions speak louder than words
A lot of the times, so...

They do.

Let's keep everything
On a good note

And make this liquor.

Let's get a rock
On the top of this thing

And rock this baby.

Yes, sir.

Let's run the hell
Out of it.

All right.
You just now getting warm here.

You gonna have something
Start running out of here.

She's already working her way
Over into the thump.

Ain't gonna
Be long at all, now.

She's fixing
To come on through.

Tyler: hey, boy.
Lookit here.

There we go!

Chico: oh, yeah.

Now we're getting some liquor.

Whoo! God.


That's coming out
Pretty good, now.


Tell you what --
She smells awful strong.

[ smacks lips ]
Yes, sir.

What do you think?

It's good liquor.

That's real good.

I believe
That'd sell.

Can't lie to you
One bit.

That will definitely sell,
Right there.

I'm pretty proud
Of it.

[ chuckles ]

Well, I believe
We can trust you.

Well, now, you know, your
Instincts is right about me --

I am a trustworthy guy.

But I do got something
I need to tell you.

Tim does know

That you've been making
A little bit of liquor.

In south carolina,

Josh and bill
Are hitting the road

With a tank full of shine.

Oh, it's gonna spill
A little bit.

They're headed
To a music festival

Just across
The north carolina border.

I ain't never been
At these festival grounds.

Makes me nervous about
Selling liquor like that.

Josh: hopefully we make
A big lick, we get it paid off,

And we don't have to sell
Anybody else's moonshine.

We can just make our own.

Narrator: but they face
Harsh federal charges

If they get caught
Crossing the state line.

We'll definitely need to make
Some of our money back,

But making
Some of our money back

Is not worth
Going to jail,

'cause even if we make

It's gonna take that
To get us out of it.

But. Still.
We got to get rid of it.

Bill: it's the riskiest sale
That we've ever made,

And I ain't quite sure
It's the right move,

But we got to do something.

We're so far in the hole,

If we can
Get this right,

We got the chance
To get ahead.

I mean,
He said he was going --

There's a place.
Let's grab a bite to eat.

I'm starving.


What you want?A cheeseburger.

I'm about starved
To death.

How y'all doing?

Woman: all right.

Can we order
A couple cheeseburgers to go?

Yes, you can.

All right.

[ gunshot ]what the hell was that?

Man, let's get
The hell out of here.

Man, that was a gunshot
If I ever heard one.

[ tires squeal ]*bleep*

In north carolina,

With his still destroyed,

Wayne is forced to pick up
Liquor from an unknown supplier.

Jim tom gave me directions
To this place.

He won't make much profit,

But this is about
Keeping customers.

I don't know
Who blew up my damn still,

And that's why I'm doing this.

I wouldn't ever do this
Any other way.

I don't know.
Jim tom might be in on it.

I don't know who's in
On this deal.

This might be a set up.

Narrator: back in graham county,
North carolina,

Deputy sheriff chuck
Has received

A tip from a bootlegger.

A basic traffic stop can turn
Into something a lot bigger.

This looks like the spot.
I hope it is.

Wayne needs to take the shine

Back across
The north carolina state line.

If he's caught,
He faces federal charges.

Wayne: yeah, I'm taking
A big risk to do this,

But I promised my son
He's going to college,

And damn it,
He's gonna go to college.

[ sighs ] all right.

I guess we're in business.

Next time on "Moonshiners,"

The axe falls on chico...

Come here.
Let me talk to you.



You making moonshine?

...Darlene's up in smoke...


Oh *bleep*

Hey, cut it off!
Cut it off!

...And jeff and mark reach
The point of no return.