Mike (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Lover - full transcript

Mike falls hard for Robin Givens and asks, "How can someone who hates himself love anyone else?'

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♪ Hey, put the candles
on the cake ♪

♪ Gonna celebrate ♪

Should we talk
about all the women?

Oh, I come off bad
in this part of the story,

but it's the truth.

I'm just gonna go with it.

I was a pig.

But Cus was gone; I didn't know
how to deal with all that shit.

Come on, Mike.

You mean there aren't
a million girls

after the heavyweight champ
of the world?

Nah, man, they don't want me.

They just want the cash.

Got millions
of dollars to spend.

It's easy
to love someone like that.

You know,
I know what I look like.

I see myself
in the mirror every day.

Nah, but, you know, I just wish

I could find a girl
who knew me when I was broke

and just thought
I was a nice guy.

I probably cheated on every
woman I ever been with.

Probably never respect them

'cause I never
really respect myself.

I want to, but...

I don't think I ever loved
any woman I've ever been with.

It's crazy, right?

Never love 'em.

But I want to.

♪ ♪

♪ Come take my hand ♪

♪ Trust me ♪

♪ With all your heart ♪

♪ ♪

All better.

♪ Every word that I ♪

♪ Every word I say ♪

You got some moves.

Thank you.

Robin, you graduated
high school at 15,

Sarah Lawrence College at 19.

Then you turned down
Harvard Medical School

to star on a hit series.

Does that make you
head of the class?

Well, Don,

some say I am.

If you want more Robin Givens...

I'm gonna marry that woman.

Fuck you.

- Yeah!
- Whoo!

Robin Givens.

Listen, listen, we were babies.

21 and 22.

I thought she was so beautiful.

I mean, look at her.

She's a beautiful girl, right?


So I went after her.

I tracked her down.

Took a little work,
but I set up a date for us.

You know, in my head,
it was like

I was in my own version
of a fucking rom-com.

Robin was impressive.

There were very few young
Black women on TV back then.

She was a role model,
the it girl.

She was a fairy-tale princess
in my head.

I wanted to be
the kind of person

Robin would wanna
fall in love with.

♪ Anything you ask ♪

♪ I'll do it all for you ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You light the sky
everywhere you go ♪

♪ Your looks
could calm the sea ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You got me hooked,
and that's for sure ♪

♪ It's no surprise ♪

Hi. You must be Michael.


I'm Robin.

I didn't think
you'd ever go out with me.

I left so many messages.

Oh, that my mother erased
before I ever heard them.

But, um, luckily,
she missed the last one.

Why didn't she
want us to go out?

Because you hit people
for a living, Mr. Tyson.

this is my mother, Ruth.

And this is my publicist,

Right this way.

Um, I don't have
a clear understanding

of what's going on right now.

My mother
is very protective of me,

and she had some concerns
about us going out,

so this is the compromise.


This might surprise you,
but there's no way in hell

I'd let one of my daughters
go on a date

with a guy like me either.

I mean, come on, it's me.

Um, you know,
this has been cool and all,

but it's not really
the kind of date I imagined.

No offense, Mrs. Givens.

But I think I'm gonna...

Oh, wait, wait, please sit down.


I'm sorry. I am nervous.

You're Mike Tyson.

This is ridiculous,
I know, and I... I'm so sorry.

It's all my fault.

Please don't go?

♪ ♪

Well, I guess
we could make this work.

Oh, we made it fucking work.

That's rich to me,
you had your own room.

It was super small, okay?

My family
had to share everything:

Rooms, beds, my mom
with guys off the street.

Even your fries?

Hey, save some of those for me.

Oh, my God.

I haven't had fries in forever.

I have this whole weird thing
with perfection.

You know, 'cause if I'm
perfect, they can't hurt me.


I learned it from my mom.

My dad cheated on her so bad,

so she was just trying
to make sure

I could stand
on my own two feet.

I didn't really know my mom.

I didn't have
any conversations with her

like that, like I did with Cus.

There's a lot I wish
I could ask her now.

Mm, yeah, I mean,

I still don't know my dad.

I always felt like,
you know, if I wasn't

smart enough
or pretty enough or...

good enough for my dad
to love me,

why would anyone love me?

