María Marta: El crimen del country (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Privados de la Libertad - full transcript

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On June 18th, 2009,

I was sentenced by an Appelate Court
to life imprisonment,

on the accusation that seven years
earlier, on October 27th, 2002,

I killed my wife, María Marta
García Belsunce de Carrascosa,

committing against her person

the crime of first degree homicide
aggravated by kinship.

As stated in article 80,

paragraph one,
of the Argentine Criminal Code.

María Marta was found dead

in the bathtub located
in the bathroom of our home,

and it was determined by an autopsy

that was carried out
just over a month after her passing,

that her death had occurred
as a result of the impact

of five gunshots
fired directly to her head.

And blessed be the fruit...

Two years before the ruling by the Court,

on July 11th, 2007,

the court before which
the oral and public trial took place,

after five months of intense hearings,

sentenced me to a total
of five and a half years in prison

on the accusation
of covering up a homicide

committed by an unidentified party,
excluding myself,

as I was considered to be
the principal perpetrator of the cover-up

as an act preceding the murder.

In these two judicial pronouncements,

but above all before the Appelate Court,

most of the violations of my rights
that I have come to denounce today

have been summarized.

There, the lead prosecutor on the case,

Prosecutor Marcos del Río,

found a favorable environment
for the preparation

of his diverse, ever-changing,
and confusing hypotheses

about the circumstances
of the manner, time

and place of the event.

His purpose
was to introduce me to public opinion,

always eager for exciting cases,

as nothing less than the perpetrator
of my wife's murder,

because it was much more attractive
than a simple attempted robbery

which ended in death,

perpetrated by third parties,
unknown to me.


So? What do you think?

To me, you don't even need to add a comma.

- Send it as it is.
- Sign it.

If the honorable International Human
Rights Commission doesn't take it,

they should change their name.

I'll hang on to this copy and, after you
present it, we'll upload it to the blog.

Well, thank you.
Let's trust that everything will work out.

On my way in,
I ran into Bártoli's attorney.

They're doing well.

Tell me, isn't there a possibility
that Guille and the rest

can come over here with me?

That would be tricky.

This is the ward for good conduct.

For them to enter,
others will have to be removed.

But couldn't you speak with the warden?

No, it's not worth it.

They're not going to do any favors
with all the press focused on them.

This is the identikit

that a friend who was very close
to my sister María Marta

present in the moments after her death,

created with some specialists.
It's The Lady in Pink,

a woman also identified
by the second doctor,

Dr. Leiva.

- Excuse me, Horacio...
- What's he doing?

I made it very clear to him that he
couldn't appear in public with that!

He's complicating our strategy!

Matías Centeno,
who you pointed out as a suspect.

- Good afternoon, Centeno.
- Good afternoon.

This man, who's there playing the victim,

has spent more than a month

attacking me in media outlets,

sowing suspicion against me and my family.

Showing a drawing of my wife,
he crossed a line.

Do you think what you're doing to me
and my family is fair, Horacio?

I'm not going to respond to that.

Obviously, I can say the truth,
but Horacio can't say it.

Have a good day.

What a moment
we just experienced, Horacio.

- Good. Well done.
- What is the next move for you?

Good. We're good.

I'm screwed!

Can't you see that they're still talking?

- I'm the one who's screwed! The drawing!
- They're talking about me!

The kids are already upset.

- I'm upset as well!
- Go reassure the kids. Do as I say.

Calm down? You're not helping me!

- Relax, Matías.
- Calm down.

- Please, my dear.
- Mom, I'm calm. Leave me alone!

Irma, why don't we check the schedule
to see when you're meeting with the DA.

Otherwise, Matías will be
the scapegoat for the Belsunces.

When are they going to leave us alone?

When you stop giving them
so much importance.


I want to let you know
I've made a decision.

I think that it'll be best for you all
and for my health.

I think from now on, it'd be best
if each of you have your own defense.

- But why?
- Listen to me.

John is unmanageable.
He scared a key witness.

And Horacio was on TV the other day,
showing evidence

before I gave them to the prosecution.

But you can continue
being my attorney, Mario.

Neither you,

nor my son, or anyone in this family

deserves to be represented or defended

by someone who isn't interested
or who isn't up to the task.

I appreciate your sincerity,
but you let me down.

I have no doubt
that all of my work thus far

will ensure that the law
sets its sights on Centeno.

Look, Horacio,

our investigation
is actually well underway.

I'll walk you out. Hold on.

I respect your decision,

but I'm sorry you won't be there.

