McMafia (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Alex discovers a way in which he can attack Benny Chopra and Vadim in Mumbai. Alex and Rebecca announce their engagement, but she begins to think that he may be hiding something from her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
A rival dies,
but our business is hit.

How could it be possible?

I'm interested in
your global fund.

I was hoping we could meet.

You want to come
to the south of France?

You decided to go?
- I'll see what he has to offer.

She's isn't familiar with the
global fund or Mr. Kleiman.

I want to move my product
directly into Europe.

I need your friend Kleiman's
ships and infrastructure.

Go to the police and find out
who's taking bribes...

to disrupt my business.

Maybe I should
leave the force too.


Karel Benes.

So come to the villa for lunch.
- That'd be great.

I'd like to show you
something before you leave.

Vadim is planning to smuggle a
tonne of heroin through Mumbai,

but if something
were to go wrong,

it would embarrass Vadim in the
eyes of his backers in Moscow.

This man, Antonio, said
it was a gesture of goodwill.

He doesn't want
anything in return.

Not yet.

Why didn't you come to me first?

Those were his conditions.

I thought he was blackmailing me.

Alex, do you have any idea

what kind of people
you are dealing with?

They dress like bankers,

they speak a dozen languages,

they eat in the best restaurants,
stay in the best hotels

but underneath
all that sophistication,

there is an open grave
in the Mexican desert

with 50 headless corpses inside.

I'll tell you what he wants.

Not now, but sooner or later,

he wants to take over
my shipping fleet,

so he can move his cocaine
into Europe.

Wouldn't that mean
he has to compete with Vadim?

Be careful, my friend.

That's how they corrupt you.

They let you think that you are
making all the decisions

but in the end,
they get what they want.

With respect,
isn't that what you're doing?

The difference being,
I won't bury you if you let me down.

He told me the deal was important
to Vadim's associates in Russia,

that if something went wrong
with the shipment,

it would damage him in their eyes.

I had the same conversation
with your uncle.

He asked me to partner
with the cartels to destroy Vadim, too.

You were the one who convinced me

that destroying Vadim was the
only way to protect my family.

All they've done is give us
a piece of information.

What do you want me to do with it?

If it were my money,

I would transfer the necessary
funds to my partners in Mumbai.

Let me think about it. Hmm?

And you should, too.


I wanted to let you know we've sent
the cloth for your mistress' saree.

And, uh, how much do I owe you?

One thousand rupees this time.

That much?

Are you sure?
- That's what our friend wants.

How is Natasha?

Did she like Prague?

I hope so.

I'm sorry I had so little time
to spend with her.

He was a policeman.

A thief.

You should be more clever,

Be discreet?

Is it a problem?

Nothing I can't handle for now.

But their politicians
talk to our politicians.

I need to know
everything about Czech...

Karel Benes.

Phone calls, bank
accounts, emails.

- Thank you.

- Rebecca.



Long life.

To Rebecca.

Long life.

Long life.

Mama, you're supposed to look into
each other's eyes or it's bad luck.

Papa, this is disgusting.
What is it?


It's sparkling wine.

Papa, you can't serve Cava
when they're getting engaged.

Katya, it's fine.

No. I'm gonna fetch the real stuff.

Uncle Boris would never
have served this swill.


Have a seat.

Uh... Thank you.

I'm fine.

Excuse me.

What's going on with her?

I'm not doing anything!

You're embarrassing me...

I knew this would happen.

Dilly, it's me, I have
some information on Mr. Chopra

that may be useful to both of us.

I'll need you
to get into his compound.

We need to take a look inside.

I told you
I won't see her again.

Look. I'm on my knees.

We had something really good,

and you screwed it up.


Because you don't feel
like a man anymore?

Because I don't tell you
how wonderful you are,

you find someone else who does?

You and the children...

are my whole life.

You have spat on my soul.

No, I'll stay
on the line while you check.

I'm just following up
on the global fund data.

Neither you or Alex
have submitted a report.

I don't have anything
to do with that fund.

So, who does?
- Just Alex, as far as I know.

Yes, I'm still here.

Can you send it over?
That would be great.

Mr. Kapoor is in charge of shipping.

Can you get us in?
- That's my gate.

- I can switch them off.

Thank you.

Take it.
- No, no, Bhai.

Take it, you are a good man.

Thank you. I will let you know
when everything is clear.

Can I talk to you
about the global fund?

Why is it just you?

Nobody else has any
involvement in the fund,

you haven't filed any reports.

