Mayans M.C. (2018–…): Season 5, Episode 6 - My Eyes Filled and Then Closed on the Last of Childhood Tears - full transcript

On the anniversary of their mother's death, EZ takes Angel on a fatal journey.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Kill him!

How was your day?


I'm just worried about you.

I know firsthand what
this life does to someone.

I'm fine.

You keep falling,
keep forgetting.

This place is just better.

I really
like working here.

- See you around.
- Yeah.

You leaving?

Got someplace I got to be.

Me, too.

I want to stay.

I just finally want
something good, you know?


Are you honestly
doing his meal prep?

God knows what
his dad feeds him.

So tell me, bro, y-you
fucking my wife yet?

H-Hey. There's my beast.

I need a car.

I need it parked
at the Food4Cheap

outside of the service exit.

Three, four.

You murdered my son.

You won't fucking
get away with it!

I had to work really
hard to forgive myself.

You weren't there.

And that's what I had
to forgive myself for.

And I forgive you.

So why'd
you set the fire?

You get Ezekiel

to stop whatever the fuck

he thinks he's doing
with the fentanyl,

maybe all the secrets
can stay safe.

I should've just fucking burnt

all that fucking shit down.

We need to talk
about your brother.

He said some things.


Hey, little dude.

It's okay.

It's okay.


It's just us dudes today, okay?

Me and you. Let's go.

Look what's ready.

Hey, hey, hey.

Look what's read...
Now come on.

You got me.

Now I got you.

Oh, I got you.


Put your head up.


What the fuck?

Get in the truck. Let's go.

Where we going?

For a drive.

Nah, man, I got plans with
Adelita and Maverick today.

You and me got something
that needs to be handled now.

Come on, man, I got
my family today, bro.

This isabout family.

Let's go.

Leave your kutte.

Who was that?

It was my brother.

Come here.

I got to go.


I don't know.

You okay?



You sure you're okay?

Of course. It's just my brother.



So, where's the coffee?

Doughnut shop down the street.

You think they have
oat milk macchiatos?

No, but...

if you're lucky, there won't
be rat shit in your cruller.

I think you and I have
different definitions

of the word "luck."

I think that...

I'm the luckiest son of a
bitch in the world right now.

No, I agree.

I think you are, too.

Mrs. Galindo.

Mrs. Galindo.


Are you feeling okay?

Just close the door, Luis.

Please, just close
the fucking door.

Mr. Galindo told me to make
sure you get out of bed today.

Mrs. Galindo.

Mrs. Galindo.

You need to lean
forward into the recoil.

This is fucking stupid.
What are we doing here?

Sun's good for you.

You haven't been
outside in days.

Plus, I thought this might help.

It always relaxes me.

Killing people?

No. I don't like that.

I just see that
you've been depressed.

You don't know me. You don't
know a fucking thing about me.

I've been with Mr. Galindo
for a long time.

Your family means a lot to me.

Keep your feet wider
apart than your shoulders.

- Why?
- Gives you balance, control.

Why does my family
mean so much to you?

I think that's sad. I
think that's pathetic.

Dedicating your life to
being a fucking errand boy.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.

Always squeeze. Don't pull.

- Can I?
- Mm-hmm.

Good, now...

That was awesome.

I know you were going to
leave at the grocery store.

Were you gonna let me?

He won't let you.


So why haven't you told him?

Didn't happen.

It won't ever happen.

It's got good bones.

It's good for a family.

I can pull up the
carpeting there and

refurbish the flooring.

I could touch up the
walls with some paint.

I'm not sure sinking more cash
into the property will help.

Nobody's buying in Santo Padre.

I'd save your money and just

cross your fingers,
if I were you.

I need you to
watch Sally for me.

She's strong.

Don't let her pull you
on walks. I'll be back.

Uh, I'm not really good with...


You forgive me? Fuck you.

Who the fuck do
you think you are?

Come here.

Fuck your forgiveness

and fuck you for
thinking I need it.

How fucking dare you come
at me with that bullshit?