Look, Carlos, I can recommend
some excellent criminal attorneys, okay?


I know very talented people.

- An unprecedented trial.
- We are in the Palace of Justice.

A day in the dock.

Great expectation.

Irene Hurtig,
with Guillermo Bártoli and their sons.

It has the country in suspense.

Unheard of.

They are accused of María Marta
García Belsunce's homicide.

Key witnesses are testifying.
Are you afraid...?

Listen to me, please.

We didn't do anything.

My husband didn't do anything,
and neither did Carlos Carrascosa.

We're about to enter
the second trial for this case.

My husband was accused of a cover-up
in 2007 by Prosecutor Del Río!

That prosecutor
was at the scene of the events.

He was at the wake,
don't forget about that!

And now, and now they want to arrest me

because they consider me a co-perpetrator

to the aggravated homicide
of my own sister.

- Enough, Irene.
- This is crazy!

Doesn't it reassure you
that they can't expose anything?

Yes, but the Appelate Court ruled
to overturn Carrascosa's acquittal,

and now they're coming for us!

Why after you?

Because we're scapegoats.

- Because they didn't investigate anything!
- Exactly.

And what was the motive?

That's what the prosecution
has to explain, but they don't even know!

We're all totally terrified! We're walking
into a trial without guarantees!

- An execution.
- Irene, please.

But when it comes to my husband,
I won't abandon him.

So, if they go after him, they'll have
to go after me! After the whole family!

Any statement?


It's not worth it. Don't be an idiot.

Any other statement?

The Bártoli family walked in.

They are making statements
on a key day for the trial.

Mom! I'm glad that you're here.
Yeah, it's starting.

Horacio Sr. Isn't coming.
He's terrified of the journalists.

- Who told you that?
- Irene.

Thanks for coming! Thanks for being here.
We need all the help we can get.

I want to go down
to talk to the press, but...

Bad idea. It's not a good vibe out there.

Yes, I already told him. Thank you.

Enough with the press.
Your attorney already told you.

- I can't stand him.
- You're being just like everyone else.

He's a good guy. He has a good heart.

Thank you very much, it's a pleasure.

Let's go.

- There's John.
- I like him better.

But he's such a snob.

- Hello.
- How are you?

Miriam. I didn't know
that you could afford Mr. Soria's fees.

- Excuse me.
- Matías Centeno is paying him.

- I thought you would tell the truth.
- My love, please, stop.

You can start going in.

All right. Relax.

Present here today
there are, without a doubt,

perpetrators of the attack
on María Marta García Belsunce.

But there are also those responsible
for the cover-up of the crime.

Because they used the influence
they had thanks to their social status.

One of them...

had experience working as a journalist,

and was used to dealing
with the power of the public.

The family had access

to the phone numbers
of high-ranking police officials.

And they used them.

Because they knew that the victim's death
hadn't been an accident.

The natural tendency to believe people
who are considered to be good

made the prosecutor who showed up

not realize at first glance

that actually what he was dealing with
was a homicide.

The evidence had been
carefully eliminated

from the scene of the crime.

how is the hearing progressing?

I'm not going to make any statements.

Has Irene Hurtig been charged?

Not at the moment,
although we're looking into it.

Why didn't they call the security guards?
Is the Belsunce family in trouble?

I like to analyze their body language...

I want to listen.

Prosecutor Zimmerman didn't want
to continue with any statements.

I recommend incorporating the enhancements
that Gendarmerie made

to the call which Carrascosa
placed to Orbital.

It'll be almost like they're watching
a movie about the crime.

I went through the call,
and I added a few subtitles

and a series of graphics
in order to make it more didactic.

This is José. What is your emergency?

I need an ambulance immediately
for a person who fell in the bathtub.

What condition is the person in?

She hit her head.
It looks like she drowned.

Will you give me the address?

Querandíes Country Club.
It's kilometer 55 on Panamericana.

One second, please.

- What do I do?
- Come here. Put your hands here.

It's the east entrance
to the Industrial Park.

Do you know the name
of the injured person?

Carrascosa, María Marta
o García Belsunce, María.

It's by the Industrial Park.

- The guard will show you the way.
- We've already dispatched...

Is that the voice
of the masseuse or Irene?

Do you know who testifies today?

I don't know and I don't want to know.

- You realize what he's hearing?
- Yes.

- Calm down.
- Of the victim...

Four. They removed clothing...

- Fede.
- What are you doing, Mom?

I don't know how
you can still want to watch this guy!

