Mannix (1967–1975): Season 3, Episode 16 - A Chance at the Roses - full transcript

Against his better judgment, Mannix agrees to look into the case of a young man who twice robbed the same pharmacy seeking drugs. The second time, he shot one of the employees, but even though the police had the pharmacy staked out, he managed to escape. The accused man's wife hires Mannix, insisting that her husband was incapable of committing such a crime. Mannix initially finds little to encourage him, but as he delves into the background of the man who was shot, he finds that the police account of what supposedly happened doesn't add up.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Well, Lieutenant, do you
still think it was a good tip?

Ah, it's beginning to look sour.

A guy'd be crazy to hit the
same place twice in one week.

Well, he got enough
narcotics the last time

to do crazier things than that.

Oh, hi. Can I help you?

Oh, yeah, yeah. It'll
take about an hour.

I'll grab a sandwich.


Alex, you want to take that?


Now, wait a minute. There's
still another guy in there.

Well, he'll be out as
soon as he finishes

looking at the girlie books.

(rotary dialing)

Give me a bag of stuff.

Hey, you're the same
kid that robbed us before.

Come on. Don't jive me, man.

Give me that gun.

Johnson, don't!

LEVINE: Give him
whatever he wants!

I'll burn you, I swear!

Now, you don't scare
me this time, kid.

(gun fires)

(gun fires)

Get him, Lundell, alive!

I want him alive.

Now, look, he won't get far.

We'll throw a net
around the area.

You get an ambulance.

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

Good morning!

Good morning.

Your coffee's
already on your desk.

Okay, Peggy. What is it?

What's what?

Well, when you show
up bright and early,

and cheerful as Santa Claus,
and the coffee's already made,

then you're after something.

(sighs) I can't get away
with anything, can I?

Well, you can try.

This is a copy of the police
report on Danny Lavor.

Who? Danny Lavor.

The police say that
he held up a drugstore.

Yeah. I heard something
about that on the radio.

He was after narcotics,
shot the pharmacist.


Well, why this? It sounds like
an open-and-shut case to me.

I know it does.

But I told his wife that you'd
look at the report anyway.


Oh, well, she... she
seems so... vulnerable.

Okay, I'll get around
to it later, huh?

Uh, Joe, would
you get to it now?

What's so important about now?

She's outside in
the office, waiting.



Okay, Peggy. Yeah, but
don't call me. I'll call you.

Yes, sir.

Will he take the
case, do you think?

I don't know, Marge.

Well, he's had 15 minutes
to look at the police report.

I know, honey.

Well, shouldn't you
go in and ask him?

It's always better to
wait for him to call me.

MANNIX: Peggy!

No dice.


There's no case to
take, Peggy, period.

Oh, Joe, just talk to
her, please, for me?

Why don't you just tell
her what I said, Peggy?

Oh, Joe, she believes so hard.

Maybe she'll let go if
you explain it to her.


Mrs. Lavor, Mr. Mannix.

How do you do?

Please sit down.

Mrs. Lavor, I'd
really like to help you,

but, well, this police
report gives me no choice.

There's nothing I
can do for Danny.

He didn't do what
they say he did.

Well, now, they've
got an eyewitness

that saw him shoot
a man, Mrs. Lavor.

And Danny also held up that
drugstore a few days earlier

and got away with a
large quantity of narcotics.

Danny doesn't shoot
people, Mr. Mannix.

Well, uh, what you
really need is an attorney,

not a private investigator.

He didn't shoot that man,

and he... and he didn't
try to rob that drugstore.

Mrs. Lavor, I know the
police officer on this case.

He doesn't make mistakes.

It's as simple as that.

Danny didn't have
to rob a drugstore.

We... we have plenty of money.

We... Almost $2,000. We have
saved every week for a year.

$1,920, to be exact.

Where did the money come from?

Danny's been working two jobs.

We were saving for a house.

I can give you his bosses' names
and their telephone numbers.

Mrs. Lavor...

Did you know your
husband was on drugs?

Danny hasn't used
anything in more than a year.

He couldn't have
held two jobs if he had.

