May I Help You (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 14 - Episode #1.14 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I can't even smoke
a cigarette before I go.

It would've been nice
if I had a shot of soju.

I couldn't even say goodbye
to my younger brother.

I couldn't see Mi-young.

I wonder if she got married.

Do you remember the accident
you caused two years ago?

I said, do you remember?

Is the kid alive?


I feel so bad for that kid.

But I can't do anything. I'm dead too.

You didn't kill him.

Who killed him?

That kid?

It was me that killed him.

I was drunk driving.

-And ran over him--
-You're lying.

If you did,
I shouldn't be able to see you right now.

My goodness!

That night,

what exactly happened?

I already told you,
I ran over him while driving drunk!

Joon-ho's family lives in hell
every day after they sent him off.

Resenting you, when you're lying in bed,
not paying for your crime.

Why get resentment when you didn't do it?

Don't you feel mistreated?

I'll deliver it.
I'll deliver your message, so--

Let them resent me if they want to!

I've always been like this.

I don't give a crap
about what other people think of me,

I always did whatever the hell I wanted!

I'm a wretch
that tried to kill my own father.

Just because I hit and killed a kid,
you thought I would just beg for mercy?

"Please forgive me?"

This is really the last chance.

There won't be another to correct this.
Please, tell me the truth.

I don't know
what you want to hear from me,

but it was me. I hit him!

So stop asking useless questions like that

and get me some cigarettes
if you're gonna be back.



I met...

Seo Young-chul.

What did Seo Young-chul tell you?

I've always been like this.

I'm a wretch
that tried to kill my own father.

Just because I hit and killed a kid,
you thought I would just beg for mercy?

"Please forgive me?"

That he will apologize...
as many times as he needs to.

That he will pay for what he's done,
even after death.

I thought you wouldn't
be able to meet him.

Thank you.

You must have been able to meet him

to hear those words
and let Joon-ho rest in peace.

Were you able to check the surveillance
cameras that you were going to look into?

The ones at the incident location.

No, not yet.



Young-chul, sorry for the late text.
Can you send me your truck registration?

-I need to send it.
-What's this... Huh?

My God, you're insane!

-Get out.
-Let go!

-Get out right now!
-I said let go!

You have a death wish, don't you?

Come on, it's raining.
There's no way anyone's out patrolling.

You're a cop and you don't even know that?

Pull yourself together, man!

Son of a...

How dare you, huh? To me?

Let's go then. Let's go.


Seat belt.

-Wear your seat belt!
-Jeez, so scary.

Mr. Police Officer, I envy you.

I wanted to be one too,
but it's all messed up now.

It got all screwed up because of you.

Why do you always become like that person
whenever you get drunk?

You bastard.

You calling Father "that person?"
Our father?!

All right. It's all my fault. Everything.



You must not know

how much at fault you are.

It's all your fault.

You made me into this!

Come on, enough is enough!

How long are you going to keep doing this?

Isn't 20 years of blaming me enough?
Stop it, just stop!


I'm so sorry.

My brother is not a person like this.

I'm so sorry,
but can you please show clemency?

I'm sorry.

No words would justify what happened.

-By the way, have we met before?
-Oh, I hear that all the time.

Just look. A very common face.

Where's Seo Hae-an?

-Hmm? He's on leave.
-What for?

What am I, a school teacher?
Why would I ask him that?

He's probably on a vacation!




I see now. I knew he looked familiar.

What are you doing?

-Where's Seo Hae-an's leave request form?
-What? What is it? Why so curious?

-Did he say anything about the leave?
-Like what?

You know, like Seo--

Never mind.

What? What's wrong with him
this early in the morning?

That person woke up?

-Oh, Lord.

How could he wake up?

Father, you said that

it is a sin to take someone's life,
or to take your own.

Because those that have sinned
do not deserve the blessing,

that that's why I can't meet them.

Yes, I did.

-Could it be that you're wrong, Father?

Maybe I can meet people
that killed someone.

There's no way. Absolutely not.

Seol-a's mother. You couldn't meet her.


Then how did this person wake up?


That is...

-You don't know, right?

-You don't know.
-That's not true.

If you don't know, please just say so.

Ah! I came for nothing, jeez.


Yeah, I don't know.

I have no idea
how that person could wake up.



This is really the last chance.
There won't be another to correct this.

Please, tell me the truth.

I don't know
what you want to hear from me,

but it was me. I hit him!

Excuse me.
Is this by chance Seo Young-chul's...

Oh, yes.


I couldn't see Mi-young.

I wonder if she got married.

Noona... You're here.

