Merlin (2008–2012): Season 1, Episode 6 - A Remedy to Cure All Ills - full transcript

Receiving tainted lilies collected by unsuspecting Gwen, royal ward Morgana falls ill with an unidentified brain disease Gaius can't cure. Mysterious healer Edwin's "remedy to cure all ills" seemingly works (by actually removing the cursed black beetle he hid in the lilies). As Edwin maneuvers grateful King Uther to instate him as new court physician, Gaius gets court archivist Geoffrey to allow him illegal access to the sealed records of Uther's purge of magic, revealing Edwin's parents as executed black sorcerers. After consulting the dragon (who says he must choose whether or not Arthur and Merlin's destined time has come), Gaius, taking a threat by Edwin to expose Merlin's magic, tells Merlin - the "son he never had" - that the time has come to step down. Edwin, now free to use another beetle, condemns Uther to an agonizing death like his parents but takes one monumental risk - a duel of magic with 'mere novice' Merlin.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
In a land of myth
and a time of magic,

the destiny of a great kingdom
rests on the shoulders of a young boy.

His name... Merlin.

Berbay odothay



Look what's just arrived for you.

- Who are they from?
- I don't know.

Maybe Arthur.

How disappointing.

- Why, who would you like them to be from?
- I don't know.

Tall dark stranger?

See you in the morning.

- The body seems to have closed down.
- Why?

You don't have an answer, do you?

Nothing you've tried so far has worked.

It's been nearly two days.

What do you know?

I fear she may have some form

of inflammation of the brain.

What could cause such a thing?

An infection, possibly.

Rest assured, I will do everything
in my power to cure her, sir.

Is she any better?

She's all but dead, Merlin.

No, you're going to cure her.
You have to.

Don't you start.

- I've tried everything.
- I was wondering...

- What?
- Maybe I could...

If you are suggesting magic...

Have you forgotten what happened
with Gwen's father?

This is not a magical illness.
It must be cured by conventional means.

We keep trying.

See if you can find me
some fresh rosemary.

- There must be something more I can do.
- And yarrow.

What's your business here?

My name is Edwin Muirden

and I have a remedy to cure all ills.

- Is that so?
- I beg an audience with the King.

Our court has a physician.

I hear the Lady Morgana is gravely ill.

That is no concern of yours.

- I may be able to help her.
- Our physician has the matter in hand.

I'll be at the inn... case you change your mind.

It's going to be all right.

It is, I know it is.

- She's going to be absolutely...
- Merlin!

- What?
- You're making me anxious.

But I'm not worried.

Then stop pacing.

I cannot preserve her life
for much longer.

- She has hours, maybe less.
- We cannot let her die.

Arthur, please.

There's a man. He came to the castle
yesterday. He claims he can cure her.

That's ridiculous, he doesn't know
what's wrong with her.

He says he has a remedy to cure all ills.


For Morgana's sake, we should
at least hear him out. I mean...

what have we got to lose?

Please, Father.

Probably some charlatan
hoping for a quick shilling.

I don't care. If she's about to die, what
harm can it do. Give him his shilling.

If there's one chance in a million
he can save her, then why not?

Send for him.

Edwin Muirden, sire.
Physician and loyal servant.

Welcome to Camelot.

Have we met before?

I doubt you would forget
a face like mine, sir.

Do you really believe you have a remedy?

There are not many ills that I have not
seen and successfully treated, sire.

So when I heard of
the Lady Morgana's sickness,

I felt honour bound to offer my services.

You say you have a cure for all?
An antidote for everything?


Although it is not quite
as simple as that.

Gaius is the court physician.

You are indeed a legend, sir.
I am delighted to meet you.

I am curious to know what it is
that has affected her.

- An infection of the brain.
- And your treatment?


Yes, yes.

Rosemary to stimulate
cerebral circulation.

- Interesting.
- Why? What would you suggest?

No, no, no, that is all fine.

All good.

If that is... the right diagnosis.

What would your diagnosis be?


without examining the patient...

He should examine her.

- I would need my equipment.
- Of course.

You'll have use of
one of the guest chambers.

Consider my manservant at your disposal.

I will start work immediately.


it was all originally designed
for alchemy.

Making gold?

You have an interest in science?

Well, science is knowledge.

It has the answers to everything.


- It can't explain love.
- So you are in love.


I mean...

feelings, emotions.

You seem too bright to be just a servant.

Oh, don't be fooled, I'm not that bright.

Yes, we will need that.

Now, we must hurry to the Lady Morgana...

...before it is too late.

Put my equipment over there.

Sire, I would be grateful if you could
have everyone leave the room.

