Maverick (1957–1962): Season 2, Episode 12 - Prey of the Cat - full transcript

When his horse is spooked by a wild cat, Bart suffers a broken leg. His benefactor's wife has plans for him and all he wants to do is get away as soon as he is able. But his friend's wife may have something to say about that.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I thought this bunk was empty.

It isn't.



James Garner and Jack Kelly.

Produced by Warner Bros.

From the entertainment
capital of the world.

Produced for television
by Warner Bros.



- Good evening. MAN 1: Howdy.

Hello there.

Do you sell oysters?

Don't get much call for oysters.

This one can's all I got.

- Had it ever since I can remember.
- I'll take it.

Oysters are on special
today. One dollar.

You got a can opener?

- Can opener.
- My hands nearly froze. Do you mind?

My horse is tied up
outside. He's, uh...

He's miserable
cold. Tired. Hungry.

Would you mind putting him in
your shed and feeding him those?

MAN 2: I think I gotta
see this. MAN 3: So do I.

My name's Stillman.


Mine's Maverick.

- Good. This calls for a drink.
- Ha, ha.


Raquel! Raquel! How many
times do I tell you it is not Rachel?

And I do not answer when some
big moose bellows for me like a bull.


PETE: That's my Rachel.

Only trouble is sometimes
she sounds too much like a wife.

Well, is that why you
do not go home to yours?

Hey, mister, that fool horse of
yours won't eat these oysters.

He won't? Better give
them to me. I'll eat them.


- Fellas, this is Mr. Maverick.
- Howdy, Maverick.


Mr. Maverick, you had your fun.
Now, that's my seat you're sitting in.

Oh, ease up, Fred. Ain't you
ever played musical chairs?


- What you want to drink?
- Black coffee, please.


Now, I promised Pappy I'd
never take a drink or a steady job.


If you're not looking for work,
what brought you to Woodstone?

Oh, the wind. If it dies down
tonight, I'll be moving on.




No, no, you're not
supposed to move.


Is my leg broken?

So they tell me.

I haven't seen it.

I slept right through all the excitement
when they brought you in last night.

I guess I'm not much
good in an emergency.


Neither am I.

If it wasn't for your husband, I'd
probably still... You are Mrs. Stillman?


Pete drove the doctor back
to town about an hour ago.

Poor Pete. Must have spent
all night fussing over you.




That's the way he is.

I've seen him fuss just as
much over a sick stray calf.

Speaking of stray calves, is
your name really Maverick?

Well, yes, ma'am.

What did happen
to you last night?

Well, I guess you
know as much as I do.

I broke the leg when my horse
was spooked by a mountain lion.

Which one?

I don't know one
mountain lion from another.

I meant which leg?

Ha, ha. I know. I guess my
jokes are a little lame too.

Ha, ha. I'm sorry.

I'm much too serious.

Pete told me you
were a very funny man.

Yeah, but it doesn't take
much to make Pete laugh.

Well, he's always ready to
laugh, especially at himself.

There aren't many men like him.

- I'll have your breakfast sent in.
- Thank you.

PETE: Kitty, it's me!

I'm home and I'm hungry!

Hey there, Maverick. Finally
found yourself a warm spot, huh?


Yes, sir, you'll be as snug as
a bug until the spring thaw now.

Oh, but I can't stay here.

No? Where you gonna go
with a broke leg and no horse?

My leg's not the only thing that's
broke. And I can't have you keeping me.

Well, your credit's no good at the
hotel. And we ain't got no hospital.

If it'll make you feel better, you can
pay me back when you're on your feet.

But you try traveling
out of here before

you're able, well, I'll
break that other leg.


That's gonna cost you double.

That sounds like an
invitation I can't sidestep.



You don't have to
drink it. Just take it.

PETE: Hey. I'll have to
wear this to church tomorrow.


Thank you, darling. That's
the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

Except for one.

Guess who.

Well, that looks
like all the presents.

- Hey, we forgot something.
MAN 1: What's that?

Why, we forgot a present
for poor old Maverick...

lying in there all by his lonesome,
friendless and homeless on Christmas Eve.

