Mistresses (2013–2016): Season 3, Episode 1 - Gone Girl - full transcript

Karen calls Joss with bad news, interrupting her and Harry kissing on the beach.

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Previously on Mistresses...

Some trash showed up at my doorstep
with my cheating ex-husband's

bi-ratial spun.

Then why do I feel like
I'm doing something wrong?

Keeping Paul away from Lucy?

It's over. Paul's dead.

The body has
now since confirmed

to be that of Paul Malloy,

who was previously thought
to have died years ago.

A man I slept with just
tested H.I.V. positive.

Oh, my God.

I'm not sure if I believe in God anymore.

Is it positive or negative?
Just tell me the damn results.

You want to marry me today?

Yeah. I do.

- You are freakishly happy.
- [Chuckles]

You have a secret.

Harry: I am crazy in love with you,

and I don't know what to do
because I know that it can't be.


♪ I'm thinking it over ♪

♪ the way you make me feel all sexy ♪

♪ but it's causing me shame ♪

♪ I wanna lean on your shoulder ♪

♪ I wish I was allowed ♪

♪ but I don't wanna cause any pain ♪

[Cellphone ringing]

Ah. You better ignore that.

- ♪ Baby, I'm thinking it over ♪
- [Ringing continues]

Let me just...

♪ What if the way we started made it ♪

- ♪ something cursed from the start? ♪
- It's Karen.

- ♪ What if it only gets colder? ♪
- Wha... why is Karen calling you?

I have no idea. Should I...

- ♪ Would you still wrap me up ♪
- [Ringing stops]

Guess that answers that.


♪ 'Cause lately I've been scared ♪

♪ of even thinking 'bout where we are ♪

[Cellphone ringing]

- Oh, for the love of...
- Okay, let me just...


Oh, thank God you're there.

I'm sorry to bother you,

but do you have any
idea where Joss might be?

Uh... d-did you say y-you
were looking for Joss?

Put her on the phone, Harry.

Hey, I know this looks bad, but I...


O-okay, okay.

Yeah, no, I'll be right there. Okay, bye.

Oh, I... I-I-I got to go.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- What?

- I'll call you later, Harry.
- Joss!

Wait! Joss!

[Siren wailing]

Karen: Joss!

Are you okay?

No. Not even a little. Where's Scott?

I haven't seen him.

What happened? Is she okay?

Uh... we don't know.
I think it was a stroke.

A stroke? Oh, my God.

Don't worry about grandma June.

You know, she's gonna be
fine. She's a fighter. Um...

Scott, I...

Listen, I-I can't, um... Do this right now.

- I got to get to the hospital.
- Can I... come with you?

Sorry. Sorry.

Excuse me. Have you seen
the maid of honor anywhere?

Short, brown hair, bright pink dress.

Drives a red fusion?

Yeah. She just left a few minutes ago.

Oh. Okay.


[Cellphone chimes]



I've been calling for
you. Didn't you hear me?

The wedding isn't happening, honey.

We have to go home now.

What do you mean? Why isn't it happening?

'Cause of dad?

No. No. It has nothing to do with that.

But if... You want to talk more

about what you saw on the news...

- Talk about it to who?
- To me.

Why would I talk about
anything to you? You lie.


- You lie.
- Honey...


She was out in the heat too
long. That's what did it.

- All that waiting.
- Mom...

It was 100 degrees.
Parasols only do so much.

E-Eleanor, I'm so sorry.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, don't apologize.

None... None of this is your fault.

I'm not saying it's Joss' fault.

I'm saying she may be
partially responsible.

This whole thing was my idea, okay?

So if you're gonna blame
someone, Mom, blame me.

I was... Trying to be romantic.

And I realize how stupid that was.

T-t-to surprise somebody with a wedding...

It's too much, right?
It's too much pressure.

So it's no wonder you were
having second thoughts.


Joss, please tell me I haven't
scared you away for good.

