Masters of Sex (2013–2016): Season 2, Episode 5 - Giants - full transcript

Out of respectable options, Masters accepts a job in St. Louis's black hospital, as it allows him minimal facilities to continue his research. Surprisingly to him, Virginia is reluctant to join, demanding a decent contract for once as she needs an income for her kids, but as he make sher realize, Lilian is no alternative anymore. Furthermore, Masters insists they both continue to meet as 'test subjects', Virginia agrees but insists to test his sexual frustration and erectile self-control. Gene Moretti's marriage is at risk while Betty struggles to come to terms with their infertility and truth issues and her former brothel buddy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
Masters of Sex...

Did you know you
sleep with your mouth open?

We don't sleep here.
Get dressed.

I saw them last night
leaving the hotel.

How could I not have known that they
were sleeping together the entire time?

I've shared nearly
everything with you.

You should share with me.

I'm not that interesting.

Dr Masters, I don't have lice.
I swear I don't.

If you don't sit down, Coral, you'll have
to leave. And you will not be welcome back.

You knew you couldn't have kids.
Why didn't you just tell me?

Because you never would have
married me if you knew the truth.

Tatti Greathouse
just called.

She said that
you were fired.

There's not going to
be a single hospital in the Midwest

that's going to let you so much
as step through their doors.

Why do I have to hear everything
about my husband thirdhand?

You just have to
trust me right now.

And I feel comfortable in speaking
for my partner when I say

how pleased we both are to be
bringing our work here, together.

Ripped By mstoll

Do you
think he's dreaming?

I read once that
dogs dream of running

in great open spaces.

How would
they test for that?

In animals or babies?

Are you sure it's okay
that we stopped by this way?

Of course it's okay.

I mean, you know how it is.

I was just driving around,
trying to get him to sleep,

and then suddenly there we
were, outside your front door.

Well, it's good to see you.

He has much more hair
than last time.

You haven't seen
him in awhile.

And I'm sorry for that,
Libby. I've been...

You've been busy.
No, I understand.

I wish Bill were the type
to show off baby pictures.

I did put one in his
wallet, just in case.

I haven't seen
much of Bill either.

That's going to
change now, isn't it?

I have to admit, Gin,
I was shocked by the news.

Just completely
caught off guard.

Do they know at Maternity?


About what you two
are doing?

You haven't given
Dr DePaul notice?

Not yet.

I don't blame you waiting
to see if this one sticks.

A third hospital
in as many months?

I understand
why it's enticing to him.

To have the study
readily accepted

after the resistance
at Memorial.

And don't take
this the wrong way'

because Baby John was born there
and I received excellent care.


But Bill Masters going
to work at Buell Green?

I cannot understand it.
Can you?

It's quite a surprise.

I mean, he's not just
rolling downhill, Gini,

he's picking up speed.

From being the Chief of
Obstetrics at Maternity,

to taking a staff position
at Memorial,

to walking out and heading
to the Negro hospital?

I don't know
what to say, Libby.

Where does he go from here? The resident
doctor at the State Penitentiary?

Have you eaten?

I'm not hungry.

Your way of saying, "Let's skip
dinner and move straight to dessert?"

Look again,
it's not what you think.

It's the key to your new
office at Buell Green.

It's not the obvious
choice, I admit.

But they're a fine hospital,
open to new things,

they fully endorse the study
and my bringing you aboard.

That seems like a decision you
could've discussed with me first.

Well, maybe.
But timing aside

this is fabulous news.
Calls for a toast.


We can finally
get back to work.

And you can stop selling
those ridiculous diet pills.

I'm sorry, Bill.

How exactly did you see me
coming aboard at Buell Green?

I don't know what
you mean?

I mean, as what?

What is my official title?

My responsibilities?
My salary?

We work all that out,
of course.


Because I'd like to know those things
before I decide to upend my life.

I want to be very clear
on what you're offering me.

How about an opportunity
to finish what we started?

How about the study?

I would just like the specifics
spelled out, ahead of time.

In writing.

I see.

Because I've proven
myself so untrustworthy.

Because I have two children
I'm supporting.

