Miami Vice (1984–1989): Season 2, Episode 20 - Free Verse - full transcript

The team is assigned to protect a renowned poet who has come to the US seeking political asylum. With sexy Carmen in the mix, things get complicated.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
...holding your hand...

but I didn't enjoy
your life story.


But you are not boring.

Only your life story
is boring.

Yes, indeed.

But has been nice
sitting with you.


Hold it.

The movie stunk.

We have to wait here.

Are all American cops
so good-looking?

I'm Lt. Martin Castillo.

That answers my question.

We have reason to believe
your life's in danger.

In my country,
a cop in a civilian suit
comes up to you...

you can, how you say...

kiss yourself goodbye.

But my country
has kicked me out.

Why do you think
they shipped me here,

They murder me in my country,
they make me into a martyr.

It takes no great intellect
to figure that out.

They bought me
a first-class ticket
to my own killing.

Where is my daughter?
Why isn't my daughter here?

She's waiting
at the safe house
for you.

What is a safe house?

Just what it
sounds like, sir.

Yeah. Sounds like
house arrest to me.

But maybe your television
is better here than back home.

Privileged diplomatic

Thank you for all your
help and your assistance.

Mr. Sandoval, how long
will you be in Miami?

Just visiting
on the way to Washington.

After Washington,
back to your
own country?

Not till the death squads die
and they have
free elections there.

Let us through here, folks,
let us through.


How does it feel
to be free, Mr. Sandoval?

Beautiful, beautiful.

I would like to talk to you
at greater length.

My dear, I am all yours.

Okay, that's enough.
Step aside, please.

Come to the museum
at the reception there.

I see you.

This old man
will be easy to kill.

All right, already.
I'm waiting an hour.

Sure, sure.

Hey, welcome
to the babysitting detail.

Any reason why this is our gig
and not the federals'?

The word came down
to Castillo that
we had to do it...

cause we're
so efficient.

And inconspicuous.

Where's Crockett?
In court.

Why would anybody
want to kill a poet?

Maybe they don't like
his iambic pentameter.

Sandoval's not your
Joe Average poet.

I mean, he's waiting
for a phone call
from Stockholm.

Nobel Prize,
you know?

Sure. Is that
the word on the street?

He swings heavy weight
on international opinion.

That makes him more
than a wordsmith.

Shelley said
that poets were
unacknowledged legislators.

My government
agreed with him.

That was their excuse
for arresting me.

To protect me from
the right-wing death squads.

As if they were not
in bed with the death squads.

I spent a year
in house arrest...

during which time
I wrote a political memoir.

They took the manuscript...

and burned it...

in front of me.

"Now you can leave,"
they said.

It didn't matter.

It was all in my head.

And now I will tell it all
at the hearings
in your Congress.

Se?or Sandoval.

We have a problem
with your itinerary.

Such as?

You want to go
to a reception tonight,
for one.

And an appearance
at an awards ceremony...

for a poetry prize
at the university.

Yes, the Porter Prize.

They gave it to me
when I was "in stir."

Is that your phrase?

Now I can thank them
in person.

Well, for your own
personal safety...

you should send your regrets
to both functions.

Save your personal
appearance for Washington.

No. To address
a Congressional committee
is my duty.

To appear here in Miami
is my pleasure!

I want to see my friends.

I want to get my prize!

This is typical.

His vanity means more to him
than his life.

My devoted daughter,

who has been contradicting me
since she was two years old.

You're not listening
to us, sir.

Call me Hector.

I am democratic.

If you insist on
attending these

you'll make it
easier for them
and harder for us.

What he's saying
makes sense, Father.

I will not stay
a prisoner out of fear.

I will attend these affairs.

It's a free country.

Isn't that what they say?

Is that your
final decision?

All right.

We'll set up security
at both functions.

Det. Tubbs, who you met
at the airport...

will be with you
at all times.

Not the ladies?


If you want to attend
these functions,
you'll do it our way.


We are going to have
a great deal of fun
during my stay.

While it lasts.

Now, where is the TV?

You have wrestling, yes?

I have instructions for you.

You will not
come here again.

If we do, would you
still be working here?