I'm sorry.

But I do forgive you.

You need to forgive yourself.

- We were kids.
- She was a kid...

and we were supposed
to keep her safe.

That was our only
job, and we failed.

I failed,

and now she's gone.

Yeah, you're right,

but you're not.

And how fucking selfish
are you to not embrace it?

You still have a life,
and you're wasting it

in a fucking trailer
in a scrapyard?

We owe her.

We owe her to find peace,

to not waste what
was stolen from her.


Oh, my God.


You gonna tell me
where we're going?


Remember that time we went to
the beach when we were little?

That ain't where we're going.

You still got that picture

of me, you, and Pop
in your trailer?

You were just there,
you should know.

I wanted to ask Sofía
how you were doing.

Could've asked me.

Bro, what is going on?

What the fuck is
going on with you?

I threw that photo out.

Wrong person was on the
other side of that camera.

I miss her, too, man.

12 years today.

12 years today since
she's been gone.

I hope she forgives me
for what I'm about to do.

I like that.

That's a nice little car.

Oh, he's talking more now, huh?

He won't shut up.

Just like his dad.

- Papa.
- I won't be long.

Papa. Hey.


I am really grateful...

for who you've...

helped Angel become.

He has always been this.

You just didn't see.

He's a beautiful man

with a big heart,

just like his father.

Please... be careful

- over there...
- Who also won't shut up.

- It's a Reyes trait.
- Mm-hmm.

Who loves you?



I'm glad I didn't.

The acoustics sound
better in here.

Yo, what-what is that for?

We're gonna bury a body.

- Get out of the truck.
- No.

Let's go.

I'm not going anywhere till you
tell me what the fuck this is.

Do you trust me?

- No.
- And that's the fucking problem.

I'm your brother.

And if that means
anything to you,

I need you to walk over to
that fucking shack right now.

For Mom.

Open the door.

Mom wouldn't want us
to hurt each other.

She'd want us to be together.

That's why we're here, Angel.

To say goodbye to her.

Open the door.


I'm sorry.

Don't fucking move.

shut the fuck up.

Took you long enough.

It'll be okay.

Said don't

fucking move.

I'm-a have a smoke. Last one.

Can't believe it took you
this long to grow some balls.

I judged you for not doing
it when you had the chance.

Anyone did my mother
dirty like that,

I'd fucking butcher them.

Baby, should I call Chibs?

Shut the fuck up.

Let them go.

This is between us.

No reason for anyone
innocent to get hurt.

What about my mother?

She was innocent.


Get your shit

and get the fuck out.

Leave your phone.

And if you turn around,

I'm gonna bury you
right next to him.

How'd you find me?

I've known for weeks.

A Reaper drying out
in Twentynine Palms.

This is our desert.

Nothing happens without
us hearing about it.

I told you before,

what happened that
night was just business.

When Packer got me the job,

- no one knew that...
- I know.

This is personal.

What'd she say?

What was the last
thing she said?

I shot her in the neck.

She didn't have time
to say anything.

You're awfully quiet,
poor little Angel.

You got nothing to say?

12 years ago today.

You set this all in motion.

Destroyed all of our lives.

Shit happens.

You knew what you signed
up for when you signed up.

Or maybe you didn't.

This is my gift to you, Angel.

Do it.


Do it, Angel.

Stop being a little bitch.

Do your worst.

Shoot him, Angel.

Here she is with Grandpa.

He loved her so much.

She's still with us, Sof.

As long as we can
talk about her,

she's still with us.

Jesus said,

"Let the little
children come to me

"and do not hinder them,

for to such belongs
the kingdom of Heaven."

She's with Him now.

God is our refuge

and our strength.


Ooh, I am so sorry.

Can I
buy you another?

It's okay.

For you.

Which one is yours?

Oh, I'm not a dad.
I'm just watching.

Sawyer, stay close, honey.

That was bad. That
was really creepy bad.

I don't talk to women like that.

You should never talk
to women like that.

No, I mean...

