Miami Vice (1984–1989): Season 3, Episode 4 - Walk-Alone - full transcript

Tubbs goes undercover in a penitentiary to try and smoke out a group of corrupt prison guards.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Resync By Chuck :O


Laura, baby, I hate to leave,
but the city just won't wait.

Mmm. I will.


You are so bad.

Oh, yeah?

Maybe later on we can, uh,
get some live food-

some fresh oysters
and conch chowder.

("Lucky Night" Singing)

You know, a certain partner of yours
has been walking on air
for almost two weeks.

If he wants expert consultation
on relationships before he gets
his ring finger involved,

you should have him talk to me.

New age Ann Landers.
More like Dr. Ruth.

[Phone Ringing]


I was just thinking about you.


Oh, woman, you watch
too many movies.

How do you know he wasn't
talking about the islands?

Yeah, look, don't panic.
We'll fall by.

Kiss yourself for me.

Come on, Romeo.
We're the opening act
for a deposition festival down at Metro.

Yeah. And one quick stop
on the way.


(Listen Like Thieves - INXS)

He was talking about three keys
on the pay phone.

Looks like a locksmith to me.

If he's a dealer, he better
go back to dealin' school.

We'll see you later.

Who the hell are you?
Destiny. Read my palm.

Rule number one:

Never, ever use
these dime-store briefcases.
It's bad form.

I, uh- I want a lawyer.

Well, if you come clean right now,
you might not need one.

Who's your date?

Name's Carlo Amati.

Can't be.

How the hell did you hook up
with Amati?

He got to me through some bullfighter
named Izzy Moreno.

Amati is a major outfit figure-

too major to be a point man
in a drug deal with Li'I Abner.

What the hell is going on here?

Here he comes. Rule number two:

Try not to get any stupider
between now and when he sits down.

My kind of lunch break.

Mmm. Like taking nose candy
from a baby.

You Mr. Pink?

You Amati?
That's right.

This is for my brother.

[Woman Screams]




Amati's still breathing.
This one's gone.

Call an ambulance!

[Woman Screams]


The dealer said
Amati got to him through Izzy.

The deal went down.

He shot wild, killed Laura.

It's a rank amateur.


What do you think?

Name was Ralph Pink.

He wasn't just a dealer,
amateur or otherwise.

He was a guard
at the Bolton state prison.

(RUN DMC ft. Aerosmith - Walk This Way)

[Switek] So the guy told me,
"Hey, Stan, we'd love to give you
more money, but we don't have any. "

It's the universal problem.

Yeah, right.

"Master Badge."
It's good everywhere.

[Shouting, Screaming Continues]

(Walk This Way Continues)

Hombres. Didn't realize that you guys
were connoisseurs of the air guitar.

You never told us you could play.
Now we know why.

It's not merely playing.
I'm reviving a neglected art form.

Besides, I'm making 10 bucks an hour.

"Pedro Townshend"!

(Tho Who)

You just stick that in my boxers.

Stick this in your boxers.

Carlo Amati almost
fed our pals a pistol
at a meeting with a dealer.

- Used your name as a reference.
- That's a "deformation" of character.

How'd you manage to set up
this low-rent prison guard
with Carlo Amati?

You have "misconcepted"
the situation.

Amati came to me.
I merely communicated his desires
to meet that Pink dude.

- Why'd Amati want to meet with Pink?
- Amati's brother Giacomo
is in Bolton prison.

Amati wanted Pink
to cut him a little slack.

You know, adjust
the climate control in the cell.

[Shouting, Screaming]

I think he slept in there.

Hey, buddy.

Here's Amati's brother.

Mid-level trafficker.

He's not in Bolton.

They took him out in a box.

He was shot down in the yard
two months ago.

And there's 10 other drug dealers
who've been killed in Bolton this year.

Investigative reports?

There are none.

It's a write-off, man.

The only other witnesses
were inmates...

and the prison guards.