Who would think, to look at us,
that we got the same problems?

No, you are so beautiful.

I'm not pitiful.

I said "beautiful,"
not "pitiful."

I know.

I just wanted to hear you
say it again.

You know, I was thinking, um,

maybe you could be
my girlfriend.

♪ Didn't wanna live
without you ♪

Whoa, um, no.

I'm... I'm sorry, Mike.
I just...

Look, the last two weeks
have been really fun,

but I just got a lot going on.

I mean, there's not
a lot of opportunities

for Black actresses
in Hollywood.

I'm already 22.
I don't have a lot of time.

But I... I got enough money
for the both of us.

It doesn't matter.

It matters to me.

You've already made it.
You're at the top of your game.

- All eyes on you.
- Yeah.

I don't wanna live
in someone else's shadow.

I got my own dreams.

I'm sorry, Mike.

♪ You took for granted ♪

Let's rewind, and I'll
tell you what I heard.

Nigga, you too stupid
and too Brownsville

to be my everything.

Thanks for playing.

But that just
made me want her more.

We were still
hanging out and stuff,

but that didn't make her mine.

I wanted her to be mine.

You know, I thought
if I give her enough stuff,

I can make her love me.

Nah, I didn't know
anything about love.

I only knew what I saw
in the movies.

You know, that's what
I was playing at.

I was in love

but in my own
kind of fucked-up way, right?


I'm looking for some roses.

♪ ♪

♪ I can't deny ♪

♪ The way you make me feel ♪

I like this one.

Excellent choice.

They're Southern Sea pearls.

Maybe I was with all
those women because I never

really thought
I could get Robin.

Or maybe I was
just 21 and horny.

Through all the courtship
with Robin,

I was still fighting.

I remember I had this
one fight with Bonecrusher.

He was a particularly
hardheaded motherfucker.

The funny thing is,

I think Bonecrusher
helped me get Robin.



I watched the fight.
Are you okay?

I'm okay.

It was close, though.

I always feel like if I
don't win, people will hate me.

Like, I really have to get beat
up for somebody to like me.

I like you, Michael.

If Cus was here,
I'd have somebody to talk to.

Jimmy's all I got now.

Well, I'm here.

I wish you were here.


It hurts my heart
to see you get hit.

Like, it takes
too much out of me.

It literally makes me ill.

But... I just wanna protect you.

Hey, Michael?

Do you still want me
to be your girl?


You really wanna be my girl?

Yeah, I do.


Yeah, I... I miss you.

I'm gonna hang up the phone
before you change your mind.

I got a girlfriend.

Not tonight, you don't.

♪ ♪

♪ She's not
just another woman ♪

♪ She's not, no, no ♪

♪ She's not
just another woman ♪

♪ She's not, no, no ♪

♪ She's given me
a newborn birth ♪

♪ I found sweetness
on this bitter Earth ♪

♪ She knows the things to say ♪

♪ To help my troubles away ♪

♪ And when the words
she say won't do ♪

♪ She'll try a kiss or two ♪

♪ She's mine, mine, mine ♪

♪ She knows how to console me ♪

♪ She's mine, mine, mine ♪

♪ She knows how to control me ♪

♪ I don't want nobody
talking 'bout my baby ♪

♪ Nobody talkin'
'bout my baby ♪

This is...

I mean, you know you didn't
have to do this, right?

Yeah, well,
it's not that kind of ring.

Not marriage or anything.

But, you know, whenever
you're ready, let me know.

I'll get you something way
better than that, way bigger.

Look at us.

- We look aspirational.
- Yeah.

I mean,
I didn't have role models

of people who looked
like us growing up.

And now we're them.

It's... it's so exciting.

- Yeah.
- You're so exciting.

- We're so exciting.
- Yeah.

Think of all the people
we can inspire.


Speaking of inspiration...

What you got for me?




You're mine now, champ.


It was the first time
I was in love.

We were only 21 and 22.

It was happening so fast.

Too fast.

Gonna have a baby?

Jimmy told me you're knocked up.

You told my business manager,
but you didn't tell me?

I only told my mom.

