Masters of Sex (2013–2016): Season 1, Episode 2 - Race To Space - full transcript

Although personally more amused than embarrassed during a demonstration of he sex research equipment, medical provost Barton Scully lets the board cut off all college funding when they learn about its 'explicit, adult' nature. Masters gives Virginia her notice, but finds he needs her help to transfer the experiment to the brothel, where the madam compounds outrageous demands, even a respectable hospital job. Frustrated over sexual neglect by Virginia, academic research assistant Ethan seduces a nurse, only to find her sexually narrow-minded. Libby Masters demands Ethan back as treating fertility doctor when she gets wind of the unsavory brothel observations after the commissioner saved William from raid arrest, while the venue scares off respectable participants.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Masters of Sex...

Oh, my God!

If you really want to learn
about sex,

then you're gonna have to get
yourself a female partner.

Dr. Masters.
We haven't yet met.

- Are you here to interview?
- Can you squeeze me in now?

All I could think about
the entire drive home

was kissing you.

Well, friends can kiss.

All I do know for sure is
I am going to marry that woman.

My wife is coming in next week.

There is no way
the great Bill Masters

is going to admit
he's shooting blanks.

Why can't I give my husband a child?

Yet we sit huddled
in the dark like prudish cavemen,

filled with shame,

when the truth is,
nobody understands sex.

And science holds the key.

The provost of the entire university
will be watching me.

He's not watching you.

He's watching science.

Well, it's a remarkable feat.

The phase we're
considering you for is couples.

Coup... Couples?

Nice to meet you.

I'm, uh...anonymous.

I'm anonymous, too.

You are my friend.

Oh, Jesus Christ.
Do not say "friend."

You are!
You are my friend!

Friends don't fuck.

I'm sorry that I hurt you.
That was never my intention.

We're going to be
watching couples have sex,

the likelihood of us transferring

all this libidinous energy
onto our patients is high.

Why don't you just come out and say
whatever it is you're trying to say?

We should undertake
the research with each other.

Can I take the weekend
to think about this?

Of course.

Cereal and orange juice!

Or toast!


Tessa, get out of my way!

Stop pushing, Henry!

I thought that we
could discuss your proposition,

if that's what we're calling it...

I would like to clear this up.

I did take the weekend,
as I said I would,

to consider your proposal,
and I've come to the conclusion

that it was an unreasonable
request on your part.

And so my answer is no.

# Come on, sweet angel #

# Take me to... #

You're old enough
to pour your own cereal, Henry.

Captain Kai is moving
number 1 prisoner, Top Knot,

- to the Space Pad.
- That's good news.

You both need to finish your juice.
Tess, you, too, please.

I just wanted to say thank you
for your offer.

Your proposal is an interesting one,

us in the study together.

Although it does put me
in a curious predicament.

I'm intrigued.

This work is compelling and relevant,

and I do feel that I can make
a real contribution...

Yes or no, Virginia?
I'm busy.

Mom, Sergeant Bully Black

has forbidden prisoner Top Knot
to enter the Ion Chamber. Mom?

we're going to miss the bus.

It's why he goes to the Space Rail.
To cool down.

Then he finds a boy,
Joey, a stowaway.


Hurry up. Let's go!

Thank you! Go on, Tess.

And, mom, the best part

is Captain Kai gives
the boy Joey a real stun gun.

I was trying to tell you!

Now I'm going
to miss my bus, Henry.

Here, dear.

I'll take these.

Okay, have a good day.
Take this.

You, too.

Now I have to ride in the back.

I've thought about your proposal,

and if saying no means
losing my job, then I'll do it,

although the truth is,
I'd rather not,

and not because I don't think
highly of you

and respect you enormously.

I do. But...

Such an unconventional arrangement...

it could jeopardize my position here,

and I care about this job.

I don't want to ruin it
by complicating it.

I hope you can understand that.

Good morning.

Coffee's hot.

The American Obstetrics Dinner
is Thursday.

You're speaking last.

I have your notes.

Senator Ronson called twice
this morning

and said
he will only speak to you.

And, also, I wouldn't mind
a moment of your time.

I-I've thought about your proposal...

of... of the two of us

participating in the study together.

No, there is no study.


I've just returned
from provost Scully's office.

