Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 3 - Môningu kôfî wa koi no kaori!? - full transcript

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I'm Kotoko Aihara from Class F.

Could you please read this?

I don't want it.

How could he turn Kotoko down?

This is a challenge from him.

If you change your place to live
I'm sure your luck will change.

A good thing is going to happen to you.

Hmm? A shooting star?

Did it just get hit by a shooting star?


I, Kotoko Aihara, started living in the
house of my father's best friend.

But the house was...

What's wrong, Kotoko?

I apologize for the late introduction.

It was the house of Naoki Irie, the boy I loved.

Don't tell anyone that
we live in the same house, got it?

Don't ever talk to me at school.

You don't have to be that mean...

I hate girls with no brains.

I will beat that Naoki Irie on these finals.

- Ta-da!
- Just give it back.

Can you help me with my studies
for one week until the final exams?

Could it be that Kotoko is more
capable than I think she is?

100th? Seriously?

There is a secret at her new house.


What's this photo?

So you are staying at Irie's house.


- What is it?
- Just come with me.

People found out that Irie and I
live in the same house.

What's wrong with your friends?

Since you wrote a love letter to me...
Perhaps you don't mind the rumors.

But it really bothers me.

Don't screw up my pace anymore.


Why am I crying?

He turned me down a long time ago.

I thought I would be okay with hearing
him saying mean things to me.

Then why am I crying?

I still love Irie after all.

Kotoko, you were late.
I was worried about you.

I'm sorry. I totally forgot to call you.

The first love letter that I wrote in my life...

The letter that is never going
to be read...

I don't want it.

I know he's not being nice to me...

But I still love him.

Hey, the bath is ready.

I'm coming in.

My mom said the bath is ready.

Dear Naoki Irie

My name is Kotoko Aihara.
I'm in Class F.

You don't know me...

But I know you.

Since you made a speech at the
entrance ceremony two years ago...

I have been admiring your
intelligence and handsome face.

When I first saw you, I felt like
I was hit by a shooting star.

I started to have
a special feeling for you.

I love you, Irie.

Subtitles by DramaFever

[Mischievous Love]
[Love in Tokyo]

Episode 3
Does Morning Coffee Smell of Love?

Oh, no.

Good morning.

Good morning, Kotoko.

You always sleep in, Kotoko.

Why don't you wake up early
for once and help Mrs. Irie?

I'm sorry.

Don't worry.

Naoki and Yuuki don't help me either.

Please hurry and eat your breakfast.


I'm going to have some food.

Kotoko, can you come
home early today?

Sure I can, but why?

Well, Iri-chan and his family are
being so great to us.

I want to make dinner tonight
to show our gratitude for them.

Do you think you can
help me with that?

That's right. Your restaurant
is closed today.

Oh please Mr. Aihara, you don't need to.

Yes, that's the least we can do.

Ai-chan is the best cook
in the whole world.

That's something to look forward to.
Right, Naoki and Yuuki?


Thank you for the food. Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.

You should go too, Kotoko.

Ah, yes.

What is it?

There was a piece of bread.

What was that?

Be careful.

- There are stairs.
- Please watch your steps.

We are going down.

Kin, it's hard to walk.

To be honest, it's a nuisance.

I'm doing it for you, Kotoko.

At least at school, I'm protecting you from Irie.


It wasn't him.

Don't worry. He really hates me.

I'm not allowed to talk to him at school.

Isn't that girl who is staying
at your house?

Who cares.

You want to go to Irie's house
to spy on them?

Do you really need to go
that far, Kin-chan?

But aren't you curious about them too?

Yes, we are.

That house.

It's huge!

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe...

If Irie finds this out, he will be furious!

Shh, there they are.

Hey, Kotoko!


I can't see anything.

The cap. The lens cap.

Wow, they look so delicious!

Sure enough you are a pro, Aihara.

What is this?

It's the fried tofu that I made.

It looks bad, but it's very tasty.

I don't want to eat it.

I don't want it, either.

Naoki, Yuuki, don't say that.

She's right.

Just sit down.

And let's start eating.

Damn them, the food that Kotoko made.

Shh, Kin, they will hear you.

You too!

I will have some of the food Kotoko made.

If I eat, you two are going to
have some too, okay?

Ugh, awful...

As I expected...

No, it's good. Tasty.

You don't have to be nice, Shigeo.

She's always been a terrible cook.

I can't believe she's my daughter.

If she is like this, she won't be able to
find a family that she can marry into.

I'm sorry.

You don't need to worry.

Kotoko will marry into our family.

Wh-what did she just say?

