McGee and Me! (1989–1992): Season 1, Episode 4 - Skate Expectations - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(intense music)

(upbeat music)

(turning pages)

- [Nick Voiceover] And Jesus
replied with an illustration.

A Jew, going on a trip
from Jerusalem to Jericho

was attacked by bandits.

(buzzing whirl wind)

They stripped him
of his clothes.


They stole his money.

(dramatic music)

They beat him up,

and left him lying half
dead beside the road.

By chance a priest came along.

When he saw the man lying there,

he crossed to the
other side of the road

and passed him by.

A temple assistant walked over

and looked at him lying there.

But then when on.

A despised Samaritan came along.

Uh-hem, a despised
Samaritan came along.

And when he saw him,
he felt deep pity.

- These are the great lakes.

Now when you want to
remember the great lakes,

just think of H O M E S, homes.

Now who can tell me
what the H stands for?

Renee, what about you?

- Lake Huron.

- Lake Huron exactly.

- T minus 20 seconds
and counting.

- And the O, who
knows what the O is?


- Ontario.

- Ontario, very good.

- T minus seven seconds.

- Now what about the M?

- Three, two, one.

- Nicholas

(bell ring)

Saved by the bell.

- You've all been
working so hard,

I made a little take
home geography quiz.

I'll pick them up
first thing tomorrow,

and your textbooks do
not have all the answers,

so I hope you were
paying attention today.

You're dismissed.

(children yelling)

- Hey, Nick, are
you coming or what?

- Na, I'm going to board home.

See you tomorrow.

- You want these?

Bet you do.

Pick his pocket.

He doesn't have any money.

- Ooh, I can't look.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, I guess.

- Why was Derrick
picking on you?

- Don't tell Miss Harmon,
but he's making me

give him the answers
to the geography quiz.

- Figures, I guess he can't
handle big words like Ohio.

Don't do it.

- I gotta, if I don't.

- You otta just give him
all the wrong answers.

I mean it's not like he's
never flunked a test before.

You alright, you got everything?

- Yeah, thanks.

(light oboe music)

- If they don't
find a babysitter,

they're going to spend
all of their time

taking care of little Carol,

instead of enjoying the wedding.

- But I can't mom.

Everybody's going miniature
golfing, I told you that.

I promised Tina and Andy's
even asked his mom to drive.

- Look, I'd volunteer myself
but I've already promised

to help out with the reception.

- Mom, don't guilt me okay?

- What time is the wedding?

- 2:00, and I am
not guilting you.

It's totally up to you.

- Uh, could you
pass the milk Jamie?

- Pass the milk what?

- Pass the milk please.

- I'll get it.

I just think it would be a
nice thing for you to do.

But you make up your mind.

Call the Robinson's,
that's all I ask.

- Come on Sarah, let's eat.

- Okay, okay I'll
think about it.

Move your stupid book Nick.

- Move your stupid book what?

- Uh, please.

(quirkie music)

- [Nick Voiceover] The
geography quiz was pretty easy.

I figured Mrs Harmon
would give me extra credit

for the neat map I drew.

- Nice map Nick.

What is the great
continental divide?


- That's the dividing
line in the Rockies

where the river water
flows East or West.

- Correct.

Mr. Cryder, I must say that
of all the quiz papers,

yours was the most creative.

- Thank you.

- Perhaps you'd
share with the class,

your answer to
question number seven.

What is the state
capital of Michigan?

- Uh, Motown.


- Number eight, where are
the great plains located?

- At the great airports.


- Derrick, if you want
to waste your time here,

that's up to you, but when
you turn in a paper like this

you cheat only yourself.

I'd like to see
you after school.

(dramatic music)

- [Nick Voiceover] I
didn't think Phillip

would take my idea seriously.

Okay. The basic idea
is not to end up

with the gross sandwich.

And being outdoors while they
paint the cafeteria

makes it tough to sniff
out the cream cheese

on date nut bread.

- Jelly doughnuts, I'm
entertaining all serious offers.

- Oh, what is this stuff?

Hey Phillip, got
anything to trade for?

How bout a cream cheese
on date nut bread, yum?

- No thanks.

- Don't talk to him, he's weird.

- Hey Phillip, want
to go to the airport

and watch some great planes?

You think you're
pretty funny don't cha.

- Hey, give Phillip
back his lunch.

- Who's going to
make me Martin? You?

- Look Cryder, we're
all sick and tired

of the way you're picking
on everybody, right guys?

- Mm, jelly doughnuts.

I wonder what flavor it is?

- Ah come on, that is enough.

- Raspberry, my favorite.

Anyone else want a
doughnut to the cause?

Here dude, you can
have your lunch back.

(dramatic music)

The fun's just started, nerd.

