Marco Polo (2014–2016): Season 2, Episode 1 - Hunter and the Sable Weaver - full transcript

On Prince Jingim's wedding day, Kublai receives disturbing news about the ambitions of his cousin, while Marco navigates a delicate mission.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

The great Genghis Khan demands

a tribute of birds from our enemy?

Not birds, young Kublai.

Chinese swallows. Ten thousand.

You question your grandfather?

No, Lord Genghis. Merely curious.

Nesting birds and well-fed dogs

always return
to the walls of their master.

You understand, don't you, Kaidu?

Live by the laws of the Blue Sky

and you will follow in the steps
of your father who follows in mine.

You will one day be
Khan of the Mongols, child.

Release it.

I like you, round-eye.
I like how you drink baijiu.

But no round-eye can drink
more white poison than Skinny Crane.

You hear the words of Skinny Crane?

He says you will soon
fall on your white, Latin ass.

Tell the gentleman
that one of the mysteries of the Far East

is how a fat bastard like him
got the name "Skinny Crane."

You know what I think?

I can hardly wait.

I think you are a round-eyed devil.

The Mongols now own this city.
But a Latin shit like you?

By what authority are you here?

It's time. Let's go.

I am hunted by the Khan's men.

A friend within Cambulac
helped me escape.

You cannot stay here.
You are a danger to the cause.

- I seek safe passage.
- To where?

To the Boy Emperor, Zhao Xian.

You know who I am.

- Your brother was a great hero.
- Yes, he was.

His name inspires loyalty.

His name inspires me
to join the Emperor's guard and refuge.

May Song dynasty rise and endure.

As an imperial of the great Song,
you must know the story

of how a sadness so great
formed the River of Tears.

His Holiness is sheltered
from such sadness,

so that he knows only the lotus blossom
and flocks of doves.

If she were meant to find the Emperor,

her brother would've given her
the information she seeks.

Help me to the refuge.

Let me stand by His Holiness
as I have stood by him since his birth.

We cannot take the chance.



Come with me.

- Did you find him?
- We're close.

- You know you don't have to do this.
- Yes, I do.

My heart is full.

As is mine.


What are you doing?
The capture is meant to be symbolic.

You wouldn't respect me
if I made it easy on you.

I doubt you will
in future, as well.

I have quite an exemplar to live up to.

If my mother's your exemplar,
I'm in trouble.


He came.

Of course.

Speak, Governor.

Great Khan, no longer is there
a divide between North and South.

You have unified all China, my Grace.

My Emperor, you are adored.

What is your concern?

Speak freely.

We welcome the paper currency
of the new dynasty.

And may I say Your Holy Personage
is quite handsome.

But one note is equivalent
to 50 Chinese notes.

The people of my province voice concern.

- Which province, again?
- Wuji.

Ask my subjects in Wuji

if they've lived better under
the Cricket Minister Jia Sidao,

the corrupt pretender I saved them from.

They bow to the new emperor.
They cherish and adore.

They simply voice concern
over the trade rate

and also rising taxes on silver.

Is Wuji not the same province

that had its crops destroyed
by locusts days before harvest?

Yes, Great Khan.

Did we not send grain
to feed the farmers?

The people, their children, the poor?

- You did, Great Khan...
- So, I'm confused.

Did we charge you for our bounty?

- No, Great Khan.
- Then I grant you leave

to return to the fortunate
province of Wuji

to speak of nothing else but goodwill
of your Khan and Emperor.

Great Khan.

But first... eat, drink,
laugh well on this day.

And thank you for attending
my heir's wedding.

Your petition
has been heard, Governor.

Fifty to one?

If my Khan and Royal
Father wishes to look

east and west to expand
his territories...

the empire's coffers must also expand.


As the Governor said,
they bow and cherish, hmm?

- Who's next?
- The Sultan of Khwarazm.

- Not him.
- Trade matters.

I've already missed Capture the Bride.

I don't want to miss the archery games.

When men drink and tell stories...

they tend to hide within the stables.

