Masada (1981): Season 1, Episode 3 - Part III - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
After the fall of Jerusalem
to the Romans...

...and the destruction of the
Second Temple in the year 70 A.D.,

a group of Jewish zealots
led by Eleazar ben Yair...

...flee to the mountain fortress
of Masada.

From there they conduct
guerilla raids...

...on Roman occupied towns
in the countryside,

threatening the Judean War victory
the Romans has already proclaimed.

A truce is negotiated
between Eleazar...

...and the General of the Roman
Tenth Legion, Flavius Silva.

But the Roman Emperor Vespasian
is forced to reject it...

...because of political pressures
in the Roman Senate.

Meanwhile, through the treachery
of two of Silva's officers,

the truce has already been
violently broken by the Romans.

Learning of this, upon
his return from Rome,

Silva marches the Tenth
Legion to the foot of Masada...

...and lay a siege to the
apparently impregnable fortress.

The ground you occupy
is the property and territory...

...of the Emperor, Senate and
people of Rome!

In their name I order you
to depart from it!

The ground you occupy
was given as promised... the children of Israel
by Almighty God.

I have warned you once.

You have sentenced yourself
and your soldiers to death!

Formalities are over!
Let's get to work!

Siege engineer Rubrius Gallus...

...orders a ramp built to nearly
the summit of the mountain,

planning to break through
the Masada walls with the aid...

...of a fifty foot assault tower
that is being secretly constructed.


When Eleazar successfully attacks
the Roman soldiers building the ramp...

...with a rain of
catapulted stones,

Silva rounds up hundreds of
Jewish slaves to finish the work,

guessing correctly that
such a tactic will stop...

...Eleazar's assaults from
the mountain top.

We kill no more Jews.

Eleazar's tactics then changed
to a form of psychological warfare,

attempting to use the heat and
the surplus of water on Masada... demoralize the Roman troops.

As part of this new strategy,

he initiates a plan to capitalize
on the Roman's belief... reading future signs from the
entrails of sacrificial goats.

When will you be
slaughtering next?

Tomorrow, a very fat ram.

Eleazar's problems are compounded
by his own religious doubts.

But if you don't really
believe in God...

...then, what difference
does it make?

Why do you keep at it?

Eleazar also faces hostility from
the more pacifist elements on Masada.

Silva's relationship with the
captured Jewish woman, Sheva,

has progressed far beyond
that of master and slave.

But Sheva's identification with
the besieged Jews on Masada... a growing emotional

The first thought that
came to me out there was...

...that I hoped Eleazar would be
merciful and let you live...

...after you surrendered.
I would miss you, I thought.

Get out of here.

And as the months pass,
both the ramp and the tower...

...are nearing completion.



It'll need reinforcing. Use a
double thickness of iron plating...

...down the front and
around both sides here.

-Yes, sir.

Damned wind!

It could be rain, couldn't it?

Ayhh... it could be
cantaloupes from Egypt, too.

But it's not.

It's what it is...

...stinging dust
to warn the righteous.

You're not righteous,
are you, soldier?

-No when I can help it, sir.
-Good man.

Get on with the work.

All right, get back.

Storm coming.

No more than a day away.

Where's that butcher?

By gracious order of His Excellency,
the Governor General,

...members of the rear echelon
not under disciplinary report...

...may leave the camp
for the purpose of recreation,

on condition they return before
roll call at sunrise tomorrow.

These, and wrap them
in grape leaves.

Tie them tight at the ends
and they should serve well.

Tell them what you told me.

Goats chew everything
before swallowing.

What you have to do... to hold the jaws open
and throw the stuff down.

Then wait,

count three,
then let them go.

Want me to go along
and show you?

Bravery is not enough tonight,
one must also be experienced.

I know how difficult this was
for a religious man to do.

The rabbi doesn't want us
to discuss religion with you people.

He's right.

Mphhh... the smell!

Help me.

That's not worth the walk, is it?

Just as long as we can
walk back afterwards.

-Still homesick?
-Like everybody else, sir.

It won't be long, now.
Rubrius Gallus has cracked...

-...the puzzle of that fortress.
-That's good news, sir.

He's worth his weight in gold.

Speaking of which,
enjoy yourselves.

You know the mistake
you've made, don't you?

I've heard that joke before.
It doesn't make me laugh.

What if he had killed him?
We'd still be here, wouldn't we?

I'm not so sure.

