Monster Farm: Enbanseki no himitsu (1999–2001): Season 1, Episode 22 - Run, Tiger, Run! - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-♪ Mon-mon-mon-monsters--
Monsters rule ♪

♪ I was transported
to a faraway land ♪

♪ Into a world
where monsters rule ♪

♪ I played the game
like an ace ♪

♪ Now we're in this place ♪

♪ To save the monsters
from the evil Moo ♪

♪ Monsters rule,
monsters rule ♪

♪ Monster Rancher,
Monster Rancher ♪

♪ Monsters rule,
monsters rule ♪

♪ Monster Rancher,
Monster Rancher ♪

♪ Monsters rule ♪

♪ Pendant shows
the Mystery Disk ♪

♪ We'll take it
to the shrine ♪

♪ We'll redeem
that fabled Mystery Disk ♪

♪ And release
the Phoenix inside ♪

♪ Monster Rancher ♪

♪ I was transported
to a faraway land ♪

♪ Into a world
where monsters rule ♪

♪ Monsters rule ♪

♪ Played the game
like an ace ♪

♪ Now we're in this place ♪

♪ To save the monsters
from the evil Moo ♪

♪ Monsters rule,
monsters rule ♪

♪ Monster Rancher,
Monster Rancher ♪

♪ Monsters rule,
monsters rule ♪

♪ Monsters rule ♪

-(birds chirping)


-(grunts) Go on.
Go on, scram. Scram.

-(both growl)

-Gray Wolf:
Destroying this village
was too easy.

It's the usual,
it offered no challenge.

Where can I find them,
humans and monsters of merit?

Prey worth hunting.

-Master Gray Wolf. (panting)

Master Gali
of the Big Bad Four...

It's terrible.


-The anti-Moo rebels,
they're the ones responsible.

-Gray Wolf: Hmm.

-They're in the forest
of the Black Worms
as we speak.

At last, a prey of merit.

Let the hunt begin.

Black Worms, hear this,
destroy the fools
who defy Master Moo.


-(all howling)

-(grunts) Huh?

-Genki: Huh?
What's up, Tiger?

-Uh, it's nothing.


-Tiger: What is this feeling?

-Holly, you're sure
we're going the right way?

-Let's find the Phoenix.
Not waste time.

-Right, Golem. Then we can turn
all the Baddies into Goodies.

-This sure
is a creepy forest.

I don't like it.

-Aw, Hare,
are we a little frightened?

-No way, Genki. Not a bit.


-(laughs) Good sight, huh?

-Not funny, Suezo!

-Ooh, now I'm so scared.

-Now, just cut it out.

-Huh. Rumors of my fear
have been greatly exaggerated.

-I believe you.
We're the team that beat Gali.

What is there possibly
to be afraid of?


-Well, statistically speaking,
of course,

we seem to be due
for another attack.

-Have you got a plan?

-Let's review the facts.

Pixie and Gali
were both members
of the Big Bad Four.

-All right.
Let's get on with it.

-Now, we defeated Gali,
and Pixie's on our side.

-Your point?

-Of the original Big Bad Four,
two are left.

That is my point.

-Genki: Oh, Hare.
-(all groan)

-Wait, guys, there's more.

-Huh? Hold it.

-Forget about Hare.
-It's not Hare.



Heads up!
-All: Huh?

(all gasp)


-Like I said.
-Oh, great, more Baddies.

-(Captain Black Worm laughs)
-All: Huh?

-They call us
"the forest annihilators."

We're the Black Worms.

-Thorn Attack!

-(Golem grunts)

-Settle up.

-Hare: Oh, poison darts.



-(Black Worms yelling)

-(Golem grunts)

-Regroup now!

-Not so fast.


-Holly: Tiger, wait!

We've already
made our point.

-Huh. Don't feel sorry
for them.

They wouldn't
feel sorry for you.

-If you act like them,
you become them.


-So, what are we
gonna do with them?

-Ahem! Strategically,
it would be a good plan
to interrogate him.

-What are you
talking about, Hare?

-Here's your first question.

Who are
the two monsters left
in the Big Bad Four?

-Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm terrible with the details.

-All right, Hare.
Let me at him!

-Calm down, Suezo!

Please, can't you just say
who told you to attack us?

-(scoffs) Whoever's leading
these nobodies

can't be anybody
of any importance.

-Oh, big talk.
You're the nobodies, you.

-Don't push me!

-No, I work for
one of the Big Bad Four.

Our leader is none other
than Gray Wolf.


-All: Uh, not Gray Wolf!

-Genki: Your brother, Tiger?

-Suezo: Moo did make him
a Baddie, didn't he?

-It can't be!
It's impossible.


-(growls) I have to go
and find this out for myself.

I'll see you later.

-And if it's true,
what will you do then, Tiger?


-This has nothing to do
with any one of you.


-Captain Black Worm: Hmm.

-(gasps) Look out!


-You little worm!

-Captain Black Worm: Smoke!
-(all cough)

-Genki: What?

-♪ Mon-mon-mon-monsters--
Monsters rule ♪

♪ Get a Disk, take the risk ♪

♪ Spin it fast,
through the past ♪

♪ Unlock it and claim it,
you can tame it ♪

♪ Unlock your Disk ♪

♪ Mocchi is pink,
but Mocchi is tough ♪

♪ Unlock your Disk ♪

♪ Zuum troops and their captain
play kind of rough ♪

♪ Unlock your Disk ♪

♪ Suezo looks far,
soars through the skies ♪

♪ Looking for Rockies,
they aren't bad guys ♪

♪ Horn the pirate
says that he's pure ♪

♪ But he's a monster,
can you be sure? ♪

♪ Unlock it, unlock it
Unlock your Disk ♪

♪ Monsters rule ♪

I'm glad Tiger's okay.