Maybe she told him?

I didn't wanna pressure you.

Is that okay?


- Yeah?
- Yeah.

To be clear,
Robin says she got pregnant

after we got married,

but y'all aren't paying
to see her show.

I did the only thing
that felt right

every time I thought
something was wrong.

I fucked it up even more.

Till death do you part?

I do.

You told me we were going
to the All-Star Game.

Well, I thought
this was more romantic.

More romantic than basketball?

You love me?

I do.

You may kiss the bride.

♪ ♪

Relax, everybody.

He'll be out in a minute.


Suntory Dry Man reps
have their eyes on you,

so we gotta keep this trip
squeaky-clean, right?

It's a different market here.

No bad-boy stuff.

I need an advance on my purse.

I wanna get Robin
something nice from Japan.

You're spending a lot on Robin.

You need to slow down.

- She's my wife.
- I wanna surprise her.

All right,
give her the gift of love.

All right, all right, fine.

I'll see what I can do.

Why isn't Jimmy
handling the money?

And we pray
that the soul of Jimmy Jacobs

find its eternal resting place.

So here's some real shit.

Jimmy, the manager I liked,
that Cus had picked,

had been sick for years,
and they hid it from me.

Cayton got me to sign some
contract saying if Jimmy died,

Cayton would automatically
be my manager.

They even put some shit in
about giving their widows

50% of me if they died,

like I was some chattel
they could pass around...

Like they own me.

Robin didn't like that, and she
sued the fuck out of 'em.

♪ So much did change ♪

Well, thank you
for meeting with us.

Since my daughter is now
Michael's power of attorney,

we'd like to see his accounts.

I just want everything
to be perfect for my family.

It's not just us
we need to look out for now.

But with Robin doing my finances

and with Jimmy suddenly gone,

someone else
snuck in the back door.

In this great tragedy,

the loss of a friend
and colleague,

lays an opportunity.

Jimmy isn't gone.

He's transferred
into pure spirit.

In the... in the same way, your
trusting relationship with him

doesn't have to be lost,
just transferred.

Mike, you have an opportunity

to take control of your destiny.

As one fully liberated
Black man to another,

take solace that death
is but a transition,

and I am your rebirth.

Oh, he's a charming


♪ ♪

Now, the pictures from Paris

were supposed
to arrive on Friday.

I don't understand
what the holdup is.

You need to get on the phone
with Chris top he.

You know how these
French people are.

You have to stay on top
of them. Oh, babe.

So I'm thinking Vulcano silk

for this room
and then maybe a...

Everyone has this vision
that Robin ran around

with all the decorators
doing the house.

That's bullshit.

It was all me.

I'll have what she's not having.

A toast to our perfect new home

and to Michael, who is
going to be the best father,

and Mom for always
taking such good care of us.

You're my children.

It's my job to protect you,

especially when you
don't even know you need it.

What's that supposed to mean?

Mom, not now.

You're both so young.

I'm just concerned
that the people who are

supposed to be looking out
for you aren't.


What mom is trying to say is...

Bill Cayton's been
stealing from us.

From you.

Donald Trump has offered
his consulting services.

Now, that's a businessman
you can trust.

You guys couldn't find
a smaller chicken?

It's a quail.

What's a quail?

Quail? Goddamn!

You race pigeons.
You don't eat 'em!

Those women are trying
to turn you

into some kind of sissy.

Next thing you know,
you gonna be

drinking Champale,
pinkie in the air!

Ooh, that Trump's
a tender-handed white boy.


Never had a callus in his life.

Got his money from his daddy.

They're softening you up.

Girl's got your balls.
Mama's lookin' to cut 'em off.

Man, that's my wife.

Someone who didn't care
would shut the fuck up,

not say a goddamn word.

But I can't stand by and watch
the champ become a chump.

Mm-mm, hmm.

Stick with the King, boy,
you'll be all right.

That's one thing
Don was right about.

Ruth and Robin
had me by the balls.

So me and my balls started
spending less time at home.

It's 4:00 a.m.

I thought you were asleep.

Mm, I bet you did.


Where were you?

I mean, I was, um... I mean...

I was with Don.