- Hey, that's right. We plumb forgot
about him. KITTY: Oh, what a shame.

Yeah, honey, we must have some
old thing kicking around the house...

that we can dust
off and let him have.

- Well. GUESTS: Well.

PETE: What do you know? I
knew we'd come up with something.

Here you are, Maverick.

I don't know where this thing
came from. Didn't have a card.


Well, I'm glad to hear that. I'd sure
hate to have to thank somebody for it.

- Well, anyway. Here it is.
- Well, anyway, thanks.

Hmm. What for?

Can't allow any old tumbleweed
to take root around here, you know?


How about it, folks?

Let's pry him loose out of that bed
and drag him out in the open there.


Maybe one of you
men better do this.



Hey, Fred, I guess you'll be
going into town a little bit later on?

- Mm, maybe. Why?
- Aw, come on. You know you will.

Well, all right. Yeah. Why?

Give this to Rachel. Tell her,
"Merry Christmas from Pete."

Sure, boss. I'll tell her.

PETE: Well, pretty
soft. The King of Siam.

All right, everybody.
Settle down now.

I got just enough Christmas
cheer in me to give a little speech.

Count yourself lucky, Maverick.
You're the only one that ain't heard it.

All right. All right. Them that's
heard it before can hear it again.

Once a year ain't too
often to give thanks.

It'll be 20 years ago
next Christmas Eve.

I was coming through here on a
wagon train bound for California.

Well, sir, that was the night I
saw a star drop clean out of the sky.

Fell behind a mountain yonder.

I got on the other side of that
mountain and I looked around.

I said, "Lord, I know
what you mean."

This here is good enough for me.

BART: All right.
Pick up your cards.

Well, I don't know
much about poker...

but I'd guess this is just
about the best hand there is.


BART: Just about, but not quite.


Oh, that's amazing.

- Bart, do you cheat at poker?
- No.

Well, how could you deal four kings to me
and four aces to yourself without cheating?

- We weren't playing poker.
- And you were cheating.

I didn't say I
can't. I said I don't.

And some of the games I get into,
it's dangerous enough to win honestly.

- Well, tell me, how do you do it?
- I'm enchanted.


Now, Bart, please, tell me.

Uh-uh. That's the first
rule. You never tell a secret.

And you never break a rule?

Well, not as a rule.

All of us are secret
keepers. Even you, I bet.

I didn't think it showed.

Well, it doesn't. That's
what makes it a secret.

I've tried to keep it to myself.

And I have fooled
all the others.

- You're the first one who's seen it.
- Seen it?

How hard it's been for
me to be a part of all this.

I don't see that at all.

I think you do.

Oh, everybody's
been just wonderful.

Especially Pete.

He brought me here from Chicago.

He had me thinking that
Star Trail must be heaven.

Oh, I think it is to him.

Oh, I know.

Pete really believed
every word he said.

So I tried to see it his way.

But that didn't work. So
I did the next best thing.

I changed it to suit myself.

- You changed it?
- Mm.

I took over the bookkeeping.
The business. I bought and sold.

I turned the profits back into the
ranch. I remodeled, rebuilt, expanded.

Now I feel I
belong at Star Trail.

Or more important, that
Star Trail belongs to me.

It's funny.

I can never really be happy with
a thing unless I make it my own.

Is that strange?

Not if it works. And it did.
You're happy enough now.


Here comes Pete.

Hi, honey.

Taking good care
of you, Maverick?

You got any complaints,
just tell the management.


- Catch.
- Oh.

- Oh, Bart, you can't.
- Oh, you wanna bet?


Oh! Oh. Oh.


I'm sorry, Kitty.

- Don't say that.
- I don't know what happened.

- Because we both wanted it to happen.
- No.

I lost my balance, that's all.

I'll learn to walk
a little slower.

MAN: Hey, Billy, look at this.

Stillman! Over here.

Tell the boys I'm doubling the bounty
on that cat. Five hundred dollars.

Howdy, Mr. Maverick.
Nice to see you up again.