It is the perfect repository
for horse manure.

What words of wisdom
have you for me, Sifu,

on this most auspicious of days?

I have taught you
the ways of Wudang Fist.

I have taught you the scholar's sword

and how to fight five opponents
from the eight trigram circle.

But I have no secrets to share
on how to manage your four wives.

On this, may the goddess of mercy
be with you.

Look out there. Listen.

The empire you will one day inherit
is growing.

Spreading under the banner
of your father's house.

The larger it becomes...

the larger a target
is the heir to the throne.

Do you try to shrink my resolve
on my wedding night?

No, I try to inspire it...

as I have since you were 12 summers old.

Tastes like dog piss.

I recommend plum wine
from the southern regions.

You drank the whole bowl.

I did.

- Brother.
- This is a surprise.

I've come to see my father.

On the day of our brother's wedding?
Well, he's busy.

I have urgent business from the capital.

You're standing in the capital.

And I know all its business.
What's yours?

Just tell him his son
is here to see him.

Which is it?

Urgent business from the capital
or his son?

Just tell him.

Why don't you visit the baths,
change your clothes?

And the Khan will receive you
when he receives you.

I'll wait right here.

- You'll be a beautiful bride.
- Thank you.

Yeah, be happy.

The boys are encouraged
to drink away their nerves,

yet we must face this day
sober as stone.

Others you can mislead, my sweet.

My son, he sees what he wishes.
My husband, what he decrees.

But I see what is in front of me
without filter or fiction.

A brave face on a most unhappy daughter.

Thank you, Empress, but no.

I was not asking.

I wish to tell you something

of your Latin and I want you receptive.

He was a boy abandoned by his father
to a strange land.

- I was there.
- What chance had that boy?

What hope of a future
in this foreign and dangerous world?

None... if not for my husband.

You cannot compete with Kublai.

You will never mean as much to the Latin

as the man who holds
his future in his hands.

You cling to a fragment
of a broken soul.

His morals will be determined
by what my husband asks of him,

as will his actions.

Nothing more, nothing less, and certainly
nothing to do with you, so...

You have been greatly blessed, child.

When the sun sets today,
you will be wife and mother to gods.

Mother to Khans.

As my mother always said,
"Peasants marry for love,

royalty for a cause
greater than themselves."

Our dear Blue Princess,
blessed and cursed with royal blood...

let us today be greater than ourselves.

Do you understand?

I do, Mother.

- Bad wine.
- In every province?

As it turns out, yes.

Orders are orders.

And you follow them
like a good foreign errand boy.

If this boat tips over and I go in,
will you be my white savior?

You don't need saving.

Who would save me
if you chose to turn shackle to noose?

Not them.

Lotus blossoms and flocks of doves?

What does that mean?

Flocks of Doves is a tree that grows
on the palm islands in the river bottom.

My brother used to store
currency and weapons there

for the day he might be forced
to flee Xiangyang.

We saw to it that he did not.

You were there when he perished.

Did he fight to the end?

He did.

That deserves praise.

You hated him. It's well known.

He was my brother.

You still hated him.

Seeing life now, back in Quinsai,

a city of such beauty
ravaged by barbarians...

I wonder if he was right.

The Khan fully intends
to right these wrongs.

By hunting down a child.

A child your people
call "Son of Heaven."

When they see him walk side-by-side
with the Great Khan,

they will come to embrace
the birth of a new dynasty.

- You're certain of this?
- I am.

Then behold, errand boy.

The people of South China,
so ready to embrace their new emperor...

they have taken their own lives.

Boatmen, stay your course.

When do you make
your pilgrimage?

Fortnight, God willing.

Transport Minister, Vice Regent,
Left Chancellor...

The Khan's given you more titles
than he has consorts in his harem.

He honors me with lack of sleep.

The Khan will see you now.

Lord Ahmad, you called for me?

Prince Nayan of Manchuria,
this lovely creature is Ling,

daughter of the former
Emperor Duzhong of China.

I have met great sultanas
and Persian queens,

and you, little one,
have the bearing of a princess.

