Mayans M.C. (2018–…): Season 5, Episode 3 - Do You Hear the Rain - full transcript

Determined to reclaim the pipeline, the M.C. begins a new trade.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Creep's just
standing alone in there now?

He got hit pretty bad.

If you
really want to help me,

you said there was a
rat in Santo Padre.

I need you to find
out who it is.


We have to
take this upstairs.

Has anyone else seen this?

Don't be
dramatic. You can leave

anytime you want,
but you will never

be alone with my son again.

- You Butterfly?
- What did you need?

This isn't gonna end
well for your brother.

Someone I know died.
Is that because of me?

Just keep your head
down and your ears open.

You're just gonna fucking
kick us out on the street?!

- We need real money now.
- There is one thing.

It's hella dangerous, though.

I don't care what it
is, we're doing it.

Why would I show mercy

to the people who didn't show

any to my mother?

Because we are

your family, son.

- Hi, baby.
- I got a visit this morning from Cole.

Whatever you guys are
looking for, stop.

No wonder Soledad
didn't want our guns.

getting 'em from Cole.

All we needed was to
know who the players were.

Now we just knock
one off the board.

We're gonna take out the cartel.

Ten minutes
before security sweep.

Fuck! Shit.


Let's go.

Five minutes out.

Aw, careful,
you dumb fuck.

The cook's unaccounted
for. Go find him.

We need him alive.

I'm on it.

Hey, guys, two
minutes. Two minutes.

Any sign of the cook?


We need to move.

One minute.
One minute out.

Found the little bitch
hiding under the house.

Toss him in. Let's go.

Thank you. I've got him.

Good job.

Yo! You got a dollar?

Yeah, we get
it. Times are hard.

Maybe we can help.

- Ooh.
- You don't got to be proud.

The hubris, man.

I want to go home.

- He's late for his nap.
- We're almost done.

If he fall asleep in the car,

we're never gonna get him
down back at the house.

I know. I said
we're almost done.

Let's just, uh,
try to be helpful.

I'll get the stuff
for the salad,

you get the granola he likes.

- Luis, will you get the toilet paper?
- Mom.

- I'm tired.
- Just a little longer, baby.









Are these the ones?

No. No, we get the
dye-free recycle kind.

The one with the pine
cones on the packaging.

You stay with
them. I'll get it.

Okay, but hurry.
He needs his nap.

I got an A-minus
on my civics test.

That's good, mija.

Santi told me he got
picked third in PE.

First time he hasn't
been picked last.

You're missing it.

Missing what?


You must be hungry.



- Aah!
- Hey, he's just scared, man.

What'd you fucking
say to me, prospect?


He's just fucking stalling.

Okay, okay, okay. Okay.



He needs you to
fetch, you fetch.

He needs you to stir, you stir.

Whatever it takes, you help him.

- Never speak out like that again.
- I'm sorry.

Don't fucking tell
me you're sorry.

Just don't ever
fucking do it again.

Hey, man, tell you
about that, right?

- That is not a thing.
- Yeah, it is.

At chip companies and
stuff, they test flavors.

Food tester.

- I want to do that.
- Okay, fine.

Um, a rodeo clown.

Ew, Letty. No.

They're mean to the animals.

I know. Sleep tester.

Sleeping all day?
Shit, sign me up.

Book tester.

I'm pretty sure that's
just called reading.

Okay, what is it
with you wanting

to be a human guinea pig?

I'm a giver.

We got to go, Hope.

We have to finish
the game first.

This game is stupid.

You promised.


Where? Buffalo.

Thirty-four kids,
20 housekeepers,

five cars and 20
motherfucking mansions!


All right, righty tighty,


- Lefty loosey.
- All right, now you try it.

Here. One of the...

All right, tighten
it. Tighten it.

Mm-hmm. Mm.

Good. Really good.

Here, a little
tighter. Mm-hmm.

Come here.

Inside, mijo. Play with Maria.

What'd I tell you?

Look, Miguel...

I told you I never
wanted to see you.

I brought you something.

Your mother...

used to write me.

She wanted me to know you.

That's all I want to do.

I want you to know us.