-If Quadratus had the command--

Can't even talk politics?!

It's not like any duty
I've ever had.

You're not much of a

She's not much of a listener.

She's tired, she's tired...

Five denarii.

That's ten. I feel romantic.

Your Excellency, what an honor!

Hello, Kofar, I see you're still
one step ahead of leprosy.

Your Excellency remembers me.
I'm only sorry my children...

...and my grandchildren
are not here to witness it.

Kofar is the proprietor of this
traveling garden of delights.

And to be part of the exploits
of such a great commander... to insure one's own

Where did you find that?

She was wandering in the desert.
An orphan.

She was wandering in the Damascus
slave market, you old jackal, but...

...I'm talking about
the thing around her neck.


Does it interest you?

It does.

Then accept it as a token
of admiration...

...for all the magnificent military
encounters I've been privileged--

Name a price and
stop the nonsense.

200 denarii.

Pay him.

It looks very beautiful there.

From one whore to another?

From an unfortunate child
who cannot be saved... a woman to whom I wish
to apologize.

Why did you have to say that?

You're quite right.
I did forget myself.

But this excursion reminds me.

Down, down.

One, two, three.

This was a mistake, wasn't it?

Why do you ask me?

-I'm trying to understand you.

Because I know you feel
something when I touch you.

I know you do...

...whatever you pretend.

And if I do? There's
no mystery about me.

I'm a woman and I feel.

That changes nothing.

You're wrong.

I'm a Jew. There are many
of us in this place.

But there's a difference.

The ones on top of that mountain
are willing to die to defeat you.

We, down here, we slaves,
are not.

They're not slaves, Sheva.

When this is over,
they'll be free.

I never said you were unkind.

Yes, you're a kind man.
Even gentle.

I do think so.

And I want to settle for that.

I have nothing else
to tell you.

Come on, come on!

Down, down!

This is the last one.

Come on, come on!


You try... you try to
withhold yourself.

But at last, you give it.

If you want to understand me
you must understand this:

there is nothing
I can give you.

There's only that
which you can take.

Only 31 legionnaires
unfit for duty.

That's really quite admirable.

I wonder how the forward
echelon will look.

We've had our first
desertion as well, sir.

Desertion or love at first sight?

Give him the rest of the day.
He'll be back.

This one was on duty
last night, sir.

Only once before has such
an omen been recorded,

on the morning of the death
of Pompey The Great.

His serving animals were likewise
riddled with live maggots.

His Excellency has decided... give the camp
a morning's rest!

Work will commence at midday!

What must be done
to purge the omen?

What are the instructions
from Olympus?

In cases of this sort,
the God demands...

-...a personal act of expiation.

It would call for the Governor General
to strip himself nude,

to abase himself
at the foot of the altar...

...and then to run a barefoot
course round the entire camp.

I've never seen anyone but
a priest do that.

Probably, the command in question
paid for a surrogate.

Fine idea. What's the price?

Well, a fee of a thousand
gold pieces--

Fine, see to it.

That guard didn't desert.
He was killed by the zealots...

...who fed the maggots
to those goats!

That's impossible!

I was awake and outside
the camp all night.

-They got past you, Gallus.
-Nothing gets past me!

What do you expect me
to believe?

That God Mars wants to
waste his time...

...playing practical jokes
on the Tenth Legion?

We must face the truth.

We laid out this camp for
the prosecution of a siege,

we didn't expect them to come
visiting at odd hours.

We expected them to be stubborn,
and they've turned out to be clever!

I hate cleverness,
it's the soldier in me...

...but we could use a little
of it ourselves right now.

Would that be all?

Aw, don't sound like
an underpayed streetwalker.

Friend, I need you too badly.

Without you,

I feel outnumbered.

Maggots! Look,

we were closer to the platform
than you are to me...

...and that's what we saw.

-Live maggots.
-Like this.

Running that priest around
this camp won't do any good.

And it wasn't the work of Mars.

What are you saying?

You know what I'm saying.
You saw the sky!

That maniac up
in the mountain,

he laid it out as plain
as I need to hear it.

I don't know about you,
but I'm--

going to terminate
my enlistment.

-Soon enough.

Just like that?

No, not just like that.

Close the flap.

If we have as little as
1,000 denarii,

we can hire a boat in Caesaria
and get to the African coast... two weeks. There's
plenty of work for mercenaries.

Where are we going to get
1,000 denarii?

