Mistresses (2013–2016): Season 2, Episode 7 - Why Do Fools Fall in Love? - full transcript

April braces herself for Daniel's (Ricky Whittle) response when she finally confronts him to come clean. Joss finds that Scott's (Justin Hartley) work as a plastic surgeon is testing the trust in their relationship. Dom catches Savi in a lie about her friend Zack (Jason Gerhardt) and suggests they all meet. Jacob (Matthew Del Negro) tells Karen he wants to make a go of it, but first must take care of another situation.

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I met your boyfriend the other day.

I made an appointment to see his work.

There was a gorgeous redheaded woman there.

Did you find anything you liked?

No. But it looked like she did.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

Does Dom know you're talking to this guy?

No, I'm working on it.

Please keep this to
ourselves for right now.

What's the occasion?

My girlfriend and I are
gonna try and have a baby.

What do you do?

I'm an escort.

Thank you.




What are you doing here?

I was just gonna ask you that.
Are... are you by yourself?

Oh, yeah, my... friend was
supposed to meet me for dinner,

but she couldn't make it, so...

We should have that dinner
we talked about, catch up.

- What are you doing tomorrow night?
- Tomorrow night?

Uh, unless you'd rather play phone tag

for the next week and a half.

- No, I'm free tomorrow night.
- Great.

Any place you want to go?

You know, I've been out a lot lately.

Why don't you come over,
and I'll cook us dinner?

Really? Since when do you cook?

Ah, it's my brother. I should go.

But I'll see you tomorrow night, okay?

Really glad we ran into each other.

Yeah. Me, too.


Oh, come on. Just ignore it.

Mm, I can't ignore it.
It could be a patient.



Uh, well, either someone's sending you

a vista of rolling hills

or there are some serious
boobs on your phone.

It's, um... It's a breast enhancement

- that I did a couple days ago.
- Mm. Looks good.

Listen, I know it's strange
that I get texts like this

on my phone, but it's my job.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's my job.

Well, your job is weird and pervy.

No. This is purely clinical.

There's nothing titillating about this.

- Okay...
- No pun intended.

What are you doing? What...

No, it's fine.

No. I'm gonna text her back. Lookit.

Da-da-dun-dun. She's
fine. It's done. Come here.

Come here.

Yeah, no.

Unfortunately, we're gonna
have to take a rain check, doc.

Really? Why?

I don't know... just texts
of swollen post-op breasts

tend to really ruin the mood for me.

- You're kidding.
- Mm-hmm. Mm.

Tired anyway. I'm gonna go to sleep, okay?


To be continued.


So, what exactly did
this Samantha woman say,

not your interpretation of what she said?

She said there was a hot redheaded woman

at Daniel's place who
was supposedly buying art

and she seemed very comfortable there.

Well, maybe she'd been there before.

Maybe Daniel has a female client

who likes to collect his pieces.

Or maybe he has a female client

who likes to have sex with him...

Which is why she's so damn comfortable.

Maybe. But it all comes down
to whether you trust him or not.

That's the thing. I think a tiny part of me

doesn't completely trust Daniel.

That's probably why I broke into his place.

I didn't find anything, but...

Back up. Back up. Did you
say you broke into his place?

In my defense, the door was unlocked.

When was this?

After you told me you saw
him, you know, when he was

supposed to be in Vermont,
I got panicked he was lying,

so I went to see if he
was there, which he wasn't.

So, if you think about it,
it's your fault I broke in.


But more importantly, this isn't
a hypothetical conversation.

You clearly don't trust this man.

He's got nudes in his studio, Karen,

which means models were
there... nude models.

Plus, he's always ignoring
calls when I'm around

and making "trips to Vermont."

For all I know, "Vermont"
is code for "nude models."

Vermont may not even exist!

Why haven't you just asked
him about this redheaded woman?

Because... I'm afraid.

Of what?

Of what the answer might be.

I mean, right now,
things are going so well,

and I don't want to ruin it by...

By hearing the truth?

Ignorance is bliss, right?

Besides, I don't know for a fact

that he's sleeping with other women.