You ever drive out here again...

I'll bury you in these hills.

Hey, you know, like,
what you're doing, right?




Uh, no, man. They-they
call me Bottles.



Great. Thank you.



Don't need to translate that.

Did he ask why we
brought him in?

No, he just asked for a straw.

Thank you for coming
on such short notice.

Your primary residence
is Ocean Beach, correct?

Short commute, at least.

I am Patricia Devlin,
deputy assistant

inspector general of the
Division of Investigations,

OIG, San Diego Field Office.

It's quite a mouthful, isn't it?

And yet they make me
say it every time.


Agent Potter,

I know that you are
a very busy man,

so I will get right to it.

- The inspector general...
- I am.

I'm sorry?

A busy man.


Okay, well,

hopefully we can solve
this very quickly.


we have found some

in your accounting.

Some rather serious

You know, Agent Potter,
what I was hoping for today

was to give you the opportunity

to shed some light

on these...


It's sad, really, this milk.

Meant for her baby.

In a dark crate somewhere,

withering into veal.

Or... perhaps
already ingested

and evacuated through
someone's bowels.

Flushed, forgotten.

You know, I never
would have taken you

for a vegan, Agent Potter.

Oh, me?

Oh, God, no.

I'm from Akron.


Yet, still, as this calf
grew inside her womb...

Not to anthropomorphize... but

I'm sure mama's hopes for him
were for something greater

than a foreshank or loin.

But... here I sit,

not her baby, enjoying her milk.


Hmm. I suppose

we should be careful
what we nourish.

It would be a pity

for everything we've
worked for to end up...


You'll have to forgive me.


yeah, I'm from the East Coast,


we just tend to say
what we mean, so...

And-and admittedly,
the whole, um,

folksy, "aw, shucks,"

Midwestern thing

is kind of obtuse.


just to be clear...

did you just threaten me?

Oh, golly, no. I...

I was speaking about
my work, not yours.


My apologies if you
experienced it that way.

Apology accepted.

- Wonderful.
- Mm.

Now, please,

Deputy Assistant
Inspector General

of the Investigations
Division, OIG,

San Diego Field Office,

please, please edify me further

about my missing
Snickers bar receipts.

National security
hangs in the balance.


You fucked me.

- No.
- You did.

You fucking fucked me.

You thought, "Great,

"while my boss is doing
fucking gymnastics

"for me to keep my job,

"because I sabotaged
a three-year-case

"'cause I couldn't keep
it in my fucking pants,

"I think I'll go visit
the fucking convict

"who put me in
this very position,

"who I was very
clearly told by my boss

to stay miles the
fuck away from!"

You fucking spit in my mouth.

- I didn't.
- You opened

my fucking mouth

with your tiny fucking hands,

and you spat your nasty spit

down my throat.

Okay, listen, I know

- that I shouldn't...
- It's over. Give me your fucking badge.


Melissa, wait.

- It's about you.
- Can you just hear me... Listen, I...

Yes, sir.

Yes, I'm well aware.

I'm with her right now.

It won't be
complicated any longer.

I'm handling the
situation as we speak.

Aw, come on. I've
been here since 12:30, man.

Yo, relax.
Everyone stay back.

We'll get to you. Just
be cool, all right?

Yo. Everybody just chill
and we'll get to you.

Boss man will be right back out.

Yo, I'm not gonna
tell you again. Relax.

We're gonna get to you.

Hey, we said hold on.

No, I'm sorry.

- Fuck!
- Letty, no!

All right, motherfuckers.

Are you fucking
serious right now?


Oh, shit.

Fucking bitch!

- Motherfucker!
- Come on, come on, come on, let's go!

I'll kill you, bitch!

Hey, Bish.

Hey, man.

Can I ask you something?

No, I'm cool.

I'm actually...

trying to quit.

That's kind of what I
want to talk to you about.

What, about quitting
fucking smoking?


You had a kid, right?

You know I got a

little boy of my own now?

I've been trying
to keep it quiet.

Not to dirty up both worlds.

But that's just it, I mean...

How the fuck do
I do that? You...