And if you end up
leaving this hospital,

like you left the last one
and the one before that,

what guarantee do I have that
they will keep me on without you?

I don't have the luxury
of jumping ship on a whim.

I don't have the luxury of not
selling those ridiculous diet pills.

I don't understand.

You shouldn't assume that I'll just
come running whenever you call, Bill.

I do have other opportunities.

And they are?
I'd like to know.

What opportunities do you
have outside of diet pills?

A job with Lillian.

She's doing very important work too.
Work I'm very much part of.

I'm sure that she would make
it worth my while to stay.

I don't think you want to
play that hand, Virginia.

It's not a hand.

Because I don't think Lillian regards
you quite as highly as you think.

Why do you say that?
She knows about us.

About the work we're doing.


Gene, your side of the bed
is gonna turn to stone

if you don't start
sleeping in it again.

♪ You're the top
You're the Colosseum

♪ You're the top

♪ You're the Louvre Museum

♪ You're a melody from
a symphony by somebody

♪ You're a something bonnet
A Shakespeare sonnet

♪ You're Mickey Mouse

♪ You're the Nile

♪ You're the Tower of Pizza

♪ You're the smile...

Come on, smile.

♪ ...on the Mona Lisa

♪ I'm a total wreck I'm a
worthless check a flop

♪ But if, baby
I'm the bottom... ♪

Gene, honey.

I want you to take my hand,
come upstairs with me.

We can gargle, we can...

Ah, Christ,
come on. Betty. Betty.

I don't even know which
way is up right now.

That way?

What are you getting at with,
"Come upstairs with me"?

That you love me, huh?

You sing me a song,
try to seduce me,

even though your voice
sounds like migrating geese.

First, I was
Miss Melba Snyder

in my high school
production of Pal Joey.

Before they booted me out

And second of all,
you know who you married.

Yes, I got the message.

You're sore at me
'cause I can't have kids.

I'm sore at you 'cause
you lied to me about it.

So yell at me.

Slam some doors, or come up
with some other idea

like we adopt or something,
instead of freezing me out.

You wanna adopt?

Do you?

No. Not if it's...

Another sing-along or another
invitation up to bed.

Gene, honey...

I want us to be happy.

I want you to be happy.

If that means bringing in
kids that aren't ours,

but would become ours...

Once we love them.

Once we love them.
Then, yeah.

I could do that.

I got to think about that.




I'm hoping you'll find the office
suits your needs, Dr Masters.

It's, uh...

It'll be fine.

And the dedicated exam
room I'd requested?

Next door.

Although I confess, Bill,

I ruffled a few feathers
to get that one done.

Space here is at a premium.

Well, I'm sure once your staff
sees the volume of patients,

study subjects coming in and
out of my new exam room,

they'll understand
why it's a necessity.

I'm counting on
that being the case.

Another thing while
you're here, Charles.


My associate,
Mrs Johnson.


She's going to require
an employment contract.

We don't offer contracts to any
member of our support staff.

Their guarantee
is week-to-week.

I'd appreciate you making an
exception to your policy.

Seeing as she's essential
to my work.

Am I intruding?
No, no.

Come in, Cyril.

I wanted to introduce myself, Dr Masters.
Cyril Franklin.

Bill Masters.

A pleasure.



We'll be sharing
a waiting room.

I've followed your work in
fertility with great interest.

I'm looking forward to bringing
the staff along in that area.

Until then, if you need
to refer patients,

of course, I'll do whatever
I can to accommodate them.


Thank you.

Anything I can do to help.

And are your offices
also the size

of a rabbit hutch,
Dr Franklin?

My offices were next door, in what
is now the dedicated exam room.

My new offices, they're
more suited to mice.

Aren't you going to...

Dr DePaul's office.

I see.

Well, thank you.

Man down in mimeo says he has
10 minute window between jobs

if you can
get him those...


What would it matter what I
did outside of this office

as long as I'm
good at my job here?

I think it would matter
very much to Libby Masters.

Bill and I are not
having an affair.

You know, Virginia, I don't think piling
lies on top of other lies is really...

Our participation in the
study has been unorthodox.