I want to punch this jerk.
It's all bullshit.


Well, yeah.

It's all bullshit.

Don't come to court today.
Stay here at home.

I'm going.

See what you think of this.

- "Envido" bet.
- No, I don't want that.

Look at that, good.

Here you go.


- Go ahead.
- Of course.

- There you go.
- Dammit.

Go, go.

Hello, Guille.

No, it appeared turned off.

You there with everyone?
Are you about to enter?

Stay strong, Guille, stay strong, please.

Don't give up.

Stay calm.

- Because all that they want is...
- Another round, buddy?

You got it.
Another round of "Truco" why not?

You good, Mr. Carlos?

I'm fine, Ángel.

- Thank you.
- Good afternoon.

See you later.

They modified the scene of the crime.

Schedules were altered.
Alibis were made up.

They prevented the police from entering.

The body was preconditioned.

They even arranged to receive
a falsified death certificate.

They got rid of a bullet shell,

and they set up suspects and culprits,

like Centeno, the security guards
and even the journalists.

And Dr. Gaich?

There's no way that he didn't realize
that he was dealing with a homicide.

He had an obligation
to file a report with the police,

and he didn't do it.

We're in a position to affirm

that Mr. Guillermo Bártoli

is responsible for having staged
a convincing display

in order to deceive the masseuse
and everyone else.

To make them believe that it was
an accident, and thus cover up Carrascosa.

I will now show the breakdown of the call.

If I may? The call Carrascosa
placed to Orbital.

I need an ambulance...

See? In this call, you can make out
the voices of two people

that our experts were able to determine
are Bártoli and his wife, Irene Hurtig.

The prosecutor directed the witnesses.

- And the expert that she presented!
- Please!

- What do I do?
- Come over. Put your hands here.

These words were said by Bártoli
at 7:07 p.m.

From that moment on, he wanted
to cover up the homicide.

Evidently, he had a hand

in moving the body from its place
and preparing the mise-en-scène.

Yes? And now here, 6:58 p.m.

Miriam Coloccini is at the door.

The guards take a while
to authorize her to enter.

And she arrives at the house at 7:24 p.m.

After her arrival, we once again see
Bártoli and his wife, Irene,

without demonstrating
any surprise at all over what happened,

and without even questioning
what happened.

As we already know from the trial in 2007,

Carrascosa spent time at the Club House,

fabricated his alibi,

returned to his home,

did all the pantomime
in front of Coloccini,

and this would have been impossible
without the cooperation of Bártoli.

They themselves manufactured
their own witnesses of their vile scheme.

- I am innocent, your honor!
- Silence, please.

All of you here have a second chance
to get this case back on track!

To get to the truth!

There's an innocent man here
named Carlos Carrascosa!

And he's in prison!

Find out who the real murderer is!

Do it for María Marta!

- She deserves it!
- Silence, please!

- Guillermo, enough.
- Or I will have to vacate the room!


We are very satisfied because we feel
that justice will be served

for Miriam Coloccini,
we have faith in her trial.

Two sugars and no milk.

How's the case going?


The Belsunces are complicated, right?

People have already condemned them.

Do you think that the masseuse
is the scapegoat for the Belsunce family?

Of course. What doubt is there?

The defense says that you are also
the attorney for Matías Centeno.

- No more statements.
- But why do you think...?

Why do you think the family is...?

Is there another way out?

I don't believe so.

It's late.
I hope this doesn't go too long.

Martina is at my parents' house.

- Pancho is all about schedules.
- Why isn't this guy coming out?

You don't care what I'm saying, right?


- I need to speak.
- There he is!

- Take care.
- You too!

Follow him.

Let's act like we're talking
to each other.


Where's he going?

So, this is where Soria
comes to get his massages.


Yes. "Massages."


It's still not plugged in.

There we go.

...convincing evidence

as to how the Belsunces
covered up María Marta's murder.

All set, Mr. Carlos.

...justice that the whole country
has been waiting years for.

Here you go, Ángel.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

The judges have reached a verdict

in the Criminal Court Number 1,
of San Isidro,

Judges Alberto Ercolano, Marisa Gálvez,

in agreement with their colleague
of the Criminal Court Number 5

Division, Judge Claudio Iniesta.

The court has ruled
the verdict of not guilty

for the defendant, Miriam Coloccini,

and they have ruled a guilty verdict

for Jorge Gaich, Saúl Vanoli,
Juan Carlos Hurtig,

Horacio García Belsunce
and Guillermo Bártoli.

This is shameful!

