Merlin (2008–2012): Season 3, Episode 6 - The Changeling - full transcript

Arthur is pressured into an arranged marriage with a visiting princess, but there's more to her than mere gracelessness and a taste for frogs.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
In a land of myth
and a time of magic

the destiny of a great kingdom rests on
the shoulders of a young boy.

His name... Merlin.


Attrab i n-ingin-seo
ocus oentaig le!



Oh, come on! We're going to be late!

Not if you get rid of THAT thing.

I want you to arrive like
the Princess you are.

It's no fun in there.

Fun? Who said anything about fun?

It's certainly no fun
chasing after YOU!

I tried, Sir.

I'm sure you did, Grunhilda.

Go on, then.


Perfect. Perfect for what?

Certainly not for walking in!


Arthur. It is an exciting day. The arrival of
Lord Godwyn is always a cause for celebration.

And Princess Elena. Yes.
I hear she is something of a beauty.

Really? Oh, yes.

Beautiful, charming, witty...


Strategic? I have always thought so.

We have always thought so.
That is, Lord Godwyn and myself.

That is, he finds you strategic,
not Princess Elena.

He finds me strategic? Oh, yes.


Father, what are you trying to say?
Lord Godwyn is a serious ally.

The strength of such a match
cannot be underestimated.

Please tell me you mean a jousting
match? I mean a love match. Love?

Well, not love. Love has nothing
to do with it. The other bit.

You know...
a permanent union. Marriage?!

I knew you'd understand. Godwyn...!

Oh, it's been too long.

Princess Elena,
you are most welcome.

You've put them in the
best guest quarters?

Everything's arranged. Princess
Elena can't fail to be impressed.

And, Merlin, it would be good if
the bags arrived BEFORE they did!

What is it, Arthur?
You seem troubled.

My father had some...

surprising news for me. He expects
me to marry Princess Elena. Marry?

Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to do.

I wasn't worried.


No, why would you be?

It's strange, isn't it?

Elena couldn't be more different
to Lord Godwyn. No.

Perhaps she takes after her mother.

I never met her.
She died when Elena was born.

That can't have been easy.


Perhaps you've more in common
than you think.

Oh! Bad breath, for example.

Excuse me? Appalling table manners.

Now, hang on...! A good sense of humour.
No, you're right - you have nothing in common.

A word.


I need to talk to you about Elena.

I realise that this is
a delicate situation.

There's nothing delicate about her.

Lord Godwyn, as you know, is not only a very good
friend of mine, but a long-standing ally of Camelot.

I've nothing against Lord Godwyn.
I've nothing against Elena...

except marriage. When we talk
about your future, Arthur,

we're not just talking about your personal
happiness but the security of the whole of Camelot.

You may one day be a husband,
but more importantly you WILL one day be King.

But I have no feelings
for her, whatsoever.

Then I would encourage you
to find some.


There, there, my sweetheart.

Soon all this will pass.


A shruith inn Side,
is Grunilda messe!

I sincerely hope
you bring me good news.

The fathers are committed
to the match.

We have waited many years
for this moment.

It's only a matter of time.

Your esteemed majesty,
you have been most patient.

Your esteemed majesty...

And the girl? She has no idea
that a faerie lives inside her,

just waiting to emerge.

But that cannot happen until her
marriage to Arthur is complete.

And it will be soon, I promise.

Then you will have what
you most desire,

one of your own
at the heart of Camelot!

A Sidhe Queen.

Here. Let me assist you. Please,
this is something I can actually do.

Slow down.

No chance!

That was very impressive.

I'm not easily impressed.

Well, neither am I.

And I wasn't!


I've been riding
since I was a child.

I don't get to do it
as much as I'd like.

Princesses don't.

Apparently my mother was
an excellent horsewoman.

I never met her.

I never met mine, either.

I...often wonder if I'm like her.

I hope I don't take
after my father entirely.

Oh, you don't!

I don't mean that in a bad way.

So, the real reason
why you beat me here

is because I stopped
to smell the roses.

Oh... Thank you!

It-it-it's beautiful.


Shall I set up here?

Merlin! What kept you?

Do not leave me again.

You were riding so fast, I thought
you were eager for some time alone.

Nobody likes a clever clogs, Merlin.


Thank you. I had a lovely time.

Me, too.

See you soon, I expect.

I hope so.

Oh, dear.

For once, Merlin, I completely agree.

