Mod Squad (1968–1973): Season 1, Episode 2 - Bad Man on Campus - full transcript

The trio goes undercover at a local high school to break up a car theft ring run by students.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(waves crashing)

ADAM: Her name
was Martha Carstairs.

Beautiful lady.

And a nice lady.

She taught history at
Central High School.

Everyone was crazy about her.

Not everybody.

How long was she in the water?

48 hours.

Her car was on the pier.

Her purse and money intact.

You have no leads at all.

No record of any kind.

No steady boyfriends.

Oh, she dated once in a while.

They've all been checked out.


Just a nice
schoolteacher in a school.

Then what about the school?

That's something else.

I had men out asking questions.

No answers.

Just blank stares
and tight lips.

The generation gap.

Bridge it.

Hold it.

You're not sending
us back to school?

What have you got
against education?

Listen, I was no ball of
fire the first time around.

You know, it would
be kind of embarrassing

to wind up the slow student.

What student? What student?

You're teaching.

(door opening)


Miss Barnes is it?

Yes, sir.

I'm a transfer from Burbank.


I'm sorry to
replace your teacher

under such tragic circumstances.

I'll do the best I can.

Put it there pretty girl.


And I hope you'll cooperate

all you can.

Your name?

Gandy Shaffler...


You'll find it under the S's.


Oh, that seat's assigned to...

Edward Lightner.

Has anybody seen him?

Oh, the Doctor's been
gone a week now, sir.

Maybe he found greener pastures.

Oh, that's what
we call him, sir.

Doc... Doc Lightner.

You know he burns
with a zeal to bounce

in the hallowed footsteps
of Pasteur, Koch, Salk.

(class chuckling)

What was the current
class assignment?

Civil War period.

You know, sir...

about the slaves.

(students laughing)

May I have a
little quiet please?

Now I asked you for quiet.

(noisy conversations)

Now that's a big mouth, friend.

How would you like me to come

down there and
put my foot in it?

All right, thank you, gentlemen.

The Civil War, huh?

Would you like the book version,

or shall we tell it like it was?

ALL: Like it was.

(book closing)

Okay, like it was.

In the year 1863...


Push. Push.

Push. Go.

I'm sorry, Mr. Cochrane.

Hey, you just have to relax.

I know it's foolish, but I've
always been afraid of falling.

Everybody is
afraid of something.

Try the bars.

There's two missing sir.

Doc Lightner and Gandy Shaffler.

Well, half the problem's solved.

Shaffler, sir.

Sorry to be late.

This is a gym class.

Do you expect to work
the rings in those clothes?

Always eager to learn, sir.

My little joke, sir.

You see, I've held the city
league title for two years.

Very impressive.

What'll it be, little lady?

An orange, I guess.

I overestimated
the power of a dollar.

Oh, come on, we're
a friendly group.

Mr. Oswald will be
glad to carry you.

Oh, sure, if I wanted
to go bankrupt,

I could find an easier way.

You know what these
kids owe me now?

The man's a peasant.

You won't object to
putting them on my tab?


That's what I thought.

Excuse me.

Put you on a tray with an
apple between your teeth,

you'd look just about right.

I'll have it for you
tomorrow, Gandy. I promise.

How much?

Ten dollars.

That's only a month's interest.

We better talk about it.

You be home tonight.

But, Gandy... Something?


Well, time to get acquainted.

The name's Gandy.

You spell it "Big Daddy."

PETE: Big Daddy?

Modesty is not his bag.

Sounds like a "B" movie:
Teenage Loan Shark.

Well, it could be.

That fat boy was
pretty terrified.

It's interesting,

but it's a long way from
loan sharking to murder.

Well, I beg to
differ with you, Pete.

I've borrowed a few.

Murder and money... they're
never more than a switchblade apart.

Has anybody tripped across
the name Doc Lightner?

An absentee.

LINC: Since just before
the teacher was murdered.

I did a little research.

Honor student, class
vice-president, athlete.

He cut a pretty big path
through the premises.

PETE: You trying to tie
him in with the teacher?

The echo is they were close.

How close?

LINC: They talked a lot.

She tried to help him.

Why don't you pursue
it with his girlfriend?

Leila Camel, the beautiful girl
who was sitting next to Gandy.

Hey, glad to have you aboard.

PETE: Sounds like Gandy

is worth a little
mileage himself.

I'll know soon.