He informed me that someone
told him that my sex study

had progressed to copulation
between couples,

which incensed the provost
to such a degree

that he shut down my study
as of this morning.

Well, who would ever...

I warned you
about sleeping with Haas.

I told you it was dangerous
and unprofessional.

I also warned you about
discussing the study with him,

yet you did both,
knowing the risk involved.

Ethan would never...

You defied me!

You jeopardized the study.

So, as a result, you're fired.
I've called human resources.

I expect you to sit at your desk
until your replacement is hired,

at which time, you'll be terminated
from the hospital staff entirely.

Dr. Masters' office.

May I speak to Mrs. Johnson, please?

Yes, this is Mrs. Johnson.

H-Henry's been suspended?

Oh, if you would, Ethan,
I'm not...

I'm not with Ethan.

Go ahead. Get on your gown,
so we can talk.

I was going
to come by your office.

I want to talk to you in here,

since I'm now the one
that's treating you.

What happened to Ethan?

Dr. Haas is not

the best fertility doctor
in the midwest.

I am.

Shouldn't my wife have the very best?

I-I don't understand.

When did this happen?


It's important for me

to know that I'm doing
everything I can...

for you, for us...
to give us a family.

So, we need to do a blood panel.

Ethan did a blood panel...

Another blood panel.

The progesterone anluteinizing hormone
are repeated each cycle.

We'll finish the tests today.

We'll do the cervical capping

I want you on your back
for 16 hours this time,

feet in stirrups.

A sedative
will help with the discomfort.

All right.

Maybe, in a strange way,
it's romantic...

the two of us, together,
making a baby through science.

We'll start with a vaginal swab

in preparation
for the saline douche,

just like an evening
of dinner and dancing.

This is hardly
my best dancing dress, but...

At least it's us.

Actually, Miss Grand is on duty.

Yeah, uh...
A nurse is perfectly capable

of handling this part
of the procedure.

I have an appointment this morning,

but I'll check in on you later...
I promise.

I'm happy about this.


Ready, Mrs. Masters?

Dr. Martin,
please call the pharmacy.

Dr. Martin,
please call the pharmacy.

Why was I taken off
your wife's case?

Fine. I'll ask her myself.

You will not.

Instead, you will do well to remember
your career is in my hands.

What are you talking about?

You're indiscreet
and untrustworthy,

two things I will not tolerate.

I-is this about
your sperm count?

Because I have said nothing
to your wife

about why you two
are struggling to conceive.

I do think you should tell her.

It's awkward
and borderline unethical

for me to keep that information
from my own patient.

My patient now.

A backdoor man?

I'm not surprised.

So, you lied to your boss.
What'd you think was gonna happen?

Scully knew there was a study.

Not with people humping in it.

So, what can I do, anyway?

Get you back to the people
with the watching and the timing?

Oh, I've been making
great strides at the hospital,

far beyond the observations
I made here.

And I want to continue the work,
only move

With the machines
and all the wires?

Ugh, for the love of God.

I'll pay the women
what a customer would,

and I'll pay the men...


The only men here are Johns.

Johns are our living.
Johns are off limits.


- Women only, then.
- Mm-hmm.

Strictly for masturbation.

And I'll pay them...


...double their usual rate.

And I'll include a free medical exam.

I can ask Wanda.

She runs our house.
She listens to me.


only if you give me a job
in your hospital.


You are utterly unqualified
to work in my office.

Any respectable position will do.

- In the hospital?
- Mm-hmm.

But why?

It's my business why.

You decide if you want
your study here or not.

Mom, Miss Sickle took
all my comic books away,

and I was in the middle
of a really good one

about Fancy Fadden.

He could die, mom!

I don't want to hear anymore.

This is very serious,
what you've done.

Now, in what universe is it okay
for you to spit on your teacher?

- She took them!
- Shh!

Why couldn't you think
about what would happen

if you had nowhere to go
for three days?

Sit here where I can see you,

Is that your son?

That's not your business.

the flowers were an apology,

as was my letter, my phone calls.

All I am trying to do is tell
you how genuinely sorry I am.

For what, exactly?
For hitting me?

For going to Scully about the study?

For getting me fired?

Bill fired you? But why?

Gini, I would never go to Scully
or get you fired.