This police report
says he was high

when he attempted
to rob that drugstore.

Well, I would have known
if he were back on drugs.

I would have
known it, Mr. Mannix.

(sighs) All right, Mrs.
Lavor. No promises.

I don't think there's
anything I can do to help,

but... I'll, uh, see
what I can find out.

And you believe her, Joe?

Well, she was awfully
convincing, Clay.

Did you talk to her?

What for?

You've seen the
report on the case.

What can I tell you?

Who gave you the tip that Lavor
was going to hit that drugstore?

A reliable source.

Yeah, I guess.

Practically fell into your arms

when he came
running out of that place.

How did you find that out?

I have my reliable sources.

Oh, and did you also find out

that the guy Danny Lavor
shot is on the critical list?


I don't get what you want, Joe.

Well, I'm not sure.


Well, for instance,

why would you be staking
out a drugstore heist?

You're a Detective, Lieutenant.

That's like a vice
president to us civilians.

And vice presidents
don't sit around in cars

waiting for somebody

who just might come around

or then again might not.

That was my tip.

So I went.

Say... why don't
you tell Mrs. Lavor

to save her money
for a good attorney.

She doesn't need you.


Danny Lavor has
money in the bank.

Did you know that, Clay?

Joe... And he was off dope.

Look, we got the
barely warm body

of a pharmacist in the hospital.

We got a bullet fired from a gun

that Danny Lavor had in his hand

when he came running out of
that drugstore, high as a kite.

Yeah, and you got a witness that
saw Lavor shoot the pharmacist.

I know. You've
got all of the cards.

Then drop out.

Why didn't you
let Delaney shoot?

I was just talking to Delaney.

I told him you wouldn't mind.

I wanted Danny Lavor alive.

My door is always open, Joe.

Look, Clay, if there's
some sort of problem

with this thing, just say so.

This is no big deal.

Oh, come on, Clay,
what's going on?

Oh, pardon me.

Come in, Delaney.

Is there anything else
I can do for you, Joe?

What's he doing on the case?

I don't know.

You want something?

Yeah. I was going over
the file here on Lavor.

Can't find the
ballistics report.

Well, it's got to be
around here somewhere.

All right, whenever
you're through.


What we want the public
to know about this case

is in the report,
you understand?

Anything else is to
be cleared through me.

You mean that
goes for Mannix, too?

It goes for anybody
not in the department.

Okay, Lieutenant.

Anything else?


I want to be kept
on the Lavor case.

You've got plenty to do.

Look, I'll bring him
back in one piece,

if that's the way you want it.

You mean as a special favor
to me, you'll bring him in alive?

I wasn't trying to kill him.

Just trying to
fire over his head

so he'd be scared
and stop running.

Okay, Delaney.


An awful thing to have happened.

And for what?

He shouldn't have
tried to get the boy's gun.

Mm. That was the same boy

who got away with the
narcotics earlier in the week?

Yes, the same.

There's no doubt about that.

I yelled at Johnson to give
him what he wants, but...

Yes, Miss?

Thank you.

(cash register bell dings)

But... oh, well, too
late for "buts" now.

Uh, why do you suppose Johnson
didn't give him what he wanted?

I don't know.

He did the first time.

He gave him almost
everything we had,

which is exactly
what I would've done,

and I told him so.

That's strange, isn't it?

Maybe he was embarrassed.

I told him a hundred times
it could happen to anyone.

Have you ever
been robbed before?

No, never.

Maybe it was just his luck.

Too bad.

He knew most of my
customers by name

just after a few weeks.

How few?

Four. To the day.

You were robbed twice during
the four weeks he was here,

but never before.

Not in seven years.

Tell me, where did you find him?

Well, I advertise in
a pharmacy journal.

He sent me a
letter and a picture.

He'd worked for
a chain in Miami.

Now wait, you
don't think that...?

I don't know, but, uh,
if he was on the take,

he sure got the short end.

I couldn't be so wrong.

Johnson was a nice man...
and a good pharmacist.

Check him out. You'll see.

You're sure about Johnson?

Absolutely sure.