He's driving me home.

Thank you very
much for the lift.

I, uh, certainly didn't
expect anything like this.

A car's a car.

Must have cost a lot of bread.

I save my pennies.

You must have a pretty
well-off penny bank.

Pick a color.


You got it.

Tomorrow night.

That's what I'll pick you
up in... a red convertible.

You know something?

I believe you.

ADAM: You want a what?

You know a 502
on a license plate.

Look, Julie, a 502
is drunk driving.

What you want is an 803.

I'll never memorize
those things.

Anyway, it's a local plate.

It's U-N-F


Say, how are things
going at the school?

Well, it's moving.

Yeah, whatever that means.

It means that we're
going to need a little time.

There's 2,500 students there.

So what's the problem?
There's three of you.

All right, repeat.

A local plate.

UNF Zero-one-four.

Not bad.

I never do bad.

We'll mark it up
to your account.

Oh, the foreman
wants to see you.


Anything wrong?

I only work here.

(laughs): Now, I question
and you answer, right?

(chuckles): Yeah. Now, you,
uh, you've been showboating,

you've been talking too much,

you've been flashing
too much money, right?

Yes, sir. (chuckles)

We don't need any playboys...

This is a business
organization, right?

Sit down.

Go on, sit down.

Now, how is the recruiting?

Well, I'm working
on some prospects.

Uh-huh. How-how
much are you offering?


$50 a car.

You-you can up it to $75.

We'll get that back in interest.

I'll, uh, need more capital.


More capital, huh?

(chuckles): Give him $1,500.


What do you, uh, hear
from Doc Lightner?

(laughs softly): Well,
Cotton, I... I told you.

I'm the last one he'd contact.


Maybe not.

Especially if, uh,
Lightner found out

it was you who put us onto
him and the schoolteacher.

(laughs): Well... well, he's probably
a thousand miles away by now.

He doesn't want
murder pinned on him.

Well, that's what
you keep selling,

but it could be another way...
You could be covering for him

to keep him out of the way.

(chuckling): That
would be disloyal.

(pants): Look, I... I've
done everything you said.

And you keep it that way, man.

It's a big ocean.

Anybody have a penny?

ADAM: Worth a nickel.

You were right, Julie.

Local plate UNF014
was a hot car,

stolen one hour
before you called it in.

You didn't pick Gandy up?

Grab a minnow when
you're after shark?

It wouldn't make sense.

All I see is a big man on
campus who steals cars.

And runs a loan shark operation.

Uh-uh. No, Gandy doesn't run it.

He's a runner, maybe... no more.

The big man never comes
around, only the runner.

You only see the biggies
when you can't pay.

Well, try this.

Gandy the recruiter...

Loans a few bucks
here and there,

interest mounts up, and
the kids can't pay it back.

So Gandy comes
up with a solution.

The kid can square
himself off by stealing a car.

Kid steals a car, he's square,

he's got a few bucks besides.

Next time he needs bread,
he doesn't bother to borrow.

He's a full-fledged car thief.

Some kind of world.

Only the worst.

We're convinced it's
not only happening

in your school, it's
happening in all of them.

All run by one huge
car theft syndicate.

That's a long way from
the murder of a teacher.

PETE: Maybe not.

With Doc Lightner
being close to the teacher

and Gandy being
a friend of Doc's...

Stay on it.

Dig deep.

And Gandy's your wedge.

There may be another one.

GIRL: You wanted to see me?

I wanted to see
you do a lot better.

I don't, uh.. Miss Camel...

Leila, please sit down. No.

Teachers need a stronger union.

I've got the class and
the student-advisor job

all for the price of one.

Have you taken a look
at your grades lately?

I don't feel very well.
May I go, please?


Mr. Hayes, please.

Leila, I want to help.

I see someone coming
apart, I want to know why.

Leila Camel... a straight-A
student all the way.

Until about a week ago,
then it all falls apart. Why?

You've got a scholarship on tap,

and you're gonna watch
that go down the drain, too.


A week ago... about the time
Doc Lightner disappeared.

Leila, I want to help.

Tell me about it.

You sound more like a
detective than a teacher.

A good teacher has
to be a detective!

He sees someone wasting
it all, he better find out why.

Now, there's too
much waste out there.

I'll do better.

No, no. I don't think so.

Not like this.

I've got eyes, Leila.

I can see there's more to it.

Trust me.

