Miami Vice (1984–1989): Season 3, Episode 17 - The Afternoon Plane - full transcript

Tubbs wins a free vacation and he brings his girlfriend with him. But when he arrives, he discovers a man he arrested. He eventually learns that he's been set up by Calderone, who is ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Man] Dearly beloved, we have come
together in the presence of God—
[Church Organ]

To witness and to bless...

the joining together of this man
and this woman in holy matrimony.

This union should not be entered into
unadvisedly or lightly,

but reverently, deliberately...

and in strict accordance with the purposes
for which it was instituted by God.

Into this holy union,
Edward Patrick and Mary Beth...

now come to be joined.

Gotta be all romantic.
[Tubbs] It was though.

It was nice and all—
Didn't you like it?

Baby, I loved it.
You can't stop—

Hi, Alicia.
Hi, Sonny. Mmm.


Two blocks away,
her beeper went off.

I'm starting to believe
that this woman...

is a figment of my partner's
frustrated imagination.

Almost funny.

She had an emergency.
After all, she is a personal injury lawyer.

Yeah? Well, I had an emergency too.
When we were in the shower,
he twisted his ankle.

Oh, yeah?
What, reachin' for a loofah?

I thought Sarita might know a doctor—
maybe prescribe, uh, plenty of bed rest...

on our all-expense paid vacation...

to some sun-drenched tropical paradise.

Now you want
free medical advice, huh?
Man, you are so cheap.

And you didn't even wanna buy
that raffle ticket.

Until I heard this wee, small voice
whisper in my ear—
[High-pitched Voice] "Buy me".

As I remember it, it was some
little wise guy who was whinin',

"I sold all my tickets.
Could you buy my last one, please?"

- That kid was a hell of a salesman.
- That kid was a huckster.


I-I can't stand to watch
a grown man cry.

Hey, we'll send you a postcard.

Resync By Chuck :P

[Airplane Engine Idling]


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I didn't know places like this
still existed.

Yeah. Paradise delivered once daily.
It's beautiful.

Rico, I think we got
a great week comin'.

Yeah. Well, why don't we just go to the hotel
and grab a quick, um, lunch?

I'm starvin'.

[Airplane Departing]

You left it at home.

You're too good a cop.
You're not gonna carry your gun
out of your jurisdiction.

Hope you're not hurt.

Relax, Tubbs.

Who is this guy, Rico?

Someone who should be in the joint.
Someone who was in the joint
for murder one.

Well he oughta know, lady.
He wrote my ticket.

last year, one-way.

Hey, man,
I've been pardoned.

A regular miracle.

I'm here on vacation...

just like you.

Leon Wolf was on his way
to the chair.

No chance of parole.

If he got pardoned,
then somebody got rich.
Rico, there's nothing you can do.

Now don't let it spoil
our vacation.
Yeah, okay.


Like he said,
I got no jurisdiction.

But you know, if we were vacationin'
in Siberia, I still think the local cops
oughta know that he's trouble.

Okay. But no work.
You promised.


[Vehicle Approaching]


The Island Inn.
Maybe the police station's
on the way.

You come all the way
down here just to tell me this?

It's supposed to be
a vacation.

Ah, yes. I suppose no cop
nowhere's got a partner
this good-looking.

What was that name
again, miss?
Austin. Alicia Austin.


Look, you got a killer
on your island.
What are you gonna do about it?

Same as usual:
First we check on his whereabouts—
which won't be hard to do around here—

then get confirmation
of his parole in a few days.

- Days?
- It is all by mail.

We have no mainland phone service.

What about a radio?

Calm down.
You have the whole force behind you:

Me and Reuben.


Well, how about keeping me informed?
We're gonna be at the Island Inn.

I know.

It's the only lodging on the island.

Let's get outta here.

[Door Opens, Closes]

[Tubbs Chuckling]

[No Audible Dialogue]
( ♪ We Touch - Loz Netto ♪ )

( ♪ We Touch - Loz Netto ♪ )


Still worried about Leon Wolf?

Leon who?

[Both Chuckle]

Mmm. It's enough.

[Both Chattering, Chuckling]

( ♪ We Touch - Loz Netto ♪ )
[Chattering, Chuckling Continues]

[Bird Squawking]

[Birds Chirping]
[Squawking Continues]

Raffle ticket, mister?
Only a buck.

There can't be two of that kid.

Xavier Calderone is here.
He's at the docks.

