Marchlands (2011): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

In 1968 Ruth and Paul are told that his low sperm count makes it unlikely they will have other children. Upset,Ruth leaves the village and meets some students,with whom she gets stoned at a party though she turns down the offer of sex with a lad called Brian. Eddie becomes more and more convinced as he talks to Amy that Alice is indeed a ghost and not an imaginary friend,locating news of her death in the local library archive. In 2010 Nisha gives birth to a daughter,whom she names Alice. Ruth stays on to help and hears evidence of a poltergeist. Scott tells Nisha that,in his teens, Mark had a fling with Olive Runcie,who would seem to be an elective mute,speaking when it suits her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's Alice's.

Draped over her headstone.

Someone is trying
to tell us something.

We have a duty.

- To have another baby?
- To try.

They keep asking
questions about you,

but none of them believe me.

Everybody is upset.

It's all your fault.


- What's wrong with you?
- I'm sorry.

- Who was the woman?
- Olive Runcie.

She's deaf. Lives further
out on the Forest Road.

'I used to do their
garden for them.

Decide if you want some help
around the house and then

decide if you want
me to provide it.

- I don't even know your name.
- Oh, didn't Mark say?

It's Ruth. Ruth Bowen.

Season 1 - Episode 03

ITFC Subtitles
Sync: Marocas62

- What's your favourite subject?
- Science.

What do you think they talk about?

You've been asking me that
for three months. I don't know.

Do you think she asks about us?

She's a social
worker. It's her job.

They think this is all our fault.

Maybe it is.


Maybe we've done
something wrong, or

we didn't do something
we should've done.

- Or we missed something.
- Do you really think that?

I don't know, Eddie. I
just want Amy to get better.

I just keep thinking back
to that Cleveland business.

- All those kids took into care.
- That's different.

We know that but they don't.

Some kind of trauma.

That's what they're looking for.

Get back before she sees you.

Stick the kettle on.
Make some tea. Act normal.

How do I act normal?
I thought I was normal.

- Nisha?
- Here!

I think it's started!
It came on so fast.

- Is the baby moving?
- Yeah.

I started getting
cramps yesterday but

they weren't very regular,
then suddenly this.

Where's Mark?

He's coming but he's miles
away, so I phoned you.

Quite right. They're not
cramps. They're contractions.

- You're in labour.
- Oh, I need to get to the hospital.

I'll phone them. They'll
send an ambulance.

I don't know if that
baby will wait that long.

Oh, God!

Mrs. Bowen? My name's Dr. Morgan.

I'm going to be checking
your tubes this morning.

Make sure everything's
clear down there.

Feet in the stirrups, please.

We use a little blast
of carbon dioxide

and then listen to see if it's getting
into all the nooks and crannies.

Quite simple.

They're very close together.

I know. I shan't be a minute.

- Where are you going?
- To wash my hands and get some towels.

Don't worry. I've done this
a thousand times.

I don't think the ambulance is
gonna make it. I shan't be a tick.

It'll be fine, I promise you.

Oh, yes.

Loud and clear. Both
sides. Very good.

That ought to have
got rid of any cobwebs.

Would you come with me, Mr. Bowen?

Take your time, and when you're
finished come and find me.

I don't understand.

Do I really have to spell it out?

No, I mean, I thought it was
my wife who was being tested.

She is, trust me.

This is the least you can do.

Have you noticed any change in Amy
since my last visit?

What kind of change?

Has she seemed different?

She seems a bit subdued.

Quieter than usual.

Yeah. Yeah, I thought that.

She's shy with strangers.

But if Helen's noticed it too...

It's true. She has been very quiet.

Maybe cos she knows
everybody's watching her.

It's best if you try and
behave normally with her.

We do. We are.

Normal, I mean.


Has she talked any more about Alice?

Not to me.

Should we be asking her about it?

Unless Amy raises it herself I'd leave
it to the psychotherapist if I were you.

- And how's Scott?
- Scott?

- He's fine.
- Is he in?

It'd be good to
have a chat with him.

No, he went out earlier. Sorry.

- Out where?
- I don't know.

He never tells me
anything, does he?

These situations
can be quite difficult for siblings.

He's with his mates.

He's not run off or anything.

He's fine.