He had a reference all right,

but it turned out to be
an empty store in Miami.

And the phone number?

An empty apartment.

After I checked the reference,
the phone was disconnected.

Call Mrs. Lavor.

Find out if Danny
was ever in Miami

or if he's got
any friends there.

Still looks like
he's guilty, huh?

Yeah, that's what bothers me.

I've never seen
anything fall apart so fast

and still look exactly the same.


Yes, Doctor, I'll
take care of it.

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Escobar, Admitting Desk, please.

Dr. Escobar,
Admitting Desk, please.

Excuse me, this is
Mr. Johnson's room, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

What can you tell me about him?


I'm sorry, Mr. Mannix... Orders.


Oh, by the way,

do you still have
that pretty secretary?

Peggy Fair? Yeah.

Please tell Peggy that a
Richard Tompkins, Jr. says hi.

Will do, Mr. Tompkins.

Thank you.

WOMAN (over P.A. system):
Dr. Burrows, please call 125 West.

Dr. Burrows. Please call
125 West, Dr. Burrows.

Nurse, how is the
patient in 620 doing?

Mr. Johnson is
off the critical list,

but his condition
is still serious.

Uh, could I see him?

No visitors. I'm sorry.

Has his wife been by?


No. No one.

Not since I've been on duty.


WOMAN (over P.A.)
Dr. Heinz, outside call.

Thank you, Nurse.

Dr. Heinz, outside call.


Hey, who's Johnson?

He's a pharmacist
with a hole in him.

A sick man should have
visitors to cheer him up.

Well, he's in very
serious condition.

Oh, come on now.

A bullet wound's not
a contagious disease.

Who is he, Clay?


Now, look, I can't
possibly know more

about Johnson than you do.

Why don't you level with me?

I'll let you know when
Lavor's in custody.

You'll be the first to know
and the first to talk to him.

Until then, why
don't you just...

Look, I checked out that
bullet-scarred pharmacist

you've got locked
up down the hall.

He's a phony.

The reference he gave
was an empty store in Miami,

and I checked
with the state office

that licenses pharmacists, and
they never heard of Johnson.

And I'll give you ten to one

that his name isn't
Johnson, either.

Now, don't tell me
you didn't know that.

Forget it! Give it up!

I can't.

The farther I go into
it, the wilder it gets.

Next thing you know, I'll...
find out where you fit in.

Clay... you'd better
protect yourself.

I'm going to ride
this all the way down.

(brakes screeching)

What are you selling, Vodich?


Stop digging into the
Danny Lavor stickup.

Ah, you've been reading my mail.

Keep your nose out, understand?

Or what?

Or I'll blow it off.

Now, why would
the mob be interested

in a small-time stickup?

You're working too hard.

Take a vacation starting now.

Ah, it's sure nice to
have friends who care.

(engine revving,
tires screeching)

I'll just make sure
this is registered.

One favor deserves another.


It's your nose.

Cop... and a hood...

both want me off of the case.


Don't know.

I watched Johnson's
hospital room for many hours,

and the traffic was zero.

Including nurses?

Doctors and everybody.

It's pretty strange

for a man who just slid
from critical to serious.

Maybe he's treating himself.

Mrs. Lavor wasn't any help, huh?


You think she's telling
you the truth, Peggy?

Oh, yes, of course.

(car horn honking)

(gasps) Hmm. He's right on time.

Give my regards to
Richard Tompkins, Jr.


Oh, and Peggy,

if you can find out anything
from him about Johnson,

give me a call, huh?

Whatever time it happens to be.

This is going to
be a social evening.

I was only kidding.

You aren't kidding,
and you know it.

Go on, have fun.


Oh, Peggy, would you leave me

Mrs. Lavor's phone
number and address?

I thought I might...

Mrs. Lavor's phone
number and address

are right there on
your memo pad.

Oh, so it is.

I told her to expect you this
evening, that you'd be by.

Oh, you did?

Mm-hmm. I knew you
wouldn't be satisfied

that she didn't know anything
unless you questioned her.

Uh, Peggy, look, I was
really kidding about trying

to find out something
from Richard Tompkins, Jr.

