May I Help You (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Episode #1.11 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm sorry

for getting paid from a guy like that
and breaking your heart.

I'm sorry...

for not believing what you said.

I'm sorry

for lying to you
that you make me uncomfortable

and that I didn't like you.

I'm sorry for not having the courage
to hold your hands when I wanted to

and made you do it first.

I'm sorry for all that.

I like you.


Does that hurt?

I'm okay.

What do you mean?

Why are you like that?

I'm saying that because I really am okay.

Goodness. What am I gonna do with you?

What are you going to do?

What are you going to tell your boss?

Jeez. Your face is so scratched up.

It's going to leave a scar.

Nothing made me happy or sad.

I thought I had to live like that.

I wanted to become happy after I met you.

I'm never going...

to let go of your hands.

What was that?

-Look over there.

I'm sorry.

After all,

isn't it all about looking at each other
between a man and a woman?

I think we're almost there.

Goodness. Father, you know so much.

But Father,

I've always been curious...

What is it that you like about my nephew?

He's very reliable.

He knows Dong-joo very well
and he's very understanding.



Why did you suddenly think of that?


I can say that his trust comes
from his appearance.

His appearance?


What are you mean all of a sudden?

So, since he is your nephew,
I have infinite trust.

Then, what about you, Brother?
Why are you cheering for the two of them?

You're even planning on the next plan.

You're acting as if your nephew
has to date because of some disease.


I'd glad to see Tae-hee move.



It's fun to tease him with it.

Jeez. How mischievous of you.

Speaking of which,
I'll set up a meeting soon.

I'll set it up nicely.

Look forward to it, Father.

Does it hurt to hit you like this?

Or does hitting like this hurt?

Should I punch you down or up?

I'll get going.



Shall we go to a movie
after work tomorrow?


Should I win you a doll?

Are you trying to pick up
another 50,000 won doll?

Goodness. What do you take me for?


I have a business trip tomorrow.

Business trip?

Why all of a sudden?

Where to?

To Cheonan. I'll be back in two days.

Two days?

I didn't know you go on business trips.

There are many elderly people
at the hospital in Seoul

but want to hold their funerals
in their hometown.

A grandmother died at a nursing hospital
and just one minute later

her husband died of a myocardial
infarction while picking persimmons.



-Have a safe trip.

Wait for me.

You said you wouldn't let go of my hands,
but you just did and looked at the sky.

I'll hold on to it tightly like this.

-Don't let go until we get home.

Let's eat.

Goodness. Goodness!

I've been cooking for you for 80 years.

Why did you follow me all the way here
to ask to cook for you more?

Then cook something simple

like noodles.

Easy for you to say!

It's not that simple to cook noodles.

-Excuse me...

You asked me for a wish earlier, right?

I want you to bury me separately
from this old man.

You have to tell my son to do so.

This old lady has gone senile.

Land is expensive,
so why bury us separately?

You're senile, you old man!


But miss,

did you tie up his clothes for him?

No, it wasn't me, but...


No matter how old you are,
you can't even tie your clothes!


You can't live without me.

Jeez. So frustrating.

That's why I followed you.

Goodness. You're not even well.

Why would you follow me here?

You said you want to eat it.


Jeez. You're such trouble!

Right, miss...

Could you...


What's with the persimmons
all of a sudden?

I heard she liked them.

Salute to the deceased.



Salute to all the deceased.


Did the persimmons ripen this year?

That's why

I wanted to pick some for you.


Well done?

Yes, I'm going back now.

Don't look at your phone while walking.


What the?

How'd you get here? It's far.

I came because I missed you.

You must be tired.

What's this?

Just because it was pretty.

Thank you.



If I ask you to pick persimmons,
can you pick them for me?

Not buying them, but actually climbing
the tree and picking them.


You like persimmons?

Since you're tall,
can you just pick them?

Maybe not.
I guess the persimmon tree is taller.


Let's get going.

Did you sleep well?
Where are you going today?

I'm leaving work early today.

Is he not up yet?

What are you doing?

Hey! Good morning!

-Here, take this.
-What are you doing?


I picked a lot, right?


Wait a minute.


Jeez. You scared me!


Thanks to you, I got to work.

Thank you.

Shall I pick you up later?



Something exciting?

-You sure?


I called dibs.


Looks like you're surprised.

I didn't know you eat sweets things.

I, Seo Hae-an, would never
usually give this up.

But it's different for you.

It's fine. Take it.

Jeez. Just take it. It's fine.

Goodness. I'm so touched.

You're the only one who cares for me.