So what's the connection?


Cocaine has been known
to get people killed.


Why don't you take
a couple of days off, buddy,

and deal with what's happened?

I mean, it's understandable.

I'll follow up on all this,
and if anything pops,

you know I'm gonna
call you in on it.

Uh, excuse me.

Lieutenant wants you guys
to meet him at Mercy Hospital.

How's Amati?
He's been better.

Make sure that no one else
comes in this room.

Thank you.


I think we hit upon a major problem
in the Bolton lockup.

[Footsteps Approaching]

John Rugar,
Commissioner of Prisons.

Uh, let's go down here
a little bit.

I didn't get your name.
Yeah. Tubbs.

It's good to meet you.


Well, Amati has just confirmed
what we long suspected...

about the corrections officers
in Bolton Penitentiary.

They're leaning on the traffickers?


They're extorting them for drugs.

So guys that don't stand and deliver
get whacked. Nice.

How do they move the drugs inside?

Conjugal visits, family visits,
food deliveries, office furniture.

Any of a dozen ways.
Some of it they sell on the inside.

Most of it
they peddle on the streets.


Yeah, so why haven't
you moved in?
We can't make a case.

The guards are the law.
The inmates take the weight.

One or the other of the gangs
must be involved.

Anyone who would cooperate
would get whacked out.

The warden?
Uh, he hasn't been asked.

We have no idea how high
this thing goes.

But one thing we do know
about Bolton Pen.

Everybody was murdered in "D" block,

and everybody was sent there
by this guard.

His name's Fox.

He's the watch commander.

They need a police officer
to break the chain.

"Break the chain"? How?

By going in as a prisoner.

You must have guys lining up
around the block for this one.


Now, of course, we need an officer
whose experience on the street
has been limited.

Here's a list of rookies
that we thought would qualify.

Why send in a rookie
when you can send in the coach?

I've been here for two years,
and I don't believe
I've sent anyone to Bolton.

Hey, forget about it.
You're not gonna send
my partner on some suicide mission.

You're right. I'm volunteering.

Listen, Tubbs.

Don't get this confused
with what's happened.

When you're under-
especially in the joint-

you've gotta be cold,
and you're not even cool.

You're red-hot, pal.
Let's finish this in my office.

Look, I don't want to put
any pressure on anybody, but, uh,

if you decide to go with it,
I can build you a cover in 45 minutes...

that's so tight a traffic ticket
would send you back to prison.

I am the right man
for this job, Lieutenant.

He's also strung out on Laura,

which is what you should be
dealing with.

- Ricardo?
- You gonna let him walk into
this situation with no net under him?

We pull inmates from lineup
out of Bolton.

We send in a description of me.
If I need to be pulled out,
I can always volunteer.

How long an operation
we talkin'?

I don't believe this.
Two days.

Two days? There are guys in Bolton that can
put a pencil in his lung in two seconds.

It's your decision.
I'm in.

You got two days.

They don't hit on you in two days,
you gotta get out of there.

That's an order.
All I need is a layout.

Switek and Zito
are running it through right now.

It's a piece of cake.

[Door Closes]

Only place the man
has a gun in his hand...

is in the gun towers
over the yard.

Rest of the time,
guards keep their damn noses
out of gang politics.

Aryan Sons...
take care of whites.

Muslim Brotherhood for blacks.

Muertos if you're Cuban.

God help you
if you're a Rican.

Understand your buddy Samson's
running the Muslim Brotherhood
while he pulls a dime.

First parole hearing,
another four years.

Thinkin' about moving it up a year.

Two years top, Carl.

You cops must have
a heavy reason.

Reads like a friend going in.

He done time before?
Six months in Texas.

What, Texas?

Huntsville's a country club
next to "D" block.

Man, "D" block's a hell on earth.

And the devil's
a dude called Hammer.

He runs the Aryan Sons.

They got a treaty
with the guards.

