Masters of Illusion (2014–…): Season 8, Episode 14 - Up Close and Personal - full transcript

Featured Magicians Include - Tetro, Joel Meyers, Chris Funk, Johnny Ace Palmer, Bill Cook, and Ed Alonzo

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Illusion, the art
of tricking the brain,

distorting the senses,
challenging perception.

You can't trust what you see,

even with your own eyes.

Meet the "Masters of Illusion."

(audience applauding)

Season 08 Episode 15

Episode Title: "When Goth Meets the Art of the Illusion"
Aired on: August 20, 2022.

Hi, I'm Dean Cain,

and welcome to
"Masters of Illusion."

People who have seen
"Masters of Illusion"

always ask me
"How'd they do that?"

And my answer is
always the same,

very well.

I cannot figure out
how these masters

do the things they do,

and I'm standing right here,
right next to 'em.

I mean can you figure
out how they're doing it,

and will you tell me?

Because it's been
driving me crazy,

the way that Eric Jones
drives me crazy all the time,

and here he comes again.

- (audience applauding)
- So here's the cool thing.

Does art imitate life,

or does life imitate art?

- Kind of both. Please.
- Kind of both, right?

What I love about surrealism is

that it kind of forces you

to think about the way
life works.

For instance, I've got
a little coin catalog.

In the coin catalog,

I've got a little surprise
for you if you watch.


- (audience applauding)
- Right here, inside,

- a little bit of money.
- All right, can I have that?

Don't spend it
all in one place.

Thank you, Eric.

(audience laughing)

I love this job.

(audience applauding)

Don't blink,
you'll miss the next trick

from none other than Matt Marcy.

Thank you very much.

You know a lot of
people don't know this,

but there are only eight
magic tricks in the world,

or at least eight
categories of magic tricks.

They're appearance,
disappearance, transposition,

levitation, penetration,

prediction and escape.

Actually the first tricks
any magician learns to do

are appearance tricks,

making something
appear out of thin air,

and that's what I'm
gonna try to do.

I'm going to try to
make something appear

in this paper lunch bag.

Now a lot of people believe

that the most difficult
things to make appear

are large items like an
elephant or an airplane,

and those are hard,

but it's actually the small
items that are more difficult

because there are
just so many of them.

Well I've been working on making

100 different items
appear in this bag,

and I'm gonna let
somebody here choose

what item is going to appear.

Let's see, hi,
what is your name?

[Lindsey] Lindsey.

Lindsey, would you join me
up here for a moment? Great.

Lindsey, I've made a list
of those items on my phone.

I don't wanna just
tell you the list,

you might think they're
in a special order

or one of them's
really exciting.

So I've just numbered
them one to 100,

pick any number you want,

and that'll be the item
that appears in the bag.

Okay. Um,


78, good choice.

So here's my phone, Lindsey.

I'm just going to
scroll over to my notes.

These are my notes
on my phone here.

And you can see there's
all my different notes.

And the second list
is paper bag items.

- Can you see that?
- [Lindsey] Yes.

Open that up and you can
see there's a deck of cards,

an iPhone, 3,000 cash.

You couldn't have gone
for the cash, Lindsey,

that would have been good.

There's a whole list,

I'll scroll through.

See they don't repeat
all the way down.

Marbles, feather, lots
of exciting items,

all the way down to the last one

which is a lottery ticket,

another way to make some cash,

that would have been good.

But you wanted what number?



So let's go to 78.

Can you read what
78 says for me?

78 is 10-foot wooden pole.

(audience laughing)

10-foot wooden pole.

Okay, thanks, you can sit down.

That's a great
choice, great item,

but won't fit in the bag.

That's my fault, it shouldn't
have been on the list.

No one's ever picked 78 before.

You know what, Lindsey,

this is "Masters of Illusion,"

so I'm gonna try.

You said it was a 10-foot
wooden pole, let's see.

(dramatic music)

(audience applauding)

10-foot wooden pole, Lindsey.

Next time the elephant.

Thank you very much.

Up next is something I
can say with all certainty

you have never
seen on this show,

or likely anywhere else.

The always unique Dan Sperry.

(upbeat music)

Magic show.

(audience applauding)

So like most people that are
passionate about what they do,

I got into magic tricks
starting as a little kid.

I'd go inside my bedroom
and close and lock the door.

I'd go to my window
and lower the blinds.

Then I'd take my desk lamps
and turn them towards me,

and in my imagination
that was my stage.