I'll admit that.

Is that how Bill pitching it? That
you're subjects in his study?

Our study.

We are tracking
the same physiological data

as we would with
any of the other participant

So let me understand. It's okay
because you're taking notes?

Whatever it is or is not,

I have never let it
interfere with my job.

And yet you gave away
your study, why?

To punish me? For what?

For something
I may have done

that doesn't, in any way,
reflect the quality of my work?

You were smart enough
to do it another way.

This has nothing to do
with intelligence.

And you were capable enough to have
waited for a job that you earned

based on your own abilities.

I have two children
I'm supporting!

I don't have
the luxury of waiting.

Don't you understand what
you've done makes it harder

for every woman
who comes after you.

Easier for every man who has
designs on that same woman.

You have to have
a lot of money

to wait for the perfect
job opportunity, Lillian.

You have to come
from a good family,

have parents willing to pay your
way through medical school.

If you're intimating
that I had it easy...

Not easy. Easier.

You had it easier.

And you are in no
position to judge me.

Nor you, me.

You think I'd throw away
my work just to spite you?

Because I disapprove of the way
you've conducted your personal life?

Isn't that what you've done?

You're the girl upset she
wasn't asked to the dance

by the boy she didn't want to
go with in the first place.

What does that mean?

You're upset I
handed off my work

to someone who could
secure its future,

as if you ever truly
wanted the responsibility.

Why would I ever entrust
my life's work to you Virginia

when, admit it,
you were always

going to leave me and follow Bill.

I'm going down to mimeo
to drop off these reports.

Try not to perpetuate
the sick belief

that women need to open
their legs to get a leg up!

Oh, my goodness!

Oh, that is so...

You're so unlucky.
Did it hurt?

Does he see me?

Is it a she?

No, don't go. We are listening.
We are.


Raspberries. We lost him.

It happens. You have be very quiet.

It's not that
they're shy or anything,

it has to do with energy channels.

My God!

Betts, your friend
Helen just told me

we have a ghost
in our living room.

Oh, really. How do
we get rid of it?

Oh, no, you mustn't.

He's such a sweet old man.
His name is Paul.

Or Saul.

It's Paul. He lived
until he was 93.

Then choked on
a chicken bone.

You never told me you had
a friend that had...

What did
you call it?

Oh, precognitions.

Just this morning, I was buttering my
toast, thinking of nothing in particular,

and all of
a sudden it came to me,

"Hunt down Betty DiMello."


It's Betty Moretti now.

Yeah. So you guys
are friends from...

Acquaintances, really.

- Oh, we go way back.

Same gal does
our hair at Clarise's.

Now, Betty, Gene
seems very open.

We can tell him
the truth, huh?

Several years ago, Betty
saw my sign in the window.

A palm, naturally, outlined in neon.

And she came in and wanted
to have her palm read.

Well, it turns out she has
a very long love line.

Is that right?
Oh, yes, look...


Here it is.
See? There.

It means true love.

A long love,
meant to last the ages.

Well, that would be us, right?

How we met.

Look at that, it was there...

...On your
hand the whole time.


I have somebody that
I think would love you.

You know who would love Helen?
I can't imagine.

Al. My friend Al, I've known
him since sixth grade.

He's a bit of a goof, but
he's got a heart Of gold.

And I really think Al
would love Helen.

You know what? I'm gonna make a
reservation for us four at Kemoll's.

Gene, don't be cuckoo.

No. This is my precondition.

Unless of course you
have a special someone.

No. I was recently jilted.

Al, too!
That's good!

So you both are in need of good
fortune in the love department.

Al, his girlfriend
just dumped him.

She got the shingles,
blamed it all on Al.

But she's a little,
you know, ooh-yoy!

Gene, honey, I...

I don't think
Helen wants to go

on a double date
with us and Al...

I would love to.

What does a girl
wear to Kemoll's?

No matter how long you stare,
it's not going to unpack itself.


Human Resources
drew up a contract

specifying the details
of your employment,

if you'd like to peruse.

Your office is...

It's in there.

Next door there's
a dedicated exam room,

with a viewing area.

