Miami Vice (1984–1989): Season 2, Episode 2 - Whatever Works - full transcript

The murder of two beat cops outside their jurisdiction immerses the team in the Santeria religion, while Crockett tries to recover his repossessed Ferrari.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Stand by, 28. I'll check.

South Beach 7-9, we have
a 21 1 at 13th and Collins.

Suspect still on premises.

Please respond Code 3.

No wants and no warrants
on that plate, 28.

We have a TA
at 12th and Beech.

Pedestrian down.
Respond Code 3.

South Beach to 28,
what's your 10-7?

What were they doing
out of their jurisdiction?

According to
South Beach dispatch,
they called in on a Code 7.

Got tired of
the same old chow.

It's an execution.

Reads like
organized crime.

More like organized religion.

They didn't have a chance.

What the hell happened here?

Anybody see anything?

Is anybody on this?
Who the hell is
in charge here?

Hey, easy.

Rainy has a wife
and two kids.
Who's going to tell Marie?

They want a war,
they're going to get it.

I'm going find them...

and I'm going to kill them.

You're losing it.
That doesn't help us.

Let's go. We'll take care
of this ourselves.

Is this what I think it is?

Then why are they
killing cops?


You guys want to tell me
what you're talking about?



Very nice.

Hey, what you want me
to do with this?

It's yours.

I left my number on the pad
by the sink.

Good. Perfect.

You gonna call me?

Yeah, I'll call you.

I mean it, Sonny.
Please call me.

I'll call you.
I said I'd call you, didn't I?

You're never gonna call me.

Yeah, I'll call you.

He's never gonna call me.

Now, never is a long time,

Speaking of long times,
I've been trying
to reach you for--

Yeah, if you're looking
for a guide, I'm booked.

Quite a long time,
Det. Crocker.


I'm Maxwell Deirks,
Central Accounting.

I've sent you
several notices...

which you've
apparently ignored.

that didn't sound like me.

Each year the department
tries to generate revenue
for worthy causes...

by auctioning off confiscated
and unclaimed property.

And I know you are
as disappointed as I am...

that attendance at
these auctions has not been
what we'd hoped.

This year we're trying to
raise funds to hire...

a full time marriage counselor
for the force.

I don't have my wallet
on me right now.

Probably lost it overboard.

I would never ask a man
to dig into his own pocket
for his own department.

Well, that's good.
So what do you want?

Well, you can hand over
the keys for your
Ferrari Daytona Spyder.

Serial number 292....

Damn it,
I just had it here.

Wait, it's in here some place.
Wait a minute, it's....
Yeah, here it is.

It's 23986686-J.
On loan from Property.

You got to be kidding me.

Properly advertised,
an item like this
can generate tremendous...

bargain-hunting fever
which could put us
right into the black.

I have a marketing degree
from Wharton.

Wharton, huh?

Well, I hope they told you
how to set up a health plan,
pal, 'cause you're--

Hey, man, I'll be back
after your morning exercises.

You stay.
This will only take a second.

I was anticipating resistance
to this idea...

which is why I have a copy
of the contract right here
that states...

the city has the right to take
possession of your vehicle.
It's right there.

Hey, mang, are they trying
to take away your Ferrari?

Hey, mang, I'm sorry, but...

I'm not going to
stand around...

and let a man with
his reputation get treated...

with about as much respect
as this live bait.

Hey, this man
plunges himself...

into the murky waters
of the underworld...

to risk life and limb
to try to stem
the crime flow...

and keep us all from drowning
in a cesspool of lawlessness.


Forget it, Izzy.
It's all down here
in black and white.

All right, go on below.

The keys are
down there on the table.


On the other hand, setbacks is
a very natural part of life...

which you've got to be
very careful
how to respond to.



Elvis, want a little
dork-meat for breakfast?

You see, pal,
Elvis can't read a contract.

All he knows is, no Ferrari,
no rides with the top down.

Maybe I could re-read
the contract...

and maybe there's
an escape clause.

Nice doggie.

Hey, mang,
if there's one thing I hate...

interdepartmental hasslements.

But I'll tell you
what I'm going to do, man.

My cousin's got this Maverick.

Boy, it's real clean.

It's FM radio,
two-tones, got a lot of zip.

Izzy, a couple of cops
were whacked last night,

Now, what have you got for me
besides a sales pitch?

Well, the name of the dude
that you want is Orfil Rivera.

You know him?

No, man.
He's a mid-level dealer.

No, a friend of a friend
of a friend of mine...

told me about him one time
when I was just outside
the three-mile limit.

Does he know
where I'm coming from?

Not from me.

You have his address?

Sure. I can put it on
the back of my cousin's card,
you know...

just in case
you change your mind.

About what?