No. Of course not.

Mistresses 3x01
Gone Girl

[Doorbell rings]

My daughter officially hates me.

"You lie," she said.

Just like bam, like stab you in the heart,

pure, unadulterated hate.

It's temporary... nothing
that can't be fixed with time.

Red or white?

How much time?

Depends. How much did Lucy see on the news?

I believe she saw her father's dead body

being dragged out of the ocean.

So we're looking at more than a week.

[Inhales deeply]

She's sleeping at Peyton's tonight.

I was thinking of having
Savi pick her up tomorrow,

maybe take her for some
ice cream, soften her up,

but she hasn't called me back all day.

That's weird. Savi hasn't
called me back, either...

Or answered any of my texts.

She's probably with Joss.

Joss is with Scott.


Well, I thought she
stood him up at the altar.

- [Exhales]
- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. I completely forgot.

I am H.I.V. negative.

[Sighs] Oh, thank God.

So everything is okay.

Well, the doctor wants to see me tomorrow.

Probably wants to scare me straight.

If this whole thing didn't scare
you straight, then what will?

That's what I said,

but he still wants me
to come in and... talk?

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Let's go back to your problem.

[Sighs] Okay.

What do I do, Karen?

And please don't tell me
to follow my instincts,

because I don't have any instincts.

My instincts are shot.

I have made one bad decision after another,

and right now I just want
you to tell me what to do,

and I'll do it.

You have to tell Lucy everything.

Everything everything?

What other choice do you have?


[All murmuring]

[Cellphone rings]

[Murmuring stops]

[Clears throat]

I can't talk right now.

Wait. You've got to give me
something, Joss. I'm going crazy here.

Grandma June had a stroke,

and I'm at the hospital with
Scott's whole family right now.

Oh, my God.

I know.

So... Y-you're with Scott?

And his mother and his
aunts and uncles and cousins,

and it's a whole situation.

Did you tell him?

Well, I-I haven't...
Haven't had a chance, Harry.


Y-y-you're going to, right?

Yeah, of course I am.

I just...

I got to go. I'll call you later.

Who was on the phone?

It was, uh, Savi. She sends her love.

That's sweet. That's nice.

Listen, you should go home.

- No, no, I'll wait with you.
- No, no, my, um...

My mom's gonna wait here all night

till they run all the tests,

so there's no reason for you to be here.

You should go... you know,
get out of that dress.

Get some rest, okay?

I'll call you if anything changes.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hm?

Come here.


I love you. All right?

And we are gonna work this whole thing out.

Set a new date, plan it together,

like we should have
from the beginning, okay?

April: So, what did you say?

Joss: What do you mean, what did I say?

I said, "okay."

What else could I have said?

You could have told him the truth...

That it was all happening too fast,

that you weren't ready.

- [Sighs]
- She's right.

Had I just spoken the
truth from the beginning,

I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in right now.

The truth shall set you free.

Pfft. Says who?

You know... God.

Well, God is mean, okay?

I'm not about to hurt Scott's feelings

while his grandmother's lying
in a hospital bed, you guys.

Well, what did Savi say?

Why are you asking me that?

Just curious what her
take is on all of this.

I'm assuming you talked to her.

No, I haven't talked to Savi all day.

I mean, things have been crazy.

Wait... you mean she never even called you?

Don't you find that strange?

Well... it didn't really
occur to me until just now,

but I just figured that
you guys were all together,

talking about everything.

We haven't heard from her all day.

I mean, we've been calling and texting.

I assumed she was with you.

I've been at the hospital all day.

Oh, my God.

Savi is missing.

O... kay.

Come on. She's not missing.
Seriously, stop, guys.

I don't need any more
drama in my life, please.


Look, see? There she is.

She's fine.

"She's missing."

[Cellphone vibrates]

What does it say?

- What the hell does that mean?
- Did you tell Savi?

- Tell Savi what?
- Where I was.

