Modern Family (2009–…): Season 6, Episode 1 - The Long Honeymoon - full transcript

Cameron isn't ready to conclude his honeymoon with Mitchell after their wedding. Gloria takes Jay to task over his appearance. The Dunphys must ready themselves for the return to school.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Oh! Let me get that, husband.

After a storybook wedding
and a magical honeymoon,

Mitchell and I are finally newlyweds.

Are you sure you wouldn't be more
comfortable in your own chair?

There's no more
"my chair" or "your chair."


We got back from our honeymoon
several weeks ago,

- and it feels like it never...
- Never ended? Oh, my Gosh.

It's like we have
one mind and one heart.

And one chair.

Happy three-month anniversary.

Oh, is that today?

So, listen, I have this boring
cocktail thing at the office,

But I should be home by 6:00,
and then we can head to the party.

For you, dad.
From dad. Again.

Flowers? But you just
got me flowers yesterday.

- Well, you also had cereal yesterday.
- And I wouldn't mind having some today.

Sure was nice
when this house wasn't full of bees.

More syrup for milady?

Why, thank you, kind sir.

Claire, do we still have any of
those cookies that you and luke baked?

Are we the kind of family
hat has cookies for breakfast?

Yes, we are!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- A butterfly!
- Oh, my God!

We are having...

...the most perfect summer...


Don't get me wrong,
the Dunphys have had some great days.

We just have a little trouble
stringing them together.

Our record was eight consecutive
blissful days, December 2007.

It was our Hanukkah.

This summer,
all the Dunphys are just clicking.

Yeah, Haley and Luke
are getting along,

Alex is off building houses
for the poor.

Which I know sounds awful,
but she loves it.

My fashion blog is blowing up.

I started doing these live video chats,
and now I have over 50,000 subscribers!

Oh, plus, my hair
has never looked better.

I'm not a religious person...
But I just woke up.

Phil has been gardening. I've had time
to catch up and read the classics.

When she isn't busy helping me
with my magic-mirror disappearing trick.

I'm just gonna say it.
Suddenly, I love magic.

I don't care
if it's the middle of the day.

I just want to put you in a box
and stick swords in you.

If this summer wasn't magical enough,
I haven't had a single bad plum!

Oh, my God!

- So, the zipper...
- Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!



Come! Talk to your cousins!

- Hola!
- ¿Cómo estás, Manny?

Manny, why you freeze the colombians?

If I talk to one of them,
I have to talk to 50 of them.

Just do it as a birthday gift.

You always do this.
Your birthday's not till next week.

Not mine. It's aunt Rosario's
82nd birthday today.

That's why all the goats
are wearing the party hats.


- Manny!
- Hi, everyone.

- Ay!
- Pretty snazzy new cheaters, huh?

- Five bucks.
- Wow.

I know, right?!

My husband is an older man,
but he's not an old man.

But with the track suit
and now the glasses,

It's like he just stopped trying lately.

Comfort is not everything.

My toes have been numb
since my quinceanera.

We don't have to be at drinks till 5:00,

so I'm gonna run a few errands,
take these bad boys for a spin.

Ay, Jay. Why don't you wear
that new outfit that I just got you?

Uh, a little flashy, that extra zipper.
It's like a staircase to nowhere.

- Yeah, but it makes you look very...
- Honey, I'm so sorry. Right on your toes.

It's fine. You can drop
a pay phone on my foot.

I don't feel a thing anymore.

And now,
as my lovely assistant joins me,

It's time to chant
the incantation that will send

this fair maiden
into the sixth dimension.

By the hat of Merlin,
by the witches of Gramanthia,

we do make this offering
to you... be gone!

Did I do it? Did I disappear?

Almost. Just a little bit of forehead.

- Oh, I can scrunch down.
- There's love.

Hey, guys.

You brought the sifter.

- Aw!
- Now I can start my rhubarb pie.

Oh, can I help pick the rhubarb?

Lead the way, kitten.

- Anybody want a plum?
- I'm good.

I'll grab you a roadie.

There is no easy way to ask this,
but are you all high?

No, Mitchell. We're happy.

Oh, I'm trying to get away from "happy."

All right, in the briefest possible way,
why don't you let me know what's going on?

Cam refuses to let the honeymoon end.

I have a house full of flowers,
endless romantic texts.

I know, I know,
I sound like an ungrateful jerk.

- You do.
- It's exhausting.

Not to mention
impossible to reciprocate.

Oh, my God!

Anyway, do you think that
maybe I should talk to him gently

about taking it down a notch?

No, absolutely not.
That never ends well.

Clearly you thought this said "be mean."

- Phil, honey, no.
- No.

It's okay, don't worry, I...