What I'm saying is that
Naoki should marry Kotoko.

I object!

No! I object!

He's right. Please don't decide
that without asking us!

Stop playing with our lives.

Really? I think Kotoko is
definitely your type, Naoki.

What? Is that true?

That's not true.

I don't want you.

I don't want you either!

Well said, Kotoko!

Is that right? But you sent me
some passionate love messages.

Nice to meet you, Irie.

My name is Kotoko Aihara.
I'm in Class F.

You don't know me, but I know you.

Since you made a speech at the
ceremony two years ago...

I have been admiring your
intelligence and handsome face.

Why did you do that for?

Terrible! You read my letter?

It was written to me.

But don't memorize all the words!

I can't help it. If I read it once,
I remember everything!

But you didn't have to recite
it in front of everyone!

Hold on, hold on!

What do you mean?

Could it be that Kotoko liked
Naoki for a long time?

Tell everyone the truth.

I wrote a love letter.

Is it true, Kotoko?

So my suggestion isn't a dream after all.

But I wrote the letter
before we moved in this house.

- Now I don't like him...
- Please don't say that.

You should start liking
Naoki again, right, honey?

Right, if that makes them happy.

Wait a second!

Open it!

Who are those kids?


Hey, Kotoko! Open it!

They are my classmates.

What are you doing at someone's house?

Sorry. He really wanted to find out
what was going on with you.

Irie is a genius, but he's also a guy.

He can turn into a wild animal anytime.

See, I was right about coming here.

I heard him saying whatever he wanted.

- By the way, who are you?
- Huh?

Pleased to meet you, Irie's family.

I'm Kin, Kinnosuke Ikezawa.

I'm Kotoko's classmate.

- Which means you are stupid.
- What!

Stop that, Yuuki!

Kotoko and I have a very
hot relationship in the class.

Kin, that's not true!

Kotoko, you are very popular!

Yes, she is indeed.

Sorry about this.

So please don't try to do
anything to her, okay?

Marriage? Forget about it.

Got it, Irie?

I can't promise that.

What are you talking about?

People change their minds.

You hate someone today, but...

Tomorrow, you might like that person.

What? So you do like
Kotoko, don't you?

I'm not sure about that.

But just don't forget that she
likes me more than she likes you.

I will be going upstairs now.
Enjoy your stay.

What? What was that?

What did he mean?

Does that mean...

That I can expect something good?

Meanwhile, our last summer vacation
in high school is about to begin.

Since this is the last summer in high school,
I wish I can make some good memories.

But we have to study for
the college entrance exams.

I know that, but...

I don't want to only have
memories of doing homework.

But you are lucky since you will be
with Irie during the vacation.

Nothing is going to happen.

You never know.

The other day he told you
how he felt about you.

He said it because he wanted
to beat Kin.

Right, Irie didn't even want to eat
the food that Kotoko made.

I'm a terrible cook.

That's not the point.

Any guy would want to eat
the food made by the girl they like.

The taste doesn't matter.

She is right.

Isn't it easy for you to cook for him
since you live together?

At least you can make a memory
like that this summer!

I will cook for him.

Hearing that makes me so worried.

But I can't go spy on them every day.

During the break, that damn Irie
will be with Kotoko every day.

True, girls' affections grow on
the guys who stay close by.

Hey, don't say that.

Bro, don't give up.

You have to stay close by Kotoko
as much as Irie stays with her.

First day of the summer vacation

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Kotoko, summer vacation starts today, right?

Well, um, I have to go to school...

But why? It's a summer vacation.

Um, it's because...

Yuuki, can you go get it?


Good morning, Irie family!

I, Kin, is here to pick up
Kotoko to attend extra classes.

Extra classes?

But you were 100th on the last test.

I was 100th on finals,
but I did bad on the midterm.

How bad was it? You are definitely stupid.


I'm leaving.

Everyone is from Class F.

This is exactly the same
as the regular class.

All of you are on the edge of not
making it to our own university.

Even Aihara who was the 100th
on the finals is no exception.

That is why I want you to take
these extra classes seriously.

Tonan High School, the hell of the summer
classes is about to start.

Summer is the most important time.

I don't think I can expect any
good memories this summer.

We will end up just having
memories of homework this summer.

Like what Kotoko said earlier.

Is it great?

You can spend this summer with me.

That's the best memory, isn't it?
Go ahead and eat.

Can't you tell, Kin?

You are not the one Kotoko
wants to spend time with.

But I guess it's impossible since
she's in the extra classes.

Oh, but I think I saw Irie.

Stupid, don't tell her that.

No way! You saw Irie?

Don't tell me that he is taking
the extra classes!