And you will receive
no more supplies
from home after this.

You won't have any more
to give if we don't succeed.

Americans support you only
because they fear
the guerrillas.

Let Sandoval speak
to the Congress...

and the dollar part of that
support may evaporate.

Nevertheless, we wash
our hands of you.

We deeply appreciate the use
of your diplomatic pouch.

Yes. I've been raising money
for medical supplies.

Why is that
a problem for you?

Because the money
ends up with the guerrillas.

Don't you understand?

That money ends up for
medicine for the people
in the villages.

Who also end up
with the guerrillas.

The guerrillas at least
offer the peasants something.

Yes, they offer them
a choice.

Join us or hang from
a tree upside-down.

They are not democratic.

Only Jose Plentos
is democratic
and he is dead.

Excuse me.

This is not
a good place
to stand.

Why not?

'Cause it's a little
too open for our tastes.

I thought we were going
to be safe here.

You are safe.

But inside the house
you'll even be safer.

Zito, would you mind
helping Mr. Sandoval inside?

Why not? Tell me
some more about Shelby.


About Prometheus Bound,
Prometheus Unbound...

about freedom....

Your father's
quite a character.

He's a great poet.

You sound so sure.

History will record it.

His poems are
his real children.

So that's why you two
argue so much?

I like to argue with him
up to a point.

And then I get really mad,
so he wins.

So why don't you back off
and then you win?

Before we got onto politics,
he used to complain...

that I didn't bring any of my
young pretty girlfriends
to meet him.

Do you believe that?

When a man spends
a year in prison...

I think he could use
some female companionship.

He was that way
before he was arrested.

He likes them young.

Why do you think he wants
to go to that party?
For a medal?

So what's in this for you?

I edit a small newspaper
for political ?migr?s.

I'm against the government.

If I still lived down there,
they would have
disappeared me long ago.

You think you'll ever
go back down there?
Maybe after the civil war?

I don't think
there'll be anything left.

Take it easy.
Hey, I said easy.

What do you,
you call that easy?

This is flesh you're
knocking around like that,
you understand?

What, do you think
I can't feel?

I feel something,
you know that?

I can.

Look at this car.

Is this a car?
What do you call that, a fin?

Hey, maybe it's
a fish, not a car?

Look at the way the curves
catch the light.

Freedom in metal,
that's what it is.

Watch your step.

This is America.

Soaring, flamboyant....

Slide across there.

Now, Mr. Sandoval,
you have to lay down
for security reasons.

Later, I want to
feel the breeze.

Hey, listen,
you guys,
follow close.

Mr. Sandoval.

Mr. Sandoval, you're not
listening to me.

Lay down,
for security reasons.

Hey, Larry, take this
blanket off him.

No, leave it on.

Make a grand revelation.

Want me to take
the blanket off?

No, I'll do it
when I am ready.

Thank you. Thank you
very much. So nice....

Those knuckles in your hand...

are like the mountains...

of our land.

And they remain beautiful...

the whole country
remains beautiful...

the shoreline....

Wait'll you see a picture
of a re-education camp....



There you are.

See you later.

You folks from Iowa?

I think
they're from Ohio.

Excuse me.


How are you doing?
It's so good to see you.
Thank you.

Who is he?

Been a long time.

You didn't tell me you
were going to be here.

You know me, I appear--
How long has it been?

Three years.

Oh, my God.
Have you seen Papa?

Not yet. I'm going
to see him now.

You gentlemen
enjoying the evening?

He is.

And when I say the most....

He's got half an hour more.

Not merely
the United States.

I'm flattered
that you think so.

But, I do.

You don't find me too old?

At your age a man
is just beginning to be sexy.

It's your power over the word
that I find so exciting.

I've seen
that woman before.

The way you get
your message across.

I have a message for you.

At the airport.

We've had enough of you, fool.

We're gonna
get you disappeared.


*Blown Away*

Nobody move! Police officers!

Listen. I've been thinking.

I need a gun.

You need a what?

Pistola. Bang, bang!

Why don't we go fishing
and say we didn't?

Aren't you concerned
about your daughter's safety?