Long time no see.
What a place for a reunion.

Life seems so futile.

They said he woke up
after two years in a coma.

I thought he would recover soon...

I never thought he would go
as soon as he opened his eyes like that.

You must have been close to him.

We were co-workers,
but yes, we were pretty close.

That day, something really great
happened to his little brother.

He even ordered a turtle-shaped
gold necklace from the jewelers

and got off work all excited to see him.

It might be... It might be my fault.


That night... I was working overtime

and I texted Young-chul
for a picture of his vehicle registration.

His replies had a bunch of typos,
like a drunk person, but I thought,

"Nah, no way."

Like an idiot...

I never even began to think

that he would be driving.

I should have told him
just once more not to drive.

Then none of this would have happened.

The little boy that died was tragic,
but Young-chul is also unfortunate.

You drank a lot, huh.

Oh, dongsaeng!

Dongsaeng, I'm sorry.

I'm just... upset.

So very distraught.

Probably not as much as dongsaeng, but...

Thinking about Young-chul...

Please, don't cry.

He isn't worth all these tears.

...and I texted Young-chul
for a picture of his vehicle registration.

A picture?

Tae-hee, it's all over for real now, okay?

What's the use of resenting and hating
someone who isn't a part of this world?

It just makes it harder for us.

Let's move on, hmm?

Let us move on, Tae-hee!

Oh, right,

I think Maehyeong and Noona should
also know about this. Should I tell them?

When was this?


Were there no words he left behind?

He said he was sorry.

That he will die
to pay for what he's done.

Those were his last words, I heard.

Your mother would feel worse
if she knew, right?

Give it some time.

You can tell her slowly, Dad.

All right. Thanks for delivering
such a difficult message.

I hope that now Joon-ho can rest in peace.


You waited for me?

To drive you to work.

I could have gone alone.

Yesterday was probably really tough.

I wanted to make this
at least comfortable.

Good times, good times.


Are you by chance
looking for A Dime A Job?

No, I'm the father
of Baek Dong-joo over there.

Excuse me?

Oh boy! Nice to meet you, sir!

Uh, who are...? Do you know my Dong-joo?

Of course I do!

Ah, right. I'm the CEO of A Dime A Job
and Kim Tae-hee's maternal uncle,

Vincent. Nice to meet you.

Vincent, I see. Hello.

Oh, but Dong-joo just left.

Why would my Dong-joo leave from here?



I mean, uh... Huh?

Here you go.

Why would a kid that should be studying
in Noryangjin come out of here?

I see, Dong-joo was preparing
for the civil service exam.

Oh, just now, Dong-joo was visiting
for a moment for something--

What thing?

That is, uh...

Oh, this house is known
for its good omens.

Those that have passed by this place
have been hired to civil officer positions

so now everyone comes by
to get the good energy.

In other words,
a popular place for all sorts for students.

-Does Dong-joo live here?
-No, not really live, but, more like...

stopping by. Yes.

Uh, so, she said
just being here clears up her mind,

or something like that.

But she's not the type to believe
something like that. She's Catholic.

Right. Ah...

Right, Dong-joo... goes to church.


Actually, there is
something you should know.

So, Dong-joo and Tae-hee...

-...have recently begun a relationship.
-Excuse me?

Therefore, inevitably,
Dong-joo has been in and out pretty...

not, often...

She just came by
to see Tae-hee this morning.

Oh, man. To be young
is a great thing. Right, sir?

Coming all the way here from Noryangjin.

But then again, there are plenty

that love across Seoul and Busan,
even across international seas.

How long have they been together?

I'm not sure. How long has it been?

Hmm. Maybe, like, a week?

Or was it ten days...

No, maybe it's been a month
since they really started dating.


Our Tae-hee is a pretty decent guy.

So please,
you don't have to be too worried.

-Yes? Yes, yes.

It's not that my child came here
last night and left this morning, right?

No, no, not at all, don't you worry!

As long as I'm with them,
anything you may be concerned about

will never, ever happen.




-We have arrived.
-Oh, I see.

What are you thinking about so deeply?

-You have departure today, right?

-Hope you can help Hae-an feel better.
-Are you okay, Tae-hee?

I'm not sure.

A part of me is thinking,
"Is it finally over?"

But when I think about Hae-an,
it's tragic.


Man, you have no idea
how reliable you've been.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Oh, right. This...

What's this?

Uh... I thought you could
leave it with his ashes.

How did you know...

Oh, I brought it because I thought
he might have wanted a smoke.

How did you know the cigarette brand
that he liked before passing?

