Meteor Garden (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Episode #1.10 - full transcript

A heated game of bridge pits Shancai and Lei against Ah Si and Meizuo, but Ah Si forfeits at the last minute. Shancai's dad makes a bold career move.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Among these cards,
which has the highest value?

Ace of Diamonds.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.


Jack of Hearts.


King of Clubs.



Queen of Spades.

Am I wrong again?

No, but you're too slow.

Hey, it's quite amazing
that I didn't make a mistake, okay?

I'll do better.

Since you already know the basics,

the biggest problem now

is that you always expose
the cards you have.

No way.

You have a lot of spades.

Am I right?

You're insanely good at this.

Try to bluff and see if you can fool me.

If you can do that,
then we stand a chance.

All right.

Do you like studying at Mingde University?


The people here are really amazing.

You don't like it here.

That doesn't count. You already know that.

Do you like Si?

Of course not.

I asked you to fool me.

If you don't like him,
you should have said that you do.

I couldn't make myself say that.

Then do you like me?


That seems like the truth.

That's not true.

I was just kidding.

Who asks questions like that?

How can I answer that?

Only you can't.

Then do you like Jing?


I shouldn't have asked that question.

If I say I'm already over her,
would you believe me?

Do you want me to stay here?


Then I'll do my best to stay,

so that I can do everything
to protect you.

If Shancai leaves Mingde,

I'll leave F4.

Do you know what you're saying?

Although it's cool to be a part of F4,

if you bully Shancai, you're my enemy.

Qinghe, you're not that important.

And Shancai doesn't even like you.

That doesn't matter.

I like Shancai.

If I expect the person I like
to like me as well,

that's not manly at all.

Daoming Si.

If you like Shancai,
you have to treat her nicely.

Even if Shancai doesn't like you,

it should be enough for you
to see her happy,

isn't it?

Qinghe, I suddenly realized
that you have the potential to join F4.

What you just said is very manly.

Start practicing how to play Bridge.

This way, if F4 really loses a member,

at least we can have a full team
in competitions.

From the very first day
I entered Mingde University,

I heard about all sorts of bets made
when playing against F4.

I never imagined

I'd receive a joker card
to fight Daoming Si

with Huaze Lei on my side
during my freshman year.

Who do you think will win?

Daoming Si, of course.

Shancai doesn't know how to play Bridge.

Even if Huaze Lei is amazing at it,
she'll be useless.


Do your best. I hope you'll win.



Did you sleep well last night?

I'm so nervous.
I didn't sleep well at all.

Don't be scared.

Actually, I slept really well.
I fooled you, right?

Yes, you did.
You can make it on your own now.

Then do we stand a chance now?

My gosh!

-Why are they holding hands?


Welcome to the Bridge Room and to
the two-on-two competition against the F4.

Did Huaze Lei explain the rules to you?


Do you plan to hold hands
while playing Bridge?

Si will play with Meizuo,
and Shancai with Lei.

The two teams will take turns dealing.

Six tricks will be added
to the card they have called.

Win the number you bid or more,
and you win the game. Otherwise, you lose.

Are we clear?


Please have a seat.

You know what's at stake, right?

Don't we all?

What's at stake here?

Shancai, tell them.

What's at stake

is that if I win,

you have to forgive me.

Is it that important to you?


From what I can see,

you just want to be free from guilt
when you're in a relationship with Lei.


Then I definitely refuse to lose.

What if I win?

Then I won't see Shancai again.

You said that on your own accord.

Yes, I did.

But I might not lose.



All right. Let the competition begin.

Please check your cards.

Shancai, you can call your card first.

One of Hearts.

One of Spades.

Three of Hearts.


Huaze Lei is calling
the same Hearts suit as me?

I don't have any Hearts cards.

I just bluffed it initially.

Four of Clubs.

Daoming Si is calling four of Clubs now.

If I want to continue calling,
I have to go with four too.