Which raises the question of where
we'll be resuming our sessions.

Here or...

At the hotel.
I'm amenable to either.

I was wondering
if there's a third option.

Oh? Which would be...

To stop.

We've been at this
a while now.

At some point, haven't we
exhausted the possibilities...

Of sexual research?
That's like saying

one's done mapping
the Milky Way.

Yes. Maybe...

Maybe if we took some time
to reassess our objectives.

And what objectives, exactly,
are you referring to?

The scope
of our involvement.

The terms...

Oh, we're back to terms now?

I suppose I'm wondering if
our personal participation

is a condition
of my employment here?


Then maybe
it's better if we...

What I meant was yes.

Yes. It is part of the job.

Hotel, then.

Aren't you going to
take off your clothes?



I don't want to.

So, what are we...

I want you to strip.

No, stand.

Now you're going
to touch yourself.


You've closed your eyes. Is that
standard behaviour for you?

I believe it is.

Is that to
facilitate fantasy?

It's an automatic reflex,

not a conscious process.


Yes, I suppose so.

And what are you
thinking about?


You can stop
touching yourself.

But I haven't yet...


Come here.

Take them off.

Excuse me.

I've got X-ray solution that
needs to get to Radiology.

Any idea where Radiology is?

No idea at all.
I'm sorry. I'm new here.

Excuse me.

Good morning.

I put up some flyers for
the study on my way in.


As for today's business,
you have the patient list?

I intend to call this morning,
starting with the A's.

I'll inform them
of the new location

and start scheduling
appointments as early as...

Today is fine.
Our doors are open.

I'm not
sure I understand.

I came to talk to
you about Coral, ma'am-

Coral? Is she not
coming today?

No. No, I put her on the bus.
I just came on ahead myself.

I was hoping to have
a word with you.

Has something
happened to Coral?

Well, you know, she told me something
recently that I just can't seem to shake.

You know, every night
I ask her how her day was,

and normally she just says,
"Fine," you know. "Good."

And she loves that baby John.

Thinks that little one
walks on water.

Then the other night,
she told me that, uh,

someone had forced her head under
a faucet and scrubbed at it.

I had to wash her hair.

My infant son had lice.

That must have been
upsetting for you.

It was.

And upsetting for Coral.

So that's it really.

I'm gonna keep on asking
Coral how her day was.

And she's gonna
keep telling me.

And hopefully she'll just
say "fine" and "good.“

And whatever
that problem was,

well, it won't
happen again.

Now she doesn't
know I stopped by.

So you can go and
can keep that between us.

Thank you for
your time, ma'am.

The lines in your
palm don't change,

if you're looking
for a reading.

That was
some stunt, Helen.

So what is it
you want? Money?

'Cause I already gave you
plenty of money.

Yes, I seem to remember
you throwing $100 bills

out the window of your new
Cadillac as you drove away.

That is unfair- I couldn't
sleep for months.

I still can't!

Well, that makes two of us.

You broke my heart.

We agreed me marrying Gene
was the best thing.

You agreed.

We agreed there
is no future here.

Years and years of going out
together as what? What?

Two spinster friends? Or living
together, pretending we're sisters?

Or going to some bar where
some butch won't serve us

'cause we're not wearing
clucktails and gabardines?

It's pathetic, Helen.

We both like dresses.

So we just got
to have to buck up

and do the right thing.

The right...
The right thing for you.

You are a cynical woman,
Mrs Moretti.

What I am is a woman who
has fucked men for money.

Hundreds of them.

And I have seen things and
I have done things and...

I am not apologising
for this.

'Cause I got
gold faucets now,

a hat for every
clay of the week.

And I can eat beef bourguignon
for lunch if I want.

You still got to sleep
with him and not me.

Well, nothing comes free.

Then maybe it will work out
for me, too, with Al.

You are not going out with Al.
You are cancelling that date.

I am not cancelling.

Stop screwing around, Helen.

I'm following your lead.

You are not coming
back into my life

after the hell it took
getting you out.

Fuck you, Betty.

You got to grab the brass ring.
And now it's my turn.