Ling, these great men have traveled far.

- Will you play for them while they wait?
- Of course, Lord Ahmad.

A warrior pope.

He wielded no weapon.
Merely the word of Christ.

You believe that to be
a powerful weapon.

As a Christian and a Mongol,
let me be clear...

should trouble come my way,
I will pocket the book

and carry the sword.

- Uncle.
- My Khan.

Please. Sit.

Hmm, these crusades must come to an end.

Only when the non-Christian
threat is extinguished.

Shared goals of mutual annihilation...

without one army outweighing
the other ten-fold,

is destined for bloody stalemate.

Someone will win.


Ahmad has granted you safe passage

to your little gathering
in the Latin East?

He has, Great Khan.

Make sure he has more than he needs.


When you're finished kowtowing
at the foot of your pope...

...return to me with word.


Anything that might be
deemed significant.

You mean anything you deem significant.

Tell your pope I look forward to the day
of meeting him in his city.

Enjoy what remains of the day.

- We will share a cup later?
- Oh, we'll share several...

if I can get outside.

Your prodigal son's returned.

He wouldn't dare
miss his brother's wedding.

He wishes to speak with you, urgently.

Send him to me as I dress.

Would you have done... as they did?

You can't speak the words, can you?

Even though you're
partly responsible for it.

Would I have drowned myself
amidst the mangroves?


If your daughter weren't alive
behind the walls of Cambulac...

Well, she is.
So don't waste your breath.

How dull your life must've been at home
to make this your new one.

- I didn't choose it.
- But you do now...

- and don't even know why...
- Quiet.

Let me out.

Let me out.

What will they think
when they see me in shackles?

- Father, I must...
- I did not bid you speak.


What man would not be?

To leave his father's house
on a day of glory

and go to dwell with a rival?

What man would be at ease

knowing that some might
doubt his motives?

Dwelling in a traitor's camp.
"Spy," some might whisper.

Eyes of the empire upon him.

What man would not stand here atremble
before his father and Khan?

I'll tell you which man.

My son, Byamba.

Because he knows
he's always welcome home...

wanderlust or not.

Especially on the day
of his brother's wedding.

It's good to see you well, Father.

I miss you on the hunts.

- Father, I must speak to you.
- Come, walk with me.

We will see the sheep's neck
break together.

How's the wrestler girl?

She is... like no other.

And neither are you, Byamba.

You might be born of a concubine,

but never disparage,
or hide from your mother's blood.

You never speak of her.

She was Javanese.

Very, very tall.

- Father...
- I accept your apology.

Let's raise a cup to your brother
and speak of nothing else.

I come with word from Kaidu.


I said, speak.

Lord Kaidu is challenging your claim
to the Mongol throne.

He's calling for a Kurultai.

You fool.

He sent you. He used you against me.

No, Father. I asked, I chose.

- You chose?
- Yes.

If you had to hear this,
I wanted you to hear it from me.

Oh, you thought it would soften the blow?

- To have it come from my own blood?
- I did...

Get out.

Don't speak.

You have followed the river a long way...

just to get fucked and die.

- State your business.
- Doing yours. Hunting spies.

- And taking them where?
- This one is special.

A white pet of the barbarian devil.

I am to deliver his head
to the Imperial Majesty.

No one travels beyond this point.

Execute the foreigner here.

As for you, spy hunter...

- Red Lotus.
- What is left of them.

They are to send us black powder
and more arms.

The Mongols guard the river at Quinsai,
but the supplies will come soon.

If I don't deliver as promised,
they might never come.

Let's go!

Let them pass.

I took the wall
that no Khan could topple.

I conquered the 300-year-old dynasty,
I expanded the Mongol Empire,

and Kaidu would challenge me
to a Kurultai?

And on the day
of our crown prince's wedding, no less.

Impeccable, our good cousin, Kaidu.

The Mongols will never back
that sheep-fucker in an election.

I am their Khan.

The only Kurultai that should be called
is the one to condemn him to death.

