Midnight, Texas (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Lemuel, Unchained - full transcript

A deadly nest of vampires arrive in Midnight, eager to reunite with Lem, Manfred suspects there's more to their arrival and joins forces with Olivia.

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on Midnight, Texas...

The weretiger is me.

It's Midnight.

You don't need
to pretend you're normal.

Let your freak flag fly.

Xylda said I should hide here.

Gypsy Xylda?
You know my grandma?

Olivia, you seem angry.

I can take
some of that from you.

What are you exactly?

Vampires one
word for it.

Supernatural evil
is being drawn here.

The more that evil takes hold,
the more the veil frays.

Just curious...

Is this about pissing off
your dad?

I'd say maybe two percent.

I can live with that.

I'm really late for dinner.

I'm sorry. I hate to
"you know" and run,

but I-I have to run,
all right?

Abrupt end to an otherwise
pretty good afternoon.


But, um, one of these days,

it'd be nice to do dinner.

Yeah, baby steps,
all right?

Have you seen
my other earring?


It's fine. It's fine.
Ah, never mind.

I just... I got to go.

What happens
if you're late?

Your dad comes at me
with a shotgun?

Yeah, that's one possibility.


So you and I...
This is fun, right?


Okay, well, for it
to stay that way,

it means that my dad
does not find out.


So we... We hang out,
we have a good time,

no strings...
Is that what
you're saying?

Yeah, I'm
pretty perfect, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, you are.

So at least
let me walk you home.

Last time we were out
at night
didn't go so well.

Yeah, but it's not a full moon,
and there's no weretiger,
so I'm fine.

And one overprotective man
in my life is plenty.

Hello to you, baby doll.

What you doing
all alone, sweetness?

Walking home.

And if I'm not there
in three minutes,

people are gonna
come looking for me.

Ah, is that so?

I'm not scared of you.

Oh, really?
How about now?



It's been a long time.

What happened?
Nothing. I'm fine.

You don't seem fine.
You look scared.

I didn't mean
to scare anyone.

What did you do to her?
Uh, everyone, calm down.

Lem, you know these folks?
Zach's an old friend.

Yeah, nice friends.

My apologies.
We were just
having a little fun.

If I knew you were
a friend of Lem's, I...

Everyone in Midnight
is a friend.

I'm not looking
for trouble.

Then why are you here?
Looking for you.

We were passing through
on the way to Mazatlan,

thought we'd stop
for the night.

Place brings back memories...

When we were all together.

That was
a long time ago.

Too long.

I live and work here.

Ah, just as dusty
and crowded as
I remembered it.

Eh, it's not as charming
as your old bus,
but I make do.

Hey, don't knock it
till you try it.

Olivia, this is Zach,

an old friend.


My pleasure.


Just like Lem here.
No one's like Lem.

She's feisty.
And off-limits.

Zach and I go way back.

It's funny,
he's never mentioned you.

I'm not surprised.

The last time we saw
each other, we had
a little falling out.

As I remember,
it was more than little.

You're right.

It cost me
my closest friend.

I'm asking
for a second chance.

I'm hoping we can put
that bad blood behind us.

Speaking of blood...

Ground rules?
No feeding on Midnighters

or anyone in the county,
for that matter.

And locals are off-limits.

I understand.

We bring our meals to go.

You've turned over
a new leaf?

Long time ago, you told me
you got tired of the hunt.

It took me longer
to see the light.

We don't kill humans
to feed anymore.

Well, in that case,

welcome back
to Midnight, brother.

My man.

So the old hotel's
still open?

Hotel's been gone a while,
but the restaurant's
still around.

Let's check it out.

We'll party like it's 1959.

We'll join you there.


Do you trust him?

Zach is like
a brother to me.

You didn't answer
the question.

He says he's changed.

He deserves the benefit
of the doubt.


Because I owe him
my life.



Don't. If they find you...

What will they do to me
that they haven't
already done?

You'll be hanged.

I'd rather hang.
This is not a life.

If there's a way out,

I must try.

Those are
just stories, rumors.

Come with me, Abraham.

We'll be free.

You're far from home, slave.

I heard stories
about you...

That you can offer freedom.

I can.

But it's gonna cost you.

There's no turning back.

There's no turning back
for me.

Either way, I die.

In that case...

Oh. Mmm, mmm.

A nest of vampires
dropping in.