She's stayed out all night
before without calling,
believe me.

What about the gun?

Forget it, Hector.

But I may have
to protect myself.

Look what happened last night.

Why don't you
go out there and...

write some nice poetry about
the ocean maybe, or something.

Let us do the police work.

What the hell's that?

Come on. He's okay.

He's an old friend.
What's the matter
with you?

You trying to get
yourself killed?

I was perfectly safe
with Manuel.

I trust him
with my life.

Yeah, you did just that.

And your father's, too.

Manuel Guerrero?

Blanca, you realize you've
compromised your father's
safety by bringing him here?

I should say so.

my old student...

Manuel Guerrero.

I didn't give you
that good a grade.

Hey, watch out for him.

He has a penetrating
and devious mind.

So, you look in
pretty good shape.

They didn't touch me
from the outside.

What about you, Guerrero?

You still seated
on the left hand of God?


I'm enjoying
the bourgeois life too much.

I've moved to the center.

"The center cannot hold

"Mere anarchy is loosed
upon the world"

William Butler Yeats.


I'm sorry to have worried you.

The disappearing act
was not a cool move.

Would I be wrong if I thought
that your concern
was not merely official...

but also personal?

Could get that way.

Maybe after this is all over.

Oh? What did you
have in mind?

Casual sex? Romance?

What do you make
of this Guerrero?

I don't know.

He's either a student
or a friend
or a chowder head.

Reminds them
of better days?

All right, I got it.

You got the ID
on that assassin
I smoked last night?

Yeah, it just came in.

She's known as "La Muerta."

A right-wing fanatic who
operated with death squads.

She's also wanted
in Argentina.

Maybe she was alone.


What do you say we put
a string on Guerrero
when he leaves here?

Maybe he'll lead us
to something. I'll be
downtown if you need me.

Cool, man.

You want to play?

Sure, there's
a lot shaking...

but it's not what
we're looking for.

He's definitely
a man of leisure.

Yeah, well he certainly
doesn't lead
a lonely life, huh?

Hey. See what I see?

Miami Vice. Freeze.

Four of them.

There were four of them
and they were armed like NATO.

These politicos
are bad news.

Thank you.

Sandoval will not fore go
the awards ceremony...

no matter
what the risks.

We'll need
heavy backup.

You got it.

This is the last time
Sandoval's going into
public in Miami.

What about Guerrero?

We lost him.

Zito and Switek are on it.

I got a hunch
Guerrero's gonna give up
the safe house, Lieutenant.

They won't ask him politely.

We won't take Sandoval
back to the safe house.

But I'll be leaving
personnel there, in case
they want to hit it.

You guys feel all right?

You got it.

That's it.

You sure you're
up for this?

Piece of cake.

Were you looking for me?

You got it.

Death squad's car's
been spotted.

It's parked off the coast road
by the sheik's mansion.

Yeah, I know the place.

Let's see, he bought
that and never moved in.

Death squad's probably
holding Guerrero there.

SRT is already on the way.

They'll wait and take
direction from you.

Okay. I'm gonna pick up Switek
and I'll be on my way.

"In the place
where I came from

"the jungles were a jade wall

"and the plains were
rolled like the sea

"The mountains carried
the wind on their shoulders

"But some thought
the sky was too bright

"and they wept

"And others thought
the sea was too deep

"and they gasped for breath

"And some said

"'We use the land

"'It cannot be owned
or possessed'

"And others said

"'We did not create this

"'and so it mocks us

"'and therefore

"'we will take it!'

"And they said

"'That which we did not create

"'we still can kill'

"And they rolled out

"in all their armor

"The horses weighed down
under the weight

"And the rains came
and the mud

"and they sank

"in the land which
they could not possess

"upon the earth

"which they did not create"

No! Nein! Nyet!

Take him! Stop Him!

Hey come on, it's okay,
all right? Okay.

It's me. I'm a cop.
You remember me, okay?

Everything's gonna be great.
I'm gonna get some help.

Everything will be fine.

Where is he?
343, Aroundthe corner.

Manuel, my man.
How you feeling?

Well, I'm alive.

Did you ID
any of these guys?

