Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 39 - Zing Your Heart Out - full transcript

When Adorabat starts to aggressively heckle everyone with her new zing power, she threatens the entire kingdom.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ I love you
♪ I love you, Mao Mao
♪ Finally, my dreams
are coming true ♪
♪ You're showing me how
♪ How to be a hero like you
Ugh,where is the wait staff?
Somebody get over here
and take my money!
[ Growls ]
Dude, chill.
It's free sushi day.
Nothing in this worldis free.
Yeah, I don't know why
they give this stuff away.
Ooh! Bleh! Ooh!
Ugh! Guh!
No -- No, it's staying down.
It's good.[ Laughs ]
How dare you laugh at me
eating something grossly?
No, no, no.
I just thought
of a really good joke.
Uh, did I hear you
write jokes?
Lay it on me, jerk.Okay!
Adorabat, don't humorthis clown. All right?
We get tons of complaints abouthow annoying he is every day.
[ Laughs ] I get it.
You're afraid
of my expert zingers
burning your routine --
me, Chester Nutz.
Nuts to you!
[ Laughs ]
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
What is blue and smells
like red paint?
Blue paint![ Laughs ]
A very good jape,
Sure, if you like
wimpy jokes for babies.
Your jokes stink worse
than all the free sushi.
Eww, whee,
[ Laughter ]
[ Whimpers ]That's it. Come here.
Uh, hold up.
You got to zing him back,Adorabat.
Hit him with something funny.
Hmm. Okay, um, what did
the apple say to the orange?
Because apples
don't talk?
Stee-rike out!
Nuts to this one,
am I right, folks?
Nyun, nyun, nyun.
Stop making fun of her.
You know what I'm saying, folks,who keep hogging the toilet?
Why did the chicken cross
the road?
To get away from your weakbaby jokes!
What about the one
about the ghost?
What's the matter?You can't take a joke?
[ Laughs ]
Mao Mao: Chester!
That jerk.
Made me feel bad
with his jokes.
I wish I could make him feel badwith my jokes!
[ Indistinct whispering ]
Let go of me!
I ain't done with my zings!
Hold my joke-ity book.
You think you're funny?
You have as much humor
as a chopstick!
-What are you?
Some kind of
messed up cactus?
Even without
all of your spikes,
nobody wants to hug you because
you are such a huge jerk!
[ Laughter ]
Aw, jeez, oh, gosh!
I really got roasted!
Sick burns, Adorabat!
Way to stand up
for yourself.
A baddie is in the park!
To the park!
Ah!Is that all you've got?
The Ruby Pure Heart
will be ours!
Not today, Orangusnake.
[ Laughs ]
I'm gonna smash you!
You're about to get wreckedby my neck!
Ah! Whoa!
[ Laughs ]
Any last words?
I'd tell you, but even
with your height,
it'd still go
right over your head!
You saying I'm...
not smart?
Ramaraffe: Boss!
Boss!What's going on?
Guh.What did you do to her?
Oh, you couldn't
figure it out?
[ Chuckles ]
For someone with two brains,
you're not very bright.
No! No!
Oh, oh, my ego!
It's so bruised!
Mm, nobody likes you.
Oh, Adorabat, I didn't knowyou had powers.
I thoughtwe shared everything?
I guess I can zing people now.
I don't like it.
Something's not right.
We're gonna have to check this
out back at HQ, or...
Um, I am fine.Excuse me.
I'm selling flowers
for my school trip,
so if you could
please buy a flower,
so I could afford
to go to the hospital to...
Kevin, your face looks like
a messed-up pancake.
Why would you do that
to me?
I'm a little boy
on my birthday.
Silence, pancake,
lest ye be buttered.
Adorabat, stop.
He's just a child!
Y'all are just jealous
because you don't got powers
like me!
Oh, no.
Emotional pain, ugh,is devastating.
It feels like the weight
of 1,000 planets.
Why, Adorabat, why?
I don't know
what came over me.
One second, I'm getting mad,
and the next thing you know...
[ Indistinct whispering ]
What's that?
You want me to zing everyone
who's ever annoyed me?
Adorabat, wait!
My ego.
[ All gasp ]
Hey, Adorabat!
What -- What's
with your eyeballs?
Cluckins,what's with your face?
You like like
an overcooked batch
of scrambled eggs
in a diaper!
She's right.
It does look like
I'm wearing a diaper.
Oh, ow!
Oh, my feelings,
my self-respect!
