Max Steel (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 18 - Crashed - full transcript

One of Dredd's henchmen is searching the flee market for a mythical sword, which gives its wearer superpowers and becomes inseparable. The Asian guardian hides it in unsuspecting Kirby's backpack. max makes him dump it as presumably illegal weapon, but he can' resist trying it out. Even Max Steel finds it a formidable adversary, and Dredd's men find their trail too, while the old guardian explains its cursed origin.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

You left me for dead
twice before.


I promise you it won't
happen again!


Were supposed to be
the forgiving types!



Might wanna fact-check that
one, max.


[fighting grunts]

Nice kitty!



Whadaya say we quit
lying down on the job?!

[fighting grunts]

On second thought,
maybe lying low's

Not such a bad idea.

I say go turbo strength!


[fighting grunts]

But we can take him, steel!

Yeah, but that
overpass can take us!


[fighting grunts]




Let's hope third
time's a charm.

Is everything a joke
with you?


What's eatin' your
circuits, pal?

Never mind.

Let's make sure
extroyer's really down

For the count this time.


He's gone.

Of course he is.

[deep sigh]

Guess the waiting continues.

Waiting for what?

It's not important.

Let's just go home.

Go turbo! Flight!


A cat may always
land on its feet

But to destroy max steel

It's clear I'll need more
than that...

I'll need more than what any
of the beasts within me

Can provide...

I'll need to become
something truly primal...

[evil cackle]

Let's... Go turbo!

I'm max mcgrath.

Here's my buddy steel.

Yeah, he's an alien.

I generate the power,

Steel has the alien tech
to control it.

Together, we combine into
awesome turbo modes...

... Take on the bad guys...

Save the world.

You know, hero stuff.

We are... Max steel.

Hey, there ya are!

I've been lookin' everywhere
for you, pal.

You okay?

Did you know that there are 200
billion stars in this galaxy?

I could be from any one
of them.

Working on your family tree
again, huh?

If they even have trees
where you come from.

I wish you could understand,

I really do.

But you already know where
you come from.

Your father was a great
scientist and your mother --

Well, she's your mother.

And one of a kind.


Probably a good thing.

But what about me?

Forge says there are millions
of ultralinks.

Where do they come from?

What do they want?

Are they all like me?

Let's hope not...

I'm serious, max!

I'm so desperate
for answers that

I...I don't know what to do!

Easy, easy buddy.

You always get
worked up like this

After we've tangled
with extroyer.

He's got an ultralink
embedded in him!

If I could access it,
maybe I could--

Whoa whoa, steel steel.

Keep it real, okay - that guy's
nearly mauled us to shreds

Every time we've met!

Now you want us to get up
close and personal with him?

Come on!

Forget it!

I didn't say 'us'...

What do you mean?

Sorry, max.

This can't wait any longer...

Come back!

Hey come on!

Can't we talk about this?

Extroyer's residual
energy signature

Should be easier to spot.


Time for the hunter to become
the hunted.


So majestic...

So fierce...

They're wise to fear you...

A creature like you
has strength enough

To crush anything or...Anyone.

There it is...

That ultralink...

The key to who I am...


I can feel it!



Hi there.


Huh, max steel's pet drone!

I am not some pet!

Whatever you are,

You're about to
be exterminated!


What have you done to me?



What is happening?!




[fighting grunts]

[fighting grunts]

Perhaps I should've thought
this through a bit more...


I'll swallow you whole!

Go for it!

[fighting grunts]


[grossed out] talk about
the belly of the beast!


Now to finally get
some answers...


S-something is...W-wrong...!

Outputs aren't syncing...


Hey berto.

Have you seen steel?

No, I haven't seen him.

You check your other pants?

This is serious, berto.

Steel took off
last night.

I shoulda followed him but,

I thought he needed his space
now he's mia!

Daisy, daisy, give me
your answer do...


You're back! And you're okay!

Ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha.

I'm half crazy...

Half crazy...

Half cr-cr-craaaazy...

He's back alright, but I
dunno about the 'okay' part.

Sunny and warm today
with a chance of...

Mmm fried chicken -
original or extra crunchy!

What happened to him?

I dunno.

He said he was gonna access
the ultralink inside extroyer.


Hey, good lookin'.

Wanna hit the town with me

It must've shorted out
his logic circuits...

You shoulda seen
the other guy!



Stupid drone...He
fried us both...

[pained groan]

Must find new energy regulator
to repair the damage...

Good thing I know just
the place to find one...




Is someone there?


Your old friend troy winter!


But these days I go
by extroyer!

And if you want to live,
you'll do exactly as I say!

I heard you got a new look.

It matches your personality.



You've got
something I need.

What, a rattle?

[fighting grunts]

I am in no mood to play!

Open the vault...The one
with the ultralink parts!

Ultralink parts?



Do it!

Okay, no need to bite my
head off!

Don't tempt me...


Where are the parts?

Where's the nano energy

That's what I was trying
to tell you.

Someplace you'll
never get them.


Heh, aren't you clever.

Want a lollipop?

[pained grunt]

[fighting grunts]

There's no escape!

Steel, can ya hear me,

Come on. It's max!