Sorry, Karin. What's this about?

I'm not just your compliance
officer, Alex, I'm your friend.

I know how much trouble we were in.

I know how much you care
about the people who work for you.

If you've done anything...

You think I'm cooking the books?

I just want to make sure
we're not taking on any clients

Look, Kleiman
is very cautious and well-informed.

We've been discussing
potential investment opportunities,

but there's not much
going on right now.

I still need access to the fund.


I'll talk to IT.

Rachel, get me
the number for Tobe Miller,

the IT guy we fired.


She looks just like you.

Don't start that.

I love you.

But she could be anyone's.

- We are on.

Bhai, they all left for dinner.

Too much bloody security.


Make a noise,
I will kill you.

Who is he?

Very quietly, now.

Who are you?

Sir, I'm the accountant,
I was working late.

- Sir, because...

Because I'm behind with my
account. Sir, please let me go.

I said, very quietly.

Can you get into these computers?

Hey, hey.

Sit down.

What is your name?
- Sunil.

Sunil, do you know anything
about a heroin shipment?

No, boss. I only do legitimate.

Can you open
the files on this computer?

I have security passes
of only some of them.

Show me the ones you can.

Forgive me, Bhai,
I didn't know he was there.

Get in the car.
- I have to stay.

Get in the car.
- I'll lose my job, they'll fire me!

Sunil, where do you live?

You can drop me anywhere, boss.

You have money for a taxi?



Give him some.

Thank you, sir.

Pull over.

You will be okay?

Thank you, sir.

You're a good man,
I will look after your family.

you told me no one was there.

That man's life was done
on your conscience.

Yes, Bhai.

It wasn't my idea to fire you.

But you gave the okay.
I saw the emails.

If you're amenable,

I'd like you
to come back and work for me.

For you or for your company?

Well, I'm not interested
in blackmailing you.

Blackmailing me for what?

Not sure.

Fortunately for you, I know
as much about financial fraud

as you know about
computer security.

You took a look at my files?

Yeah, the ones
I could make head or tail of.

How should I have made
them more secure?

If someone with the right skill
set wants to get into your computer,

there isn't much
you can do about it.

The trick is not to arouse
the suspicion in the first place.

The more firewalls and
anti-spyware software you install,

the more curious they get.

What would you have done?
- Hide in plain view.

Someone's interested
in snooping, make it easy for them.

Give them something to find

but hide the important stuff
somewhere else.

Would you be prepared
to do that for me?

All these bloody documents,
there must be something.

We have looked, Bhai.

There's nothing about
any heroin shipment

or any shipment from Pakistan.

The problem with the northern
routes is too many conflict areas.

Syria, Iran, Iraq,

and there's also increased
border check on the Balkan road.

Instead, we transport the product

from Mumbai to East Africa
by cargo ships.

And then we deliver it to the
coast on speedboats.

We break it into small parts,

some of it
stays for African market,

South Africa, Nigeria.

The rest, we smuggle
to Europe and America.

The southern route.

And if everyone's happy
after the first shipment,

I hope our partnership
can continue.

You had a call.

No, it was another phone.

How come you have a second phone?

We got given new ones at work.

Apparently, they're harder to hack.

Isn't that a little paranoid?

I think it's gonna be
pretty standard soon.

I transferred all the funds
they asked for.

They broke in okay

and we know the product
will be in Mumbai in two days.

But we still need to find out
the name of a ship,

or the cargo
they're smuggling it in.

Well, can't they keep trying?

Well, it didn't go
so well the first time.

One of Chopra's employees
got in the way.

Now, he doesn't know what happened

but he has increased the
security at the compound.

Well, what about
the cargo terminal itself?

They must have some records.

Well, with all the terrorism
they've had recently,

the place is guarded like an airport.

Maybe next time you should
ask your Mexican friend

to be more precise.

She's checking the accounts.

Everything you want her to see.

Before you feel too guilty,

I know people who switch off
runway lights before 747s land.

Guys on chat-rooms
who hack into baby cams

so they can spy on
mothers breastfeeding.

Trust me, in this world,
you're an innocent.

You spend a lot of time
in these chat-rooms?

Twenty hours a day, sometimes.

We work harder than bankers.

Make as much?

We have more fun.

You don't get lonely
hiding behind a screen?

Bet I have more friends than
you do.

Do you ever meet them?

What do I want to meet them for?

I know people
in every corner of the globe,

I know everything about them.