Kaidu has no horse to mount
in such a challenge.

Unless, of course,
he tries to raise a tempest out of dust.

"Dust"? What do you mean, "dust"?

The slurs from years ago, Sire.

That our Khan
might not have been fairly elected.

If Kaidu wishes to challenge his Khan
with drunken rumors, let him.

You are not only his Khan,

but the first Mongol
to become Emperor of China.


How can the Khan of Mongolia
oversee the affairs of his motherland

when he now must govern
all of China and outwards?

It is a doomed prospect.

This is what they will say.
This is how they will challenge you.

Respectfully, Sire.

Then let the many voices
of the motherland

choose who should be Khan.

Whom would you elect?

Our Royal Father,

who has grown this Mongol Empire
larger than even Genghis dreamed?

Or Kaidu?

Who wants not for expansion,
but Mongol isolation.

There will not be many voices.

Only one. Mine.

This is what I say...

Just as I took my brother's head,
I will take my cousin's.


As Empress of this court,
I dismiss this council at once.

Jingim, your attendants await you.

Don your robes, present your gifts,
and prepare for the final vow.

You would dismiss
my war counsel?

Don't soil this day
with talk of tomorrow.

It is time for the Khan's toast.

- The wedding must go...
- The wedding?

The quest for an heir?

What is this all for if not
tomorrow, hmm?



Rain stones.

My gift to you on our own wedding day.

Any man who rises to greatness will face
envy from his brothers, his relations.

You stand above them all,

because you know
compassion is the greatest shield.

Have compassion for these smaller men...
smaller minds.

I once drowned my own dog
when he would not stop killing sheep.

Is that not compassion?

There will be no Kurultai. Only war.

Your mind was far from war on that day...
was it not?

I remember.

I remember it well.

Capture the bride.

That fiery Onggirat girl...
who could ride a horse like a wind demon.

I, too, think much on it.

More so of late.

You fought me well, like a Mongol queen.

That's when I realized

just how formidable ally
my Chabi would become.

I sniffed your cheek.

And you stabbed me
with an elk-horn knife.

And I will do it again

if you don't come out
and give the royal blessing

like the Khan you are.


You would call me
"brother" now?

The news was coming.

The only question was who carried it.

Better a stranger
than to be stabbed by blood.

I wish you well, brother, always.

To say that is also why I came.

I wish you hadn't.

You do not look pleased.


One cannot select them
as we do our friends.

Just some clan trouble
in the old capital.

The old capital is far from here.

Let it remain that way tonight.

You are beautiful, truly.

And you are most handsome.

I know that this is
beyond your choosing.

And I have been foolish
to not recognize my blessing.

I give you my word, and I stand by it.

What I say in this moment
must live only between us two.

I am tremendously drunk.

You hide it well.

Do I?

No, not at all.

Still, I speak the truth
when I say that I will protect you...

in this life,
and for many years to come.

And I will honor you,
not only as Imperial Lady, but...

as friend...

and a most excellent rider.

I will be a faithful and devoted wife.

And now...
I give your gift.


As my grandfather said,

"Nesting birds and well-fed dogs

always return
to the walls of their master."

I'm Jia Mei Lin,

sister of the great,
last Chancellor of the Song Empire.

May it rise and endure.

I have come to be reunited
with my Emperor.

I recognize your voice...

but not the words of praise
for your brother.

As it is said of man and woman...

the hunter is ours,
the sable weaver is yours.

But if the sable weaver has
no mother and father to stand with her,

what does this mean?

It means only this...

she, too, is now ours.

I take this child into my house...
as my daughter.

Now you will feel no rain,

for each of you will be
shelter to the other.

Now you will feel no cold,

for each of you will be
warmth to the other.

I know it's hard to imagine, Ling...

but someday, you, too, will be married.

The Mongol Empire
holds both your fates in our hands.

Perhaps even to a prince.

And these fates
are now merged...

Deliver to us, the rightful heir...

who shall one day rule the Earth...
under the mandate of heaven.

Let this marriage be made.

My father accepts.