Modus (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

After a long hesitation, Inger Johanne agrees to join the investigation. At the same time she tries to make sense of the information from her daughters; is there a connection between the ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Stina is not like other kids.

She can't express her feelings in words.
That's what's so painful for her.

Stina has been doing well
for a while now, but...

Last night she had another nightmare.


-It's Mum...
-What about Mum?

She's dead.

Did you see what happened to the bishop?

In your book you write about
the murders of famous women.

We could really use your competence.

On December 25 at 9:19 p.m.,
police in Stockholm found

39-year-old TV chef Isabella Levin
dead in the basement of Hotel Gloria.

According to the autopsy report,
Levin was beaten and choked to death.

It also states the body had gone
three days undiscovered in the basement.

Isabella Levin was
Sweden's most popular TV chef,

and was an advocate
of healthy, organic cooking.

She is survived by two small children.

-It's Inger Johanne Vik.

-Have you seen the news?

-What are you referring to?
-Hotel Gloria murder. Isabella Levin.

-She was there the night of...
-I was gonna call you.

We've got some questions
about findings from the scene.

I'm in the hotel basement now.
Mind if I stop by?

-what, now?
-Yeah, if that's OK.

-Then I will. Bye.

I know what film to watch!

-Hi, honey!


TV chef murdered

Hi, honey.

What animals are you
looking forward to the most?

Take some pictures.
I haven't been there in ages.

You need to go now, Mum.

Have fun.

I'm just gonna go inside for a goodbye kiss.
Linnea, I mean.

-So Mum will drop you off for dinner.
-Yeah, yeah.

-Did you see the news?
-No, what?

I'll get the door.

Hi, I'm here to see Inger Johanne.

Ingvar Nyman. We met at Hotel Gloria.


-Guess you better get going...
-Right, yeah.

Yeah, she'll get cold in the car. OK...


-Come inside.


-Let's sit down here.


The victim has been hidden in the basement

by the garage exit,
ever since the night you were there.

-Maybe that's why she ran out barefoot?

If she had seen anything,
she would have told me.

We've got people trained
to interview children.

No, I'm telling you.

Mind if we look at some pictures?

These pictures, right here...
It's a 2.5 girls' size.

I assume that's roughly her shoe size.

It doesn't tell us if she saw anything,
but the timing is pretty...

Interviewing her is out of the question.

My colleagues don't know
who this footprint might belong to...

Yet, that is.

I found this

in the basement, under the stairs.

I don't know if it's Stina's.

Wait up! He doesn't know who we are, right?


And shut that fucking kid up, bitch!

Mum, why are you snooping
around in our room?

-I'm not. I'm looking for something.

-So typical, Mum.

Can we watch another episode?

Come on! We were gonna have a movie day.
You haven't watched anything.

-All right, stop it.
-You're being so weird, Mum.

Wanna help me out?
Remember Lisa's wedding at the hotel?

-You guys watched a movie. Was it scary?

-Nobody died or anything like that?
-Mum! You're suffocating me!

Snow white? When the witch falls
to her death? Did Stina watch that?

I was asleep, Mum.

I'm sorry, honey.


Wanna watch an episode?

No, two!

Mum! Stina's phone ringing.


Hi, you've reached the voicemail of Isak...

Come on, Mum!

Look here.



It starts in ten minutes, Dad.

It's Saint Stephen's day.
That sermon writes itself.

Stephen, the first Christian martyr.
And then Mother's death.

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
you who kill the prophets

"and stone those sent to you,

"how often would I have gathered
your children together

"as a hen gathers her brood
under her wings, and you would not!"

-It's a memorial service for Elisabeth.
-Yes, I know...

Can't I just be left alone?

I don't have the strength.

So stay home, Dad.

But you must realise, people will talk.

So people will talk, will they?

-We were just leaving.

Then I'll be brief.
We'd like access to Elisabeth's computer.

-I'll go and get it.

Because it's not here.

-What? I saw it here yesterday.
-That's possible. But now it's gone.

Mother liked to work at night.

She had the extra bed
so as to not disturb Dad.

-Where is the computer, Dad?
-Are you deaf? It's gone.

-It can't just disappear...
-It's OK. Our IT guys can backdoor it.