And you never will unless you ask him.

- Come in.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- What happened to you last night?

What do you mean?

Well, I tried calling you
a whole bunch of times,

but it went straight to voicemail.

Well, my phone must have been turned off.


Okay, uh, well, I was
calling to tell you that...

my divorce is final.

All the paperwork is signed.

Where... where were you last night?


Last night. What did you do?

Oh, uh, April came over.

We had some food, and
that was pretty much it.

Nothing too exciting.


That's all?

Yes. That is all.

What's going on with you?

What's going on is that I
don't like being lied to, Savi.

I saw you on 3rd street last night.

And you weren't with April.
You were with some guy.

And you two looked pretty friendly.

So stop lying to me, Savi.

Okay, let me explain.

No. Don't. Just... Don't,
all right? Not here.

I understand that

- you're upset, but if you...
- Get out of my office.


- Hey. What's up?
- Hi.

Dom saw me with Zack last night.

We weren't doing anything.
He just saw us on the street.

But then he caught me in a lie this morning

when I told him I was
having dinner with April.

So, I don't know.

This is just bad. I don't
know what to do. What do I do?

Yeah, that's, uh... that's a bummer.

Did you just say, "that's a bummer"?

Uh, yep.

Listen, I can't really be having
this conversation right now.

But for the record, I
told you this might happen.

I know you did, and you were
right. You were definitely right.

But that's not really helpful right now.

Just try to stay calm. We'll
talk about it tonight, okay?



- Okay, first of all...
- What?

You're spending way too much on rentals.

- Really?
- Yeah, and second of all...

How's Savi?


Oh. Um... She's fine.

Really need to let her know I'm
moving back to Australia at some point.

Yeah, I'd hold off on
that for a little while.

Stuff's just, um, really
stressful at work for her.

You know what? Can we
talk about me for a change?

- "For a change"?
- Yeah.

Um, so, I had a relationship
first with Scott last night.

Okay, no, no, no, no, stop talking

before it's too late
and I can't un-hear it.

No, no, no, it's quite the opposite.

So, I slept over, and we didn't have sex.


- Yeah. I know.
- Huh.

Well, good for you.

How is that good for me?

I know this is hard to believe, Joss,

but maybe it means you
are actually maturing.

Or maybe it means the
entire relationship is over.

I rescind the part about maturing.

No, it's not even... I don't...

It's not even about the
no-sex part, Harry. It's...

it's about Scott. I mean, the
guy's a plastic surgeon, right?

He makes boobs all day,

and then he gets text
messages of boobs all night.

It's... it's kind of gross.

Since when do you find boobs
gross? You seemed to quite like

them last year when you were a lesbian.

Oh, really? Now who's immature here?

I just... I...

I don't know where this can go, Harry.

I just... I think he's kind of weird.

- You're kind of weird.
- Yeah, but I own being weird.

It's... it's my thing, you know?

Meanwhile, he pretends to be
this straight-laced doctor,

and he's got a closet full of lady shoes,

and you don't even get to
choose which ones you wear.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna
pretend I didn't hear that bit.

Look Joss, you seem to
be generally happy lately,

which might have something
to do with this guy.

I wouldn't do anything
drastic if I were you.


Do you see this? This, uh...

this is why you can't go back to Australia.

I need this Harry wisdom in my life.

Yeah. Nice try. Still going.

Hey, you. Come on in.

This is a nice surprise.

Yeah, I closed the store early,

and I thought I would
just come by and say hi.


I have to ask you something.

Sure. Go ahead.

This may seem like it's
coming out of nowhere.

I wanted to know if you...

wanted to take me to Vermont this weekend.

Uh, Karen offered to watch Lucy,

and I can use a break from the store.

We can have a nice romantic
getaway, just the two of us.

You know what? Forget it. Never mind.

- Forget I even asked.
- No, no! No. Hey, hey. Hey.

That sounds amazing, okay? I
would love to take you, okay?

Let's go book some flights, okay?

Smells amazing, Karen.

I took a cooking class a few months ago.

