Missions (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 5 - Théogonie - full transcript

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- she should have died.

you know.

- very crazy!

detaches me!

- you're doing everything in the air.

- I should have been killed.

- What do you want?
- This is your fault.

I live with
someone else's memories.

someone who took you to Mars.

- it needed William.

you're wrong.

- If you are still alive,

it's just...
- to know what I am thinking about.

I know for your tumor.

Let me see Jane.
I can help you.

♪ (in English)


- you have no idea...

- listen to me.
- No !

you're going to listen to me.

- you can master it!



- It was you!

- I wanted to kill you.

- because of you...

i killed him.

- Stop!

Stop right away!
- your weapon.

- he has to pay.

- he is already paying.

everything he did for

he didn't want me to die.

weigh music


- Hello Jane.


come with me.

intriguing music


- you are not real.

- you know if.

- I was sure
you had killed my mother.

- It was better than you imagined me
as an adversary.

- so are you who?

- I'm from a long distance.
Men would say the future ,

but this concept is not applicable
to me.

- I don't understand.

Why are we there?

- this place is at the frontier
of time and reality.

those of our species
can move freely.

- our species ?

- you really believe

we are human?

- you are an exception Jeanne,
not a messiah.

you are the essential link.

Men will not evolve
through thought , moral

or philosophy. Biology

will always prevent them
from rising higher.

for 2 million years ,

your old repeat
the same mistakes.

The human species is defective.

she must change.
That's why you're here.

- who are you really?

- I am

one of your children.
- What ?

- one of your heirs,

if you prefer.

the others repeat you

that you have something
to do.

saving the world ,

saving men from their turpitude,

from their savagery ,

but they are wrong about the way

you have to save them.

- Jane, listen to me.

these are our descendants. He , Enki ,

all other architects.

the story has to
be done.


- no, I don't understand.
I understand nothing.

Music weighing


- every thing, each event

is a link
from a long chain of causality.

this chain leads to my existence.

you must want this change.

we can't impose it on you.

I'm here to give

the keys.

it's up to you to choose.


- William Meyer, yes.

already at that age he
could hear your voice.


you have triggered
this chain of events.

- I never wanted that.

- yet you created
two time lines

playing the apprentice witch
with the spirit of Meyer.

- That's wrong.

you make me responsible
for the acts of another.

- you and the other Jeanne,

you are just
one person.

you must be reconvened.



- where are we?

- where everything has to end,
if you want it.

- I thought everything had to
end on Mars.

- both of you had
a way to go.

yours ends here.

- in fact you've
already decided for me.

- No.

I'm showing you a possibility.

- Why not the other?
- you already know her.

Live a life without history ,
by watching the world crumble.

- and don't want
to influence me?

- What do you want me to tell you?

you live all their joys
and sorrows ,

but you already know them.

I prefer to show you
what you don't know.

- Why is it up to me
to do that?

Why not you?

- you are the cause ,

and we are the consequence.

and the consequence
cannot lead to the cause.

even we can't
go against that.

we make sure
our advent is complete.

we move
through time and space,

and watch.

- should I be able to do that too

- not yet.

a day you're going to be.

- bring me back.

- Jane...

don't do that.

- you can't
give up like that.

- I know.

I know what I need to do now

Stop Generic

VA ?

- No...
- sorry ,

I got it.

drop it!

- ca go, Marc.

- drop it!
- Lower your weapons.

Music weigher




serious music


understand now.

it destroyed me,

as it will destroy the rest.
- it reassures you

thinking that?
- it is you

who want to reassure yourself.

you saw what she did.
She will do it again.

she hates us
for changing her life.

Stop it ,

as long as you can.

- No!

we can't stop like that.

- maybe only if.

- you knew what could
happen to Asma.

I decided
to give him a chance.

- and she died.

- has done
what was worth it.

try to save her ,
to protect her.

That's what took you here.

Tees there for a reason.

I can't believe
that all that can stop there.

we have to go all the way.

she is our luck to everyone.

and if it is
what it is supposed to be ,

it is only good.

- What if that is not the case?

- we'll die a little bit faster ,

but we've tried.

- Alice... I did all that
to make you live.

- Stop!

- are you sure?

serious music


intriguing music

- Jane...
I didn't want to do that.

- Why did you kill them?

- I was no longer myself.

- it will still happen.

you know.

- I can control myself.

- believe it?

serious music


Peter's friends
are probably looking for me ,

nobody knows this place but

It's a matter of ,days
, maybe hours.

-That's why I have to
leave fast. And alone.

- let us come with you!

we can help.

only , it's too risky for you.

- where should you go?


- there.



- I have a plane.

- they are under surveillance.

we don't let it run

weigh music


- William.

everything is OK?