- [Nick] So the despised
Samaritan came along.

And when he saw him,
he felt deep pity.

Kneeling beside him, the
Samaritan soothed his wounds

with medicine and bandaged them.

Then he put the
man on his donkey.



(hee haw)

He walked along beside him.

(whipping whirlwind)

Until they came to an inn.

There he nursed him
through the night.

The next day, he handed the
innkeeper, two $20 bills,

and told him to take
care of the man.

If his bills run higher
than that, he said,

I'll pay the difference
the next time I'm here.

Now Jesus asked,
which of these three

would you say was a neighbor
to the bandit's victim?

The man replied, the one
who showed him some pity.

Then Jesus said, yes
now go and do the same.

So what to I do against
Derrick and the goon platoon?

- Do, you can call Goliath
breath out, that's what.

One on one, man to
man, manno manno.

- Victim to mugger.

- I can see it now, you
get him against the ropes.

He comes at you
like a mack truck.

He swings, you duck.

- McGee, the guy
is twice my size.

Besides, you know how mom
and dad feel about fighting.

- Good point.

I've got it, challenge
the nar-do-well to a duel.

Plastic swords at high
noon or 11 central

which ever comes first.

- A duel?

- Yeah, on guard,
take that you cur.

For the underdog, for
mom and apple pie.

For season tickets to the opera.


- Cute McGee, so where do
I dig up a suit of armor?

- Hey that's it.

I have found yon solution.

It's brilliant.

- What now, sumo wrestling?

- No this will be so easy
you can skate through it.

Get it?

- Quit clowning.

- I'm just hanging around.


(pensive music)

- [Nick] Most of the time
I can always count on McGee

to be wrong.

But this time, it seemed
like he'd really come up

with a decent idea.

- Hi Nick.

You're going to be late.

- Who you waiting for?

- Ah no one special,
just Derrick.

- Looks like you've
got your wish.

- Hey Derrick, I
want to talk to you.

- Hey, why don't I just run
ahead and tell the nurse

to get out the bandages.

- What did you say wimp?

- I want to settle this thing
between you and Phillip.

- All right, you're on.

After school at the flagpole.

- No, not a fight, a race.

This Saturday,
skateboard to skateboard.

If you lose, you
lay off of Phillip.

- What happens when you lose?

Like I know you're gonna.

- Hey, why don't you
make him your slave?

- Yeah, yeah what he said.

For a week.

- All right you're on.

- Okay, you got it, later.

Let's bail.

- You're dead meat
man, hamburger.

- Bad news Nick.

- Do you know what you're doing?

- Sure I do, I can beat him.

- No way, I've seen you skate.

Derek won third place last year

in the tri-city finals.

He'll smear ya.

- [Nick Voiceover]
Great, thank again McGee.

- [McGee Voiceover] Well how
was I supposed to he was--

- [Nick Voiceover] Hey,
get out of my thoughts.

- [McGee Voiceover]
Eh, where do you keep

the graham crackers up here?

- [Nick Voiceover] Very funny.

- Look, your mom said you
didn't have to babysit.

So if you don't want to don't.

- Don't let mom catch you
working on the counter.

- Hey Nick, how's it going?

- Hi Andy, pretty good I guess.

- My brother Patrick told
me about your big race.

Pretty tough stuff.

Are you up to it?

- Yeah, I hope.

- Good luck.

- Thanks I'm going to need it.

- You know, that's a cool
thing your brother's doing.

Now many people go out of
the way to help someone else.

- Yeah, not many people.

- [Nick Voiceover] Phillip
was as worried as I was

about the race.

But at least we were
in this thing together.

- I've got something for you.

- What?

- It's for the race.

- Thanks, here hold
it for me, let's go.

- [Phillip] Okay.

(upbeat music)

♪ Words aren't enough

♪ You soon discover

♪ Just stand your ground

♪ Don't give in to others

♪ You know the choice is yours

♪ You know what
you feel inside ♪

♪ You've got to
do what's right ♪

♪ Listen to the voice inside

♪ You've fight the fight

♪ Stand up do what
you have to do ♪

♪ Stay tough cuz you're
going to make it through ♪

♪ It gets rough, but
you can be sure ♪

♪ If you give it the best
you're going to pass the test ♪

♪ No matter the cost
don't ever give it up ♪

♪ You've got to stand up

♪ It's not what you get
that makes it real ♪

♪ When you lend a hand,
it's His love you feel ♪

♪ You know the choice is yours

♪ You know what
you feel inside ♪

♪ You've got to
do what's right ♪

♪ Listen to the voice inside

♪ You've got to
fight the fight ♪

- [McGee] Hey Nick.

