Miami Vice (1984–1989): Season 2, Episode 18 - The Fix - full transcript

After Crockett and Tubbs arrest a dealer, at the bail hearing the judge sets a low bail. Crockett is curious if there's something wrong with him. So he investigates. It seems the man has a ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Damn, these birds
are noisy.

Well, at least
they're not in a cage.

Sort of
a natural habitat.

Kind of like
an alligator
on a sailboat.

Here comes Ortega.

You got your man?

Yeah. We got him.
He's starting to move.

What's that twerp Berlioz
doing here?
I don't know.

Going to jail
with everybody else.

Come on. We made a deal.
Come on, man.

Give me the money.
I don't have all day.

Okay, girls,
get ready.

They're gonna
pass the cash.

Everybody move! It's a hit!

What are you, crazy?
What are you doing?

No, no, no.
Don't shoot. Don't shoot.

Where are you going?
You got a date?

Don't shoot.
Don't move.

Get Ortega.


Ortega, you're a woman!

You know I like the races.

Yeah, still, you ought to
try reading the front page
every once in a while.


You're missing
a lot of
interesting stories.

Like the one about
a woman named Ortega.
You read about that?

I guess not.

Vice picked her up
a while back. Drug charges,
big investigation.

Excuse me. I'm here
to watch the races.

Ortega's probably got
a lot of money.

Lots of contacts.

Seems to me
she might just walk.

Oh! It's almost post time.

Aren't you gonna wait
for the race?

# Gambler #

# Gambler #

# Gambler #

# Gambler #

# Gambler #

# Gambler #

# Gambler #

# Gambler ##

In addition
to the present case...

we have strong reason
to believe
that the defendant...

is involved in at least
three other drug-related

and, subsequently, is an
extreme danger
to the community.

Thank you. You may step down.


Your Honor...

given the above
and the fact
that the defendant...

is still the citizen
of a foreign state,
she is a serious flee risk.

State accordingly asks bond
be set at $2 million.

Your position, Mr. Benedict?

Judge Ferguson...

not only is my client eager
to come to court
and face these charges...

but she is presently
under severe emotional
and financial stress.

Her boyfriend....

Her fianc?...

has been hospitalized with
a back disorder...

and she herself
has only recently discovered
that she's pregnant.

At a time of such
intimate struggle...

we feel it would be
no less than cruel...

to separate her
from her anticipated family.

We, therefore,
respectfully request
a bond of $5,000.

She had on earrings
worth twice that much...

when we busted her.

We're all human here.

The bond is set at $7,000.

Is this a joke?

The court thanks
the detectives

for taking the time to come
and offer their thoughts.

Next case.

Am I crazy...

or is something wrong here?

Hey, forgive me, guys,
but I open my own practice
in two weeks.

This isn't my job.

I can't believe it.

I know. It's hard
to imagine anyone
would spend her time...

at the
County Clerk's

copying two years of files
and hand delivering them
to you.

It's all right here
in the computer.
Thanks anyway, Trudy.

At least
you're grateful.

I got three cases
staring me
right in the face here.

Ferguson set
nickel-and-dime bonds
on major dealers.

And ditto
from the boys
in Homicide.

Who'd you talk to?

They had two
open-and-shut cases.

Ferguson let one
fade into ROR...

and the other one
he just out-and-out

They even got
a nickname for him:
''Let'em-run'' Ferguson.

I don't get it, man.
I don't understand it.

This guy's
a success story.

He grew up
in a combat zone,
got a b-ball scholarship...

was an all-pro.

His kid, Matt Ferguson,
plays for the Sunblazers.


The man could've
run for mayor and won.

What happened to Ortega
today in court?

I think we got
a bad judge.


Yeah, he practically
offered Ortega a
chartered plane to Bogot?...

at the bond hearing.

I'll set up a meeting
with Justice.
Let us run it.

You got a lead?

Why don't we
check out Berlioz?

He's a punk, but at least
he was riding in the limo
with Ortega.

If you run into
a dead end, let me know
right away.

You got it.

What do I know?
Not too much.

I mean,
I'm looking
at a long stretch.