The leader was
Alfredo Gomez.

When I saw him,
I thought I was through.
His reputation precedes him.

Yeah. We got people
looking for him.

You have any idea
where he and his friends
might have gone?

They said they were to go
to the awards ceremony.

They didn't show.

Where did they go?

Look, maybe they've given up.

Listen, this guy,

did you tell him anything
about the safe house?


They didn't even know
I'd seen Sandoval...

and they didn't ask
any questions about
a safe house.

Why did they grab you?

I don't know.


Wouldn't it be
because you support
leftist guerillas...

with your own personal funds?

I guess I can expect
no more protection from you.

This is America, pal.

You can expect
the same protection
any citizen has a right to.

We don't play
banana politics here.


Not at home.
But you export it abroad.

Lady, I'll be glad to debate
the issue with you sometime.

Right now, we're just trying
to keep your father alive.

Let's take a walk.

I don't like it.
Why didn't they kill him?

What's your drift?
We don't know jack
about this guy.

He didn't arrange
to get snatched...

and leaned on
unless he's suicidal.

You're right,
but he's wrong.

Hold it, guys.

Yeah, okay. Thanks.

Big problem.
We gotta find Sandoval.

I thought our people
took Sandoval
to the Casa Blanca Hotel.

We did. Then when
they got to the room...

he threw a big fit,
said he didn't
like the room...

didn't like the hotel...

didn't like the way
he was being treated.

When they went down
to make new arrangements...

he gave them the slip.

This guy is
out of his mind.

He also has a gun.



He asked me for mine,
so I gave it to him.


Call Castillo.
Tell him we're on the move.


The phone call
was Castillo.

He wants us to go
out on the streets
and look for Sandoval.


Medical center.

With Guerrero.

#Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized#

# Sometimes
I try to do things #

#And it just doesn't work out
the way I want it to#

# I get real frustrated, and like
I try hard to do it #

# And I take my time #

# And it doesn't work out
the way I want it to #

# It's like I concentrate
on it real hard #

# And it just doesn't work out! #

# Everything I do
and everything I try
never turns out #

# It's like I need time
to figure these things out #

# But there's always
someone there going #

# "Hey, Mike, you know
we've been noticing #

# "You've been having
a lot of problems lately
you know #

# "Maybe you should get away #

# "And maybe you should
talk about it
you'll feel a lot better" #

# And I go, "No, it's okay,
you know, I'll figure it out #

# "Just leave me alone
I'll figure it out #

# "You know
I'll just work by myself" #

# And they go,
"Well, you know #

# "If you want to
talk about it
I'll be here you know #

# "And you'll probably
feel a lot better
if you talk about it" #

# And I go #

Hey, let's dance!

I'm not ready
for you, pops.

But maybe later.

Come on. Hey.

# You'll come out brainwashed
with bloodshot eyes #

# You won't have any say #

You did?

Yeah, give me the address.

Okay. Thank you very much.

Jackpot, ladies.

Cabbie says
that he dropped
some crazy dude...

in a wheelchair
at Miami Springs.

Party time, huh?
Looks like it.

# I'm not crazy!
Institutionalized! #

# You're the one who's crazy!
Institutionalized! #

# You're driving me crazy
institutionalized! #

# They stuck me
in an institution #

# Said it was
the only solution #

# To give me
the needed professional help #

# To protect me from
the enemy, in myself #

Get me a drink!

# Just like
staring at the wall #

Where is my drink?

# And then my mom came in #

# And I didn't even know
she was there #

# She called my name
and I didn't even hear it ##

Hey, I know you.


No, I do.
You're Hector Sandoval, right?

You have found me.

I read your stuff.
I'm not kidding.

I used to read it
all the time.

Cloud Cities.
That was my favorite.

Too bad.

I heard some scuzz
were out to snuff you.

They have failed.

But if they try it again,
this is for them.

All right!

So what do you say, Hector...

are you ready
to rock-and-roll?
You got it, baby.

Let's go. Come on.

Come on, let's go.

I'm taking my girl.

Hey! What are
you doing?

Where are you going?

Hey. That's my girl,
what are you doing?


Buzz off, four-wheels.