I know their families,

their jobs, hobbies,

bands they like.

What about India?

What about India?
- You got any friends there?

So, what do we do with the integer?

Put it outside the brackets.


And then?

And then you go to bed.

The fund's doing okay, isn't it?

It's fine now.

When you called,
I got a little worried.

I'm little worried
about Alex, actually.

Has he talked to you
about a new fund he set up?


Why, is there something up?

Not that I can tell.

It took him a while
to show me the accounts

but I've seen them now
and they seem fine.

So what's the problem?

It's just not Alex.

There isn't much activity.

It's all very standard bonds
and gilts nobody normally invests in.

Then there's the outgoings.

Advisory companies
in different countries.

Well, Karin, you've seen the

Couldn't there be another explanation?

Well, he said the investor
doesn't give him much discretion.

Well, there you go.

I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

You're only asking because
you're worried about him.

Let me get you another drink.
- No, I'll get them.

What would you like?

Uh, a half a Guinness.

What's so special
about those phones?

Alex said you all got new
phones at the office.

Maybe he did,
nobody else I know.

You sure you don't want a pint?

No, uh, half's fine.

We've accessed his personal phone

but he never
discussed business on it.

Same with emails.

He's very careful.

You could negotiate
with him face to face,

like with that policeman.

I don't want to alert
whoever's behind him.

Who is that? Mistress?

Daughter from his first marriage.

Wild girl.

Drugs and that trash.

They hardly see each other.

She's still his daughter.

Mr. Jayme?

I think you have the wrong house.

I thought so.

I waited for your wife
to take your son to school.

Anyone else home?

Who are you?

You don't look like a Jayme.

You look like a kid
I used to beat up at school.

So where does it all happen,

all this computer business you do?

At work.

Can you please get out?


Is that how you talk to an

If you don't leave now,
I will call the police.

Don't worry, it's not for you.

I was told your son likes cricket.

How did you find me?

One of your hacker friends told
us you are the best.

Signed by Virat Kohli.

It's a present.

For what?

Something you're
going to do for me in Mumbai.

I'm happy you come
to see me on your own

but you came to tell us
the engagement is off?



I wanted to ask you about
Alex's work.

When his business was in trouble,

I think
he may have gone to Boris.

No. No, no, no, darling.

He was trying to help his uncle.

Not the other way round.

I know Boris introduced him
to an Israeli friend

when he was looking for investors.

Semiyon Kleiman.

I don't think so.

Alex told me he was worried

Boris was doing
business with him, but that's all.

Tell me, please,
is something wrong?

One moment the fund's in trouble,

then everything's fine.

It's normal to be nervous,

because you are getting married.

No, it's not that.

Do you think Alex took bad money?

No, uh...

Whatever business my brother had
with Semiyon Kleiman or anybody else,

that's not my son.

You married a good Godman.

Are you sure he made
the reservation himself?

I just saw them
go in the restaurant.

It's okay.


So, enjoyed your food, huh?

We're in.

What are you doing now?

Checking his call log.

These are the only encrypted calls.

From Pakistan.

Can you hack them?


But I can check the emails he
sent straight after these calls.

I've got something.


After his last phone call with Pakistan,

this is the email he sent
to the Mumbai Port Authority.

It's the name of the ship
and destination but, uh,

what about the manifest?

There's going to be hundreds
of containers going on that ship.

How do we know which one we want?

Could you raise your arms, please.

What's this?

That isn't mine!

Whose is it then?

You must have put it there!


This is ridiculous.
What are you trying to say?

Do you know that it's illegal
to have this on you?

Give me my phone back!

My phone!

Okay, come with me.

We're in.

If you're happy, I'm happy.

Are you happy?

When you were involved in shipping,

did you come across someone
called Semiyon Kleiman?

Sure. Why?

He was interested
in investing in Alex's fund.

Was Alex interested, too?

No. He turned him down.

Smart move.

See, Kleiman may be a politician now

but he had a very unsavoury
reputation back then.

Was it justified?
- Well, put it this way.

You wouldn't transport aluminium
in Russia in those days

without stepping over a few bodies.

Tell him your name and what you do.

I am Rahman Ali.

I was porter in, uh, Chiralaj
Port for last 40 years.

Last month, I lost my job.

Do you still have access to
the Wi-Fi network in the port?


Do you remember
if there was anything

that might connect
to the central computer system?

Like an ATM machine?

Did you have
an electronic pass to sign in?

Yes, sir!

But they took it away from me.