Of course not. I-I didn't even
know where you were until I called.

- No, but you knew about the kiss.
- What kiss?

Yes, but I thought it
was a one-time thing.

It was a one-time thing!

Until... it wasn't.

A one-time thing with who?
What the hell is happening?


Harry kissed Joss.

And then I kissed Harry.

You kissed Harry?!

When did you kiss him?

When did she kiss him?

- Yesterday.
- And today.

- Today?!
- Today?!

What? When? Where?


When I was supposed to
be walking down the aisle,

I saw Harry in the window, and
I followed him down to the beach.

- Oh, my God.
- He told me that he was in love with me.

Oh, my God!

And then... and then we
started kissing and then...

Tell me you didn't.

No! But it was... It was
definitely going there.

But there's no way that
Savi could have seen.

I mean, we were all the
way down by the ocean.

Oh, my God.

Savi, it's me. Please pick up.

Oh, my God. This can't be happening!

What... there's... she couldn't
have possibly found out.

We were... We were out by the beach.

She was all the way up
with the wedding guests.

No, she wasn't.

What do you mean she wasn't?

She was helping me look for Lucy

before the ceremony started.

Lucy was playing down at
the beach in the morning.

It would make sense that
Savi would have gone there.

Oh, my God.

[Voice breaking] Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

[Door opens, closes]

Joss: Savi? Savi, are you...



[Sighing] Oh, my God.


Hi. This is Savi.
Leave a message.

- [Beep]
- Savi, it's me.

Can you please call me back, please?

Please. I really need to talk to you.


It's a lot to take in.

I understand if you need time

to think about everything before we...

- So, dad was cheating on you.
- Yes.

And that's why he pretended to be dead...

Because he loved the other lady more.

That may have been a part of it.

But she thought he was dead, too.

No, she pretended
to think he was dead

to try and get money from me,

which is how I found out
he wasn't dead.

Because dad came here to our house.

Yes. And I wanted to tell you then, Lucy...

But Daniel knew the whole time.

Well, yes.

- But he didn't tell you.
- No.

So he lied to you, too.

This is what I'm trying to explain.

Most of what happened...

I don't like to call myself a victim,

but, I mean, I was... A victim.

Because everyone lied to you.

[Sighs] Exactly.

But the whole time, you
were lying to me.


What can I say? I'm sorry.

I don't forgive you.

Dom: So...

How was the engagement party?


Actually, it was... a surprise wedding.

Oh. I didn't know.

Me neither.

Listen, I don't mean to
cut to the chase, Dom,

but have you talked to Savi lately?

Like in the last 24 hours?

As a matter of fact, she
called the office last night.

- She did?
- To quit her job.

She what?!

Yeah, that was... [chuckles]...
That was my reaction.

Did not go over well with the partners.

Did she say why, Dom?
Or where she was going?

She wouldn't do something like this

without having something lined up.

No, I don't know.

She, um... She called Mitchell.

I had to hear about all this from... him.

I see.

She... She didn't call you.


Look, she doesn't owe me anything.

Maybe she'll call when she figures
out what it is she actually wants.

Hopefully, by then, I
won't care so damn much.

I'm really sorry, Dom.


Me too.


Thank you for coming.

Of course, Dr. Adams.

But your nurse didn't indicate
what this meeting was about.

That's because she doesn't know.


I'm still H.I.V. negative, right?

Yes, of course. But...

I have cancer.

What? No.

No, you're in perfect health.

The reason I want to talk to
you in person is because...

- I'm pregnant.
- Please stop talking.

You're not sick. You're not pregnant.

What you do have is a
very rare blood type...

AB RH negative. Are you aware of that?

Of my blood type? Yes.

I've been searching for several years,

and you're the first patient
I've come across who has it.

Well... Technically, the second.

I'm sorry... I don't
understand what's happening.

I have a patient

who is suffering from
severe aplastic anemia.