I would never do anything like that.

Stay away from me.
I mean it.

Dr. Sullivan to X-ray room 2.

Excuse me.
When do the job interviews start?

Just give me one minute.

Order two movers
and a moving van for tonight,

and I want it kept quiet,
if you can manage that.

Bill, I feel terrible about this,
all of it,

but especially about the study,

and if I contributed in any way,
I could never forgive myself.

But I just spoke to Ethan,
and he didn't do it.

He didn't know anything about it.


If this is about us
and the study together...

then we can sort it out.

I love working here.
You know that, Bill.

Please, I need this job.

You can send in the first girl.

Can I at least tell
the movers what they're moving?

I can tell them myself.

I think he liked me.
Wish me luck.

Good luck.

We're going home soon.

You need to put your things
back in your bag.


what can I do you for?

"How may I be of assistance?"

Miss Dimello is Dr. Masters' hire.

I don't know about that.

Oh. Hold on.

They want to know
if someone got their flowers,

like I'm psychic.


Is that your kid?

Is this your job?

The truth is Virginia's
the one missing out.

I'm perfect for her.

And I'm not going to be
on the market long.

A young doctor, smart,

Not handsome?

My point is there are many girls

just dying for a catch like me.

For example.

I can't watch this.

Is this seat taken?

Another lamb to slaughter.

I'm very much
looking forward to this.

Me too.

Guess you're here for

Nobody told us it moved.

Oh, it moved, all right,
to a cathouse on 3rd and Sutter.

To a...


I'm a-afraid I don't follow.

The higher-ups didn't
appreciate the doc's vision

or something like that.

But I was so excited
about the study.

It seemed so important, you know?

Doing something really great
for science.

For the first time in my life,

I felt like I was a part of something...

Didn't you?

Bigger. Better.

I'm sad...sorry it's over.


I guess we'll always have Paris.

You two were in Paris?

This cannot be happening.

I wouldn't ask if I had anywhere else
to put Henry tomorrow.

I have another job in the mornings.

I can't live on my wages here.

I didn't mean that.

You haven't paid me
for the past two weeks as it is.

I'm sorry. Of course. I have it.

It would only be through Friday.

What happened to my raise?

I haven't forgotten.

I-I was planning on starting it
next week.

You really can't shift things
around at your other job?

Just for tomorrow?

You know what I do
for my children?

I shift my schedule to be with them.

Watch the rugs.

They're real Persian.

Hi there.


The doc here will talk us through it,

along with a little show-and-tell
to demonstrate all his...tricks.

So, someone hop up.

Is he gonna put bolts in my neck?

Uh, Maureen, you're a gamer.

Yeah, Maureen! Get up there!

Thank you, Maureen.
Please lie down on the table.

This will allow me
to demonstrate the basic parameter...

All right, then. Let's proceed.

You're not gonna
climb up here with me?

I'm not.

Uh, this is an electrocardiogram.

Uh, basically a transthoracic
interpretation of cardiac activity.

And this is an electroencephalogram,
or E.E.G.,

which measures current flow
in the neurons in the brain.

a big pile of spaghetti.

Well, spaghetti that allows me

to scientifically chart
emergent patterns

of human sexual response.

Can it fix headaches?

I-I feel like I got
a big meat cleaver right here.

I wrenched my back twice
last week.

It's like razor blades when I pee.

We can attend
to your medical concerns

in the physical exam.

But, uh, continuing
with the study for a moment,

um, this device is used for
both stimulation and viewing.

Like a coochie flashlight?


Hats and boots, ladies.
We're coming in.

Round them up. Let's go.

Uh, good evening.

Don't catch a chill, now.

Truck's outside, ladies.

Johns are going in, too, buddy.

I understand...
I understand your confusion.

- I'm not a John... I'm a doctor.
- Of course you are.

Yeah, yeah. There you go.

# I know... #

If you relax, it's fun and sexy.

You've done this with other girls?

I'm here with you.
It's you I want.

I guess you do.

Think of it as a kiss.

# ...answer, and I know... #

But isn't the normal way
just to, you know, put it in me?

We will. We'll do that.
We're playing first.

# ...right now... #

But mother always said

not to put anything in your mouth
if you don't know where it's been.

Well, this has been here since birth.