- I require peace and privacy.
- Certainly.

That includes you, Gaius.

But I am eager to learn from your methods.

Now is not the time
for giving instruction.

- I will need all my concentration.
- Gaius...

- Why are you spying on me?
- I wasn't. I'm her maidservant.

- Then bring me some water.
- Someone should be with her.

Do you want to be responsible
for her death?

- No.
- Then you will bring me some water.


Or she may die.

Berbay odothay



Great news, Your Majesty.

You will be glad to hear
it is not an inflammation of the brain.

What is it, then?

It is a cerebral haemorrhage.

Haemorrhage? I don't think so.

I found this trace of blood in her ear.

KING UTHER: God in heaven!

The severity depends upon the site
and volume of the bleed.

If not treated, it can lead to coma...

...and eventually death.

How could you have missed this?

I didn't see any blood.


Just thank the fates that you did not
administer more rosemary

to stimulate the circulation.

Can you imagine what that might have done?

It may have increased the bleed.

Is there a cure?

See for yourself.


Morgana, this is truly a miracle.

I thought... I really thought...

Oh, you won't get rid of me that easily.

What exactly did he give you?

I've no idea.

But thank heaven he did.

Edwin. I want to offer you
my congratulations.

Thank you.

She was all but dead
and you brought her back to life.

How exactly did you do that?

I have developed an elixir for the
treatment of just such an ailment.

I'd love to know the ingredients.

It is not yet perfected.

You must give me more time
before I make it public.

The injury to your face?

It happened when I was very young.

Perhaps it was I that treated you for it.

I told you before, we've never met.

Yes, of course.

Well, I'll leave you to your work.

Name your reward.

I desire nothing more than
the good health of my patient, sire.

There must be something I can do for you.


I will wait until the Lady Morgana
is fully recovered

and then I will be on my way.

Why don't you stay a while?
You could live here at the palace.

No. L-I feel I would be trespassing.

And you already have a court physician.

I'm sure Gaius would be glad of your help.

- It is a kind offer, but...
- Think about it.

Dine with me later. Give me your decision.

To dine with Your Majesty
would be reward in itself.


Geoffrey. I'm here to ask a favour of you.

Anything for an old friend.

I wish to see the court records
from the time of the great purge.

What possible need can you have for those?

I fear that the past may
have come back to haunt us.

All the more reason
to keep the records hidden.

I know that neither of us
want to remember that time,

but this is a matter of great urgency.

The records are sealed,
they cannot be opened.

Uther has forbidden it.

- Geoffrey, I beg of you...
- I'm sorry, Gaius.

This time you ask too much.

Even for me.


Berbay odothay

arisan yeldo.

EDWIN: Very good.


You have magic.

It wasn't me, I didn't do anything.

Then how else did you bring them to life?
Only magic can do such a thing.

These little angels
are how I cured Lady Morgana.

They repaired the damage to her brain.

They saved her life.

Magic can be a force for good.

I know.

Then why do you fear it?

Uther has banned it, it's not permitted.

Should I have let Morgana die?


People like us, we have a gift.

Do you not think it should be used
to make this a better world?


Don't waste your time picking that up.

Formien doost ronane.

Why waste a talent like that?

And I can teach you.

Readan ax giotan.

What do you use this for?

Gaius doesn't like me to.

A gift like yours should be nurtured,

practised, enjoyed.

You need someone to help you,

to encourage you.


Imagine what we could achieve,

if we shared our knowledge.

- I should be getting back.
- Of course.

You must promise to keep our secret safe.

Of course.

People like you and I,
we must look after each other.



Come in.

Gaius, you've been a good friend
to me over the years,

you've done me many kindnesses.

I can't deny you this one request.

The records?

I know you wouldn't ask
unless it was important.

You must believe me,
there's a great deal at stake.

If Uther were to discover this,
he would kill us both.

It is for Uther's sake
that I make the request.

Trust me, please.

Thank you, old friend.

It's unlike Gaius
to miss something like this.

We all make mistakes.

Gaius is a great physician.

The very best.

Which is what I don't understand.


It's not for me to speak out of turn.

You saved the life of my ward,
you may speak as you wish.

He has been prescribing
sleeping drafts for Morgana.

- She suffers from bad dreams.
- Yes.

But the dreams should have been a warning.

You think the two may be connected?

Oh, yes.

What, a... symptom of the illness?

I am certain of it, yes.

And those potions,
they masked the problem

and allowed it to develop
to the point where...

...she nearly died.

- If you hadn't come along when you did...
- But I did and that is all that matters.

Her life was saved... the nick of time.

Will you undertake a review of his work?

