Meteor Garden (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 35 - Episode #1.35 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Shancai, why are you here?

Aren't you off today?

I just happened to pass by.

I'm telling you.

There are so many orders today.

I can't handle it on my own.

Our boss went out earlier.

Do you still have a hangover?

Come and help me for a while.

Okay, sure.

Go get changed.



No matter what happens
to my family in the future,

don't disappear on your own again.

I'm happy that you and Daoming Si
are together.

And I'm even happier to hear
about how you feel.

I'm sorry.

Thank you...

for not giving up.


Why are you here?

I was waiting for you.

You just stood here and waited?

It seems you like to surprise people.

I'm sorry for doing this so suddenly.

It's all right.

What if I didn't come home?

Then I would have left.

Actually, I'm here to apologize to you.

Apologize to me?

I'm sorry about yesterday.

It's okay. I'm used to it.

If I worried about these things,
then I'd be really busy.

I thought you'd be mad.

It turns out you don't care.

I thought I already caught your attention.


Do you know

why I never dated any girls
in Mingde University?

Because they're too close.
So it'd be too irritating for you?

That's right. You're very smart.

You're Shancai's friend.
Shancai is my good friend's girlfriend.

That means you're even
more irritating than Mingde's girls.

Sorry to be so blunt.

However, I think we'd be good as friends,
don't you think?

It's getting late.

You should go home.
It might be dangerous later.

I want it all.

Last time, you said we can go on dates,
kiss and hug, right?

You have to keep your word.


When did you become so bold?

You're brave enough to say these things.

You weren't like that before.

If I don't learn to say these things,

how can I like someone like you?

-Arrange your schedule then let me know.

Sorry to disturb you today.
I'll leave now. Bye.

Don't you have anything better to do?

Welcome home. Shanghai welcomes you.

Hey. Bottoms up.

-I agree.

I just got back
and you're treating me like this.

Why didn't you let us see you off?

I felt so guilty all these months.

One or two days in a few months
is more like it.

One day.

Why are you taking turns
with Si to play cool?

You feel like you're the only cool one.

Playing it cool? I was born cool.

Yes, you're the coolest.

-The coolest ever.

Are you as cool as me?


How's your family situation?
Do you need any help?

It's fine.

They told me to just study hard
and not to worry.

So, are you willing
to come back to us now?

I never left.

You never left?

Then drink some more.

-Pour more.

Full glass.

-Fill it up.
-Finish it all.

-That's fine.
-That's enough.

Drink it.

Two seconds. Countdown.



You took too long.

One more.

Then let's toast to our friendship.

Okay. Here.

-Come on. Cheers.


Do you know?

If you don't, then ask me.

I don't know but I don't want to ask you.

Why don't you have any curiosity
towards your friend?

I really don't.

I don't care.

Ask me.

Ask me how I'm doing lately.

-You're doing great.
-Who told you that?

-Aren't you doing great?
-I'm doing great.

All right.

He played me.


Just do what he wants,

or else he'll make a fuss all night.

We all won't be able to sleep.

Si, I told Lei as soon as it happened.

Not just Ximen and Meizuo,
even Xiaozi told me about it.

Three people. Three versions.

I don't care.

My version is the original one.

And I want to tell you myself.

All right.

Si, how are you and Shancai?

Shancai and I are officially together.

All right.

We're together now.

That's great!



This is great. F4 is now back to normal.

I'm so moved.

Cut the crap. Let's make a toast!

Let's toast to Si officially being taken.
What do you think?

Not bad.

Come on. Cheers.



When did you come back to Shanghai?

How's your family situation?

How are you?

Why are you here?



Because I want to come here.

Why are you here?

The same reason as you.

It's so good to have you back.

What are your plans?

To continue preparing for the recital.


That's great.
I'd love to hear you play the violin.

Is that so?



You and Si are officially together, right?

I think it's a very good start.


It just turned out this way.

Actually, I have mixed feelings about it.

I'm a little happy and a little sad.

On one hand, I hope things
between you and Si go smoothly.

On the other hand, you're special to me.


To put it bluntly,

you're like my pet.


Never mind.

What do I expect you to say?

You should be happy.

We all should be happy.

You're my good friend's girlfriend.

This way,

we can be friends forever.

I'll go to practice now.


You know I liked you before, right?

Goodbye, Shancai.

I was able to easily blurt out something
I've had a hard time saying before.

I'm happy when I heard Lei say,
"friends forever."

My first love has ended.

This is the moment when love
became friendship.