He's just being a teenager.

A normal teenager.

You don't have kids,
do you, Marilyn?

No, I don't.

But we're not here to talk about me,
are we?

That's it, Nisha.
Pant. Don't push. Wait

Wait. No, wait. That's a good girl.

- What the...?
- Just in time.

- Oh, God.
- If you're going to faint,

do it on the floor, not in the bed.

Where's the midwife? The ambulance?

- On their way.
- Never mind them, where have you been?

- Doing 90 down the A59!
- You were supposed to be here!

I am here! I'm here now! Look!

Now, Nisha, one more. Another one.

- That's it, sweetheart. Go on!
- You're nearly there.

You're nearly there.

Come on, Nisha! You can do it!

You've got a little girl.

Well, we couldn't find anything
wrong with you, Mrs. Bowen.

No reason why you couldn't
conceive another child.

But there is...


What is it?

The analysis of your sample.

What does it mean?

It means...

It's unlikely that
you'll be a father again.

No, I...I don't understand.
We had Alice. So how...?

As I say, not
impossible, but unlikely.

You beat the odds once.

It may not happen again.

I'm sorry.

It's not the end of the world.


It'll be all right.

I promise.

Come on. You're hungry.

Just take it. Make us both happy.

Is there anything I can do?

Not unless you're lactating.

Sit down.

There we are.

That's it. That's better.

So we did it, then.

Yes. We did.

Can we send her back
if we change our mind?

What did they say?

- Is everything all right?
- Evelyn, please.


What do you think's worse?

Drowning or dying of hypothermia?

- Scott.
- What's hypothermia?

It's when you get
really, really cold.

- And then you die?
- Not always.

Usually. Especially in water.

But drowning must be worse.

- You must know you're gonna...
- Scott!



God! I'm just discussing the news.

- Can't open my mouth any more.
- Where are you going?

Like it matters!

Amy? You all right?

Is it true?

Is drowning really bad?

Now, don't listen to Scott.

You know what he's like.

You thinking about your kitten?


So why are you getting upset, baby?

I think Alice drowned.

- Why do you think that?
- She's always...


And cold.

You mean, you see her?


Sometimes, I just know she's there.



In the house.

In my bedroom.

Or the bathroom.

I think she likes the warm water.

What do you think she wants?

I think... I think
she's just lonely.


Is she here now?

Amy. Time for tea.

What's up with you?


I brought something for the baby.

You didn't need to do that.

- May I?
- Of course.

You're gaining weight, aren't you?

You are!

Ruth. It's lovely. Thank you.

It's been in the family for years.

I've no-one to
pass it on to, so...

I thought...

It's us who should be
getting you a present.

If you hadn't come over I
don't know what I'd have done.

You'd have been fine.

I'm glad I could help a little.

You were a huge help.

Wasn't she, Mark?


Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely.

So, Neesh and I were wondering
if you'd stay on for a bit,

helping with the baby.

Just a few days a
week, same as before.

I'd love that. Thank you.

Good. That's settled then.

Is the heating on? We need
to keep the place warm.

So, do we have a name yet?

We were thinking Alice.

- Should I switch it back off?
- No.

Let's just see if it settles down.

It's all right. Don't fret.

Nothing to worry about.

Nothing to be afraid of.

There. That's better.

There we are.

How long do you think this
is gonna go on for with Amy?

- Till she gets better.
- Better than what, though?

She used to be really
happy. Look at her now.

What's got into you?

What if Amy's telling the truth
about Alice?

What if Alice is real?

Amy's invisible, imaginary friend?

What if she's like a ghost?

- A ghost?
- Or a poltergeist or something.

I don't know, I'm not an expert.

She can't be real like a ghost,

Eddie, because ghosts aren't real.

But what if they are real?

What if Amy's not
ill, if she's just...

... just haunted?

- It would explain everything.
- To who?

You think the social
worker will report

"No signs of historic trauma
just supernatural activity"?

- No, but...
- No. Eddie, stop it.

This is our life. Our daughter.

Not bloody Scooby-Doo.

I was down in the cellar yesterday.

I was trying to clear some
things out and I found this.


Isn't that sweet? There's
loads of other stuff too.

Look, these games and toys.
From years ago.

Why would somebody move out
and leave behind all of this?