How do I keep both worlds

from not bleeding
into each other?

If I could go back...

I'd take him.

And I'd hold him.

And I'd never let him go.

Get the fuck out of here.

Be a fucking janitor
somewhere if I had to.

Be whatever I had to
be just to be a dad.

I'd let all you
motherfuckers burn

just for one more
second with him.

I'm here because...

I got nothing else.

I'm here because I ain't
got nothing fucking else.

That answer your
fucking question?

Changed your hair.

Where have you been, Em?

What happened?

It doesn't matter.

Are you... back with him?

Are you safe?

Remember the last
time we were here?

I was so fucking scared.

You had to open up
the letter for me.

You were the only one who
didn't believe you'd get in.

I was so fucking proud of you.

Everything was ahead of us.

And we had it all figured out.

Seems like yesterday.

Seems like a million years ago.


This is the last time

I'll ever ask something of you.

What do you need?

I need a car.

I need a car that
won't stick out.

One that can't be traced.

I need it parked at the
Food4Cheap on Union,

right outside of
the service exit

on the south side
of the parking lot.

I always liked the theory
that time isn't linear.


everything we dreamt
about that night...

actually came true
for us somewhere.

I don't believe that.

Yeah, me neither.

Nondescript car,
Food4Cheap. It'll be there.


Promise me you'll be okay.

You first.

I really do like the hair, Em.

And he starts screaming,

"Only God can judge

Yeah, but then,
you jumped on him,

you selfish motherfucker.

I had my hammer ready.

I was gonna say
something badass and then

- you fucked it up for me, man.
- I got a short attention span.

Tired of hearing him talk.

And they always find religion
at the most opportune time.

"I found God."

He might have found God
but they never found him.

You're fucked up.

She-She's always
pissed off lately, man.

That asshole's brother came
back the next week, remember?

Shot me in my armpit.

That shit still bites.

Yeah, but we got
him back good, too.

Real good.

We did.

You know, shit was just
more simple back then.

Ah, that's just 'cause
it's in the rearview.

It was complicated
as fuck real time.

Still is.

This is simple.

Men dream of having
what you got, carnal.

And now you got a
baby on the way?

Probably gonna teach him
to throw from your Rascal.


We're the same age,
carnal. Come on.

Yeah, but I ain't about to
be neck-deep in diapers.

Yeah, you got that right.

The war?


You're lucky

you don't got to
worry about that.

What you need to do...
You need to worry

about what's going on in there.

Leave the dying
to the rest of us.

You're not cheating
on Nestor, are you?

Shut up. It is not a thing.

It is such a thing.

You just need to grab that thing

with both hands and
just, like, fuckin'...

You guys are pervs.

Oh, hey, Nestor.

We were just talking about you.

I miss something?

Just about a million
fucking clues.

You good?

Yeah, I'm just
gonna split early,

get dinner with my sister.

You have a sister?

You close?

We used to not be.

But... lately, it's
been pretty cool.

Prospect! What the
fuck are you doing?

Everyone is gonna
want to see this.

- What's going on?
- We got something for you, Prez.

Come on. Show 'em.

Tell 'em.


Just for that?

Yeah, and he says we can
make another one of these

with what we brought
back from Mexico.

- Shit.
- What the fuck?

What do you say, Prez?

I say we're in business.

- Shit, right?
- Yeah.

Holy shit,
we are so good.

- We are so fucking good now.
- You're not listening.

$17,382. I mean,

this is more than enough money
to pay for rent and then some.

- Letty.
- What?

- We can't stay.
- Oh, my God.

You don't understand.
That guy...

Butterfly? You're scared
of some dirty hippie

- named Butterfly?
- Listen, if he's here,

- then that means Isaac's here.
- Fuck Meth Mountain!

I ain't scared of
those motherfuckers.

- We can go anywhere we want now.
- I ain't going anywhere.

You don't understand.

- They know now that...
- I'm not leaving.

This is my house.

This is my fucking house.

It's all that I have left.

All that I have left of him.

If you want to go,
then fucking go, okay?

'Cause I don't need you.

- Letty...
- Fucking go.


Fucking go!

Fucking go.