- Yeah.
- Oh, really?

Is that Don's color?

Okay, I don't have to tell you

where I've been
or who I've been with, okay?

Jesus, Mike,

this is the same shit
my dad did, the same shit!

I warned you.

- Warned me?
- Yeah.

Listen, you and your mother
can't turn the champ

into a chump, all right?

What are you talking about?

You don't care about me.

All you care about
is spending my money.

I'm trying to protect you

from people who are
stealing your money.

So you can spend it.

I'm spending it on you.

You don't understand that we
need everything to be perfect

because everyone is watching.

And what do you do?

You go out and you're
cheating worse than my dad.

You know,
I wish you weren't pregnant

so I wouldn't have had
to get married to you.

Well, you got your wish,

That's when she told me
she lost the baby.

Robin said she lost the baby
in the hospital

and I was with her.

I don't know.

She wrote her book,
and I wrote mine.

What I do know is,
I wanted that fantasy life

for Robin so bad,
I would've given her anything.

Well, almost anything.


It's so good to see you!


Oh, you look good,
my handsome boy.

Thank you.

I want you to meet my beautiful,

stunning Robin...
and Ruth.

And you are
so much more lovely in person.

Oh, my.

I made extra gravy just for you.

Thanks, Camille.

Uh, you have
such a beautiful home, Camille.

That room with all of Michael's
awards and, uh, medals,

it's like a shrine.

- I guess Russ really did love...
- Cus.

His name is Cus.


I guess Cus
really loved Michael.

Well, everyone loves Michael,

especially Cus.

He was so proud of how great
Michael was in the ring.

Even in bed, he talks about him.

"My greatest creation,"
he'd say.

Just so interesting.

I guess, given that Michael
is Cus' greatest creation,

it's okay for him to be
paying for your house?

- I...
- Robin.

No, I'm... I'm so sorry.

I'm just wondering
why it is that...

my husband is out there

destroying his body in the ring

and, meanwhile, using our money

to pay for everything in here.


And it seems to just be

What's the matter with you?

You need to see
what's going on in there.

- That lady in there's my...
- Your what?

She's not your family.

- Cus used you.
- No.

- She's using you.
- No.

They damaged you,
and you're... you're, what,

you're paying them for it?

You're so desperate
for someone to love you

that you'll rewrite the story
just so you feel love.

But... but what about my story?

I love you,
and you hate me for it.

You didn't have anyone,
so you let Cus turn you

into his brute,
and now you're out here

paying for
this old white lady's house,

mowing her lawn
like the hired help.

And for what?

Because she gives you
extra gravy and smiles at you?

Don't be so naive.

You watch your mouth, bitch.

Oh, that's funny.

Just a minute ago,
you were calling me baby.

I mean it, Robin. I...

I don't know how to fight
to lose, only to win.

I don't know
how to love to win either.

The lithium
should help stabilize

your moods and behavior.

Pills don't usually
make me more stable.

Manic depression
is a lifelong battle, Mike.

You're lucky to have
such a great support system.

Robin said
she was worried about me,

that I was scaring her,

that she only
wanted the best for me.

What she didn't realize was...

When I drink or do coke,
I'm gonna fight you.

When I smoke weed, I'm gonna
give you all my money.

That's not manic depression.
That's me on drugs.

♪ And something
without warning, love ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Bears heavy on my mind ♪

It's time
for your medicine, baby.

♪ Then I look at you ♪

♪ And the world's
all right with me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Just one look at you ♪

What is he on?

- He says it's lithium.
- Lithium.

He a boxer, not a housewife.
He can't fight.

He's moving all right.

He look like
a heavyweight to you?

I'm gonna make you
something else, okay, baby?

♪ Lovely day, lovely day ♪

♪ Lovely day, lovely day ♪

♪ Lovely day,
lovely day, lovely day ♪

You cannot keep pretending

you can fix his shit.

Trust me.

He is my husband.

Yeah, and I hear y'all yelling,

and I know what he does.

You know I've been
through this shit.

Stop it.

I'm going to fix this.

♪ Seems impossible to face ♪

♪ ♪

At least, that's what
I thought they said.

I was too fucked up to know.