Children grow out of things,
don't they?

I know, but this bear...

It was packed away so carefully.

It was obviously loved.

Yes, it was.


And will be again,

I think.


I've just had
Luddington's on the phone

complaining you've invoiced
them twice for the same supplies.

They thought we'd
done it on purpose.

I'm sorry.

Look, son....

you can't run a business when
your mind's somewhere else.

- If you want to take some time off...
- No, I'm fine.

You know, there are...

other ways.

- Adoption is...
- Thanks.

Thanks, Dad.

I'll sort this out.

- Are you sure?
- It's my mess. I'll fix it.

It's the same bear!

Isn't that great?
What do you think?

Well, it's a nice teddy
bear and everything...


But what?

Don't you think you're
getting a bit carried away?

How? I like it.

But it's not just retro, is it?

- It's a bit creepy.
- No.

- It's a connection to the past, that's all.
- Yeah, but not our past.

The house's. Our house.

OK. Fine.

What you need is someone
else to play with.

Someone like you.

Then you wouldn't be so sad.



Do you think he's still there?

No. Don't be like that.

I do like you, it's just...

everyone gets upset.

All right then.

You can have Lucy.

She's a princess.

If there is anybody there,

anybody from the spirit world,

please give me a sign.

Alice, if you really are here...

show yourself.

Come on, please.

Knock on something or...or move

Alice? Can you hear me?

I love you!



Where are you going?

To crash on the couch.

I've got to get up in a couple of

I'm sorry, Neesh,
but what can I do?

I've got to be awake at work.

Oh, sweetheart.

But don't you see? This is proof!

- Proof of what?
- That Alice is real. She exists!

It's just a little girl's
journal. It doesn't prove anything.

- How can you say that?
- If Amy's found it and read it,

it's probably influenced
her hallucinations.

Maybe she created Alice after
reading it.

But it's still in her head,
isn't it?

It might just as easily have been...

Anne Frank she conjured up.

But what if they're
not hallucinations?

Stop. We're trying to
find a way through this.

We don't need you
going into denial.

I'm not in denial!

Refusing to face the facts
is not going to help her.

It seems to me we're short
on facts at the minute.

And this is what you're offering
as an alternative? Superstition?

At least consider it.

All right. Then we can throw alien
abduction into the mix or satanic possession.

Get a grip, will you?

Left my watch.

Let me.


You deserve better, Ruth.

Do you keep records of local
newspapers from 1967?

Yeah. Follow me.


November, November, November...


"Local girl dies in river tragedy."

"Alice Bowen, aged eight...


Bloody hell.

Hello, you've called
Mark Ashburn. Sorry...

Hello, you've called Mark Ashburn.
Sorry I'm busy at the moment...

I understand that.

But my projections
for next year were

based on the undertakings you gave me.e

If the job's delayed, I'll
have to lay off half my guys.

Even if things do pick
up in the next six months,

it won't do me any
good if I've gone under.

Yeah, I know, I know.

Well, thanks, anyway.

Let me know how it goes.


Somebody still remembers you, Alice.

There we are, Princess.

It's all ready for you.

That's right. Come on.

You going out?

- You've only just got in.
- I know.

If I don't go now, I
might not get a chance.

Ruth's running Alice a bath. I thought
you might want to come and help.

No, next time.

I really need to clear my head.

You know how I get otherwise.

- Why, what's wrong?
- Oh, nothing.

Just work stuff.

The usual crap.

- I called you today.
- I know.

- You didn't ring back.
- You didn't leave a message.

I was right in the middle
of things. Was it important?

No, not really.

Yes. You like that,
don't you, sweetheart?

My little girl liked that.

She loved her bath time.

She loved it.

Stop it!

Stop it! Stop this!



What do you mean?

- Now, Mildred?
- Only five, I'm afraid.

- Only five. Right, and Ray?
- Six.

Six. So we'll hear Mildred's five.


You're home early.

Am I?

Everything all right at work?

Yeah, fine.

Everything's fine.

It hasn't changed much, has it?


Not like us.

Tea? Coffee?

No, just water'll be fine, thanks.

You have a good memory.

You were a good teacher.

So... you weren't born deaf?


I lost it when I got meningitis.

I was four.