How'd it go? Leg
give you much trouble?

Found out something
about horses.

Get one side going with the
good leg, other side goes along.

- I'll put him away for you.
- You want me to feed him?

I got some nice pickled
herring in the wagon.

Thanks, but he just
had a turkey sandwich.


Congratulations. You and
the horse came back together.

- Good ride?
- As soon as I showed him who was boss.

As long as it wasn't
me, we got along fine.

Ha, ha. Pete will be so pleased.

He's been waiting till
you could ride again

so we can go out
after that mountain lion.

On purpose? No, ma'am. I'm not well enough
to lift my weight in wildcats. Never was.


Besides, you know
as well as I do...

if I can stick in the saddle,
I've got to get out of here.

- What are you saying?
- I'm leaving tonight.

- You're not.
- I've got to.

You can do that?

You can tip your hat and
just ride off? Just like that?

It's the only thing I can do.


I guess we've both been trying to
pretend that kiss never happened.

But all the time
we've known it did.

We've known it so well.

And it was more than a kiss.

We've known that too.

We didn't mean it to happen.
But there it is and it's real.

And we can't make it any
less real by lying to ourselves.

- Kitty. It's...
- Oh, please.

If you want me to tell you what you already
know, that I love you, all right, I do.

Not many people ever
know they're in love.

They may think they are.
They tell themselves they are.

But they don't know. And they
never know what they've missed.

That almost happened
to me. But it's not too late.

Kitty. If I let you
think I'm in love with

you, I'm sorry,
because it just isn't true.

I know why you're saying
that, and I understand.

Pete means much more to
me than he ever could to you.

But we've got to think
about ourselves now.

Oh, Bart, when two people feel like
this, no matter what stands in their way...

it's wrong for them to deny it
to themselves or to each other.



The receipts from the
store, Mrs. Stillman.


On second thought,
I'm leaving now.

You're not going without
saying goodbye to Pete.

Won't that be an anticlimax
after what Bender will tell him?

Fred won't tell him anything
unless he starts asking questions.

And he won't unless you
leave without an explanation.

All right. I'll say
goodbye to Pete.

Tonight? Why tonight? You
said you'd go hunting with me.

Oh, I know. You're afraid
I'll try to put you to work.

Well, I won't. So, what's
your all-fired hurry?

It's time for me to move on, that's
all. I gotta get back in condition.

Staying up nights,
breathing stale cigar smoke...

and living my full rich life of
devotion of my fellow man's money.

- Mind's all made
up, huh? BART: Yup.

Well, maybe we can unmake
it. Little simple arithmetic.

Tsk, let's see. You've
been with us now 12 weeks.

Hotel rates, $2 a day.
Three and a half with meals.

Times seven is, uh, uh, 24.50.

Times 12 is, uh...

- Uh, now, don't tell me.
- Two hundred and ninety-four dollars.

Yeah. That's like I said. So
you're into me for almost $300.

Now, if you should happen to change
your mind and go hunting tomorrow...

and if we should
happen to bag a cat...

why me and Kitty, we
can't collect the bounty...

so you would wind up with $500,
which you could pay me off with...

and a little extra grub
straight for yourself.

I'm no hunter. I'm not
even a very good shot.

You don't have to be.

You wait till that cat is close
enough so you feel his breath.

You reach down his throat, you
grab it by the tail and yank it inside out.

That's what I always do.

While we're out
hunting tomorrow...

we'll think up another dirty little
scheme to keep you here longer.

Right, Kitty?


He's up in those rocks. Gonna
have to go the rest of the way on foot.

KITTY: Let's go, then.

Listen to that woman, would
you? A natural-born hunter.

- Fred, you stay here with the horses.
- All right.

And don't let that
cat get past you.



KITTY: Bart!

I got him! I hit him!
He jumped 10 feet!

He crawled right through there.

Wait here.


- Come here.
- Did you find it?



Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

Why are you looking at me?


You didn't...?

For a moment I was going
to ask you that question.

Then I realized you couldn't
possibly have done it on purpose.

