Moone Boy (2012–2015): Season 2, Episode 3 - Ghost Raft - full transcript

In the summer Martin and Padraic started to build a raft on which they intended to sail into town. Now, as Halloween approaches, they decide to turn it into their own spooky ghost ship and take to the water, with their two imaginary friends, to the strains of the only sea shanty they know - 'Orinoco Flow'. However the tide carries past the town and they end up on the seemingly uninhabited Castle Island - uninhabited, that is, except for Island Joe. Meanwhile old-fashioned Father Roche is opposed to pregnant, unmarried Fidelma taking readings in church but the progressive Father Linehan comes up with a way around his objection.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It was the summer of 1990.
and Martin and Padraic...

...had decided to
build a river raft.

It was their most exciting
construction project yet.

A bold, brilliant idea.

Although neither of them could
remember what had actually inspired it.

"We said there warn't no home
like a raft, after all."

"Other places do seem so
cramped up and smothery,

...but a raft don't. You feel mighty free
and easy and comfortable on a raft."

- Raft
- Smotherly butter.

Their plan was simple.
As simple as two young simpletons.

We'll sail into town on
a boasting hot day...

and eat ice creams.

And all of our friends
can go swimming off it!

Yeah! We'll be the most
popular lads in town.

Two virile young fellas rockin'
the Wham!

But following some construction setbacks
including Padraic's biscuit based stripe... was nearly November
by the time the raft was finished.

So our silly little seaman
made a new plan.

We'll turn it into a halloween
ghost ship!

A ghost raft! And sail into town,
and freak everyone out.

Yeah! We'll be the most
popular lads in town.

Like Erasure!

No Padraic. We'll be the scariest,
most frightening, terrifying lads in town.

Who are also loved by everyone!
Like the Culture Club!

So when we throw Padraic overboard
how do we make it look like an accident?

♪ Dancing at the disco, bumper to bumper

♪ Wait a minute, where's me jumper?

♪ Where's me jumper?

♪ Where's me jumper?

♪ Where's me jumper?

♪ Where's me jumper?
Oh, no ♪

And on this Sunday,
the eve of all hallows...

...I'd like to extend a very special hallow
and welcome back Father Roche...

...from his missionary work
in the depths of the Amazon.

Sounds like he had an
absolutely lovely time.

and the rumors of him "Going Native"
are grossly exaggerated.

No, really, they are. So let's
put a stop to that gossip now.

Now let's have a
reading from St. Paul.

A reading of the letter of St. Paul
to the Colossians.

Brothers and sisters, put on as
God's chosen ones...

I'm not sure about your choice
of reader Father.

Fidelma? Oh, she's one of
the best readers in her school.

Lovely diction. Always, always puts
the pauses in the right places.

Pregnant pauses, are they?

I, I suppose that Del there
might be a bit pregnant, Yes Sir.

But listen to her.
She makes those Colosians come alive.

I don't think that being a
pregnant unmarried teenager

...has any affect on
the quality of her reading.

This is the... Oo, Jesus.

Sorry. He gave a little kick.

Where was I?
End of Bible?

Thanks be to God.

Thank you, see you now.
Thank you. Thank you.

Oh, Fidelma? Lovely,
lovely, lovely reading.

I wondered, could I have
a quick word?

It'll have to be quick Father.
I haven't had a wee in 9 minutes.

It, it's a little bit of a delicate
matter you could say but...

Looking good, buddy.

We're going to be the best
plumbers in all of Boyle.

We're not plumbers,
we're ghost busters.

What? No. I thought we were
the Super Mario Brothers.

Don't I look like I could
bust a ghost?

Uuh, You look like you could
bust a clogged drain.

Wait, wait. If I'm not a Mario Brother
why does this keep happening?

Oh, that's an imaginary friend fart.

What you doin' out there Martin?

Um, going trick or treating.

It's 1PM.

Got to start early
to get the best sweets.

Aren't you a bit old
for trick or treating?