Let me do it to you first...
Show you how good it feels.

Uh! With your mouth?
Right on it?

All right, I'll do you first, okay?

No, I-I don't think you're okay.

No. N-no, I'm fine. Here.

# I know #

Hold on to your hat.

# ...go my way... #

I'm sorry.

I just can't.

I'm willing to, you know,
go all the way.

W-why isn't that enough?

It is. It is. It's fine.

Let's just, um...
Let's get you dressed, huh?

So I can take you home.

# I know #

- How long?
- How much longer?

Come on!


For Christ's sake!

I mean, I'm flattered to be
your first call and all.

I need a favor, Sam.

No kidding.

Look, I can have the bail waived,

but I don't think you needed
the police chief for that.

Not that. Something...bigger.

My wife would change the locks

if she knew I refused you a favor.

It's the only reason
I'm agreeing to this.

You know,
Flo still crows to everyone

how, if it wasn't for you,
we wouldn't even have kids.

How is Dennis, Jack,
and little Sandy?

Well, you got my nuts in a cup
on this one,

but I don't think
it's gonna go so easy with her.

I can drive if you want.

I can drive if you want.

No thanks.

I would prefer control
of the wheel

in case I decide to veer your
side of the car into a tree.

Lib, I wasn't in
that brothel as a customer.

You were repairing their heating?

Remember I told you

I was, uh, starting a study
in human sexuality?

Yes, you were
characteristically vague.

Well, tonight I was...

simply using the brothel
as a working laboratory.

But only because the study
was thrown out of the hospital.

You were thrown out of maternity?

The study was,

which was a gross overreaction
on Scully's part...

only because
I was using human subjects

and progressing on to couples' work.

People were having sex
in front of you?

Well, not the prostitutes.

The prostitutes only masturbate
in front of me

while I watch the monitors,

in order to gather together
physiological data.

Why didn't you tell me this?

You...watching people
have sex thing?

That you're working in a brothel?

Why don't you tell me anything?

I tell you almost everything.

No, you tell me to schedule
dinner with visiting faculty.

I didn't mention it

because I thought
you might judge it harshly.

Part of me wonders...

if it's something at home
that makes you drawn to this?

Lib, how can you even say...

But then the other part of me
knows you,

and I know what you will do
for your work,

what you'll do in the pursuit of it.

It just seems to me that
any study that lands you in jail

is probably not a study
that is good for your career.

Unless it is my career.

Wheelchair assistant
to the E.R. waiting room.

Wheelchair assistant
to the E.R. waiting room.

Here's money for a snack.

All homework
must be finished before...

- Before comics, I know.
- Yes, sit here.

I'll check on you in an hour.
Do not budge until then.


Hello, Betty.

Cute kid.

He'd be cuter
if he hadn't gotten suspended.

Oh, probably just cutting his teeth.

I'm impressed that you convinced
Dr. Masters to get you a job.

He doesn't do many people favors.

I struck a bargain.

He's such a nut for that stupid study,

it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Is that why, uh, you weren't
at the brothel last night?

You were dealing with your kid?

Dr. Masters has been very good

about giving me time off.

Well, you better
get back there fast.

He really needs your help.

Nurse Carlisle,
please call the switchboard.

Nurse Carlisle,
please call the switchboard.

You snuck up on me.
How are you?

Now that I see you, great.

But horrible before.
Very up-and-down.

Do you mind?

No, of course not. Sit.

You look...

I'm a lot of things at the moment.

There's so much to think about,

like what you said about the study...

our contribution to science
being cut off so abruptly.

It just...seems a real shame.

Now, that's just how I feel.

I also keep thinking...

It's not like Bill Masters

holds the key
to all scientific advancement.

I mean, after all, I'm also a doctor.

- Right, bones, or...
- Orthopedics.

My point is
we can still continue the study,

j-just the two of us.

You mean have sex together.

Sure. Why not?

Because you're married.

Yeah, okay, yes,

but I was also married
when I was in the study.

We were in the study
because it was for science.

This is also for science...

Just more like home studies.

If you were having a contest

for the most sexually adventurous girl
in the hospital, who would win?

That's a dumb game.

Play anyway.

Do you mind?

You play, too,
since you certainly know the field.

Who would you say?

Don't answer that.