-From Silva.
-Aw, c-- let me out of it!

No, just wait!
Hear me out.

-You're talking about a close friend!
-Only if we're--! Listen.

He gets drunk every night.
And now, there's this woman!

Look how easy it was for him,
and Silva was sober...

...and there was no woman!

He's not such a bad commander.

That doesn't matter anymore!
The signs are against him.

Luck runs out, Plinius, and
the only thing we can do is...

...try not to be here
when there's no luck left.

Will you at least
think about it?



we dig this out first.

Come on! Come on!

You got anything to tell me?

I'm with you.

All right, back to work!
Everybody work!

-How goes it?

Did you get wiped out
in the storm?

I managed to save
most of my gear.


Stop right there!

-That's enough, soldier!
-Don't move that knife!

I'll take that.

Good evening.

Get them out of here!

Not him.


I'd say we were even, sir.

What will you do with them?

No more than I have to.

The entire force will form up
by cohorts... witness trial
and disposition...

...of the accused legionaries
for conspiracy to commit treason.

Punishment, as prescribed
for these actions,

is that you be flayed alive and
then beheaded with your own swords.

But such punishment also denotes
a military death...

...and that is too good for you.

Wasn't too good for Quadratus!

And Merovius.

They were brighter than you!
I don't think they'll be too pleased... welcome you into the presence
of the immortals.

Therefore, this is my judgement:

since you're so anxious to leave us,
you shall have your wish.

You'll be taken to the gates
of this camp...

...and turned into the desert...

...without food, without water
and without your boots.

Before you're set free,
you'll be circumcized.

Perhaps then, if you meet
any Jews in the wilderness...

...they will be merciful enough
to kill you.

Let this be done...

...and let all witness it!

Murderers! Murderers!

Murderers! Murderers!


What are they up to now?

I know that music.

In Alexandria, we call it
Nicanor Day... celebrate a triumph
over a Greek general.

Here they have
a different legend.

How Queen Esther saved
her people from destruction... using her wits.

Tell me.

-Well, King Darius of Persia--
-Of Persia...!

...of Persia, once asked
three of his wisemen:

...wisest of whom, doubtless,
was a Jew...

"What", he asked, "is the strongest
thing in the world?".

And the Jew replied...

The Jew Zrubbavel replied:

"A woman is stronger
than wine and the King's might..."

"...but the truth is
stronger still."

And what was his reward?

To be allowed to rebuild
the temple in Jerusalem.

And so he did.
And so it stood...

...until you came along,
Your Excellency.

The name of the destroyer changes,

but, in the springtime, there's
always a celebration like this.

Here, they call it 'Purim'.

A festival of deliverance.

He comes to me and says:

"Kill tomorrow and
let the meat rot."

"We must have maggots".

I say to him.

You call yourself a Jew?

To let meat be unconsumed
after sundown?

What a mind! To have
a mind like that!

Did you see them
running away?

I saw it.

Caravan entering camp!

Pass the caravan through!


So much for atheism.

There is a Hell.

This is it.


Rubrius Gallus.

Pomponius Falco.

Almost the last person I met
before I boarded the ship...

...was your brother. He sends
the love of your family.

-Take mine back with you.
-It's almost beyond belief!

Is Vespasian punishing you
for something?

I will speak of it later.
Aren't they ghastly?

But foreign bodyguard's
all the rage.

This is Claudius Albinus,
my secretary.

Now, we've brought our own--
what do you call it?

Camping equipment, I suppose.

If you could just find us
a out-of-the-way corner...

...I'll get these German things
to put up our tents.

See to it!

I wish I could give orders
like that.

Go with the Tribune, Albinus!

It works!

Come in!

Come in.

What's that sound?

It's called 'Purim', something to do
with a queen delivering them...

...from their enemies.

Obviously, they're celebrating

My dear, dear friend.

Is this the best
we could do for you?

I'm getting used to it.

What a trip!

The sea was calm enough,
which was a waste,

I'm a good sailor,
don't ask me why.

But the road south!

The dust seems to pile up on one
till he looks positively grotesque.

Last night, we camped at
some outdoor privy...

...they had the nerve to call
an 'oasis'. "Look", I said,

"a humming bird, drinking
out the well. How picturesque."

It was a mosquito.

Falco, your travel stories
are second to none,

but, what in the name of
Heaven are you doing here?

I know you'll find this
hard to believe, but...

...I made this dreadful journey
at my own request.