I'm really good at making three dishes.

- So, how is your practice going?
- The practice?

Uh, good. The new office mate, not so good.

Oh, no. Why not?

Uh, I don't want to go into specifics.

Let's just say, uh...

Cleanliness is not Dr.
Rogers' top priority.

I miss having you next door.

And not just because you shower.

So, um...

You seeing anyone these days?


Just a few dates here and
there. Nothing serious.

Ah. Aha. I see.

What about you?

Uh, not really. No. Well, I've...

I've been seeing someone for a few weeks,

but I don't think it's gonna last.

- Why not?
- She's... she's a little young for me.

Not much of a future in it.

You know... The usual.

A dozen croissant rolls coming up.

All right. Bring 'em on.

Hi. Can we please talk?

Look, I know how this must look to you,

but I promise you it's not what you think.

Okay. How do you know what I think?

Because I know what I would think.

Zack and I are just friends, okay?

There is absolutely
nothing going on between us.

Okay, so, uh, you have
a new friend named Zack

who you didn't tell me about,

but I'm not supposed to
think anything is strange?

- No, it's strange. It's just...
- And where exactly

are you meeting all these new guy friends?

I'm sorry. I'm not
quite following the story.

I didn't "meet" him.

He found me.

Dom, he's the guy that
was in the other car...

From the accident.

The accident? What, your accident?

He came to the open house a few weeks ago

and explained who he was,
so I invited him in and...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold
up. Hold u... okay.

I'm... I'm... I'm just trying
to fully understand this.

So, a guy that you got
into a car crash with

shows up at your front door...
a guy who, for all you know,

could hate you, could
blame you for the accident,

could be crazy... and you let him in?

He's just... he's in a bad way, okay?

The accident really screwed up his life.

So, is he hitting you up for money yet?

Is he planning on suing
you bec... for the accident?

This is insane, Savi. You're a
lawyer. You should know better.

I'm not naive, Dom, okay?

I didn't trust him at first, either, but...

I don't know... The more I got to know him,

I realized he really is
not here for anything.

Okay. Okay, then.

Well, uh, if you know him so well,

maybe we should go out... all of us.

What do you mean, "go out"?

Well, if you trust him and like him so much

and he's your friend, maybe
we should all be friends.



Yeah. I'll ask him.

Great. Great. Then we can, uh...

We can all have lunch tomorrow then.

Can't wait.

Babe, how much salt did you put in there?

- Enough to make it taste good.
- Yeah?

Because I can actually feel my heart rate

spiking to unhealthy levels as we speak.


What's the matter with you?
You're so quiet tonight.

Dr. Scott?

Hi! It is you!

- Hey.
- Hello!

Oh! Hey.

Uh, this is my girlfriend, Joss.

Joss, this is, uh, Autumn.
She's a patient of mine.

Ah! Hmm. Oh, I can... I can see that.

I know. Aren't they amazing?
Your boyfriend is a genius.

Well, it's...

So, what do you think? How do they look?

This is the first time I've taken
them out since the bandages came off.

- They look good.
- I'm just not sure if we should have gone

a little bit bigger, and
I think that the left one

is a little smaller than the right one.

Actually, would you mind feeling it

and letting me know what you think?

Oh. Um, see, the thing, I c...
my hands... my hands are salty.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Um, but if you call the office, we can...

we can make an appointment
and get you all set.

All right. I'll see you soon.

Nice to meet you.

I am so sorry about that.

Oh, no, no. You can't help
it that you're a genius.

... Comes a new definition of "terror."

I am really loving your new place.

How... how long have you been here now?

About a year.

You know, I actually, um...

Stopped by to see you
a couple times, but...

I chickened out and didn't buzz.

You did? Why not?

I was a little nervous.

I mean, you can be kind
of intimidating, Karen.


Yes, I can be very scary. I know.

So, why were you coming to see me?


Because I wasn't completely honest with you

the last time I saw you.

I said I didn't have
any feelings left for you, and...

I did.

I do.

You said no when I asked you out.

I didn't know if I was
ready to go down that road.

But... but...