Jeez, we have similar taste.

This can be dangerous.

What? What is?

It comes out in criminal psychology.

The more similar you are

and the closer you are to someone,

the more chance
of betrayal by that person.

Jeez. I'm just joking.

Why are you so serious?

-Is that all for you?

I'll pay for you.

Are you serious?

-I'll pay together.

-But different bags, please.
-Did you get paid?

Hold up, let me get rice too.

This is nice.

Five grain rice and black rice.
It's a party!

Not the rice, right?

Hey! Tae-hee!

We're in trouble!

Why? What is it?

The persimmons in the yard are gone!

They weren't even ripe.

No matter how bad the economy is,
how can someone steal raw persimmons?

They were red...

Very red...

-They weren't ripe?
-No, they weren't.

Jeez. There's a cop living in our house.

If he gets caught, he's dead.

-I'll get going.
-Hey, hold on.

You must come in by 7 o'clock today.


Stop talking back.

Do as I say so, you fool.

I'm your boss.


-Come in at 7 o'clock.
-I said okay.

You don't need to be so aggressive.

I'll use martial arts.

Come in by 7 o'clock.

Anyway, those persimmons must be bitter.


Baek Dong-joo. Let's have lunch together.

I'm at work.

I'm at your work too.


-I passed. I work at your hospital now.


Our hospital is hard to work at.

All of the critically ill and emergency
patients in Bongsu district come here.

Think carefully. Why do you think
you passed so easily?

I'm fine.

The team leader
will soothe my weary heart.

-Where are you now?
-Me? I'm at...

-Hey, I need to hang up.

Is this the pediatric cardiology ward?

May I know if the patient
has been discharged?

-The guardian's name is Kim Hyun-joo.

What's the patient's name?

I don't know the name of the patient.
I'm the guardian's friend.

It is difficult to verify
the patient's personal information.

I apologize.

I just need to know if the patient
has been discharged from the hospital.

I apologize. That'd be hard.

I see, okay.

I understand.

Goodness. You scared me!

Should I

look into it for you?

What? What do you mean?

You're the granddaughter.
What brings you here again?

No, I'm not "granddaughter".

-I'm Yoo So-ra.
-I see.

No, that's fine.

If you need anything, please tell me.
I work at this hospital now.

Are you a cardiac department nurse?

You said the guardian's name
was Kim Hyun-joo, right?

I will contact you.

Thank you.

I want to have dinner with you.

The boss told you to come in early.

I want to watch a movie with you.

Shall we watch a movie late at night?

Shall we?

What time should we watch?


You scared me!

What's wrong with them, seriously?

What are you doing? Come in.

Come on in.

He's weird.

Come on in.

Wow, hyungnim.

You set up the place really well.

I should've
invited you over sooner, Father.

Let's eat first.

I've prepared the full course
from meals to recreation.

-The dinner you mentioned...

-It was with my uncle?
-Thank you.

You didn't know Father was coming?

-Please sit.

Kim Tae-hee!

Come on. Set up the utensils.

Yes, of course.

Dong-joo, let's eat.

Please sit.

Now, let's dig in.

In the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,



bless us with this food

you have graciously bestowed upon us.

Through Christ our Lord,


-Shall we eat now?

Thank you for the food. Looks delicious.

We have to pair Chinese food
with Kaoliang liquor, aren't I right?

-Kaoliang liquor?

This one's alcohol percentage is low.


On a day like this,

oriental games cannot be missed.

How about we simply bet
on the second round of beer, Father?

Since I'm a priest,

I'll sell out the "Gwang" card.

Okay, then.

Hyungnim, I'll do the dirty work.

Right, okay.

Whoever gets 15 points first.

-The rule is-
-The rules vary by region.

Today, we'll go with the national rule.

I see.

We'll go with "Jjok", "Tta-dak",
"Ppuk", "Ssueri".

There's also "mung-tung-goo-ri".

There's no "byung" and "sang-han-jeom".

As you know, "gwang-bak", "pi-bak",
and "go-bak" are considered to be double.

And "yuk-ggeu" is quadruple.

You're all familiar with
the unlimited liability, right?

Now, lastly,

if you're caught playing dirty...

That can't happen, okay?

Right, of course.

Brothers and sisters, play.

It's day and night.

I'll go first.

That's one,

eight, and ten.

Our Vincent Brother is in the lead.

Now, let's begin.

Then, I'll...



Beginner's luck!



What a loser.

You have to match
with the other card, you fool.

Father, what are you doing?

She is an amateur.

You already have two "gwang's".

-I'm trapped.
-You're trapped ugly.