-It doesn't go at all well in Rome.
-With the oposition, you mean?

Stronger every day.
I don't know where Mucianus...

-...get so much support--
-From fools.

There you have it.

But enough fools acting
at one moment,

they press him hard
in the Senate now.

-Is he bearing up?
-Yes and no.

Vespasian is an old soldier,
he's used to pressure.

But he doesn't know
how to bend to it.

He's like a wolf, he snaps in every
direction, suspects everybody.

And some of it is he wonders
whether this expedition...

...will be finished on schedule.

And I know you won't repeat this
but he was about to do...

...a terribly stupid thing.

Go on.

He was about to send
Rufius Pothinus out here to... did he put it?...

"...give Silva the benefit
of an older head."

Obviously, that would've been

Send Pothinus anywhere,
whatever the situation,

he'll recommend himself
as a replacement.

I told Vespasian I wouldn't be
surprised if Silva sent the old clot...

...back on the end of a rusty
javelin and how could we blame him.

-And Vespasian?
-Well, you know him.

If you're negative on one
of his ideas,

you'd better come up
with one of your own.

And for lack of anything better,
I suggested myself.

"Caesar", I said, "what we need
in this particular spot..."

" someone who understands
not only the situation,"

"but Silva, the way he works,
the way he thinks."

We couldn't sully you
with Pothinus, could we?

-I'm very grateful to you.
-It's nothing.

And I'm sorry
the Emperor's worried.

Of course, there's no need
for him to be worried.

No need.

I couldn't help noticing the camp
has undergone a certain hardship.

A windstorm, we've just
dug ourselves out.

How dreadful things,
I've read about them.

But you do feel the schedule
will be met?

-Troops out on time?
-I do.

The Emperor was thinking in terms
of weeks, it's been months.

Not from choice.

-The spirit of the men still high?
-They're legionaries.

Nothing wrong with their spirit.

So, in short, you'd say that
the Emperor can rest easy...

...on the Judean side
of his mattress?

I would say it, perhaps not
in the same way.

Good. I told him
that would be the case.

I've interrupted
your hours of rest.

I'm close to exhaustion myself.
We'll talk again in the morning.

I hope we can make you

All this life in the field
will probably be...

...very good for me.
In the long run.

Rubrius Gallus.

Very nice.

Ah, Albinus! If you found us
a home in this wasteland...

...lead me to it immediately.

So, what're you going to do
about him?


I give you my word
I'll back you up,

but you've got to do
something! And quickly!

Gallus, it's late and I had
too much to drink,

so, you'll have to speak
more plainly.

There's nothing plainer!
I can smell it!

"...Life in the fields..."?

A thing like that doesn't volunteer
to spend one night out of doors...

...unless he's sure
to be rewarded.

He's crawled into
the Emperor's confidence.

The old man trusts him
and he'll use that... make a quick end of you.

There's nothing he could do
to me, even if he wanted to!

You weren't in Rome when
that man began his climb.

I was. I saw him go from
a third-rate money lender...

...up through the Knights Assembly
to the Privy Council.

And by that time, four men
who wouldn't worry about Falco,

ended up in a bathtub
with their veins open.

He's poison! Deadly!

-Very likely, but not to me.
-Why not to you?!

Because I have no ambition!

All that's left for me to do
is what I promised Vespasian.

If Falco can find something
for himself in that, let him!

Stay out of politics,
my dear friend, you are too honest.


Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

-Will he think you're ungrateful?
-I can't read minds.

Still, he's not hard
to understand.

Have you noticed he's become
more courteus to me?

Almost pleasant.

It's because he thinks
I make you happy.


Sometimes I think you're
the loneliest man on earth.

But he is your friend.

And you do make me happy.

You want to make me happy.

You can't read minds.

Romans! The Jews
of Masada thank you!

You have helped make
our Purim celebration...

...a joyous occasion!

And to the great Governor
General of the skeleton army,

may your wine stay sweet
until your woman turns sour.

Now, sleep well!
Sleep deeply!

Soon, the sun will come!

Soon, the water ration
will be cut once again!

Soon you'll be praying
to your gods...

...for a quick and
painless death!

Good night, Romans!
Sleep well, Romans!

Sleep well!

For people who are about to be
destroyed any day now...

...rather high morale, isn't it?

What are you waiting for?

I thought you might want
to dictate a letter home.

I will.

Soon enough.

From today...