I see you're cleaning out your wife's things.

-I must ask you to stop.

-We're investigating a homicide.
-No. This is a clergy house.

I need to move out.
That means throwing things out.

-That'll have to wait. Is that clear?
-Or else?

Or else we'll get a warrant.

Patricia! Is it true you've been offered
a TV part in America?

We're here for Elisabeth today.

-Did you know Bishop Lindgren privately?
-She married us. Thank you.

Lots of missed calls from Mum.

-You guys having fun?
-Yeah. What was it?

-My tortoise. It's missing.
-You brought your tortoise?

It's so noisy... I can barely hear you.

What was it about?

-Ingvar wanted to...
-Great. Ingvar...

Nothing. What did Ingvar want?

He said, that night at the hotel...

-Can't you find a quiet corner?
-Yeah, we were just leaving...


-Where'd she go?
-What do you mean?

-Don't get hysterical.

She was looking for her tortoise.

Tortoise? I'm not hysterical.
You're not watching her?

Calm down. We're at a museum.
What could happen?

Can you see her? Isak, answer me!

I'll call you right back.

-Did you lose my child?
-No, Mum. I'm right here.

-No, the blue ones.
-It doesn't matter.

-It's gotta be the blue ones!


Why the hell is he not picking up?
Goddamn idiot!

-I don't want to go.
-You have to.

I don't want to!




There it is!

Great, huh?

Right. Better call Mum.

Son of a...

-OK. Found her.

-Wanna say hi?
-Yes, please. I'd like that very much.

Say hi to Mummy.

Nothing doing. We're headed home.

-OK. Call me when you get home.
-Yep, yep.

OK, sweetie. We're not going.

Now it's movie time! OK?

Seriously, make up your mind, Mum.

-Let's just go home.
-We need to make sure he eats.

I can't. Missing the memorial, throwing
Mum's stuff out, lying to the police...

-He's being impossible.
-Come on now!

They were married 40 years.

A little odd behaviour is to be expected.

Remember the picture
of the girl in Mum's study?

-That looks like you?
-We've talked about this?

-No, I've thought it myself. Who is she?
-Don't know. It's always been there.

At times I've wondered if I have a sister.

-You've never asked her about it?

-Why not ask him now?
-He got rid of it...

Then all the more reason for you to ask.

Come on, let's go up and make sure
he eats something. Let's go.


We wanted to invite you
out to dinner with us.

No. I found some crackers in the pantry.


That picture you removed...

Who is she?

None of your business.

Drive safely.

I actually like Dad.

-So do I.
-Not as much as I do.

The murders of two female public
figures dominated Christmas news.

Bishop Elisabeth Lindgren was
killed on Christmas Eve in Uppsala,

and on Christmas Day,
TV chef Isabella Levin was found dead

in Hotel Gloria's basement
in downtown Stockholm. Police are...

What's this now?

Don't you remember, Mum?
They're meatballs!


Wow... Did you make dinner for me?

It's for Dad.

-Is it OK if we sit out here?
-Sure thing.

I'll get some more macaroni!

If your daughter did see him,
it's possible he saw her, too.

I've arranged for one of our cars
to drive past here regularly.

-She's at her father's right now.
-Yeah, we know.

Of course you do.

I was looking at Bishop Lindgren's site.
She was the target of a hate campaign.

Did you go through her emails,
her computer?

It's probably at the bottom of a lake
north of Uppsala somewhere.

But we can backdoor it, right?
Through the suppliers?


I'm happy you decided to come on board.


She's a real trooper, that one, isn't she?

-How old is she? Seven? Eight?

Sounds like you have one of your own.

Well, I had.

She died a year and a half ago.

It was her heart, it just...

That's awful.

-Are you going into work?

Were you at the memorial service
for the bishop?

It was beautiful.
Too bad you couldn't make it.

Wait, can I just talk to you guys
before you go?

I took a test this morning. It worked.

-You're gonna be a dad!

What didn't you say something?

So, the due date is July?


Congratulations to all of us.

-What about me?


That's nice.

I know. Though we had said
no Christmas presents this year.

A lot can be said for your husband,
but you can't trust him.

