Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 29 - Fright Wig - full transcript

When the King cannot overcome his fears, he abuses having the Sheriff's Dept. on call.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ I love you
♪ I love you, Mao Mao
♪ Finally, my dreams
are coming true ♪
♪ Show me how
♪ How to be a hero like you
[ Growling ]
[ Alarm blares ]
♪ Save my bacon,
I'm really in a jam ♪
[ Voice squabbling
indistinctly ]
Oh, yeah? Well, my best friend
is a cop, guy!
So, you better --
Wait, how -- how old are you?
Hey, y'all,
what's up?Badgerclops.
How long has the King's
emergency alarm been going off?
Dude, forever!
Do you think
you could get it for me?
I'm a little busy.
[ Slurping ]
[ Clink ]
[ Grumbling ] Tell your friends
you have to go!
Ugh! Fine!
Go to bed, kid.
What do you think the king
called us here for, anyway?
He probably saw...
a slug in a diaper.
[ Laughs ] What?
Dude, you're loopy.
We're here!
What's the emergency?
Whoa! Egad!
Nothing! [ Chuckles nervously ]
Nothing is wrong.
Nothing is wrong.
Uh, what are you doing here?
Didn't you set off
the emergency alarm?
I most certainly
did not!
Someone pressed it
on accident.
What are y'all doing
out of bed?
What's with those
torn tapestries, huh?!
I'm redecorating.The cake?
We're having a birthday party
for the floor, naturally.
Hmph! Look,
I'm not leaving
until I figure out
what's going on here.
Fine. Then, um,
it was Quentin.
Take him away.
Mao Mao, I'm not sure the King
is telling the truth.
[ Sighs ]
Look at the poor fool.
Ahh.Shoo. Get out of here.
Just go.
He's clearly
been shaken.
That alarm didn't go off
for no reason.
Looks like the king's
been compromised.
We're gonna have to figure
this out on our own.Yeah!
The fate of the entire kingdom
could be at stake.
Alright, listen up!
Anyone with information
on the disturbance here tonight,
step forward, please.Uhp! Break time's over.
Back to work, everyone!
Chop, chop!
Oh, I swear these labor laws
will be the end of me.
Oh! [ Laughs ]
Were we still talking?
My apologies.
It's even worse
than I thought.
We're gonna have to kick
this investigation up a notch.
To the kitchens!
Yo, I was about to say
the same thing.
I can't let them discover...
the truth!
What did you say?Ohh! Nothing. Nothing.
Uh, nothing at all.[ Growls ]
Okay! Ha!
[ Sighs ]
[ Humming ]
Rhett the Chef. [ Chuckles ]
A little jumpy, are we?
Oh, my gah!
Now, Rhett.
[ Chuckles ]
You didn't happen
to see anything...
unusual tonight,
did you?
[ Stammering ] I'm sorry.
You make me very nervous.
Tell me, Rhett.
What do you know about...this?!
Wait, what happened
to the evidence?
How many times
do I have to tell you
not to eat
the evidence, alright?!
Aah! Aah!
[ Sighs ]
Alright, now, where was I?
Oh, yeah.
What do you know
about the king's baked goods,
you criminal?!
What am I holding?
Uh, oh, geez.
No. No, not again.
Listen, Adorabat, you're gonna
have to take the fall for this.
They'll go easy on you.
You're a kid.
Mao Mao! I've already got
our bags packed!
We'll be gone
before anyone even --
it's just fruit!
[ Laughs nervously ]
I knew that.
Our first witness was replaced
by a watermelon dummy.
Something is
going on here.
Guard number two!
Did you see anything strange
in the palace tonight?
Well, uh, you know,
now that you mention it,
Sheriff, you know,
the king did say --
you know, he shared a bit
of a secret. Oh!
What's that?
[ Laughs ]
Someone's throwing
our candy out here!
Oh! Oh!Focus up! Focus up!
Come on. The king's life
could be at stake!
Ohh! Oh,
that's tasty. Ohh.
What is
going on here?!
my newest creation!
This baby shoots a beam
directly through your brain,
forcibly exposing
your deepest fear!
[ Laughs maniacally ]Is that --
Is that ethical?
We asked you
about the king.
Did you see
what happened tonight?
Hmm, so, you want to know
what I saw?
Come on!
[ Whimpers ]
Oh, no!
I ran down the stairs as soon
as I heard the king scream.
No!And when
I got there...
Oh, no! No!
...I saw...
rainbows on fire.
You're all just
rainbows on fire!
[ Laughing maniacally ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Shing, shing! ]
Mao Mao: I knew it.
Fruit, hard candies,
Rhett the Chef!
You're undermining
our investigation.
The only thing
I don't understand is...why.
Now, now, Mao Mao.
Isn't it obvious?
It's just like you said.
The King's scared.
He just needs...
exposure therapy.
[ Laughs evilly ]
But, Badgerclops,
we don't even know
what the King is
scared of.
There's something
for all to fear in...
Hall of Horrors!
[ Laughs evilly,
coughs ]
We will notgo
in that terrible place!
You -- You --
You cannot make us!