-Even I've forgotten about it.
-Is that so? That's a relief.

He doesn't deserve any of this.

Thank you.



It's nothing. Let's talk about it later.


Oh! Uh, hello.

-Hello, Team Leader Im.

Since I met today's quota of seeing you,
I'll be going now.

Have a good day.

Uh, wait, miss.

I, uh, really wanted
to extend my thanks to you

but I ended up taking a long time.
Thank you very much...

for the baby's gloves.

Please, don't mention it.

Thank you for your hard work, Team Leader.

Thank you.
Let's grab some coffee sometime.


-I would love to.

How about right now?
I know a really nice café.

-Uh, right now?


You called me here for lunch...

Thank you.

Do you by chance

remember the conversation
we had last night?

What was it?

That you were
in contact with him that night.


I wouldn't call it "in contact."
All I got was a photo.

-You got the photo that night then, right?

It was about an hour after I got the photo

that I got the news of the accident.

Could I maybe take a look at that photo?

What for?

Uh... I thought you could
leave it with his ashes.

How did you know...

Oh, I brought it because I thought
he might have wanted a smoke.

Here you go.

The police said

they can't use the photo
as evidence anyways.

My old phone is at home.

I'll look for it when I get home.

Do you like kimchi jjim?

Wow, it looks so good!

Mmm. Smells so good.

-Do you like kimchi jjim?
-Yeah, I'm excited.

This is kimchi jjim I brought for Tae-hee.

It's nothing great, but please enjoy.

Oh, wow, thank you.

Oh, and uh...

please don't tell the kids
that I was here today.

I'm going to pretend I know nothing
until Dong-joo decides to tell me

so that I don't pressure them.

Please keep it a secret from them.


Let's dig in!

-Thank you for the meal.
-Of course, enjoy.


Did you really make this?

Huh? Oh, yeah! Of course I did.

-It's too good!
-Oh, really?

-It tastes just like how my dad makes it.
-Oh, is that so?

-Your dad must use the same sauce I use.

I don't think so.

It tastes totally different
from the kimchi jjim I'm used to.

Completely different.

"Different," my ass, kid!

I added a little too much sugar earlier.
It's the same!

By the way, Dong-joo...

did you tell your father
that you and Tae-hee are together?

Are you okay?

-Drink some of this.

But wait, did I ever tell you that, Uncle?

You think I'm an idiot? Hmm?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Anyways, uh...

If your father found out,
I think he would be overjoyed.

Stop being nosy and let's just eat.

I mean, what if you're
walking down the street hand-in-hand

and Dong-joo's father sees that?


Just eat your food.
It's our problem, what's wrong with you?

What I mean is, before something like that
happens and makes it awkward for everyone,

I'm merely suggesting that you tell him
beforehand to prevent such an event.

-Eat up, eat up.
-I'm sorry.

-But Father would be so happy to find out!
-Let's just eat, for real!

Hey, Dad.

Did you eat dinner?

I finished eating a long time ago.

-How about you, kiddo?
-Yep, I ate.

What did you have?

Kimchi jjim!

Oh, did you now?

Dong-joo, make sure you get
proper breaks from studying.

Go out once in a while.
Meet people and rest your mind.

What's gotten into you?
You used to scold me for drinking.

That was because

you would be out drinking at night
all by yourself.

But if someone's there to protect you,
then it's fine.

I don't drink that much anymore.
Don't worry.

Hey, Dong-joo.
You know you can tell your dad anything.

If you want to drink, then drink.
If you want to play around, then do that.

If you don't do what you want
and keep what you want to say inside,

it'll end up causing stress.

You know, right?
The source of all disease.

When I was dating your mom,
we said the same thing.

To be honest with each other
about everything.

There's supposed to be no secrets

between two people that love each other.

Once you start hiding
tiny things from each other,

you start having a hard time
seeing that person because of guilt.

All right, Dad, get to bed soon.

Okay. Good night, kiddo.

This fox won't fess up until the very end.


My goodness!

Our Dong-joo is apparently in love!

No wonder she wouldn't come home,

she was busy dating.

What happened to studying like I told her?

I know the person that Dong-joo is with.

He's tall and good-looking,

and well-behaved on top of that.

Hard-working, polite, and well-mannered.

A great man for Dong-joo.

I feel reassured and can worry less now.

Hmm, I probably should invite him over
to our house next time.

Should I change
the curtains to nicer ones beforehand?

Maybe I should take the opportunity
to change all of them... Nah, nah.

He's not even my son-in-law yet.

It would be over-the-top.



This is the photo.


Hello, I just had a quick question.