- And it wasn't even Valentine's Day.
- So your advice is to do nothing.

Yes, Mitchell,
as horrible as this sounds,

you need to suck it up
and let yourself be loved,

and Cam will end up
dialing back the romance.

You might just miss it.
I know I do.

Here we are.
A plum for my peach.

Do you?

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Is he okay?
- He's Mitchell.

Look, I didn't even want to talk about it.
We've had such a great thing going on here.

I don't want to let that kind
of negativity in the house.

- Alex!
- Hey!

We didn't think you were
coming back until next week.

I got a ride home early.

This has been the worst summer ever!

- Careful, you idiot!
- You're an idiot!

And last night, my tent ripped,

so I had to sleep under a plywood
boardleaning up against a van.

Pass me a napkin.

- Is milady's arm broken?
- Yours is about to be.

Aww, precious flowers.

Not that I could sleep
with all the rats.

And, by the way, if any of you
start coughing up blood, my bad.

I think I brought back the plague.

What am I doing? I think I left
my backpack in the driveway.

- Stop kicking me!
- You're kicking me!

I'm sorry. I'm just fidgety today.

It's okay. A cookie might help.

- Here's that napkin you wanted.
- I got the mail!

Would it have killed you
to give me one without ketchup on it?

- Move!
- You have room!

No, move out! You're 40!

Okay. That's enough.

Luke, why don't you go water our garden.
Haley, just disappear for a minute.

Well, it's not like
you could help with that.


- It's great having Alex home, huh?
- So great.

- You don't think that she's the reason...
- No. No, I do not.

We both knew that this charmed summer
Had to have a bump in it somewhere.

Yes. Yeah.

And it's not like Alex coming home

could suddenly throw off
our whole happy mojo.

- How's that plum?
- Great. Oh, my God.

- There she is!
- There she is!

Oh, so happy to have you home, honey.

- Oh, my God! It's a bat!
- Aah!

What's happening?!

- Get it out of the house!
- Get it away!

This is unbelievable.

The dry cleaner lost
another one of my shirts.

You know that nice,
red-white-and-blue Hawaiian one?

Yes, that was a very nice one.

That's the fourth
Hawaiian shirt he's lost.

I'm telling you, this is
a "dateline" story waiting to happen.

Great talking with you all.
Hey, but someone wants to say hi.

No, no!

- Jay!
- Hi, guys.

- ¿Cómo estás?
- Nope, still don't speak spanish.

Always so much fun
seeing you guys, though.

Listen, I...

- Gloria?
- Hmm?

Your cousin's wearing my black,
yellow, and peach Hawaiian shirt.

Ay, please, Jay!

Like you're the only man in this whole
wide world that owns that shirt.

These designer specs
don't just make my eyes pop.

I can see the cigar burn
I put on the left pocket.

- It's a coincidence.
- There's a lot of those.

Like according
to your Uncle's hoodie here,

he was on my track team
at Buchanan High.

Hey, guys. Tell you what.

Why don't we sample some
American food for a change?

So, you're sending
my clothes to Colombia?

Just the old ones,
and they send most of them back.

And there it is.

Do you have a problem
with the way I dress?

Jay, I love you very, very much.

And I love you very much,
but that wasn't the question.

It's just that sometimes I feel like

you could make a bigger effort
on your appearance.

And there it is.

Please stop saying that.

It's just that I feel that lately
you don't make an effort to look good for me,

and I'm always making an effort
to look my best for you.

- For me? Sure.
- What?

Let's face it, you don't really
doll up for me. You do it for you.

You get your hair done,
you get your nails done.

Oh, so you wouldn't mind
if I stopped fixing myself up?

No, because I love you for you.

And since we're being honest,
I actually think sometimes...

You overdo it.

And there it is.

- You're using it wrong.
- No, this is good.

It's good to know that you don't care.

This is gonna save me
so much time in the future.

- Good.
- Good!



I don't care if it's cliché.

I love the convenience
of a nice mini quiche.

You got a little, um...

Oh, no. Okay.

Perfect. Can the new guy
embarrass himself any more?

Hey, counselor. What do I have to do
to get you to drop that suit?

- Cam, what are you doing here?
- Surprising my "hugsband"!

- I'm hearing that term for the first time.
- Yeah.

So when will you guys be back?

Looks like somebody's
entertaining a lady friend.

Maybe you'll pour her a nice,
tall glass of Manischewitz?

You know what?
Sometimes just a straight answer.

Gloria, can I get an E.T.A.?
These are important clients.

I'd like them to still be alive
when we get there.

Okay! I'm ready.

- Seriously?
- What?

Ay, no! I'm so sorry!

I forgot this was drinks
with your clients.

Hold on. Okay.

I'm ready now. Let's go.