Ah Trisha, let Martin cling on
to his childhood if he wants.

Soon enough, he'll be stuck in some
dead end job where his only treat... a bit of peace and quiet,
and his whole life will be... some sad bad trick.

But that's if the Astronaut thing
doesn't work out pal.

Or the jockey thing.

- I thought you were afraid of horses.
- Not afraid Trisha. Allergic.

Are you goin' trick or treating Sinead?

- No.
- You're usually mad for sweets.

Shut up talking about sweets!
You're all obsessed!

- Huh, She's chirpy, for a Sunday.
- I think some bitch at school...

Trisha, language.

Some girl in Sinead's class has been
teasing her about being a little bit, fat.

- Bitch!
- That's what I was saying.

- We should talk to her.
- Sinead isn't fat.

I know.

I mean, she might be a little bit
plump, but that's just puppy fat.

I mean she's like a little plump, dog.

Maybe I'll talk to her alone.

Ahoy Moones!

Aww, look at his little face.
Are you some sort of bear, Padraic?

- Well, a Beaver Mrs. M.
- Beaver?

The bears of the river!

Not that there's any reason
to mention a river.

But, bears go into rivers.
Aren't bears the bears of the river?

Trisha, always with the jokes.
Ah, you're a gas when all together.

Heh, we should go.

Time to set sail on
the ghost raft.

Sometimes we call trick or treating
setting sail on the ghost raft...

cause it's so exciting.

Well, that's not confusing at all.

There she goes again.
The Irish Jim Davidson, ye are.

If you're here to talk
about, sweets...

...chips or
some nonsense.

I don't care.
I'm not interested.

Not unless you have a Cornetto.
Do you have a Cornetto?

- No.
- Then what do you want?

Are you feeling a little self-conscious
about your body, Pet?

Hah. No, I look amazing.

It's just that Trisha said...

Ruth Connolly told Ailish O'Rourke
that I stole her lunch.

Ailish O'Rourke said
that I could do with...

...skipping a meal now and then.

- Now that's just mean. Why would Ruth...
- I did steal her lunch.

Why did you steal her lunch?

Cause I was hungry.

's I'm always hungry
cause I'm a big fat whale.

I'm slipping out to the shops.
Does anyone fancy a Cornetto?

This way Crunchie Haystacks!

I'm the undertaking wrestler!

An undertaker and a plumber.
Like a low rent village people.

What's with the bottle?

- It's embalming fluid, for embalming.
- Oh yeah?

Padraic really pays attention to detail.
We'll see you down there.

A coffin boffin and a gutter nutter.
The werewolves must be shittin' themselves.

This is going to be so great.
Everyone is going to be so freaked out...

...when we sail into town
on the ghost raft.

Yeah, big time.
Although, call me crazy, aren't...

...ghost rafts supposed to
have nobody on them?

Isn't that what a ghost ship is?

Well imagine
how freaky it will be...

...when people see us on it!


All aboard, Martin!

Freaky and confused.

Keep'em guessing.

It isn't sinking.
We actually built a raft!

We're the bears of the river!

Just one Cornetto


give it to me

Lovely voice.

So what was Father Linehan
chatting to you about earlier?

Oh nothing really.

Just saying he doesn't want
me to read at Mass anymore.


Said he was worried all the
reading might hurt the baby.

Well, like that makes sense.
Priests really know their stuff.

When you were pregnant you said that
washing the dishes might hurt the baby.

- Yeah. Because of the...
- Soapy sores, I think you said?

- Mm-hm, That's right.
- Anyway, I don't care.

One less thing to worry
about if you ask me.

That's weird, isn't it? I mean
she's the best reader in Boyle.

Oh, hands down.
Especially since that nun died.

- So they don't want her to read just because she's...
- Up the pole?

With child.
Is what I was going to say.

Suppose they just don't want, an unmarried
teenage reader whose, you know...

- Got a trout in the well?
- Trisha.

What? What are you barking at me for?
She's the one who...

- Stop right there!
- Go on, let me do one more.