He's got guns.
He says to tell Wolf.

Thanks, kid.

Hey, heyl Hey, hey, Miamil

Hey, wait!
[Door Closes]

That kid live here?
I'm not sure.

Maybe he's visiting
from his yacht.

Xavier Calderone.
Who is he?

A businessman.

What kind of business?
None of yours.

Any kin to Orlando Calderone?

His cousin.
[Breathing Heavily]


Orlando Calderone's
arriving on today's plane.

His suite is booked!
I guess it's check-out time.



I was havin' a dream. I-

I don't know. Maybe it was real. I-
I dreamed that you were-
Trouble's comin'.

Here, on Saint Gerard.

What kind of trouble?

It's a setup.
I've been set up.

This whole thing:
The trip, the raffle ticket, everything.
He wants me here.

No, some dude named Calderone.

Wolf is in on it, but he's nothin'
compared to Calderone.

Calderone murdered my son...
and my woman.

You didn't tell me you had a son.
I had a son
with Calderone's sister.

I killed their father.

He was a major drug dealer.
He had murdered my brother.

Why didn't you tell me?

You can't live with
this kind of pain alone.

Did you love her?

I'm sorry, Rico.

Look, we gotta
get out of here.
What do you want me to do?

Just pack.

I'll see if I can get us off this island.

Only one plane that comes in
or out of here all day.

When it leaves depends on
when it gets here.

Look, man. Don't talk code.
[Chuckles] I'm not.
I'm just tellin' you when it's comin'.

[Switch Clicks]
Depends. Depends on, uh,
passenger load, wind speed,

what brand of cigarettes
the pilot's smokin'.

Well, what about private planes?
Why do you think
they call 'em private?

They don't file
any flight plan with me.
Can you radio a message on this?

To who?
That's the shortest shortwave
you've ever seen.

I can yak at incoming planes
maybe 50 miles out, tops.

- Try.
- [Clears Throat]

[Switch Clicks]
[Electronic Screeching]

Uh, hello. Saint Gerard UNICOM
transmitting blind,
any aircraft. Come in?

Saint Gerard transmitting blind
for any aircraft. Come in?

- [Radio Static]
- Sunday we don't get much.

Keep tryin'.
I'll be back.

Saint Gerard UNICO—

[Switch Clicks]

[Vehicle Approaching]

[Engine Stops]
Get on.


[Footsteps Approaching]

I am heading off-island.
The cop is yours.

Orlando Calderone
sends his thanks.

My cousin doesn't forget
those who help him.

[Engine Starts]


Gentlemen, I'm lookin'
for a boat to charter.

I got plenty of cash.
I can pay now.

Where you wanna go?

To the Bahamas.
Miami, if you'll take us.


We don't work on Sundays.

We'd rather watch
a certain plane come in.

How 'bout you?

Yeah, thanks. Uh,
you have a good day.

Have some respect
for Calderone's money.

We ain't gonna never
have it no better,

My brain must've been
in neutral.
It was a church raffle.

The way my luck usually runs,
I should've known this thing was fixed
or faked or some damn thing.

Are you sure it's Calderone
who's after us?
Not us, baby. Me.

Us, Rico.

We'll get out of this thing.

What about the police?
I am the police.

Not here. Here you're Rico Tubbs
who I love and I don't wanna
see get hurt.

So just let them
handle it, please.
You're dreamin'.

So we have no way
to do a disappearing act.

And the fisherman
all seem to know about Calderone.

Some cop.

You didn't know?
Saint Gerard was coke central
several years back.

Most of Calderone's dope
on the way to New York
passed through here.

When his operation went sour,
people here lost big.

They're not likely to love
the cop that squeezed it.

- Where's your chief?
- Must be on patrol.

I can handle any problems you have.
I'll take Calderone myself.

Listen. You're gonna need help.

You have no deputies.

- Why don't you just let me have a gun?
- Absolutely not.

- You're sanctioning an execution.
- What do you know about it?

- I know enough about it to help!
- Believe me, Officer!
You are going to need help.

You don't have any means
of dealing with Calderone!

And believe me when I tell you,
Reuben Oliva's not afraid of anybody.

Thanks, Officer.

Either he's a fool,
or he's on the take.

He can arrest Calderone at the plane.
Oh, Alicia, it's not gonna
go down like that.

Dirty Harry's gonna get himself killed,
and Calderone's gonna come after me.
Well, we can hide and leave later.