And by a majority vote from judges
Marisa Gálvez and Claudio Iniesta,

with the dissent of Judge Ercolano,

immediate arrest is hereby ordered for...

- No!
- This isn't right!

Federal Penitentiary Service.

Police, please clear the courtroom!

It's okay.

Let me through!


- Can you leave us alone?
- Vanoli, what about the sentence?

- Vanoli!
- Stay strong!

- Enough, please!
- Will you give a statement?


The family says you were falsely accused.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.

This guy's a real clown.

Get ready for him to be slick
and try to provoke you.

I'm not afraid of him. Quite the contrary.

It's been nine years
since the death of María Marta.

In the next segment, we have an exclusive.

Irene Hurtig,

María Marta García Belsunce's half-sister,

will speak with us.

- Right or left to turn it on?
- Right.

- There we go.
- It has to be nearby.

What's wrong?

Hold on.

This is so cute.

But that's not Rambo. That was Ramsés.

- And what's that?
- I bet my mom will come in with mate.

Didn't I tell you?
Now she's taken up knitting

and she knits while watching TV.

My family is innocent.

And Carlos Carrascosa
is not the perpetrator!

That's a dogmatic position to take!

No. It's a matter of knowing
what really happened.

Of knowing that we're all innocent!

The judges made a mistake.

They analyzed
the evidence arbitrarily!

The witnesses that are contrary
to the family are credible

and those that are with us, aren't.

And as for cover-ups...
Excuse me. Let me finish.

As for cover-ups,
as you well know, Roganti,

they are crimes with intent.

The requirement is intent.

You have to be aware
that you are engaging in a crime.

And no one who was present that day
knew that María Marta had been murdered.

Were you present
while she was being murdered?

Are you serious?

I'm not impartial,

but I do try to be objective.


The only thing I have
to defend myself with is my word.

And there are many people
who can vouch for me and my family.

Many people who really know us.

What happened with the masseuse,
Coloccini? Why is she free?

That's an example
of the arbitrariness I mentioned.

They condemned the doctor
who arrived after her, but not her.

Weird, am I right?

Why did she change
the timeline of her story?

And how did it occur?

I don't know.

Maybe they helped her.

I don't want to talk about it,
but she was very well advised.

Thanks, champ.

Listen to me.

You have to be careful
because that guy pretty slick, okay?

If you confront him,
do it in a friendly tone.

Yeah, but don't go too far
because he could catch on.

You can invite him to a whiskey,
I don't know, talk about soccer.

We know that he moves in those circles.

Yeah. Carry yourself
like you're an upper-class guy.

I don't know. Whatever.

Here, for operating expenses.

Watch out for the girl,
watch how you explain things.

- And what you tell her.
- But does this include...?

This includes everything
you must do to get the guy to talk.

We good?

- Yeah.
- Do you have the pen?

- Yes.
- It's essential that you aim well,

because we'll have to listen and watch.

Yes, but he can't catch on.

Because if we screw up,
this was all for nothing.

- Anything else?
- No.


- Thanks, man.
- Yes. Thank you.

I swear this guy
makes me a little nervous.

It's all we've got.

You usually tend to him?


But I don't know if I want to do this.

It's just two questions, that's all,
and just before going off with him.

That's all I need.

All right.


Hello, Richard dear...

Hi there, baby!

- How are you?
- Horny.

- So, you wanna buy me a drink?
- Okay.

- Your shoulders are like a rock.
- Yes.

The other day, I saw you on TV.

- You know?
- Yes.

I didn't know you worked
on the Belsunce case.

- Yeah.
- I didn't know you were so famous.

Let's not talk about work, it's boring.

It's just that I got hooked on that case.

To be honest. It's amazing.

- I was so addicted to it.
- Yes?

- Yes.
- Weren't you a little young for that?

No, I don't know...

- Yes.
- I don't know.

But this guy, Centeno, is kind of...

Who the hell sent you, you bitch?

- Tell me who the hell sent you.
- Nobody.

Do you take me for a fool?

- No.
- All right. Then I'm outta here.

Damned you.

Did you follow him?

No, I just left.

So, that's it?

But why did you leave? There's nothing!

Dammit, we wasted our time...

Excuse me, sir. Where are you taking us?

Just follow me, sir.

Go in.


What's up, Carlos?

You're skinny, man. Are you all right?


- Carlos.
- How are you?

- How are you doing?
- Incredible!

How crazy.

And Dr. Gaich?

- He barely speaks.
- No, he won't event look at us.

