María Marta: El crimen del country (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - El Encubrimiento - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 2002.7:07 p.m.

I need an ambulance immediately

for a person who fell in the bathtub.

She hit her head
and it looks like she drowned.

Will you give me the address, please?

Querandíes Country Club.

It's kilometer 55 on Panamericana.

Escobar branch or Pilar branch?

Yeah, Pilar branch.

It's the east entrance
to the Industrial Park.

Do you know the name
of the injured person?

Yes. Carrascosa, María Marta.

Or García Belsunce, María.

We've already dispatched a unit to help.

What do we do now?



The evidence collected shows
that the proof, traces,

and other elements of the crime

were erased by Carlos Carrascosa

and his retinue of companions,
both habitual and circumstantial.

With regard to the remaining facts
of the cover-up,

which were matter
of subsidiary indictment,

the court by majority,
hereby pronounces the defendant guilty.

- Guilty?
- No!

But this is an injustice!

This is an injustice! A circus!

That's what this is!

What is this? How can he be guilty?

Carlos, this is just a house of cards.
It'll fall apart.

- Don't you worry. It won't hold up.
- Stay strong, Carlos!

Hang in there, Carlos!

We're going to appeal. Stay strong!

All right, that one finished uploading.


Remember when he insisted that there was
an inconsistency with that ruling?

I've digitized 25 hours
and there's still more.

It's incredible the amount of time
they dedicated to televising this case.

It's amazing.

Yesterday, the Criminal Cassation
Chamber of Buenos Aires

confirmed Carrascosa
as the co-author of the crime.

I remember exactly
what that guy said on that program.

I can't stand his tone of voice.

Know what I'm going to do?

I'm going to create a separate tab
on the blog with Roganti's contradictions.

...these two years where Carrascosa
has enjoyed his freedom with impunity...

That guy's sayings don't hold up against
an archive from the past, not even one.

Now all that remains
is to judge his accomplices,

so that María Marta,
once and for all, can rest in peace.

There's only one vehicle parked here,
and I think it belongs to the lady.


- Carrascosa. Hello.
- Yes?

They told me Mrs. Coloccini is waiting.

And my wife didn't give
the okay to let her in?

They called from the front gate.
No one answered.

And I rang the bell and knocked.

She must be showering.
You can let her through.

You can let her in.

The masseuse, María!


María. Come on, María!




Miriam! Come up, quickly!
María had an accident!


- My God, what happened?
- I don't know.

- I don't know if she's breathing!
- María!

Go get help! Call a doctor, Carlos! Go!


Good afternoon, this is José.
What is your emergency?

I need an ambulance immediately
for a person who fell in the bathtub.


Hit her head. Looks like she drowned.

- Address?
- Querandíes Country Club.

- It's kilometer 55 on Panamericana.
- Help me, Bártoli!

- Escobar or Pilar branch?
- But what do I do?

- Put your hands here.
- Pilar branch.

The east entrance to the Industrial Park.

Do you know the name
of the injured person?

Carrascosa, María Marta.

Or García Belsunce, María.

- We've dispatched a unit.
- The guard will show them the way.

What do we do now?

We keep trying to revive her!

- I can't go anymore!
- Come on, help me!

But I can't do this!

- Call someone!
- Okay.

A doctor!

- María!
- Get the dog out of here, please.

- Get out!
- Get out!

- María!
- Get out, Paca!

- María!
- Call someone!

- María!
- She's going to die!

Is your father here?

- She's not responding?
- I'll keep trying.

The ambulance isn't here yet.

González Alcántara wasn't home.
His daughter called him. He didn't answer.

- See if he's at the gate.
- Okay.

Hello, is the ambulance there?

Call another one!

My sister's had an accident.
She's going to die.

Go and get David Plaza!

That's right. I'll do that. I'm going.

Carlos, move back! Give her some air!



Yes, Marce, come. Come here, please.

The ambulance is here!

Come in!

Good afternoon. Where is the patient?

- Upstairs. In the bathroom.
- What happened?

What part? In the bathroom?

- In the bathroom, yes. Miriam!
- And what happened?

She hit her head.

- To the right.
- Okay.

- What happened?
- She's in cardiac arrest.

She had an accident in the bathroom.
We don't know how.

- We've been waiting.
- Okay.

We need you to go downstairs.
Okay? Please.

- Let's go downstairs.
- Thank you.

- Come with us.
- Sir, please, downstairs.

- Let's go downstairs, Carlos.
- Thank you.

This can't be happening.

Don't worry. Everything will be all right.

What happened?

She hit her head.

But is María okay?

No, she's not okay.

- No, the doctors are upstairs.
- What happened?

How is María?