I'm holdin' my ground.

What are you talkin' about?

It won't end here.

Even if I leave this island,
Calderone'll hunt me down
somewhere else.

It's better here
than surprised in Miami.
All I need is a gun.

You don't stand a chance alone.

The Calderones killed my brother,

my woman and my son,

and they'll rot in hell
before I let them kill me!

I won't stand here and watch you
be destroyed in front of my face.
You don't have to. You're leavin'.

Who says?

I'm not goin' anywhere without you.
I signed up for a full week, remember?

You better start packin'.
That plane'll be comin' anytime.

I'm terrible at good-byes.
Damn it, Alicia!

Shout all you want.

Either we go or we stay.

You have seats on today's plane?

Yes, ma'am.


We're closed.

It's Sunday. We're closed.
Look, I got an emergency,
and, uh—


What are you doin' here?
I live here.

I have since... New York.

A friend of yours,
Miss Cordova?


Oh, you look good.

Yeah. You look good too,

but, um, I figured you—
you always would.

Well, what's the emergency?

A man named Calderone.

- Yeah, I wanna buy a gun.
- I don't sell guns.

Nobody on Saint Gerard does.
They're illegal.

- You knew Calderone was comin'?
- But I didn't know
he was coming for you.

Calderone brings us jobs, money.

Relax, Jean.
We know what Calderone's bringing.

Uh, look. I have a few things
to straighten out here.
Wait, and we'll talk.

No time. Do you have a gun?


[Door Opens, Closes]

[Cylinder Clicks]

[Drawer Closes]

Can I come aboard?

What do you want?

I need help.

I'm gonna fight Calderone,
but I need weapons and friends.

Why should I get involved?

You tell me.

I saw you nearly offer
back at the bar.

That was a mistake.

You know
what Saint Gerard's gonna be like
if Calderone stays here?

I'm a fisherman,
not a soldier.

And you're not a dope runner yet.

It's dangerous.

Yes. It is.

[Footsteps Approaching]

[Knuckles Crack]

Thanks, friend.

That plane is gettin'
closer and closer, man.


Don't you knock?
Since when did we get
so formal?

What's the matter?
I don't have time, Reuben.

You're running out.

- You don't think
I can stop Calderone.
- You can't.

Three against one.
That doesn't sound fair to you?
Sounds fair to me.

First I take care of
Calderone's drunken cousin
and that dude, Wolf.

Lock 'em up or shoot 'em—
It don't matter to me.

Then it's just me and Calderone,
and he doesn't know he has no help
when he steps off that plane.

This town is finally gonna
give me some respect.

Dying is such a wonderful way
to prove you're a man.

You got less faith in me
than that Miami cop does.

That Miami cop
used to be a New York cop.

He's probably the only one
who can stop Calderone.

- Anybody from New York you don't know?
- Sure, I have a past.

At least it taught me
not to let just any man
decide my future.

[Door Opens, Closes]

Tell your lover boy he better be gone
by the time I finish Calderone.

Leaving today?
What do you care?

You couldn't get me
off this island today with dynamite.

You get the tickets?
Yeah. We're gone.

I'll wait here until we can leave
together on the plane.

All right?

- Sally Cordova.
What room?
- Six.

Would you like drinks sent up,
Mr. Tubbs?

Go away!

It's Rico.

Sally, let me in.

I told you I don't have a gun.

[Door Closes]
Well, maybe at least you could say,
uh, good-bye this time.

"Good-bye" wouldn't
have helped last time.

You didn't wanna hear me
say that I was trading
the ghetto for paradise.

Even though you knew
how I felt about it?

We only would've broken
each other's hearts.

It could've been different.

No. It couldn't.
Why not?

- Calderone.
- Orlando?

That punk.

His father.

He got me out of New York.

I would have died there if he hadn't.
I owe him!

And you paid the debt.
That bastard murdered my brother!

- And then you killed him.
- Yes!

Oh, Rico, no more deaths.


You're the only one
I can trust on this island.

I need a weapon.

I need someone
who'll be beside me and fight.
Just a name.

Reuben Oliva.

The deputy?
He'd rather lock me up.

I doubt that he'll have time.
He's going to challenge Calderone.

- Calderone's got help.
- He says he's going
to take care of them first.

He can't be that stupid.

[Door Opens, Closes]

I think we got
a real problem,

Put your hands on your head
and turn around real slowly—

[Hammer Cocks]

Damn it.