Oh, okay. What is it?


You said earlier that the police said
they can't accept this as evidence.


I didn't submit the photo
to the police myself, I gave it to Hae-an.

To Hae-an?

Yes, he was graduating
from the Police Academy

and he's been out on cases for training,

so I gave him the photo
to submit it himself,

but they told him that
it can't be used as evidence.

-Why not?

Hae-an also couldn't figure that out.

I just accepted it as is
because the police said so.

I understand. Thank you.

-Oh, Owner!
-Oh, Dong-joo. Where you going?

-Are you going for some beer, by chance?
-Oh, no, um...

Can I see your car keys for a minute?

Car keys?

What are you doing?


You don't even have a driver's license,
why did you...?

What's the matter?

To tell you the truth, I met a co-worker
of Seo Young-chul at the funeral.

About an hour before the accident,
she got this photo from him.

No matter how she looked at it,
it didn't look like the driver's seat,

so she told Hae-an about it,

and he said
that the police can't use it as evidence.

Why not?

We don't know.

There's something stuck in my mind,

but it's not for certain.

So I couldn't tell you.

So that's why you were all tense, hmm?

I'll look into it tomorrow.

Don't let it bother you too much.

Hey. Hmm?

What's this? Why do you look so tired
when you just got back from a nice leave?

Seo Hae-an. Let's talk for a sec.

Hey, lift it just a little bit.
Good, keep it level.

I'm gonna let go now, okay?
Okay, now you lift it. Lift it!

Hey, hey, hey! Ouch.

Kid, you gotta lift it--

Where'd he go?

Huh? Hey, kid!

What are you doing over there?!
Ow, ow, my back.

I said, what are you doing, kid!

Uncle. About Seo Young-chul.

Seo Young-chul? What about him?

He had no passengers at the time, right?

Yeah, as far as I know.

If he did, could the police not know that?

How would they not? They had
surveillance cameras and dashcams too.


Jeez, why are you
asking me that all of a sudden?

It's nothing.

Hey, it's all over.
What's the use of thinking about it?

Let's carry that upstairs quickly
and get some lunch.

-Let's do it fast.
-You can eat alone.

Alone? Hey, how should I do that alo--

Hey! Punk!

How was your brother's funeral?

Don't you remember me?
You even gave me your witness statement.

Oh, that inspector...

That was you?

Wow, they say it's a small world, but how
could we be in the same department?

Tell me about it.

But why didn't you tell them about it?
You should have at least told the team.

I just wanted to keep it quiet.

Having a murderer brother
is not something to be proud of.

-I didn't want to tell anyone.
-I can understand.

I'll keep it quiet too.


Must have been tough
to take care of alone.

Not to mention the emotional struggles.

It's fine.

Seo Hae-an. A Hit-and-Run. Let's go.

Yes, sir.

Go ahead.

Inspector, can I talk to you for a moment?

You've endured well, Doctor.

-Um, Inspector...

At the time of the accident,

was there no one else
in Seo Young-chul's car?

No, there wasn't. But why?

Then the dashcam didn't have anything.

Well, the truck didn't have one.

It didn't?

At the time, the memory chip was removed
for a different, car-theft incident.

We have verified
that information on our end.

Then there is no evidence
that there were no other passengers.

The request has been made to recover

the surveillance camera footage
you asked for.

Not sure how long it'll take,
but we'll get a call soon.

I'll give you a call
as soon as they contact us, Doctor.

Thank you.

Hey there.


Did the funeral go well?


Hey, Hae-an?

Have you by chance seen the surveillance
camera footage on the day of the accident?

Surveillance camera?

Yes, at the witness statement.

Did you see any other passengers in
the truck? Or see someone get out of it.

Passengers? There weren't any.

There is no way since he didn't call
for a designated driver or anything.

It was just my brother
and Joon-ho, two people.

I see.

But, why?

Your brother might not be
the real culprit.

Wha... What do you mean by that?

Was there new evidence?
Or did they find a witness?

Nothing like that,
but I just have a weird feeling.

Hey, Hae-an?

Can you help me out?

With what?

-Can I see the case files?

I thought maybe there's
some kind of a clue there.

You're in traffic incident investigations.
Shouldn't you be able to see them?

Of course I can.

But I'm not really allowed
to show them to anyone.

I have my own reasons,

but if there is a real culprit out there,

your brother needs to clear his name too.


If there is one.

If I can clear his name, I should!

Okay, I'll look into it.


I-- I think I got valedictorian.
The top student at the academy!

You've been chosen to represent your class
at the graduation ceremony next week.

Jeez. I've made it!