It's a big occasion. The potential
joining of our two families.

Indeed, this union would cement what has long
been an unofficial alliance between our kingdoms.

It would give me great pleasure.

I can assure you
my heart lies with yours.

As to THEIR hearts...who can say?
Well, it little matters.

Affairs of state take precedence over feelings.
Arthur knows that, and I'm sure Elena does too.

May I?

You've been avoiding my gaze.

No, no... My gaze isn't as sharp
as it used to be.

That's why I thought
I'd move a bit closer.

All the better to appreciate me, eh?

Are you, er, having a good evening?

I intend to!

Oh, yes. A very good evening indeed.

Oh, dear, I seem to have drunk

a little too much
of what is in that glass.

What IS in that glass?

I think that went OK, don't you?

It'll be just fine, petal.

I mean, I suppose
it could have gone...better.

I'm not the perfect Princess, am I?


And what does that mean anyway,
"perfect Princess"?

Sounds perfectly boring!

You've got spirit, child.

If Arthur's got half a brain,
he'll recognise that.

And if he doesn't have a brain,
well, you can always marry him for his brawn!

I want to make this work,
for Father's sake.

I know how important it is to him.

And I respect his judgement.

Don't tell him I said that.

I wouldn't dream of it. And you'd
be best keep your doubts to yourself.

These are dangerous times. Marrying
a Pendragon will secure your future.

You're right.


this will cheer you up!


Our little secret!



You're very special.


Believe me, I know!





I've seen some strange
tongues in my time.

Maybe she was suffering from an
infection? Was it discoloured?

Discoloured? Yes! Brown? Purple.

And long. Like...

..this long.

That's not an infection.
No. It's magic.

Some sort of magical creature has
infiltrated Lord Godwyn's household.

The question is, why?

Don't know,

but I have a feeling
we should probably find out.



Can I help you? I, er...
Something you need, perhaps?

I wanted to enquire whether Princess Elena
would like a perfume concocting.

Essence of lavender, perhaps?

That is a very bad excuse.


You don't fool me for one minute.

You were looking for ME!

I was? I understand.

It's all right.
I think probably I should be going.

Elena won't be back for ages.

Why don't we make
sweet perfume together?

Pixie dust?
There's no mistaking it.

Grunhilda is a pixie.

It would explain a thing or two.

If pixies have one weakness,
it is for...

..the more...
distinguished gentleman.

What are you trying to say?

Grunhilda has shown
a certain...interest toward me.

She likes you?

Oh, that is disgusting!


Imagine if she kissed you! Urgh!


Pixies are the servants
of the Sidhe.

To them, Elena could
be very valuable.

I think Elena may be a changeling.

A changeling?
Inhabited by a faerie at birth.

It would explain the clumsiness.

And Elena
has no idea this thing's inside?

And when the time comes,
it will possess her entirely.

And you think that time is now?

The Sidhe live for more
than a thousand years.

They're patient people.

It may be that they have created
this changeling,

knowing that Lord Godwyn and the house of Pendragon
would one day seek unity through marriage.

And that would give the Sidhe
something they want more than anything.

A Sidhe Queen.

Father, there is a...delicate matter
I wish to discuss with you.

Your proposal? Excellent!

You must make a fuss. Women like that kind
of thing. Isn't that right, Morgana? I've no idea!

I'm delighted to hear the news, though. I couldn't
be more thrilled. She's a wonderful woman.

She'll make a wonderful wife.

No, she won't.

Not for me, anyway.

Father, I have tried to get to know Elena,
but the truth is I have no feelings for her.

I'm sure she's a wonderful person,

but I cannot marry
someone I don't love.

You can, and you will.





You were right.

Poor girl, no wonder
she's got a wind problem!

You should see what she's got trapped
inside her. We have to tell the King.

Merlin, Lord Godwyn is one
of Uther's dearest friends.

Accusing him of having
a Sidhe for a daughter

and a pixie for a nurse
is not something that can be undertaken lightly.

But Uther wants Arthur
to marry her!

Then we don't have much time.

We have to find a spell that
will force the faerie out of her.

I don't know anything
about Sidhe magic.

Then it's time we learnt.

I wouldn't like to be in
Arthur's shoes. What do you mean?

Forced to marry someone
against his will.

I don't think he'll marry her
if he feels that way.

I know it's hard to believe,
but he may not have a choice.