The other day, they read us
a part of the Bible,

and I kept thinking about it.

You saw how they are.

The guards take care of us.

There must be an order or something
that they have to protect us.

But you guys
are lucky because it's a...

it's a good block.

- No, we weren't lucky.
- What do you mean?

Yes, you were lucky. What do you mean?

I've been locked in here
for two years now.

You guys are getting out!

If at my trial in 2007

we had gone in
with coordinated defenses,

we wouldn't be here today.

They still would have destroyed us.

- Are you so certain?
- Yes.

At the time,
that's what the lawyers recommended.

It's what they said.

Well, it's done now.

I'm so sorry, Carlos.

Pedro and Fede were little,
and I was really scared, you know?

What I don't understand
is why you guys are locked up.

Especially you!
You being in here is pure madness.

It's done, Carlos.

Look at everything you've got here.

Yeah. That's wine.

Wine? Malbec?

I don't know if it's Malbec.

- I'll steal you a cigarette.
- Anybody?

- Eat up. Go on.
- I'm eating. Yes.

Let's review point by point

the chronology of a crime that had
the country on the edge of its seat.

We are of course talking about the case
of María Marta García Belsunce.

In the year 2007,

Carlos Carrascosa was sentenced
for covering-up the crime...



No, her father has to pick her up today.

He's there?


Thanks for calling. determine who participated
in the cover up.

Everything okay?

Honestly, not really.

Since we separated, the logistics
with Pancho have been really complicated.

...after knowing the verdict.

And all of them will be released
if they manage to gather the funds...


Mom, the cigarette.

- Did they name the Pope yet?
- No.

- But you didn't change the channel, right?
- No.

Yes, the court accepted
the writ of ha be as corpus.

Well, we're on it, but don't worry.

We're going to get it
and we will get you released.

I'll call you in three hours then.

Go talk to him.

I love you, honey.

Me too.
I can't wait for you to get home.

All right. I'll be sure to do that.
Give everyone my love.

Well, I have to go now.
We're gonna get you out, okay?

Good. Perfect.

Well, I'll be waiting
for your call then, okay?

Great, thanks very much.

I can't come up with the cash, Irene.

I'm going to have to mortgage
the house to pay.

No. That's going to delay the process.

Then I don't know what to do, Irene.

Let's see if they approve the loan.

And if they don't?

They will.

It's going to be okay.

We're gonna get them all out at once.

That'll be Fernando.

- Hello.
- Irene.

- How are you?
- How are you? Good.

This is for John.
The guys from the club chipped in.

- Thank you.
- Not at all.

- We'll pay you back.
- Forget about it. It's okay.

Hey, blondie.

- You know how to kick a ball?
- Yes.

You want to play?

- Well, sure.
- You know how to play?

Yeah, sure you know how to play...

Chill out.

- So what? No?
- Why would we need this damn snob?

Jorge, come here.

Come here.

They gave us green light
and our bail will be granted.

If in three hours we can get the money
together, we'll get out today.

We won't make it time.
The banks close in two hours.

But the courthouse closes at four.

- Am I in the same boat as you guys?
- Yes.

Your bail is much lower than ours is.
Your lawyer already arranged it.

- Thanks.
- What if we don't get the cash together?

Hey, blondie. You wanna play ball?

But you already told me no.

- If you want to. Blondie, come on.
- Come on.

- Don't go and play right now.
- He's going to get himself in trouble.

Leave him.

Now we have to wait three hours.

I'll ask the guard the time,
and we calculate.

- Okay.
- That's when I call her back.

I hope we make it...

Come on! There!

Come on!




Today is a special day.

It's not just any day.

I would say that it's a day...

of faith.

Because today our beloved Cardinal,

Jorge Bergoglio,

has been appointed

as the very first Argentinian pope.

This shows us that nothing is impossible.


And for those of us who are in here,

deprived of our freedom,

this gives us encouragement.

Because it confirms

that nobody

can ever steal our dreams.

That no judge

and no prosecutor

can steal from us,
or take away our greatest hopes.

No one.

I know,

as all of you are already aware,

that going out into the world is hard.

Because we don't know exactly
what we're going to encounter.

Or who.

Or how they will receive us.

But we do know that outside there is...

there is freedom.

And of course...

that freedom may seem like...

an illusion.

Because that freedom
is also frightening to us.

But what I am convinced of...

is that we shouldn't stop
fighting for freedom.

For our freedom.

Let nothing ever stop us

from continuing to work in faith

in our quest for our freedom.

No one is ever going to stop us.