Any guess would be based
on idle gossip,

which is often inaccurate
and always mean.

Gossip's been around
thousands of years for a reason.


Jesus Christ, Ethan.
Go...bother Bernadette.

Oh, I don't know Bernadette.

She works in food and beverage.

And Daniels in radiology

has assured me
she's pretty much a total sl...

Is that true?
Is she a total slut?

I am not having this discussion.

But how slutty, exactly?

You find out for yourself.

I'm in the middle of a serious...
conversation with Jane.

And I was perfectly happy here
reading without either of you.

"The Second Sex"?

Is that book as, uh...
thought-provoking as it sounds?

Oh, yes. Would you like to hear?

- I would. Yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Then listen carefully.

"One day, it will be possible

"for a woman to love from her
strength and not her weakness.

"Not to escape from herself,
but to find herself.

"Not out of resignation,
but to affirm herself.

"Only then will love become
for her as it is for the man...

a source of life
and not a mortal danger."


Hello, Bill.

Guess you can't dodge me forever.

You know, uh,
I heard a hell of a rumor.

I hope to God it's not true.

God rarely intervenes in gossip.

Did you move that study of yours

to a cathouse on the corner
of 3rd and Sutter?

I see you've been
chatting up our new receptionist.

You're out of your mind!

Wherever we've moved,
it's your doing.

Oh, no, no.
Don't lay this one at my feet.

I know you're angry, you feel
I'm being unnecessarily harsh,

but I didn't spend 15 years
grooming your career

so you could piss it away
on hookers!

Then let the study
back into the hospital.

get rid of the live-couples act,

and I'll consider it.

Let the study back into the hospital
with no restrictions.

I just gave you my restrictions.

Let the study back into the hospital

with no restrictions
and additional funding.

That's not how you bargain.

I'm not bargaining.

See, this is your problem.
You know that.

You put on a suit of armor to
attack a plate of whipped cream.

Whipped cream, my ass.

This only just came up
at the last moment.

But you promised!

I didn't know
that I had to work tonight.

But it's the very last issue
of Race to Space!

I want to read it with you.

You will.

Henry, we will read it together,
I promise.

Tonight just got a little complicated.

It's always complicated.

This is either the smartest
or the stupidest thing I've ever done.

Where'd you stash the kids?

At home with the babysitter,
who informed me she's quitting.

Something about me being
an unfit mother.

Mm. Everyone's a critic.

Uh, we probably got some time
before the doc arrives.

I can gather the girls.

It's just like a regular kitchen.


I've never been in a brothel before.

Normally, we got naked
coochies lined up along the sink,

but it's slow.

See, this works better
if we have a schedule.

So, we will switch off
between the study...

that's with the wires

and Dr. Masters monitoring,
taking measurements...

I haven't seen a doctor in years,

so that's why I'm doing this, but...

No, I've decided I'm out.

But why?
Why not participate?

Because it's weird. He's weird.

- And, plus, it seems like...
- What is she doing here?

Saving your bacon.

That's not true.
It's a fair trade.

He even paid for your time last night.

And the real truth is...

People are clueless about sex.
You ladies, you're the experts.

Dr. Masters was smart enough

to see that if he's going to
help educate people about sex,

he should first come to you.

He should learn from the best.

Could fill a book
with what we know.

Well, maybe it can even
help people, a study like that.

Maybe it can even help the doc
have sex himself.

He reminds me

of that one John who used to
screw with his shoes on.

You think he ever
takes his bow tie off?

He's the best women's doctor
in the midwest.

Trust me... If you need help,
you can count on him.

Oh, the midwest miracle, now.


Betty will gather the others
so we can begin,

but I do have some news.

I've struck a deal
with the chief of police.

As long as I'm working here,

you will be spared any and all
police interference.

No more raids.


Oh, geez! Sorry!

Flip me over.
Take me from behind.


You like it in the rear?

Uh, you mean the back seat?

No, in my rear.

Oh, uh...No, this is fine.

It's more than fine.

I'm right there!
I'm right there again!

Yes, um...
My back is kind of cramping.

Looks like someone's
a little out of gas.


Don't worry.

I can blow that back into
fighting shape in no time.


Does it feel good?

Faster? Slower?
I can do both.


Either is fine, thanks.