Please... Please think.

Did you have access to any
computers or a machine?

The only machines I saw
were chocolate machines.


I told you, I am porter.

You want important man,
get important man.

The chocolate machine...

Like an electronic dispenser.

Do you remember
what kind of chocolate?

Why didn't you tell anyone
your father was an ex-cop?

Call him.

Maybe he can help.


Papa. I'm in trouble.
I've been arrested.

I have no idea why.

I can't hear you.

Tell me where you are.

I'll find out.


He's using another phone.

Papa? I got cut off.

I didn't do anything wrong, I swear.

It's OK, I believe you,
just tell me where you are.

We've got access to it.

I'll come and get you now,
don't worry.

I love you too.

No meetings this morning?
- Not until 11:00.

You okay?

I'm just tired.

I might go back to sleep.

Okay, see you later.

You have a chocolate
vending machine in Chiralaj Port?

Thank you.

Everything good?

Right now, all I can do
is order more chocolate.

I have to piggyback from the Intranet
of the dispenser to the central keyboard.

It all depends
if someone's had the sense

to block the crossing points...

Which they haven't.

Excuse me my friend. I'll be
right back.

Our friends in Mumbai
have found a way into the port.

Chopra's cargo
is waiting to be shipped.

If we steal Vadim's heroin,
there will be consequences.

Good and bad.

And even if
one of Dilly's men is caught,

it won't be long before Vadim
traces it back to you and me.

I can still call it off.

Let me know how it goes.

It's like Pac-Man.
What are we looking at?

It's a computer allocation system.

It shows port positions
of all the containers.

Now we just have to match them
with Mr. Chopra's companies.

You tired?

Okay, the containers of, uh,
Cross World are in Zone F.

Jabal's are in Zone G.

Srikkanth Steel.

Srikkanth Steel.

The Srikkanth Steel container's
on the move.

Can he go in yet?

One second until I fix
the security pass. Then he can enter.

Damn! Power cut.

Can I call?
- I have to reboot.

Okay, he can go in.

Get going, get going!

Srikkanth Steel.


Head to Zone F.

Loading dock three.

Stop that container!
There's been a mistake.

The Srikkanth Steel container
has to be returned.

Are we okay?

I have to put the right custom
forms on their computer system.

They're importing a crate
that never left the country.

Come on, come on.

Mr. Chopra.

I hope you have good news for me.

What complications?


You okay?

How far is it to the Cayman

Uh, I don't know. Ten hours?
- You don't know?

A little more, maybe?

- Have you ever been?

Uh, sure, yeah, last month.

So why didn't you tell me?

Uh, I was there a day.

Got off the plane, signed the
deal, flew straight back.

You were in New York or Sydney.
- What about Dubai?

- What about them?

I invest in emerging markets.

I work in those places.

So do you.
- No, I don't.

I don't visit tax havens
and offshore sink-holes

to launder some corrupt
politician's dirty money.

Did he invest in your fund?

- Semiyon Kleiman.

My firm was about to go under.
Yes, he invested in my fund.

Did you do the proper
due diligence checks?

Did you record his PEP status?
- Of course I did. Karin did.

It's all legal.
- What... What does that mean?

This is you,
not some sleazy City tax lawyer.

My business was in trouble.

The people who work
for me were about to lose

their jobs...
- Oh, come on!

They could have found other
positions. Don't try to justify this.

All right, look, I made a mistake.
I wish I hadn't taken his money.

If I could go back
and change it, I would.

You can.
- I have.

I managed his capital until
we're back on our feet.

Now that we are,
I'm going to pull out.

Why does Karin think you're
hiding something from her?

Why, what did she tell you?

She's your friend, Alex.

I kept some investments from her

but I will come clean.

What if you get investigated?

I've done nothing wrong.

All those conversations
we've had, Alex!

About moral integrity.

Doing things your way, the right way,
without your family's involvement.

I still believe in those things.

Everything I've done,
I've done for you.

My parents, my sister, my uncle.

You're all I care about.

It's possible
Chopra stole the heroin...

and made it look like a robbery.

Have you spoken to the Pakistanis?

They were understanding.

But they're not going to do
business with us again.

It's our associates in Moscow
who are more upset.

Karel Benes' phone log.

A few scrambled calls to Israel...

To Semiyon Kleiman.

They met in Prague a few months ago.

Around the time Reznick died.

Was anyone with Kleiman?

Just an assistant.



Thank you, Papa!

Who is God now, Chopra?