Maybe we can
do something
about that.

Like, eliminate it?


Depends on
what you know.

Normally, I do not
talk to cops without
my mouth in the room.

But in this case,
I can't do that.


Because I don't know
who he knows.



I'm taking you
at your word.

We got a deal?

We're talking
to a real hero.

There's this lawyer...

named Benedict...

who can get favors
from Ferguson at
the right amount of cash.

With an emphasis on "amount."

Well, how long has
this been going on?
A while.

Benedict know you?

Just by reputation.

If you had cash, do
you think he'd
take you as a client?

He took an oath.


Defending the rights
of the common man.
It's his job.

Yeah, yeah.

You're a hero.
We're going to
be back at you.

Hey, don't
take too long.
My tan's fading.

Sure got
a nice tan, man.

I don't like saying it,
but Berlioz
sounds right to me.

Man, it's a damn shame
when a guy like Ferguson
goes bad.

I mean, it decisively erodes
that little bit of faith
you have left in the system.

Hey, come on, man.
Me and you,
we're still cool, right?

How about a pi?a colada
to restore your faith?

How about
a basketball game?

Ah, Rico, there's something
about college sports...

that never
gets out of your system.
Yeah, check it out.

Come up here.

You ever get
a standing ovation?

Not since
I got rid of
my water bed.

Ferguson! Ferguson! Ferguson!

Who's that?

A new player.

# On jealous lands,
we walk in line #

# The calm but steady flow #

# Accompanied by
loud commands #

# Our strength
is running low #

# Another who feeds
another dream #

# Another truth
is gone by the machine #

# A secret wish #

Let's go run a make
on that chump.

# Today comes true #

# What common sense denies ##

Hey, how you doing, Judge?

Hey, want some fruit?
Drink? Anything?

What've you got for me?

It's all there.
Yeah, I'm sure.

How much you got
on the basketball game?

Doesn't make any difference.
I'm keeping up on my payments.

The difference is
I'm worrying about you,

Now, this is only
the interest
that you owe me.

Have you figured out
how you're going to
pay off the principal?

Not exactly.

Yeah, well, I've been
doing a little thinking.

You know, your son
is a hell of a ballplayer.

And he's put himself in
a very advantageous position
with these playoffs.

What do you mean by that?

Miami loses, I stand
to make some money and...

you get closer
to settling our score.

Forget it.

I go to all the trouble to
think of a way to help you and
you say to me, "Forget it"?

I can't do that.

Why can't I just
keep up my payments?

'Cause I'm losing
my patience with you!

Now don't make me feel
like a jerk because
I've been good to you!

I'm not a jerk!

I know.


Take your time. Figure out
something to say
to your son.

You got two days.

Come on, man. For once
in your lifetime, you have
a shot at breaking even.

We've been authorized
to bug Benedict's office.

And what about the cash
for Berlioz?
It's been taken care of.

Coordinate yourself
with Switek.

Where do we stand
with Ferguson?

He left with some guy at
the basketball game.

I know that Ferguson
is on the take.

But I got a feeling
it's not just for
a fee-for-service operation.

Then don't let the feeling
get in the way.

Yes, sir.

Hi. Bye.

Wait, I want to talk to you.
Look, I'll call you
after practice.

This is more important
than practice.

Whatever you say, Dad.
You sure it can't wait?

Judge Ferguson.

Any chance we can sneak you in
as a ringer for the playoffs?

I doubt it.

Look, I got to talk to--
Hey, hey, listen.

Just go ahead.
I'll talk to you later.

You sure?
Yeah. Go ahead.

Quit dogging it, man.

Phone company.
What's wrong now?

Just have to check
some ringer equivalencies
on your equipment.

Will this take long?


Here comes Benedict.

Benedict's on his way up.


Tell Trudy
to wrap it up.

Benedict is on his way up.

She's out.

We're on.
We're on?

Okay. Now,
don't get funny.

And stop sweating.
You're gonna make
him suspicious.

Hey, I'm
putting my life
on the line here.

Benedict's probably got
half a dozen names
in Accounts Receivable...

who would just love
to take care of me
if this don't work out.