She was diagnosed a little
over three years ago,

and we're having trouble
finding a blood match for her...

Until now.

You want me to donate blood.

It's a little more complicated than that.

I'm sorry... uh...

How exactly did you come
to know my blood type?

Is that something that normally comes up

in standard H.I.V. testing?

I profiled your blood.

Patient has a great-grandmother
who's Korean.

Odds of a match increase

when two people share
certain genetic identifiers.

You... profiled my blood?

Do you have any idea how unethical...

I do.

- I could sue you.
- You could.

If that's your choice, I understand.

But the reality is...

I'm out of options.

Patient is my wife.

She's dying.

And there's nothing I wouldn't do,

no rule I wouldn't break to save her life.

So, Savi knows.

Does Scott?

Does... Scott?

- Mm.
- Is that... Is that really

what you're worried about right now, Harry?

There's a chance that Savi saw everything

that happened on the beach... Everything.

Is that not horrifying to you?

Mm, it's not ideal.

Certainly not the way

I'd have liked to present
it to her, but hey.

She hasn't spoken to
anyone since it happened...

Not me, not Karen, not even April.

She's completely M.I.A.

No one has any idea where she is.

She's not answering her phone.

Yeah, that's about right... Typical Savi.

What does that mean?

It means once again, she's found a way

to make herself the center of attention.

So instead of focusing
on what actually matters,

everyone's worried about Savi.

I mean, can you think of any proper reason

she can't pick up the
phone and call someone...

Just to let them know she's okay?

Yeah... If she's not okay, Harry.

That would be a really
freaking good reason.

She's not dead, right? We know that.

I mean, seriously, Joss.

The way she's behaving...
It's bloody immature.

And what right does she have, anyway?

It's not like we're married.

She cheated on me. She chose the other guy.

Why should I feel bad about
getting on with my life?

Because I'm her sister!
It's a little bit different.

Yes, it is complicated.

I'm not saying it's not... complicated.

But in the end, people
work these things out,

and they move on.

Savi was gonna find
out about us eventually.


Unless what?

Unless you weren't actually
planning on telling anyone.

Unless being on that beach

was just a convenient way
to get out of marrying Scott.

Oh, my God, Harry.

S... th... I swear to
God that's not what...

- I just... I... I just... I just...
- You just... you just...

I-I don't know.

I wasn't... I wasn't
thinking about the next step.

I wasn't thinking about

how we were gonna tell
Scott or Savi or anybody.

I just... I just did what
felt right in the moment.

Does it still feel
right... In the moment?

[Cellphone ringing]

[Ringing continues]


Hey, can I call you right back? I...

Oh, God.

Yeah, okay.

No, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Okay. Bye.

Scott's grandmother just died.

[Sighs deeply] Damn it, Harry.

- I can't...
- Okay.

I can't. I-I just... I don't...

It's okay. Uh...

- Listen, listen.
- No, I'm sorry. I can't.

I-I-I don't know what I'm doing. I'm...

Joss, Joss. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey.

- [Sighs deeply]
- Hey, hey, easy. It's okay.


Look at me.

I love you.

And if you want to be with
me, I am 100% all-in, okay?

We're gonna figure out
all this mess together.


- Okay?
- Yeah.


If you don't...


I need to know, okay?

You have to make a decision.


How do you donate stem cells?
Seems like it would hurt.

It's pretty involved.

First, I'd have to get daily shots of GCSF,

then the procedure itself takes
anywhere from four to six hours.

And in most cases, I have to do it twice.

Then there's the chance

that the cells don't
regenerate, in which case,

I'd have to donate my
bone marrow directly...

You had me at "daily shots."

I just can't believe he
put me in this position.

But now that I know, I
can't not know.

Can I say something that I
know is going to sound stupid?

Why not? I do it all the time.

The other day, when I
went to your church...

It was the first time in a long time

I felt connected to something... bigger.

And then this happens.