- Do you believe in signs?
- Not really.

Neither do I, but running
into you at that valet stand,

I mean, that... That kind of felt like one.

It kind of did.

What's wrong?

Nothing. Nothing.
Everything is... is great.

This doesn't seem great.

I know. I'm sorry, Karen.
I just... if we're...

if we're really gonna
do this, I just feel like

I need to take care of my
other dating situation first.

Oh, okay.

Um, uh... Thank you for...
for dinner. It was excellent.

Um, I will call you soon, okay? I...

uh, very soon.

Zack, hey.

- Hey.
- Hi.

I didn't know whether you liked lemonade

or iced tea, so I got Arnold Palmers.

Thank you.

Uh, Zack.

Uh, Dominic.

Uh, so, Zack, I thought that
you guys should meet in person

so Dom could see in your eyes
that there's no ulterior motives

and no, you know, big, secret plot.

No, I get it.

I just wanted to meet Savi
and found an unlikely friend.

That's all, man.

Okay. Well, um, so tell me something, man.


What would you think if you
were sitting where I am...

your girlfriend starts hanging
out with some strange guy?

That wouldn't bother you?

I don't know, but I just told
you nothing's going on, so...

Maybe we should order some
food or something harder.

So, what made you decide to stalk Savi

and go to her open house?

Stalk? Uh, do I need to hire a lawyer here?

'Cause it kind of feels like
I'm being cross-examined here.

I'm just making

friendly conversation,
you know, between friends.

Look, I was just curious about Savi.

I wanted to see how she was doing.

I knew that she was the one person

that could understand
what I was going through.

- With the accident.
-Yeah, I get it, Savi.

Hey. No, no. Don't talk to her like that.

All right, look.

Savi might not see what's
going on here, but I do.

You're a guy. You're not
looking to make a new friend.

You either want money, or you want Savi.

Okay. You know what, Dom? That's enough.

I don't see him denying anything.

When we first starting hanging
out, we were just friends.

- "Were."
- We are just friends.

- Yeah, but you want more.
- I don't know. Maybe.

The more time we spend together,

the more I realize that
we have a connection.

I don't know if you
felt it. Maybe you...

maybe... maybe you haven't.

No, no, no. Dom, I'm...
I had no idea of this, okay?

You know what? I don't really
care who knew what when.

All right? I'm out of here.

I didn't mean it to go like that.

- Don't.
- I'm sorry, all right? I didn't plan...

It's fantastic.

Really? You're not just saying that.

No, it'll look perfect
in your storefront window.

What? No, I've never
put something I've made

in my front window.

I don't see why you
wouldn't. This piece is better

than anything else you got in the store.

This is all because of you, you know?

I wasn't working on anything
until you came into my life.

You've really inspired me.

Aww. You've done the same for me.

Mm. Well, maybe we could
have a show together.


I forgot. Uh, bad news.

We can't go to Vermont this weekend.


Uh, termite infestation, so we had to tent.

But I did book us a trip
to Big Bear, you know,

so we can still go away.

What is it?

You're lying.

I know you're lying.


My friend saw you out

when you were supposed to be
in Vermont a few weeks ago.

Please don't lie to me again,

because I just may lose
it on you right here.

Okay. Okay.

Truth is...

I don't have a house in
Vermont, okay? Not anymore.

The story I told you, it...
it was true, about my mom,

but I sold it a few years ago.

I don't care about the damn house!

I want to know where you go

when you keep telling me you're there!

My friend saw a redheaded woman
at your place the other day.

Are you sleeping with her?

Just tell me the truth! Just
be honest with me, Daniel!

Are there other women?

Just that one.


My wife.

He just stopped mid-kiss
out of respect for you?

For me or for the girl, who is
apparently much younger than me,

which is why I'm calling her "a girl."

Oh, no, no, honey. It
was definitely for you.

You guys are perfect for each
other. You're both shrinks.

You're gorge, and he's
tall, dark, and chinny.

Men generally don't dump
young women for older women.

They dump young women for younger women.