The Maverick, man.
It's rust-free, factory air.

You know, it might be
just what you need.

Hey, Crockett...

Section 1013, Paragraph 2!

You're interfering with me
doing my job effectively.

Now, nothing hurts more
than losing your baby.

Damn it, that car
is part of my cover,
and I want it back!

Hey, Sonny,
Lar and I want you to know...

anytime you want to
use the bug van....

Yeah, I got a brand-new
spray gun for you, pal.

Hey, hey, go easy.
Can't you see
he's on the edge?

There it is.

That's a nice looking bunch.

How do you want to
play this one?

Right down the middle.

Hey, fellas. Excuse me,
we're looking for
Orfil Rivera.

Excuse me,
we're police officers.

We're looking for
Orfil Rivera.

Hey! We're police officers.

Hey, Crockett.

Man, this don't
Look too good.

What, are you nuts?
We're police officers!

Great. First I lose my car,
now I get Roberto Duran.

I'll go cover the back.

Okay, Rivera,
the band's all here.

We're ready to dance
if you are!

Keep your hands high.

Put them on your head.

Don't even move.

You, get down.
Face down! Move!

Go ahead, Tubbs.

Run it down.

Well, we pull up,
identify ourselves...

and the next thing we know,
it turns into Dodge City.

Not exactly what you'd expect
from a dealer trying to
keep a low profile.

Yeah, strictly routine.

Izzy pulls our coattail...

said this guy Rivera has
a line on the cop shooters.

Did you find anything?

Couple kees of blow.

And a closet full of those
dolls and beads and stuff.


Show me.

Hey, Zito,
how did it turn out?

You know, I'll bet you
this stuff is like 900_ pure.

I'd like to get it down
to the lab.

Thank you.

Look at this.

Warrior saints.
Almost any santero
would have them.

This looks like
a version of what we found
in the police car.

Ochosi. Divinity of justice.

Only now the candle's white.

Personally, I can do
without guys who worship
with a 12 gauge.

It's not worship.

The black-and-white candle
stands for hatred
and vengeance.

The pure white one
is for fear.

That makes sense.

How else should he feel
about cops?

He's a dealer.

Yeah. But he's not
a cop killer.

If he was,
he wouldn't have surrendered.

There's more to this.

Let's ask him.

Hey you, Rivera.
Who do you think you are?

Come here. Sit down.

Who do you think.... Sit down!

Who do you think you are,
pointing your gun at a cop?

What my partner is
trying to say is...

why were you
shooting at us?

You're a businessman, Rivera.

Shooting cops is bad business.

Only when they
act like cops.

You saying you know
about dirty cops?

I'm saying nothing.

You're looking at
a lot of time, pal.

Do yourself a favor.

I'm looking at three cops.

Get him out of here.

Dirty cops?

Is this guy giving us
a line?

If he isn't,
we better know about it.

I never heard of a priest
living like this.

I just wonder
what kind of a car she drives.

A station wagon.

You see, the iyalochas
and babalochas...

Santeria priests...

have regular jobs...

in addition to their
position as advisors
to the godchildren.

Chata also teaches at
Florida College for the Arts.

This is Det. Crockett
Det. Tubbs.

These are the items
that I mentioned.

Whoever left these
felt threatened.

Do you know why?

No, but if these were
left by the santero
who killed the policemen...

I sense he was
acting out of revenge.

What is this, some sort of
get-even religion?

Santeria is not about revenge.

It's about spiritual strength
derived from many gods.

So why leave
these religious symbols
at the scene of the crime?

To do the same thing to
the spirit of the policemen...

that the bullets did
to their bodies.

This Santero worships Chango,
the divinity of fire
and thunder.

Chango was a warrior...

and those who are
his followers...

would stand and fight,
they would not run.

Run from what?

This killer did not feel
that his victims...

were men of the law.

They were hunted down
like bad animals...

evil spirits.



We'll pull their jackets
first thing in the morning.


Just do a credit check.

Don't do anything
to alert South Beach.

Got it.

A pleasure.

I should ask her if I'll get
the Ferrari back.

You should.

Martin, you looked worried.

The killer would not
have asked for consultation
before he acted.

If he did, he would have been
advised against violence.

So you're looking for a man
who is willing to defy
his gods.

He is out of control.

I can control him...

if you'll help me find him.

I don't know if I can
promise that, Martin.

Besides, if the word gets out
that he's being hunted...

it can be very dangerous
for you.

Street cops
are jumpy as it is...

without a cop-killer
on the loose.

Right now there's an accident
waiting to happen.

It's my job to prevent it.

I'll see what I can do.


throw me the keys.

What for?

I want to go check
on my car.


Throw me the keys.

Ah! Que Esta!

Do you understand?
Do you understand?