So I can't help but wonder...

Maybe it's all part of God's plan?

Well, that doesn't sound stupid.

But it does sound
like a pretty big commitment

for a woman you don't even know.

That's true.

So maybe you should get to
know her, then decide.

Yeah. That won't make it
more complicated at all.

[Sighs] I have to pick Lucy up from soccer.

Oh. How's that going?

She hasn't said two words
to me since yesterday.

Hey, have you heard from Savi?

I sent her another text
this morning, but...


I don't blame her for being upset.

I don't, either.

We shouldn't talk about this.

No, we shouldn't.

Lucy: I need to ask you something.

April: Go for it.

I've been thinking a lot about it,

and I think there's
something you can do for me

that might help make this better.

You know I'd do anything.

I want to go live with grandma for a while.

Anything but that.

Why not?

Lucy, we are not discussing this.

It is simply not an option.

Why do you get to decide everything?

I don't...

You decided when I could see my father.

You took that choice away from me,

and now he's really dead,
and I'm stuck with you.

You're the only family that
I have, and it's not fair.

I hate you!


[Car door closes]

Scott: Look, I'm just telling you
what she told me.

Gene Kelly had the hots for
grandma. I'm not kidding.

And apparently, it was her legs
that sent him over the edge.

Hey. The woman had great gams.

- I'll drink to that.
- Woman had great gams.

Well, you're a good grandson,

keeping your grandma's tall tales alive.

Thank you.

Now, tell me... what's
going on with you two? Hm?

Do you have a new date set yet?


Y... n... do... We don't have a date yet.

We're, you know, working
it out, working through it.

Well, don't wait too long.

We need something happy to look forward to.

Yeah, no, I understand. I understand.

I was actually sort of kicking
around the idea of a fall wedding.

You know, it'd give us time
to plan for it and everything.

What do you think about that, babe?

Uh... [Clears throat]

You know what? Can I just... sorry.

Can I just talk to you for a second?

Yeah. Of course.

Pardon us, Aunt D. Okay.


I just... I'm...

I'm not sure that we need to be
talking about another wedding,

especially around all these people.

- Well, it's just my family, you know?
- No, I know.

Obviously, it doesn't have
to be in the fall, sweetheart.

I know. I just... I... Scott, I just...

I don't know if we
should be getting married.

We still have to talk
about everything and...

- I know.
- Okay.

I know we have to talk, and we will.


I think you just got scared.

And I think that's normal.
I got scared, too.

You know, marriage is... it's
a terrifying concept, right?

Plus, you know, we haven't
been together that long

in the grand scheme of things,

so if a long engagement would help...

I was with Harry.



Well, yeah, I really think you should go.

I'm so sorry.

And I think you should get, uh...

Get your things packed and
get out of my house tonight.


[Sighs shakily]

[Knock on door]


Hey. Thanks for coming.

No problem.

So, is Lucy ready to
meet her little brother?

Scotty, you've gotten so tall.

Thank you.

He got this new game,
and he's totally obsessed.

You know how that goes.

[Sighs] I do.

I can never get Lucy off the iPad.

She has an iPad?

Technically, it's my iPad,
but she uses it more than I do.

How is Lucy?


It's been difficult.

This whole thing has
got her pretty rattled.

So, you finally told her the truth?

Oh, it came out.

So now she knows everything.

Everything, huh? Well, how'd that go?

Like I said, it's been... difficult.

I got to pee, and the toilet
in the R.V. is still busted.

[Chuckling] April, this
is my brother, Marc.

Marc, this is April.

Hey. Nice to meet you.

Uh, do you mind if I use your John?



[Knock on door]

- Hm.
- I heard that you told Scott?


Was not awesome, but it had to be done.

And then I spent the night at Savi's,

waiting for her to come
home, which she did not.

Would you mind if I crashed here
for a while until I find a place?

Of course not. Stay as long as you need.