Our process
hasn't changed since

you had your daughter,
Mrs Tillingsworth.

You'll schedule regular
capping sessions.

And will the procedure
last as long as before?

All those hours
lying still?

Some women trying for a second
child actually look forward to it.

They say it's
the only rest they get.

What if I go home immediately
after the capping

and do my bed
rest there?

You had such a good outcome
the first time around.

Why would you want
to tamper with success?

Earl got me a new car.

And I don't feel comfortable
leaving it parked on the street.

Not for hours on end.

Not in this neighbourhood.

Well, I park downstairs
without giving it a thought

My car is an Eldorado.

Mrs Johnson's car
is also a...


But it is a very lovely
shade of Capri blue.

You don't expect to be here
permanently, do you, Doctor?

Buell Green is a fine
hospital, Mrs Tillingsworth.

Do you imagine
I would be here otherwise?

That I would be satisfied
offering my patients

anything less than the care
that they've come to expect?

No. Of course not.

My car has leather seats.

You have a healthy, beautiful
baby girl who deserves a sibling.

Now, which one of those two problems
would you like to focus on?

Your young man paid me a visit today.

I'm sorry, ma'am. Robert?

Coral, I'm older than you

and I know a thing Or two
about the world and...

Well, why don't you
sit down a moment?


I know you have no mother
to guide you.

So I'm just going to
tell you this. Directly.

I'm worried about you
being with this boy.

He came hereto,

well, essentially
to threaten me.

Now, I'm not going to
call the police.

I'm not even sure I'm
going to tell Dr Masters.

But I will tell you.

I think Robert
is very angry.

He's trying to hide it,
but it's very obvious to me.

I could feel it.

So under the circumstances, I
think it's best if you put some

distance between
you and Robert.

Just ease him out gently.

Perhaps start seeing
a little less of him.

We live together.

And I should leave him.
I certainly should.

Like you say, he is a
rough customer, Robert.

And he does have a temper,
there's no doubt.

And sometimes we fight.

But then,

when it's late,

and it's just the two of us,
alone, in our bed, well...

All the bad stuff
just goes away.

He's real soft
with his hands.

And his lips.

The way he touches me,
his breath in my ear...

Well, I'm sure you can understand
how hard that is to leave.

You being
a woman of the world.

But I will think about
what you said.

And once I'm finished
making Dr Masters' bed,

should I make yours, too?

You've gone through the first
run of flyers already?

The first ones
have all been taken.

Unfortunately, to the dump,
just south of the city.

A man watched me
as I put one up.

I could tell
he didn't approve.

And apparently, he took
matters into his own hands

to save the world
from our immoral ways.

What man?
I'll talk to Hendricks.

He guaranteed me that the study
wouldn't be interfered with.

A delivery man. He had
this scowl on his face.

Very much like the scowl we've
seen On some of our patients

since we landed here.

I honestly think that it's
going to take some effort

to get willing subjects
back into the study.

We may lose
some of our regulars

'cause they don't want to make
the drive to this neighbourhood.

Which means most of the study will
be made up of Negro subjects.

As one would expect
at a Negro hospital.

Which begs the question,

if our study subjects
are primarily coloured,

do we include their data
in with everyone else's?

As opposed to what? Separating
our subjects by race?

We've never included
Negro subjects before.

We've never excluded
them, either.

They simply had no exposure
to our recruitment efforts

at a white hospital.

But now that we're here...
Just asking

if there's any value
in separating them out,

from a research
point of view?

Looking at them apart
from Caucasian data?

You do realise they have the
same physiology, don't you?

The difference is merely
melanin, skin pigment.

Would you make the argument
that our brown-eyed subjects

are sexually distinct from
our blue-eyed ones?


But in this case, people
think there's a difference.

Sexually speaking.

True or not, I'm simply wondering
if it's worth our consideration.

Dr Masters' office.

Yes, Mrs Kenworthy.
No, that's fine. We can...

All right.
Thank you.

Mrs Kenworthy just
cancelled her appointment

When does she
want to reschedule?

She doesn't.

Some people use sex
as a way to make up.

Have you found
that to be true?