As a man of means,
I must keep my transactions...

very private.

Of course, Count Moreno.

I apologize for
not introducing myself
to you yesterday.

Had I known that the marina
belonged to you--

I am proud of my ability
to circulate amongst
the common mangs.

That's gonna be
a little difficult
driving around' in a Ferrari.

A limitation I have
prepared myself to accept.

You devil!

Of course, this is not exactly
a public auction...

but on behalf
of my department...

I must say your offer
is so generous
I can hardly refuse.

Say no more, say no more.

Of course, a test drive
would do more than words.

Like hell it will!
You I'll deal with later.

What is it with you?
Are you crazy?

Have you lost your mind?
Are you out of your patootie?

Crockett, you gotta work
on your timing man.

Five more seconds and
I would of had your car in
a very advantageous position.

Yeah, right.
Stripped for parts...

and shipped to about
10 different zip codes.

Get out of here!

Hey, man, that's not me.

First thing in the morning,
back at your slip...

fresh paint, clean numbers,
new registration.

And tomorrow afternoon
I'll be posting bail for
theft of city property.

No thanks, Moreno.
I'm getting it back
just the way it was.

Well, that might be
just a little bit difficult.

Where is it?

I couldn't figure out
how to work the top...

and, anyway they only
predicted a 100_ chance
of showers.

Listen, the forecast is clear
for the rest of the week.

It should only take
two or three days...

to dry out.

Maybe four.

Two females.

These guys are clean.


You can't bust guys
just because they pay
their bills on time.

It depends on
where they get
their money from.

Can we go back
a couple of months?

Here's a late payment
on a credit card...

and here's where Lockhart
had his hot water turned off.

But for the past six months,
everything's been on time?

Five months.

That's when they started
dipping in.

That's when they went bad.

How did you know this?

Can we punch in
a David Blakeney
and a T. Solen?

Let's run it
through the computer.

Car's clean.

Yeah, it may look clean.

Bet there's something
in the car.

Hey, sweetheart,
how are you doing?

Stars are out today.

Why walk when you can ride?

And powder your
nose at the same time.

Do it.

Driver, pull to the curb.

Be cool, man. Be cool.

Take it easy.

What're you doing?

Making sure we don't end up
like those two guys
down at South Beach.

Put this away.

What're you doing, man?
Are you crazy?

Goddamn shotgun, man!
Take it easy.

I need your driver's license
and registration, please.

What did I do wrong, huh?

Your driver's license
and registration, please.


Bad cops, Rico.

There's nothing lower.

Yeah, smart enough
not to buy anything flashy...

but they couldn't help
but get straight with
what they had out.

Where there's two
there's more.

That's what
the computer said.

And I know where
to find them.

Hey, George.
Hey, Crockett.

What you doing, dude?
Take a seat.

Hey, J.T.
Hey, what's happening,

How are you?
Change of climate.

What's it gonna be?

Black Jack.
Virgin Colada.

You look so relaxed.

Nothing ever changes, J.T.

Well, that's not true.
We just got a new singer.

You'll never notice
the difference.

Hey, dude.

You going to stick around?
Yeah, I'll be here.

Sonny and Rico
at the same bar.

How lucky can a girl get?

Hey, Laura.

You guys got married
since I last saw you,
or can I still get a dance?

Rico would love to dance
with you, wouldn't you, Rico?

Come on.

Be a nice guy.
Yeah, right.

Let's dance.
Yeah, I know.

# Let's get it on #

# You're built like a car #

# You got a hubcap
diamond star halo #

# You're built like a truck #

# Oh, my #

# Well
you're'an untamed youth #

# That's the truth with
your cloak full of eagles #

# You're dirty, sweet
and you're my girl #

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

What's with those guys?

Things have been
pretty icy since
Rainy and Davenport got hit.

Terrible about that.


# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

# You got the blues
in your shoes
and your stockings #

Renicker, isn't it?

Crockett, how you doing?

Crockett here's with Metro,

Used to be a hotshot
in Robbery.

# You're dirty, sweet
and you're my girl #

You want a drink?

No. Sorry to hear about
Rainy and Lockhart.

Good men.

The best.

Tell me about them.

Tell you what?

Like where did they
get the juice to run up...

their credit cards
to the max every month...

and never miss a payment?

What're you saying?

Calling Rainy
and Lockhart dirty...

is like calling
all of us dirty.

That's right.

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

You're right, Crockett,
nothing ever changes.

# Get it on, bang a gong #

You're out of line,

They're dead.
Leave them be!

Them I'll leave alone,
but you guys
got a score to settle.

# Get it on, bang a gong #

# Get it on #

# Get it on ##

Be cool.

You couldn't even wait
till I finished my dance.

Those guys are dirty, Tubbs.