That means I should at least
win ten tricks in order to win.

I only have three Clubs cards.

If Huaze Lei also has them...

The trump suit is Clubs.

Huaze Lei, please proceed.

Shancai, Lei made a mistake.

He thinks that you have the ace of Hearts.

That's why he played the Hearts suit.

He wants you to win the first trick.

Actually, the ace of Hearts is with me.

It looks like your plan
is not going to work.

Shancai has no Hearts. The trump suit,
two of Clubs, wins the first trick.

Shancai, you did great.

I never thought the innocent Shancai
would cheat.

Even if Shancai cheats, she's still cute.

Unlike others who tell the truth,
but always hurts people.

A liar is more despicable, of course.

Aren't you like that?

Please note that this is a Bridge game.

Refrain from verbal attacks.

Shancai, the winner continues playing.

Shancai's ace of Diamonds beats you all.

-She wins the second trick.
-Shancai, you're doing great.

Huaze Lei taught me well.

She's a quick study.

Please continue.

I won't let you two win again.

Says who?

We might not lose.



The "we" that you and Huaze Lei refer to

will soon disappear
from Mingde University.

Why are they still not out?

We finished the Big and Small game
in ten minutes.

Qinghe, Shancai and Daoming Si
are playing an official game of Bridge.

I know how to play that too.

If I play them,
I'm sure F4 would surrender immediately.

You silly boy.

F4 is the champion of countless
international Bridge competitions.

Whom do you think you're fooling?

Qinghe, I know that you
and Shancai are close.

But even so, you have to face reality.

I think it would be better for you
to pray that she gets a nice set of cards.

Xinhui, you're right.

God, please protect the innocent
and cute Shancai.

Don't let her be bullied
by the monster, Daoming Si.


You're bound to lose.

No one has the trump suit now.

And I'm now going to play
the Spade suit that you don't have.

You'll surely lose this round.

You didn't have the King of Spades?

Shancai's King of Spades
beats Si's Queen of Spades.

I thought we were bound to lose.

Shancai, you're bound to lose, all right.

Based on the cards played earlier,

we all should have Diamonds
left in our hands.

Si's card should be the highest among us.

My memory can't be wrong,

so you will lose this round.


Are we really going to lose?

Yes, that's the smile.

That's the priceless smile.

It gives me courage.

I'm not afraid anymore.

Hey! Play your card!


Are you sure you'll win?

We can't be too sure.

Maybe he doesn't have any Diamonds.

If so, then we win.

If we win,

the one who'll leave
Mingde University is Daoming Si.

In that case,

maybe our stakes are too high.

Because Si will surely win.

Which means, the ones leaving
Mingde University will be Lei and Shancai.

It's fine if we can't see Lei here.

We can go to his house.

If Shancai leaves,

there will be no Ms. Flying Kick
at Mingde.

That's fine.

Then the school will no longer
have girls from average--

Daoming Si. Are you playing or not?

You're not scared, are you?

Play your card.

I'll acknowledge it if I lose.

I'm not playing anymore! You guys suck.

You won.

We won?

Huaze Lei, we won.

Actually, we didn't win.

Why not?

Si couldn't beat my card.

That's why he got mad
he mixed the cards up.

What a sore loser.

Si's card was actually higher
than all of ours.


This was Si's card.

My memory cannot be wrong.

Nobody compares to Meizuo
in remembering cards.

Then he won.

Why did he stop playing?

What do you think?

Let's go. Ms. Zhuang is still waiting
to celebrate with us.

Come on.

To all our good times together.



I think we were able to settle
the matter today, right?

I hope so.

But Si isn't home yet.

I'm not sure where he went
after the competition.

He'll be fine.

Si used to quit in the middle
of playing Bridge before too.

I know my brother very well.

He's a self-centered, childish person.

It's my fault.
I didn't discipline him well.

Don't mind him.

Let's enjoy the food together.