- Come on in.
- Thank you, honey.

You seem better.

I am better,
actually, despite the fact

that I'm homeless, jobless,
sisterless, carless...

You lost the Tesla?

Oh, yeah.

The fallout of this particular jilting

has been fairly epic.

That said, you know
what? I'm on an upswing.

Because for once in my life,
Karen, I did the right thing.

Telling Scott the truth

was absolutely the right thing to do.

And you know what... I
know that Savi is pissed,

but she'll... She'll come around.

I-it's not like she was still
in love with Harry or anything.


You... You better tell me.

Savi was still in love with Harry.

What are you talking about?

To be fair, it was a
pretty recent revelation.

She just figured it out herself

after she thought she was going
to die on the motorcycle...

Whoa, whoa. Now you're just saying words.

What are you talking about, Karen?

She was going to tell you after the party.

She didn't want to take
anything away from your weekend.

Oh, my God! That's what
she was gonna tell me!

Karen, I swear to God, I
thought she was gonna say

that she was pregnant again or something.

I have to go, but we can talk
about this all night, okay?

Oh, my...

Remote control over
there, wine in the fridge.

Tissues in the bathroom.


Love you.

[Door opens, closes]


[Doorbell rings]


Hi, Dr. Adams.

Couple of ground rules.

Number 1... you're a colleague
that works at the hospital.

That's how we met.

I'd appreciate it if
you adjusted your tone...

Especially since I'm the one

who's considering
doing you the favor.

I'll kiss your ass all day long

if you decide my wife
is worthy of being saved.

Until then, I'm not getting Viv's hopes up.

She's been through enough.

So, do what you have to
do, but keep it brief.

I think this was a mistake.

Ali, your timer beeped.

Sorry to interrupt.

You must be Karen.

Won't you come in?

You home is beautiful.

Thank you.

So, how do you know Alec?

Karen works part time in, uh, E.R.

She just closed her psychiatric practice

and is considering opening
a new one in the towers.

- So you'd be neighbors.
- Exactly.

That's fun.

Okay, lunch is ready.

Ohh! Smells delicious, Ali.

You will not believe what
this guy can do with quinoa.

I had no idea you cooked, Doctor.


Good with recipes.

Still or sparkling?

[Cellphone vibrating]

Oh, shoot. That's the hospital.

- Oh, no.
- I'm sorry.

Maybe we should reschedule
this for another time.

Be a shame for all this
food to go to waste.

Maybe Karen would like to stay?


Is that weird?

Not weird at all. I'd love to stay.

- Great.
- Okay.


You two have fun.

See you later, alligator.

- [Smooches]
- Bye, love.


Did you say sparkling?

I'm fine with either.

Or maybe you'd prefer
to have a glass of wine?

I mean, just because
I'm not supposed to drink

doesn't mean other people can't.

You don't drink?

Well, not really supposed
to because of my condition.

What condition is that?

I'm dying, Karen.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

If you could just give
me an address, ma'am,

I can plug it into Waze...

- I don't have an address, Ahmed.
- So where are we going?

We're going to find my sister. What time...

Okay, it's 1:00, so she's
probably eating, right?

So let's just start at Sunset Plaza.

She's a huge fan of the
pizza at Café Med...

- Miss...
- Oh! Wait!

What's the name of that place

that opened in Silverlake... Forage?

I think she likes the salmon
there if she's in a low-carb mood.

So, basically, you just want me
to drive you around Los Angeles.

Yeah. It's my dime.

You realize this is a huge city.

The odds of finding one
person are near impossible.

- Holy crap!
- [Tires screech]

Holy crap! That's her car!

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

Savi! Savi!

Wait, wait, wait! No, no, no, no! Savi!

- [Horns honking]
- Savi, please, please, please.

I love you! Please talk to me!

Hey, Joss.

W-where's Savi?

What the hell are you doing
driving my sister's car?

She gave it to me

after I dropped her off at
the airport this morning.