Squeezin' dealers that come in
for junk, coke, crack,
black tar, whatever.

Guards get most.

Let the Sons deal the rest

It's a hard market.

I fell behind in my sheet
and Hammer took my eye.

He'd have taken my jones if Samson
hadn't duped me into the Brotherhood
for showing him how to read.

So Samson can stand
against Hammer's crew?

But just 'cause he's in a cage
don't make him a gorilla.

Catch this.

Time was he couldn't spell his name.

Now he writes twice a week,

and everything you got
on your mind is in there-

Who's snitchin', who's usin'.
Who's hittin' the fence.
Who's joinin' the choir.

Can we take a look?

We got a deal?

I could even drop Samson a dime
if your friend needs a lifeguard.

We'll let you know, Carl.

We'll give you
the best deal we can.

You take care of them.

(Gear Jammer - George Thorogood and the Destroyers)

Let's see what you got now, sucker!!

Get out of the car!

Put your hands on the car!
Easy, Officer. I know the drill.

(In Dulce Decorum - The Damned)

I am.

I think we got one.


Hold it.


You know, that's very...


[Buzzer Sounds]

These four.

"D" block.

(In Dulce Decorum, Continues)

All right, listen up.

[Guard On P.A.]
When trailing an officer, stay
three steps behind and to the right.

When passing an officer,
move to the wall.

Let's go.

[Wolf Whistles]

Line up.

To your left.

Yo! Halt the noise.

Let's pay attention.

Robbins, 18.

Moffet, 31.

Falcon, 38.

Cubera, 23.

[Jeers, Laughter]

Hey, Falcon, let me see your-

[No Audible Dialogue]

You're in Aryan space.

That's Hammer.
Did he give you permission
to look away from me?

- You better get out of my face.
- [Grunts]

Yo, Hammer. Let's go.

[Man #2]
Samson, what's to it?
Let 'em play.

You wanna take my man's beef
to the Muslim Brotherhood?

We're standing in front of you.

You're a little late.
He already crossed the line.

Man, what does
the Brotherhood
owe this new chump?

He was mine from the cradle.

Don't be makin' no provocation
unless you intend to handle the Nation.

Problem here?

No problem... today.

Cubera, you got kitchen detail.

(Morphus Before Exiting The Matrix)

Where's the soap, man?

Hey. Hey, back off!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

[Tubbs Shouting]


Watch your back when you crawl
out onto the yard, sucker.

(Gasps in Pain)

Whatever you were out there,

in here, you're just an insect,

with thousands of other insects
crawlin' all over you every day.

I can have the tower
take you off the count.

I could let the Aryan Sons do you.

Either way, it don't matter,
'cause nobody cares.

And your friend Samson
ain't too healthy either,

'cause we own his number two man.


Or you could bring us two kilos.

We know you got it.
We read your file.

Two keys ain't nothin', man.

I can make you-
I can make you millionaires...

in one month.


Or I can take a contract out on you
and your whole family.

Or you can have brain damage.

You look too dumb
to be runnin' this operation.

Maybe you should let me
talk to your daddy
and I'll do business with him.

But I don't give nobody nothin'.

Back to the jungle.

[Siren Whoops]

[Buzzer Sounds]

[Man On P.A.]
Attention. Volunteers
for police lineup.

Need a six-foot black
with light eyes.

Need a Latin, 5 foot 6, 135 pounds.

Need a 6 foot 6 white,

200 pounds with blond hair.

Work call.
Report to your assignments.

Señor Cubera,
my life is in danger.

I need your help.

I stopped dealing cocaine
a long time ago.

I have no connections,
and the guards say
they are going to kill me.

I will be your slave, señor-
Por favor, listen to me-

if you will please advance to me...

one kilo of cocaine.

Move off of me, man.
You don't understand.

Move off of me.
You don't understand, señor.

Por favor, señor.
Move off of me!

You don't understand.
They're going to kill me.

What are you doing with my comb?