I can't imagine that.

Yes, you can.

What? Hey.

What did you mean this morning,
when you said I deserved better?

If you wanted out...

... I wouldn't stand in your way.


It's much easier now.

What is?

Divorce. If you want it.

I don't want a divorce.

I want you.

But I can't give
you what you need...

another baby.

I don't need another baby.

What I need is us... this!

- But without a child...
- We had a child.

- We had Alice.
- I know.

Why are you more upset about
some baby we'll never have...

than you are about her?

I'm just trying to
think of the future.

Or trying to forget the past.


How can I forget?

You drag it around with
you like a ball and chain.

- What do you mean?
- You're stuck in it.

Stuck in some elaborate conspiracy

to pin the blame for
Alice's death on someone...


Anyone except yourself.

- Me?
- Yes, you!

Where were you, Ruth?

- Where were you?
- You know where I was!

Not where you should've been!
Not with her, not with Alice!

You bastard!

Leave me alone!

Ruth. Wait.

Stay away from me.

You haven't seen me,
all right? I'm not here.



I'm looking for my wife.
Did she come this way?

- Dark hair? Pretty?
- Yeah.

She went that way, mate.

- The coast is clear.
- Thanks.

Where you off to, then?


Anywhere but here...

My favourite place.

- All right, Scott?
- All right.

Are you a William
Golding fan, then?


- Bit nihilistic for me.
- You've read it?

It's part of our course.

Students. I should've guessed.

We're not all tearing up the
streets of Paris, you know.

May I?

I'm Brian.

Hi, Scott.

You just caught me. I
was about to close up.

That was lucky. I just
came in for some snacks.

So you've had the baby, then?

- Boy or girl?
- Girl.

Six pounds six ounces.


So where is she?

At home with Daddy.

I just about manage to stretch my
legs for half an hour between feeds.

- How's Mark coping?
- He's bearing up... I think.

Must be a bit of a
shock to the system.

Why d'you say that?

Well, he was such a
jack-the-lad when he was younger.

Now he's the
responsible family man.



So he was seeing loads of girls?


No, I mean...

he had girlfriends but...

He couldn't commit?

- Nothing serious?
- I wouldn't say that.

So there was somebody special?

From what I remember.

Which one? I forget all
the names he told me now.

Karen? Jenny?


Olive? Olive Runcie, the deaf woman.

He did tell you.

He used to work in her
garden or something.

That's right. The
summer before he left.

Water under the bridge now, though.

New baby and everything.

Yes, of course.
It's a long time ago.

Thanks, Scott.


You got a name yet...for the baby?

Yes. Alice.

When does your mum get back?


Do you ever go away anywhere?

Leeds...Blackpool, sometimes.




... Amsterdam...Paris,
I've been to Paris.

Where would you go, if
you could go anywhere?

Las Vegas.

No, no.

Las Vegas would be cool.

I can come with you.

We could have a
drive-through wedding.

It's getting late.

Yeah, I know.

I'll go in a minute.

We're getting off soon.
Where are you going?

I haven't really thought.

Why don't you come to mine?

We've got a few
people coming round.

There'll be food, probably,

wine, definitely.

- I don't know.
- Come on.

Take a chance.

Live a little.

- Mark?
- Yeah?

Did you...


Did I what?

Never mind. I'll get her.

You finish here.


Bit late, isn't it?
Where have you been?

Nowhere. Just out.

Do you know what time it is?

Have you been drinking?

- Dad. Come on.
- Have you?


Cos you're under age, you know.

I know. I wasn't.


Yeah, OK.

You all right?

Hey, there you are.

Thanks, Brian.

Even these lot don't
get it properly.

And they've read all
the same stuff as me.

Here, Ruth, try this.

- Hello.
- Thought we'd lost you.

Just wanted a bit of fresh air.

You having a good time?


For what?

Adopting me.

My pleasure.


Wait. Stop.

- I think I better go.
- You don't have to.

No. I do.

I was only in Leeds. I just
missed the last bus home.

I thought I'd lost you.

The other Alice, who you
named our daughter after?

Now you think she's
haunting the place?

I don't know. Maybe.

Amy is my baby, Alice.
Please leave her alone.

ITFC Subtitles
Sync: Marocas62