...and until further notice,

the water ration will be cut
by one quarter.


This is due to the fact
that the recent sandstorm...

...has clogged the northern wells.

It will take some time
to clear them.

Since more slaves are to be
employed in each shift,

guard duty will be doubled,

beginning with the roll call
this morning.

May the Gods preserve
our Emperor!

That doesn't apply to us, does it?
They're cutting rations.

Have you never gone without
water before, my delicate child?

That isn't funny! How long are we
going to stay in this place?

It's like living at the bottom
of a stew pot!

Help me finish this,
stop whinning!

In Caesaria there's always
a cool wind.

And the Governor's palaces
perch over the water... a great marble
bird of prey.

A little hardship now, and
the reward will make up for it.

Go and get the litter-bearers.

We're going to make a tour
of this stew pot today.

Keep moving!

Are there casualties?


Get out of the way!

Let's go.

They're still at it.

What did you expect?

That they would be
melted away this morning?

We've bruised them.
We'll continue.

And in the end, the ramp
will be finished.

-It's possible.
-It's also possible to stop them.

-What do you think?
-You only ask me what I think...

...when you think I agree
with you.

We could send down a barrage
of arrows on those slaves... this country
has never seen.

And we could keep it up
for days!

That, and the sun,
and they will go.

We save our arrows...

...for any Romans foolish enough
to march up that ramp.

If they last long enough
to finish it.

It's worse than ever.

Even we stay inside.

Marvelous. Such coolness
in the hottest part of Israel.

Reuben, as you live
your life,

you will hear many horror stories
about Herod the Great.

And many will be true enough.

But never forget,
he knew how to build.

Aqueducts, palaces, cities.

He was proud of this country
that heeded him.

-Remember it.
-I will, father.

As he lives his life...

Aaron and I are going

Simply march his men
up that ramp...

...and into our arrows?

Would he do that?

First maniple!





Line up!

Second maniple!


Try the Forth Cohort
on the ladders tomorrow!

Pull this batch away until
the position has been secured.

-They're sharpen up, sir.
-When it's cooler.

Try the Forth Cohort.

Remember, all marching orders...

...must be coordinated with
the position of the tower.

Your Centurions are trained
to lead on level ground.

Therefore, now and till
the day of the assault,

drum it into the heads,

no trumpet signals,
no Tribune standards,

they'll advance and retreat
on the orders of Gallus...

...and his officers.

I don't want the Jews to draw
any cheap first blood...

...because some over-eager
foot soldiers get to the wall...

-...before the tower has done its job.
-Over-eager, sir?

Remember that the end
will be in sight,

they'll be smelling the sea,

it will make them forget
the fundamentals.

And drum this, now,
into your own heads:

I want as many of the Jews alive
as we can manage.

-Yes, sir.

Carry on.

Dismiss the men.

Late breakfast?

Forgive me. I was up an about
practically at dawn.

-So much to see.
-Did we pass inspection?

I have read every word
Xenophon and Caesar...

...ever wrote about
laying a siege.

I would stake my reputation
no-one has seen a better job.

Superb diplomat.

In the daylight, your work is
an awesome spectacle.

The tower! It's like--
something out of a legend.

Now, that will be pushed
up the ramp.


Forgive me, I'm not
quite with you.

We will sink blocks of wood
in the upper section of the ramp...

...and attach pulleys to them,

leading down to ropes
on the front of the tower.

I see.

If I were stuck in this place
for a century and a half...

...I would never have thought
of that.

The upper section, you say,
forgive me again.

When the ramp is completed... will feature as well as
a lower section, an upper one.

It's the way of ramps, you know,
it's-- a characteristic.

Very good, exactly
what I deserved.

Well, at any rate, you
certainly passed inspection.

I do have one question to ask.

It might sound trifle stupid,
so, pardon me in advance.

-To the untrained eye,

all this seems to be
taking rather long.

Is it possible--
just possible,

that there's a quicker way
to end this thing?

Well, I could declare an amnesty,

let the slaves go,
pull up stakes,

withdraw a few miles, and then,

-when they came down...

Of course, they wouldn't
come down.

They wouldn't believe me
in the first place.

Well, actually, I was thinking
of something...

...much more nearer to the point.

After all, those slaves we have,
they are all Jews, aren't they?

Part of my job here is
to win the peace.

We must teach the population
of this country they can trust us.

That's what the Emperor wants.

I wonder if that's
quite accurate.