It seems you don't have
that same trust in me.

I'm sorry.

KITTY: I know it wasn't my bullet.
Mine hit the cat and he jumped.

You mustn't blame
yourself. It was an accident.

Bart, your bullet
ricocheted. I heard it.

Is he dead?


So are you.

They've been in
there long enough.

Bender's coming out now.

Fred, tell me how it
happened. Everything.

I'll tell you the same
thing I told the sheriff.

I was heading for
your place anyhow.

Before I do another thing,
I gotta get good and drunk.

All right. Sign it.

You'll have to sign it too, Kitty.
Right there where it says "witness."

Is that all?

That's all.

A paragraph and
a piece of paper.

That's what it comes down to.

- Can we go now?
- In a minute.

Maverick, I ain't
through with you.

- You want me to stay for something?
- No.

I just want you to know I ain't
through with you. Not now, not ever.

If there was any legal way for me to
hold you on a charge of murder, I'd do it.

You were talking to
Bender in the other room.

I'd like a chance to
tell my side of that.

If I was you, I'd say
the least I could about

it. Mrs. Stillman's
got a fine reputation.

No two people were better
together than her and Pete.

You're in the clear on
this one on account of her.

When she tells me that she saw it happen,
that it was an accident, I believe her.

- You've got an odd way of
showing it. SHERIFF: I believe her.

I wouldn't believe you
on your knees in church.

And that's where
I'd be if I was you.

Giving thanks that she was there
to see it the way you wanted her to.

- You're wrong, sheriff.
- But one of us is.

And one of these days I'm going
to prove it. You can count on that.

Now, get out.

I better leave tonight.

You won't be staying
for the funeral?


Whatever you think is best.

But I doubt if you'll get very
far if you try to leave tonight.

I'll move my things
to the bunkhouse.


That would look better.


Don't think you stop me. Tonight,
tomorrow, it make no difference.

You turn your back and I
kill you. Like you kill him!

- You think I meant to kill him?
- Yes. For the woman.

- No, Rachel. Listen...
- Don't call me that!

Nobody but he ever call me that!

And you're in love with Pete.

And he loved me.

Till he got to Chicago
and come back with her.

I know what you think. Not so.

He could have gone on with
me. Any way he wanted me.

Not him. He keep
a bargain, that man.

The night I see
him lying there...

I wait for her to go.

To be alone with him.

A man like that...

and something like you crawls
out of a hole and kills him.


You said it twice. Now you're gonna listen.
Now, I'm not the kind of a man he was.

I'm a drifter and a gambler.
And I never tie myself to anybody.

I meet a lot of people, but I don't
make many friends. I can't afford them.

If I ever met a man
that I wanted for a friend,

who was one without
even trying, it was Pete.

Now he's dead because of me.

Nothing you or anybody else can
do could make me feel any worse.

Here's your knife.

It was an accident.

I'm sorry.

- I loved him so much.
- Everybody did.

Her too?

Especially her.

I thought this bunk was empty.

It isn't.


I was cleaning the gun.

It went off.

It was an accident.

You know how accidents happen.

Like this.


No, you cannot come in.
Mrs. Stillman needs her sleep.

KITTY: It's all right,
Chan. I wasn't sleeping.

BART: I wanna talk to you.

That's all, Chan. You can go.

And close the door.


What happened?

For every friend Pete
had, I've got an enemy.

Then I'll get rid of them,
starting with Bender.

No, you can't blame them. They
loved Pete, so they've got to hate me.

Don't side with me. You'll
find yourself sharing the blame.

I don't care. You haven't
done anything wrong.

And I'll not let them
drive you away.

If staying here would
do any good, I'd stay.

The best thing I can do is get out
before I cause you any more trouble.


What happened today...

it was horrible.

But what happened before that
between us, that didn't change.

Nothing happened.
I've told you that.

It wasn't like that, and it's not
going to be. Especially now.

No, but now I'm
alone. And I need you.

Don't you see?

It's the two of
us. It's got to be.

- Goodbye, Kitty.
- You're not going.