Ms. Zhuang, we're not pigs.
We can't finish all of this.

You eat too little.

That's why you're so tall and skinny.
It's abnormal.

Shancai, eat up.

Don't act like a cow silently grazing.

How could I have an appetite?

I was so nervous, that my stomach hurts.

Nervous about what?

The stakes for the bet with Daoming Si.

From the day I entered Mingde University,

I heard all sorts of rumors
about F4 and Joker cards.

And it was my first time playing Bridge.

I was under so much pressure.

I see.

But Shancai,

those rumors were created by people
jealous of Si and the F4.

They challenged them but knew
they couldn't beat them,

and were too ashamed to admit it.

We can't help it.

So many people challenged us.

It was too much to handle.

If we didn't require a bet,

we'd need to play Bridge
with people daily.

We'd die from exhaustion.

They're all grown up.

They're not childish anymore.

That's a cause for celebration.

Come on. Cheers.


Ms. Zhuang,
every time you have a few drinks,

you become wild and carefree.

I can't believe that the kids
who wore open-crotch pants

and wet their beds

have now reached the age
when they're fighting over a girl.

That's really amazing.

The famous F4 wore open-crotch pants

and even wet their beds.

-I really can't imagine it.
-Shut up.

Ms. Zhuang, that's ancient history.

-Let's not mention that.
-What does it matter?

We've all been there.

Furthermore, Ximen and Meizuo would bite
each other's toes when they were young.

They were drooling
while biting each other.

They kept clamoring for their pacifiers.

And Lei...

When he was young, he stuck his head
in the toilet when he washed his hair.

It got stuck there
and we couldn't get it out.

Ms. Zhuang, that's enough.

Why do you have to remember those things?

I didn't mention the time
you guys wore my--



Look where you're going.


Are you deaf?

It's a pain talking to deaf people.
You're lucky I'm lazy.

What did you say?


I asked what you said.

I didn't...

You said "Lei"!

No, I said, "lazy."

You can't let me hear the word "Lei."


I'm Daoming Si.

How can I be sad because of a girl?


I'm not depressed. I'm...



What are you doing?

We're seeing whose memory is better.

Who can memorize more ex's phone numbers.


Isn't that Li's number?

She liked me first.

Shut up.

Hey, we shouldn't be
the only ones doing this.

Girls should participate too.

Shancai, tell us an ex-boyfriend's number.

Shancai doesn't have an ex-boyfriend.
You don't need to ask her.

Si's number

is 10881217039.

Oh, please.

Si is not Shancai's ex-boyfriend.

He liked her by himself.

Right, Shancai?

Why did you hit me again?


How far have you and Lei gone?

We went out on a date.

Shancai may seem like a buffalo

compared to the gorgeous Jing,

but Lei,

this is not what a normal guy would do.

Ms. Zhuang.

The most intimate they got
was probably at the airport

when Lei kissed Shancai's forehead.

You two are moving too slowly.

That's why Si had the chance
to get between you.

How about spending the night
together tonight,

just the two of you,

so that you can have
some quality time together?

What does that mean?

What are you planning to do?


I wanted to speak to Shancai alone anyway.

What did you want to speak to me about?

I'm not too sure either.

I just want to talk to you alone.

Do you want to suggest a topic
we can talk about?

How about

we talk about

our graduation trip?

We went to Chongming Island

for our graduation trip.

At night, we had pillow fights.

We also had a bonfire.

When I think about it now,

it's still a very special memory.

How about you? Where did you go?


I've never been--

Why are you staring at me?

You're so ugly.

Just kidding.

But when I look at you this way,
you're really ordinary

and plain.

You don't need to remind me, okay?

However, the way you looked
so serious during our game today

was mesmerizing.

I never understood
why Si likes you so much before,

but I finally understood today.


Actually, what?

I'm not sure how I feel about you.