Just to be on the safe side.

If it would put your mind at rest, sire.


Have you been up all night?

Yes, but it was worth it.

Where are you going?

Er, I told Edwin I'd be up at dawn
to collect some supplies.

Well, you'd better get a move on, then.


Your scar has healed well.

I often wondered what happened
to that poor young boy.

I told you we've never met before.

I didn't realise who you were
until I checked the records.

You used your mother's maiden name.

You are Gregor and Jaden's son.

They were friends of yours.

They were sorcerers.

They practised magic.

And so did a lot of people
back then, Gaius.

Uther will be furious
when he finds out who you are.


Fine. Shall we tell him?
Let's go and tell him.

Let's tell him everything.

Ooh, I know...

We could also tell him about Merlin.


You didn't know he was a sorcerer?


I wonder what Uther will do.

Probably have him burnt.

You would betray another sorcerer?

You did.

When you turned a blind eye and let
my parents die at the hands of Uther.

At least Merlin doesn't have a son who
will try to rescue him from the flames.

You're here to take revenge.

And I have waited a long time.

You think I will sacrifice
the King to save Merlin?

Think about it, Gaius.

But if I find out that you have told
one other person, including the boy,

I will go straight to Uther.


I got your provisions.

Oh, thank you, Merlin.

Gaius was just reminiscing
about old times, weren't you, Gaius?


But now, I must get back to work.

I'd better get on with my errands.

Yes, of course, you must.

- Do you want me to get you anything?
- No, I'm fine.

Just do what Edwin asks.

I have been through the court medical
records with a fine-tooth comb, sir.

And were your findings satisfactory?

With regret, I would have to say
they were not.

How so?

Gaius is a great man,

thorough and dedicated.


(SIGHS) His methods are outdated,

he has failed to keep up
with the latest developments.

This has led to a number of errors.

Gaius has served me well for 25 years.

And one cannot blame him for the
infirmity those years have brought.

Age can be a terrible curse.

Perhaps it is time to lighten his burdens.

Have you given any more thought
to my offer?


I have considered it very carefully.

Allow me some time to do the same.

Uther, you can't do this.

You heard what he said.
Gaius is old, he makes mistakes.

Gaius has treated me since before
I can remember. You can't cast him out.

You would have died
if your care had been left to him.

- That's something I could not bear.
- I know that, but...

I cannot risk something
like this happening again.


It is me, Gaius.


How old a man can become
and yet change so little.

You have not changed either.

20 years, almost a lifetime

to make the short journey back
to where you began.

I'm not here for myself.

The boy?

You know about Merlin?

You have struggled against his destiny,

but you can no more
prevent it than he can.

So, it is true, then?

Oh, yes.

He and the young Pendragon
one day will unite the land of Albion.

But he is in danger.

No. It is my gaoler who stands in peril.

Must Uther be sacrificed for the boy?

Their time cannot come
until his has past.

But is that time now?


That is of your choosing.

I will not choose between them.

Then turn a blind eye.

That is, after all, your talent.



- My father needs to speak to you.
- When?


Sire. Is there a problem?
Are you unwell?

This is not an ailment
you can treat me for.

You've been a loyal servant
for many years.

I look on you as a friend.

I regard you in the same way, sire.

You've been here since Arthur's birth.

And all that entailed.

What I'm trying to do,
I think is best for you.

I'm confused, sire.

I'll give you a generous allowance,

make sure you're looked after.

You're retiring me?

I don't want you to worry.

I'll allow you to continue
living in your chambers

until more suitable
accommodation can be found.

Because I made one mistake.

Although in truth, sire,
it was not a mistake.

It was...

Yes, Gaius?

It was unfortunate, I accept that.

May I ask who is to be
the next court physician?

None of this was Edwin's idea.
Initially, he turned down the offer.

I'm sure.

It's not been an easy decision,


a younger man, new ideas.


You're hesitant.

Is there a reason
you oppose his appointment?


If you have anything to say,
then say it now, Gaius.

KING UTHER: This is difficult
for both of us.

I thank you for your patronage.

It has been an honour and
a pleasure to serve your family

for all these years.

Gaius! Uther cannot do this to you.

- You tried to save Morgana.
- Uther's not to blame.

I'll speak to Edwin,
you can work together.

- No, you mustn't do anything.
- I can't stand by and do nothing.

Uther's right.
It's time I stepped down.

What are you doing?

I cannot stay when
there's no longer a use for me.

You're not leaving?

I believe it's for the best.

Then I will come with you.

Merlin, you're like a son to me.

I never expected such
a blessing so late in life.

And you are more
than a father to me.