Jeez. What are you going to do?


You're trapped again.


Give her two cards each.

-It's two-go!

She has five "gwang's".


You're my only chance.
You have this card, right?

You have to take this, okay?

-I don't have it.
-You don't?

Take it.


You're such bad luck.


James 1:15 verse.

"Then desire when it has conceived
gives birth to sin,

and sin when it is fully grown

brings forth death."


Shall we calculate the points now?

Five "gwang's," that's 15 points.

"Cho-dan," that's another three points.

"Ttee," another two points.

"Pi," another ten points.

And since you did two-go,
that's another two points.

That's 32 points.

Brothers, since you have
"gwang-bak" and "pi-bak,"

That's 64 points each
for a total of 128 points.

Do we all agree?

Yes, I admit my defeat.

Tae-hee, let's go.

Be generous and buy a lot.

-I'll buy a lot.

It's been a while
since I saw five "gwang's."

It's very rare.

It will be difficult
to carry all that alone, right?

I'll go to help.




Let's go.


That's fast paced.

He's doing well by himself.

By the way,

will there not be a 2nd round, then?

You said it'd be a full course today,
so I was really looking forward to it.

Of course there will be. Let's head out.


Shouldn't we go in?

No, it's fine.

I feel like we should go back.


We're now at Bongsu intersection bar,

in case you want to join.

-You're right.
-I told you.


shall we watch a movie before we go back?

I'd love to.

What are you doing tomorrow?

Jeez. Are you planning on
going on a date everyday?



Well, I have friends coming over.

-Your friends?

They're my closest friends.

So I'm going to tell them tomorrow

that I have a boyfriend.

Are you finally announcing it tomorrow?

How are you going to introduce me?

Should I appear in the middle
when you're introducing me?

Nope, you can't.

That can't happen.

-Never. I'm serious.

You don't have to be so aggressive.

My friends are weird.

That can't happen.

Are your friends girls or guys?


I'm here.

There was traffic.

I'm heading in now.

Take it out.

I'm holding your hands.


Hey, what are you doing?

You look terrible.


After being kicked out, are you living
in a cheap hotel room with nowhere to go?

Goodness. You're pathetic.

How are you still
not over someone like him?

Kim Tae-hee, that bastard!

He was with some girl.

He was smiling
from ear to ear, laughing with joy!

So come to your senses, you fool.

You can't catch the heart
of a man who's already left you.

Are you worried for me?
Is that why you've chased me here?

To piss me off like this?

-I don't understand what you're doing.

I can't understand you
with my common sense.

There's not a single thing
that I can understand!

If I were you, I wouldn't do this.

If you cared for me just a little.

If you worried for just a little.

I've been too easy on you.

How dare you yell at me?

Do you know why

I call you mother?

Because I feel sorry for you.

I have one regret.

But not anymore.

I don't pity you anymore.
And I never want to see you ever again.

Let's not see each other until we die.

Hey. Hey!


-You happy?
-Goodness. You scared me.

How pretty.



-What is?
-The flowers.

Weren't you looking at the flowers?

-What's with the flowers, though?

This is...

Was there a flower delivery request?

Yes, you're right.
I had a call to deliver flowers.

Stop messing around.

Hey, come to your senses and go to work.

It's Borang apartments'
recycling day, right?

Right! Yes, I almost forgot.

-Hurry up!
-I'll be back.

That fool.


Goodness. Time flies.



The sky's pretty.

The sky?

-It should be somewhere-
-It's here!

A Dime A Job...

High quality errand services...

Are you here for A Dime A Job?

How can I help you?

Kim Jip-sa?

Yes, that's me.

I see. You're Kim Jip-sa.

You don't look like a bad person.


Who are you?

Are you Dong-joo's friends?

How'd you know?

Well...That is...

Hey! What are you two doing?

-Hurry up!
-Okay, we'll go up.

-Well then, we'll get going.
-I'll see you next time.

You should look ahead when walking.

-Hurry up.

What? Hey!

Did you just say you two are dating?

So those flowers are from...

When did this happen?

-Who asked who out first? How'd it happen?

-Ask me one at a time.

Did you sleep with him?

Let me just ask you this.
Did you sleep with him?

Mind your own business.

But how can you date the man
who said "Let's break up?" Seriously?

He's good-looking and tall.
That's all that matters.

He is good-looking, isn't he?

Jeez. Look at your smile.

You're lucky, Baek Dong-joo.

When will I start dating?

Now that you mention it, what will you do?
You even changed jobs.

What's an ex-girlfriend like?