Ximen said

it may be because I'm still hurt
about Jing,

and that I'm using you to forget her.



It's fine.

I understand.

I know how you feel about Jing.

I also know how special she is to you.

Why are you alone again?

I looked for you for so long,
my legs are tired.

From now on, don't hide
from us again, okay?

What are you drawing?

Is that me?

It really looks like me.
I like it so much.

When I was little, everyone mocked me
and said my drawings were ugly.

Except Jing.

Jing is a really special person.

I'm not sure if I can love
another person again.

Although I really like you,

I know it's not love.

It's fine.


Why are you apologizing to me?

If I didn't come back,
you could've been with Si.

You don't have to apologize to me.

Who would want to be with him?


if this hadn't happened,

I wouldn't have witnessed
the new person you are now.

The new person?

How am I different?

The old you

was very lazy.

And the way you spoke was so cold.

You seemed

very distant.

Like this.

"I'm not interested
in other people's problems."

You know,

every time you said

that other people's problems
were not your concern,

I felt really sad.

But you're completely different now.

I like the new person you are now.

I'm willing

to be your good friend forever.

Thank you for being so understanding.

I'm home.

Si, your sister, Shancai

and your best friends are having
a gathering in the dining room.

How dare they have a gathering here?

You're so close with my brother.

Why won't you teach him
how to get along with girls?

Ms. Zhuang, aside from you,

what other girls can get along with Si?

Ms. Zhuang, it isn't just the girls.

Even the guys.

Aside from us,
no one wants to play with him.

You're right.

We all inherited our mom's

bratty, difficult and
hard-to-get-along-with attitude.

As for Lei, even though
he's unpredictable,

he has become very patient with her

once he liked her.

No wonder we hear a "pow"

whenever Shancai sees Si.

It's like being in love with a time bomb.

Let my brother suffer a little.

Sometimes, being heartbroken
is not a bad thing.

I wonder what Shancai and Lei

are doing right now.

They should be doing what they need to do.


What does Si have to do
with what they're doing?


Si, why are you home so late?

Si, are you tired?

Do you want to go get some rest?

What were you talking about?

We don't have to hide this from him.

We have to tell him eventually.


Shancai and Lei
are in a bedroom right now.

If you're a real man,
you should be happy for them.

Why does it smell like gunpowder?

I even hear the trigger for a bomb
being engaged.

What do you think?
Is there anything you want to say?

I never thought that Lei
had his ways with women.

It's a good thing, isn't it?

That's great, Si.

-You're really over her.

You're doing great.

-You'll become a good man--
-Shut it!

I'm starving.

Get me something to eat.


Thank you for telling me those things
last night.


It's true, I still can't compare to you.

But it doesn't matter.

I'm Shancai, the weed.

Si, why are you up so early?


Do you remember when I took
Lei's favorite toy?

When was that?

When we first entered grade school.

I liked that autographed Spiderman

with the serial number.

If I had asked my dad,

he would've gotten it for me from the U.S.

As many as I wanted.

What are you holding?

Let me see.

Give it to me.

The more he treasured it,
the more I wanted it.

I know

that I made an unforgivable mistake.

You should've let go sooner!

It's all your fault.

But I just wouldn't admit it.

That night,

I couldn't sleep.

I thought that Lei would be mad
at me the next morning.

So I planned to get you two

and bully him the next day.

That's when I realized

that I'd never be able to beat him.

Nobody ever mentioned it again.

Maybe Lei had also forgotten about it.

But I still feel

that I owe him somehow.

I think...

it's time to make it up to him.

Are you talking about Shancai?

I shouldn't torment her anymore.

Shancai, come here.

We have something to tell you.

Dad, Mom.

Sorry. I stayed over
at my friend's place last night.

I wasn't able to tell you about it.


You can't live here anymore.


Your dad's moving into
a different company housing.


"Great Earnings Investment
Consulting Corporation."

Dad, really?

That's right.