I guess it's...

more of a...

Letty and Hope.

Ice cream testers.

You're so fucking stupid.

♪ I'm leaving old
ghost behind ♪

♪ Been making up
for lost time ♪

♪ Putting out the fires ♪

♪ Of these bridges ♪

♪ That I burned ♪

♪ Buried by the weight ♪

♪ Of all my sins ♪

♪ I'm a casualty
of consequence ♪

♪ I've caused my share of pain ♪

♪ I casted stones and
passed the blame ♪

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

♪ Been through hell and back ♪

♪ And one thing that
I've learned... ♪

You're my boy.

I will never let
anything happen to you.

Hey, kid. Come
on. There you go.

♪ It all comes back around ♪

♪ I'll get back
what I hand out... ♪

Hey. I thought you were
with the guys tonight.

♪ I'm a casualty
of consequence... ♪

- Whoa. Whoa.
- Yes.

Slow down.

I want to stay.

For good.

- Obispo...
- No.

I don't want to fuck this up.

Let me prove it.

Let me stay.

I just finally want...

something good, you know?




Thought you said
you were hungry.



Hey. Remember when you said

you were thinking of
maybe finding a new place?

What if we got one...

Where the fuck you
been hiding, Jess?

You have to talk
to him. Just...

just tell him what
he needs to know.

Fuck you both.

Where are my guns?

Terry, stop!

Terry, no!

- No, stop!
- Where are the guns?

- What are they planning next, huh?
- You're killing her! Please!

Fucking tell me!

What the fuck?!

That's my sister, asshole.

I'm so fucked.

You got to give me
something, Jess.

Jessie, please. You got to
give me something, please.

I don't want to do this anymore.

You want to kill me,

fucking kill me.

But I'm not doing this anymore.

Hey, hey.

Hey. Oh, God.

It'll be okay, baby.

You got-you got no
idea what he's doing

and what he's capable of.

And he's setting his eyes on
me. I know those fucking eyes.

What about Hoosier or Joker?

They have to see that
Isaac's fucking crazy.

They're all...
they're all in now.

Swept up like I used to be.

Okay. Okay.

It's gonna get bad.

There's more
where that came from.

They may be the cartel,

but they're a slow,
fat, dying machine.

We are sleek, we are smart,

we are deadly.


I already got a partner.

And thank you, because, um,

when she asks me to find out

what group of fucking
idiots were stupid enough

to raid one of her cook houses,

well, Santo Padre's a short
drive for me and my men.

We can deliver another
kilo right away.


A whole kilo?

Boy, this is a man's game.

But I'll tell you what.

For old time's sake,

I'll give you a head start...

before I come for you.

We can get a lot more.

And you won't have to go
through Mexico to get it.

I don't care how
good your system is.

You take on risk every time
you go through the border.

We alleviate that for you.

You work with us,

and everything happens on
this side of the border.

You minimize risk,
maximize profit.

But we want the prisons back.

Here's the deal.

I want ten times this
in the next few days

or else I do what
I was hired to do,

which is protect the
LNG's northern concerns.

Which means I come back here

and I murder


- either of you love.
- But we get the prisons back.

We'll see.

You wanted my
attention. You got it.

You want to replace the LNG?

Those are the numbers.

Welcome to the big time, kids.

- This is a bad fucking idea.
- No, it's not.


They put a gun up
to my child's head

and you drag me out here to make
a deal with this motherfucker?

- You didn't need me.
- You're the only one I need.

And fuck him.

Let's make that
motherfucker work for us.

That's how we win.

Oh, how we win?

You know how fucking
crazy you sound right now?

- You know how crazy all this shit is?
- I do.

How the fuck we gonna get
ten times that much fentanyl

in three days?

I have no fucking idea,

but now we have no choice.

is a prepaid call from...


an inmate from
Niland Correctional Facility.

Please wait while we...

- Hank?
- Hey, brother.

I got great news.

We're gonna be back on top.

We got a problem.

We got a fucking rat.

- What?
- Yo, can you hear me?

Hang on. What was that?

I said there's a fucking rat.

There's a fucking
rat in the club.