Jeez. This is frustrating.

I'm so sick of it... No!

I have no choice but to endure.

I have to carry this burden with me.

What is she saying?

This is perfect match with tteokbokki.

Let's forget about ex-girlfriends
when we're eating.

You're eating a lot.

Weren't you on a diet?

Let's eat first, talk after.

Wow this is a new combo.

You should try it too. It's delicious.

How pretty.


Oh, hello.

I missed you!

I'm enjoying the kimchi.

Is that so?

-Does it fit your taste buds?

It's much more delicious than my mom's.

Jeez. You're kidding.

You're such a joker.

I'm serious.

Is Dong-joo doing well?

Right, Dong-joo.

Yes, she's doing just fine.

It's been several months since Dong-joo
left, but I still can't get used to it.

It's still awkward
coming into an empty house.

And depressing.

Buy me a drink next time.

Jeez. Yes, I'd love to.

How about before Autumn ends?

I've been craving a drink lately.

I needed a drinking buddy.

It's a promise, okay?

Yes, father.



That's really nice to hear.

For today, let's toast with this.

Yes, sir.


That's nice to hear.




-Take this.

What's wrong?


Do you know her?

Well... Yes.

Who is it?

It's Kim Tae-hee's friend's mother.

I see. The daughter
was the only chief mourner.

I'm your funeral director, Baek Dong-joo.

I'll be in charge of your mother.

If you're uncomfortable,

-I can get someone else--





I don't feel sorry for you anymore.

I don't pity you anymore,
and I never want to see you ever again.

Let's not see each other until we die.


Yes, Dong-joo.

Tak Chung-ha' mother

passed away.

I heard.

I see.

I thought I should call you.

Thank you, Dong-joo.


What's going on?

Chung-ha's mother passed away.

What? How?

From rupture of a cerebral aneurysm.

How'd that happen so suddenly?

She's a doctor herself.


Why did Dong-joo call?

No way...

Is she in charge?



What the hell is this?

What are you going to do?

We're definitely

a karmic bond.

Excuse me?

I saw you

with Kim Tae-hee.

I see.

Can you make me a promise?

Will you

listen carefully to me?


How can I trust you?

You're right.

Of course you'd feel that way.


you don't have much time.

How does

my daughter look to you?

She looks lonely.

I didn't want to pass on my luck to her,

that loneliness.

Please let that loneliness go away.

Put my daughter

back to where she belongs.

Thank you for coming, Vincent.

Of course I would come.

Right, Tae-hee...

He had something else.

I see.

Contact me anytime if you need anything.

You didn't eat anything today.

You should eat while it's still warm.

You should get some sleep
after you finish eating.


I was dying to see you.

How long have you been waiting?

Not too long.

Did you eat?

You should've called.

How long did you wait?

Let's go.

Vincent came earlier.

I heard.

Why didn't you come?


you didn't come because of me...

Don't do that.

It's not because of you.

If you don't go,

you'll regret it later on.

You two dated for so long,
so it's normal to care.


I wish there's no more than that

for the two of you.

So you should come.


Let's go.


Put my daughter

back to where she belongs.

I'm sorry,

but I can't grant you that.

I like Tae-hee too.

He belonged to Chung-ha.

She had him first.

If you don't come,

you'll regret it later on.

So come and say good-bye.

Wow. Kim Tae-hee came.

Chungha didn't cry once,
but she bursted out when she saw Taehee.

Are they getting back together?

There's a high possibility.

Very high.

It's good to start over
after an incident like this.

The fact that he came.

It's better to pretend
not to know when you break up.

I didn't go to Yeon-ji's mother's funeral.

That's different.

They dated for so long.

I'm telling you, they're different.
The two of them have something.

If he proposed and got married,
they would already have a child by now.

That's a lot to worry about.

Don't you know that the more twists
and turns there are, the deeper it is?

No, I don't know.

I was looking for you earlier.

I wanted to see you before I left.

I see.

I was busy preparing
for the departure for tomorrow.

I felt bad all day...

because I went today

and made you hear things
you shouldn't have.

But those words...

There is no need to listen to them.

No need to worry.

No need to be upset.

Because you're all I need.

I will only make you smile.

I promise.

1967.01.27 - 2022.10.02


I want to quit...

hurting myself.

I want to stop doing that.

So, Mom,

don't worry about me.

And please go in peace.

Go safely, Mom.

I'll be back soon.

1967.01.27 - 2022.10.02


Jeez. This is tiring.


Where are you headed?

-I'll help you with this.
-No, that's fine.

No, I'll help you.