♪- Why wouldn't it be?

- because it's always me
calling you.

♪ when it's you,
it's something going on.

- I need service.

- I'm listening to you.

intriguing music


- I knew I could
count on you.

Thank you my friend.

- William...

♪- Yes?

- How is Alice?

- good,.

it's not far.

I think we got it.

- will we talk back?

- I don't think , no.

- so hurry.

I'm not far behind you.

serious music


- Why killed them?

they were no longer a threat.

- maybe they would have
become it again.

now ,at least ,you are sure.

- you have a plane.

we'll be leaving tomorrow at dawn.


- I'm sorry.

- Why?

- for your father.

for everything.

- you didn't know.

- Oh, si.

I always lived

with faces of strangers

with whom I felt
like I was bound.

I understood everything ,

without confessing.

I knew if.

- and my father?

How did he know?

- I wanted to talk to him.

finally not me. The other me.


I wanted to talk to him.

make him understand
that the Alice he manufactured

should not exist.

so I thought about it.

I looked for a specific moment

where he could prevent
the other Alice from harming us.


but by doing that,
I made a mistake.

I opened his mind.


the young Meyer saw
what the old knew.

The old knew
what the young person felt.

the time between has cleared.

and he saw in me, too.

he tried
to do something.

he saved what he loved
most in the world...


- What will happen?
- his mind is not made

to resist this gift
that I passed on to him.

- can you save it?

- maybe.

it would be easier if I knew
what to do.

saving your father ,saving the world...

it seems like a
little bit of a little bit of a little bit.


What if saving the world,
was anything else?

If it was destroying it?

we hit the door.


- Hey...

VA ?


Soft music


Music intensifies.



- it goes ,my daughter.

your father is still standing.
- you can not come with us.

- you have to go
to the hospital.

we'll get out of it without you.
- no, no.

they won't be able to do anything for me.

Let's go.

weigh music


don't want me too much?

Of having wanted to get you killed.

- Car crash...

- It's Jane too.

- and Samuel Becker,
that was you too?

How did you know

that it was a threat?

- I was confident someone
would come one day.

him or another ,elsewhere.

I knew it was possible.
Don't ask me how.

- you become mystic.

- definitely. Same death ,

he managed to reach me
through you.

It's as if the story
had a will of its own ,

that couldn't be deflected

just a time.

- What now?

- now...

never wondered
if you hadn't spent

all your life on something
that made no sense?

- Daily.

weigh music




- That's them.

- who?
- Adrian.

- How you...
- accelerate.


Stop the car after the bridge.

- What should I do?

- do it!

Haletante music

(in English)


serious music

stop! Stop it! You'll kill him!





- go GB!
Come on come on come on ,come on!

Dark music


- everything will go well.

I kept you
longer than I expected.

- Papa, I'm going to pass ,okay?
It's going to go.


- don't do that!


- no! No, not that!

not that! Stop it! Stop it!



Papa... Dad,

- Thank you, my daughter.

Thank you for coming back.

(- Papa...)

Papa, please! Dad! Dad!

Papa, please, dad! Dad...



Papa! Dad!




do something!
Do something!

you knew you couldn't
save him!

Why did you let him come?

- all that, is your fault.
- No !

- Why did you call them?

did you really believe
you could hide it?

I asked your father

to confuse the plane.


you are not far away,
you have to continue.

- No... I don't want to leave it!

- Alice ?


Is it true, was you?

- I had a doubt. Just a doubt.

What if my father is right?
If it's not the one we believe?

she is dangerous!

- we have to go.

- Let me go.

Let me go!
- Alice, it must!

- loose... Let me loose!

Let me go!


- I'm there. I'm here.

- she's all going to kill us,
you don't understand?

- Alice, you have to understand
why you're here.





serious music


- That's it.


Soft music


- who's that?

- it will do nothing for us.

I saw him...

in his memory.

he was there.


- Peter!


- you're decided. That's right.

- What should I do?

- It's a door.

opens it.

you've already done it.


Remember ,even you
gave it.

you'll save later ,

so you know now.

time is no longer important.

serious music


you see.

- Open what?

What is Jane,?

- the end.

- What will happen?

- I don't know.

steps yet.

- Jane...

What is this?

intriguing music


What's behind?



It's impossible!

- What is impossible?

- where am I?

- you know it very well.

it all started with you.

the choice is yours.

you can still

give up if you wish and

- yet, it happened.

I mean...

I'm here.

- the circle can be broken.
Nothing is certain.

- What happens
when it opens

this door?


will it save us?
- you will choose

in doubt.

That's how
things have been going for ever.

- but if I'm wrong?
- you cannot deceive.

you know what to do.

you've already started.