This an everyday thing?

Lem's the only vampire
I've ever seen.

Me too. Things are getting
real weird here.

Aubrey and the Sheriff
getting killed.

And the Rev getting out.

Demons under your house.
And, uh, vampires. Delightful.

Vampires avoid Midnight.

Lemuel's an energy
leaching vampire.

Olivia told me
all about how she and Lem...

Never mind. Go... go on.

Lemuel can kill vampires,
which is why they stay away.

And Lem and Zach...
They seem close.

Come on, they're vampires.
They kill and feed on people.

He's right. Even though
Lem vouched for him,

we can't let our guard down.

They said they'd be gone
by sunrise.

If anything happens,
we'll gather here.

The church is sanctuary.

FYI, garlic, holy water,

them needing to be
invited inside...

All lies.

So how do you kill them?

Silver's poison,
debilitates them.

But to end their lives,
it's either sun

or a wooden stake
through the heart.


Making themselves at home.

Well, this was
their home once.

Wow. This place
is different.

I remember the bar
was over there,

and the piano
was in the back.

Hey, I... Mm.

Olivia, this is Pia.

Another old friend?

I like her.

Lem always had
good taste in women.

Well, you guys all have
a lot of catching up to do.

I feel a migraine coming on.

You don't have a migraine,
do you?

You guys have fun.

I'll see you later.

When they're gone.

See you in the morning.

Oh, wait, I won't.



Lem's friends,
you trust them?

I don't know them.
I don't know you either.

I know a grift
when I see it.

Takes a con man
to know a con man?

Maybe. But either way,

those vampires
are up to something.


You have my attention.
I can talk to dead people.

Vampires make dead people.

If there are ghosts in there,

maybe they can tell
us what Zach and his
friends are up to.

I need a lookout.

Unless you really think
they're not dangerous.

No vamps.

Not sensing any spirits yet.

Oh, God.
A ghost?


They bled her to death.

Not quite.

We need to get you
out of here.


Look at where you are.
You lost a lot of blood.

I didn't lose it.
I gave it.

I hitched a ride
back in Tulsa.

I'm having a blast.

You guys are doing just fine.

You know Pia
always gets her way.


Remember Buenos Aires?


You tried to stake me.

Olivia, Manfred, what's up?

You should know,
that blood bag
Zach's carrying...

It's from a girl
they're keeping

in the back of their bus.
They're draining her.

You were snooping
around our bus?

You are in my town.
It's okay, Pia.

Can't blame them
for being suspicious.

We're used to it.

Girl on the bus,
her name's Tiffany.

She's a groupie.

It's true. It's a thing.
A thing?

Zach and Pia can't drain
energy like I can.

They need blood.
Groupies are
the most humane way,

a willing food supply.

She can barely move.

A stop
at the Waffle House,

and Tiffany will be
as good as new.

It's a hard thing
to understand,

since you're not one of us.

All right, then.

Enjoy your reunion.

I need a minute
with Olivia.

You hate them.

Hey, I guess
I don't see what you see,

since I'm not one of you.

I've been a vampire
a long while.

Most of that time,
Zach was by my side.


Look who's here.

I had to make an example
out of Abraham.

You cost me, boy.

Now I own you.

Oh, my God!

Dinner's not over.

Feel better?

Yeah. Much better.

All vampires
are killers.

Except for Lem?
He's the exception.

He always has been,
but make no mistake,

this nest is dangerous.

You are food.

Lem said they changed.
People do change.

Are you willing
to bet your life on it?

You have to protect yourself.

Remind me again why you
thought I'd be safe here.

Midnight's safe.

You just might have to fight
to keep it that way.

Come in.

Looks like we're both worried
about the same thing.

Great minds worry alike.

This is...

Is for you.

I adjusted it,
so instead of arrows...

You can stake one
without getting too close.

I just want you
to be able
to protect yourself.

Tha... Thank you.

What are you doing?

Don't worry.

I saw Fiji
lift a car, Creek.

I know Lem's not exactly
the same as us.

Tell me what's going on.

There's a nest of vampires
in Midnight.

Like Uncle Lem.

They're nothing like Lem.

So should we be worried?

We should be prepared.

Go get a knife.

I don't think I've ever seen
you in my church before.

First time
for everything.

Chuy's in El Paso...


No one comes here
for company.

Sanctuary, confession, yes.