My mother died of a brain tumor,

so when I started getting headaches,
I knew.

How many fingers?


- How many now?
- Three.

I was only 12 when she died.

S-s-she suffered so badly.

I'm afraid of dying like that.

I have to do some research,
but until then,

do you know the expression
"don't borrow trouble"?



Here's the schedule
for the rest of the week.

I've condensed the physical exams
down to tonight and tomorrow.

The rest of the nights
are for the study.

You now have 19 of the women
signed up and ready to go.

You didn't ask me here tonight, Bill.

I'm aware of that.

Thank you for...
handling the girls.

You can go now.

Betty. Betty!

Men get to yell in here
for one reason and one reason only.

Where's the next girl?

Ask nicely, and I'll tell you.

Where's the next girl?

We're done, except...

I want to ask you something...
a request.

It's irresponsible,
not to mention stupid.

Why would you want to reverse
your tubal ligation?

I don't know, genius.
To have kids?

But why on God's earth
would you want to have kids?

You're a lesbian and a prostitute!

A little respect.

You didn't answer the question.

Again, that's my business.

No! It's my business
if you're asking me to operate on you!

I'd like it done sooner
rather than later.

I'm not doing it at all!

Hey. Hey!

Do you know how much that costs?!

Not much busted.

It's like this...
The girls think you're odd.

They'd be glad to see your shit
on the sidewalk,

which is where it will be.

So you're just gonna blackmail me

every time you want something?

Look at that.
You're smart after all.

How's it going with the study?


What did you do tonight?

I'm still setting it up.

That doesn't paint much of a picture.

All right,
a...part of my arrangement,

uh, in terms of having
the study there...

At the brothel?

At the brothel,
is the girls get free medical care.

I looked at
one girl's tonsils tonight.

They need to come out.

Another girl had bunions.


Where did she ha...

No naked bodies, no sex.

Tonight was simply paying the piper.

But when you do watch,
it must

It's work.

It's not even a tiny bit erotic?

Why are you asking me?

Because I'm asking...

if you like to watch.

Because if you do...

You can watch me.

Lib, don't. Don't.

I love you too much.

You don't have to do this.

Mrs. Johnson, I left the next batch
of secretarial candidates in the office.

Thank you.

Has Dr. Masters liked
none of the applicants?

Uh, he's extremely particular.

He's gonna have
to land on someone eventually.

Isn't he?

Dr. Schaefer...

Dr. Schaefer...

I'm afraid I have bad news.

The position has been filled.

That's disappointing.

Sorry about the job.

I had fingers crossed
and everything.

But, thanks.
It's not your fault.

I looked at your resum?.

Have you ever considered
a position caring for children?

Ah. Coffee's ready.



I've been thinking about you...
about us, in fact.

Aren't you late for work?

Uh, I may have told you
much of my recent research

suggests stress might play
a significant role in fertility.

So, it occurred to me, uh,

there's no reason why we can't
do the capping right here,

at home.

So, I'll take your temperature
this morning,

and if we're good to go, I can
cap you in your own bedroom.

Uh, you can rest here,
comfortably, all day.

I can check in on you
at lunchtime.

- Bill...
- I'm happy to do it.

I want Ethan back as my doctor.

- That's not gonna happen.
- Why not?

Ethan is an excellent doctor,

and you have said yourself
that he's your prot?g?.

It's what I want.

And to be honest,

I don't know why he was
taken off my case to begin with.

- You're my wife.
- Exactly.

And we need to keep our home
and this...problem of ours separate.

Libby, I cannot abide it.
I am the better doctor.

If you don't want
the capping here, that's fine.

The... the hospital is also good.

I want Ethan.


I wake up and try and be happy
and hopeful every day,

but I also know that I am barren,

and that the most basic thing
in a woman's life is...

I can't fail you
as both a wife and a patient.

I love you too much for that.

All right.

I need some good news.

you might consider this good.

I thought about your proposal,

the two of us in the study,


I think it's a good idea.

It's good for the study,
and it's good for science.

It's also good for something else.

If you can sign these,
I can get them out by tonight.

Where's the next secretarial candidate?

There isn't one.

H.R.'s been very slow
sending them out today.

I need you
to talk to Betty tonight.