Even if it isn't what he wants.

Even if his heart belongs to another.

Even if she feels the same way.

Gwen, we've known each other for
too long. I can see it in your eyes.

You like him, don't you?


That would be silly.

And he likes you.

It can never come to anything.

I'd like to think it was possible,

but Arthur can't change
200 years of history,

no matter how much he may want to.
I know.

I think my brain is going to burst,
or my eyes just pop out of their sockets.

Well, don't make a mess
over THIS one.

Why? Is it any more useful
than any of the others?

It's the last one we've looked at and by the
ancient law of sod it must provide the answer.

Go on. There is this potion, created
long ago by the Witches of Meredor,

which, if I am right, will force
the faerie out of the girl.


I have no idea how to make it.

I have no idea what a lot
of these ingredients are.

Guinevere. I'm sorry, I know
I shouldn't just turn up like this.

Everyone's talking
about your marriage to Elena.

I know you said that it isn't what you wanted, but I also
know that you can't always have what you want.

I know that very well.

Is what I want really that insane?

Yes, Arthur.
From anyone's perspective,

apart from yours and mine,
it's completely insane.

Then I'm happy being insane.

Surely it's better
than being miserable?

I don't think
she will make you miserable.

She has a good heart.

As do you.

We both know it can't be.

And if I do it...

If I marry her, what will you do?

I will watch you grow into the King
that Camelot deserves.

It is as it should be.

Please tell me
you've fixed the potion.

I have a very bad
feeling about this.

The Witches of Meredor are the worst
recipe writers I've known.

Gaius! I'm working on it...

But we need to find the stamen
of a dropwort flower.

They're rarer than
a four-leaf clover.

I am honoured to be standing
before you today,

in the presence of our
dear friend, Lord Godwyn.

And his wonderful daughter, Elena.

The people of this
kingdom are very dear to me.

This place is my life.

I hope one day to continue
the good work of my father

and to make Camelot a place of
peace and happiness.


It is my sincerest hope that you,

Princess Elena, share these dreams.

And with this in mind, I would like to ask you
if you would do me the honour of being my...wife.

I got it.
Grown in boggy and marshy terrain.

In the middle
of boggy and marshy terrain.

Right in the middle.
You did a good job.

This will sort things out.

before tomorrow's wedding.

Will it hurt her?
When the faerie leaves?

She'll feel like a new person.

She probably doesn't realise how
much trouble it's been causing her.

Oh, master, I am sorry, but I
think we may have a problem.

I may be wrong, but you know
how things are.

Out with it!

The serving boy,
Merlin, knows Elena is a changeling.

So, what can a serving boy do?

He is Arthur's serving boy.

I do not expect he will stay quiet
for long.

Do you know how long I have
waited for this moment?

Yes, sire, and I have been there with
you, every second of the way.

You have been there because we
have chosen to keep you there.

If the changeling is discovered,

YOU will not be so useful any more.

No, sire.

As to this...Merlin,
soon he will regret the day I ever heard his name.

Let him learn who he's angered.

Let him feel the power
of the mighty Sidhe.



Please tell me that
wasn't all of it?

I don't think I've ever
been so happy.


I'm almost as excited as if it
was my wedding day.

In fact, given half a chance,
I'd definitely marry him meself.

Maybe that's not such a bad idea.

I'm serious. I don't love him.

He doesn't understand me.

He certainly doesn't love me either.

He respects you.

Yes, and I him, but is that enough?

Well, yes, definitely.

I would say it was enough.
I mean, what is love, anyway.

Here today, and gone tomorrow.

Respect, that's what lasts.

Ah, it's just nerves. Understandable,
but not to be listened to.

Silly girl. Oh, I don't know...

That's it?

Thank goodness for that.

Well, there is one more thing.

How are we going to
get Elena to drink it

with Grunhilda around?

I think I might know a way.

Well, hello there.

Hello, indeed.

I wonder, could you
spare me a moment?

But of course.

Not here.


The vaults beneath Camelot.

The vaults?

It's a very private place.

I can't walk in these shoes.
I have a wedding to prepare.

No-one will disturb us.

There may not be
another opportunity.

You surprise me, Gaius.

But, oh, what a lovely surprise.

I'll be right there.

You look very handsome,

the perfect bait.

Merlin, if this doesn't work, if she
seems like she's overpowering me...

I will just watch and wait.
You will rescue me.