Then, as a father, I must tell you,
you must remain here.

Camelot is where you belong.

But you belong here, too.

Not any more.

Merlin, you must promise me
you will not waste your gifts.

My gifts mean nothing
without you to guide me.

You have a great destiny.

If I have had a small part
to play in that,

then I am pleased.

There's so much I've yet to learn.

I need you to teach me.

I'm afraid I'm leaving here
tonight, Merlin.

And there's nothing you can do or say
that can persuade me otherwise.

I will not let this happen.

Goodbye, Merlin.

I can't understand why Uther
would sack him over one mistake.

A mistake that nearly killed Morgana.

Besides, it wasn't the only one.

What do you mean?

Edwin said his work
was riddled with errors.

It's nonsense.

No-one wants Gaius to go,

but my father's made his decision.

There's nothing anyone can do.

I think you'll be very happy here.

I'm sure I will.

When I reviewed Gaius's work,

I noticed that he's been
prescribing you arnica.

It's for my shoulder,
it's an old battle wound.

It gives me a lot of pain.

May I take the liberty of
providing a new prescription?

It should prove far more effective.

- Really?
- Oh, yes.

It is a remedy to cure all ills.


You're leaving?

Yes, I'm sorry I didn't
come and say goodbye.

I don't want you to go.

I don't trust Edwin.

There was no blood
in Morgana's ear. He put it there.

He did something to her,
I know he did.

You need to be careful
who you say that to.

I'm saying it to you because
you can do something about it.

- I can't.
- But you think the same, don't you?

He's evil.

It's not that simple.

So you're going to turn your back on us.

I have no choice. I am sorry, Gwen.

In life you always have a choice.

Sometimes it's easier
to think that you don't.

Well then, my choice is to leave.

Then I'll miss you.

Goodbye, Gaius.



My lord!

My lord.

It seems the drugs I gave you
have take hold.

Your body is now paralysed.

Now, open your eyes, my lord.

I want my face to be
the last face you ever see.

You took my childhood from me.

And now finally,

I take my parents' revenge.

Within a few hours,
the beetle will eat into your brain.

And you will suffer...

as they suffered.

And I long to hear you scream...

as they screamed

the night you gave the order
for the fires to be lit.

With your death, magic
will return to Camelot.

Berbay odothay




Uther Pendragon.

I will not allow you to kill Uther.

You've never had a problem
letting people die before.

Your parents were practising dark magic.

Just like you.

And how do you propose to stop me?

Vaki verlik.


I think you meant, vaki ierlt!

Have you forgotten everything,
Gaius? You're getting too old.

I have a cure, though.

Forbairn ypile.

Merlin! My father has Morgana's
illness. We must find Edwin.

What are you doing?

He was trying to kill the King.
I couldn't let him.

I can rule the kingdom now,

with you at my side.

We can be all-powerful.

Release him!

Your loss, Merlin.


Svelt Merlin.

Are you all right?


Thank you, Merlin.

What are you doing?

Uther's ill,
the same thing Morgana had.

Edwin said he used these to cure
Morgana. Maybe we can too.

- Elanthia beetles.
- Are they magical?


They can be enchanted to enter the brain,

feed on it until they devour
the person's very soul.

We must go to him.

How do we get the beetle out
before it kills him?

It can only be magic.

You can't use magic on Uther.
He'd kill us.

- We don't have a choice.
- Gaius!

There are times when it is necessary.

It is your right.

I don't know how.

If you don't...

he's going to die.

Berbay odothay

arisan yeldo.


What's happening?

Has anyone ever told you,

you're a genius?

You certainly haven't.



Drink this. It'll help
regain your strength.

There's nothing wrong with my strength.

Do you remember them?

His parents?

I remember them all, sire.


Once again, you saved my life.

You've always served me well.

And I know there are things
that I've asked you to do,

which you found difficult.

You've always done
what you believe to be right.

I was not right to betray you.

I'm sorry.

From now on, I will remember

that in the fight against magic,

you are the one person I can trust.

I, my family, and my kingdom
are deeply indebted to you.

And in honour of this, I not only
reinstate you as court physician,

but henceforth,

you are a free man of Camelot.

It's all ridiculous.
I didn't save Uther, you did.

No, no. For once, I'm happy
for someone else to take the credit.

You were prepared to sacrifice
your life to save me.

Where did you get that from?

- I thought...
- No.

I didn't do anything.

You saved me and you saved Uther.

Maybe you are a genius.

You think so?

Well, almost.

One day.

I saw Arthur lying underwater, drowning,

and there was a woman standing
over him, watching him die.

We're dealing with a shaman.

That does not sound like a good thing.