She has some harebrained idea

about undergoing a tubal reversal.

I told her it's ridiculous,
but I can't outright refuse her.


Just talk her out of it.

You have children.

Explain to her how
hopelessly ill-equipped she is

to undertake
such an enormous responsibility.

The headaches are worse today.

I know what you're gonna say,
and it's okay.

It's scary, but...
I've had an okay life.

How many fingers?

Oh, my God. Four.


You just needed glasses...
That's all.

You're gonna be fine.

Now, now, now.

That just fogs up the lenses.

You saved my life.

I saved your eyes...

Which is still impressive,

given my last class in ophthalmology
was 16 years ago.

How can I pay you back?

Would you like a blow job?
It's on the house.

Uh...Thank you.

No, but thank you.

He should give you a raise.

Dr. Masters said that
you're considering a tubal reversal.

Not considering.

Either he does it
or I kick his study onto the street.

He asked you to talk me out of it.

Such a putz.

I think his concern is
this isn't the best environment

to raise a child.

A whorehouse? You think?

I met a guy...

at, um...

at church, of all places.

We became friendly,
and I'm thinking,

"He doesn't know what I do, so,
sure, I seem like a nice girl."

Then, he asked me to dinner.


His car is very fancy,

and that's
when I get it out of him.

He... he's rich.

He made a fortune in pretzels.

He's the Pretzel King.

The original Pretzel King?

He wants to marry me,

a nice girl who works
in a hospital and...

have a bunch of kids.

It turns out he's crazy about me.

Uh, but I thought
you were crazy about Helen.

I-I love Helen, but...

she understands
why I'm doing this, and...

s-she wants what's best for me.

But is it really
what's best for children?

I mean, I have them.

I know what it's like
to raise them alone.

I wouldn't be alone.

When everything
with this guy goes perfectly,

which it always does.

This is a shot
at something good and normal...

maybe even happy.

Why shouldn't I take it?

you shouldn't take it lightly.

Kids are incredibly tough.

Well, why'd you have them
if they're such a burden?

I... Because I knew
that I would feel like a failure

if I didn't have children.

And I also knew...

If I'm being perfectly honest,
I-I knew that

they would probably be the
only thing I could truly love.

So... You deserve that,
and I don't.

What are you saying?

I'm saying you should
reconsider the surgery.

I told you
to talk her out of it.

She's met a man
and wants children.

Of course she's met a man.
She's met hundreds of men.

Why would this one
be any different?

Why are you asking, Bill?

This doesn't even sound like you.

How many times have you said,

"When it comes to science,
there's no room for God?

"Science simply is.

"The data tells the story

and should be free of
all judgment and all censor"?

Isn't that why you refuse
to give up on your study?

Because you believe in
this journey

and following the science,
no matter where it leads?

I know you're keeping me hanging

punishing me for my transgressions,

which I probably deserve, but...

Can we speak honestly about
what's really going on here?

I don't follow.

Well, the truth is,
you need me in the study.

And you know it.

So, am I rehired? Yes or no?

You have a job tomorrow.

Beyond that,
I really can't tell the future.

They were a dream, really.

Tess and I played dolls.

Miss Revlon
won the swimsuit competition.

And Henry and I
had the greatest time.

He didn't hound you
about his comics?

Oh, he did... all night.

So, we read the last issue
of "Race to Space" together.

It was so good!

What a story...
The future of science and all.

It was so riveting.

I'm gonna get the entire series
for my nephew.

You have the nicest kids,

despite what that teacher says.

So, tomorrow?
8:00 a.m. till...

I have to work again.

That's fine with me.

- Thank you.
- See you tomorrow.

"On Earth,
he had been different.

Others had not understood him.
He had been lonely."

"But now he found himself
between worlds...

"the Earth, a tiny dot behind him,

the Moon, a tiny dot ahead."

"When he got to the Moon,

"would it be everything
he dreamed of,

and would it be worth everything
he had left behind?"

# You're on your own #

# In a world you've grown #

# A few years to go #

# Don't let the hurdle fall #

# So be the girl you loved #

# Be the girl you loved #

# I'll wait #

# So show me
while you're strong #

# Ignore everybody else #

# We're alone now #

# I'll wait #

# So show me
while you're strong #

# Ignore everybody else #