-Oh, no, she's burning up.

-The poison in the dart.
Black Worm poisoning is serious.

First a high fever,
then delirium.

Poor Holly.

-Tiger: Noo!

-Is this another theory, Hare?

-I'm telling you, Hare,
I'm not buying
this dart nonsense.

-Hey, don't shoot
the messenger. I'm--

-Answer me now!
What can I do to save Holly?

-(screams) Apparently,
Natsumi berries
are the antidote.

-Natsumi berries?

But I have no idea
where they'd be growing
around this area.


-I promise I'll be back
with the berries for Holly.

-We need you here.

-If it wasn't for me,
Holly would never
have been hit by that dart.


-Mocchi, you guys,
take care of Holly.



-Hey! Wait, Tiger.

-(breathes heavily)

-Must be strong, Holly.


Genki, Tiger,
we're all counting on you!

Please, hurry back.
Please, please.

-(Genki grunts)

So, Tiger,
how come you're so sure
where these berries are?

-I don't really know, Genki.
But I trust my senses.


-You rest,
I'm going on ahead.

-No way.
I'm Mr. Energy, remember?

They don't call me "champ"
for nothing.

-Yeah, right, kid.

-Hey, why can't you
ever be nice?

-What does that mean?

-Look, we're a team, Tiger.
You don't always have to
go it alone.


-Don't look now,
but we've got company.


-Let's get this.
-Hold on, Tiger.

-Tiger: Huh?

-I'll do this.

-I'll handle these guys.
You go find the berries.

-Go get 'em, Tiger.

-Genki: Okay.

Rip it up!

-(Black Worms yelling)


-Tiger: Yes.
I can smell them now.
I'm getting close.



That must be them.




-Captain Black Worm: (laughs)
Fancy meeting you here.

-Out of my way, Worm.
I have no time
to waste with you.

-Afraid not, son.
I have my orders.


-And you know
how it is, Tiger.

Orders are orders!

-Huh. You should have quit
while you were ahead.

You don't know
who you're up against.

Arrogance is a terrible curse.

-Back off. (snarls)

-Oh, did I hit you
with my poison dart?

Aw, I'm so sorry.




-And it gets even worse.

Right about now,
my troop should be
attacking your friends.


-They've gotta be
very close by.

Let's find them.

-Golem: They're gone.

Well, that got them
out of our hair for a while.

-You call that a plan?

-Hey, it worked, didn't it?

With Holly so weak
and Golem so huge,
our options are limited.

-(laughs) The poison
seems to be taking hold.

You see, we never
let our prey escape.

Gray Wolf insists,
it's a kind of ironclad rule
with him.


And remember,
never let your prey escape,
little brother.

Always finish it off.

That is the rule
of the hunt.

Gray Wolf.

-(laughs) Rest well.

-Gray Wolf, my brother,
my enemy. (snarls)





Gray Wolf.

My brother.

-(villagers scream)




Well, it seems
those Natsumi berries
are working.

But just how long
was I sleeping?


Gray Wolf,
my little brother,

I will be the one
to defeat you.

-Black Worm 1:
Did you find them?

-Black Worm 2:
They're nowhere to be found.

-They're here, somewhere.







-(groans) Huh? Tiger.

What took you so long?
Did you find those berries?


-Good. Come on,
let's go, Tiger.

We gotta get back to--

-(Tiger clears throat)

-Get on.


-Black Worm:
I just don't get it.

Their footprints stop here.
They've gotta be here.

Look again.


-Black Worm: Over there!
-Oh, boy.

This is not good.
-Black Worm:
Come out of there.

-We have no choice.
We have to fight.

-That's it. Get them!

-Hi, there.

-What the...

-Both: Tiger!

-Golem: Goh.

-How's Holly doin'?
-We got the berries.

-(Genki laughs)

-Never mind that.
You're back.
-And we're glad.

-Ah. They've defeated
our noble captain. Get them!

-(Genki yells)

-Ha! Let's dance.

-I've had about all I can take
from the likes of you insects.

-Hey, Golem, you stay
and protect Holly.

-Okay, Genki.

-You strong enough, Genki?

-Is there something
wrong with your ears?

I keep telling you,
I'm the champ, Tiger.

But... If I get in the fix,
you gotta be there.

-Well, champ, you're nothing
but trouble to me.


-Mocchi: Chi.

-(Golem growls softly)

-Right! All for one
and one for all.

-Suezo: Yeah!


-Cherry blossom!

-Tiger: Blizzard.


-Oh, let's get out of here.

-Hare: Phew.

Now, just the smell.
Make sure she gets
a good whiff.

-(sniffs) Oh.

-Genki: Hmm.


-Hmm. (chuckles)

-(all cheering)




What are you
thinking about, Tiger?

-Gray Wolf is my brother,
but also my enemy.

He's one
of the Big Bad Four.

He'll send stronger troops.

-But we're a team.

I can never forget
how important that is.

When we put our strengths
together like that,

we can overcome
almost anything.

-Holly: Genki is right, Tiger.

-Tiger: Hmm?
-Genki: Huh?

Holly, you doin' okay?

-Yeah. I'm feelin'
much better now.

I think we should continue
our search for the Phoenix.

'Cause then
we can turn Gray Wolf
back into one of the Goodies.


Let's do it, then.
Let's go find the Phoenix.

And when my brother shows up,
I will deal with him then.

-Yeah, that's the spirit!

And when Gray Wolf shows up,
we'll deal with him together
as a team.

-All: Yeah!

-(Tiger howling)


-Master Gray Wolf,
is there anything the matter?

-No, it's nothing.
Probably just the wind.

-♪ Mon-mon-mon-monsters--
Monsters rule ♪

-(theme music playing)

-♪ Monsters rule ♪