Man with a Plan (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 8 - Adam's Not Sorry - full transcript

When Adam and Don disagree about a new house to flip for their construction business, their bickering reveals bigger issues in their relationship. Also, Andi goes to great lengths to throw the perfect birthday party for Bev.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Okay, Lowell, since this
isyour first foreclosure auction,

I need to go over a few rules.

The most important thing

to remember here is:
don't raise your hands,

or they'll think you're bidding.

Keep them at your side
the whole time.

Got it, hands at my side.

Just like sex.

Okay, bad news.

They're out of
breakfast tacos.

I saw you wolf down three
by the trash can.

That's why they ran out.

So, this next house looks
perfect for us to flip.

It has a great yard
and a bay window.

What? No, Don,
I picked the house

we're bidding on a week ago.

But I want this house.

Well, I want a taco.

Life's full of disappointments.

Okay, guys.
We're back.

Next up, lot 48.

- This is the one.
- No, it's not.

We'll start the bidding off
at 35.

How about $35,000 right here?

Hit me.

35 to the tall guy

in the back of the room...

What are you doing?

I'm buying a house.

The lady here's our next
top bidder at 36!

Hit me.

37 to the tall guy!
How about 38?

You say that again,
and I will... I will hit you.

This is not the house
we're buying, Don.

38 to the lady. How about 39?

Okay, good, she outbid you.
Now give me the paddle.

Give it to me right now.

Thank you.

Hit me.


Sold to the tall guy
and his little buddy!

Bev, this is fun!

I never get one-on-one time
with my mother-in-law.

Well, I just wanted to let
you know that... I know.

Ah, you're gonna have
to be more specific.

I have a lot of secrets.

About my birthday.

I mean, I haven't
heard about any plans,

so it's obviously
a surprise party.

Well, yeah, obviously.

And the only one thoughtful
enough to plan that for me

is my favorite person.


I'm... your favorite person?

You know we have a special bond.

I've always felt it.

I just, I wasn't sure you did.

I definitely do.

- I always have time for you.
- Aw.

I got to run.

But thank you,
and I know you'll do great.

Oh, I am gonna throw
the best party ever

for the lady
who likes me the best.

Hey, Bev?

How old are you gonna be?

That's not the way to start.

I know you guys are
in the middle of a fight,

but thanks for stopping
at the mini-mart.

They don't let you add
MountainDew at the one by my house.

What were you

I should have a say
in which house we pick.

Last week when I showed
you the house I wanted,

you didn't have
any thoughts.

I didn't have
any thoughts then.

I can't control
when thoughts happen.

Only Jesus can do that.

You know what would
cheer you up?

A little slushy.

I get a vote. I'm a partner.

Okay, you're right.

That's fair.


Oh, no.

Don, here's a napkin.

No, don't help
him, Lowell.

Let it be cold.

Season 04 Episode 08

Episode Title: "Adam's Not Sorry"
Aired on: May 07, 2020

Hey, I'm throwing your mom
a birthday party.


Because she told me to.


I just need something
to push it over the top.

So, do you have any interest

in being part
of a barbershop quartet

with me?

I've had a rough morning, Andi.

I can't even pretend
to think that's a good idea.

What happened at that auction?

Did you get a lap dance
from a Smurf?

Don bought a house
we didn't agree on,

so he got a slushy
in his lap.

That's right,
I cold-crotched him.

Don's house
doesn't look bad.

It's got a cute
bay window.

Thank you, Andi.

He wouldn't evenconsider it.

He thinks he gets
o pick all the houses.

We've been doing it
like that ever since

we started flipping houses.

We have a system.

Well, I think
your system stinks.

Since when?

Since I've been going
to therapy.

Dr. Felicia thinks
I should be more assertive.

And if you don't like that,
then I'd be happy

to assert my foot
into your butt.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'd fight you right now,
but I don't want to get

that blue stuff
on my nice auction shirt.

Come on, you don't get it, man.

I'm trying to work on myself.

If you want to work on yourself,
do it in the bathroom

when your wife's not home
like the rest of us!

- Hey, Joe.
- Hey.

Do you mind if I, uh,
if I look at your wedding album?

I want to recreate the cake
or Bev's birthday party.

Oh, and I'm throwing it
because I'm her favorite

person in the world.

Sorry you had to hear that from me.

So you're really trying
to impress her, huh?

Oh, I am gonna
knock her socks off. Yeah.

She doesn't get impressed.

Sorry you had
to hear that from me.

Look, I know that she has
high standards, but

I bet with your help
I could nail it.

Not interested.

But the party
needs to be perfect

or she'll be disappointed.

Yeah, in you. If I try to help,

she'll be disappointed
in both of us.

You're in the shark's mouth.

I'm still swimming.

Hey. Hey, honey.

I just spent the last two hours
at the party store picking

the perfect color scheme
for your mom's birthday.

Well, anything but red,
and she'll be fine.

Ah, it'll be okay.

We'll just get her drunk.

Have you talked
to Don yet?

And I don't plan on it.

He didn't respect
the system.