I know, I
know what you meant.

They don't have comedy
where you're from?

Yeah, it's just usually funnier.

That's well-played.

For real, though, you
don't have anyone?

Like, a wife or
girlfriend or pet?

I told you, the
Galindos keep me busy,

and that's okay.



- Where is he?
- I don't know.

I-I just turned around and...

Wh... What?





- Mommy.
- Quick, come here, come here.

-What are you doing? What were you doing?

She said she had
a present for me.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.


- I thought you were...
- What?

I thought...

The fuck is this, man?

What do you mean?

Making things right by Mom.

You honestly think that
this is what she'd want?

For us to murder somebody
out in the desert?

This is all that we
have to give her.

It's all that we're capable of.

It's all that any of the
Reyes men will ever be.


Where are you going?

He needs to have more
confidence with shooting first.

Earning the takedown.

What? Why are you laughing?


It's nice.

You've really taken to this.

He's an awesome kid.

You've taken to it

more than you thought you would.

It feels wrong now.

He's gonna be really hurt,


when he does find out.

That's the plan we agreed to.

Paul hasn't held up his
part of the agreement.

And us?

You broke my heart.

I had no choice.

- I was your commanding officer...
- I know, it doesn't mean it didn't fuck me up.

I know I was a fuckup back then.

I wasn't fit to be a dad.

And now?

Paul's still my brother.

He's still my husband.

You'd have to leave that

for this.

I couldn't have
that around Jacob.

It's fine with "Uncle
Gilly," but with...

Would you?

For your son?

He needs a father.

He needs his father.

I know.



Came to check in on your mom.

Didn't see her in class tonight.

She wasn't feeling too good.

Did she eat today?

A little.

What about you?

I'm good.

Come on. I know a spot.

I think that may be the oldest
thing in this retirement home.

Okay, well, from one to ten,

rate this dinner.


It's that bad, huh?


I mean...

that indescribable.

♪ Sometimes I move
like shadows ♪

♪ Sometimes I move like wind ♪

♪ But most days I start ♪

♪ Where I begin ♪

♪ Naked in the Great Lakes ♪

♪ Underneath the shine... ♪


It was just getting good.

Mm, yeah, well, it sounded
better in the bathroom.

I, uh...

had no idea you played.

Yeah. I'm real big in Belgium.

Hanging with you lowlifes
is just my side gig.

Keeps me grounded.


Music feels like, I don't know,

learning a new way
to say how you feel

but, like, truer somehow.

S-So teach me something.

Okay, well, it's not
as easy as it looks.

You got to get the
fingering right.

Well, I could've
showed you that.

Yeah, well, we all know
you're not very good at that,





I don't trust you.

You don't like me.

You don't like working for me.

I know that Potter
leveraged your family

to force you to work with me.

So I will do this for you.

I will set you free.

I just need you to do one thing.

Take care of one more person.

This time on the north side.

Kill this annoying stray,

and you and your
family will be free.

But I want it done
by midnight tonight.

No excuses.

What is it?

It was dropped off and
delivered at the gate.

It's for Cristóbal.

Oh, my God.

What are you doing?

♪ Sometimes I move
like shadows ♪

♪ Sometimes I move like wind ♪

♪ Most days I start
where I begin ♪

♪ I'm naked in the Great Lakes ♪

♪ Underneath the shine of Mars ♪

♪ I begged my friends
to let me drift off ♪

♪ Shower your loves in kisses ♪

♪ Shower the world in fear ♪

♪ Take advantage of
those who got you here ♪

♪ Let me roll ♪

♪ Let me go ♪

♪ Let me roll ♪

♪ Let me go ♪

She's really strong.

She really pulls on walks.

♪ Let me roll ♪

♪ Let me go ♪

♪ Let me roll ♪

♪ Let me go ♪

♪ I'm bound ♪

♪ To lose control ♪

♪ I'm bound ♪

♪ To lose ♪

♪ Control. ♪

She's gone.

And nothing will
ever bring her back.


She's dead.

And so am I.