I don't know how it got here. Here.

You're giving me my comb?

When I want it, I'll take it.

[Man On P.A.]
Head count.

Line up for the yard.

It'll be here when we get back.

You won't be back.

What about Cubera?

Said he'd make us millionaires
if we worked with him,

but he won't give us anything.

He wanted to talk to you.

And you said what?

He's a problem.

I set him up with the Hammer.

(Yard Bustle)

Hey, compadre. See these guys
up on the wall behind you?

And over there?

They all work for Fox.

You rumble with somebody
in the yard and they take you out.

Legally. No questions asked.

Now, you listen to Lazarus.

They never miss.

[No Audible Dialogue]

Ay, Dios mío.

What you got with this guy,
a political thing?

It's a personal thing.


[Bell Ringing]

It's the will of Allah,


The boss wants to see you.

I'm Fox. I run this place,

which means I run you.

Now, I hear a pusher
talk about making deals,
I get nervous,

like he thinks we're some kind
of joke or something.

I never joke.

I can line you up
with a stand-up distributor.

Talkin' about beaucoup dough
for everyone.

You may be heavyweight in here,
but from what I hear,

you got amateurs
running your stuff on the streets.

- Run it down.
- What I got is distribution-

first-class and four-star.

Cut your own deals
on your own stuff,

but on the keys
that I run through here,

you take care of me,
you get 40%.

[Fox Chuckles]
Forty percent, huh?

You're gonna give me 40%?


No, buck. I give you 40%.

I got people here.

Fifty percent, plus amenities.

Who's this distributor?

Only one of you meets him.

I gotta give him a name.

How soon can it happen?
One phone call.

Give him my name.

Set it up. Two keys.

Your keys.

Call it a trial run.

First of all, we take care of my end.

And I want protection.

I don't need any more accidents.

I want my own cell,
my own food,

clothes, music...

and my own woman.



I'm going to tell Hammer
that we have business
with this gentleman.

Then let him make
his phone call.



Law offices. McMullan.
This is Cubera. Pick up a pencil.

Have my wife go through my business files
and get that snapshot of Burnett,

then go to the warehouse
and pick up two packages.

Bring 'em here by 1:00.
You kidding me?

You heard that.
Yeah, 1:00.

Don't forget that photograph.

Also, I want my tape player,
my silk sheets, my bathrobe...

and a nice, juicy lobster
from Charmain's.

Sounds like you're doin'
real hard time in there.

[Line Clicks, Dial Tone]

They want to know
who to look for.

Get it from Crockett's desk.
Pick up the two keys
from Property.

Where am I going?
Administrative segregation.

It's for guys who can't stand
being around others.

We call your kind a "walk-alone."

That's cool.


I'm sorry about the mess,
but we'll have this place
fixed up for you in a jiffy.

Don't you worry.

Mrs. Cubera?

Of course.

Conjugal area is that way.

You got 30 minutes.
Make 'em count.

Excuse me.

Hey, look. Let me do it.

I mean, who knows
how many brothers Cubera's got?


but I expect
to hear from you by 2:30.

Oh, man, Rico.

Does this hurt?
Yeah, just a little bit.

Just in case they're watchin',
I think we should act
like we're married.


Hey, woman!
What are you doing?

I know you been
messin' around on me.
I've been behavin'.

Now, look, I ain't gonna
be playin' no chump, now.

I'm here, aren't I?
Yeah, I know you're here,
but you been "chumpin"' out on me.

Does this mean
you're not gonna kiss me?

I know you been
cheatin'on me, woman.

It's written all over your face.
I been a good woman for you.

Okay, that's enough.
Get out of there.
That's state property.

I guess that means you.

- Stan?
- Hmm?

What is that?

Well, it's too big for Chinese take-out.

I'd say it's a body bag, Lar.

Who's that guy
with Trudy's bag?

Well, it's not Fox,
but he's on his way.

Oh, here comes Trudy.