- She's lying on the floor. It's horrible.
- My God.

Have they come down?
Did they say anything?

- Well, no...
- No one's said anything?



I'll prepare the tubing.

Bring oxygen.

I think the tank is empty.

She was lying on the floor...


Yes, let the other ambulance in.

- Well?
- Let them through!

Ask if the have any oxygen.

Please, ask the driver
if they have any oxygen.

- How is she doing?
- The doctors are with her now.

They said yes!

- What happened?
- Let them in, please, and hurry!

The other ambulance just arrived.

- My God!
- She's strong, she's healthy.

- Just breathe.
- You don't how bad she looks.

It's incomprehensible how the family
clings to the robbery hypothesis

when the justice system ruled it out.

But it has a logic

if their master plan
is to get away with it.

Because that's how they live.
In impunity.

With privileges.

Shameless bastards. Only in this country!

Enough, Mom!

Hello, my love.

They're criminals,
but you don't want to admit it!

- The press can't lie to this degree.
- No. Hold on, Pancho.

- We agreed that you'd get her.
- You're so stubborn.

- And you're an idiot!
- Well, then figure something out.


You're getting involved with murderers.

TV is a hazard to your health!

I'm not dropping it on your head
'cause it's the only one I have!

All right.

This case has no mystery to it.

We've been analyzing it
for nine years now.

Listen to me,
you can't fight like that with your mom.

Why do you let her get to you?

You two get so violent!

You can't spend
all your time bickering like that!

Have you two always lived together?

No, she came to live here

when my partner killed himself.


Yeah, he shot himself.

Are you kidding?


They made a case against us
for malpractice, and I got out okay.

But he didn't, he lost his license,
and he couldn't take it.

And that's when my mother
came to help me, or so she claims.

- Belu.
- Yes.

Listen, do you want me to go?
I can leave...

No. Why?

We can continue another time.
You can get some rest, and just relax...

- No. Let's continue...
- Come here.

With the Leiva stuff.

I left it over here.

- Should I dictate?
- Are you sure?

Come here. Yes.


- Hold on.
- Okay.


"I asked Dr. Gaich

if upon arrival at the residence

"the woman was already dead."

OCTOBER 27TH, 2002

- Good evening.
- Hello.

What happened?

We tried the impossible.

For the last half hour, we've been
doing CPR, but we couldn't revive her.

- When you arrived, was she already dead?
- Yes.

But regardless, we did CPR.
We wanted to try.

She had a bit of a pulse. A weak one.

- Do you mind?
- Yes.

She appears to have
a left temporal bone fracture.

There's loss of encephalic mass.

The fracture is digitiform.

I don't know,
we tried to get her out of cardiac arrest.

What could this lesion
have been made with?

I don't know. They told me
she had an accident in the bathtub.

She must have slipped

and maybe she hit her head

against the faucet or the taps.

She was dressed when she slipped?


She must have tripped
and lost her balance, and hit her head.

And these blood clots
over here in the water?

- She had her head in the water.
- Are you going downstairs?

Let's wait till the doctor goes down.

If we go now,
we'll have to explain to the whole family.

Excuse me.

A moment, please.

Excuse me.

Do you know what happened here?

I'm the masseuse.

I come by every Sunday.

Today, when I got here,

they made me wait, because nobody
was answering from the house.

When I could finally enter,

Mr. Carrascosa told me

that María Marta had had an accident.

Was anyone else in the house?

That I know of? No.

I don't know, she must have slipped.
She was lying there on the floor.

I wanted to know
because we found her dead on arrival.

She had a traumatic brain injury,
including fractures.

We'll do the verification of death,
and you can notify Orbital, all right?

- Okay. Will you notify the police?
- Turn on the light, please.

Or how will you handle it?

No, I'll do the verification
of death and that's it.

Social Security will handle the rest.

Is it a suspicious death?

A suspicious death?
I don't know. It doesn't seem like it.

But that's a question...

That's something...

- Let them handle it.
- Okay. Fine.

Excuse me.

All right, so what do we do?

Will you guys handle this?

Yeah... we'll go ahead and handle it.
We were the first to arrive.

And you'll do the death certificate?

No. The death certificate needs to be done
by the funeral home.

Listen, just one thing.

Could you clean up a little?

So the family doesn't get overwhelmed?
Do you mind?

All right.

Here you go. Wear these.
You'll be dealing with blood.

Will you help me put her on the bed?

- No.
- So the family won't feel distressed.

Just leave her there.

Do you know the mess
you're getting yourself into?

Yeah. I'll take full responsibility.

Will you help me?
I don't want them to get overwhelmed.

Don't touch her. Leave her like that.

The doctors are coming downstairs.

What is the name of the husband?