Tell me about it.

Hey, look, let's take it
from the beginning, huh?

Why don't you invite
me over tonight...

A cup of coffee.

I'd like very much
to talk to your folks.

No. I-I mean...

thanks but not tonight.



Maybe everything.

I think she's gonna
see Doc Lightner tonight.


Should I call the captain?


I'd guess you better.


(whispers): Doc?


The front door, honey.

(birds chirping)

♪ ♪

ADAM (over radio):
Well, that's the haul.

A lot of red faces
and no Doc Lightner.

You're sure it was Doc?

Who else could it have been?

Well, at least Linc's
hunch was right.

Yeah, but you can't pay
the bills with hunches.

You at Gandy's
place covering Julie?

We're right outside his pad.

Julie's with him.

You better hang close.



You said a movie. (laughs)

I lie a lot.

(phone ringing)


Why there?

Hey, wait a minute!

I sure hate to come in
after the picture's started.

Sorry, honey,
another night. Here.

Buy yourself a taxi.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪




Are you here?


DOC: I'm here, man.

Come on out.

We can't talk this way.

DOC: Stay still, baby.

We can hear each other fine.

Where you been, Doc?

DOC: Living with
the ghosts in Fun City.

Watchin' and waitin'.

GANDY: What do you want?

DOC: The rest of those animals.

I thought you'd
bring them with you.

I'd like that.

Doc, how do I convince you? I...

Why'd you do it, Gandy?

We were friends!

Why'd you tell them?

I didn't. I swear I didn't.

Don't tell lies in the
orchard of the Lord, honey.

You talked...

and they put Miss
Carstairs in the water.

GANDY: Doc, I swear,
I never told them.

They... they just found out.

DOC: Take a good
look at her, Gandy.

Where she is now.

How about if I put you there?

You think on it, and you sweat.

No more "Big Man Gandy."

No more big plans.

No more strutting,
no more fine little gals.

No more nothin'.

Turn around.

Turn around!

This is where you
gonna end up, Gandy,

if you told about
Miss Carstairs.

Just like I'm
gonna do to them...

for sure, man!

Now get out.

Get out!

Don't contaminate this
place with your filth! Get out!

(door closes)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

He's long gone.


Where does a high
school kid get a gun?

Are you kidding, Pete?

People can just walk up
to a counter and buy one...

like bubble gum.

You're wasting my Saturday.

It's good coffee, but no words.

You asked me here
to talk, remember?

There's nothing to
talk about, Mr. Hayes.

I was just upset, you know.

Jumping at shadows.

Oh, good.

You're backing off.

That's a bad way to travel.

Nobody ever grabbed
a decision backpedaling.

It's about Doc, isn't it?


Last time around.

I want to help.

But I can't make it unless
you give me the chance.

Talk, Leila.

He was here last
night, Mr. Hayes...

and the police almost got him.

I almost wish they had.

He's going to get
killed going on like this.

Right. Now where is he?

I don't know.

You've got to tell me.

Oh, please, Mr. Hayes.

You've got no choice.

Because you're right.

Now, he keeps
running, he's gonna die.

And you love him so
much, you're bleeding.

And you still won't
give him that chance.

Where's the sense?

You won't bring the police?

He sees the police

and he's going
to start shooting!

I promise he won't
see any police.


Anybody home? We got a call.

Yeah, sure. Right inside.

Let's go.


We drop Julie home.

The party's getting rough.

Why? What's up?

Leila told me
where Doc's hiding.


Right in front of
us all the time.

Remember what he
said in the mortuary

about the ghosts in Fun City?

(surf crashing, wind whistling)

Now I see what he meant
about ghosts and Fun City.

Man, what a swinging
place this used to be.

Did you ever come here?


Just how square do
you think I was, man?

Oh, no, no.

It's just that...

this was kind of working class.

Haven't you ever
heard of democracy?

That's where the rich people can
go to the same amusement parks

as the poor people, except the
rich people can go more often.


Let's go find Doc Lightner.

(wind whistling)

(harmonica playing
"Glory, Glory, Hallelujah")

(harmonica continues)

(harmonica continues)

(harmonica continues)

(stone clatters)

It's over, Doc.

What do you want?

Want to talk to you about
the national pastime...


You think I killed
Miss Carstairs?

No, but you know
why she was killed.

DOC: Why do you want to know?

Now, look, man,
we're trying to help you.