How are you lately, Master Ximen?

I'm all right. Still the same as before.

I guess so.

Since your dad retired,

you've been hosting
the tea ceremonies on your own.

That's so great. Unlike me.

What's the matter?

You've always participated
in the exhibits, right?

I only participated.

I wasn't responsible for a whole project.

I just needed to take care of my part.

It's different now.

Whether it's a major or a minor thing,

I have to put in a lot of effort in them.

And there are so many details
to take care of.

I'm so stressed out.

You're a detailed person,
so you wouldn't have a problem.

I don't even have time for dates.

I have to go after finishing my drink.

What do you plan to do with Xiaoyou?

What can I do?

I think she's quite courageous,

but you won't do anything to her, right?

Am I crazy?

I'm not as brave as Si.
I don't want to get Shancai's flying kick.

Girls are like drinks at a bar.

Compared to the strong ones,

the fruity ones are easy to drink,
but we'd end up with a terrible hangover.

You've had a variety of drinks.

What kind of drink is Xiaoyou?

Harsh words don't seem to be effective.

I know she's forcing herself.

But she keeps going forward
and chasing after me.

Never hitting the brakes
even when she's speeding.

This girl is really devoted. Be careful.

You don't have to worry at all.

I'm not the least bit interested
in that kind of girl.

Is that so?

I think you've become warmhearted.

You see even fewer women now.

Meizuo, don't you have a date?

I should go.

It's hard to date older women.

You're always on call
and under strict supervision.

That's why dating is so much fun.

Age and love are not something
to worry about.

Meizuo, do you still like Caina?

She's a goddess, indeed.
You can worship her if you want.

But don't forget the ordinary humans
around you.


True love requires responsibility.

When it's necessary,
you have to make sacrifices

for that person's future.

In the 20 years I've known you,

this is the first time you've used
the word, "sacrifice."

Caina is really incredible.

She taught you about sacrifice.

I have to go now.

Hey, handsome. It's boring to drink alone.

Do you want to have drinks together?

Sorry. I can't today. Maybe next time.


I wonder what he's doing now.

I want to see him but I can't.

It was better when we weren't
officially dating.


What am I doing?
Why am I thinking about nonsense again?



Hello? Shancai.

Hello? Shancai.
Why aren't you saying anything?

-Who is it?
-What's the matter?

I'm going there now.

The thief didn't succeed tonight.
He might strike again.

If there's anything suspicious,
call the police immediately.

Of course, we'll tighten
our security around the area too.

Please lock your doors.

Call the police.

Call the police if anything happens.

Where's my phone?

My phone.

What's happening? Is the thief back?

He's so smug.

All right.

I'll punish him. I'll destroy him.


Why are you so violent?

Daoming Si?

Are you thinking clearly now?

It's the middle of the night.

Why are you here?

Silly girl. You had me worried.

If I catch that thief,
I'd surely cut him in half.

It's a good thing you're here.

I feel safe now.

I'll find you a nice place.

Don't stay in such a dangerous
area anymore.

There's no need.

Even though it's nothing great,

but it's my house.

I want to live here no matter what.

Thank you, Daoming Si.

Who lives next to you?

Nobody, it's empty.

Don't worry.

Do you want to stay at my house tonight?

There's no need. I'll just stay here.

Okay. I'll stay with you then.


You can't sleep here. Go home.

Why? It's not like
we haven't done this before.

No. Go home.

Go home and sleep there.

Are you sure?

-Go home.
-I'm worried about you.

I'll be fine.

-Don't worry.
-Are you sure?

-I'm sure.
-Lock the door.

Okay. All right.

What are you planning to do?

If the thief comes again,
wouldn't it be dangerous?

What did Daoming Si say?
He must be really worried.



He asked me to go with him
and sleep at his house.

But how can I do that?

Why not? He's your boyfriend.

That is true,


Let me ask you something.
Have you done it with Daoming Si?

-Done what?
-Have sex.

Xiaoyou, what are you saying?

You haven't?

I thought liking someone means
giving him everything you can, right?

I think it's a natural thing.


This topic is too much for me.
I can't take it.

Shancai, you're the innocent type.
I'm not.

How can you not be that type?

I'm different now.

I'm not the old Jiang Xiaoyou anymore.

Now, I'm full of fighting spirit.


I'm very scared of your fighting spirit.

What did Ximen do to you?


Do you want to come over?


Shancai, something came up. I have to go.

If our boss asks, just tell her I'm off.

Why so sudden?

-Okay, go. I'll take care of this.