The airport? Where is she going?

I have no idea.

Even if I did, I...
wouldn't tell you.

[Scoffs] Okay, look.

I don't... I don't even
remember your frickin' name.

- It's Zack.
- Right... Zack.

Listen to me, please...
This is a family situation,

so if you know where my sister
is, I need you to tell me.


All I know is that your
sister seemed pretty upset.

If I were you, I would give her some space.

[Horns blaring]

The truth is, I never
planned on buying the R.V.

I wanted a Camry...

You know, sensible car, good mileage.

Then I got to a lot,

and the first thing I see... Brandy.

- That's her name.
- Whose name?

- My R.V.
- You guys named it?

You got to name an R.V. It's like a boat.

You guys have a boat?

No. I don't even have an iPad.

Oh, Scotty, don't start.

Anyway, so... Brandy's
sitting there, right,

giving me this real '70s vibe,

and I just knew I had to have her.

And good thing, too... Came in real handy

when Miranda and the kid
needed a place to hide out

during that whole Olivos thing.

A story for another time.

- Anyone need a refill?
- Yeah. Yeah.

So, you all live in a car?

Yep. Kind of like the Partridge family.

Who are they?

They are a fictional family
from a television sitcom

starring Shirley Jones and David Cassidy

about a family/rock band
who drive across the country

in this crazy-looking bus.

- It's pretty dope.
- Is it a magic bus?

Well, it depends on your
definition of "magic."

Did the exceptionally attractive family

make magical music together?

[Chuckling] Why, yes, they did.

Can the bus fly?

It cannot.

The magic school bus can fly.

- I love the magic school bus.
- [Chuckles] Me too.

Would you like some more mac and cheese?

Yes, please.

You look a lot like my dad.

Karen: Thank you.

Have you spoken to anyone
since the diagnosis?

Other than your husband, I mean.

Oh, I went to a few
groups in the beginning.

Alec thought it would help,

but honestly, most of the
people in there were so depressed

it was kind of making me feel worse.

That can happen sometimes.

But I have a great
support group in my family.

My parents are here.

I have loads of nieces
and nephews, who I adore,

a job I love.

I'm telling you... apart
from having a fatal disease,

my life kicks ass.


So, am I allowed to ask a question,

or is this a one-way street?

Of course.

What's in it for you?

I'm sorry. That sounded rude.

That's... That's not what I meant.

- No, it didn't.
- No, it's just...

You don't know me.

Why would you do this for me?

The past two years have been... difficult.

I've lost a lot.

And I feel like I'm at
a crossroads in my life.

I want to be of use. I want
to believe in something.

Your husband thinks he found me,

but I wonder if it's possible...

Maybe I found you.


The number you have dialed
has been disconnected

Or is no longer in service.


[Thunder rumbles]



Hey. It's me.


Can I come over?

[Thunder crashes]

[Breathes deeply]

[Engine shuts off]

[Truck door opens]

[Thunder rumbles]

We gonna do this outside,
or you want to come in?

You're gonna invite me in?
You're always so polite, right?

You know what I think?

I think it's that accent that you got.

I think it makes you sound charming.

Even when you're screwing another
man's wife on his wedding day.

[Thunder rumbles]

How was she, by the way?

I wanted to ask you how she was.

Was she, uh, everything
you thought she'd be?

Pretty good, right? Flexible?

Yeah, why don't you go
home, Scott? Sober up.

We can do this another time.

I knew that you were gonna be trouble.

Always hanging out in that...
That stupid goofy chef costume.

Then I thought, "you know what?

He's no trouble at all.

Joss is too smart for this.
She knows the guy's a loser."

It's obvious... Even to your wife.

That's the thing about instincts, right?

You should always trust them.

[Thunder crashes]

What the hell's the matter with you, huh?

What's the matter with you?

You too good to fight back? Huh?


You can keep that two-timing bitch.