Well, then
make sure it does.

Okay, sweetheart?

Guy belongs
in a zoo,
doesn't he?

How about
a taxidermist?

All right,
I'll call you back.
All right.

So, you're an associate
of Ortega's?

Associate? Hey, that's
a really good word,

I really liked
what you did
for my associate...

and I was wondering
if you could perform
a similar service for me.

So, you'd like me
to defend you?

I would like
to stay out of jail.

I'm afraid
I'm all booked up
right now.

You made room for Ortega.

She was a special case.

What does it take
to become
a special case?

How you doing, Jeff?

The kid is
looking great.

Good luck Friday.
Thank you.

Dad, I'll be just a minute.

# Justify #

# I won't even try #

# Clarify #

# I can't even lie to myself #

# I've lied to everyone else #

# The water's too deep #

# The water's so deep #

# find no peace #

# With the secret
that I keep #

# I'm sinking down #

# Oh, I feel I'm gonna drown #

# The water's so deep #

# The water's too deep #

# The water's so deep #

# The water's too deep ##

How was practice?
All right.

You know,
train hard, fight easy.

Well, what are we going
to talk about, Dad?

Matt, you know I've always
tried to take care of you
and your mother.

I just haven't been
doing it lately.
What are you saying?

What I'm trying to say here,
son, is I'm in trouble...

and I need your help.

Well, you got it, Dad.
Just let me know what--

I know how hard
you've worked...

practiced, and sacrificed
to get to where you are.

I've done
the same thing myself.

Son, I know it's going to be
hard for you to hear
what I have to say.

I'm no kid. Just say it.

I've lost a lot
of money gambling.

And to pay it off,
I've had to borrow money
from a criminal.

He wants his money back.

How can I help?

Friday night's game.

The man owns me.

I can't believe
this is happening.

I'm sorry.

Why? Why did you gamble?

I don't know.
You don't know?

How much did you lose?
A lot. It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter?
It matters.

You're asking me
to turn my life
upside down.

I'm sorry.

I'll make it up to you.

What you going to do,
reschedule the playoffs?

Hey! Are you going to
do this for me or what?

Hey, wait! Wait!
I'm sorry. I didn't
mean that. Come back.

So this chump is the muscle
behind a shark named Pagone.

Busy job.

bookmaking, prostitution.

Think maybe he's got
a passbook with
Ferguson's name in it?

Could explain
a lot of things.

But not the personal
attention. Something
special's going on here.

Lieutenant's getting
the go-ahead to bug
Ferguson right now.

What do you want me
to do with him?

He's served
his purpose.
Kick him.

Too many questions.
Let's get
Some answers.

In the morning.

Join the world,

Go get a drink
of water.


It's always nice getting
a constructive comment...

when you're having
a bad day, huh?

Something I can
do for you?

We need
to talk to you.
About what?

Your father.

Who are you?

We want
to help you, Matt.

Listen, we're on
your father's side.

But we really
got to know
what's going on.

No, I'm on his side.

Look, I don't know you...

and I don't want
to talk to you.


Me and my father
can take care of this

Sorry, guys,
this is a closed

That's a brave,
brave kid, huh?

It ain't enough.

Well, I guess
you should know, Wally--
There's eggs Benedict.


Good. Let's eat.

Your Honor.
What are you doing here?

I thought you could use
a little good news.
I don't want you in my house.

Well, I didn't
come here
to camp out.

you want me to talk
out here?

I'm here about
a little piece
of business.

You and I
are out of business.

Guy's name is Hector Berlioz.
Vice bagged him
along with Ortega.

You didn't hear me.
We are out of business.

I think I can get $5,000
out of this guy.
I mean it, Benedict.

It's over.
You, this job...

this system.

I'm just not gonna
do it anymore.

I can't believe it.

I guess somebody's
gotta call in.

Yeah, go ahead.


No, it's your turn.

Look it, I know how hard
it is to think straight
when you're broke.

Get out.

It's a nice place.
Hate to see it
in foreclosure.

Thanks for dropping by.

