Miami Vice (1984–1989): Season 2, Episode 5 - Buddies - full transcript

The team is investigating the murder of a comic who works at a club owned by two criminals. And a young single mother is being sought by the police cause they think she killed him and his ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What can I get you?

Three shots. Scotch.

For you and who else?
It's all me.

I became a father tonight.

Across the street?

That's where I was born.


Kid got a nice mother?

She's the sweetest, kindest,
most beautiful woman
I've ever known.


Well, 'cause daddy
ain't gonna live long
drinking like that.

Hey, don't even talk
to me like that, man.

It's a celebration tonight,
and I don't need to hear that.

Hey, Sonny.

Tell me, boy or girl?

I got a son.

That's great, man.

Let's go see the family.
Why don't you have a drink
with me first?

The doc wants them to rest up
for a little while.

Everything okay?
Everything's all right.

Julia, she's just
knocked out, though.
She was in labor for 15 hours.

You're kidding me.
I'm not kidding.

How's the kid?
How's the kid? He's great.

Black Jack. That's terrific.
How much did he weigh?

Eight pounds,
six-and-a-half ounces.

You got yourself a big boy.
Come on, let's sit down.

Here's to the family.

I'm so charged, Sonny.

I never felt this way before
in my whole life.

I know, man,
it's a great feeling.

I mean,
things are looking up.

This has got
to be the beginning
of some good stuff for us.

You know? It's got to be.

I'm so happy for you, man.
Thanks, man.

How's the club?

It's great. I couldn't ask
for anything better.

I got more money
than I know what to do with.

That's the way
it should be.

Yes, sir.


We're smiling.

Must've been
when we first landed.

You know who's
in that picture?

You and me.

It's me...

and the godfather of my son.

You're kidding.

That's what
Julia wants, too?

What do you say?

Yeah! You bet!

Hey, let me get two more.
And one for my buddy.

Oh, man, you remember this?

How could I forget it?

Good times. Good times.

Good times.

Good times.


Hey, you wanna get
your sidekick under control?

Robbie, chill out, man.

It's $200 if I gotta
recover that table.
You gonna pay for it?

Yeah, I'll take care of it.

Robbie, this isn't
American Bandstand.
Get off the table.

Come on, man,
you're disrupting
this whole establishment.

Hey, man, you know what's
good for your health?
Get off the table.

Police officer,
put the gun down.

No problem.
No problem at all.

Lay it down, pal.
Sonny, relax.

Now this little guy
didn't mean it, right?

Robbie, let me handle this.

Back off.

You never pull a gun out
unless you're planning
to shoot somebody.

You got it?
Yeah, I got it.


Ease off.

You started this dance.
He was stupid,
you were stupid.

Come on, let's just forget it
and get out of here. Come on.

Thanks, Sonny.
Forget it, man.
That's what I'm here for.

Hey, I don't want to see
you guys in here again.

we love you, too.

Forget it, Annie.

You don't wanna be
in the music business.

It's a jungle.

Exotic dancing ain't exactly
the United Nations.

Neither is stripping.
I got a great set of pipes.
Really, I do.

I agree.
But can you carry a tune?

# Oh Lord, won't you buy me
a Mercedes Benz? #

# My friends
all have Porsches #

# I must make amends ##

I need a singer,
not a stripper.

I'll have my agent call you.

Sometimes it helps them
if you pat them on the fanny.

Oh, yeah?


You got a baby?

Well, in a manner
of speaking.

His name's Noogie
and I'm married to him.

Baby's gotta be
with his mother.
How old is he?

Eight months on Friday.

I'm gonna give him
a birthday present.

# Happy birthday to you ##

Hey. Hey.

What's this I hear
about a baby being back here?

Don't look at me.
Noogie's out of town.

Mr. Nello,
it's just for tonight. Please?
I couldn't find a babysitter.

Look, you've got 15 minutes
to find one...

and be back here
in a tutu and on the floor.

Cut her some slack.

What the hell
are you doing here?


for those of you who
don't follow the Nobel Prize,
I'm Morty Price.

But seriously, I would like
to thank right now...

Mr. Cannata and Mr. Doss
for bringing me back
to glorious Miami.

In fact,
I was so eager to come,
I turned down a chance...

to be an extra
in Coma Part II.