I'm assuming
it's the latter.

The reason you haven't
seen me here before...

I'm fallen.

I once was an angel.

And now?

Now I'm living
a grounded life

with someone I love.

And it's a life
I want to protect.

And you think the nest
threatens that.

Vampires are just
the beginning
of the threat.

I guess when an angel comes
heralding a warning,

I suppose I should listen.

Fallen angel.

I'm speaking to you
as a neighbor and a friend.

And a reverend,

who will hear your confession
and keep your secret.

The veil that Midnight
sits upon...

It's fraying...

And evil is being drawn here.

You've felt it, haven't you?

Last time I turned,

the hunger was insatiable.

So what do we do about this?
There's no "we".

Chuy and I may not be here
much longer.

And after we're gone,
someone needs
to know the truth,

'cause there will come a time

when Midnighters are gonna
have to make a choice...

To leave or to fight.

A pencil? You got to pierce
the heart, pretty boy.

They killed
the hardware store guy.

His name was Henry.
He was a good man.

They lied.

They killed him,

and anyone in town
could be next.

Waiting for sunrise,

not that great
a plan anymore, huh?

We need to warn everyone.

It's time for Mass.

Poor Henry.

At least we're safe.

Uh, my house is inhospitable
to the dead.

It's why I never
invite Lem for dinner.

Hey, we need to be ready.

Go on offense.
There's a lot of vampires.

We need more than
crossbows and stakes.

We need... Targeted weapons.

What, like
supernatural weapons?

You're a witch...

In a witchcraft store.

We need to get creative.


I can do that.

Oh, I begged for months.

Then finally,
New Year's Eve,

1888, Zach caved.

Mm, a rare moment
of weakness.

And that's how little Pia

was brought into the family.

You ever gonna turn Olivia?

I'm not interested.

Wait till you spot
your first crow's feet.

Would you two mind
giving me and Lem

a few minutes alone, please?


I'll be in the bar.

Must be nice being here.

It's a cold world out there
for our kind.

We're always on the run.
It's exhausting.

Why are you here,

You're not just
passing through, are you?

I forgot how special
this place was.

Energy here is more powerful
than I remember.

Midnight called to me.

I feel like I belong here.

We belong here.

What are you asking me for?

I'm asking you
to let us stay.

She's not answering.

Why would they lie to Lem?

Can't help it. Vamps are
bloodthirsty and cruel.

Lem said they were friends.

A lot has happened since.

There's something
you need to know.

You've been a party pooper
for months.

We got you a gift
to lift your spirits.

Just close your eyes.
It'll hurt for a second.

Then it'll feel good.

And then it's over.

Still a slave...

And this time to blood.

I can't do this anymore.

Wait until daylight.

Then sneak out
the back stairs.
You'll be fine.

You're letting me go?


Maybe I'll join you,

sneak into the daylight,
put an end to this.

You don't have to
kill yourself.

You can change.

I chose my path
a long time ago.

It's never too late.

Do you want to put this curse
behind you?

I can help you.

Who are you?

My name is Xylda.




Enjoy the girl?

What did she do to you?

She saved me.

That gypsy girl made you
turn your back on us.

I gave you eternal life.

I ran away from evil,
only to become worse.

If it wasn't for Xylda,

I would've ended
my eternal life.

So instead,
she gave you ultimate power.

Power over us.
I didn't want power.

But you did.
I made you.

We're family.
My family's here now.

I'm sorry,
but you can't stay.

Mazatlan it is.

Lem, it was good to see you
after all this time.

You know? Hmm?

You too.


Let's not end
the night this way, huh?

A drink, hmm?
For old times' sake.

What do you say?


To old friends.

I'll miss you, Zach.
I'll miss you.


What are they doing?

Zach's reminding Lem
who he is.

Blood's thicker than water.

Yeah, safe travels.

What did you do?

He drank blood
laced with silver.

And I got something else
for you.



You're taking
her place, bitch.

Aah! Ah.


Kill 'em all!

First time we've gathered
the town for Mass

in a long while.

Still waiting on Manfred
and the Lovells.

Nothing out back.
It's quiet.


Hang on.

Whoa, whoa. It's me.

I've been calling.

Why? What are you doing here?

The vampires,
they're on the attack.

Y'all need to come with me.
You again.

I don't want you
coming around here.

Dad, you need to
listen to him.

No, I don't.