Now, it's tied in with
stolen cars, isn't it?

You're fuzz, ain't you?

You, too?

Yeah, Doc.

We come in all sizes.

Doc, how did someone like you

get mixed up with Gandy?

I had to buy Leila a class pin.

$26 and 75 cents.

Is that like a fortune to you?

It was to me.

Is to a lot of folk.

And handy Gandy saved the day.

You know the rest of the road.

First car was tough, but...

second was easy.

All right, then why did
they kill that teacher?

I signed her death warrant

when I told her what
I was mixed up in.

They didn't bother to find out

whether she planned
to go to the cops.

He just put her in the water.

Animals. Stinking animals!


who's behind this car racket

or who's the big man?

What do you think I've
been staying alive for?

To find out, man.

He's the one I want most.

A fine good woman like that.

Let's go, Doc.

Hey, Doc.

(wind whistling)

I sure hate to leave Fun City.

It's been a real fine place.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Now you get up.

You get up. It's your fault.

It's all your fault!

Cotton, wait.

They're cops.
They've got to be cops.

Why would two school
teachers be looking for Doc,

to give him extra homework?

I got a mind to waste
you right now. Cotton!

Cotton, please,
I'll do anything.

That's right, the
only thing left.

That girl cop.

Now you mess up this time...

you want to breathe,
boy, you tell me straight.

Where does she live?!

(knocking on door)

And where have you guys been?

Hi. This apartment four?

Yes, it is.

The landlady wanted
us to check the plumbing.

Well, I know, but you see,
I'm expecting someone.

Well, this will
only take a minute.

It's just routine. Excuse me.

The, uh...


Just breathe deeply.

You can't blame yourselves.

We led them right to him.

No, you didn't.

Leila told them.

They play pretty rough.

If only Doc had
turned himself in.

If only kids would
learn to run to a cop

instead of running
away from one.

Well, it's over.

Homicide will take it from here.

We'd like to stay with it.

I know how you feel,
but it's too dangerous.

I want Julie out of
that school and fast.


I'm sorry.

Don't argue.

Do it.

(knocking on door)

(knocking on door)

Where is she?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Julie. Where is she?

I don't know.

She ain't home.

And there's a chloroform
smell in her room.

They'll kill me.

Now, what do you think we'll do?


She's coming around.

Well, that makes you a hero.

What was the point
in bringing her here?

A hostage.

We need her to get away.

Who said we wanted to get away?

They know about us, man.

About you.

So you panic

and dumped the whole
mess on my doorstep.

Hey, wait a minute, man.

Oh, the hired help these days.

A problem, but a
small one and solvable.

This is a little nicer
than your lunch wagon.

Ah, my dear...

can I offer you something?

A soft drink?

Or a little ice cream?


what is it that
policemen really eat?

You killed Miss Carstairs.

A cooperative effort.

What else can you
do with a woman

who wants to put
you out of business?

Or panicky employees?


A man simply cleans house.

Then he restaffs.

No problems.

Business as usual.

He's all yours.

You'll never make it.

There are others, you know.

They have to find
you to prove anything.

They won't.



Let him in.

Now we can really clean house.

You know, I...

I've never used
one of these before.

♪ ♪


right there!

No, Captain.

He's mine.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

From dirt...

to dirt.



Can I talk to you?

You're a policeman, aren't you?

Does it matter?

Not really.

Nothing does.

Sounds final. Like good-bye.

It is.

With, um... Doc dead,

there's really nothing
here for me anymore.

I'll find a job or something.

"Or something."

He'd turn over in his grave.

Now you listen.

Doc blew his chance.

He blew it.

And you didn't learn
anything by it, did you?

You just leave me alone.

Baby, there's something going on

and you don't know what it is.

Now this is the place.

The only way out...


Now you walk away from it,

you pass it by and you're zero.

Just another face in
the street all your life.

But you hang in there

and you'll come out something.

Not a... crier about
how it should have been.


maybe it's a sick world.

I don't know.

But you've got a chance.

You walk away now and it's over.

Help me, Mr. Hayes.

"Some men see things
as they are and say why.

I dream of things that never
were and say why not?"

You know who said that?

A great man.

And died for it.

What about you, Leila?

What are you going to do?

I'll try, Mr. Hayes.

Did it work?

Did she listen?

I hope so.


What's so funny?

I wish... someone
had said that to me.