Hey, there, superstar.

- Moron!
- Derp!

It really hasn't been
the same here without you.

So what do you got there?

Oh, college brochure!

You're gonna have your pick of schools.
You're our little genius.

- I just hope...
- What, Claire? What do you hope?

Well, you have such a perfect record,
I hope they don't hold it against you

- that this week you kinda...
- Well...

- Don't want to say "quit."
- You just did.

Are you trying to send me back
to that hellhole?

No! It's... Honey,

you're part of a team,
and there are people relying on you.

So when you just
up and vanish like that,

It sort of... it...



Your mom just feels like it's unlike you
to walk away from something.

At least I could walk away.

My tent-mate nail-gunned
her foot to the floor.

She was just walking around in a circle
screaming until someone found her!

Why do you guys want
to get rid of me so badly?

- No one wants to get rid of you.
- It's just seven more days.

You'll feel good about
finishing something you started,

and then you join us for the perfect
little summer we're having here.

- Were having until an hour ago.
- Haley!

Oh, my God.
Okay, I see what this is.

You all are happier when I'm not here.

- No, that's not true.
- Save it!

I'll get a ride back up there and you all
can continue to enjoy your perfect summer!

- Alex, honey!
- Leave me alone!

We just got free cinemax!

Here's Mitchell kissing a dolphin.

Oh, that's him kissing a tiger.

I'm the tiger. Rawr!

We have fun,
you know?

Were we supposed to bring our spouses?

Hey, Cam? Cam, hey, look.

Um, this is kind of work-only.

Oh, please.
They don't even know I'm here.

I like this song. Let's dance.

- No, no. Nobody's dancing.
- Shh. Say it with your hips.


- Hey, uh, no, Cam. Um...
- Hmm?

- You know I love you, right?
- First man that ever did love me right!

- We have fun.
- We do, we do, we do.

- So, look, I was thinking that maybe...
- Mmm.

We could turn the romance down
just a little bit, you know?

Because it's been getting
a little bit...

I don't want to say over the top,
but it...

Cam, I'm gonna need your help
if we're gonna keep dancing here.

I feel like you're mad.

- So, we had an informal vote over there...
- We're not dancing anymore.

- Oh, good.
- Yeah.

You know Herb might stop by, right?

He takes the pictures
for the company newsletter.

Yes, I love "Herb's blurbs."


Here come the doors!

Usually all the good places have them!

I'm going to open them!

You're such a gentleman, Jay.

I think I forgot my wallet.

Oh, don't worry.

I have some money
here in my fanny pack, huh?

For God's sake, fine. You win.

I like it when you make yourself pretty.

- I win!
- I just said you won.

Ay, Jay, what you're feeling right now

is what I feel when you stop
trying to look good for me.

No, I get it.

- Then why did you stop trying?
- Because...

Oh, forget it. It's too stupid.

Tell me.

A couple of months ago,
I was shopping at Barneys...

You know I like to stay current.

Anyhow, I'm coming
out of the dressing room,

and I see these two young guys
laughing at me,

You know, like
"there's the old guy trying too hard."

You know, of course I get mad.

But I start thinking, "they're right,
Jay. You're old. Just be old."

- Ow!
- Listen to me, Jay Pritchett!

A lot of people assume that I married you
because of your money,

and that's only a very,
very small part of it.

I'd like to go back to that.

I married you
because you were sexy.

You still are.

Who knows for how long
that's gonna last, for either of us.

So we have to keep making
an effort for each other.

Next time you go to Barneys,
I go with you.

Maybe you're just making
the wrong choices.

Not always.

You want to have a drink?
I can change.

No, I think I'll text them,
tell them I was sick.

Let's go home.
You said I was sexy.

Okay, bye, Rosa. Thank you.


What's up, dude?


What, is that too romantic for you?

He loves me not...

He loves me not...

He loves me not.

- Okay, can we talk?
- Actually, no. I'm kind of busy.

I'm assuming you forgot
it's our three month-iversary.

Well, I foolishly set up a celebration
that I will kindly get rid of.


No, I didn't forget, but that's
what I want to talk to you about.

You've been a little bit...

See, look.
This is what I'm talking about.

- You got me another present.
- Don't touch that.

Oh, my... my heart!

What heart?

Cam! Come on!

Okay, listen.
I know how lucky I am to have you,

but I can't possibly keep up
with this level of affection...

- Oh, boy.
- I apologize! I'm a monster!

No, obviously, I'm the monster.


You know, can I just point out
that when we were in Cabo,

you didn't seem to mind
all the flowers...

- Yeah, but...
- ...or the back rubs.

...or the attention.

Well, that was our honeymoon,

and, yes, I loved it,
but it was weeks ago.