Not bad.

Not great, but not bad.

You ought to bottle
his jokes and sell them
for sleeping pills.

I know it's hard to believe,
I used to work
in the stock exchange...

till one of the brokers
told me when my IQ hit 20,
I should sell.

I really appreciate
you helping me out.

This job is really important
to me right now.

Better cover those.

You got husband troubles?

Not anymore. I left him.

It took me
a year and a half.

It wasn't until he tried
to hit my baby Stevie
that I left.

A year and a half?

You leave your brains
in a box somewhere?

He loved me.

He told me so.

He just hit me
'cause I'm ugly.
You're not ugly.

You got a place to stay?

I found a cheap motel
across from the airport.

Cheapest place
I could get, but...

two or three nights working
here, I think I can get a
good place, move out of there.

And what if that bruiser
comes looking for you?

He won't.

I talked to God
at Kennedy Airport
in New York before I left.

He told me that I have
to live for my baby.

So I told him that I would
kill anybody who tried to
hurt me like that.

I don't think God
is going to let Danny
come near me again.


I don't think it's gonna
work out for you here.

I'm gonna have to
let you go.


I'm sorry. It's just
the way things worked out.

Help me.

What are you
worried about?

I've known Frank Doss
and Mr. Cannata for years.

I'll speak to them,
I'll explain things....

It's gonna be all right.
Thank you.

You're a beautiful girl.
You know that?

That's what they
love around here.

They need girls like you.

And with me in your corner,
you're in like Flynn.

Thanks a lot for helping,

Good. That's nice.

That's what I like to hear.
I like to be thanked.

No. I'm sorry,
I don't want to.
Come on.

Get off me.

Don't play hard to get.

Get away.

Get off me!

I don't mind if you don't.

Get back. Get away!

Come on,
we're gonna trade favors.

Tit for tat.

You wash my back,
I'll wash yours.

Definitely not a
funny way to die.

I though! t you were off.

Since when has that mattered?
Who's in the bag?

Morty Price.
The comic?

He got a nice slice
from a steak knife.

Definitely not
a funny way to die.
That's what I just said.

Where did he get it,
right here?

So why are we here?

Johnny Cannata
and Frank Doss
own this hotel.

Why would they kill a comic?

I don't think they did.

FBI has had them
under surveillance.

Price was involved
with Cannata and Doss,
very tight.

Silent partner?

We don't know.

Let's go nose around.

How was fishing?


Someday I'm gonna
be wearing threads
like that.

Mrs. Noogman.
Yeah, definitely
his better half.

Where's Miami's
favorite mouth?

I don't care.
I got an agent.
I'm a singer now.

I ran into Annie downstairs.

Said she saw
a cocktail waitress
named Dorothy Bain...

head up here with Morty Price
about 4:00 this morning.

What's your connection
with Miss Bain?

We're acquainted.
She's a sweet kid, Sonny.

You'd like her.
She's got a cute little boy.

Yeah. I'd like to meet her.
You know where
we can find her?

My lips are sealed.
I checked with Dorothy's boss.

She was let go last night,
but on the application...

she listed a motel
by the airport.

Thanks, Trudy.

Where's the papers, lady?
What papers?

Come on,
where's the papers?
What papers?

We can do this nice
or we can do this
not so nice, now.

Where's the papers, lady?
Come on, where's the papers?


Dorothy? I'm Det. Crockett,
Miami Vice.

Everything's okay, open up.

Wait a minute, Dorothy.
Hold it. I'm a cop.


Frank Doss was convicted
of murder in 1943.

Served 15 years.

In 1960, became partner
to Johnny Cannata.
Las Vegas, Atlantic City.

Now they're spearheading
the drive for legalized
gambling in Miami.

They've been arrested
several times,
but never convicted.

Morty Price has been with
Cannata and Doss since they
began working in Las Vegas.

Dorothy Bain
is the question mark.

Except, we think we know
why she might have killed
Morty Price.

Annie said Dorothy
told her stories about...

being beaten by her husband
back in New York.

That's what drove her
and the baby to Miami.

I called him there,
he was no help.

But I did find out
from NYPD...

that Dorothy tried twice
in the past six months
to have him arrested.

Assault and battery.