And if it does work,
let us never speak of it again.

Hello, my lover!

What a romantic place!

I've been dreaming of this moment.

Me too. Longing for this time.


At last,

we two will be as one.

Ne onluce!

You'll never know what you've missed.

I'll take your word for it.

Atot-oilg, a chomlae.

Never speak of it, Merlin.
That's what we agreed.

Ar-focraim uait, asndot-roilce!

Welcome, welcome.

Lasa n-uile fil ocum ocus lasa nuile
fil indium, ar-focraim atotoilg!

You've got your staff?

When the Sidhe is released,
it might not be very happy.

Don't worry, I'll be ready for it.

You better be ready for me first.

I'll see how long I can
hold her off. You'd better be quick.


It's only me.

Where has she gone?

I'm getting married
in less than an hour.


What was that?
Er, preparation for the wedding.

Everybody's very excited.
But you must be nervous.

I am a little flustered.

That is only to
be expected, and just as I thought.

I have brought you a
tonic to calm your nerves.

You are very kind.


I cannot believe this is actually my
wedding day.

Best to drink it all,
for the full effect.

I really wish my mother was here.
Try another sip.


I'm trying.

Elena, this is going to make you
feel a whole lot better.

Not to worry, my dear, I think you
must have fainted. Such excitement.

Fainted? I feel amazing.

I haven't felt this good in years.

Where is Grunhilda?

We'll look into it.

I've brought you your ceremonial
sword. Is that for me to fall on?

Hopefully not.

What's wrong?

You wouldn't understand, Merlin. You have
no idea what it's like to have a destiny...

you can't escape.

Destinies are troublesome things.

You feel trapped?

Like your whole life has been
planned out for you,

and you've got no
control over anything,

and sometimes you don't even know if what destiny
has decided is really the best thing at all.

How come you're so knowledgeable?
Hmm? I read a book.

And what would this book tell you?

Should I marry her?

It's not really my place to say,

I'm asking you,
it's your job to answer.

If you really want
to know what I think?

I think you're mad.

I think you're all mad.

People should marry
for love, not convenience.

And if Uther thinks an unhappy king
makes for a stronger kingdom, then he's wrong.

Because you may be destined to rule Camelot,
but you have a choice as to how you do it.


What do you think?

There's no other word for it.


My lords,

ladies, and gentleman of Camelot.

We are gathered
here today to celebrate,

by the ancient rite of hand fasting,

the union of Arthur Pendragon
and Princess Elena of Gawant.

Is it your wish, Arthur,
to become one with this woman?

It is.

Is it your wish, Elena,
to become one with this man?

It is.

Do any say nay?

Then as we gather here today,
we are all witness to this rite...


There is something you would like to
say, Arthur?

There's something I should
have said a long time ago.

Something from the
heart I dared not speak.

Elena, you are a wonderful woman,

a beautiful bride.

But I cannot deny my feelings.

You do not love me.

And I think if you are honest,

you do not love me either.


Then we are both here out of duty.

Can you forgive me?

I agree with all you have said.

Thank you, Arthur.

What did you think you were doing?
The right thing, father. For who?

For Camelot, or for yourself?

The two things aren't entirely

Until you put duty before your
feelings, you are clearly not ready to be king.

When I'm ready to be king,
I'll be a much better king

for the support and strength
of a woman I love.

I can't imagine what's
happened to Grunhilda.

No. I'm sure she'll turn up.

I hope so. It's most unlike her.

There's something
different about her.

You're not changing
your mind, are you?

Goodness, no.

I wish you well, Arthur Pendragon.

I hope one day we both
find the love we deserve.

In the meantime, if you ever want to be beaten
in a horse race, you know where to find me.

He did the right thing,
you know. You mustn't punish him.

They were neither of them in love.
That's not the point.

That's not the way things are done.

Then maybe it's time things changed.

I think he has
the makings of a great king.

You should be proud of him.

So, I am still a single man.


I don't think you deserved her,
actually. She's really very lovely.

Well, I had hoped to have forsaken
her for one equally as lovely.

Who knows, maybe even more so.

I do not know of such a person.
Me neither.

But I guess

only time will tell.

Elyan? Brother and sister reunited.

It warms the heart.

What would a man like
Cenred want with us?

You can bring me Arthur Pendragon.

Who did that to you?

There is nothing he would not do
for her. And once he is dead?

You may take your place
on the throne of Camelot.