♪ ♪

Oh, speaking of fucked up...

♪ And the world's
all right with me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Just one look at you ♪

♪ And I know it's gonna be ♪

They called it erratic behavior.

♪ A lovely day ♪

But it was an accident.

Robin said she thought
it was a suicide attempt.

The next thing you know,

papers are saying
the same thing.

♪ A lovely day ♪

Right after that
was the Russia incident,

which, you know,
was totally overblown.

This is what Robin
and Ruth said happened,

but hey, I was on lithium, coke,

and weed at the time,
so who the fuck knows?

But I had to do damage control,

so I talked to Barbara Walters

looking high
as a motherfucking kite.

And we all know
how that turned out.

Some of the things we've read...

that he's hit you,

that he's chased you and your
mother around in... in Russia,

that Mike has
a very volatile temper...


Extremely volatile.

It's scary.

What happens?

Does he hit you?

He shakes.

He pushes.

He swings.

For a long time,
I thought I could handle it.

I've only
recently become afraid.

Michael is a manic-depressive.

He is. That's a fact.

He's had it for a long time.

It went untreated,
and it got worse.

Why do you think
no one saw it before?

Cus D'Amato didn't see it.
Bill Cayton didn't see it.

I can't imagine that anyone
could live with Mike Tyson,

the one that I know,

and not see
that there's a problem.

Hitting teachers,

hitting girls and pulling them
into the bathroom.

So why wasn't it treated?

Because he did well in the ring.

Exceptionally well.

I wish someone told me

that even fairy tales
need a prenup.

Robin never actually
asked for alimony,

but she did file
a $125 million libel suit.

And poof goes my rom-com.

Poof goes my marriage.

Probably we were doomed
from the start.

When you hate yourself,
you can't love someone else.

It's a very empty feeling
when the only thing

you can rely on is fighting,

but that's who I was.

That's who they still wanted.

That's who you all still wanted.

My, uh...
My day started off weird.

I bought a lottery ticket today,

and it said, "Congratulations,

you may already be
Robin Givens' next husband."

An ambitious gold digger

who's demanding half
of what Tyson made

during their short,
eight-month marriage,

including the $21 million
Tyson earned

at his remarkable
91-second knockout fight

with Michael Spinks.

Getting ugly between
the world heavyweight champion

and the sitcom actress,
as sources are claiming

Robin Givens
and her mother, Ruth,

were "always on the prowl

for a big Black celebrity
for Robin."

NewsNight polls ranked
the soon-to-be ex-Mrs. Tyson

the unequivocal holder

of the Most Hated Woman
in the World title.

My marriage was over.

Maybe I was unlovable,
like my mom said.

Maybe I could never have
that one-on-one with anybody.

Mike Tyson got support today

from fast-talking...

I was just
so tired of feeling bad.

But then I realized...

They still love me.

Now I'm really
gonna have some fun.

♪ Money make
the world go round ♪

♪ I gotta get my funds up,
so you better get down ♪

♪ I came for the guap,
fuck around with me ♪

♪ I'll have us all living
in the lap of luxury ♪

♪ 'Cause money make
the world go round ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Money make
the world go round ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Money make
the world go round ♪

♪ Come get some with me
or get laid the fuck down ♪

♪ Let me show you
where I'm from ♪

♪ Gotta keep your shoes
laced up ♪

- ♪ In case you gotta run ♪
- ♪ Whoop, whoop ♪

♪ From the boys on the block ♪

♪ And if it ain't the boys,
it's the gang signs ♪

♪ Thrown before it pops ♪

♪ Don't get caught up in
the middle of the crossfire ♪

♪ Bullets ain't got no names
when you walk by 'em ♪

♪ Don't look,
be done when we come through ♪

♪ Just run, 'cause you know
what the gun do ♪

♪ E'rybody wanna be
from the streets ♪

♪ Until they see their man
sitting six feet deep ♪

♪ With the flowers
on the casket ♪

♪ And their mom
on the sideline ♪

♪ Crying like, "Dear Lord,
no, no, why mine?" ♪

♪ 'Cause no child
in the streets here safe ♪

♪ By any means necessary,
do what it takes ♪