Unless, of course, he happens
to volunteer the information.

Then I think it would be
very rude of you not to listen.


I'll do what I can.

I'll see you tomorrow.

MARGE: They've
been there all day long.

Same two men.

I've been afraid to go out.

That's a good idea.

And I wouldn't let
anyone in, either.


Well, what would the
mob want with Danny?

Well, he must be
working for them.

No, I can't believe that.

I just can't.

I hate to dent the faith
you have in your husband,

but I can't think of
any other explanation.

You haven't dented
my faith, Mr. Mannix.

I asked Peggy to get a list
of Danny's friends from you.

She didn't get any.

Since we've been married,

Danny's given
up his old friends.

Except for the
people he works for

at the restaurant
and the garage,

he doesn't have friends
like you're talking about.

Nobody that would
hide him from the police.

What about relatives?

None he trusts.

I just can't believe

that there'd be no
one he could turn to.

And I don't think I'd
rule out his old friends.

Well, I do.

I'm sorry.

I was just trying to help you.

I sound awfully sure
of myself, don't I?

Yeah, but that's okay, too.

Well, maybe...

Maybe it is wishful thinking.

Danny's father lives in town.

William Lavor.

I've never met him,
but I don't like him

because of what
Danny told me about him.

You think Danny's hiding there?


I don't think he'd go there
if his life depended on it.

Not after what his
father did to him.

But I could be wrong.

After all...

he's got to hide
someplace, doesn't he?

(TV playing) LAVOR:
Television! Television!

That's all you do
is look at television!

CLARA: We can
only get one channel

'cause you're too
cheap to have it fixed.

(people yelling, gunfire and
dramatic music plays on TV)

(TV turns off)

What do you... want?

Is, uh, Mr. Lavor in?

Yeah, he's here.

Could I talk to him?
LAVOR: Come on in!

Mr. Lavor?

Yeah, that's who I am.

My name is Mannix.

I'm a private investigator.

Could we talk?

Go ahead. Talk.

It's about your son, Danny.

We just stopped talking.

I'm looking for Danny.

Well, he ain't here.

He ain't got brain one,

but he's smart enough
not to show around me.

Clara, get me a beer!

Then you haven't
seen Danny lately?

Not since he was 15,

and I kicked his
rump out of here.


They grow their hair long,

they think the world
owes them a living.

Clara, the beer!

One beer coming up.

Oh. What's the matter with you?

Now it's all shook up.


What a dame.

Do you have any idea
where Danny would hide?

Who might take him in?

I don't know.

Why do you want him?

His wife hired me to get
him out of the trouble he's in.

Hired you, huh?

Married a rich wife, did he?


Danny's actually
holding down two jobs.

Well, not that it
makes any difference,

but, uh, what's he done?

The police say
armed robbery with...

with assault and battery.

His wife thinks he's innocent.

The man he shot
is in the hospital.


That's right.


You can forget about
him shooting anybody.

Why's that?

Oh, you want to
know about that, huh?


First Father's Day
present I ever got.

Pretty good, huh?

Why do you think Danny
wouldn't shoot anyone?

Because he's chicken.

Not like me, I'll tell you.

Ha! Nothing scares me!

Him? Huh.

He used to jump out of his
skin if a door shut too hard.

Why wouldn't Danny shoot a gun?

Well, when he was a little kid,

me and him was fooling
around with this gun of mine,

and it went off, and it
nicked his mother's arm.

Uh, not Clara. She's
my second mistake.


Anyway, the kid
started shaking all over

and-and crying like a baby.

Later, I tried to get
him to use a gun again,

but every time he got near one,

his hands'd shake
like he had the DTs.

It's in his Army record, too.

Just couldn't handle guns.

Well, uh, thanks.

Say, if you see the little punk,

tell him thanks for picking
me up the 30 bucks.

I only gave you $20.

The other guy gave me ten.

What other guy?

The guy that was
here before you.

And what'd you tell him?

Same as I told you.

Who was he?

I don't know what his name was.

He didn't tell me
and I didn't ask.


I know.

LAVOR: Clara, give me a beer.