Not after I've given you
everything you wanted.

- What you've given me?
- Yes.

What you've wanted all along. Ever
since you made me fall in love with you.

Star Trail. And
someone to share it with.

Someone who loves
you. It's yours now.

That's what I've done
for you. For you, Bart.

Just what have you done, Kitty?

I think you know.

I think you've known all along.

Tell me.

All right.

I wasn't aiming at the cat.

I hit what I was aiming at.



One of us had to do it.

We both knew that, didn't we?

The terrible thing
is you believe that.

I made it so easy for you
to get what you wanted.

And I'm not letting
you throw it away.

You're going to take
what I've given you.

- All of this.
- Sure.

Sure, Kitty. I understand.

And I'm grateful. Really, I am.

But we're both tired now. We
can talk about it in the morning.

So you think I'm insane?

So you'll humor me and
then slip out that door...

and go straight to the sheriff
and tell him everything I said?

That's something
you'll never do.

Because if the sheriff
came to me, I'd tell him this.

That you killed Pete
deliberately. I lied for you. Yes.

Because you made
me fall in love with you.

I lied to protect you because you
wanted me enough to kill for me.

Of course. That's
perfectly logical.

We're all alone with our secret.
And it will hold us together.

And sooner or later,
you'll have to turn to me...

because there won't be anybody
else to turn to as long as you live.

Now, let's get this
straight, Maverick.

Is Mrs. Stillman ready
to repeat that confession?

- Of course not.
- But she confessed to you quick enough.

Don't expect it to make sense. She
isn't responsible for what she does.

- Are you telling me she's insane?
- That's just what I'm telling you.

But there was nothing wrong with her before
you come along. You drive women crazy.

- Is that what you're trying to say?
- Just a minute...

I find it hard to believe
that you're that irresistible.

- You're not to me. What about you, Bert?
- I can't see it, sheriff.

Anyway, that's the story. You can
take it and do what you want with it.

SHERIFF: You think we should ride out there
and arrest her just on your say-so, huh?

You should, but you won't.

She told me what would
happen if I came to you.

She's got another story waiting for you.
That I killed Pete because I wanted her.

- I like that story better.
- I thought you would.

Come to think about it, I
didn't have to say a word, did I?

I didn't have to take the chance on her
accusing me. Could have kept my mouth shut.

No, you couldn't. Because
you had to get smart.

You had to set yourself
up with an alibi...

because you knew that one day
she'd wake up and stop covering for you.

You had to twist it so
when she does tell the

truth, it would come
out sounding like a lie.

Take his gun, Bert.

We're going to take a
ride with Mr. Maverick

and let him tell his
story all over again.

Right to Kitty's face.


This man has come to me
with a pretty fantastic story.

We'd better let him tell it
himself. Go on, Maverick.

- Story? What story?
KITTY: I don't understand.

All right. He won't tell it to
your face, so I'll tell it for him.

He claims you shot Pete, Kitty,
so that you could be with him.

He said what?

- Did you say that?
- Of course not. It's a trick.

He's trying to get you
to change your story,

to say I didn't kill
Pete by accident.

It's the truth. He accused
you. Bert was there.

Now, do you want to tell
me what really happened?

Wasn't it his doing?
Planned? Premeditated?

I've told you everything I know.

You have my sworn statement that
my husband's death was accidental.

What more do you want of me?

So you decided to cover
for him a little longer, huh?

Give him one more chance?

All right, Kitty.

But too many things have
gotten tangled up in this...

until one thing is awful
clear. It wasn't an accident.

The way it looks to me now,
the two of you were in it together.

And now you're
both getting scared.

Why, look at yourself, Kitty. You're
going to pieces right in front of my eyes.

And when you decide to tell the truth,
remember, you didn't pull the trigger.

It won't go hard for you when
you make up your mind to talk.

That's enough, sheriff. Get out!

I'm going.

But don't you try to leave.

I want you two
to stay together...

close together, until one or the other
of you can't stand it a minute longer.

I'm deputizing every hand on this
ranch to keep an eye on you, Maverick.