They're into the same things
that Rainy and Lockhart
were into.

Is that a hunch?
I can smell it.

Crockett's trouble.

Look, he's got nothing.

We hit on drug dealers,
that's all.
And they can't talk.

They did more than just talk.
Just relax!

What about Crockett?

If he's smart,
he'll let it go.

And if he doesn't?

Well, then he goes with them.

Orfil Rivera's in jail
because of you, Davillo.

You make trouble for us all
by bringing this
on the street.

I know you lost some money--
They came in my home.

These are cops.
They took my son!

nobody touches my family.

You gave them the money,
they brought him back,
that's business.

What do you want?
We all have families.

I put family first.

I'm not a whore like you,

Come on.

You're a fool, Davillo!

Watch me.

I'm going to show you
how to live like a man.

Come on.

It's all right. Let's go.

There is a man
by the name of
Ramon Morandez...

who says he would like to
meet with you.

But only if
his Orisha approves.

How soon can you
arrange a meeting?

Martin, I still think
this is unwise.

The natural order
in the streets
has been disturbed.

I must do
what I can to restore it.

You will find
his babalochas here.



Thank you.

Hey, you, you're out
of your jurisdiction,
you're out of your league...

and you don't live
in the neighborhood,
so keep it moving!


My Orisha tells me
you are a man of power.

A man I could trust.

Victor Davillo
killed the policemen.

He has caused
everyone trouble.

I would take him out myself,
but it would mean a war.

If you arrested him...

it would be like
rain to a farmer.

A natural hazard
his people would understand.

I want to know
why he killed them.

They kidnapped his son.


Money, what else?

For six or seven months,
the South Beach detectives
have been making trouble.

Most of us look at it
as the price we pay
to do business.

So many officials
are being paid now,
as we both know.

But Davillo wouldn't pay.

So they beat him
in front of his wife
and took his son.

What happened to the boy?

He was returned
for $100,000.

They never should have
touched the son.

That's it?

I give you my help,
you offer nothing in return?
Not a word?

Not your hand?

I'm only doing
what you're afraid to do.

One day I'll bury you, too.

Blakeney and Solen are dirty.

So when do we move on them?

Internal Affairs
is handling that.

We have to bring in Davillo.

We got enough to storm
Davillo's house?

We got to take him
on the street.

Storm the house?
What, are you John Wayne?

So we're just going to
sit there until he decides
to take a walk.


I took care of your car.




We're all clear up here.

Thank you.

Great country,
isn't it, Rico?

I mean, what more
could a guy ask for?

A glamorous gig...

great people to work with...

tropical sun.

And a partner
with a Ferrari jones?

All right, I'll admit it,
I've been a tad distracted.

Not to mention,
bitter, caustic, and angry.

But who'd want to work
with a partner that wasn't
a little bit sentimental?

I mean, if they called you
back to New York...

I'd feel exactly
the same way about you.

Well, the difference
would be negligible.

Got you. Worthless bums.

Excuse me, lady.

You have some nerve.


what're you talking about?

I am talking about
what I paid for
electric last month...

and getting my money's worth.

Not watching you bums...

sit and loaf all day.

Honey. Honey, I think
there's been a little mistake.

Which you are gonna pay for...

when I show these pictures
to your boss.

And don't honey me.

Tubbs, we got a four-by-four
coming around the corner
on your right.

This minute, get out.
I want you to get out.
We're on.

Holy Moses! Hey, get going!

Throw down your guns!

All clear.

I don't believe this guy
is still alive.

Be cool, man.

Hey, Manny, open the door.

Hey! Manny, come here.


No, I'm sorry.
We're closed.

We're closed for the weekend.
You! Hey, come back here.

Hey, read them and weep,
What's this?

You get the red tape,
I get the black car.

No, I'm sorry.
I'll have to read those
after the weekend.

Hey, mang, this is no longer
a simple matter
of department policy.

Count Moreno has
become personally involved.

And I've called upon
my extensive network
of political influence...

to provide Det. Crockett here
with release forms,
insurance waivers...

bill of sale,
birth certificates.

Not to mention
the wildlife license.

Is that a threat?
Are you threatening me
with that thing with teeth?

It could be arranged.

Now that you mention it,
I'm sure your papers
are in order.

Right there, man.
Just sign right there.

And, let's see, and there.

That's right. And there.
No, you've got to sign
three or four copies here...

wait a second.
I need a copy
for my own records.

I'll just initial them, okay?
That's fine.

There you go.
I need my pen back,

Don't steal my pen.

We're even, Izz.
It's cool, man.

Hey, listen, what're we
going to do when he finds out
the papers are phony?

He'll survive.
Besides, Castillo already
mailed the real ones.

These people respect me.