Of course not. Look at the school yard!

That's right.

He is kind of a member of the tennis club.

What do you mean 'kind of?'

He is not an official member
of the tennis club.

But he is better than the members, so
he plays when there is a tournament.

Right, there is a high school national tennis
tournament at the end of the month.


I thought he was a nerd
with no motor skill.

He is perfect except for his personality.

He's so not likable.

But he didn't tell me that he was
coming to school to play tennis.

As usual, he could care less about you.

That's okay. That's okay.
That's okay, right?

People change their minds.

You hate someone today, but...

Tomorrow, you might like that person.

Are you admiring him?

Huh? No, I'm not.

It's not fair to win without working out,
jogging, and practicing every day.

I've got to study!
Let's do it!

Mars, the red planet,
has fascinated people.


After all, he is cute...

I bet he's so tired after practice.

When he gets home,
he will have food that I make...

and get better!

Just kidding!

Kotoko Aihara!



Read the rest of the paragraph.


Page 63.

You were slacking.
Run ten laps as punishment!

Ten laps?

You are slowing down!

Aihara, one more lap!

Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose.

Isn't the class over?

Leave me alone!
I just felt like running!

Hey, Aihara! Stop that marital quarrel!


Kotoko, did you get tanned?

Did you also have an extra class for gym?

Um, this was...

She was slacking in class, so she had to
run the school track as punishment.

How do you know that?

Set a thief to catch a thief!

Set what?

You don't even know that?
Are you stupid?

Yuuki, that's enough!

Well, it's summertime.
It's okay to get tanned, right?

Really. We usually go to the mountains
or beach during the summer.

I'm so bored this year.

You didn't hear from Ai-chan?

There is a class reunion for our junior high.

So we are going back to Kyushu.

I didn't know that.

That's why we can't have
a family trip this summer.

You should go with him.

I can't leave you children alone.


Thank you for the dinner.

Thank you.

Mrs. Irie. I would like to help you.

Thank you, Kotoko.
Then can you clean the dishes?


I will prepare for tomorrow's
lunch for you and Naoki.

Thank you always.

You leave so early in the morning.
So it's easier if I prepare for it at night.

- Mrs. Irie.
- Yes?

Do you think you can teach
me how to cook?

Sure, but your father is a professional chef.

You are right.

But I want to learn how to cook
homely food, food with a mother's touch.

You want to learn 'Irie family's cooking?'

Kotoko, you still like Naoki, don't you?

Why do you think that?

I can tell by looking at you.

You should marry into our family!

I'm not good enough for him.

I was 19 when I married my husband.

There were many people
who proposed me.

They were all handsome, rich and young.

But you know how my husband looks.
And he was much older than me.

Plus he just started his business,
so he didn't have money either.

My parents objected to our relationship.

But you chose Mr. Irie.
Why did you do that?

He was honest, hardworking,
and he really cared about me.

It wasn't my lineage, money nor young age...

It was I whom he loved.

You remind me of my
husband back in those days.

A few weeks later


To celebrate Naoki's first place in the
high school tennis tournament...


Please sit down. Please sit down!

Let's eat!

Naoki is amazing.

Not only you are smart, but also
you are good at playing tennis.

And you've won three years consecutively?

Well, yes.

You don't even need to practice so much.

I'm impressed.

It's easy.

I find the opponent's habit as soon as possible.
Then I calculate where the ball will come.

Naoki is not sweet though, is he?

He is just so smart.

He doesn't look like Iri-chan, but
his intelligence is exactly like his.

No, I wasn't as smart as he is.

Don't you remember how I was in junior high?

Is that right?

It brings back good memories.

I'm so excited about tomorrow's reunion.

It's been a while since I went
back to Kyushu.

It's been too long.

I wonder if everyone has changed.

The last day of the summer vacation

We are leaving now.


You look great in the outfit.

I'm embarrassed.

- Please be careful!
- Bye!

They were acting like elementary
school kids going on a field trip.

My father hasn't been back home because
his restaurant is so busy.

I think he was looking forward to it.

Hello? This is the Irie residence.

What? Is it true?

I will come right away.

Oh no, oh no. Oh my goodness.

- What happened?
- My mother got injured.

It's not serious, but she has
to stay at a hospital tonight.

And I need to stay with her at the hospital.

- Yes, please help her.
- Thank you, Kotoko.

Please take care of the house with Naoki?


What? Just the two of us?

I'm taking Yuuki with me.

You both have school
tomorrow morning.

I understand.

Hurry and get ready.

Does this mean...

Only two of us are going
to be in this house?