Soapy sores, Mom?

Last one.

She's the one who's shittin' for two.

- That was worth the wait, I think.
- It was, actually.

This is the life.

All the excitement of the sea with
the dependable assurance of the river.

I haven't felt this relaxed since I
broke Pretty Pete Dixon's collar bone the Salford smack-down of '82.

Maybe we should sing
a sea shanty.

We should totally sing
a sea shanty.

- I love shanting!
- Alright Crunchie, alright.

Do we know any sea shanties?

Eh, Hello? Biggest
nautical hit of 1988.

Let me sail, let me sail,
let the Orinoco flow.

Let me beach, let me reach
far beyond the yellow sea.

Oh, Yeah!

Sail away, sail away
sail away

Sail away, sail away
sail away

Sail away, sail away
sail away

Sail away

Sail away, sail away
sail away

This isn't town.

Where the hell are we?

The river went the wrong way!

Stupid feckin' river!

Padraic, swim back to shore
and get help, will you!?

- Me?
- You're a beaver aren't you?

Martin! This is an 84%
wool to nylon blend.

- Oh not this nonsense again.
- I'm fairly sure I'd drown.

So, only fairly sure?

It's good enough for me.

Was that a wolf?

Martin, aren't you allergic to wolves?

Not allergic Sean, afraid.

Oh, Hello Mrs. Moone.

You asked Fidelma
not to read anymore.

- What? Well, I...
- It's not fair to fire her,

just because she's got a trout...
cause she's, with child.

You think I wanted
to let Fidelma go?

It was like ripping off a limb.
She's the best reader in Boyle.

Since Sister Ann slipped
on that step anyway.

Or was pushed.
Let's not go into that now.

The thing is,
Father Roche is the senior priest...

...and he feels,
it's just not appropriate.

- What do you think?
- It doesn't matter.

He's the head of the parish.

In priest terms
he's Paul Simon.

I'm just big stupid Garfunkel.

Maybe it's time
for you to go solo.

You mean finally
start my own religion?

I mean...maybe it's time for
you to break the sound of

silence Father and face that
troubled bridge head on.

You're right Debra.
I'll talk to Father Roche.

And not just because I'm impressed
by your S and G knowledge.



Well, He's right there. Why
don't you talk to him now?

- Now?
- Yeah.

- Now?
- Ah for Fu...

Wait, wait, wait.
I'll do something.

I will.

- When?
- Tonight, at Mass.

See you there.

We've already been
to mass today.

I think I want to live on the raft.

Boy up, Beaver. Let's just
call in to this big creepy house.

Happy Halloween!

Hi Mister. We got marooned on your
island and we kinda need some help.

Are you not going to sing
a song or anything?

Uh No, we're not trick or treating.
Do you have a phone?

- Or a hover craft?
- I'm still not hearing the song, lads.

- No, no, we're actually here to...
- Ah lads... song, no sweets.

You wake me up, before you go go.

Don't leave me hanging
on like a Yo-Yo

You wake me up, before you go go

Don't leave me hanging on,
baby toniiiight, hah

- Come on in lads.
- Right.

Listen Sinead. I've been thinking
about your little problem.

- Martin?
- No, no, the weight thing.

I know what I'm going to do.

Because, you know I run the weight
watchers class and I could work...

...a regime for you based on
your body mass index, ya know.

a reduction of glucose, cut
out the white wine, basically.

Look mom, I'm already
bored of this conversation.

I'm just going to lay low, stay out of
the public eye. Just hide, basically.

Ah, Father Roche, about that
Fidelma Moone situation...

Did you happen to find a little pin
cushion in here anywhere, Father?

Eh, What does it look like?

It looks like a little person.

Em, No.

I know you've been away, Father.

But I think it is important that this
is an inclusive, progressive church.

- You think that that's important?
- I really do.

I don't know when
I told you to think that.

It would be more in your interest
to clean your bloody room.

Then I might be able to find my things.

Yes, Father.