You two deserve each other.

Thank you for coming. We
should do this again soon.

Yeah. I-it might be a while.

I'm gonna start a new job next week.

I'm gonna be working on a
cruise ship for three months.

- Really?
- Blackjack dealer.

It's the most money I can make
without taking off my clothes.

[Laughs] I'm kidding... sort of.

Yeah, see, but when I make
stripper jokes, you get all mad.

Get out.

[Clears throat]

Is Scotty going with you?

Marc's gonna take care
of him while I'm gone.

Gonna be an adventure, right, cookie?

Where are you guys gonna live?

The world is our oyster.

That's what so cool about R.V. living...

We can go anywhere, do anything.

That sounds... Very exciting.

Why don't you guys stay here in L.A.?

There's lots of good schools, and that way,

me and Scotty can see each
other whenever we want.

There's no reason why you
can't stay here, I guess.

I could get into some socal living.

[Laughs] Yeah, why not?

April can give me pointers
on the whole parenting thing.

And it takes a village, right?

And I'm totally down for the
whole weekly dinner thing.

W-weekly... That may be a bit much.

Or not.

Hey, whatever works.

Aw, it's gonna be so fun!

- [Laughter]
- All right!

I'm not going no place,
right? We're staying here.

Oh, my God. What happened?

- No.
- It's okay.


Harry, he came here?

It's okay, Joss.

No, it's not okay. You don't
just get violent with people.

- Look at your face.
- Listen to me. Listen. Hey.

I've been on the other
side of this fight before.

Sometimes, these things have to be done.

I'm all right.

- It's okay.
- [Sighs]


[Voice breaking] Everything's broken.

Oh, no. Come on. I know it seems that way.

No. What we did... it was...

It was wrong, the way it all happened.

The way...

This really can't be how our story begins.

W-w-what are you saying, Joss?

Listen to me.

I love you.

I have loved you for so long.

I don't even know when it started.

But I know that it's real.

And I know that I'm gonna be with you,

but not right now... Not like this.




I ruined everything, didn't I?

You did not ruin everything.

You made... A bold choice.


Ladies, seriously, I love you so much.

And if you want to kick me to
the curb, I completely understand.

Oh, woman, please.

People in glass houses do not throw stones.

Especially at their best friends.

Seriously... You don't hate me?

Of course we don't hate you.

We might judge you a little.

Okay, Karen.

But a wise man once told me,
"you can't help who you love."

- Which wise man was that?
- Ben.

Which one was Ben, again?

- The one who slept with the hookers.
- Oh, right.

I thought that he was the married guy

whose wife tried to kill you.

- That was Tom.
- Right!

Tom, Ben... Very similar.

- It's an easy mistake.
- Mm.

I think we make bad choices.

I'm feeling the same thing.

I think I'm gonna take a
break from dating for a while.

Mm. Me too.

Me three.


But wait, wait, wait.

Does that mean, like, a
break from sex or just dating?


- [Laughter]
- Kidding. I'm obviously kidding.


Hm. [Sighs]

Guys, what if she doesn't come back?

Of course she's coming back.

What if she doesn't?

We just have to trust

that the universe will find
a way to balance itself out.

One way or another.

Hi, there... Melissa.

Yes. Hi. Can I help you?

Uh, I hope so.


Do you know who I am?

You're Calista Raines.


So you know who my husband is?

I think so, yes.

Great. Can you tell me what room he's in?

Um... I don't think I can do that.

But he is here, right?

With a woman?

Have you ever been cheated on, Melissa?

Of course you have.

Even if you don't know it.

That's the thing about men.

They cheat, they lie, and they steal.

And they count on us to betray each other.

And we do it, don't we? We do it.

We do it every single time.

But not tonight, Melissa.

Tonight, you and I are sisters in arms.

Tonight, I'm giving you the opportunity

to do the right thing.


I'm also giving you this.


Gonna help me catch the bastard or what?