And for an audience I'd
take my little stuffies,

my little GI Joe and
Bret Hart action figures,

and I'd set them down.

That was my audience.

And I had real big
illusion magic tricks.

And I'd stand before them.

I would use this,
actually let me explain.

I would use this.

I had this sock that I would
use, I'd use this sock.


okay here, this was
my lovely assistant.

That's what I'm trying to say,
this was lovely assistant,

'cause I didn't have
one of those either.

So I had to make my own.

I feel like this isn't
making any sense.

So instead of trying to
further explain it anymore,

instead I'm just gonna
invite all of you

into my bedroom,

and instead I'm just
going to show you.

(audience applauding)

Starting with act one, the
amazing Dan magic show.

With the help of my
lovely assistant, Pearl.

(audience applauding)

(dramatic music)

Oh, hang on, she doesn't
have, her hair fell off.

Where is it? I got it,
don't worry, I got it.

Her hair fell off.

It's an old sock.

(audience laughing)

I know, get excited.

(audience applauding)

Looking good, Pearl.

It's been a couple years

since we've done any magic.

Look, okay, here,

I have two handkerchiefs,
green and yellow.

With the help of Pearl, as
I pass them through my hand,

they magically turn
to blue and red.

Ooh, magic show.

(audience applauding)

It gets better.

It gets better.

That's what leads us now to act
two, sawing a woman in half.

Get excited.

Let's open this pit up.

(audience laughing)

(audience laughing)

Magic show.

(audience applauding)

(audience applauding)

Up next,

is your mind able
to keep up with

the antics of Chipper Lowell?


(upbeat music)

Cool, calm and collected,

that's not what this
next magician is,

so what is he?

He's Chipper Lowell.

(audience applauding)

Thank you so much.

And give it up for Alyssa.

Alyssa, you're gonna be
our test subject today,

which is why you are
wearing the sign,

because we're not
gonna really do magic,

we're gonna do more
of an experiment

dealing with chance.

We're gonna use these cards.
Let me show

everybody that they're all
mixed up, all normal.

All right. I want you to also take
a look just to verify

that they're all mixed up.

Yes, all the way through?

Wanna be very
thorough about that.


You may notice that you're
sitting next to a table

that has a little carpet on it,

there is a light on
a stand behind it,

and I've created this,

hello everybody, hello Alyssa.

It is a box with
no top, no bottom.

We'll place it right here.

Let's turn this on.

There we are.


Now, it's a little shadow box.

With your right hand,

would you please put it all
the way through the box?

There you go.

Can you wave hi to everybody,
if you would please.

Very nice.

Give them a thumbs up.

Cool, alrighty.

Now, we are going to take
the shuffled up cards,

and I'm gonna hand them
to you from the top.

So tell me when you have them.

- Do you have them?
- Yes.

Hold on to them,
if you would, please.

We're gonna put the lid on,

and I want you to just
let the cards drop

randomly out of your
hand onto the carpet.

Very nice.

Are they all gone?

Now start picking cards up.

Wherever you find them,
throw them up in the air.

Find some more, throw
them up in the air.

Keep going, keep going.

We wanna mix these cards up

as much as possible
for this experiment.

Okay, couple more times.

Three seconds.

Two seconds.

And one.

And stop.


Give another high
give or thumbs up.

(audience applauding)

Take your arm out of
there, if you would please.

Let me turn the light off,

and let me get
these out of here.

There we go.

Now, please stand up,

and I want you to hold
up your first finger.

And you may notice
that some of the cards

you have turned face up.

Any of those cards
that you've turned,

I want you to slide them forward

just like that onto this area.

Very good.

There's a couple over here.

They have a couple,

there's one right there.

Another one right there.

I think we're, I
think we're good.

Yes. Alrighty.

Now please take
one step forward,

and I want you to very slowly

take the test subject sign off,

hold it right in front of you,

and I'm gonna line
these cards up

so that everybody can see

which cards you
randomly selected.

Alrighty, and we have,

here we go, an eight
and a three and a king.

Now, you've had that
sign around your neck

the entire time,

would you turn it around,
show the audience.

You may notice, I don't
know if you can see it,

but there's cards inside

because I put them away
before the performance tonight

because I wanted
to see if you and I

had some type of
connection, chance.

We're gonna find
that out right now.

I'm gonna have you hold
onto these face up,

if you would please.