I can't feel
my self-respect!
Ah!Hold it together, man.
You just annihilated
his confidence!
No, no, no.
Hold on a minute!
Marion,you overgrown
You've got less personalitythan a wet cracker,
and Penny's accent
is fake!
How did she know?
Your dance moves are as stale
as Muffins' baking!
Disgusting, sweaty
waste of space,
even trash bags
don't wanna be your friend!
she's got a point.
Hey-o, what's happening,party people?
Youch![ Laughs ]
[ Indistinct whispering ]
Huh, yeah, taking over
the castle
and ruling over
Pure Heart Valley
forever does sound nice.
King Snugglemagne:
What are you doing here?
Why are you looking at me
like that?
Please don't approach me.
No. I'm very --
I'm very fragile!
[ Screaming ]
I can't believe you would say
something so hurtful
about my wardrobe choices!
What? My crown?
Just take it!
Just no more sick burns,
I beg you!
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughter echoes ]
Oh, no, no, no.
Adorabat has zinged
the entire town!
♪ La, da, da, da, da
♪ Taking teeth Pinky, what are you doing?
Uh, stealing teeth.
Why don't you pay attention
when someone's singing?
Tell me how you survived.
Survived what?
Adorabat's attack!
Don't play dumb with me.Yeah, I'll tell you.
Ooh, you got a little
something down here.
[ Laughs ]
Ha, eat it losers!
Hey! I worked hard
to steal those!
Give them back!
Give them back!
I don't know. I might take
these teeth for myself.
My mouth is act...
You know, actually has been
feeling a little roomy lately.
I'm gonna take these
for myself.
Okay, okay.
I'll talk!
I'll talk.
I hate myself.
Therefore, I'm invincible.
Hate ourselves?
That's it!
Badgerclops,if we zing ourselves,
we'll neutralize
Adorabat's attack!
[ Laughs ]
[ Whistles ]
What about my teeth?
[ Laughs ]
All right, Adorabat.
I'm royalty now.
Your -- Your bug platter,my king?
Has anyone told you that
without your crown,
your head
looks like a butt?
And, Mao Mao,
your head looks like a crow!
[ Crow caws ]
She's getting stronger.
You're just saying that
because you're weak!
Hey, psst, Mao Mao.
Do you think
she'll find us?
So do we have a plan?
Yes. Pinky's technique,remember?
Zing yourself!Wait, seriously?
That's the worst idea
I've ever heard.
[ Chuckles ]
I don't know which is worse --
your dodging skills
or your...
My neck?
[ Chuckles ] That's right!
It looks like a half-melted
ice cream cone.
It's terrible.
Badgerclops, it's working.
Zing yourself.
Well, I'm...bad.
Badgerclops, that...
Uh, uh, Mao Mao?
zing yourself!
I can't.
It's too strong!
Mm, ah!
Fight it, Adorabat,
fight it!
[ Screams ]
Get out of my head!
Stop whispering at me!
Oh, yay!
She's doing it!
She's controlling her power!
Zing yourself now,
My skin smells
like old cantaloupe!
I'm okay!
Ah! Ugh!
Dude, I told you we shouldn't
have listened to Pinky!
That's not
the real Adorabat.
She's possessed!
There's only one thing
we can do to end this.
Your life is a joke!
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Ugh!Adorabat's joke book?
Yup, positive jokes,
the exact opposite
of insult-comedy stylings.
Read these aloud with me,
Both: Where does an 800-pound
gorilla sit?
Wherever it wants!
That joke was lame!
Both: What did the apple say
to the orange?
Apples don't talk!
[ Chuckles ]
Dude, what are we gonna dowithout her joke book?
We don't need it!
I know all her jokes
by heart.
What's blue and smells
like red paint?
Blue paint!
Uh? Ah!
Adorabat, thank goodness
you're all right.
We almost...
-[ Clears throat ]
Might we have our crownand kingdom back, hmm, yes?
I'm sorry for beingsuch a monster today.
Uh, you're a monster
every day.
That was a good zinger,
only good one today.
Let's just put all this
behind us, okay?
It was just another
weird day
in Pure Heart Valley.
[ Chuckles ]
A little too weird.
The only thing weird here
is your face. [ Laughs ]
Got him.
Chester, Chester, hey, you knowwhat's better than a zing?
Uh, what?
Physical comedy.[ Chuckles ] Wait.
What --
what are you doing now?
No, no, no, no!