I'm so nervous, but maybe I can...

Yuuki, let's go!


This is a great chance
to make food for Irie!

I am going to make the best
memory this summer!

Bifteck en bois...


This is it!

What is going on?


What's that?

Bifteck en bourgeoise?

Don't you need to look at the recipe?

I looked already.

If I look at it once, I can remember.

Smells so good.

How about Grandma?

Don't we have to go help her?

There is a reason for this, Yuuki.

They are so slow.

I wanted them to be
conscious of each other.

Since the fathers went on the trip,
I thought I should let them be themselves.

How about Grandma's injury?

I made it up!

It was just a telemarketing call.

My acting was really good, wasn?t it?

What? I'm going home.

Oh, then you don't want this?

Amazing! It looks exactly
the same as the photo.

Let's eat!

Let's eat!

So delicious.

Although it ended up
to be Naoki's cooking

I'm having a wonderful dinner with Irie.

I feel like we are newlyweds.

I'm sorry that you had to cook.

Well, then I want a sweet desert from you.


You should at least wash the dishes.

And clean up the kitchen
to be how it was.

I will.

Irie, are you going to do
your homework now?

Would you like to do it with me?

Homework? I finished it on
the first day of the vacation.

What? On the first day? Amazing.

Don't tell me that you haven't done it.

No, I haven't.

For you, it would take a whole week
without any sleep.


Good luck.

Oh no, it's already ten o'clock.

It took so long to clean up the kitchen.

Let's get started.

I don't understand.

I should work on English.

I've been studying the whole
summer until the very end.

I kind of finished Japanese classics,
world history and English.

But I can't finish math and physics.

I'm sorry, God and Buddha.

I feel like I'm a criminal
who has been cornered.

Please let me see your answers.


Irie's notebook. Notebook.

There they are.

I'm going to borrow math and physics.
Thank you!

What are you doing?

Making noises in my room
in the middle of the night.

Nothing! Bye!
Good night!

That's not going to happen.

Um, these are...

I know.

You came in here to make
love to me, right?

No, it's not like that.

'It's not like that?'

There is no other reason to come to
a guy's room in the middle of night.

Don't worry. I won't embarrass you.


Are you talking about that?

There is nobody in this house beside us.

But that's...

Your friend said too.

'Even a genius can turn into
a wild animal any time.'

Please wait.

I do love you, Irie.

But this is going too fast.

I think we should start with
a healthy relationship.

'A healthy relationship?'

I see. So you do still love me.

Were you teasing me?

Don't worry. I have no intention
of having a relationship with you.

I'm going to tell everyone
that you tried to touch me!

I will tell people at school!

Tell them.

There are already rumors about us.
I'm sure people have imagined this already.

I lost.

You forgot these.


You need to use the same
formula on question three.

Can I just copy it?

Then there is no meaning
in doing homework.

Hurry and solve the problem.

Doing homework is the only memory
that I have in this last summer of high school.

Nothing that I had expected happened.

But somehow I'm so happy.

Stop slacking. Hurry and finish it.


We ended up staying up all night.

As a token of my apology,
I would like to make breakfast for you.

Please don't.

I don't want to have a stomachache
on the first day of the new semester.



Can you make coffee for me?


Irie, good morning.

We've been up all night.

Nothing special happened
in the last summer of high school...

But I will never forget the fragrance
of coffee that I had with Irie in that morning.

Honoko Miki

Yuki Furukawa

Yuki Yamada

Original Comic
"Itazurana Kiss" by Kaoru Tada

Executive Producers
Katuski Yoshiharu (SPO Entertainment Inc)

Executive Producers
Kenji Nishibuchi (Fuji Television Network, Inc.)

Executive Producers
Yoshikuni Murata (Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Incorporated)

Executive Producers
Takeshi Moriya (Atmovie Inc.)

Yuki Sakurai (SPO Entertainment Inc.)

Opening Song
'Update' by Sab?o

Ending Song
'Takaramono' by Sab?o

Uiko Miura

Takeshi Moriya

Masakazu Abe

Production by
Atmovie Inc.

Presented by
'Itazurana Kiss-Love in TOKYO' Partners

Best of luck!

Is the University of Tokyo
Naoki Irie's first choice?

What are you going to do in college?

Are you going to take
the National Center Test?

I will root for him!


I will walk with him until he enters the
gate of the University of Tokyo.

I slipped.

Don't tell me that medicine is...

- Don't tell this to Kotoko.
- Naoki, what happened?

My good luck charm didn't work.

I have a feeling that you two
will stay together forever.

I had never been so nervous in my life.

Goodbye, Irie.