Here's my goats blood!

For cooking.

Give me


Every Halloween
I put out that bowl of sweets.

But no one ever comes.

Does anyone else live on this island?

Not to me knowledge.
Just me and the wolves.

I wasn't going to put the bowl
out this year though.

I says to meself
"Why Bother"?

"Should no one will come."

Then I said to meself "Shut up
Joe, you big stupid bastard,

and put out the bowl
and someone will come."

And they did come. Two persons.
A plumber and an otter.

So, you're Joe.

That's what they call me.
Island Joe. Joe of the Island.

And I'm Martin...of the Boyle.
and this is Padraic.

of...just outside the Boyle.

I'm a beaver.

This was a beaver once.

- What happened to it?
- Island Joe.

That's what happened to it.
The bears of the river, my hole.

Quick question for you lads.

Which one of yous can hold your
breath under water the longest?

We'll soon see.

- What's happened?
- I think it's a protest Mass.

A what?

- I've never seen one in the flesh.
- Seen what? Nothin's happening.

How do you do it?

I just imagine myself Tom Sawyer
and slave Jim have money on it.

Who are they?

I have no idea.

Hah, the lack of oxygen
is driving you mad!

Hold your ground, Father.

It's time for boy to become man.

God, he's really coming into
his own now isn't he?

- This is great stuff, isn't it lads?
- Yeah.

- Lads, are ye real?
- Whut?

It's just sometimes when I come in and
play ping pong in here with my friends...

...they turn out not to be,
real like.

Maybe that's why
I always win.

- No. We're real.
- Really?

Yeah, really.

Great stuff.


"Are you real?"

What a weirdo.

"Are you real?"


No, were imagined.

Holy shit.
That was a rush.

It was the best Mass ever.

Yeah, really made you think.

We have prevailed, Fidelma!
You can read again.

- Oh really? That's...good?
- You don't seem too excited.

Well it's just...

I don't really like doing it.
It's kinda tiring.

Oh, that's disappointing.

Wish you had mentioned that before I
did the whole protest Mass and everything.

Oh, sorry about that.
Don't worry, I'll find someone else to read.

OK. It's just that...I went through such
a hoopla about the whole thing.

It would be great if there
were a pregnant teenager.

This is my favorite
Halloween ever.

You're some man, Island Joe.

I feel bad that you're marooned
on your own out here.

No, I have the wolves for company.

Aren't you afraid they'll eat you?

No, their a gentle creature.

- Really?
- Yeah.

And if they get peckish,
there's a graveyard on the island.

Hey, who's for the last bit of barmbrack?
The ring's still in there.

A wife? That's all I need Joe!

And the cats belong together an'tay.

I'm getting a real ghoulie,
spirity vibe out here.

Hey, speaking of spirits...


What is that!?

I had no where else to pee.

Talk about ungrateful.

- I suppose the sea biscuits...
- No, we're not talking anymore now.

Dad, I was talking to someone
about Castle Island in Lough Key...

While you were trick or treating?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Do you know there's a caretaker
on his own out there?

That's right.

The caretaker?
Oh, he's long gone.

- What?
- Oh, Yeah.

He died out on the island years ago.

- He's Dead?
- Yeah.

- I think the wolves got him.
- shut up.

Oh, he's dead years Martin.

Ooh, that is freaky.
That is messed up!

The spirit of the ghost raft.

Well good night then,
little plumber boy.

I'm a ghost buster.

There's a new fellow out there now though,
isn't there?

Oh yeah, right, jeah,
Island Joe.

That's right. Joe of the Island.
Loves the ping pong.

That's right.

Thank you for coming to
All Hallows Mass.

How nice to see so many of you
haven't been caught up in the silly old...

...pagan rituals of halloween.

Not that there's anything wrong
with paganism, of course.

Anyway, we'll have a reading now,
from the Colossians.

- What's she doing?
- Oh God.

I think it's protest reading.

Protesting about what?

Doing the reading.

Transcribed and synced by Cosa.