Mickey Mouse (2013–2019): Season 3, Episode 21 - Duck the Halls: A Mickey Mouse Christmas Special - full transcript

It's touch-and-go for Donald when, instead of heading south for the winter with Daisy and all the other ducks, he insists on staying with Mickey and the gang to enjoy all that Christmas has to offer.

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Joy, oh, it's Christmas time

All the world is bright

Bells are ringing

Children singing
By the fire light

Presents 'neath
The old-fashioned Christmas tree

Piled high for all to behold

And the crowning star
That stands shimmering

Glimmering, all in gold

Homes full of merriment

As in days of yore

Hearts are light
A magic night's in store

Sing joy,
Oh, it's Christmas time

Christmas time once more


-Oh, boy, oh, boy!
-Oh, wasn't that just wonderful?

Okay, say goodbye.
We gotta migrate.

MICKEY: I guess
it's that time, huh?

You guys gotta head south
for the winter.

Yeah, we just stopped off

to say bye
on our way out of town.

Hey, Daisy.
What if we stayed for Christmas?

Donald, you know
that's not possible.

We're ducks,
we have to migrate.

We can't stay
in this winter climate.

But, I've never
celebrated Christmas.

Can't we, just once?

-It seems so fun!
-Christmas is cold.

And snow and freezing
and frostbite!

Oh, but it's so much more!
It's magical.

It's the decorations,
the yule log.

-The stockings!
-The treats!

The mistletoe!


The eggnog! The presents!

Why, it takes me back
to the Christmases

when I was a wee lad.


Pluto was just
a puppy back then.


MICKEY: we would dash
through the town,

all festooned
in holiday splendor.

Season’s greetings,
young Mickey.

And a very, merry Christmas
to you, fine sir.


Such a delightful scamp.

MICKEY: In those days,

Papa would always give
me a farthing

for a stick of peppermint candy,
down at the local mercantile.

My parents owned
a comfortable house

at the edge of town.
It was modest, but full of love.

Our entire family would gather
there for the holidays.

There was Uncle Albert
and Aunt Victoria,

Cousin Alystair, Cornelius,
the twins, Tiny, Sherman,

Lefty, Righty, Grandpa Joe,
and Gammy.

Come give us a kiss.

MICKEY: Each night,
we would gather round the tree,

sing and play games
into the wee hours.

The days would pass
until we reached

the most magical of times.

Christmas morning!

We would rush down stairs,
eager to see

what old Saint Nick
had brought us.

We would empty our stockings,
open our gifts,

and, for the rest of the day,

music and laughter
filled the holiday air

as the camera
slowly drifted back,

revealing the white snowy snow

of wintery snowiness.


There's nothing like Christmas.

-DAISY: Psst!



On second thought, all that cold
and snow and brr.

You really wouldn't like it.

Anyway, you guys probably have
to get going, right?

Yeah, we don't wanna miss
the rest of the flock.


Well, guess this is it.

Catch you
on the flip side, buddy.

Here, Donald, uh,
this is for you.

Merry Christmas, pal.

Thanks, Mickey.


I can't wait to get out
of this cold weather.

Get down south
and feel some warm sun

on my feathers.


Oh, you'll like this.
I bought six new bikinis!



DAISY: How fun
would that be, huh?

I hear it's like riding
the motorcycle,

but on the water!

Blah, baddi-blah-blah.

How does that sound, Donald?


What are you doing?

I'm staying for Christmas!


Donald, are you crazy?

Get back here right now!

He'll be back.

Dang it, Mick.

The lights are
on the fritz again.

Oh, great. Now, we'll have
to check every bulb.


I'm staying for Christmas!

-That's right!

Aw, come here!

Joy to the world

But the winter!
Will you be okay?

I'll be just fine.

I'm in great shape.

Well, if you're staying,
then we're gonna make this

the best,
gosh darn Christmas, ever!






-Ah! There she is!

Are you guys ready
to hit the beach?

The weather is packed,
with a chance of fabulous.

-Actually, Donald isn't here.

Who'll slather me back
with lotion?

And who are we gonna
pull our pranks on?

And who will be the guinea pig
for my experiments?

He wanted
to celebrate Christmas.

ALL: Christmas?

But I thought
Christmas was a no-no.

It's a huge no-no!

Goodness gracious!

You see
the harsh winter conditions

will cause a complete collapse
of his respiratory,

and circulatory systems.

-In other words...

Well, I don't think
we have to worry.

The moment the temperature
drops ten degrees,

he'll come running with his tail
tucked between his legs.

Daisy's right,
and in the meantime,

we'll just have to have
the greatest migration ever!

-ALL: Yeah!
-DONALD: Yeah!

Let's get started!
I'm going to do everything.

Well, I'm glad you said that!

I just completed
the ultimate list of everything

that will make
your first Christmas great!


And we're gonna do them all!

Until we reach
the very last thing.

Christmas morning!


Hey, fellers, look!
It's snowing!


It's beautiful!

Catch a snowflake
on your tongue.

That's number 57 on the list.

Come on!




Oh, this season comes once a year

It's the reason
For all the cheer

And I simply can't wait
To share it with you, ha!