WOMAN (over PA): Dr. Graham,
Admitting Desk, please.

Dr. Graham.

Sounded urgent.

The boss sent me right out.

It is.

You found Danny Lavor?

No, but I found his old man.

He says Danny
couldn't shoot anybody.

But the drugstore?

The guy was shot, wasn't he?


Or maybe he's gonna get shot.

What's going on?

Shut up. Move.

Room 620.

WOMAN (over P.A.): Dr. Bramble,
please call the operator.

Dr. Bramble... Just a minute.

Nobody goes in there.

Well, who're you kidding?

I, uh, I dropped off
fresh linen yesterday.

That was yesterday.

I've got orders...
Nobody goes in.

Well, what'll we do with them?

How should I...

Hey, you're a new
man, aren't you?

I'm the relief man.


Let me have your wallet.

Uh, two fingers.

That's right.

Now, hand it over.

Throw it over here.

Yeah, Personnel.

Yeah, have you got a, uh...

a Claude Travis working here?

Yeah, I'll wait.


No, no, that's
fine. (line clicks)

Okay, Travis.

(wry chuckle): Sorry.

It's all yours.

Throw it over here
on the bed, friend.


Now, why are you
playing like you're shot?

Hey, you're in the wrong room.

You want to take
the fall playing dumb,

that's okay with me.

Now, look, I'm
just taking orders.

They don't tell me why.

Where's Danny Lavor?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

We'll find him.

In the closet.

I have my instructions,
Mr. Mannix.

I'm sorry.

If Johnson is in no trouble,

what happened
to his police guard?

Why, I don't know.

I think you'd better
wait right here.

WOMAN (over P.A.): Dr. Bramble,
please call the operator.

WOMAN: Dr. Bramble...

(mice squealing)

(mice squealing)

(gun cocking)



We're not supposed to kill him.

They'll be all over
here looking for us.

The pharmacist is a fake.

A cop.

The whole thing's a setup.

Let's go.

Hey, take it easy.

Why didn't you call me
instead of doing it all yourself?


'Cause I didn't
trust you anymore.


Well, you probably
saved the lives of my men.

Johnson here is one of my boys.

He works in the pathology lab.

You see, part of the
robbery was planned

and part of it wasn't.

You mean the part, uh,
where Danny ran away?


We staged the whole stickup.

Johnson here
pretended to be shot.

The drugstore owner didn't
know anything about him

except for the fake
references that we worked up.

So Danny, who
used to be an addict,

knocks over a drugstore
for the narcotics,

pretends to shoot Johnson, is
caught, and you put him away

without bail for as
long as you want.

Why? The mob?

Yeah, you see, Danny
used to work as a liaison man

and courier for them
on the North Side.

Well, he got married
and wanted to go straight,

so he agreed to
tell us everything:

names, places, amounts.

See, the idea was

that Danny was going
to give us the information

while the mob believed he
just, uh, went back on drugs,

knocked over a
drugstore and shot a guy.

Except the last minute, he ran.

Yeah, he panicked.

Maybe he, uh, changed his mind.

I don't know, but he
almost got himself shot.

Well, uh, wonder why he ran.

I mean, he had it made.

(phone ringing)


Yeah, this is Lockwood.

Yeah, patch him
through to me, will you?

This is Delaney
at the Lavor place.

Well, ask him if the mob is
still, uh, watching her place.

Anything happening
at the Lavor place?

Nothing yet.

Anything on the wiretap?


Listen, Mannix tells me

the mob's got Mrs. Lavor's
place staked out, too.

Well, that's news to
me, but I'll check it out.

All right, you keep
your eyes open, huh?

I want Danny Lavor.

Okay, Lieutenant.


(line clicks)

We'd better find
Danny before they do...

Now that they know
Johnson is a shill.

Yeah, well, the problem is that

Delaney's checked
out all the guys

that Lavor used
to hang in with...

And the girls, going
back five or six years.

I saw the report.

He's got no place to
hide but the streets.

(steady tone)

(tone stops)

MARGE (over headset): Danny.

DANNY (over headset):
How are you, baby?