I'm not sure
I have found it.

Don't you think there's
something healthy about that?

Healthy? In the sense of...

A good way for a couple to
iron out their differences.

I mean, it's not something we do.
But maybe we should.

I'm not angry with you.

Well, you know what they say,

love and hate are
two sides of the same coin.

Have you been
talking to someone?

What is that
supposed to mean?

That I just stay at home and
live this sheltered life?

I know about the world. I see
things and I hear things.

So are you angry with me?

Yes. I am.

A little.

And in the interest
of marital health,

I think we should
patch things up.

Should I slow down?

It happened already. I was
just very quiet. The baby.

I called a taxi.

I assumed
you weren't coming.

Because I'm the type of person who
skips out on a cancer patient?

Get in.

From now on, please don't
worry about this room.

I'll take care of it.

Yes, ma'am.

Betty, I'm...


What are you...

For cripes' sake, what are you doing?

vacuuming. In all
the time I've known you,

I've never seen you in the
same room with a vacuum.

Let alone pushing
one around.

I have too vacuumed.

That vacuum has
two inches of dust on it.

That's how much
vacuuming you've done.

I'm burning off, you know,

'Cause of what I didn't tell you.
About Helen. Uh-huh.

The truth is she's, uh...

She's not so good
at bathing.

Ah! A sponge bath every
couple weeks maybe.

And come summer,
she's like French cheese.

Oh, yeah?
I didn't notice anything.

Well, Al will notice. You know
how vain he is about his women.

And you know the story of
Napoleon and Josephine.

The more she stank,
the more he loved her.

Let's just let Al and Helen
work it out.

It's just...

It's like the smell reflects
what's, you know, inside.

Like she's rotten.

As a person.

I thought she was
a friend of yours.

What does that word
even mean any more?

Plus I got
a conscience, Gene,

and I can't sit by and watch
Helen get her hooks into Al.

Hooks? Helen... Oh. Oh!

Hooves! Hooves more like it, because
she also has a gambling problem.

Spends 90% of her time
at the tracks.

Okay, what? Every vendor at
the track knows her by name.

"Hel" this, "Hel" that.
I mean, the hell part's right.

Which accounts for
her constant scheming.

Always trying to find the
next pair of deep pockets

to pay for her,
you know,

her sickness.

Betty, AI loves
the track.

Al has deep pockets.

Sounds like
a match made in heaven.


It's a high compliment when patients
of mine refer their daughters.

Although my mother actually
saw you at Memorial.

The quality of care will be no
different here at Buell Green.

Now Mrs Johnson will start by
taking a fertility history.

It won't take long.

Then we'll do a brief, uh,

physical work-up,
we'll draw some blood.

We can do that before or after the
physical exam, whichever is...

- Stop it!
- Say you're sorry!

Could you excuse us
a moment?

Say you're sorry! Apologise!
Right now! Apologise to her!

- Tell her you're sorry!
- Get your hands off me!

Mr McCaffrey, please!

He was looking
at my wife!

Mr McCaffrey!
Let him go!

Virginia, call the security guard.
Let him go now!

Not before he apologises
to my wife!

For what? Being in
the same room with her?

For sitting in a chair?

You son of a bitch!

that is enough!

Maybe you need
some reminding whose

you wandered into.

Oh, you can have
this barnyard, nigger.

- Son of a...
- Gentlemen!

As soon as I walked into the
waiting room, I remembered him.

Back at Maternity,

he was the husband
that wanted to be

in the delivery room
with his wife.

The same husband
who held her hand and wept

when we handed him
his firstborn.

And then today
at Buell Green,

he was like
a Neanderthal.

There must be
something in the air,

because I,too, had a similar
experience recently.

What do you mean?

A large coloured man
banged on our front door

and told me in no uncertain terms that
he didn't like how I was treating Coral.

A large, coloured...

Coral's boyfriend,
as it turns out.

Why? He was coming
hereto see her?

No. Us. Me. Hmm.

You know, if he doesn't like
Coral working for a living,

he should take it up
with her, don't you think?

Not come here
and make threats.

What, threats?

What did he say, exactly?