Carlos Carrascosa.

He's here.

He's sitting down.

Mr. Carrascosa.


I'm very sorry.

We did everything within our power, but...

she passed away.

Stay strong, sir.

Stay strong.



OCTOBER 27TH, 2002

Miriam, should I leave the bucket here?

We did everything we could.

It was a fatal accident.

An accident, a terrible hit to the head.

You are going to give us
the death certificate, right?

No, not me.
That's handled by the funeral home.

They'll give you the death certificate.
They'll explain everything to you.

Leave everything as is, please,

until the doctor
from the undertaker gets here.

- I'm very sorry.
- All right.

Excuse me. How exactly was the wound?

She suffered a traumatic brain injury

with fractures
and loss of encephalic mass.

But it must have been severe.
It's as if she fell from the fifth floor!

Don't you find it strange?

It was a hard hit.

I don't know.

- What is it?
- What do you think this is?

I don't know.

It could be from the lock on the window
that somehow fell out.

No, I don't think so.

Is it insane to think it's a bullet?

- Carlos?
- What?

What do you think this is?
I found it there.

No idea.

Something that the doctors
must have dropped.

I'm going to call my father.

No. Don't bother him right now.

There was a blood stain
located near the toilet.


In the bathtub,
there were very large blood clots.

According to the doctor
who arrived before me,

it was because her husband
found her submerged in the bathtub,

with half her body on the outside.

He pulled her out of the water.

I mentioned that it was necessary
for us to notify the police.



I inspected the body...

I realized that her head had
three injuries from the trauma.

Kind of like orifices.

In fact, in one of the holes,
I could insert

my index finger up to the first knuckle.

Everything was...

much too unusual.

I didn't want to have any problems.

And so, I mentioned it to my colleague
to see what we should do.

And he told me that he would consult it
with his company, Orbital.

Who was the first one
to mention an accident?

The husband or the other doctor?

The husband.

Magui told me
that you want to go to a hotel.

I can't stay here any longer.

But you're fine over at Magui's place.

I don't want to be
at anyone's house anymore.

I don't want to bother anyone.

A hotel will be fine.

Carlos, come to my house.

Thank you.

They are here.

- Good morning.
- Good morning. How are you?

- How are you?
- Good morning.

- Good morning. How are you?
- Hello, Carlos.

Good morning.

When I came up,
she was down on the floor

with half her body in the bathroom
and half her body on the outside.

- So, half inside, half outside?
- Yes.

Was she face up?


Her head was on this side.


you came over here to this window

and called Mrs. Coloccini.

- Correct?
- Yes.

From this window.

- Correct?
- Yes.


And before that, you, sir...

went ahead and got your wife,
removed her from the water

and you left her in the position
as described by Mrs. Coloccini just now.

- Yes?
- Yes.


And then the doctors came?

- Yes.
- And you cleaned the scene.

Yes, I cleaned it
because one of them told me to.

Along with Mr. Bártoli.

Who asked you to do it?

- The first doctor that arrived.
- The first one?

He told me to clean so the family
wouldn't feel overwhelmed.


Everything is okay, right?

Yes, everything is fine.

But here says,
"non-traumatic cardiorespiratory arrest."

And it was an accident.

I brought it exactly the way
my brother-in-law gave it to me.

I'd like to read it.

Yes, it's wrong.

They must have made
a mistake at the funeral home.

With this certificate, I can't declare
her case to be an accident.

This is something
you all should have checked beforehand.


Yes, it's wrong.

I'm sorry, Marcos.

I apologize on behalf of my family
and, of course, myself.

I'm at the prosecution's disposal.

So, if you want to talk to my dad...

That won't be necessary.

A contact at the DA's office
told me that Dr. Leiva stated

that there were orifices
in María Marta's cranium.

Bullet wounds?

- Orifices.
- Did your contact say anything else?

It's still too early
to be speaking about a crime,

as you well know, Horacio,
but we can't rule out anything.

- John had doubts about the accident.
- What?

You had doubts and you didn't do anything?
But are you idiots?

John had doubts, not me!

You are a lawyer. Horacio, please.

You know that there are protocols
and procedures in these types of cases.

I called Chief Commissioner Casares

to take care of everything.

We need to investigate Carlos.

He was the first one to get to the house.

He told the rest of us what happened.

But Carlos could never!

The only thing I know
is that my daughter is dead!

- And I don't know why!
- Let's not jump to conclusions.

We don't know who this doctor is,
or why he said what he said.

We'll ask for an autopsy
so we can clear up any doubts.


The only thing I want
is to know the truth. Nothing more.

And what if the investigation

was based on a fictional narrative...?

This moron continues
to make money off my family.

Isn't there anything we can do?