Tom mix... Tex mex...

Fajitas! Frijoles!

Muy caliente!

That's terrible!

His readings?

No, his spanish!

Well, can you fix him?

I don't know...Maybe
with a full reboot.

But that's risky.

I'd have to shut down his
main photonic pulse drive.

There's no guarantee
it'd come back up.

What are you doing?

Calling my mom.

Sounds like we're not
gonna be home for dinner.

Here, I'll just patch you
into thi.

What in the--?!





I'm, uh, kinda in the middle
of something right now!

I can see that!

What's going on?!


As in max steel?


The ones your n-tek
pals took!

I need one - the nano
energy regulator.

And come alone, otherwise
your friend is finished!


I've gotta save my mom!

Have we got that

Yeah, but how are you gonna
give it to him?

He wants max steel,
and that means...

¶ row, row, row
your boat... ¶

¶ gently down
the stream... ¶

Snap out of it, steel!

I need you!

The party you are trying
to reach is unavailable.

At the tone, please
leave a message.


Uh, uh. Steel?

Go turbo speed!

No, I said turbo speed...

Close enough.

Let's get that part and I'll jam
over there on the turbocycle.

Uh- no way!

If steel can't control
your turbo modes,

He certainly can't
handle the turbocycle.

It's a long way
to tipperary!

I'll send cytro with you.


If anyone but me shows,
he said he'll hurt my mom!

Besides, you need
to fix steel.

I'm on my own this time.

But, without your turbo wheels
or n-tek backing you up,

How are you even
gonna get there?

Max steel has his ways.


I hope this is an express...

Just what are you hoping
to accomplish here?

[sneer] why, to kill two
birds with one stone.

First I get the device
to fix myself...

[pained grunt]

After I'm repaired, I get my
revenge and destroy max steel!

You don't really expect
him to just walk in here

And hand it over
to you, do you?

[scoff] I've negotiated
with him before.

He'd never do anything to
endanger an innocent woman.

Well, he may be
a gentleman...

But I'm not!


Then it's a good thing you're
no longer of any use to me!

[fighting grunts]


Drop her!


I mean uh, I mean
hand her over!



You have the device?


She's more trouble
than she's worth!

I'm fine, but you shouldn't
have done that...


Ah, that's better...

But for you, max steel,

Things are about to get
much worse...

You see, now that I'm fully
functional again...


I can show you my true
wild side!


[loud roar]

[loud roar]

Looks like someone's cranky.

How 'bout I get you
a nice banana?



Guess that's a 'no'?

[fighting grunts]





Extroyer's not the only
one with a wild side.

[loud roars]

My eyes!


I hate to be a backseat

But may I suggest
going turbo?

I can't switch modes!

Steel's not here...


Then where is he?

Take the following exit.

Albuquerque will be
on your left...


Ugh, a complete
motherboard sweep,

A full syntax flux overhaul,
and he's still getting worse!

There's nothing left
I can do...Except...

Risk a reboot and hope
he comes back online.

Okay steel, now por favor,

Por favor, por
favor...Turn back on.

Oh no.





Playing hard to get?!



[fighting grunts]




Leave the hanging
around to us apes.




Going up?

Go turbo flight!

Cutting it a little close,
weren't ya, pal?

I should've never left you,

Not as sorry as extroyer's
about to be.

C'mon, buddy!

Let's go pound that primate!

[fighting grunts]


Miss me?

[fighting grunts]


What is that?


He's heading for the top!

Well he's not gonna
get far.





Thought you wouldn't mind
a little back up!

You thought right!

Sweet, then catch!


[fighting grunts]



Missed me!

[terrified screams!]


[terrified screams!]


[fighting grunts]

[fighting grunts]

[fighting grunts]

What's it take to get
rid of you?

More than you've got!

Go turbo strength!


Ooh yeah.

I am vengeance.


I am destruction!


I... Am...


[fighting grunts]

[buzzing sounds]



Go turbo speed!

[fighting grunts]


[fighting grunts]

I can't get him!

Use turbo stealth!




Turbo stealth only works
for the turbo car!

No, we used it when we took
down that space ship!

Space ship?

Wow, you really did get
your circuits scrambled.

Look! I'll show you.

Check this out!

Go turbo stealth!



Come to your senses
have you max steel?

Realized you're no match
for my immense strength?

[evil laughter]


Where are you hiding boy?

Right here, bonzo!

[fighting grunts]

I've seen this movie

And I'm not going
down like that!

[loud crash]


Go turbo flight!

Don't you have something
better to do?



[evil laughter]


He's gone.



Hey I'm proud of you.

You did good.

But you do smell like
a zoo.

Ha ha!


So, you wanna talk
about it?

At first, it was
just fragments,

But the memories
were so real.

But that stealth mode thing,

I mean, we've never done
that before.

But somehow we did!

See for yourself!

Wait, this isn't your memory,

It's his - extroyer's

This is all from his point
of view!

But...Isn't that us?


That's definitely you but...

I'm not sure who
that other guy is.


Unless there was another max
steel before me?

But then, who was he?

And what happened to him?!

I don't know, max...

Well we gotta find out.