I'll take any attempt to
escape as an admission of guilt.

I thought a man had to be convicted
before you could lock him up.

That's what you've been.

Being out of jail instead of in, let's
call that a temporary technicality.

Remember what I told you, Kitty. You
don't have to feel trapped by this man.


It's good I'm not a
violent man, Kitty.

Because I couldn't afford to
kill you now even if I wanted to.

Bart, you could make it so much
easier for both of us. Don't you see?

Once you accept it, it won't seem so
bad, and I'll make it up to you. I promise.

- I'll give you anything you want!
- Like freedom?

If you start running, you'll be
hunted for the rest of your life.

I'm considering
it just the same.

Someday you'll understand.

You'll stop hating me for holding on to
you any way I could because I loved you.

No. It's the other way around.
Already you've begun to hate me.

You couldn't go through
with it now even if I'd let you.

Have you looked in the mirror? You
noticed your hands? Sheriff was right.

Sooner or later you're gonna have
to run to him and tell him something.

No, Bart. You're
wrong. I'll never change.

I feel sorry for
you. Good night.




Hey. Hey!

- Fred, I couldn't stop him.
- We'll stop him.

We'll get the sheriff.
He'll wanna be with

us. The rest of you
boys start saddling up.


get him off of there.

- Mrs. Stillman up?
- No, sir.

- I think she's still asleep.
SHERIFF: Get her up.

Never mind, Chan.

Blood's just about dry. She
must have been dead for hours.

You see her alive
after this man left?

See anybody else
here after that?

Well, Maverick, she can't
cover for you this time.

I never saw them
act like that before.

- Nobody's saying nothing.
- Ain't nothing to say, is there?

- Getting to be quite a few of them.
- There'll be more.

BART: You think you
can hold them off, sheriff?

Hold them off? From what?

Ain't doing nothing
as far as I can see.

Nice quiet bunch of folks.

- What do you think, Bert?
- Looks nice and quiet to me.

That's what I thought.

Well, I guess there ain't nothing
to keep you waiting around here for.

I, uh, heard a rumor this fella
was seen over in the Cedar Briggs.

You wanna take a ride over
there and check up on that?

BERT: Beats doing
nothing, sheriff.

This here is a complete report
on that hunting accident yesterday.

You better hustle your tail over to
the county seat and get her filed.

They like to keep
current on them things.

Sure you, uh, can take
care of things here?

Oh, without even trying.

Sheriff. I'd like to
have a trial anyway.


Oh, yeah. Yeah, I
guess you would.

Well, you're certainly entitled
to one according to law.

Run along now, Roy.

That leaves you all alone, huh,
sheriff? Protect me all by yourself.

Well, shucks, Maverick. I
know those people out there.

If they should get out of hand,
I could hold them off easy.

That is, if I had to.

But I ain't gonna have to.

Folks, there's times when a job
gets too dirty for a man to handle.

What I mean to say, I've
just resigned as your sheriff.

The office is open to
anybody who cares to take it.



All right. That
brought him around.

Sit up straight, Maverick.


Well, maybe this will
straighten you up some.

Stop it! Stop it, you filthy
animals! All of you, animals!

You murder a man without hearing
a word from his lips. Even a prayer.

This is not a man who kills.
Not with a weapon like this.

Yes, this weapon. It was me.

Last night I hear the
men talk in my place.

I hear how this man go to your
sheriff and tell him it was not him...

but the woman who shoot
Pete Stillman. Nobody believe.

I believe him.

I go to her house and I hold
the knife very close to her throat.

I make her afraid. I
make her tell me the truth.

And when she tell me how
she shoot Pete in the back...

something go wrong.

I cannot help it.

The knife slipped.

MAN: Ain't you gonna
arrest her, sheriff?

I took my badge
off to let this happen.

I won't be putting it on again.

When you make up your
mind what you want to do...

I'll be in my place.

Adiós, amigo.

Whose horse am I sitting on?


It doesn't belong
to anybody, huh?

I thought maybe it didn't.

[English - US -SDH]