I'm gonna have you hand
them to me one at a time.

So right from the,

from the front here we
have Jack of hearts.

Jack of, oh, look at that,
it's a match, Jack of hearts.

That's incredible.

Okay, next one, what do you got?

Three of diamonds.

Three of diamonds,

right here near the
end, three of diamonds.

What's the next one?

Two of spades, two of,

right here in the middle.

Two of spades.

This is incredible.

Okay, we have the king of
clubs right here on the end.

King of clubs.

And what else we got?

Eight of diamonds, eight of

oh my gosh, you are
going for broke here,

this is incredible.

Nine of spades.

Nine of spades.

All right, what's the next one?

Five of hearts, right here
as well, five of hearts.

All right, only two to go.
We got the five of clubs.

Five of clubs, it's a match.

And finally 10 of hearts.

And the que,

the 10 of, okay,

that's it, thank you, goodnight.

No, you know what, I gotta
say this has been amazing

because you had nine,

well I should say
eight out of nine,

that's better odds
than the lottery.

Give her a nice hand,
that's incredible.

As a matter of fact,

I kind of knew that
that's what would happen.

No, seriously, when
I made the sign

I put test subject
will be off by one.

So ladies and gentleman,
I think she got 100%.

Give her a nice hand,
let's hear it for her.

Take a bow.

Take a bow.


(audience applauding)

The wild and mind
bending deception

of Shoot Ogawa next.

(audience applauding)

Right now you're
really in for a treat.

It is the international flare

and mind boggling magic all
the way from Tokyo, Japan,

it's Shoot Ogawa.

(audience applauding)

Thank you, thank
you very much.

Tonight I would like to show
you magic and art together,

so that's why I have a few
things together on stage.

First of all, this is a painting

of Rene Magritte from Belgium.

This is nice.

We can see that someone is
standing in front of ocean

and he has hat,

and he has an apple
in front of face

so you cannot see the face,

which means it's
kind of annoying.

(audience laughing)

But I really love it.

So I have another
thing here, watch.

This is nothing.

I mean this is a frame,

but this frame is gonna
help you to imagine things.

For example, if I put my hand
it looks like beautiful art.

You don't care.

(audience laughing)

So now I have other things.

This is a brush.

This is just a tool
for the painting,

but I'm gonna use
this for magic.

Anyway, I hope you
enjoy my magic.

Cue the music.

(upbeat music)

(audience applauding)

(audience applauding)

(audience cheering)

Use your imagination.

(audience applauding)

(audience applauding)

(audience laughing)

(audience applauding)

You know, a lot of
magic involves messing

with your brain,

but what you're about to see
now is all about the heart.

Here is Hollie England.

(audience applauding)

(upbeat music)

Next up, the quick
moves Jeff Hobson.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

Slight of hand is the mark
of any master magician,

so it's no surprise that
our next illusionist

is featuring that very skill.

Let's hear it for Jeff Hobson.

(upbeat music)
(audience applauding)

Thank you so much.

Oh, I got a treat for you now.

I've got a few cards here,

not a whole deck 'cause I
don't play the full deck.

Oh stop.

(audience laughing)

This I call my very famous
five red card trick,

ooh ah, ooh ah.

(audience laughing) And to
do the five red card trick,

I use one, two, three, four,

and yes, five red-backed cards,

but they're not just
red on the backs,

they are also reds on
the fronts as well.

So now we're ready, five
red cards on the backs

and on the fronts.

We (record scratching),

I'm sorry, supposed to
have five red cards,

this is a queen of spades.

They're supposed to be both
red on the fronts and the backs.

I do apologize, but I
think I can still do

the four red card
trick, what do you say?

The famous four red card
trick ooh ah, ooh ah.

With four red cards.

Watch carefully.

Red on the back,
red on the fronts.

I still have a few cards left.

I've got the,

yeah, we're good, we're good.

I can still do the famous

three red card trick
ooh ah, ooh ah.

You ready?



(audience laughing)

The two red card trick,

ooh ah, ooh ah.

So let's begin the
two red card trick.

Watch carefully ladies
and (audience laughing).

Well I wanted to show you
the five red card trick,

but it looks like I showed you

the five queen of
spades card trick,

and I hope you've enjoyed it.

(audience applauding)

Well this has been amazing.

I wish we had more magic,

and we do,

but you'll have to
wait until next time.

Til then, I'm Dean
Cain, have a great night.

(audience applauding)