It must've been hard for you.



Please help me...


We'll wrap up the witness statement after
watching the surveillance camera footage.

You may go home.


Let's see, the footage...

There isn't much to see
because it's a 360-degree camera, but...

Yes, yes. We'll be on our way.

Look at the kid run.

-Inspector Seol.
-Yes, sir.

When this is done,
come to Bongsu intersection right away.

Okay, I'll be there.

-Good work.
-Thank you.

Nothing else to state, right?


You may leave now.


Thanks for your time.




Wow, on the first day?

Let's go.

Huh? Where?

Just come for now.

Yes, sir.

It's fine.

I deleted it.

It's gone.

I didn't submit the photo
to the police myself, I gave it to Hae-an.

He was graduating from the Police Academy
and he's been out on cases for training,

so I gave him the photo
to submit it himself,

but they told him
that it can't be used as evidence.


Seo Hae-an, for the Hit-and-Run in front
of the cathedral a couple days ago,

go watch the cathedral's surveillance
footage with their cooperation.

Yes, sir.

Have some of these while you work.

Goodness, you prepared these for me?

Thank you.

It's a little noisy outside, right?

Our cathedral is a bit aged,

so we are planning to refurbish
the main sanctuary next week.

The inspection is taking up
all our attention.

It's all good.

-Yes, thank you.

I have checked all the footage,
so there will be a call from us soon.

I thought you weren't coming back
after you left angry.

When did I do that?


-Are you sulking?

Oh, come on, look at me, Father.


-Look at me!
-Just tell me, sister.

-I must ask you something.
-What is it?

Okay, fine. He woke up,

and he also asked me for a favor.

Favor? What kind of favor?
You didn't tell me any of this that day.

Oh, I was a bit out of it that day.

Anyways, he asked me to deliver a message.

But none of that is important.

I think you were right, Father.

The photo submitted by Seo Young-chul's
little brother, why was it not accepted?

What photo?

This one.

What is this?
I've never seen this photo before.

This was submitted by his little brother?

I suspect that...
Seo Young-chul is not the real culprit.

Huh? Then there is
someone else that did it?

I think, that day, Seo Young-chul was in
the passenger seat, not the driver seat.

But there's no dashcam
or surveillance footage.

-I think it's someone I know that did it.
-Who is that?

Who is it?

Oh, come on, tell me!

I'll tell you when I'm certain of it.

You're sulking again?

Here. I brought it because I thought
he might have wanted a smoke.

How did you know the cigarette brand
that he liked before passing?

Is that so? That's a relief.


Hello, Inspector.

I'll be right there.

Jeez. Do you have a headache again?


Your body and your heart work together.

You worry too much.

I want to be a police officer.

I want to be stronger
and catch all the bad guys.

I'm also going to catch
everyone who's mean to you.

Sure. Come here.

Lie down.


Now, sleep.

After you wake up,

your headache will go away
and you'll be a police officer.

When Mom

Goes to pick oysters

In the shade of the island

The baby is left all alone

Watching over their ho--

My goodness...

What the hell?!

Go over there, go.

I wonder how
you just suddenly got knocked up?

You don't know, huh?

Why must you say such terrible things
whenever you drink?

How many bloody tears must you see
from your child's eyes?

Die, you whore!

Was it Yoon-shik from the oil shop?
Or that raccoon Dong-ho?

Say it, bitch!

That bastard... Who is that bastard?!

Listen to me.

I'm not the father of that brat.

I ain't it!

Do you get it?! Do you?!

Do you know it?!

It's your fault. It's all because of you!

You made this happen. You!

I'm so sorry!

Bastards like you need to die.

I'll kill you and kill myself.
I'll kill everybody!



-My kid's not supposed to do this!
-Stop, please stop!

I looked more closely
and found something weird.

Look at this.



You drank?

Yes, I must have.

I called earlier today.
I had something to ask.

What is it? Ask away.


Can I ask you something first?


The cigarette brand
that my brother used to smoke...

How did you know what it was, Dong-joo?

You can tell me, I'm just curious.

Aren't I close enough to you
to know, no? Am I not?

I'm saying
I'll believe whatever you tell me.

Everything you say is all good with me--

Come on.

You can tell me.

I met...

your brother.

Stop joking around and tell me the truth.

How the hell did you find out?!


Dong-joo, what's wrong? Are you okay?

Seo Hae-an!

I'm here to deliver a message.

Dong-joo, I'm sorry. It's all over.

Those hands of yours,
do you still not consider them a gift?

You better not die, Seo Hae-an.

I just wanted to live like everyone else.