As I've told you the Emperor is
in a rather delicate position.

Yes, you told me,

but a hundred men can come
from an audience with the Emperor...

...and there will be a hundred
versions of his position.

My version is that he gave me
this command and while I have it...

...I can only do the Emperor's will
as I see that will.

Do I make myself clear?

With a soldier's clarity.

Pardon me, I've got a tentful
of officers waiting for me.

-Gallus never changes.

He's the wrong partner to bring
to a banquet on the Palatine,

but in a fight like this
he's irreplaceable.

No doubt.

Well, Albinus is out there
somewhere. In that dreadful sun,

my poor Sicilian grape
will be turning into a raisin.

Better go and find him.

By the way,

I think you handled that attempt
on your life in a brilliant fashion.

-Circumcision. Brilliant.
-You've heard of that?

Of course.

It was meant to be
an object lesson and...

...the troops have learned
from it.

They speak of little else.

Until later.

Keep working!



Move along, move along.

Until midday, you know that.

Stand aside.

It won't be long
till midday, son.

I want my ration now!

And in two hours
you'll want it again.

The same thing'll happen.

I want my ration...

What the hell was he
wearing this for?

-Take him away.
-Since the Jew make that speech...

...about boiling fluid, he'd take
a swallow of his ration and...

...spit the next one under the belt,
to cool his stomach.

He was tall.

The Jew said it would happen
to the tall ones.

I appreciate you accepting
my invitation, I really do.

Your secretary asked
if I could spare a moment.

I'm taking he meant his word.

Yes, forgive me, it must be
a nuisance but it's necessary.

To you?

Gallus, I'm well aware
you're not an admirer.

You understate.

I found you a devious,

...dangerously ambitious
and treacherous presence...

...both here and in Rome.

All that? Then I'll
return the gesture.

To me you're a bore, an ignoramus
and an overrated officer.

Good. Then, we understand
each other.

-Then sit.
-Thank you, I prefer to stand.

As you wish.

For all our differences,
we do have one thing in common.

A friend...

...named Silva.

Probably, we cherrish him
for the same reason.

He's managed to reach
the age of 40...

...without losing his innocence.
We have not.

Such a man must be protected,
he will not protect himself.

Say what's on your mind
and be done with it!

Your being dense on purpose.
I must make a report to the Emperor.

What am I going to say
about this ramp?

-Will it be finished on time?
-It will.

-Can you guarantee that?
-I already have!

Are you at this moment
on schedule?

Well, we aren't at the moment,
it's not that--

You are in fact behind schedule.

And everyday, the pace
of the work slows.

It is almost a month to the date
when the Legion--

or what's left of it,

must report to the
fleet commander at Caesaria.

I want you to look me
in the face and tell me...

...there is a shadow of a chance
for that to happen.

We've had a setback
because of that bloody windstorm!

-What if there's another one?
-I can guarantee what I will do,

not what the gods will do.

You proved my point for me.

You cannot be certain,
the evidence is against you.

You've heard what he said.

This will be done his way.

The tower is almost finished...

...and that ramp will be ready...

...if I have to carry that dirt
upon my own back.

Get up!

-I said get up--!

Get a replacement.
A stronger one!

In the meantime...

...carry that yourself!

"To the Emperor Titus Flavius
Vespasianus, Pontifex Maximus,etc.,"

"from Pomponius Falco,
in haste and in confidence."

"Caesar, it is my sad duty
to report..."

"...that the conditions here..."

"...are far below the level
of our expectations."

"If these conditions
do not change..."

"...a grave question arises
as to whether the troops here..."

"...will be of any value
to Rome, if and when..."

underline 'if',

"...if and when they are finally
transported for duty on the Danube."

"As for Flavius Silva's plan
to take the fortress, Masada,"

I'd better go easy here,
I must give the impression...

...I'm trying to muffle the truth.

"I must strongly state
that our mutual friend..."

" not at fault here
in any deliberate way."

-Don't you think?
-Why bother?

Vespasian's given you
the power of a Legate.

What stops you from using it?

My intelligence,

a gift the goddess Minerva obviously
forgot to drop in your cradle.

If you'll take off my head
everytime I ask a question--

And if I do?

It's taken me long enough to get
this white rod out of him.

I've no intention of wasting it
on a false assumption.

There will be two letters:

first, I will tell him
what is wrong...

and in the next letter,
I'll tell him... I'll put it right.
where did I stop?