- I really don't like younger women.
- Me, neither,

specifically ones who ask
your boyfriend to feel them up

in the movie theater. It's a long story.

Actually, that's the whole story.

Ring, damn it.

Karen, stop! Okay. Stop. He's gonna call.

Sometimes, it just takes a
couple days to dump somebody.

- Unless it's not about her.
- Hmm?

Maybe when he kissed me,

everything that happened last year

just came flooding back to him.

Now you're just being paranoid.

This wasn't some date with
a guy that googled you.

This was Jacob. Uh, he's your friend.

He knew exactly what he was getting into

when he asked you out. Just
give the guy some credit, okay?


It's April.


- Oh.
- Oh. Uh-oh.

How can this happen again?

I mean, is it me?

Do I only attract dishonest men?

I'm such an idiot.

No, you are not an idiot.

You've just... you've just
had bad luck with two guys.

Yeah, two out of three.

So, how did you two leave it?

How do you think she left it, right?

I mean, he's married.

I told him to go, and
he did. And that was it.

You didn't even hear his side of the story?

What side? There is no side.

Plus, I knew that if he started talking,

I would let him convince me.

Oh, sweetie, you did the right thing.

I know it must have been really hard,

but you did do the right thing.

I just feel bad... for both of you.

- Why do you feel bad for him?
- Yeah. Why?

Because I saw the way he looked at you.

Even if he is married, I could
see he really cared about you.

And I know you cared about him, too.

I think I really loved him.

Well maybe...

maybe you guys can figure
something out, you know?

How? He's married.

Well, I know. You were married.

And now you're not,
you know? Things happen.

I think it's silly for any of us

to get all moral-high-groundy,
considering our track records.

No, no, I'm not talking about us.

I'm talking about April.

She's a saint.

Even saints are allowed to feel sad.

I tried calling a few
times, but you didn't answer.

Zack, what are you doing here?

You can't just show up whenever
you want to, especially now.

I just needed to talk to
you. I wanted to apologize.

Yeah, how could you do that to me?

You knew why I wanted
you to meet Dom, okay?

I just... I...

I don't understand what happened.

Neither do I, but
everything I said was true.

You put me in a terrible position.

And I feel bad about that.

But I'm not going to pretend
that this was all in my head.

It wasn't just me in
this relationship, Savi.

We are not in a relationship, Zack.

And I'm sorry if I gave
you the wrong idea. I...

Why didn't you tell Dom about me?

Okay, there's no point in discussing this.

I have to concentrate on
my relationship with Dom.

I'm sorry.


You do realize that
you're hours late, right?

"Hours" with an "s"... plural.

- I know.
- Well, okay.

I told Michelle and Ben
to just go ahead and eat

so they wouldn't lose the table, but

I'm sure they're probably
home by now, anyway, so...

Joss, I'm sorry. You want
me to take you somewhere else?

No. No, I've... I already had a box of
chips ahoy and started "The Bachelorette."

I don't think I could
take much more excitement.

We'll just do it another night.

You know what? Just...

Why exactly couldn't you call me?

Don't use the doctor excuse,

because I've seen medical dramas, and...

McSqueamy or whoever is always

stepping out of the O.R.
to call somebody, so...

You don't think you're overreacting
maybe just a little bit?

No, I just... I don't understand, Scott.

It's not like you perform
open-heart surgery.

What was so important that
you couldn't take two seconds

- and just call me?
- You really want to know?

- Yeah, Scott!
- Yeah?

Okay, no, you're right. I
wasn't doing open-heart surgery.

I'm not a heart surgeon. I was
doing a regular old rhinoplasty.

Something I've probably
done 1,000 times in my life,

and everything was going perfectly fine

until she didn't wake
up from her anaesthesia.

So, she died right there in recovery.

- She's 22 years old, and she's dead.
- What?

- Oh, my God. Scott, I'm s...
- Yeah, so now I'm on the phone, right?

I've got to call her parents,
right? I got to explain to them

why their daughter died getting a nose job.

I got to try to make sense
out of something that doesn't

make any sense at all, so
I am so sorry that I'm late.