Do you think this lipstick color suits me?

I think this suits you better.

Okay. I'll use the Coral Fauve color then.

This lipstick brand
is very popular lately.

Do I look strange?

Not really.

-Shancai, let's talk next time.

I'll get going. Bye.


Isn't the weather really nice today?
Even the air smells sweet.

I really like it.

I'm so happy today.

Hey, Xiaoyou.

Don't you want to get changed first?

That's right.

Is it because of the lipstick?

I think Xiaoyou seems really happy
and pretty today.

The air around her
seems to be a light pink hue.

It seems like she's floating.

Si has a bad temper and can be rash.

But he's all right.

Shancai is the same.

Maybe Shancai can only date Si.

That's right. They really suit each other.

We've only been talking
about Si and Shancai.

Shouldn't we talk about us?

All right.

How's the milk tea shop doing?

Not bad.

Do you have any new drinks lately?

Yes, it's called...

It's called...

It's fine.

I'll just go and try it some time.

Miss, "You're Most Beautiful Tonight."

That's the name of this dessert.
This gentleman ordered it for you.

Don't hesitate.

Open it.


Does it mean "Our feelings are so true"?


That's my room number.

That's strange.
I thought nobody's staying next door.

Did someone move in?

He's so clumsy.

The key is still in the door.

Hello. Is anybody home?

I'm Dong Shancai from next door.

You left your key in the door.

Is anybody home?

I didn't forget it.

I left it especially for you.

Why are you here?

I rented this place.


You're staying next door?

I'm on a secret mission.

-I need an empty house.

I'm protecting a very precious little pig.

She might be attacked anytime.

I have to protect her in secret.

Who's a pig?

I didn't say it was you.
Why are you so mad?

There are so many empty houses.

Why are you renting the one next door?

The location is good.
It's very convenient.

If your family finds out,
then will the mission fail?

Don't worry.

The landlady won't speak a word.

How come?

Did you stuff her mouth with cloth?

You're really a very stupid pig.

I have my ways.

Money. I'm sure you used money.

You're exactly the type.

Or did you threaten her?

Can you let me finish first?


Your boyfriend is so handsome.

She fell for my charms, of course.

That's why she rented the house to me.

So? Do you feel proud?

This handsome guy
is not just your boyfriend.

He's even your neighbor now.

Why are you renting such a small house?

If I'm a very stupid pig,
you're the stupidest pig ever!

Are you crazy?

Don't rent the place anymore.

When the stupid pig encounters danger,
I have to be there right away.

Don't you get it?

Of course I know
that you're worried about me.

That's why you rented the place next door.

But this type of move is too shocking.

Why are you staring at me?

Your boyfriend is really handsome, right?

You and your landlady
seem to have similar tastes.

Would you like a drink?

Do you need a shower first?


I wonder if Daoming Si
is already sleeping.

The ceiling's so low.

There's a damp smell in here.

How can it be comfortable to stay here?

So Shancai grew up
in this kind of environment.

So now we're the same.

I'm also breathing the air
Shancai's breathing.

All the challenges we faced
didn't break us apart,

but pulled us closer instead.

Do people really place more value

on a love that was once lost
then found again?

Should I go to Shancai's place now?

Never mind. It's already late.

She'll get the wrong idea again.

She'll think I want to do
something with her.

Actually, I really do.

I thought I had to force myself
to enter his world.

I never thought he'd be willing
to come into my world.

I'm so touched.

I want to go there now and tell him that.


if I really knocked on his door,

will he think that I'm a very easy girl?

Don't force yourself.

You're not that type of girl.

I'm not interested in a girl
that's shaking all over.

Treasure yourself.

I treasure...

I treasure my feelings for you,
that's why I came here with you.

As long as it makes you happy,

I'm willing to do anything.

It's normal to be nervous the first time.

Please don't mind it.

I won't be nervous again next time.


Please give me some time
and have patience.

I originally just wanted to scare you.

I never thought
you'd be willing to go through it.

You're not the Xiaoyou I know at all.

But why can't people
who like each other be together?

Xiaoyou, are you sure you want to do this?

I can go through with it.

And then what?

But I'll surely regret it
if I don't follow my heart.

There's always regret in love.

So you also had regrets in love?

That's none of your business.

Asking about other people's privacy
is very impolite.

I've already paid for the room.

You can stay to watch the view or leave.

It's up to you.


Why can't people
who like each other be together?

Why can't people
who like each other be together?

Why can't people
who like each other be together?

Subtitle translation by Coleen Chua