"...our mutual friend is not
at fault in any deliberate way..."

"...but he's only
mortal flesh..."

"...and mortal flesh
has its weaknesses."

Something about the drinking,

How much rope have we got
in store now?

Plenty of light rope and
about 600m. of the heavy duty.

600, huh? Let's hope it's enough.

Battering ram alone
is going to take...


48 by 4...


You... damned... idiot!

Not you. Me, me!

Look, come here!
The battering ram.

If we mount it 3 meters higher,

it's 3 meters less we'll need
on the height of the ramp.

It'd save a week.

-Well, it might, sir.
-Might? No might, it will.

Come on, come on,
let's get out!

And bring the plans
with you!

But, sir, the ramp is designed
for the balance of the tower.

If we change the angle
of the ramp--

Then, we adjust the balance
of the tower.

It's quicker to do that
than raise the ramp.

Don't look so miserable,
we've got this solved.

Sir, don't you think we should get
some cover up here...

-...before you do any more?
-Oh, will you stop fussing?!

Now... and... give me
a reading there.

Well, we have--

Try this way:

"Far stronger men
than Silva..."

"...might be driven to excessive
bouts of drunkenness..."

The surgeon!
Call the surgeon!

Go and see.

Wake the Governor General.

Rubrius Gallus has been hit
with an arrow!

-Did you see him?
-Just now.

They can't stop the blood, he--

he's dying.

The gradient to be no steeper
than 10 degrees.

Did you hear that?
No more than 10 degrees.

Anything steeper,
even 2 degrees,

will square the weight
of the tower.

Keep the surface hard.

A softer surface...

...will call for greater
amount of rope.

No... heavy rope...
to be found... in time.

Did you get that?

No, come on,
you're bad enough.

-By no means...
-By no means...

-...attack before the 14th day...
-...attack before the 14th day...

-...of next month...
-...of next month...


...calculated the angle
of the sun...

...have calculated the angle
of the sun... 6 hours... 6 hours...

-...after dawn...
-...after dawn...

-Two hours... after that...
-Two hours... after that...

-...the sun...
-...the sun...

-...will be in the eyes...
-...will be in the eyes... the tower... the tower...


As the tower rises up
the ramp...

...I suppose that's what
he meant, sir.

Close his eyes.


I know what you're feeling.
I share your grief.

Most of us will, I think.

In the light of this, Silva,
what now is the plan?


The same!

Attius will command
the engineers.

We have the sketches,
the models--

This was your irreplaceable man.
Your own words.

We'll do the best we can!

No, I've seen enough.

The job can't be finished
on time.

The troops are close to
being useless.

I will not permit it
to continue!

You will not permit it
to continue?

Is this Pomponius Falco
I'm speaking to?

No, it isn't.

In this instance, Pomponius Falco
does not exist.

The staff of the Imperial Legate,

touched by the hands and imbued
by the person of the Emperor,

over my head...

...and over yours.


"I declare that this is
my Legate, with full power..."

" act and speak
in my name."

"Who disobeys his word
commits treason."

"I, Vespasian, have signed this."

There isn't any Falco now.
Only Vespasian.

The Emperor and I had
an understanding.

Conditions have changed.
You're tired.

I'm only taking the burden
off your shoulders.

The Emperor and I had
an understanding.

This cancels it.

Only taking the burden!


Take it all!

Of course, it is your privilege
to resign your office.

It is my privilege to go home!
With the Emperor's permission...

...or without it.

I know what you're thinking.

There are too many careers
to be made.

Obey him.


As soon as it's light,
I want 500 picked troops,

all volunteers,
no conscripts.

Assemble them at the catapults.

Then pick 100 Jews,

very old ones,
very young ones,

assembled at the catapults.

The rest, soldiers, slaves,
confined to quarters.

This campaign will be
over tomorrow and then...

...we can all think about
going home!

If there's anything
you can't bear to part with,

I'll have it postpacked
with my stuff.

No need to worry about clothes,
I'll buy you clothes.

-You are taking me with you?
-Oh, yes.

Of course I'm taking you
with me.


Everyone should see Rome,
once, if they p--

Jews of Masada!

...if they possibly can.

Jews of Masada...

...salutations from your Emperor.

I bring you the final word
of Vespasian.

Your defense has been
a gallant one.

It shall be noted
in the annals.

But the time for defense
is now over.

Surrender now!

The Emperor is merciful,
you will live.