It's more how he said it.

It's even possible
Coral is lying about us.

First of all, I didn't force
her head under the faucet.

So what did you do?

I washed her hair.

Because she refused
to do it herself.

I told you the lice
were not coming from her.

You said it was unlikely,

And frankly,
you don't know everything.

But did you
force her head?

No, I didn't force anything.
That is not what happened.

Why are you taking her side in this?
And his?

Why don't you take my side?
I'm standing up for you.

I didn't
do anything wrong.

Libby, you need
to apologise.

If someone
had done that to you?

I wouldn't just stand on their
doorstep in your defence.

Their face would look like mine,
I'd make damn sure of it.

I think you got off lightly
with that young man.

The casing we use is made
out of bone and tendon.

Some people use wood pulp.
But not us. Not a chance.

I always thought wood pulp
was the industry standard.

Like a house on fire,
these two.

Mmm. Can I have
more wine, please?

It's a family business.

But funnily enough, not my family.
I bought it.

I love how passionate
you are about pepperoni.

I also like dessert.

And you smell just like
my mom's vanilla pudding.

"Well, I heard you're
a low-down Yankee liar."

Oh, that's good.
That's a good one.


Jimmy Stewart.

Gary Cooper?

- No. Alan Ladd.
- Bingo.

In Shane.

Of course.

The scent is Cingerie.
It was my mother's.

She always wore it.
Now I wear it.

A little on the wrists,
little bit behind the ears,

and a couple of
drops in the bathtub.

In the bathtub.

If we leave Alan Ladd
out of it,

how 'bout I put
you in my pocket?

I would like that,
but I bet I wouldn't fit.

No. Helen. Helen,
no betting now.

No. Listen, with me,
it's not even gambling

'cause I worked out
a very scientific system.

And I'd be happy
to show it to you.

Maybe help you minimise
your losses a little.

Did Betty tell you my secret?

Yes. But I don’t judge.
Not for a minute.

Well, I suppose I've spent
a little too much time

on the riverboats.
Yeah, well, now...

Plus your afternoons
at the track.

Yes. There's
the horses as well.

Well, now, who doesn't, right?


Did Betty also tell you
about the time

I heard there was a horse
running in the Kentucky Derby

named Beautiful Betty?

Odds were 13:1 against.

I spent my last two bucks
on that horse.

Gave the ticket to Betty.

She was feeling blue
about something.

And I told her,

"Whenever you feel like
the world is against you,

"look at that ticket and know
that no matter what the odds are,

"someone's betting on you."


Isn't that nice?


Did the horse win?

This story ends
in tragedy.

The horse broke a leg.

See, I can't hear that.

It is true.


They had to shoot her.

It does happen.

I'll say.

I guess you know
how to pick 'em.

I'm sorry.

This is where my system
would come in handy.


I need to powder.

Oh, that's rich.

You can't do that.

I just did.

After the dust-up yesterday,
I thought it'd be best

if we kept our patients
away from each other.

Unless you're going for
stitches next time, Doctor.

I don't think this is
the right solution.

Good morning, Obstetrics.
Uh... Mrs Johnson?

It seems someone's
trying to track you down.


what happened?

They must've told you
on the phone.

They didn't. They just said
some kind of accident.

Apparently, some 10-year-old
wandered into the ladies' room

and found me passed out.
On the floor.

Was it a seizure?

How would I know?

One minute, I'm trying to thread
the ribbon through my typewriter.

And the next I'm on the floor with
this child screaming over me.

She thought I was dead.

They would only release me
lo a responsible party.

I didn't know
who else to call.

let's gel you inside.

No. Just...

Can we sit?


I'm never going back
to that hospital.

As a patient, maybe.
But never again as a doctor.

I'm done there.

They said that?

I don't want to wait
for them to tell me.

It'd be irresponsible to stay on.
Something different every day.

A garbled word.
A forgotten diagnosis.

Ten minutes
I can't account for.

You have good stretches.

You were very articulate
the other day

when you were expressing your
extreme disappointment in me.

Was I?

Did I apologise?


I am scared, though,
for what's ahead.