Let the healing begin.
[ Chuckles ]
This is so messed up.
I actually have a really good
feeling about this.
I wish I was as smart as you,
Keep watching TV, Adorabat.
Keep watching TV.
[ Deep voice ]
Beware all who enter here!
For within these unhallowed
halls lies fear itself!
A fear of the unknown!
No, no, no, no![ Coughs]
[ Normal voice ] Wait.
This voice is hard to do.
Is this it?
Just a bunch of nothing?
It's not very scary.
Uh, it's supposed
to be conceptual, dude.
Y-You don't --
You don't even get it.
You earned the Hall
of Sudden Loud Noises, you jerk!
Say what, now?[ Air horn blares ]
[ Screaming ][ Car horn honking ]
That's very sudden.
[ Balloon pops ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Yawns ]
Night shift's really improved
since you installed
that coffee maker
in your robo-arm.
Dude, that's not coffee.
[ Whimpers ]
Okay, now that
you're all therapied,
do you want to tell us
what you saw?
[ All shouting "Tell us!" ]
I'm not going to tell
you uncouth brigands a thing!
After all this,
you're still not going to --
Mao Mao, alright.
Your Highness,
I was just wondering
if maybeyou might
consider telling me.
wrong with you?!
It is way past my bedtime,
and, brother,
I am feeling cranky!
Adorabat! I like where
you're going with this,
but I think I've got
an even better idea.
[ Laughs evilly ] Borrowed this
back at Camille's lab.
Ooh! Didn't she say that it'll
rip the deepest,
darkest fear
directly from your brain?
It's ethical!!
What do you plan to do with --
Is this messed up?
This feels messed up.
No, I'm sure
it's fine.
Get ready, y'all.
We got company!
These guys are tough
for being...
weird silhouettes.
Um, if this represents
what the king fears...
then -- Ha! --
he fears us?
But we're
always saving him!
You peasants!
I don't need saving!
Then what are you hiding?!
Well, if you really
wanted to know,
you would have been a lot nicer,
then, wouldn't you?
♪ Nooooooo
♪ When you showed up
in the night ♪
♪ I was scared out of my mind
♪ I didn't dream
that you would come here ♪
♪ Just to hurt my pride
♪ But you mocked me,
and you laughed ♪
♪ When I tried to share
my pain ♪
♪ I won't be shamed
♪ And my fire can't be tame
♪ Though I
♪ I admit I was afraid
♪ My mama didn't raise me
just to cower in your shade ♪
♪ And if I told you
all my secrets ♪
♪ All my fear and all my pain
♪ Would you listen, no
♪ Or treat me with disdain?
♪ Whoooooa,
Whoooooa ♪
♪ Whooooa
That's right.
♪ You three fools
are giving me a migraine ♪
♪ My liege, we're only here
to serve you ♪
♪ Well, you're driving me
insaaaane ♪
♪ Just tell me
what to slash ♪
♪ Try listening
instead ♪
♪ If you push
until he pops ♪
♪ You'll never
get inside his head ♪
King Snugglemagne:
♪ Ohhhhhhh
This song makes me feel like
we've been too judgmental.
But it is catchy.
[ Laughs ]
Maybe we should start
listening, then.
Hey! I'm having a moment
of introspection here!
♪ Whooooooooa
♪ My fiiire cannot be
♪ Taaaa--
[ Coughing ]
Oh, no, no, no.
That was too high.
That was too high.
[ Sighs ]
I was afraid that if I told you
what scared me in the night,
you'd only laugh.
[ Blows ]
[ Chuckles ]
That was...
a lovely tune,
Your Grace, but we still
don't understand
why you won't tell us
what you're afraid of!
[ Scoffs ] For the love --
I'm afraid of your opinion!
Okay?! You're all so judgmental
and pushy, so I thought,
"Oh, you know,
write a tasteful little song
to express how I feel."
But no!
You didn't get it!
And you were
a little flat.
I wasn't flat!
I -- Please,
Your Grace, we're sorry.
But we're here now.
I'm sorry. We can listen
real good. I swear.
what's wrong, guy?
[ Sighs ]
Oh, alright.
Well, I got up
in the middle of the night...
for a whole cake.A whole cake?!
No judgments!
Anyway, yes,
a whole cake.
And I was taking it back up
to my room
for some midnight nibbles
when I thought I heard a sound.
That's when I saw it!
A reflection of me,
your king, wigless!
Wait. That'swhat
you were afr--
Thank you, Your Grace,
for sharing that.
It must have been
extremely difficult for you.
It's the only imperfection
we have, and I'm,
well, a bit self-conscious
about it, you know.
Hey, man.
It's okay.
No one looks good at 3:00 a.m.
You know what I'm saying?
[ Laughs ] Yes, well,
some of us, I suppose.
Fear not, My Liege.
We shall take care
of this straight away,
and you needn't worry
any further.
Oh, thank you!
Uh, uh, Ronald!
Take the rest of the night off!
We don't need you.
[ Thunder crashing ]
Together: Gorgeous! Gorgeous!
You look good, sir!
Ahh! Yes.