Oh, never mind me.

How are you?

I'm fine, fine.

Everybody's looking
for you, Danny.


Yeah, yeah, I know.

MARGE: I've got someone
who's trying to help you.

He's a private investigator.

His name is Mannix.

But he says he's got to see you.

I need somebody
that I can level with.

Oh, Danny, I know you
didn't do what they say you did.

Oh, baby... I knew
they couldn't snow you.

Now, listen, uh...

the thing I miss most...
Besides you, Marge...

Is your home cooking.

My home cooking?

Especially your wine, Marge.


Now, don't say
anything more, baby.

Do you understand?

Uh... I'll bet you wish
you never met me, right?

I mean, I'll bet you wish you
were back being single, right?

I understand, Danny.

Oh, got to go.

I love you.

I love you.

(line clicks)


(line ringing)

She just heard from him.

Do something.


MARGE: Who is it?

Delivery Express.

Package for you.

All right.

Well, I can't get it
through there, ma'am.

Now, Mrs. Lavor, if
you'll just let me know

where I can find Danny,

everything will be fine.


Danny, Mrs. Lavor.

Where is he?

No, please.

I really wouldn't
want to hurt you.


You were right
across the street.

Now, how could it happen?

Well, I just never figured

anyone would want to get at her.

Just looked like a guy
delivering a package.

All right.

I want a man outside her
door till this thing is over,

do you understand? Yes, sir.

(tires squeaking)

How bad is she?

Well, she's had a
pretty rough going over.

Well, why isn't
she in a hospital?

She refused to go.

Wants to be here
when Danny gets home.

But the doc says
she'll be all right.

Look, I... LOCKWOOD: Listen.

She got a phone call from him.

Now I've listened
to that tape 20 times.

He tipped her to
where he's hiding,

but she's the only one that
knows how to decipher it.

I tried...

Look, she won't
tell me anything.

Can I talk to her?


Oh, Marge, I'm really
sorry this happened.

Well, I didn't tell them
anything, Mr. Mannix.

I know.

He just... He kept...
He kept hitting me.

But I didn't tell him.

Where is Danny?

Before we were married, we...

we used to meet
secretly at night

in an abandoned winery.

Where is it?

You won't let them hurt him?!


Now where's the winery?

All right, Joe, where is he?

Look, after what happened,
she doesn't trust anybody.

Now listen, Joe...
I'm sorry, Clay.





Who are you?


Why didn't Marge come, too?

'Cause she got roughed
up a little, Danny.

Is she hurt?

No. Take it easy.

She'll be all right.

Who did it?

The mob.

They wanted her to
tell where you were.

She didn't do it.


She's too much.

Well, she's just too much.

Danny, why did you
run after the holdup?

If I hadn't have, that
would have been the end.

It was a frame-up,

but I was the guy that
was getting framed.

See, I recognized
one of the cops.

He works for the mob.

And as far as I
know, they all might.

Which cop?

I don't know his name.

But I've seen him a lot.
I know he's on the take.

He was with Lieutenant
Lockwood and that young cop.

He's about 45, and
he never smiles.


What's the difference?

The cops can't protect me now.

How do you think you can?


Stay here.

Drop it, Vodich.



Don't do it, Danny.

That's the cop I
was telling you about.

Danny, leave him to the police.

The police? How many
more cops are like him?

LOCKWOOD: In this case, Danny,

he's the only one.

All right, go!

When did you first suspect him?

Oh, I was suspicious of Delaney
when I sent him to tail you.

Since he was the one
that tapped the phone,

and he was the only one that
could have let anybody know.

Hmm. You were
using us as bait, huh?

No. Delaney was being followed
by a man from Internal Affairs

who was in constant
radio contact.

You know, you could
have trusted me, Clay.

Look, Joe, I don't
think up these plans.

I'm just stuck with
trying to make them work.

And you almost fouled them up.

Oh, well, uh, look, I'm
sorry if I pushed so hard,

but, uh, I was beginning to
have my doubts about everything.

Well, that's all right.

No hard feelings?

No hard feelings.


(theme music playing)