Which means I can't

really afford to be upset with you.
Now can I?

I'd like to
speak to you.

Yes, ma'am?

I understand that when you
came to my door the other day,

you did it out of
concern for Coral.

And not necessarily
as a threat to me.

So I've thought
about it, and yes,

I may have overreacted
when I washed Coral's hair.

I just had a baby.

And when
you have a baby,

even minor incidents can
feel blown out of proportion

It's in all the books.

My point is, I shouldn't have done
that to Coral, and I'm sorry.

Common courtesy dictates that the
proper response to an apology

is to get out of
the car and accept it.

I think the person you ought
to be apologising to is Coral.

Coral is
a different matter.

Coral deliberately
disobeyed me.

Pay attention now, Coral.

'Cause this here
is a good lesson

in white people's
inability to take

for their actions

and do the right thing.

Did you say "white people"?
Get in the car, Coral.

We're leaving.

You should know, my husband
works in the Negro hospital.

See Dr McAlpin
down in Ophthalmology.

He's the best
in the city

and can make sure there's been
no damage to your vision.

Clearly, my vision was
impaired to begin with,

not to see
this coming.

I fear I may
have misjudged

how my patients would handle the
transition to a new hospital.

We were as surprised as you by
the fight in the waiting room.

The truth is our patients
are reluctant to make appointments.

Some of them have had issues
with the neighbourhood.

Others have misgivings
about the mix of patients.

It seems inevitable that
we're going to lose a few.

Inevitable? You're
just resigned to that?

It doesn't mean
they won't return in time.

But it may take them
becoming unhappy

with the care
someone else provides

for them to come
back to me.

And you're prepared
to wait it out?

In the meanwhile, we can serve
the patients already here.

And we have
the study to focus on.

As long as we can keep your
delivery men away from our flyers.

I have to say,
I'm disappointed.

I'm not sure
what the alternative is.

You ever watch how
people get into a cold lake?

There are the ones that go
very slowly, inch by inch.

They even rise up on their
tiptoes to stave off the cold.

And then there the ones
that take the plunge,

get it over with,

trust they'll adjust to the
cold once it's enveloped them.

If I had time to slowly change
people's minds about segregation,

I would've brought in some young,
unassuming white resident,

let the patients
slowly get used to him.

And then I would've hired
another one, and another one.

But there's too much I want to
accomplish at this hospital

to take my time doing it.

Which is why I hired you.

You with your
dedicated exam room.

With your essential
assistant, your sex study.

You were the cold lake, and
I jumped in with both feet.

And I thank you
for that.

I knew
exactly what I was getting.

A man who showed
a room full of doctors

what the inside of a woman
climaxing looked like,

and had his hat handed
to him because of it.

You didn't ease people
out of ignorance,

you exposed them
to the truth.

You said, "This is going to be
uncomfortable, but it's important.

"And it's going to open
your eyes forever."

You and I,
we don't look the same.

But we are the same.

We are not
men who wait.

You need to make
a case for yourself.

You need to call
every patient you ever had

and say, "This is where you need
to be, with me, at this hospital."

That's how you move
your practise forward.

That's how I move this
hospital forward.

That's how we move
history forward.

I'm afraid history may be
outside my purview.

You know
that's not true.

You wouldn't be doing this study
of yours if that were the case.

Last year,

Martin Luther King, Jr. stood less
than a mile from here and said,

"St. Louis is a city
that's moving forward,

"embracing its future,
not standing in its way."

This hospital will be integrated.

are you willing
to help me do that?

We each choose
our own battles, Charles.

And wooing patients

is not my gift.

Come on, Bill.

It's really
more like Virginia's.

Well, then, Mrs Johnson,

you've got your work
cut out for you.

I suppose I do.


Did you say that
just to appease him?

About you? I said it
because it's true.

There are things that

you are better at than I.

Just as there are things
I'm better at, of course.

Of course.

At this rate,
I expect to see you

in the front row
at Dr King's next rally.

Be serious, Virginia.
That's not my fight.

But if in helping ourselves, we
can also help Dr Hendricks...

Well, I see nothing
wrong with that

Ripped By mstoll