I'll be talking to you.

Was that the man?


Look, Dad...

I thought about
what you asked me.
I'm sorry I got mad.

Yeah, well....

The playoffs
mean a lot to me.

And I got mad
because I felt trapped
into throwing away...

something I worked
real hard for.

Then I realized...

I wouldn't have anything
to throw away
if it hadn't been for you.


I can't play poorly.

But, I was thinking...

maybe I could
sit out the game...

if that would help.

I'll make it up
to you, Matt. I promise.

Knowing what the answers
are doesn't make it
any easier, does it?

In this job, you're lucky
if they don't make it
any harder.


Good news, I hope, huh?
It's taken care of.

He'll sit out the game.
No. No. No.

That's not
what I asked for.
That's the best I can do.

Look, do you think
that I'm interested
in the best that you can do?

You think that the people
that I deal with...

give a damn about
the best that you can do?

Matt says
there's already
a couple of guys...

out on the team.
They don't have a chance.

You tell your son that
I don't want to hear his ideas
about the game, either.

Now, look...

that team is gonna lose
because he's going
to make it lose.

I can't make him
do that.

Well, you better
try real hard
to convince him...

because if you don't,
Marco and I will
and he's not gonna like that.

He's not gonna
like that at all.

Now, the game's
tomorrow night, Judge.

I can't wait to watch it.

Judge Ferguson...

I'm Sonny Crockett.

I'm a Vice detective.

From the Ortega case.

Mind if I sit down?

You here to arrest me?

No, sir.
Just to talk.

And I'd just as soon
leave my badge out
of the conversation.

I don't got
that much to say.

We picked up Benedict.

Had to happen
sooner or later.

Did you ever spend
much time
in this neighborhood?

Yeah. A little.

You know, when you start
in a place like this...

it feels like
you haven't got a chance.

It's not even worth trying.

It's easy to be bad out there.

What you've been
doing is wrong...

but that doesn't
make you bad.

I've had
plenty of chances
to slip...

and I promised myself
I wouldn't do that...

because I'm too good for that.

You pulled
yourself out before.

You can do it again.
What are you doing here?

What do you want?

I don't know.

Maybe it's because
I have a son.

I used to play
a little ball.
I wasn't all-pro...

but I was
a decent ballplayer.

Maybe it's just because
I've seen a lot of people
in trouble.

Most of them
deserve it...

but a handful could get
back on their feet
with a little help.

Well, I'm not one of them.

Judge, I don't think
the verdict is in
on that one yet.

You can help yourself.

Think about
giving us Pagone.


That's how I got in trouble.

Always looking to make a deal
instead of facing my problems.

No, I'm going to have
to judge myself this time.

I'll look into it,
just the same.

No harm done.

I wish I felt that way.

Ferguson, can you
take the phone?
It's your father.




How you feeling?

I don't know.
Not too good, Dad.

Feel better.
I got everything worked out.


Everything's taken care of.


Hey, Matt,
you know
I'm a clutch player.

So, what do I do?

You go out there,
play the best game
of your life.

All right.
I'll be looking
for you.

You know I love you, Matt.
Yeah, me too, Pops.

What would you say
if I told you
I could get...

Ferguson to roll
all the way over
on Pagone?

Okay, what if I said
it was a personal favor
to me?



Yeah, I'll talk to you
in the morning.

Strike out
with the prosecutor?

I took a shot.

I'm surprised
he didn't hang up.

I'll take you up
on that drink now, Rico.

Yeah, Crockett.

Ferguson just told his son
he can play to win tonight.

He said everything was
worked out all right, and
he just took off in his car.

Which way was he headed?

To the marina.


Go to the ballgame,
stick with the kid.
Hey, what's going on, man?

You want to
come back during
business hours, Judge?

You're kidding.


How much longer
are we gonna
watch the game?


How did you get in here?
To settle my debt.

Ferguson! Ferguson!

Ferguson! Ferguson!


don't do this, man.


You've got a family.

I'm breaking even, Crockett.

I'm finally breaking even.

Ferguson! Ferguson!


Please, don't.

Resync By Chuck :D