You will be free.

There will be peace
in Judea.

That is what everyone wants.

If you do not surrender now,

we will fire this catapult...

...until you change
your minds.

The drummer here
will play a slow...

...marching cadence
of twenty beats.

You have until he's finished
to give me your answer.

-The leader's name again, I forgot.

It means they're losing
and they know it!

You must see Rome
for yourself.

You will not love it, perhaps,
for the same reasons I do,

but you will find reasons
of your own, everybody does.

In the portico
of the temple,

just across the way from where
my mother is buried,

there's a high bench,
and if you stand on it... have a view down
into the central market,

along the Via Floresta
where the shops are,

and up the hill to the palace
and the temple of Augustus.

Plebians, patricians and
nobility all ranged and aligned,

all lines converging
on the forum... where the law is made.

When you can see the system
work with your own eyes... all seems very clear.

From this time forward,

the death of every Jew
will be on your heads.

Your head, Eleazar!

You can stop it
whenever you wish.

I shall be waiting.

All day.

That was your
first victim, Eleazar!

I should give you time
to think...

...while we prepare
to do it again.

I've told you of the villa
I'm building in Praeneste.

Of course, with a woman
in the house...

...there'll have to be additions.

A second level for the

private rooms, decorated
with murals.

Scenes from the "Aeneid".

Are you familiar with Virgil?
He's not as popular now... he used to be,
Catulus has taken his place.

But, for my taste...

"Roman, your art
should be this:"

"to impose the custom
of peace,"

"to spare the humble and
wear down the proud."

You must see Rome
for yourself.

I can already hear it
for myself.



is there a man with you
named Ephraim son of Levi?

Do you hear me, Eleazar?

The old man Levi
was our guest.

But now, he's about to meet
your Jewish god.

You understand?

I will give my signal
after the count of five,

unless I hear from you
the word "surrender".

To prove to you
the mercy of Rome,

I will count slowly.










Are you hiding in here?

Are you anywhere?

Is this what you want,
Jehovah of Sinai?

Is this what you want?

They've done nothing wrong.

They're afraid of you.
And they love you!

At sundown, they'll all be
in here,

no matter what you
ask of them.

What more can you
make them suffer?

If you're here,
in this place...

if there's anything in here
except stones,

if you're here,
Jehovah of Sinai...

...tell me how to help them!

Talk to me!

Talk to me!

Talk to me or kill me!

I'm the one they want.

-I'm going to surrender now.

You said yourself
they're desperate.

It doesn't matter.
I can't let that go on.

I'm not as strong
as I thought I was.

Silva must have known that.

Go and bring Reuben to me.

That is not Vespasian.

That is not Rome.

That is not Rome!


Get out of my chair, citizen!

The ex-Commander is drunk.
Get him out of the way.

I'm resuming command!

We were friends.

You're not yourself.
So, I will remind you,

your behavior is dangerous.
There are witnesses.

Stand still if you're happy
with your face the way it is!

Get out of my chair!


Reload the catapult!

The Emperor wants
the fortress taken and...

...the Tenth Legion out
by the middle of next month.

If that's done,
there is no treason.

Will he make the charge...

...going against us, the winners?

He won't even hint at it!

We have no choice.

We cannot keep doing this!

We're legionaries,
we're not barbarians!

I'll say he stall the battle!

What about him?

His bodyguard will escort him
to his tent and stay there!

It wouldn't take much
to finish them all.

Let there be no more
unnecessary casualties.

-That includes him.
-My bodyguard...

...will enforce the Emperor's law.

Who are you?

Cilix, Third Cohort,
Second Maniple.

Who am I?

The Commander!

This is my Legion.
They'll fight for me!

You understand that, don't you?

Stand the men down!

Take the slaves back!
And you've got your orders.

-They stopped the killing.
-Slaves are being taken back.

And they're rolling away
the catapult.

We're not sure
what's happened.

I'm sure.

No Essene of our order
has ever taken arms...

...and you've all despised us
for it.

Our reason for not fighting
was this:

we were meant to fight
in one war only.

That battle between
the sons of light...

...and the sons of darkness
ordained by God,

that is prophecy.

Now we see that this is
that battle and we will fight...

...under your command.

-When the killing began... man left the walls
and came here.

He came here and prayed,
then the killing stopped.

God has sanctioned
your leadership.

Lady80s made these subtitles, which were then resynced by realIK17 on Aug 21, 2020.