I guess it's time for me
to deliver the picnic basket.

Yeah, it's for Cubera.

Good as I been to that man.

Hold on a second.

What did you do
to kill Samson?

I'm sorry, but you've mistaken me
for somebody else, pal.

I should have known better
than to trust a cop.

Hey, look, the loony bin's two blocks up.
I'll see ya.

No. He's a liar. Is that Samson?

Take care of him.

He made us.

All right, let's just stay calm,
and we'll call Castillo.
[Engine Starts]


We're in position.

Castillo's coming in.

They spotted Switek at the front gate.

What about Tubbs?

[Buzzer Sounds]

He's a cop.

Look, Tubbs goes
back to the yard at 3:00.

The way I figure it,
that's the easiest place
to hit him.

That means we got less
than 40 minutes to make our play.

[Tubbs Groans]

Come on. Come on!

Another car just pulled up.
It's probably your meet, Sonny.

Damn it.

Call it.

Bust him.

We'll use him
to get us to Tubbs.


Who are you?
I work with Fox.

How's Cubera?
He's in a tight spot, man. Tight spot.

But, uh, you can help him out of it.

[Hammers Cock]

- Sit.
- What the hell are you?

Fed? Vice? D.E.A.?

Why don't you just cut
the losses now and give it up?

'Cause no matter what you do to me,
you're goin' down.


That guard that made Stan
at the checkpoint...

can monitor all incoming traffic.

So a quick strike's impossible.

They'll kill Tubbs
the second they see us.

Marty, let me go in.

Too many inmates know you.
I'm going.

Take Trudy.

Coordinate the backup
in the surveillance van.

How do we handle this?

Set him up in the yard.

He's a cop?!

Go to storage and get that shank
we confiscated from Mendez.

When his buddies find him,
he'll just be one more troublemaker
we had to blow away.

[Line Ringing]

Yeah, Fox.

Look, the meet's not goin' down.
There were three guys in the place
that looked like heat, so I split.

Cubera's a cop.
We're gonna do him
in the yard.

Hey, well, no. Wait.
Wait till I get back.

For what?
Hey, look-

I don't want to be comin' back
into Bolton with two keys
and a dead cop inside.

I got my own problems.
He goes down at 3:00.

Look, l-I can't control Fox.
You just keep cooperating.
You'll get your deal.

Well, look, you gotta
give me two more minutes
with my lawyer then.

These keys will open everything
except the exit door.

You're gonna have to go through there.

The only other way to get
to where Tubbs is secured
is through the yard.

If they own those guys on the tower,
you're a sitting duck, Marty.

I don't know if this'll stop a bullet
from the tower guns,
but it's better than nothin'.

Unless they try for a head shot.

See, l-I got the dope in the trunk.

Just get out the way.
Open the gate.
Go ahead.

Four minutes. Four minutes.

All right. Stay four paces behind me,
close to that wall.

[Buzzer Sounds]

Hold it right there.

- It's Keller.
- [Buzzer Sounds]

Everybody in.

Hit it! Hit it!
Everybody move, move!

[Tires Screeching]

[Sirens Wailing]

(In Dulce Decorum - The Damned)

[Buzzer Sounds]

Head count. Line up for the yard.

[Man On P.A.]
Line up.

Come on. Let's go.
Hurry up.

You too. Come on.

Okay, come on. Let's go.

Quick. Come on.

Gimme a report, damn it.

Hey, inmate. Isn't that your shank?

I said move.

[Men Clamoring]


[Gunshots Continue]

(In Dulce Decorum - The Damned)



Up against the wall.

This is our man right here.
This is Gorman.

Back up.

Back up.

Lay down. Lay down.

Lay down.



[Keller Groaning]



All right, everybody back off.
Back off!

Back off.
Hit it. Hit the ground.

[No Audible Dialogue]

Tell everyone we're okay.

At least they got a jury
of their own peers.

Resync By Chuck :P