Excuse me.
Who's Sally Cordova?

Why don't you unclutter my lobby
and ask her?
All right.

You know, lady,
when the Calderones were here,
this place was fully booked.

People had money.
Then Tubbs killed old man Calderone,
and the money left.

But I'm still here.
Stranded... in paradise. Hmm.


[Door Opens]

I'm Alicia Austin,
a friend of—
I know.

[Door Closes]

You're in love with Rico too.
Ancient history.

Rico's not gonna run.

He told me to get two tickets
on today's plane.

What difference does that make?
He's not planning on using his ticket.

Did Rico ask you to leave?

It was macho talk.
It was self-preservation.

He doesn't have time to babysit you
when he's got three killers after him.

[Door Opens, Closes]

[Crowd Clamoring]

Settle down! We'll never reach a decision
if we let fear overwhelm us.
[Clamoring Stops]

But who will they kill next?
The schoolteacher?
The minister? You?

I think I'm the leading candidate.

We have been trying to wish you
out of existence.

Is that what you did to Reuben Oliva?

He wouldn't be dead
if you weren't here.

She's got a point.

She doesn't even know why I'm here.

Listen. Calderone set me up.

- Thought you big-city fellas
were too slick to get tricked.
- Lady, I don't have time to argue.

- I need your help.
- Help?

Man, these sopranos
wouldn't even go to sleep
without a light on.

[Man #1]
Age is eating your brain, old man.

No one here wants to die
for a stranger.

Go on.
Take your trouble elsewhere.

Well, what about a gun?

[Man #2]
A gun?
They're not gonna give you a gun.

- Cowardsl They're cowardsl
They're cowards. They're cowardsl
- Shut up!

Cowards! Cowards! Cowards!
[Man #1]

Don't you know?
Guns are illegal here.

And I'm sure Calderone's gonna
leave his guns at the airport.

[Man #2]
God be with ya, son.

I need a refill.

[Bottle Shatters]

Hey, taxi!

[Engine Stops]

Do you really
want me to leave?

She said you won't be able
to fight with me here.

She's right.

Then hide. Wait until they come
into town. We'll hold the plane.

I can't spend my life
bein' afraid of every shadow.

Do it Rico's way.
You'll live longer.


Hey, be back in a little while.
We'll talk business.

You're lookin'
a little worried, amigo.

[Men Laughing]

That drunk don't matter.
As soon as Calderone lands,

you can notify that cop's
next of kin.

Let me get another one.

[Man On Radio]
Saint Gerard UNICOM,
this is Global 71,

two miles zero northwest,
inbound for 35.

Request a traffic advisory.

[Switch Clicks]
Uh, Sun Island 71,
this is Saint Gerard UNICOM.

Got no observed traffic.
Wind speed 030
at 10 knots.

Altimeter, two niner niner two.

Come on in, Bernie.
[Switch Clicks]

[Knob Rattling]

Hey, cop.

Switchin' sides?
Take this.


[Hammer Cocks]

[Snaps Fingers]
Hey, help the ladies
with their bags.

I can handle them.

My cousin
doesn't like his women
messing with cops.

I thought
he had other worries.
Not for long. Stay and watch.

Hey, put a cork in it.

Just making small talk.

Stay focused, man.

[Bernie On Radio]
Saint Gerard traffic, this is Global 71
entering downwind for a three fiver.

Come on, sucker.

[Aircraft Approaching]

Hey, man, you're drunk!

Didn't expect
a welcoming party.

- Good.
- You with Sally?

Uh, you ladies'll have to wait here...

till I've refueled the plane.

Tubbs always did like
good-lookin' women.

- Did he tell you about my sister?
- I don't have to talk to you.


this isn't what you came for.

We'll get together
some other time, huh?

[Opens Pistol, Spins Cylinder]

[Snaps Shut]

[Electricity Sparking]

[Engine Starts]

[Machine Gun Fire, Ricochets]

Don't let him get the gun!

[No Audible Dialogue]


[Machine Gun Fire]

[Machine Gun Fire]

[Machine Gun Fire]


I told you we'd meet again, didn't I?

Come on. Drop it.

Drop itl

[Gun Clatters]


Is that how you like your women?
Brave and stupid?

Guess what happens next?

Come on, cop.
Come out and play!
No, Rico!





You all right?
Rico. Rico.

Come on.

[Alicia Sobs]


Resync By Chuck :(