So maybe Morty wanted
to have a little S8M party...

and Dorothy wasn't
up for it.

And then Cannata
and Doss order a hit...

'cause she snuffed out
their old friend.

Yeah, maybe a vendetta.


It doesn't add up.

Why would they
wanna risk blowing a
multi-million dollar shot...

at a casino racket
on a vendetta against
a cocktail waitress?

Cannata and Doss,
we'll begin with them.

Switek, Zito, I want
video surveillance
at Shelborne.

Gina and Trudy,
I want you guys to try
to get jobs at the hotel.

Crockett and Tubbs,
Dorothy Bain.

She's the key.

You were supposed
to get the papers...

not start World War III.


I don't wanna hear it.

It's not their fault
the heat showed up.

It's your fault we're
in this mess to begin with.

You had to place bets
with that jackass friend
of yours, Price.

Hey, have a little respect.
The guy's dead.

Yeah. So is our chances
of turning this joint
into a legit casino...

if we don't beat the cops
to them tally sheets.

So they find them.
Big deal.

It's only names and numbers.
Circumstantial evidence.

They take to the DA...

and the next thing
we're having lunch
with the grand jury, what?

Okay. So we'll put
the word out, find the girl,
have her taken care of.

End of story.

You forget how to knock?
I'm sorry, Mr. Cannata.

Robbie's here.

Hey, Robbie.

How's the baby?

Here's the check.
It was a good two weeks.

Everything all right
at the club?

Why can't you sit and talk?

About what? You were talking
about business. Your business.

I don't want anything
to do with your business.

What business? No business.
Frank made a couple of bets...

which the markers
got misplaced.
All right, whatever you say.

Don't candy-coat it.

If he's using our money,
he ought to know.
He ought to help.

Well, you're getting your
money back with interest.

Say, listen, from now on
I'll mail you the checks.


So how could you
be my agent...

and run this burger stand
at the same time?

That's what I'd like to know.

You want something done,
Annie, you ask a busy man.

I got some talent scouts
coming from Hollywood.

And we're gonna
get you a real big gig.

# Oh Lord, won't you buy me
a Mercedes Benz? ##

Well, here's the scouts.
That's my girl.

Let's see.

Giggle smoke.
Celebrity Burger.
What a name.

Two triple Spielburgers,
drag them through
the garden...

and two iced Mister T's,

That'll be $23.50.

Taking in the scenery?

Yeah, we're looking,
but it ain't at the scenery.

Looking for your girlfriend
Dorothy. With the baby?
You seen her?

Maybe she clicked her heels
and went back to New York.

Don't hold out
on us, Annie.

This girl
is target practice...

and if you don't help us,
you'll be in the
orphan-making business.

That's as real as it gets.

I'll keep an eye out.
I will.


Hey, can I get you
some Spielburgers?
Compliments of my agent.

Thanks, but no thanks.
He doesn't eat meat.

Found another
'78 Toyota sedan. Green.

What's that make? Three?

And you haven't
even located one yet.

What's this, hon?

Names of all the people
we saw dealing
with Cannata and Doss.

That's just
the first two days.
We'll have more.


You had lunch yet?

You want the other half
of my sandwich?

You can join us
in the wonderful world
of abandoned vehicles.

Good idea,
I can use a break.

Hey, Sonny...

there's a
Robert Cann in here.

Could be two or three
Robert Canns in Miami.

How did you get
these names?
I didn't. Trudy did.

Excuse me, Trudy.
Excuse me.

Excuse me--
How'd you get these names?

Gina connected the face
to Cannata and Doss...

Switek and Zito connected
the car on video.

I connected the car
with the license plates
and ran the numbers.

Guys, I need to see
your home movies. Now.

We're having lunch.

Bring a doggy bag.

it's coming up.

Here's Robert Cann.

Is it him, Sonny?

Crockett, is it him?

You ever been
here before?

Can't afford it.

who's everybody is here.

Excuse me.
I'd like to go in here.

he has to choose you.

He's got to choose me?

No, wait, look,
I'm a good friend
of Robert Cann's.

That's about the 45th time
I heard that tonight.

You don't understand,
I'm his kid's godfather.

I don't care
if you're his grandmother.

Let me show you
his birth certificate.