Make a snowman
With all your friends

'Cause in Christmas
The fun never ends

And I simply can't wait
To share it with you

Let me hear you sing

Ding dong ding

If you wanna sing Happy Holiday
All you need is ding ding dong ding

Merry Christmas to you
Wishing it to you

Ding dong ding

Come on!

Let me hear you sing

Ding dong ding

If you wanna sing Happy holiday
All you need is ding ding dong ding

Merry Christmas to you
Wishing it to you

Ding dong ding

There'll be presents
And twinkling lights

As we partake
In the season's delights

And I simply can't wait
To share it with you, oh boy

Let me hear you sing

Ding dong ding

If you wanna sing Happy holiday
All you need is ding ding dong ding

Merry Christmas to you
Wishing it to you

Ding dong ding

Jing-a-ling-a-ling Ding dong

Ding dong ding


Ding dong ding

Ding dong ding

Jing-a-ling-dong ding


That just leaves,

Christmas morning!

Some fun, ye boys?




Where in blazes is that boy?

I know.
He should've been here by now.


-Is that...



That's him, all right!


Tropical Smoothie?

That's it! I'm calling Donald.

Okay people, only 15 hours
to go before Christmas morning.

Let's make it great for Donny.


It's gonna be okay.

Christmas is so close.

You're gonna make it.

You have to make it!

-MINNIE: Donald?

You okay? I'll leave this roll
of peppermint potty paper,

-just in case.
-I'm just great.

Never better!

-Merry Christmas...



Oh! There you are!

We're all prepped
for Christmas morning.

We've got milk
and cookies for Santa,

carrots for the reindeer.

Donald, you feeling okay?

I'm feeling great!



See? Never better,
feeling fine...

Wow, Donald,
you look like death!

Looks like you need
a hot cocoa pick me up.

You might wanna let that cool...


Guys! Somethings not right.

Did you notice Donald?



Mouse Residence!

DAISY: Quack, quack,
quack, quack, quack, quack.

Oh, Hi... hi...
Hi, Daisy. Uh...

Yeah, yeah... Don't ho...
Yeah, okay. Donald! It's Daisy.

DONALD: Daisy.

Merry Christmas!


You sound terrible.

Everything's fantastic.
I'm filled with Christmas joy.

Jingle Bells, Jingle...



That settles it.

-We're gonna get Donald.

Guys, this is bad.
Donald is sick.

Forget Christmas, we gotta get
him down south, pronto!


Nobody take my Christmas!
No! You can't take my Christmas.

I've been waiting for it
my whole life!



Easy, pal.

Stand back!

No one's taking Christmas
from me!

I'm the spirit of Christmas!


ALL: Donald, wait!



ALL: He's gone!

My Christmas!
My Christmas!


My Christmas!
My Christmas!






Merry Christmas!

ALL: Donald!

ALL: Donald!

Oh, Frankincense!

Hold on, Donald...

If I had just
one Christmas wish,

it would be to take Donald south
and save his life.


-But, how?

Ho-ho! H...

Oh, looks like Santa overdid it
with the milk and cookies.






Donald's getting worse!

If we don't go faster,
he's not going to make it.


Oh! How do I make it go faster?




Donald, we're coming for you!

Okay, we're gonna rescue Donald.
And when we get him home safely,


-I'm gonna kill him.
-Hey, what's that?




We made it! (SIGHS)

Mickey, what are you doing here?
Where's Donald?

Where is Donald?
Quick, everyone look!

-My Donald!

Donald, me boy.

GOOFY: Over here!

I think I found him.

Even in death,
he smells delicious.


Oh, no!





ALL: He's alive!


Well, if that's Donald,
then who is this?

So what?
Guy can't sunbathe in the raw?


You scared me!

I missed you.

Aw, I missed you too.

But, I missed Christmas morning.

Oh, we tried to make it, pal.
But you were so sick.

I'm sorry everybody.

I just wanted
to experience Christmas so much!

I know, Donald,
we're just happy you're okay.

Thanks, Mickey.


Hi, Santa!

You're probably looking
for your sleigh, huh?

Don't worry, it's right over there.

Looks like someone's going
on the naughty list. (CHUCKLES)

Oh, I'm sorry, Santa.

We were just trying
to help our friend.

See, he's never had a Christmas
and we just wanted

to make it great for him.

-But the winter...
-And the snow...

I guess it's just not possible.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

You little jing-a-lings.

You don't need winter or snow
to have Christmas.

-You don't?
-No! Ho! Ho! Ho!

It's not where you have Christmas,
that's important.

It's how you have it.

Sharing joy
with the ones you love.

That's the true spirit
of Christmas.

And you carry it
with you everywhere.

Inside your heart.


Wait, we can
have Christmas anywhere?

Of course!

ALL: So ducks can
have Christmas, too?

Why, sure!

We can?



Oh, but look at this place.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

That's nothing a little,
Christmas magic can't fix.


New shoes!

(GASPS) And new feet, too!

Well pal,

is Christmas everything
you thought it would be?


it's even better.

-Merry Christmas, Mickey.
-Merry Christmas, Donald.