What system?
It's two guys in a truck

throwing slushies
at each other.

Look, honey, this company
is my responsibility.

It supports our family,
Don's family,

Lowell's ex-wife
and her new family.

It's a lot of pressure.

Heavy is the head
that wears the crown, Andi.

Look, I-I agree with you, okay?

He was way out of line
to buy that house.

Thank you.

But you have to
work together.

So, be the mature one

and just apologize
for not listening to his idea.


He owes mean apology.

And I am not letting
this go until I get one.

- Adam...
- What, no, you know, everyone

feels sorry for him because
he has those big, sad eyes.

Well, my eyes may be
small and beady,

but there is love behind them!

So, how do you plan on
resolving things with Adam?

It's simple... he's
gonna apologize.


That's right, baby.

It's the new me.

Same great body,
new great attitude.

Look at him go.

Is this a fold-out couch?

If so, I'm gonna
have to ask you

to leave the room
for ten minutes, Doctor.

Make it five.

Hi, Teddy... oh, no.

You got to start calling me
before parties.

Look, I know you're mad,

but you did invite Don
to the party, right?

I invited Marcy.

If she wantst
o bring her pet Sasquatch,

that's up to her.

Okay, that's the last one.

- It was a really good one...
- Yeah.

- It's good, right?
- But it's the last one!

I think you look good.

I'm surprised Baby Gap
had your size.

Shows what you know.

I got this at grown-up Gap.

So, did you talk to Don yet?

I'm not talking to him
until he apologizes.

Don't make me
choose sides.

I pick you.


Hello, Don.

Hello, Adam.

You have something
to say to me?

You have something
to say to me?


But my thing is
"I accept your apology."

And I can't say it
until you say your thing.

Okay, hey!

Hey, you two need
to get it together.

Okay, this is
your mother's birthday.

It is not about you.

It's about me.

Look alive, everyone,
she's inbound!

Why is Teddy dressed like
Lowell's ventriloquist dummy?


Oh, my lands.
A surprise party just for me?

I did not expect this.

Joe, do you
see her socks?

I don't.

I think they may have
been knocked off.

Andi, everything
looks beautiful.

Aw, thank you, Bev.

And it was so smart of you

to save money
by not buying flowers.

And away we go.

Looks like she hada
second pair of socks on.

Here you go, Marcy,
have a shrimp.

Thank you.

All right, here'sone for you, too.

Okay, everyone,
you'll want to gather round.

This is gonna bepretty magical.


I had Sweet Treats bakery

recreate the cakefrom your wedding.

Thank you.

I've never tried Sweet Treats.

I've always just gone
to my favorite bakery.

Sorry, honey,
looks like youbrought a cake to a gunfight.

86 the cake, kids.

86, go, go, go.

This is exciting.

What next, Andi?


I am dying here. Y-You
got to give a toast.

I'm not in the mood.

Adam would liketo say a few words.

Go, go, go. All right.

All right! All right.

I would like to talk about
the reason we're all here.

Bev Burns

is a wonderful woman.

She is dependable,
trustworthy, loyal.

I guess you could say

she is the opposite of Don.

I'd also like to make a toast.

To Beverly Burns,

a woman so perfect,
her onlymistake was having a second son.

Objection. I would like
to make a rebuttal toast.

Okay. No more toasts.

It's okay, Andi.
I-I think they're just upset

because of all the red plates.

It's an angry color.

You know what?
Burns Brothers Construction

will not be flipping that house.

We will sell it at a loss
and move on.

I'll do it on my own, then.

Ha! I don't know how
you're gonna do it without me,

since I hire all the subs
and do the budgets.

Oh. Actually, I do the budget.

Not now, Tall Teddy!

You owe me an apology.

You want an apology? - Mm-hmm.

Oh, here he goes.

Bring the thunder, baby.

Okay, here's your apology.

I'm sorry I ever worked
with you. I quit.

You're quitting?

The family business
we started 20 years ago.

You're gonna quit that?

Yeah, what's the matter?

You didn't hear me
over the thunder?

♪ Happy birthday...

It's over, honey.

Y-You have to do something.
You can't just let him quit.

It's not a problem.

I'll just hire someone else
to eat all the tacos.

Why did you quit?

You told me to bringthe thunder.

I just meant talk
louder, like-like thunder.

Don, you can't quit.

Lowell, don't talk to him.
Come over here.

Don't go to him,
come to me.

I have candy.

What kind? No.

I feel like a kid
stuck in the middle,

and it's worse
because I'm dressed like one.

All right, that's it.

I was trying to hold my tongue
about this party.

You were?

But now my birthday
will always be the day

my boys' relationship ended.

I guess that's what I got
instead of flowers.

Okay. I-I used the flower budget

to recreate a wedding
cake from the '60s.

Does no one see that?

Come on, Joe.

Oh, goodie.

Look who gets to
drive her home.

What are you doing out here?

Can't sleep 'cause you're upset
about Don?

What... I'm not, I'm not upset.

I'm working on the lawn mower.
Needed a rebuild.