Concentrate on the document,
so I can present it to the commission.

I'll read it properly later.

One more thing.

There are a couple of women
who want to help me out.

They are extremely dedicated to the case.

- Attorneys?
- No, they're not attorneys, no.

- I don't get it. Did they ask for money?
- No, they didn't ask for anything.

They were introduced by Horacio.

They have a blog.

"García Belsunce's Case."

One of them used to be a radio producer
and the other is an anesthesiologist.

It sounds fishy.

They'll want something.

I don't think so.
They seem like serious people.

I don't think anyone
will want to invest their time

trying to help a prisoner
in return for nothing.

Well, I happen to disagree, all right?

It's all wrong.
Everything is completely wrong.

All of it!
That's why I started to study law.

Article 251 of the Criminal Procedure Code
requires the performance of an autopsy

in cases of violent death
or suspected crime.

And an accident that has
no explanation is a violent death.

Which is why my brother
presented the document

where Carlos
personally requested the autopsy,

but it was denied,

because Horacio is a lawyer, but he's
never practiced once in his damned life.

So, we decided to go straight to the DA.

That was when he requested the autopsy,
so he wouldn't look bad.

Thank you very much.


"The attorneys for the García Belsunce
family have requested

that Carrascosa be a plaintiff
and that the autopsy be carried out."

But the lawyer who prepared this
apparently is not a practice lawyer.

No, we will request the autopsy.

Ready, Carlos.

We're done for now.

The Machiavellian García Belsunce clan

has always maintained that the prosecutor
has a grudge against them.

That he harbors resentment
because he himself had made a mistake

by not ordering the autopsy
during the wake.

Do you know the problems
I could get into with this?

Why are you telling me that?

I'm telling you
because I'm taking a risk here.

What, I have to compensate you?

You want to screw?

No. Well, you could...

You could offer me a little bit of hope.
We could go out, have a coffee...

No, I don't go out with security guards.

You should clarify
that you don't go out with anyone.

What happened? Did they cancel bingo?

- I'm Elvira.
- My mom.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hello.

My dear, you are
more than invited to eat here with us.

Empanadas and pizza.

John Hurtig said at the time,

"Yes, I threw away the thingy.
I didn't realize.

I didn't know it was a bullet."

He introduced the judicial gem
called "I didn't know."

She's obsessed. She spends
all her time watching and recording.

- Can't we just have our dinner in peace?
- You invited him.

Say what you will, the public
is not going to believe you.

Don't you realize that this guy
repeats everything he's told?

That it's all scripted?

- But who's writing it?
- The prosecution, the judicial family.

I don't really know the case,
but a bullet casing is made of lead.

You know, that won't flush down the toilet
just like that. It's heavy.

What're you doing?

It's intense to see this.

Let's go.


No. Don't do this.

We were going to go
by the forensic reports.

Certain things I have to try for myself.

- Go outside. Tell me what you hear.
- You're crazy.

Will you go outside?
Will you keep arguing? Go outside.


Did you hear anything?


Come in.

Where is it?

You can't hear anything.

No, and you were even waiting for it.

This wouldn't have been heard
by anyone, or any neighbors.

- Or a security guard outside.
- How unnerving!

And the walls are thick.

You also can't smell any gunpowder.

No, because it was absorbed by the...

the vapor.

That's why when Carrascosa got here,
the doctors and the masseuse,

nobody smelled anything.

As instructed, the exhumation
was carried out

on the indicated day on the now deceased
María Marta García Belsunce.

The body was located in the vault
in Recoleta Cemetery.

It was received by the Morgue
of the Forensic Medical Corps

in order to proceed with the autopsy

arranged by the District Attorney's Unit
Number 2 of San Isidro.

María Marta García Belsunce, 50 years,
marital status, married,

pronounced dead
on October 27th at 7 p.m.

in the bathroom of her house,
at the Querandíes Country Club

located in Pilar, Buenos Aires.

There are two ribs with fractures
of a non-vital characteristic nature,

presumably produced
one hour after the time of death,

during the movements applied
when attempting resuscitation.

It's sunken around here.

In this area,
there was a loss of encephalitic mass.

I need to notify the DA.

District Attorney's office.

Yes, one moment, please.


It's the medical examiner.

Thank you.


All right.

Thanks for that.

There's one, two, three, four,

a fifth orifice further back

and right here, a sixth orifice.

I'll get it!


There were five projectiles.

And there were six lesions
found in the skin

that coincide
with the marks on the cranium.

And they all belong
to the same mechanism.

Her death occurred due
to the traumatic cardiorespiratory arrest

caused by shots
from a firearm to the cranium.

All right. Thanks very much.

Keep me updated, please.

Talk later.