♪ Stand up do what
you have to do ♪

♪ Stay tough cuz you're
going to make it through ♪

♪ It gets rough
you can be sure ♪

♪ If you give it your best

♪ You're going to
pass the test ♪

♪ No matter the cost
don't ever give it up ♪

♪ You've got to stand up

- Oh man, he's not bad.

- You better fix him,
fix him good just to make sure.

Let's bail.

- [McGee Voiceover]
This'll be so easy,

you can just skate through it.

- [Louis Voiceover] No
way, I've seen you skate.

- [McGee Voiceover] You
can call Goliath breath out

that's what.

One on one, man to
man, manno manno.

(dramatic music)


- [Renee Voiceover] You
know what you're doing?

- [Nick Voiceover] Sure
I do, I can beat him.

- [Derrick Voiceover] What
happens when you lose?

Like I know your gonna.

- [Bully Voiceover]
You're dead meat man.

- [Louis Voiceover]
He'll smear ya.

- [Nick Voiceover]
Lord, I'm in trouble.

Maybe they're right, maybe
I don't stand a chance.

I just thought this is
what you wanted me to do.

I only wanted to help Phillip.

Please Lord, help
me to do my best.

(light music)

- Get your programs,
peanuts, popcorn, pickles,

pinwheels, Pekinese.

- Okay, let's review the course.

Starting here, you
both board up to Elm.

Then cut through the park.

Complete the trail of the
killer worm top to bottom.

Hit the rail, shoot the
ramp, nail the cones.

Then haul down McKinley,
back to the playground.

First one to cross
the finish line wins.

- Yeah yeah, let's
get this turkey movin.

- Stay on the course and
don't try any shortcuts.

Ready, let's go to
the starting line.

- [Kid] Come on let's go.

(kids cheering)

- Thanks Renee.

On your mark.

- Ready to die?

- Get set.


(kids cheering and yelling)

- Louis, didn't you notice?

None of Derek's clowns are here.

- You're right, something's up.

Let's check it out.

(upbeat music)

Do you see him?

- Yeah, over there.

- Do you see any of his dorks?

- No, not from here.

- Let's go check the switchback.

(upbeat music)

♪ It's not what you get

♪ That makes it real

♪ When you lend a hand

♪ It's His love you feel

♪ You know the choice is yours

♪ You know what
you feel inside ♪

♪ You've got to
do what's right ♪

♪ Listen to the voice inside

♪ You've got to
fight the fight ♪

♪ Stand up, do what
you have to do ♪

♪ Stay tough cuz you're
going to make it through ♪

♪ It gets rough but
you can be sure ♪

♪ If you give it your best,
you're going to pass the test ♪

♪ No matter the cost
you'll never give it up ♪

♪ You gotta stand up

♪ Stand up do what
you have to do ♪

♪ Stay tough cuz you're
going to make it though ♪

♪ It gets rough but
you can be sure ♪

♪ If you give it your best,
you're going to pass the test ♪

♪ No matter the cost,
don't ever give it up ♪

♪ You've got to stand up.

- Did you see that?

- Derek's little dorks.

- Come on Nick, you can do it.

Come on.

♪ You've got to
fight the fight. ♪

♪ Stand up do what
you have to do ♪

♪ Stay tough cuz you're
going to make it through ♪

♪ It gets rough but
you can be sure ♪

♪ If you give it your best
you're gonna pass the test ♪

♪ No matter the cost
don't ever give it up. ♪

♪ You've got to stand up

(kids cheering)

- Wait a minute.

Wait a minute, I won this race.

Unless your mom forget
to buy you glasses.

- Get lost Derrick,
we won that race.

You cheated.

- Yeah, we saw you.

(Group chants "Derrick cheats")

(Group chants "Nick won")

- Derrick won.

- Forget about it man, you won.

- Get lost.

- Going out of business,
slashing prices.

That's enough already.

- Say Nick, thanks.

- Anytime.

- Oh hi Nick.

- Hi.
- Did you win your race?

- Yeah, I sorta did.

- Good for you.

You know I said a prayer.

- Really?
- Of course you're my brother.

Oh listen, do me a favor.

When mom and dad get home,

tell them that I went to
the Robinson's to babysit.

- Oh wait, what happened
to miniature golf?

- Oh that, I decided,
well you know,

it's like it can
hurt to give a little

once and awhile, right?

- Right.

- Got to run, oh
congratulations champ.

- Thanks.

(light music)

- All right all right, my turn.

Champion huh?

Stand back and let
a true professional

show you how it's really done.

- McGee are you sure
you want to try?

(engine revving)

Okay, first you fall
down and hurt your head,

I got that.

Now what's my next lesson.

- Very funny, now
help me find my teeth.

(upbeat music)