Sorry, there's no time.

We need to get
somewhere safe, now.

If he didn't
like Manfred before...

I know.

What's going on?
Dad, just stay back.

Hang on.

He killed them.

Turn around.

They're vampires, Dad.

I'm taking you to the church,
where vampires can't go.

So shut up, sit down.
You're welcome.

Oh! Manfred!


Change of plans. Hold on.

Go. Go, go, go, go, go!

What was that?
Oh, right.

Uh, Fiji made this place, um,
inhospitable to the dead.

Thanks, Fiji. Great.

Oh, this quartz is sometimes
called the sunrise crystal.

With light behind it,
it could emulate UV light,

I-like sunlight.

Sounds more science
than magic.

Well, who's to say
they're not one and the same?

I can make this work.

I thought vampires
couldn't get in.

Me too.

Ah! Get that
out of my face!

You're okay. Great!

No, not great.

I didn't make it to the chapel.
There was too many of them.

I knew your house
would be safe.

They have Lem.
He can defend himself.

Not anymore.
They poisoned him.

With silver.

He's completely defenseless
until it wears off.

They're gonna kill him.

Not if we kill them first.
We got sunlight now.

They're all over town.

What if we lure
'em to one spot

and blast 'em with this?

We're gonna need
a bigger light.

Sorry it came to this,

but you didn't give me
a choice.

You took everything
from me.

You chose the life
you're living.

I took nothing from you.

It doesn't matter.

The sun will be up soon.

You'll be gone.

Those humans
you call friends,

they'll be dinner soon enough.

I should've killed you
when I had the chance.

She freed me.

She can free you, too.

You'll never have to kill
another human again.

Why would I want that?

They're food.

We could live a life
without killing,
without bloodshed.

I like the killing,
the blood.

You love the taste of blood
more than any of us.

I'm happy the way I am.

Then there's nothing
left to say.

Leave Midnight
and never come back.

This is our home.
We're not leaving.

I won't let you stay.

Don't forget who you are.

I made you.

I can unmake you.

Take care of him.

Wait. That's what
this gypsy girl gave you?

Because I'll definitely
take some of that.

You had your chance.

Now leave.

Or I'll end you, too.



We have a problem.

Olivia's hurt.


Olivia can't bring the light.

We can't just sit here
and wait for them to die.

You here to apologize?

But upside for you,

if this doesn't work,
you don't have to worry
about me anymore.

Hey, Rev.
We're gonna
need that light.

Manfred is willing to risk
his life to save Lem.

But for it to work,
we need divine intervention.

I have something for Zach.

He wants the power
that Lem has,
I can give it to him.

That's right.
Back off.

He's an idiot.

He's also out there
trying to save Lem.


Come on out!

I know what the gypsy girl
did to Lem!

I'm Xylda's grandson!

I'll make you
as powerful as Lem!

Come on!

Want to make a deal?

Manfred, no!

"Our Father,
who art in Heaven,

"hallowed be Thy name..."

What do you want
in return?

Leave Midnight.

That's not gonna happen.

Well, how about letting me
and the rest of the tow,

Lem included,
walk out of here alive?

Fair enough.

"Lead us not into temptation,

"but deliver us from evil..."

What is this?

A grift.

Then you're a dead man.




Okay, here.
I got you.

I got you!


I can't break them.

You have to help me.

Too weak.



Here, here, drink this.


Olivia got to him in time.

Come on, man.
It's safe?

It's safe.
I can give you a ride.

How'd you get
the light up there?

Snuck in.

You really stepped up,
risking your life like that.

Thank you.

You saved everyone here.

I never intended
to taste your blood.

I wasn't about
to let you die.

Even after you heard
about who I was?

Dark past?

Join the club.

Might want to clean up.

For what?



Oh, embarrassing.

Um, um, about that hug.

Oh, God.

Another embarrassing moment.


You know that I get emotional
when I'm scared...

And a little crazy.

And I feel so comfortable
around you and...

Well, that's why I'm here.

I want you to know
that I do, too.

You're my closest friend.




I know I can always
count on you.



Have you been sleeping
with that psychic?

His name's Manfred,
and he saved our lives.

No, I'm not sleeping
with him.

So stop looking for trouble
where there is none.

That guy is trouble.

He's the definition
of trouble.

Keep away from him.

He is going to lead you
down the wrong path.

Can I hitch a ride?