Monster (2004–2005): Season 1, Episode 14 - The Only Man Left, the Only Woman Left - full transcript

Inspector Lunge investigates the murder of a prostitute and suspects a senator named Dr. Boltzmann of involvement. His dedication to his work however takes a toll on his family life. Meanwhile, the vindictive Eva continues to pres...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My answer will be the same,
no matter how many times you come!

Mr. Boltzmann would never have
relations with a prostitute!

Nor did he murder one.
He's not involved!

Please leave. I'll have to take action
if you're persistent.

Take action? Are you going to
sue for defamation?

No... You're his secretary.
You wouldn't do that.

It would be bad if
Mr. Boltzmann's name

came up in this case,
wouldn't it?

Is that a threat?

Not at all.

I just want to know the truth.

Episode 14: Alone in the World

He's pretty tough.

It's what I'd expect of a big politician's
number one secretary.

No, I just need to pressure him
a little more.

But do you think that
a big-shot like Boltzmann

would lay his hands on that prostitute?

That victim was no ordinary prostitute.

The names of countless politicians
and businessmen

were traced back to her.

But there's only one person
who saw her at the hotel

that Boltzmann was staying at.

We can't be sure that there is
a relationship between the two

based on such
questionable information...

Has her client list been deciphered?

Well... The code is enumerated
in the floppy, so we haven't really...

I'll do it. Give me the floppy.

Oh... but Inspector, aren't you
busy with other cases?

It doesn't matter. Give it to me.


I wanted to ask you earlier, but...

What is it?

When... do you sleep?

What does that have to do
with the case?


It's an irrational question.

When are you going to
talk to him about that?

It doesn't matter when we tell him.

He never listens to us.

But you should do it
as soon as possible.

Hold on, you're talking too loud.

He's in his room.

Oh my, how unusual.

Frackenfort Central Station


It seems that you're still investigating
Councilman Boltzmann's link

with the prostitute murder.

Is there a problem with that?

Yes, there's a big problem!

I'm being pressured by officials
from the Ministry of the Interior!

Take care of it like
you usually do, Chief.

No. I can't back you up in this case.

Do something about it.

H-Hey, Lunge!

What'll happen if this investigation
was a mistake?!

You've had a wonderful career
until now.

There's no need to be
eager for success now.

Or is it something else?

Are you doing this...
in the name of justice?!

Eagerness for success... justice...
I have no interest in either.

A woman was killed.
I'm only interested in the culprit.


Umm, Inspector Lunge,
you have a visitor.

I did it.


I deciphered the client list.

I can convert all the names.

O-Oh... Umm...
That woman is here again...

That woman...
Eva Heinemann...

Oh! Y-You can't come in here...

When will Tenma be arrested!

It seems like you've been
drinking quite a bit.

How could I not be drinking?!

I've already solved Dr. Tenma's case.

He says that it is all the work
of a man called Johan,

but Johan is one of his personalities.

If you think about it that way,
everything about

that seemingly illogical case
is explained logically.

All that's left is for the police
to capture him.

Does that mean that your job is over
once you've got a warrant?

There are a lot of things I'd like
to talk to him about in person.

Dr. Tenma...
he's a very interesting person.

But... the cases I need to tend to
are piling up on my desk.

Excuse me.

You sure are persistent!

I keep telling you, that night
Mr. Boltzmann had an alibi...

An alibi? Of course.
That was the work of a pro.

Then what? Are you trying to say that

Mr. Boltzmann hired
a professional hit man?

How stupid!

I've deciphered the client list
of the woman who was killed.

The councilman's name was listed...

Even if his name was listed...
What would his motive be for murder?

Well... come to think if it,
that's about it.

I don't have time for this! Leave!

It really wasn't
satisfactory proof, was it?

Do you know of a publishing company
called Shellhourne?

They're a publishing company
that stays in business

by frequently publishing tell-all books
about famous people.

That company plays dirty.

They hire deceitful women
to form relationships

with famous people and have them
write about their arrangements...

You should be careful...

It was like a checkmate!

That secretary couldn't even respond.

I'm really surprised...

He never rests his mind or body
for an instant...

He really is superhuman.

He really might not be human.


Ah, I see! It's checkmate
if I move there.

Hey, don't interrupt our game...

Don't waste your minds
on silly games.

The publishing company's president

simply confessed after
I startled him a little.

Get the report.

- Y-Yes!
- Y-Yes!

WHAT... do you think this is?

It's that prostitute's notebook.

Her secret meetings
with a certain man

are written here in detail...

I don't know the man's name.

Aside from the fact that
his initial is "B"...

Also, Shellhourne Publishing

had a contract with the woman
to publish her life story.

Oh... yes, have you ever
been in contact

with a man named Yanker?

He's a professional hitman...


Leave already!

We're leaving...

Father, you didn't notice that
I was pregnant, did you?

Are you going to the father
of your baby?

I'm going with her.

You didn't notice that I was
having an affair, did you?


Detective, it's me,
Boltzmann's secretary, Mintag.

I'll tell you everything. Please come!

Ah, I see. Thank you...

I'm going out.