And I'm sorry that I don't
feel like eating sushi tonight

with our friends, honey, but
I had a really crappy day,

and this... this isn't helping.

One minute. That's all you get.

Thank you.

Don't thank me.

I don't even know why you're here.

I'm here to apologize.

For being married? Apology not accepted.

No, for not being honest.

But in my defense, I never
expected any of this to happen.

It wasn't ever a part of the plan.

What was the plan? You were
gonna just sleep with me

until you got bored,
and that would be that?

No, no. Okay, of course not, okay?

It's just... Uh, what happened with us,

It's not something that I do.

Okay? It's not something that
I've... I've ever done, and...

and... and... and I've...
I've been tortured about it.

Oh, now I'm supposed to feel bad for you.


I just...

I want you to understand that it was real.

Okay? What we had...

It was real.

I think I may always love you.

I'll never deserve you, and
you may never forgive me.

But I had to tell you.

'Cause I'm so sorry, April.

I know you are.

but I think your minute is up.


Okay, all right.

So, you made an ass of yourself.

What happened when he
came back into the room?

- I'm not sure.
- You left?

- Yeah.
- Oh, my God.

- Yeah.
- What were you thinking?

I don't know, Harry. I was thinking

I just wanted to escape before
he came out of the bathroom

- and told me what a bitch I was.
- Right. Yeah.

As logical as that is,

did you ever consider
any other possibilities?

Like what?

Oh, geez, I don't know...
off the top of my head,

how about not leaving and
having an adult conversation?

Yeah, no. Not so much.

Not for a second.

Harry, can you please
stop signing those papers?

We're in the middle of
a crisis here. Come on.

I don't understand what's
going on with you lately.

The other day, you kept babbling on

about how you weren't
sure if you were right

for each other, and now you're in a crisis

because you had a fight.
You're all over the place.

What? What... I'm babbling? Really?

You're acting very odd when it
comes to this guy, even for you.

Really? You think that I'm acting odd?

Harry, you don't think that
it's odd that these women

text him photos of their breasts
and ask him to feel them up

and, clearly, all of his
patients are in love with him?

It pisses me off!

- Aha!
- What?

Elementary, my dear Joss. You...

are jealous.

Oh, puh-lease. Harry, I don't get jealous.

- Well, clearly, you don't like

having to fight for Scott's attention.

That is jealousy.

I mean, you... you get
this pit in your stomach

when you think about it, right?

Huh? Yes?

This is a good thing, Joss.
It means you care about him.

Okay, stop it. Even if you're right,

which I am not saying that you are,

how is this good? I
screwed it all up, Harry.

He told me that his patient died,

and I left while he was in the shower.

Yeah, that part's not great.

You should probably try to fix that.

Unless it's already too late.

- Hi.
- Hey.

I'm really glad you're here.

I know this is not the point, but I, uh...

I told Zack that we
can't be friends anymore.

You're right. Uh, that's not the point.

No, the point is that, uh...

You had all this stuff

going on with you and I had no idea.


There was nothing going on.

Obviously, something was going on,

or you wouldn't have made a new
best friend without telling me.

You know where I was the
night that I saw you two?

I was at a jewelry store buying you a gift

to tell you that...

I was ready to have a baby.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- I'm not... I'm not... I'm not

trying to... to make you feel bad.

I'm just trying to explain.

Look, we are supposed to be
in this relationship together.

- We are.
- But we're not.

I mean, you're over
there in one relationship,

and I'm all the way over here

thinking it's something else entirely.

Dom, that's not true.

I don't think that we're as far
apart as you think that we are.

Just because Zack has feelings for me...

No, no. Don't... don't go
there, because that's...

that's not it. That's...
Look, I may not like Zack

or his feelings, but I get them.

I get why he
was in this with you.

Okay, I understand that you're mad

that I didn't tell you, but I...

No, but that's not even it, Savannah. D...

Let's pretend I understood
you keeping it a secret.

I mean, let's pretend

that I could get over that part for now.

I still don't understand why.

What were you getting from him
that you couldn't get from me?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Then what was it about?!