At 3:00 in the morning?

I like to do it
when the grass is sleeping.

Honey, look,
it's okayto be emotional. Okay?

I mean, you didn't just
lose your business partner,

you lost your best friend.

Okay, he can't be my best friend

because a best friend
wouldn't quit on me.

Honey, h-here's the thing. Okay?

He doesn't like the way things
have been, so you have a choice.

Would you rather be alone
and make all the decisions,

or have your brother back?

Well, it's not like I like
making all the decisions.

If this business goes belly-up,
it's on me.

I make all
the decisions

because I have all the pressure.

I know he's the older brother,
but I've always been the one

who took care of everything.

I just think
maybe you should

try and see it
from Don's point of view.

Okay. I'm gonna need
a ladder and a lobotomy.

Look, Don and I don't talk
about that kind of stuff.

Well, I think
you're gonna have to try.

I wouldn't even know how.

Well, luckily,
we have Dr. Felicia.

That's right.

You and Don are going
to couples therapy.


Okay, boys.

I booked Dr. Felicia's
whole afternoon.

You are not coming out
until this is solved.

I'm not doing
therapy with him.

I don't do what anybody says.
It's the new me.

Well, I'm still the old me,
and you're staying.

Oh, yeah? Well,
I'll tell you what, Marcy.

I'll stay.

What are you doing?

That's the "before" picture.

And I will get my "after."

like we have a lot

to talk about today.

How is this supposed to work?

You're a marriage counselor,
and we're brothers.

A sibling relationship
has a lot in common

with a spousal relationship,

so I'm gonna treat you
like a married couple.

- He's the wife.
- He's the wife.

You know, none of this
would've happened

if you hadn't
gotten in his head.

Or none of this would have
happened if you were able

to communicate
with your brother.

If we're keeping score,
that's one for me.

How many times
have I told you

that we don't
keep score in here?

Okay, that's one for Felicia.

Why is it so hard for you two
to talk about your feelings?

That's not how
we were raised.

Our dad always told us to rub
some dirt on it and walk it off.

Your dad taught you to rub dirt
on your feelings?


What am I doing here?

I was home watching golf.

Joe, we want

to learn what was missing
from their upbringing

that makes it
so difficult for them

to have a real conversation.

Oh... so it's a hit job, huh?

Well, I didn't raise them alone,
you know.

So it's "blame the mother" time.

Let me tell you something,
"Dr." Felicia...

I'm a real doctor,
so no need for the quotes.

My husband and I taught the boys
wonderful communication.

We never had a problem with that.
We have a system.

Wha... You guys
have a system, too?

Yeah, I make all the decisions,
and if she disagrees,

she throws a pork
chop at my head.

A-And you're okay
with that?

Yes. That's our system.

It's my job to look out
for her.

If this family ends up living
under a bridge, it's all on me.

Heavy is
the head that wears the crown.

Adam, it sounds like some
of this is resonating for you.


I-It makes sense.

At the auction, I made
all the decisions, a-and, Don,

the house you bought was
the pork chop you threw at my head.

So I am the wife.

Bev, do you think
your system was healthy

for your boys
or your relationship?

Married 53 years.

I'm guessing you're
a single gal, "Doctor."

We're not keeping score,
but that's one for my mom.

I don't want to fight anymore,

so we need to have
a real conversation.

With feelings and everything.

Maybe you're the wife.

I-I don't care.
I don't see another way.

Look... if you want to make
more decisions at work,

I'm good with that.

That means a lot.

Yeah, I mean, I got so bent
out of shape about you

and that house
because I feel

so much pressure
about the business.

But I'd be willing
to share that with you.

The pressure?

Yeah. And the decisions.

But to get the decisions,
I also have to have the pressure?

Yeah. That's the way it works.

So that's what you've been
dealing with all these years?

Pretty much.

Well, listen,
now that I understand it,

I really appreciate
what you do.

Oh... And I think

you should keep doing it.



Yeah, the new Don
didn't think this through.

So we're good?

We're good.
Let's hug it out.

Here? You...

You don't want to do that
in the garage?

I'm not afraid. I'll do it
right here, right now.

Come on. Hug your husband.


I got my "after."

Okay, so, uh,

we'll start work
on the new house tomorrow.

I mean, if you're
coming back to work.

I'll be there. See you at 11:00.

We start at 8:00.

10:00 it is.

Where is she?

I see that look in your eye.
Don't do this.

I nailed that party,
and I wantBev to acknowledge it.

It's not a good time.

Look, Joe, I am not scared.

Okay? People can grow.

I saw it in my own house,
and I think Bev can, too.

Oh, here she is.

Bev, I want to talk to you.

About the party.

Oh, you here to blame me
for something, too?

If you come at me,
you better come strong.

You only married
into this family.


Well, I... I-I just
came to apologize.

For Joe.

That's me.

Yeah, he wouldn't help me.

H-He said planning
a party for you

was like beingin a shark's mouth.

Joe, I can't believe
you said that.

Nice move, honey.

You better go.
It's pork chop o'clock.