Well, maybe some of us
don't want it to... end!

Well, it has to eventually end.

All right, Cam...

Did you have this lipstick or...

You know, personally, I feel sorry
for you that you're so shut off

- that a few simple romantic gestures...
- Oh, my God! What am I looking at here?

Well, I guess I'm crazy because
I've taken pictures of you sleeping

every night since we got married
because you're the man of my dreams.

If I was the man of your dreams,
wouldn't you have to be the one sleeping?

Don't pull that thread, Mitchell.

- Speaking of which, what is this?
- Don't pull that thread, Mitchell.

Oh, Cam, come on!

Even you have to admit
this is excessive.

Excessive? Really?

[ pop ]

- Struck by Cupid's magic arrow.
- It's off, Lily.

Seriously? Two hours
rehearsing with rosa?

Cam, what is going on with you?

We just had the most romantic year ever,

planning our ceremony,
the wedding, the honeymoon,

And I'm just worried if we let this go,
we'll never get it back.

- That doesn't all just end.
- It did once.

You know, the first two years
we were together,

we were insanely romantic.

Then it became
about parenting and working.

And this last year, we got that back,

and I just realized
I've dropped the ball.

Oh, no.

Well, maybe you shouldn't be
the only one carrying the ball.

- What if you did a give-off to me?
- A hand-off.

Okay, what... yeah.
Look, what if I...

Tried to become
a little bit more romantic?

What would that even look like?

This song was playing the night
I asked you to move in.

At that applebee's.

- I believe you owe me a dance.
- Yes.

Are we almost done
with fairy time?

- Lily, of all...
-Lily, that's offensive.

I just want to get out of this costume.

- Oh.
- Oh, of course.

Now, that does
look uncomfortable.

- They snap off.
- They snap off. Oh, that's easy.

My ride's on its way.

Don't worry,
I'll wait outside on the curb.

Honey, nobody wants you to go.

Yeah, even if you are bad luck,
you're our bad luck.

You realize that is
in no way an apology, right?

- The thing is that we are really...
- Please stop talking.

I spent this entire summer
as an outsider.

They literally made me build
the outside of the house.

And then I come back here and I...

Why is your webcam on?
Are you trying to humiliate me?

That light means it's on?

It doesn't automatically turn off
when you go to a different web page?

No, and considering
you keep your laptop on your bed,

Right by where you change,
and when you come out of the shower,

And who knows
what else...

Everyone knows what else!

It's probably why
you have 50,000 subscribers.

Hey! You should be ashamed
of yourselves!

Yeah, yeah. Still not off.

How do you do that?

Wait, what is that smell?

Your father and Luke
are making a rhubarb pie

from rhubarb we grew
in our own garden.

You're not leaving until you try it.

No, no, no, no, no.
I smell smoke.

Well, I didn't turn
the oven on yet, did you?


Oh, no, no!

I tried to start that stupid
"war and peace" again last night

in the bathtub,
but then I fell asleep.

It dropped in the water
and I thought I would just dry it out.

Take cover!

- Okay! Okay!
- Take cover!

Oh, God!

Damn this thing!

Did nobody notice the oven light?!
Lights mean things, people!

Oh! Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh! Oh!

Great job!

Oh, god! Oh, no!
No! No!

Good job, honey!

This has been awesome,
but my ride's here.

- Have a magical day.
- No, no, no, no.

- No, sweetie.
- Claire, I got this.

- Spoon time, people.
- Yes!

- Family tradition.
- Yes.

You can leave if you want to,

but we're not letting you go
without a smile on your face.

Luke and I poured
a lot of love into this pie,

So, here...

Taste this.

Taste our love.

You took the leaves
off the rhubarb, right?

They're incredibly poisonous.
You all could die.

No! Alex says
they're poison!

Oh! Okay.

We're right here! We heard her!

You can't leave us.

We're a danger
to ourselves.

We're a family of fire starters,
poison eaters, and online prostitutes.

It wasn't a perfect summer.
It was a stupid summer.

Without you here to shame me,
I watched every "Real Housewives" episode

and I only got to page two
in "War and Peace."

- Please stay.
- We nee one adult in this household.

Okay, fine.

You know the attic window
is open, right?

We really didn't.

I race you up the stairs.

Why don't you slip into
something less comfortable?




Just a thought...
Maybe we should stop doing these.

- What's going on?
- It seems pretty obvious.

I had to throw the party a week early
to really surprise her.

Should we be concerned about her?
That's similar to the way mom left.

Gloria and I got in this whole thing
about how we dress.

Long story, I think she might
need a little more time bef...


I had this outfit underneath.

Did you really think that I was gonna
walk into a bar looking like that?


All these years, you're telling me
you can get ready that fast?

Oh, my God!