No, it's really fine.

It's okay.

-It's heavy. I'll help.
-No, it's okay.

-I feel bad.

Jeez. My sweet boy.

You should've called me.

I came here because I missed you.

Right, well...

This is my grandma.

I see, hello.



-Mom, well...

Your dad worked so hard to help you study.

Your name is just fine.

-What the hell is "Vincent"?

You should calm down.

So why did you name me Hyang-bok?

Hyang-bok isn't a business worthy name.

You fool!

If you were gonna do something foolish,
you should've done it alone.

Why'd you take my nephew
and make him do hard work?

My sweet boy.

He's lost so much weight.

You look like you starved yourself.

No grandma, I'm really fine.

-I'm doing fine.

This isn't a small errand.
It's a daily life service.

The world has changed a lot.
This is a business.

I'll paid off all the investment
my brother-in-law gave me.

I'll get you an apartment
at Gang-nam with a Han River view.


Stop with Gang-nam!

Gang-nam isn't all that good.

Now that I'm here,

let me cut your hair.

What's wrong with you?


Take those scissors away from her.


Take those scissors.

-This is SBS news.
-Next on the news,

four days before Hangul Day,
the statue of King Sejong in Gwanghwamun,

wreaths were placed, and citizens
are taking commemorative photos.

They showed a lot of interest
in the 516th Hangeul Day.

In Gwanghwamun Square,

various booths are set up
to experience our cultural heritage.

People who are interested
in experiencing this are coming.

This commemorative event
is composed of a variety of events

such as Hangul-themed
exhibitions and art exhibitions.



My sweet boy.

What's wrong? Can't sleep?

And why aren't you sleeping?

I can't put myself to sleep.

The weather's so nice.

It's only a few days in a year.

Goodness. How bitter.

It will all pass.



should have a job.

You should be a doctor again.

Don't let your mom wait so long.

For your mom,

you're all she has.

If you make your mom upset,

I'll be upset with you too.

All mothers pity their children.

You too,

your mother,

and my youngest sweet boy.

Except for your uncle,

I feel bad for all.

I was waiting to go with you.

You did?

Hello, miss.

You're up early.


-Are you going to exercise?

Do you want to come with?

Shall I?

Let's go.

Where did it go?

Darn it. Does it have legs?

Yes, Seo Hae-an.

Yes, good morning to you.

Not a good morning for me.

What's up?


Do you have a screwdriver?

-I can't find it anywhere.

Come on down.

How are you so pretty?

You're just like my daughter
when she was younger.

-Grandma, I need to take this call.

Please take care of my grandma.

-My daughter is Tae-hee's mother.
-I see.

She was pretty when she was younger.

-Was she?

You remind me of my daughter.

Hold on.

What's that? I'll be back.

Where's she going?


Where's she going?

Your grandma is cute.

Is your mom like her too?

My mom?

No, I don't think she's cute.

-She'll be here in a few days.
-Your mother too?

It's the anniversary
of my brother's death.

I see.

When is it?

It's the ninth.

The ninth?


I need water.


-I'll go to the convenience store.


Goodness. It's rare to find
younger people carrying this.

You're so considerate.


How old are you?

I'm 25 years old.

Goodness. That is such a good age.

Are you a student?

-I see...

Do you work in an office?

I'll try to guess.

You teach children in kindergarten.


I'm a funeral director.

A funeral doctor.

How did such a pretty lady
do such a horrifying job?


You should find another job

with Tae-hee together.

Excuse me?


was a doctor.




Vincent, I'm here.

Did you eat?

-Not yet.

I've made Al tang and it's delicious.

Jeez, Al tang?

Well... Where's the screwdriver?

I'll fix it quick and come back down.

-Look in the toolbox over there.
-The toolbox.


Please save me.


Please save me.




What's wrong with you?

You forgot to take this.


Jeez. Here.

Goodness. I must be out of my mind.

-I'll get going.
-Seo Hae-an.


You're okay, right?

Yes, of course.

-Go up.

Jeez. My heart swells
when I think of my grandchild.

Because of his younger brother...

How pitiful.

That's why I came all the way here.

What time is it now?



This is my grandchild.

He's good-looking, right?


This boy...


Tae-hee's younger brother.

Our youngest.


I have a younger brother.

My younger brother...

Because of me...

Because of me,

he died.

I'll get going first.

I didn't know
you had such a young brother.

I've heard that someone
was at the place of Jun-ho accident.

I think he should be punished
even if he dies.

Tae-hee, you need to live.

You need to live and remember.

I met your younger brother.