Any friend of Robbie's
is a friend of mine.
You're in.

Pays to know people
in high places.


Say hello to my partner,
Rico Tubbs.

How you doing?

Say, I got something
to show you.

That's a good-looking boy.
That's what I think.

I got a feeling
this isn't a personal visit.

Robbie, your name showed up
on a list of people
that were seen...

with Johnny Cannata
and Frank Doss.


They're under surveillance
by us and who knows who else.

The only affiliation
I have with them...

is that they're...

general partners
with me in the ownership
of this place, Sonny.

I needed money
and they had it.
It's that simple.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I didn't say you did do
anything wrong.

They're trying to kill
a young girl.
I don't know about that.

I didn't say you did.

Then what are you saying?

I'm trying to say, do whatever
it takes to cut yourself away
from these guys.

They're bad news, pal.

And if you do hear anything,
anything at all,
you'll tell me.

I will, believe me.

All right.
That's all we wanted
to talk about.

Listen, do me a favor.
Don't mention this to Julia.

You got it.

Are you sure you haven't heard
anything about this woman?

Her name is Dorothy Bain.

What did I say? No?
Then it is no.

You're sure?

You got a hearing problem,

This woman has a baby...

just a little bit older
than yours, Robert.

Get him out of here, Sonny.

Doss and Cannata...

are trying to kill a mother
with a little baby.

Get him out of here!

That scene back there
was a riff.

Look, I've known
this guy for 18 years.

He may come off
like a playboy,
but he's strictly by the book.

People change.

Don't worry about it.
He's my friend.

Yeah? I'm sorry,
but I gotta worry about it.
That's my job.

What are you trying to say,

Your personal connection
here is a problem.

Give it up.

Look, any first-year man
can see that something's
going on with him.

You don't know him.

I don't have to know him.

Anybody who's
a general partner
with Doss and Cannata...

has gotta know something.

You're not facing reality,
And you're not hearing me.

He's my friend.

Are you ready to help
the parents of this child...

in their duty
as Christian parents?

I am.

Allen Christopher,
the Christian community
welcomes you with great joy.

In his name, I claim you
for Christ our Savior...

by the sign of the cross.

I now trace you
on your forehead.

I invite the parents
and the godparents
to do the same.

Allen Christopher,

I baptize you
in the name of the Father...

and the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


I did a little check
on Mr. Robert Cann.

His name is not Cann.
It's Cannata.

He changed his name
after graduating
from high school.

It's the truth.

He's Johnny Cannata's son.

Sonny. Hey, Crockett,
where you going, man?

Sonny, slow down.

this is Danny Bain.
Not now, Gina.

He's Dorothy Bain's husband.

Are you in charge?

'Cause I can't get
a straight answer
from this one.

Is Dorothy being
accused of murder?

If you know where she is,
I want her and my son back.

And if you don't, tell me...

'cause I'll get
a private detective
to find her...

who'll do a lot better job
than the Dick Tracy club
you got here.

Why? You having trouble
finding somebody new
to smack around?

I'll give you a reason
to hit someone, pal.
Take it easy.

Or maybe
it doesn't turn you on
when somebody hits back.

Is that right?

Is that right?


I would like to see you
in my office.

You're off
the Morty Price case.

What did you do,
drop by to say
"I told you so"?

Castillo was right,
you are too close--

Save the lecture.

And you know it.
Don't tell me what I know,
all right?

Okay, man, don't jump
in my face because you
let your friend play you.

You got a beef
with everybody...

except the one person you
should have got it together
with from jump city.

Now you knew Robbie
was giving you a line...

and now you're just
mad at yourself...

for trying so hard
not to hear it.

We were buddies.

Hey, look, Sonny.
I don't have all the answers.

I just came by to tell you...

that you're not the first cop
who had his friend
hold out on him.

Work it out, man.

Give me a minute,

Daddy? I need you...

I don't know what's
happening to me.

I just want you
to come and take Stevie
back to New Jersey, okay?

I don't care.


Yeah, okay.

All right. Bye.

Julia, do you know
how much I love you?

More than that.

You're everything to me.


Can I call you back?

Yeah, Sonny's here. Yeah.


Julia sends her love.

Didn't you think
I'd understand?