I had an interview a few days ago.

The boss said that I have a lot
of potential in investment.

Not only does this company
guarantee bonuses,

the salaries are also guaranteed.

I'm going to be rich.

Do you know anything
about investment consulting?

Right? I asked him the same thing.

But he said that the company
has a complete "S" something.


Just follow the SOP
and you can get all the benefits

and earn a lot of money.

Is it that simple?

No problem.

I finally found a new career.

If you found a new career,

why do you two look so sad?

Because we have to move.

We lived in this house for over ten years.

Just thinking about it makes me sad.


my money will be invested in that company,


we'll be living in a place
that is smaller.

Then the kitchen will surely be small.

It'll be inconvenient for me
to cook from now on.

What worries me most is...

How do we pack all this stuff?

Just the souvenirs your mom and I bought

when we traveled together
are already a lot.

-Just throw them away.
-Throw them...

Throw them away?

Those are souvenirs of love.

Throw them...

Shancai, go and pack your things.

We're moving tomorrow.

All right.

What should we do?

Come inside.

We're here.

We're here.


This place might not look nice

and it might not be big,

but dear,

with your taste and ideas,

I know you'll turn it into
an intricate and practical place.

Leave it to me.

I'll buy our furniture from
the second-hand store online.

It's economical and practical.

The most important thing is that
we're closer to Shancai's school.

She can sleep half an hour more now.

Am I right?

-Dear, you're so great.

You always think about our family.

Marrying you

was the biggest blessing in my life.

I'll do anything to make our family happy.

Dear, I'll also work hard

for you and our beloved daughter.

I believe in you.

-I'll also work hard.

You have to study hard.

-You're our family's hope.

-You can do it.

-You can do it.
-I can do it.

Mom, I've already connected the water

-and electricity--

Check them--

Why didn't you say something?

I called out to you.
What were you thinking about?


You left these books at my house.

I completely forgot about them.

Bring your brain with you, will you?

You're always so absent-minded.

All right.

Did you forget something again?


To say thank you.
I brought it to you personally.

Thank you.

It's so strange.

Why is he suddenly acting so normal again?

Shouldn't he be ignoring me?

Frankie Restaurant is looking
for a kitchen assistant.

The hours...

Six to ten at night.

Where is it?

It's near our school.

That's great.


I'm here to apply for the kitchen
assistant position.

The kitchen is that way.

Thank you.

Who are you?

Well, I'm here to apply
for the kitchen assistant position.

Kitchen assistant?

We're short on staff right now.
You can start right away.

Peel these potatoes.

Hey, Si.

I never thought you'd recover this fast.

You got over Shancai in just a few days.

Of course.

What was I thinking?

I'm completely over it now.

Who wants such a cheap girl?

If Lei likes her,
I'll tie a bow on her and give her to him.

Speak of the devil.

Who told him to come here?

Why are you suddenly shooting pool?

It's been a while.

It's all because of Si.

I'm not sure what he's thinking.
He told us to come.


Didn't you say
you're completely over it now?

Why are you leaving after I arrived?

I'm still mad.

Si, where are you going?

Don't mind him. He's always been that way.

Lei, how did it go last night?

What do you mean?

Don't play dumb. You and Shancai.

You two were alone in the room together.

Did something happen?

Aren't we going to shoot pool? Come on.

Hey, why aren't you answering?

There's nothing to hide.

Shancai is a nice girl.

I admit. I almost fell for her.

But how do I say this?

I won't do anything to her.


Because I won't betray Si.

He's a good friend that we grew up with.

I see.

If Si learns how to treasure
the person he likes

and realizes that he can't
get everything he wants,

then everything that happened
will have been worth it.

Until then,

I'll keep my distance from Shancai.

He would be so happy to hear that.

I don't plan to tell him.

-Why not?
-Why not?

Because Si did something terrible
to me before.

Subtitle translation by Coleen Chua