Did you see the fur coat I gave Sophie?
Now she's obliged to get me something.

I've got an idea. What are you doing now?

-Nothing, I need to be at the theatre at 7:00.

They're having a baby! Hope it's a girl.
I've always wanted a girl.

Except for you, of course.
I didn't mean it like that.

Could you lend me some money?

I could really use one more.

Thanks, Mum.

It's just a cop car every now and then.
You won't notice it.

Right, but that's not for
what's-his-name to decide. Yngve?

Ingvar. It's nothing he decided.
He offered it, as a safety measure.

-Is he there now?

No reason...

Stina hasn't been
feeling well since we got home.

Not feeling well? Is she sick?

Forehead's a little warm.
Didn't want to eat. She's sleeping now.

-Why haven't you said anything?
-I'm telling you now!

Calm down, she just needs to sleep.
It's probably a teenage thing.

My dad said I slept for three years
straight between 1 2 and 1 5.

Isak? Take care of her.

Why would you say that?
You just asked someone else to.

Sorry, that was uncalled for.

-I'm glad she's with you.

-Talk tomorriw.


-Maybe get Marcus a trip for Christmas?
-It's been ages since he agreed to one.

-Hi! So good to see you!

-This is Rolf.

You guys go ahead,
I'm just gonna have a smoke.

-I'll quit when the baby arrives.
-Hey, I'm not the one dying from it.

I'm sorry! It was a joke!

We don't get to see his prick?

What the hell is this thing?

You can buy a 3D version
of this old guy in purple here.

Maybe get him for Marcus?

-Hello! Fancy seeing you here.
-Hi! No, thanks.

I happened to learn that my husband...
Marcus Ståhl.

Well, he's very interested in your art.


Says 3D here...
So you can print it out for me to take home?

Not a problem.
What material do you want him in?

Metal, plastic, plaster, chocolate...

-I need to mingle, see you later?

I love marble statues, where plasticity
is on the surface. Nothing's hidden.

And yet still, or maybe because of it,

the craft gets in the way of the piece of art.

So by exhibiting a real body,
an experienced body,

I capture its painterliness, texture,

eroticism, its life, its authenticity.

I love old bodies.

Could I get a picture of you guys?

-I don't want to.

Great. All right...

That's really great.

Let's see a smile.

That's super. Perfect.

Could I get one of you and Simon as well?

Do you mind if I go home?
I'm feeling a bit queasy.

Don't worry about it.
I know tons of people here.

-It's totally fine.


Narcissistic personality disorder.
Dark tetrad.

Impulse control issues...

Hi. I'm almost done here.
Give me five minutes, OK?

Anything you want to tell me?

Patricia and I went to an art opening tonight.

Is that him?

You've googled him I don't know how
many times these past few weeks!

Hang on a second... Are you spying on me?

-I get it. He's attractive and talented.
-Stop it!

Rolf... Come here. Sit down.

I googled him because he's a candidate
for one of our foundation's art grants.

Rolf, come and sit down here.

How could you think I would...

I get all these ideas, I don't know...

Well, that crosses him off the list.

-No... No.
-Of course he is.

You know what else I thought?

That you were maybe envious of me.

Since I'm the one
who's going to be a father now.

I think it's time I returned to my family.

-Are you coming to dinner with us?
-I need to get to the theatre.

You guys go ahead. I'm gonna change
my shirt and take care of some stuff.

The cab will pick me up here. Have fun, guys!

-Bye, now.

-I left my wallet!
-Call Niclas, tell him to bring it.

-I'll go back.
-All right. See you at the restaurant.


Niclas? Are you there?


Niclas! What did you do?

Niclas! Wake up!

Oh, God. What did you do?

My name is Thora Lundahl.
I'm calling from the Lövholmsbrinken gallery.

You need to send an ambulance right now.
I think he may be dead.


Did you see her in the basement?

Did you happen to see anyone else?

Lennart Carlsson? You're under arrest.

It's my understanding
your client has agreed to talk.

I've got nothing to say to you people.

Why the hell were you outside my house
the day before Christmas Eve?

-What are you looking for?
-I wanted to see some pictures of Mum.

Stay out of those boxes, please.

-He'll find out sooner or later.
-Only if you tell him.