What did you want from him?

There must... There must be some reason

why you were keeping him in your life.

I don't... I don't know,
Dom. I don't know, okay?

- Yeah, well...
- You need to figure that out.

You need to take some time

and think...


And until you get it clear in your head...

let's call it a break.


Oh. Come on up.


I broke up with her.

Hey, you're pretty good.

Well, it's a lot easier when
no one's actually guarding you.

I'm sorry about your patient.

And... and I'm...

Really sorry that I disappeared.


It was immature, and it was wrong.

And I just... I panicked,
and I couldn't process, and...

I handled it all really
horribly. I'm sorry.

Well, I'm not gonna argue that with you.



I mean, I guess if we're
being fair, you know,

how could you have known, right?

- I didn't...
- And...

You're right. I'm not a cardiac surgeon.

Oh, God, I never should have said that!

Obviously, what you do is amazing.

It's not amazing.

- Yes, it is.
- No, it's not, and to tell you the truth,

I'm not always proud of
what I do for a living.


Wow. That's the first time
I've ever said that out loud.

Hey, you don't need to
be so hard on yourself.

Yeah, I do. It's... it's what inspires me

to go to these third-world
countries, you know... do things

that actually make a difference,
that actually mean something.

'Cause let's face it, what I do here is...

Is kind of douchey.

Hey, I really wish

that you wouldn't talk about
my boyfriend in that tone, okay?

Because what he does
makes people happy, mister.

And what's more important than that?

It's kind of like, you know,
what I do as a party planner.

Yeah, no, I never thought about it.

It's like we have the same job.

That's exactly what I was saying.

Mm. You know what?

It turns out I wasn't even
mad at you for being late.

I was actually jealous
of all of these women

- that think that you walk on water.
- Wait a minute.

- You're jealous?
- Yeah, I know. First time.

- Ladies and gentlemen, she is jealous.
- I know! Stop! First time.

- What are we gonna do?
- I don't want to talk about it.

You know what? Let's
just clear this up, okay?

You have nothing to be jealous of...

Because I am 100%...

Massively... actually, annoyingly...

- Done with me?
- in love with you.


And, um...

I think you should move in with me.

Wait, did you just... did you
just ask me to move in with you?

Yeah. Yeah, I kind of did.

- Uh...
- Well, think about it.

You're gonna need a
place to stay soon, right?

And I want to spend as much
time with you as I possibly can.


Two birds, one stone. What do you think?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Uh... Okay.

- Come here.
- Let's do it.


- I missed you.
- I missed you, too.

- Yes!
- I had to do it!

See you at home.


- Thanks for coming to meet me.
- Oh, no, sure!

I needed an excuse to get out of the house.


- So, is there a m...
- Would you like a drink?


I don't even know why I asked
that. I'm not even hungry.

So, yeah, um...

There's something I need
to tell you, and I just...

I thought I should do it in person.


What is it?

It's nothing bad. I, uh...

I'm moving back to Australia.


It probably seems a bit sudden,

but I've been thinking about
it for a while, to be honest.

And an opportunity has presented itself,

so I figured... Why not now?

So, is this happening soon?

Well, I'm not leaving for a
few weeks. I'd like to be here

until the house sale
is taken care of, but...

Even if I'm gone, you can
always reach me, right?



You all right?

No. No.

I'm not.

I really made a mess of things, didn't it?

I don't know, Sav.

Maybe everything happens for a reason.

Yeah, maybe.

Just, uh...

Right now, having...

A hard time seeing what
that reason might be.


I wasn't sure if you'd be here.

I thought that if you weren't
here, it would be a sign, but...

You are.

You're here.

You want to talk?

Not really.

I just need to be with you right now.

Can I just be with you?

Hey, hey, hey.

We are definitely doing that again.


A lot.

Hey. Is it okay if I take a shower?

Of course.

There are towels in the closet on the left.

Got it.

Your phone's ringing!

Sorry. Just ignore it.

- It's... it's the girl.
- She programmed her own ringtone,

which I now need to get rid of.