It's like a scar, Sonny,
being related to those people.

It's like having
a cancer growing out of you.

I mean, do you show that
to somebody?

You were one
of the closest people
in the world to me.

I was? What am I now?

You tell me.

Your father's trying
to put a hit on that girl
with the baby.

I don't know
anything about that!

I'm not in their business.
And I ain't buying it.

Don't play dumb with me,

All I know...

is Doss and Morty Price
made some bets...

and the girl took some
of their tally sheets.

So they've got a contract
out on her for tally sheets?

And you're gonna stand by
and let that girl die...

because your father needs
to stay clean
so he can start a casino?

What am I supposed to do?

Send my father to prison?

I mean, what do you want
from me, Sonny?

I mean, for the first time
since we landed back
in the world...

I feel like a man.

I got a wife,
a kid, a business.

I can hold my head up
in the street.

Is that what being
a man is?

Standing by and letting that
girl get blown away...

so that you can live
high on the hill?

What's happened to you, man?
Where's your sense
of right and wrong?

Hey, I've got
rights and wrongs.

I left that family
for 12 years
and stayed away.

Nobody does that and lives
to talk about it. But I did.

I was struggling
to get money
to start this place...

and then Julia got pregnant.
I was tapped out.

Sonny, I didn't want my kid
not to have.

The family offered me
the money and I took it.

And I can't just walk away.
One of these days
I'll buy them out.

But right now,
they got me, Sonny.

In their eyes, I'm obligated.

Only obligation you've got
is to yourself.

If you can get up
in the morning
and look in the mirror...

and be proud of
what you see...

then you fulfill
that obligation.

If you can't,
then you're worth
nothing to nobody.

Not to yourself,
not to Julia, not to me...

and certainly not to your son.

Maybe you're right.
Maybe I am nothing.

So what do you think?

Bullet through the brain?
I mean, that would put me
out of everybody's misery.

That's not the answer, man.

Then what is the answer,


I mean, you can get me
out of a fight in a bar.

I mean, you can get me
out of one of the hottest
areas of operation...

crawling with NVA.

I'm half-dead and wounded.

But this is family.
This is blood.

And I cannot separate
myself from it.

You gotta do something.

Find out if they know
where she is.

I know where the girl is.


One of my father's people
fingered her.

I overheard where.

You gotta tell me.

If I tell you, I'm dead.

Doss will cut my heart out.

Hey, what do you think?

You remember that kid
corporal in Da Nang...

the one that put a bullet
through his head?

I wonder what he saw
when he looked in the mirror.

If you don't tell me,

I gotta put you away
for conspiracy
to commit murder.

So arrest me.

I got a better idea.

Let's call Julia up
right now.

Let's call her up and take her
with you so she can meet
this girl...

and then you shoot her,
right in front of her...

so your wife can see
what you really are.

I know what's right for me,
you know.

The man I knew
always did what it took...

and it hurt sometimes,
but he did it.

Because that's the only thing
that got us out of the jungle,
with our minds.

There was no
"me and I" in our unit.

You and me, Robbie.
You and me.

We refused to throw those POWs
out of the choppers.

No matter what the rest
of the world was saying...

we did the right thing.

That's what being a man
is all about.

Not standing by and letting
Doss and your father...

put holes
in a young girl.

They'll kill my baby, Sonny.

Don't you get it?

If you let them do this...

you won't be able
to look at your son.

All right, let's go.

Can I call Julia
and tell her what's happening?

You got two minutes.


Please just don't hurt
my baby. Please. I'm begging.

God, don't hurt my Stevie.

What I want you to do
is get your things.

Just don't hurt my baby.

Nobody is gonna
hurt your baby, all right?

Now listen,
what I want you to do
is get your things together.

I'm giving you $1,000.

And I'm gonna put you on
a plane and I'm gonna
get you the hell out of here.


We're closed, Crockett.

do you know where she is?
Do you know where--

Get in the car.
Come on, right now.

I have a son.

Get down.

Get down.

Tubbs, I lost.

Dorothy Bain's
at Annie's place.
Meet me there.


Sonny, behind you.

Crockett, it's Tubbs.

Check the girl, Tubbs.

You'll be all right.

I did the right thing,

Yeah, man.

You did the right thing.