"Truly, My Satan,
thou art but a Dunce

"And cannot tell
the Garment from the Man"

"An aged man is
but a paltry thing

"A tattered coat upon a stick

"unless Soul clap its hands

"and sing

"and louder sing

"For every tatter
in its mortal dress

"Nor is there singing school

"but Monuments

"of its own magnificence"

"The Son of Morn

"in weary Night's decline"


two, three.

What're you trying to do,
Hector, kill something?

There's a lot of people
knocking themselves out...

trying to keep
you alive, pal.

And you're out here
in the streets waving
a gun around like it's legal.

Now, I want your word
you're not gonna pull
a stunt like this again.

Hey, you got it, pal.

What's going on
with you, Hector?

You gotta make it
to Washington alive.

Deliver your words
to Congress.

Look, Hector,
this is too important
to shine on.

I look at an empty page...

and I can only see
the emptiness in myself.

The memoir
the government burned...

it was my duty to write,
but the love of words is gone.

That stuff you delivered
the other night,
it blew everybody away.

It was beautiful.
That was an old piece.

I haven't written
a new poem...

in a very long time.

Hey, Hector.

If you lighten up,
maybe the words
will come back.

I am forced to be a hero,
not a poet.

I will stand for something.

That makes me worth killing.

But what makes it
worth living?


This is hospital security
in the lobby.

Your father
is down here in a taxi.

I'm afraid he's very drunk.

That sounds like him.

Thank God he's all right.

We cannot let him
go up in this condition.

Can you come down?

Yes, I'll be right down.

Hector, can we get you
some coffee or something
to eat or something?

Coffee's good.

Sonny. Tubbs.
My office.

Shut the door.

They found vehicle tracks
in the woods
by the safe house.

Somebody's been

Guerrero told
the death squads where it was.

Gina and Trudy are
on their way
to the hospital...

to take Guerrero into custody.

Washington says
Guerrero's not a civilian.

He's a highly placed,
highly motivated operative...

from the left
in Sandoval's country.


Well, that could explain his
interest in Sandoval, huh?

He specializes
in difficult assassinations.

I thought it was the right...

that was out to get Sandoval,
not the left.

Left wants to make
him a martyr.

So if the right goes ahead
and kills him...

Guerrero doesn't get
his hands dirty.

He's a dedicated man.

Give me
the players any day.

At least you know going in,
they're motivated by the money.

It's the greed.

But with these politicos,
man, they just like it.

Excuse me, Lieutenant,
there's a call for Sandoval
on the line.

She's not dead yet.

She will be if you don't
make the meet at the beach.

If you want your daughter
to live...

you do exactly as I say.

You understand?

I understand.

And no cops.

My life for hers.

Did you agree?

I have no choice.
An old life for a young one.

You have a choice.

Check to see how much
we got on the wire.

Alert SRT and--
No police.

No police
and no helicopters.

Listen, just relax.
We can handle this.

Tell us everything
that they said to you.
Where's the meet?

I have to go.

Stay with us, buddy.
Come on, now.

Just relax.

My daughter....

Your daughter is in the hotel.

She's with someone
who wants to see you.


Bring her down.

No. They're gonna
do him now, Rico.

Freeze! Miami Vice!

Good as your
word, huh?

And you? Are you
good as your word?

Hector, why don't you
and Blanca go outside?

The war follows us

We are the walking wounded.

And yet, see, we are alive.

You would have given
your life for me.

In your place,
I might not have
done the same.

And you better not, either.

Because if you do...

I will be
very angry with you.


Are you all right?

Shouldn't I be
asking you that?

Why aren't you
in the hospital?

The death squad described
this place in great detail.

Where is Gomez?

I think you'll
find him inside.

I have business
with you, Hector.

It will be you,
Guerrero, eh?

I should have known.

Manuel, no.

I've always
loved you both.

This has nothing to do
with my feelings.

You lost your feelings
when you gave your soul
to the revolution.

It is an historical
necessity that
I do this now.

The revolution will
honor your name, Hector.

Your revolution, Guerrero?

I spit on it.

old friend.


You all right?

Resync By Chuck :D