Tell me the details later.


What is this chaos?

The secretary... he killed himself!

"Mr. Boltzmann is innocent..."

This is the message
the secretary left behind.

Lunge... I'm passing this case over
to Inspector Kaminski.

The Reichner Park and
President Galland Murder, as well...

Then what do I have?

I no longer... have anything for you.

It seems that you are
all that I have now...

U-Umm, Inspector...
You have a visitor...

It's that woman again...
Eva Heinemann...

Let her in!

I had a great time, Eva.

When... can we meet again?

Well... I'll come after
my next business trip...

Aww, I don't want to return you
to your wife.

At any rate, I'll give you a call.

You won't come back again.

I placed a handkerchief drenched with
perfume in your bag...

What a superficial man...

You were looking at me again,
weren't you?

Are you disturbed by the fact that

I'm always coming back
with a different man?


You'd like to be invited as well,
wouldn't you?

-No way...

How disgusting.

No way!

I just...

Oh my, it's become beautiful.

I love this garden...

I forget about the things I hate
when I gaze at my garden...

I'm glad you like it!

I'm going to plant mimosas here.

And over there, I'm going to make
a rose arch.

It'll be beautiful
once summer comes...

Someone like you
might be able to do it.


Do you have the confidence
to make me happy?


Hey, are you listening, Dad?

Hey, Dad!


Oh... How is my cooking today?

You haven't heard anything I said...

That's why mother went off
with another man...

Oh! Sorry.

No... It's all right...

Actually... Colletta...

If... I had... umm... s-someone I liked...

Oh, no... n-nothing at all!

My cooking really isn't
any good today, either.

It's not bad.

I see, not bad?


You're a gardener,
but I'm having you do this...

No, this is nothing.

My handyman kept asking
for time off and then quit.

I'll do anything I can...

How about dinner tonight?

Oh... well, o-okay...

Why are you nervous?

W-Well... I'm not used to
expensive restaurants like this...

If you want to be a man worthy of me,

you must be confident
wherever you go.

Just like when you're
working in the garden.

A-Ah... Th-That's right.

I really have confidence in myself
when I'm in the garden.

I feel so happy when I complete
a garden that I envisioned...

I like it best when I'm in the garden.

People who like gardens
can't be bad people.

You said that you liked that garden...

Are you trying to say that
I'm a good person?

Yes, of course.


What is it?

No, umm... You... seem sad...

You, too.


You're lonely, too, aren't you?

Oh... Sorry. My daughter's
probably worried...



It's almost Christmas, isn't it, Colletta?

Santa doesn't have to
push himself this year.

Hey, you don't have to
worry about that...

It's just lonely having a Christmas party
with just the two of us.

We don't have to do anything!

No, it may not be
just the two of us this year.


That man ruined my life.

S-Sorry... I was just
cleaning up a bit...

His name is Kenzo Tenma...

He's my ex-fiancé...

Y-You're drinking again,
at this time of day?

How can I not drink?!

I just went to the BKA

to see an investigator
by the name of Lunge!

That man sent me away.
How useless!

When are they going
to arrest Tenma?!

BKA? Arrest?

He killed my father and ran away!

He says that he was framed,
but who is he trying to fool?!

I was promised a good future as

the daughter of the director
of a large hospital!

My three failed marriages
are also his fault!

How can he say that
it's Johan's doing?!

Take a look at this!

The boy with my father is Johan!

Do you think that this child
could kill my father?!

Is that what Tenma says?

It's a stupid excuse!

Did you show this photo to the police?

Of course not!

It might be important evidence!

Tenma's the one who did it!

Tenma has a split personality,
as Investigator Lunge says!

Then... why do you still have
his pictures framed like this...?

In the depths of your heart,
you think that Tenma is innocent...

And you still... have feelings for him...

You watch too many soap operas.


This man was the only man I've met
who was worthy of me.

He was an elite brain surgeon
who was called a genius...

His position was good enough.

Best of all, this man never defied me!

He listened to my every request!
Yes, yes, yes!

He was a man who always said "yes"!

This man was supposed to make me
the happiest person in the world!

Could I... take his place?

I'll build gardens for you
for my entire life

if it would set your heart at ease...

Don't get optimistic just because
I slept with you once!

You were just something
to pass the time!

I was just teasing you.

You got carried away!

You fool. Who do you think you are?!

You... You really are a lonely person...

You too!

I'm having a party at my house
with my daughter on Christmas day.

You can come if you like.

This food is amazing!

Did you make all of this?

Yeah. I can't guarantee it'll taste good.

But isn't this a little too much
for the two of us?

Y-You think so?


Mother's coming home!

That's it! Right?! Isn't it?!


Mother came home!



I'm sorry, dear... I'm sorry...

Who cares about mimosas?!
Who cares about roses?!

Who cares about beautiful gardens?!

Who cares about the residence
of the ex-director of a large hospital?!

Let everything burn!



It seems like you finally want to
listen to me, Inspector Lunge.

I just happened to have
my hands free.

This is the only man for me.

If I don't kill him...

I can never be happy!

Episode 15: Be My Baby